Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 10

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B2 Th" C ...di-n Champion, Wednesday, Septenbetr 258, 1966 LARRY OARDHOUSE of Milton mus named the dairsi champion, in the final content to mtîie grand champion showman in the 4-H showman- a grand champion. Judqe Jack Rtddeil. assis- shîp conînsi coîdaced ut Miton Fatr on the tant manager -o) the Toronto Sock Yards, is meekend. Larry mon the beef shommanchip shownta itît Larry Bennett and Lary Gardhouse clas. hti beai ouItiarry Bennett ut Burlington, and Iheir caives. Early Birds eptember 23 Ladies' bîgh snglc, Audrey Mason 2 - ;5:elaies' higb triple, AudrersMatson 705; mens, igb single' Reg Thomas 294: mens. high tiple.* Reg Thomas 185. 0111r guail singles. Ras Grets 212, Reg Grayc 226. Dean Gras 261,1 Jack Gaulel 228. Norma Mac- :lrphs 213.' Hilda Parkinson 230, Jack Parkinson 280, Len Masofi 252, Doug Pickelt 232. Ras Wat- ers 212, Jeine Guîîlel 241, Bill Shieltis 237. Dîbire godti r ipi1es, Butl Shieltis128 Dean Gras 1626, Jack Parkinson 657. Doroîbi Piketîs leant svan 7 for 12; Hild,î Prkinson!, 2 lue 4; Audreys'Masons. 5 lue 9; jane fioviltis. 5 lite 8; Deive Harets s, 2 lue 2; and Les Wils. 0 oti- 7. 24 Club Septembere21 Ladies' higb sngle, Tbelma Bousîtelti 253; -ladies' igh trip- le, Thelma Bîtîs ieki 677. 0111r guil single, Joîen Waî- Ieres 240. 0111, giatîti tille, Shirley Silo 617. Shîrlu-sî%von 7 lue 12; Donna, 5 fat 7; Flîrence, 2 lue 7;ema, 0 lue 2. P. L. Robertson Girls Seplembere22 Ladies' igh singe, juan De- forest. Cucul jubb 261;1 ladies' h igh tri pic. Donna Gretîke 682. 0111r gooti triples, Willie Wil- son 632, Carol Jîîbb 578, Marie Muray 570, Doris Lasn566, Mary Heipel 566. Mrraysvon 7 loe 7; MePhail, 5flue 5: Heipel.S5lfor 5;Sets 5f5:eS;tL,îc. 2 tr 2; Wilson. 2 for 2: Brîîsh, 2 tr 2; and Liietke. O loiI. Milton Ratepayers Sepletuher 20 Ladies' high single, Glenda Sheemouti 248; ladies' hig trip- le, Phyllis jarvis 581; mens higli single, Jim Gwinn 306; men's higb triple. iim Gwinn 730. Terriers mon 7 for 7: Cllies, 7 for 7; Bulldugs, 7 foîr 7; Boxes, 5 lue 5; Pointers, 2 for 2; Grey hountis, 0 lue ; Whippets, t fîi 0; Huskies. O lue 0. HoIy Rosary September 15 Ladies' high single, Jîîan Chat- chili 241; ladies' igh triple Ast, Wintimller 621; mec's igb sic- gie, Nîek Klip 251; mens ligi triple, Mike Belvetie 693. Othet gîîîd singes, Muer Bîtekier 236. Asia Windmulier 236, Pe' Fuaitiain 229, Murtn VantienheuVel 243, Mîke Brise tirer 243, Frank Pedulla 239. 0111r goti triples, Peg Foot- tain 568 Mary Baeklerj 548 Jean Chuechili 542, Frank Pedul ta 645, Martin Vantieheacel 621 Nick lip, 593. HoIy Rosary Septeniter 22 Ladies' ig s i ngle Rd Sehoten 219; ladies' hgb trip le!, Edie Schouten 548; mer' high single,' Chas. Vandeebrail 291; mecs. high triple, Che! Vandecbroek 674. 0111r gooti singes. Gai Smith 273, Nick Rlip 25, Jin Harkie 23, peg PFtntaine 213 Dina Shoten 196, Ata Wind moller 192. 