Roe.navr uDorts moters e 11 I Support for the installation o water mtcrs in Mi-Iton was strongly and clearly ex- precsed by Frank Hadley, GIIi St. whien hc addrcsscd Milton couili Monday. Mr. Hadlcy was rcplying ta comments in a letter to Mil- ton Counci last wcck fromt John Bradley. Ho acknowl- odgcd ho was riot famiiar sith Vanouver and Mont- ceal, bol referoîîees tb Toron. 10 operating without meters in homo proportios woro in He pointed out me toer s twerc installod in Georgetown a few yart ago and watr consomption iras eut 50 por tcent. "t blieve Guelph can show a btter savng than Sthat", ho addod. "If vouro going 10 continiue Sthe old. otdatod method of fiat ra f;chargos, yoo're wist- ing 4ipr coul of tour poton- Stial supply", ho told council- lors. Mr. ttadiey recaied that in a arecent walk he had soon Vol. 107-Nis 21. ~Iîampun Matas'. ueo n.iOsIOpn. Forty Pages-l'en Cents. Acîthto.fie d ta SecouitOtta.Mou MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNtSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 sereins nu couonty ftr14t rs. threc sprtnkling sys;ems go- ing where the watcr was mun- ning over the sidoealk. If an indoîtry came 10 town rcquiring a largo watcr sup-9 ply the town wouldn'tthave the reserve to supply tad the only way to build the re- serve is to get mters and have rosidents pay for %vhat thev use, ho said. I dont plan tu con tetu1 pas' fur te îsastage I saw the othor night, or for anvone 10 fili their privato swimmning pool. In no shape or ýform cao installation of meters hoc called an expenditure. Il's the only place you can invest your monoy tbat wîll yild 30 to 40 per cent dividend', hoc told eouncil. The subject of mater meler installation was stallod aI the third reading of the by- aIse ast week, and members indicated it would ho dis- cussed riet week 10 gise those in support and opposi- tion tu the meters an oppor- tunily tu speak. Town okays Sun. movies plebiscite IhtherSdavmovcs i. pmittd i re tplasarc Couni Mondailte ow mould hotd a pleiscitir provid cd the Iliealrc paid the coss in volvcd. Without discussion, members indicated thev soud. and ord cred prepar.îtion of a bs-law for prestation ncs t Nonday. Mrs Mule was Io submit a stritten rquet or the plebiscite and an assurance shc would cuver the costs involved.: Mrs. Mule questioned counci un sî,hethor sho could continue (Cuntinued on Page 5) lu This Issue This week's issue la bulging 40-flpapekage) osries accrai sc t8a etures of lntcscst 10 redrs t's new car announcu- ment weck. as local deaers and te large car manufautuers tm- cii unsny of their 1M67modela; theres s speciai section inside, s 12-page tsbioid ie "icature re- port" on the Town Hl renu- celions which are to be unveil- cd t Sundays mternoon's open int he alersîîîî. l'in suie aillit Angplieant Clîsreh Mens Club, TIocre werc fewer than usual ment arid Hornby Garage dis- îîi foiks %%ho cae .