top pie wio i Jr. mtch LarryPreket R.R. 3 George. Ioneestucthe J. E. Wbti.lck Memioial Trophy (or the higîr- esI scoring contestant le the Haîtun Juniour Plurr'ing Matîch. This antrual i.vent scas holti un the tarn uf Carocron M.arshall. Milton R.R. 4, un Salurtiay vitii àisx cometilurs. George Hstranrser ut R.R. 4 Kitchener, coachedth1e cuttte't- anrvisin the murning, iullovr'iig iv iich euch rîerîrber plurreti u sudrard stuhhle. lenCI.îss ,lo hune 14 [0u6 tir se.ut ge tlire unjir> ite SîrvI , vvieue. Rut Mur. 0.04 trtutun -71 points; Janet Turs toi, 1309 Air pleb ' Litre, Burlingion. 63 Points; HorIon Pickering, 273 Bock Concesvsion Rti. East, Orik- ville, 60 points; Keiîb Lerichec, Milton 0.0. 4, 57 poinrts. UtIlty Claus - Rus Mayv, h4 pointv; Harlev Pickerng, 58 points: Keitîr Leiehe 533 roints. Tiras Roy Marv von te Cias'. 1, for top conîhuneti veore. Iu Clats 2, [or louve ireireerr 14 anti 21 Nears iutuge. Br'vrr Marshall, MiltonîR0.0 4. \non tire Suti Class, rv tir a score ot 70; lullotretihv' L.rrrv Preket .rt69. Hiarrever-, Lacri*entoui tu rie- teal Br van in tIe Utlilîv, 70 poittlu hb,.andt irs rin ing the irsî prize trophy. Cari v %ill recette bu- tr'ophs ai tl banquet lulloviing lire Hattuir Count IrPoinirsMatch, ui St- urtiaY. Ocluher 29. Lar Thur Hallo vIrali terni antic a 20i groîri Crec rîseti Thi theC 'heF 'A-" lui1 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1966 Verna Thompson top junior 27 Halton 4-H club members win judging prizes at C.N.E. HALTON JUNIOR PLOWING MATCH was iteld Saturday aitirhe R.R. 4 farm of Comeroît Marshall, with senen coînpeting for the awards. In the photo or mîft, Janet Taylor of Brlingron, only girl cornpettng, revetnes sornr couehingi acen front ber brother Don as she ploves a farrow. Oit he icjt hosi C anîcron Marshall, ARDA grants are available for enlarging small fields Frîrs i n 1.1aliun ( tititv lrrnif evb\v tral itlun sritrhle lr thbrrr vi.morît irr.v Gartibuuse anti Vernaitt i.riîrt Rebrbîlir tatîntndDe- npsonrepescnttirg t hi. eîîprertti un 4-HBeet Club ompetecf 1li trtire lrîi 'i.lii uin Lit the C.NE. on Sep- vt vrtt rrcl er 2. Titestiemonstrarteti .or aiv.liebe otuicieti. ai tisettsset i te Bcd Feedint ila stcefrheenoa ie future. Titeir leccitot (or u ni ii.tuti.'i.'r Ot)ll acretfarmr%%tîbatithe leeti useut large fieldirtiit teri vn onn tbe trnr, irssorut heure icestu itecbrniie.tconiti. ac silos anti a pote barn. nient. nvrt.rge. ha.vlage, antihigh Many farmu werelavlidîrti ture cure rsere their leetis snail ieldise-11aalevth% IvI Jlu lalteir thesteers. r rwvi i rst i tees. i tie isConipetitiori ta. irnrbv toýýit utltica idrundi Guelph 4-H Crtl Club. n itb arriraprocire.tie liatrun terrtr ptci.n, ini the trier tire pirlIte group. P tirrnitaiAROX up.v 4011 i r at l , li, Ile l orî t o v ItIrrî rtriii aidhIrsl ir vri.' unr. rît.1 risinnilirunr g, anibi 5900 r[ei p ie il It.le iritir .it r- it ai t m ltta iv, it tr i Hlt JIODA gr.iiu it uil lie rît iii POULTRY WINNtER (irivli \t r8 viii rî biontIlirv Ili, 1. ti.l' ti im il ,r', ndi'vrtis lii -- Omci, ourthI a second icepresîdent of the Halton Piowmen's Association. qinns a lew pointers to his son Brion, 1 9, who was winner of the sod lass fnr seror entrants. Larry Pichet was oneraîl vinîrer wih lîîgh score for the day, and wiii receine the J. E. Wiitclock Mem-oniai Tropiîy lier. H. Tarzwell, C. Picket buyers at Alberta sale (tire ol Wesltrnltutlwat' tii.onld. i irt lier 3 il (aigri v \i t itiit g iriiivi a, tiie.' in rX li,'tuur îtof 'i.iv,itir ri (tlitk>, C-1rstai-. A1Iltver1i, tir trglrt .r tutti rît (02770 rît-rItle ictritite u ige rît 57 licaîv o!-S.435. 