011r fgoodi triples, Nick Kli 618, Gordi Smith 591, Henry Vit tienheuvel "86, Mary Lamen 476, Peg Fontaine 475, Jew Churchill 474. 'Bcrt Churchilwon 7 for 7; jc Lamant, 5 for 5: Gos, Tieleman 5 tue 5; Chas. Vandenbruek, tue 5; Nick -Kip, 2 toc 2; Heni Vandebenvel. 2 for 2: Pete Van. ienheasel. 2 lut, 2; Peg Fontaine, l ue 0. Septrmber 23 taîlies high ingle. Shirley Deivies 3059, triple, Lîntia Ring. Men's higb ingle. Stu ig!l 329; triple.,5151 ing 752. Dîher gouti singles, Martene Moton 241, Junice Bitigemun 203 anti 203, Linda Ring 291, Ameia Bassett 217, Rager Wl- lace 231. Sia ing 247, Bertha Britigeman 20, Bill W, orest 237, Diane Allen 207. Bill Petit 256 Scrge Beelasson 231. 0111r gîttai triples, Marlene Morion 557, Janice Britigen ' 98, Lînti,îKiwi 623.întiez Bas suit 524. Mcl D,îvics 132; Shirles Lieueos 61', Ria,!er btallae e567, S e Buc "rltson 624, Bill Peite 667, Brthaî Bidegcinit .533. Diaîne Allen 589. 48 AIIey Rockers Sepicutbcr 26 Laeics igh snglc, Rîuîib Tîeîss 30I; l,îties' Iiflil iiffle Rutîh Tsi 55 73oe 0111er gondt single,, Rîili Twi s 252, Bertcl M tî k 250, \l.it' ion Go\%i mit 248. Dîhet gouel tripfils.Marlenc Speck 1652. j essir McLclleînti 649, Yvomne Teasdae6125. RotaiRis sioc 5 tr I-t; Rifle Pins. 5lite 12; Pin Hecîîs foi 12; liot Sheais. 2 lot Il. Sealilie huîms. 2 ir Il: Four Pis 2 foîr 9; . a Ilet l Pîrs.59loit,8;lI iî. 2 loi 7. THE MASTER PEEOS TROPHY foe the breeders herd conînst i the Milton Fair Hostein show mas mon by Pelletterio Brothers of Ashille Farms Ltd., R.R. fa Milton, Judge Ralph Dunton, left and Master Fends representallue John MeTaqgari arn shomn as the trophy is presented lu George Pellttero. ______ _ Lhury E.,iloeet ea a 73 exhibit 4-H calves at fair 73 A OU#àAANTED INVESTV*WNT CERTIFICATES a 6/. itet for 1-5Ylt!t a nenuntîlf romt $00-$100,006 a lntirell pîid huif-ynîîly bytheqia iavaîtors includa Iniraaoe compoaiela, snadtian, munidipdltlds, satts. Lagal for Trust Fonds Ak far faldmn Peur tocaltrustgomainfy HALTON & PEEL TRUST SI SAVINGS COMPANY 252 Main Street MILTON 878-2834 Lorne Skuce, Manager Pair, exithifhe ofinees ndgo-îh t ing lu e royaigl Wer Pa1 i tle COUNTY C0UNMI SPMtAL house; Orm .U wptSbrin.ýPJCI« nint.h providedt $50 for Wecd Coollec- tions in the Halton 4-H Grain, Cure and Potato Cubs. Tie i.mera mere: irsl, Keilb Atken (Avion): ; .ccînd, Wasîîe teenîl h.Cu t lAcon); fhlrd,1 es; fourth, David Viqhîi ahb Lestie; sixlh, Carl -vdk, sevcnth, Larry eeighth, Verna Tboue * Lyte Stokes; tenîli,E -îtson; eeventh, John lwelllh, Ted iBrown; th Bryan Marshall; th Peter Lynch; andIlt aitherine 1t.v. 3 lialton 4411 Club membr ex- bihilrd titeir catees alil Iheir cebievemettDay aI Milton Pair. As eacb membrted bis or 11cr caIl aroundtihîe ring, une jutige ecuredth 1e catI swhite 1the 'other placedth 1e club mnember on ,bowmansbip. The shiawmansbip jutige for .111 cla sse .s asJack Riddell. As- ,i',ieîîltmanapî1er ofl(li(!Te oron'toi Stock yitîtls. itieles lor the ije diidalcasses secte Dean Sur- les, Paris -R.. 2. fo>r111e Jersey- Giîci-tses' .fvr-,ire cames.