îîoe îîîîîiiisvc Suîîslîiîe Sîhoual Ladies' Auxil- commîîercial exhibilors in tîte lContiriued on Page 5) ctirai Sucis %pi e-îcieîilGui- dois Rainer ipell Nlnc rides on the mtdway, in- lldii ise espeuiiall li lii d i cii, hall, h b lnilpil, ialîaeils % lli ceslilitî i a lîaii lace'i paliieA Chsansce andexcellentl is'esiiiek showssaIl cîin stcîl Il miake thiiscr', laiiicIl bit Delpiee tise decre,îc oinl- tendance pilercipsc.ictl t iui20 pesi cetlduil, th iiieaiscil iiiisiiîi pri licFil- les iin sis laLsses ucie ias hi, or b'lzg'ei tb.n tstial, iahli îîîîî pl vii îîll in.Illessîelilllii.os iclso lcetihe IlIaIr .aIu tlisegraisdsIait. 1The l,î%, h0 îlegrsec inipecca huies. iiiiibncd Sithi Ille iiiiil lîrocze Ili kecep tieo ii, i l i hleii iiI i n ti giiill iiici tuk %i, t, Aller 3 iiiiiiMr.sic iiiiîlsnoellii Though pteased îs li [lise lii. Ili, îrsiciii tiplc.'Iie mneieih var %clanb tîtr reistakes. Ait ini ail il Oaus a verv koad tit-tiheit caîhetr %il, elinilelviouii bipilei prîîb. loirand se cais the h llieîfli tlit" lie iiiked. Locial iiipariialiilt ieupa priSalidilneîls i11 reporti One or the mot popular iiliau s iiihe Sa% iîiik aii i ,2pccIiI ý.,ection leils story Towin Hall open house Sunday adoui, Miltliis's renttî -uld l'oi Hait building ss Ilopen ils cos foi, an official 'mpti lioiu,(e Sundav allernoon s0 Mil- ion anîd distiriel rcsidents cao tor lie buîildingp and sec the iiîîîpti changes bhat have been biauglîl about. l'ise icoovalions, receit lI coio- pleied utiaacosi ou t earîs $80000, hase itransloriiied te old office andtilspaire jooms imb nîdernly luiiiished, attr-aeiivc offices. A special secetion inside Iis weck's Chamiipiîo tells [lie Towsn Hall sit s -he siors ol the renova- iiiandi the s li% th Ie boild- îps100 seils ol hîstorv, and il i, iberalîs spr-iîîklcd o ish photo,îs howiing tIe cae,îcstaI hase tLco nplaceein lieone !:ili i t ii r The siection was ptcîared hs Chamipion staffers and compus- cd in te Champfion's plant, tteo plîîîîîîpaphed svi-il a speciat îaii. lThe negaiil verstorus- ciltri ni,, ce lîsci pates. and the 12 page abloîd i ssue %vas pririt- cd on alage ilset press. Read- cvllnoticaniarkcîl i- pivnetiii te reitrouctiion cA ie pihotols ri itchesection i 'lipi sîed %iril icli iiîlo inl(lite on fle regular letli'rprcss Ina- Dedicalion ol le attractive neis iemorial lounlain court n Iront of the Toitn Hall isilI bc une highlight of flite ollicial opening ceromony Sunday aller- The fountaln court bas been dcvcloped by Mrs. Audr-ca Costi- gait in memlory of fier laIe bu-- band, E. James Costigan irbo serm'cd as clerk -administraloi our the lostofo Militîn fur sevel - al scars. The codrt consisis of henîhes, attractive silîne srîrk. a lrinking lutitniati~n î ilas pi-seîîlcd t10Ile loti bs Ile local temperancie orgin izlioii in 1889, andI etunilque otill stooe founlaitt. The court o-,as desîgîîed hy Don Hancock, ulule Robin Hood t'lour Milîs Lld. uonaod flise large milI stone and BuIis Auto Boey 'assisted îsiib the stone sî-urk. The stone is thtoughl 1u date hack tu 1820 and was prob- abîs imported [ronm Franci-. Towîn morkmeo instalcd flitc scir and seater ines for the court aîid did mucli of the ac- tîialîtcirk. "Wc îhiîk te chtanges, inflitc btuildinig arc iklîiaziîtp., and wicie cer0000 we hope the taspayers ssill bc iîîîeresîed enoogh 10 corne ouI and tour the building and sec exacîli' boss' e speot their moncy," Reeve Austari Led- ssith, 1966 chairmari of councils buildinig anid proporty commit- tee said Ioday. Former mayors of the towfl antI îouncillors selto hase ser- vcd duririg the past 10 years, along îs'ith Hallon M.P. Dr Har- civ Harles and M.P.P. George kerr have been iriied to aiS- tenîd. Doors to te tosrî hall milI open lor visitors starting ai 2 p.. and lasting through until 5 tînt., Couneillors anid members ol te office staff wiîlI conduct tours oif lie building, anid at 2.30 pin. tîte dedication (AthlIe new fouistain court will laCe place. The tour of the towri hall will include visits tu the gerieral bus- iessi area, the rlerk's office, the a.sssmîng doparîtmeot. the works suporintondieols office, the of- fices of the receation commit- tee, !lanning board and mavor, the police offices, commitlee rootis and distinclively styled council chambers. Rcliceshniei Is will bc served t0 thievisitot. hme; and th, entr tsue ls full of Milton Fair prine winner Other fetures inctude potoos..........4ad3Fairgoers enjoy dunking Lions oClasslflcds ......6 and7 AN ISTIMATID CROW O0F 7,000 lornecioc evenîs andcicisplays. Mr. Ker s seen talkn F ale photo leture . H..... I Saturdap for the 114th unnoal Mlton Foul Fair, ih Halion Counlp Aqricullosal Societp prnsi ish and Game News ..B&H despîle cool wether anci cloodly skies. Hallon clest Gordon Roprier, li fandc MauricenBaty pI I Eioaioumst .. Iliwhc teurca relo)nlrsîg etHigh Schont Highights ..C4 M.P.P. George Krr, right, ottîcîilpopennnd the cnrIeose ofllise Jersep catlin onh bitors atWM L Vague consderation .. . of JuIy report Auditor says 100 homes would benefit town 9B O Aiouiors rouna i f- %lh incsietmber%8o499 i- cd p 1 Ilil iil a lie lîeîl ,isl,el iii C otctîrBI ecet of 10 addiuuoal homes on additional 100 lhomets steiclierp-t oulîl li .,i isî ti l tiii 19t,7 Lîî lits i l i.iip ic \ll n Ille Milton eooy recivcd mittecl. adiiolu Iii s itiliousîl ii iî vague consideratlion rom Miltoni Couoillor C. Jolîîîson zarguid tuiiipiil. CLioriuiii esîii Iii i liisiî leu Councillors Monday. phovises -equeci hî u he f en. c la in a v clilliitlie dfi C tliii i t tlfi-% Therept t dacd oly15 and'quctttls' relerred tu, the fin- alile îommitie I'or considera- tion, rc-cived ils inst public dis- cusiion Moriîtay. Copies ut' the ntulli-page report Oece îlot as ailabli' tu the press. Finiance' Commilîe clîhaiîman IJput' Reine C. Mi'nelv clans- jý vreci-iing îousitteratiost a litle laie ishen il uas nous Seplemhcr. Councilior G. Krasoehsrt er flitcreport sho%-cdiltîere stas public schol titaccommodatioîn for 140 pupils andtI It tosîl consileced, haut il %usspiinteit oui an ,kllo%iane of $15800 had been alloted foîr tis iii the audilors îelculelioîts. Coutîcil- our Joli nson rît icsîed aiccent report bv Dr. E. G. Plev,î on the incî-caeetdeiianîls l00 tomnes place on a mtunicipili'v, antd sogisteil fliteS15'800 aelloiviice î.ould 11111bc adeqoale. Councillor . Het suggestesl Dr. Plevas contuten sisece geîî- ei-al, uthere audilor H. A. Leave-r tias familiar sîilh