%; Docte Gt.teisOI'I. ilisbiîrg, tlue the Hol- steiîî cale es; antI George Lentie, R.R. 2 Rockwaoil, luerthe bcdt vaîlves. The paecings jne etcb clas s ere as (1Os Ballon Jersey - Gueraney - Ayr- auir. Cali Club - Ail 17 mcm-. bers 01t bis eallcluîb complet- eeg theit pt'ojrct. Junior Detir', Allan Gibsoni ljieet . Rite Svvackhamee iGîtetuslet' i.Stuart Nurse lier- Seniorî'Asire. ElizabîethNor.- ritîgîtn. Gars Dîîbiie. Senitît fitet ses. >Lotis MeNabb, liztiiPicker'ing, Bruîce Picker'- ing. Ncii'r l-ss-Ileetlter «Me- l.eNues tireaistvsaîtMc- (c.Nett e cti. C,îrîîlSsîack- hîti'. ,llc.îtlteî MeICiig. Stîsen Nictaig. Rani Halion 4-H Holstein Cali Club - Ail 301 tenel-,hirofI Iis elîlîî.ttIIltlied thcît pîlajecI j ltîccîr tHulsite. ,Edwsard Bird, Tel B t iiii. M,îî sMcGce- Se-niotr'Hotiin,ît.DaidiTaîr,- tvell. Ntîrts ltaitîi Marg BrtîtîseîîtteliicTiissis Ilte larg- iiiut hi-dits eiih 19 ceý ShoîcmaîtsbiP, Marg Brome. I lfe. M îîîîlairiîtnrielge. Oas- eli T;tt usd1. tDon lintier, Brs'ar Maîrshaîll West Hallon 4-H Holein Cali Club - Ail 14 oI Ihese members ,,tmiieted ihcir plîliel j îîîr lcHolstein. t.sic Stokes SantdraîeBennett. j,încl Huner Scenior t'toltetîî. Loiîs Hanter fetrs% BennîetBîstn Law'rene Shîtîtii,înshîp, Lares Bennett Mztrg Monîter, LotisHanter. Sar dia îBcnnctt, Burs Mahon. Hallan 4-H Beef Caîf Club - Thi clerc il the 14 cluîb memrber, ,ýI. tîtt elereprîlîct. Junitîr Bcdt, Doîîg Taiss lAn Senitor Beef. Toîm Sallivan stîntîs rîtelIor Dtal -Purpîrs, SîIcci, flîîîîg Gardbousc. Bil J,,cksîi,tt.Lîrre Gîrebtîlse. Shîsi îinenship. Larrv Gue httîîc. Dtttg C,,rdbtîuse, Vern 'Ittîtîtpsîîn. 'issî'lMartini. Pii V 'tght tii the 11 stecresentere, itn hiselias, -lt-c en*s Gutil tii tth W'it te-r Fait je Dclo hi-r. B% Illcitîfliesl j e eBet blttîsmattship. L,îrrv Gardhîau \%tl Ieccese thc Johbn Willmî. tîtîphe îil[he 4l'l Amîrts Nigl Pliels$10 1 peiel. Itr- Club Dairy Siiowma rîblp - Thcettîp tice members iltrcc ditîr% lasses conipcted Il thc W,îrt i B î,ts rîidgetropt asiardcdti îtheIbChamnîpîeDaii Slttîtsmetn n.dtelthe speciai a prîecs. The-sîenîîcr-sssere Lut Mek.îip.Don Br,înîer. M. Humr.îndl LîtisHanter. Grand Champion Showman Lerrv Gerdhîîase anti Lares Bi in îlintbell etmpeteti loi- 1 vibiion, aitti for the jim McKati trophy. Larrv Gardhoune, 3(1.. 5 Miton, mas tiectaredti he Grand Champion showman. JUNioRFt UM UAND 441 EXUIlS Twenty-six etihibits wcrc dis- playe i n the înter-Ctub classes je the Junior Building t Milton Fair. The judge was Atex Con- ielil41H1club leadter il eWl- ligton Counte anti the pasi- presitient of the Junior Farmer-. Association utf Onario. le Ctass t for Juntar Farmer enîries they were gradeti as fot- lows: Garade A -Norceît Junior Farmners. Grade s -Palermo Junior Farmers, Actue Junior Parmers. in Cloua 2 for Junior Institute eshibits, they were gradeti as fottomnI Gratte A - Acton Junior Insti- tale. Grade ýB - Norval Junilor le- stittt. Patermu Junior lesli, tle. ,In