Miltont specifi- cîllu'. Ttîe corinciltor pîitei outl ziol;lie r revelatiot o tIic- Unveil Plunkett report [ilue Plunktt comnmissionî re- potlin loal posert ment ut Illîtoîî anti Peel Counlies svilli he unveiled touttîrruSv iTiJut- dam-. torcounc illocs andthie press or tie tio roun ies, at a special gatheing in Oaks le. The rport is espected tu car- n- soute faî-reaultîng su99ces tiultîs forthie future of tlîe iNso cipaliti is sitlii tir huscîtrs. J. W. Spoetncr, Mitisler ut Mutnicipal Afirs for Ontario, stilI preside os-r the gatheririg and prescrit the report. tI was ivritieut hi' Thîonmas J. Pluittrit. at special cuantlisioIIcr apptoint- ed b hlte deparimu-ut tu c ont- duel the ycar long staîly of lo- cal guverrinsent. At Thurda's meeting copies silI bu distrihulc t ollui aaii- lors and sehoot houe-ird roîescri- Iltite, troîn Haluîî ani Pt-%il. 'Mavoirs, reîvcsetandl lupîtî'- utev, t localt tîiticitaliiei. plus te sclîonl board chair- mn.u h ave rceivod iiationn.. A delailed attaîssis of te re- port iliIappear in t w00 ek paper. a finnc lite ,11i&lltcciiiioi esien.He Iiessedillise ni poîrtaîncee ut eiliiig ili twsiin. lii i'i il iid i ,Li0, îIIes1as îIIII' iandi ilie itiiiililîiiieilmiiPpe 5) Milton O.PP. moving to new office Friday Prov'inciaîl Police tsil hi'ciiiviiug; iiio thui-s lueutul he ueIîildingp îîîîî.,andîîl lis li îlîil sîlitlit lie list ilsie ,iil, iii Ii i i% l'cime louî,îieilt [iecre r iitî i Iliilîî,us25 ndt lue e îU nle Rdi t ,iMiioî's itou iliernîcii- Te lieus u.Si.tlhtîl îilý coiiipletcîl uiis îveîk hîîîeîîs liont Snou Costrîîîiucioniîi.Oak- ille. A t s id ii l n î es-s li "epercaioii shiîiii utîieli legail e,îrly Wî-elîîlc,ie îîusîssuiisîp. ii Ile prceseli Eu unIle S.leuil- ofh'y CVuii iiilue îl.1ýis -a lauk ol lu-utIi tii stîljts.I'lu lia lu-rîîordrd bultslipiîiruul las hoci lîeld u oao~îhc,îutlîu'îsu iseeki,. saici Sgt. W. .1. Griat sîlo lîcais [lite locallo-e Ilgim 25 - Iîiv . Uie tii- cd. A tic%%islilil [IFP. pu ii tiltes il.iik Ile' i ttuil tuile Cil- il-is is ltsie ilice is i la.gog-cpicitsi uoffiesuure li- i i sîe t,î l i li ltie lise SIlem ii li il icii i laite mon.AIiehi cii iol lie heilîl- inare i,îicuiel Iwowu - mis, - a iiîeilue kuup tui lolutul ilulti pu iape thoilsilc tilille 5h51 enduair i aîu pailtilut iiii u,1tc pîliîe t 'lidels aa t,î iti-tolilpe'il u- ill i-i1111kilug lut lot-e euttloyees ;,11(1i vWi s. Saîurday' mos a mcl dot for Ibrce nierrisberi of the Milton Lions Club mbo voluuiecreci tor arpet dolp ini thscLions' nom 'Dutsk a Lipis" oolisdltMiltonu rair. CusIossrs slitilii nuit 25 cenls gai1 lrco e t Ivso iliuousu baliidl', ai h on t ilite mati oftise lsooth iî.aîi ddrct st eictsoed a ilion veii cul oci thte sutiîsg Lton in o atîrge bari niofmates. liss, photo seqsuenve by staff plîolographei Bilait MîCribhoil ltuws mtîot hîppeîîed to Lions Mbrray Hooci mhen he look the seul of horoo.n Ib e f irst piç- loIn hes ooîwardiy courogeous but inwardly shaking; in the seconsd oasssrkîsanslias it thîe terget atdîieh storts is descent; ins lic ttird lins pot flsii trlwel andi o big ipîdilis to flllowI anîd iii tise tourtîs lic cliuîsbs out, soakiisg met, but stili suîiluutg, Lotis Gos Mowbtay ansd Joe Wiilsonit o ariskoci a duîskîîsg iuthîe bootî.li.Te doukiîsg maschsin mo opopolar ew attactionuut the loir. -Sît 11 hot See the new 1967 cars in local dealers' showrooms this weekend Forty Pages.-Ten Cents. Vol. 1 vint Provài,îcuI wseuàn ina el/la 6.Kr asu li p igW eather cuts attendan< nintonlisit ia Proiiial suîsi îiilun.iuuill muscum io îaîlp 1967-ut's just nalîsînt. Heindiîetutd possbts slratthencof seayHanur M cAtchie el1tivi-le tper b u t fa Il fair is successful mallo eting thi landiîoîîî,, îî lînî t P.P. Gorge Kerr stateid on SSut- rieai Mili 1111 eiglitsmvas flite Tisceaening skies andh cool hoisuilai ilic norbh end ultIhe iarn Miltun Lions Club arid hç second hall titis yoar, urday as hie ofiialI op ouselPirobableli' ule. the 1141h annul Mill on Fait Mr. Kerr espreosed his piea-s împeî-aîuces loo1k leir loti eut uiditay. Milun Lion,%î Club Sarah Martiri Chapter of the lier said. Thoso mho di Fuh. fhe.,iuî psiiblsthslîathe ogaets on Sauridos as attend- urhebrnMurreus Hood. Joc IODE. Tise irsî Milton Land articles incloded Dore steili bcein Halbis Coull N,",î bii g e uoeî i i , esu oenîs , aue druppedlIihths'itîIlie Wilsonî antI Gus Mosebraiy volun- Raungers served lea in bhc Scout inium Products, Sou ie, saiti. 'ei s tîct hislai cnsîîîîeîsizee te i114111 annueul Milluju Fai Fauir. ted cdtu siton acollapsibto Hall anid the Iladies aof-Hornby Tupperwarc, the :Hai Ouîliîtt in a wat m oseî-cîu.u.imlpoartance uoh ,gricull uue n An esiîss,îted irosd oh 110,00 chair ahuen -u val of wator. tUnited Churebms-i-ce kept busy Safot' Council. tlir Mu. Krrnspoke 10a uso-utu- luti snvi lies." He des- -.000 or 2,000 iîciîo' noranl- Coshotiers had I0 liii a target on Friday and Saîurday serving County T.B. and Heal bu,-tivceuostelfîom the judgc< tîîicti apicultlure ,as "Ceaclda's tilts tneeiled uutu-Iiiti ( air uitt i ahall. Il lîoy did. the un- hot dioners under the grand'- luion. Ciorsibe Produc stantd aethfeliscracee tuaik. tit nioi imîpuu ,îiuuîusîs" ant in the latici part CIiifhic orluuate Lion o'ouid splash stand. Faiis. C'-Artea. Tri-Cis an interiewe hullosing tise oliî L idonvit er,u see pcielii u%,theteeuslicii i tuheu nta iii iiothoess-ater. muchhlo bbcde- Membens ohfitie Milton Rot- Entbcoidery and Culli ual opening. ho indie.ueh t lt lu 11 uu i gioiti isl.1 lipl iIiflite large crowîs wbich any Club soid Treveogue tick- Condiliouers . Harold dont k nusvexeaîtlliwhal flise do- Socuei u lcoinuediflitec crusîhilui "W'îs eue pnuialsaits' isî llu iruriddthe boolh Ion must ets etnd memrbeci oh bbc Sarah oh'CChicago 111. -as Il peu mclii bis plansecî. bit il il fliteir nduiiehiitiodiuceethMn i- llS %ini aitiilanie. hsu i ui I liseeuiîeunuoun. MartinChapter of flise IO.DE. Coflise prizecaibbe Tu s going t10lbe a prov-incial ntutrioKentr. itulil hve ben aiultsuuose. Fooh5ul otllîs ocre upeuetod sotd chocolate bars jusi inside esîihit. *Mr. Ray- lid exhibit toril Alom- .1f 'n Save, alon Farm, oi I-talIon 11th Associ- acts, Baha'i em Liquid ligan Waler Id Clemorits tho wiriner Tupperware 0