Clans 3 for 4-H Agricltural clubs, there were seveentrien. They mere as l'oltaws: Grade A. Haltue 4-H Cortt Club. Hallun 4-H Grain Club, Eant and West H alton 4-H Hui. steiti Caît Clubs, Haltun 4-H Bief CatI Cub. Grade B - Halton Jersey- Gucrnsey-Ayrshirlt Caîf Club, lialton 4-H Ptato Ctub. ln Clu 4 for 4-H Homemak- ieg Club ebhibit.s ihere werc 11 entries. These were nan-cutnpe- lire. The foluwing wereex hibiteti: Ashgrove 4 -H Homnemaking *Cub, Batinafati 4-H Homemali ng Club, Dublin 4-H Homemak- ing Club. Horebv North 4-H Hnomemakieg Club, H arn bv Soîuth 4H Homemaking Club, .n Ligny 4-H4 Hamemaking Club, Limehause 4-H Homemaking rClub, Nasagaweva 4-H Home- mfiaking Club. Palermo 4 -t s lumemakiet Club, Seuleh Bloîck 4-H Httmemaking Club, ,nd tbe Silversett(it 4-H Hum.ý r. tlaking Club. r, Tbe Hurnhv North 4-11HoHme e. iaking eshîbit un P reventottet t.Farm MchineeesAcients iii n- bchse Granit Chaînpion exhibit B ALTON 4-H Grain Club rs ACHIEVEMENT DAY Ail 20 members of the Halto . 4.H Grain Club completeti thei pruleet by exbibiting une-hal n. bushel oi grain front their plot as well as their Wced Collec tions at Miton Fair. te tbe Hrrta Orley ctassBOI Harris was firsi followed i- 'j, Davcid Fisher, Bn-an Roberîser la Mars' Lau Browe, Ted Brusi a ,tîand Janet Nurse. in the Gaary Oail class th et winner was Bob McGec talla% as cl bv jln Me-Ger, Donald Ml aI ClivreDttug Stokes. Ls'te Stîke o. and lLois Hanter. '<ou are cord-,aýý i viec 10 the (eoeoiele Phowu'rf ,j the ne""W eea '11r 1967 Success Cars bYGeeal oor poatigiC - AcdiUfl 0,, display r~usdvSeptember '29 milon Motor Sale la MAIN RFTM O.ON RI SAVE lOc AE lc BARRELS BY PICKING UP DEMN-JOHINS YOUR GRAPS AT GRAPE PRESS THE CPR STATION AVAABLE BEINNINO OCTONU ____1_ ALFONSOS FRUIT MARKET 74 MilI St. Milton 878-2460 WE SPECIALIZE IN ARMSTRONG CORLON und TILE l//l6th GAUGE c 5 COLOR VARIETY 8/2e SERVICE GAUGE 1/2 eca CORLON - UP TO 20% 05SCOUNT ON LISTED STOCK WALL PANELLING - $4.95 FOR SI-lUT 4' x ' LAKE VIE W DUSCOUNT CENTRE MAIN ST. N. ACTON 853-1190 GRAPES BY THE CASE! AT TH4E DEST POSSIBLE PRICE WE pURtCN1ASED A CARLOAD 0F CALIFORNIA MUSCAT AND ALICANTE GRAMI CONVENIENTLY PACKEO IN 36 POUND CRAflS. PHOt4 878-2460 FOR PICK-UP OR DELIVERY GRAPE PRESS Available for Pressing Yeur Grapes or Ours PHONE 878.2460 ANYTIME CANADIAN AND CALIFORNIA GRAPES 100% GUARANTEED -------------- - - -------- 1 £ 0 1 =MM» fuir Dates nom'e sept M, 9,30; Oct. t E rin .............. O ct. 7, 8, 10 Georetown.Salpt. 30, Oct, t Kitc1hener .....Sept. 200d. 1 Doîîg Otaa Winter air .. Oct. 24-29 er, tif- Toantot (Royal Wlnte 1 Mid- Pair) ...........Nov. 11-19 Gard- npo; Emard iParouty oif-the vil- P tage or St. Pierre tic Cote, eosth- Bryan western centrai France, ham in Mc- been honuet for driving 11,000 ithir- mites over 53 years without an four- accident. -H4e is 83 anti hottis a iftee - d riv in g licen ce is -, d n t9 2 , the 987t'h isse in France. 17

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