1o l' A Illte vIle ttN.1, ('1.21111 iti ir hýIhmltîrit'arer Denige,'tounît, lii AcirîeSuri,, %irrîrrît . i C*Ititt ýiiI ( "E c l vril titirrit %i r-t 5i.,i trev 0e-erre itîîri ttii iriiri tiil IRrrl' relier ii tr' 1.11 ti e AII ia n i iilb. ,ivirrit 4-H 'Nmemak00Ing et attend schoo on .4 Il 1tIi tri.ik iiig uv' iii lai, l al X vtivi.i Se'l im4 ,1 4,1 11t 1ii hi r 1-t.b1v, rît rît X %0msv Il i 1P ,ii drt 1.'i : t ir 1- tii'.îItd.îlih rti 'Ille succss o ram vt(illi, rîl t brîeti,', b,rrîe S l'îr i;iîrîrît vs, 1. î tgtrt S3.(00inli 1,ii Il Cil Itartie 1. Pic ket,trerr ge il.i Anîrîtter rlviN L, u ia '(d , L, Ih Ltv'.Irii'il ti tIl "tonv t i ;ri" Ivî t, Ia-ri V iN t ooi"and ltri-a teriarI errrt ItI23,847 Il,. riI -lie lîrîrtî vi.91t11 on it tri rtrîA Goge and 1- Il.errai.î,rîrqrip bel ivilte. ecelilrtr 1 tîmiîi t (unV c rtic teerî,r' l %\ iI.irt' l 2rî t',irIut' ilr viii irt' h tt S2,110 io lc*\ I\ Go-vil 'i irrArt ii I L 'IC Ii et \,nt IL club leaders Ffal project tîrrrlîri u . ll.I LI I1 il itivvook. Iv il i i'tiiiiiii Ill ,c l u'v iitIilIi[ -i -11 ml Ir muit 1L l ,iii i l i i l A .3i3S aii .ilirrI (.arialiaii ci.uiipeonn on. ieniii2, l'iis CnIIîpOliîiîri co'i" r it ii ali,îît', îîîgîîîgt li - .,,lc id itn.iiiilit vi i '- r u1,%er 11g uiz/ev ' 11ii lite- 'rt'ii.k. , li iir , andi Ie tihe Junior Si.iiii -ili. Mil tii i tO2. tii-. lie ont- sl.ruriingivuînr'r, 14gliin li' i v'til,8ili ilniI I.ii(ic1, \b'ut li alI î , 11v u, nd.1 t'%livhea.iari ttther top scorleg icrn ei., iii Ili, Ilii m iii 1 i - vîuîl. Lm, . ti ii cýi'. lîiilrinn OR. , andtiVeina liiipnîMilimi 101. 2. Fic Id t io, -2iiil. iiiii Mi.. R. 0.1INu Mt.Oi,(..iii be, .lîne ,'ilt.14t1h, Elji/ Wk'liN .iiiiii6. 01bMilliii aîd 17, K lsir itcivi, 010. -3 A, uii Iii IlIreSreior Seion un i îli Iill 1eui kttO Il Nu,. iii.ll iii. Wm, eAitkeni. 0.3 Acliun, ltihIHaroldutThion, Rî. 0.0.2 Miltoni. FilttiCiops - ih, Dan Hea- iberingtirn, R.R. 3 Camnpbell- ville; 11h, Wa ivne Aiken; lth, Aei Laiesnn, R.R. 5 Milton; lOtIr, lie. Bill Aexandeir and i tt.euiv 'I'onîpson. Fllii Elipiîteeriîîg -11h. Bill Aleviiîter, l6tir, Waync Ailken; 2Otl Ait Liiv'oi. Chaininhirp - 6ih, Wayne Alîken; 8th, Bill Alexandier; 13th, Harolti Thornpsoe; 151h, Dan Heuiiheiingtun; t7th, Art Lawe- Fuiiowing the competitions, thei mcînhi.r', watched the Con- arin and Ontarino airy Priri- ces Conîipetilions, anti attcnentc the niglit show. Corn crop lis belo w normal fromn cold spring, dry sommer Ili c niiinatinofnilutcoiti. ti'natter inlake hy tiairy cuves ie t sprins anti a tiry sommer andti ierefore lowers milk pro- ia' esutteti i a cenci-op tiuction. ', r.lii oitsitieti'h elure Many fat-mers %worry about niii il iiiHaltîrr. Iore e ri teli tievelopeti kurnels pasning .Nie iisstithe cais mviro lb riugb the digestive sstem of % tIiiuli cetiii'c lai lit, andtihie caileie slhout being digesteti. Coli] 1t- ni atuini rt iiits Mi ti But teinentherflit aa30-pounti i'.tlieirigi itelt trvesticorn leetinËoflvvel.earetisiagc corn t'1 in' diouIt i't at leait trcee Tire ideal stage lu itarsievt pouirisof grain svith about 2,000 con týreari' luit]tientetianti reets it e.h pound r total Ille bertels are fiirr - îlot suit 6,000 ber tiels. A iew vltole ker- or tiikv. At itlis stîge nifria- tels of corn shottitibc nu cause torils',ftirc ear cuittains 4,5 Io,50 fr I cen fircn tirie, flit Idratty, cern shoulti reach the nid viaIEs ,average cluse lu 80 tteaietet stage ut maturiîy bc- Ilier cernt miinîsre, anti the totarl tire trust. Tt . a bettor itina ro ci ibaut70 pecr cent mniisget the riglit uroistare for on. turietii, i ucfur oigoti pi e, sirt0bv i.ionving a hbridt hat catointire silo .ant ltire sito teai.ev titi.prnper stage niftra- i tnt l titili ivin lim e tit.n b. reeeing The rarty identlstage i, t- tînt Corni. Oittire tuber tant, eveir cr\io mrrt ,ke silage. Tite cernii tri tuoiie Imss it teeiirtg value, 1, w)n nîtle tîrîrirlt etlupeit. iii itg leai lis., ilmay pay i n avi ietr. r1'li.i l- iltirlice cvry inmmrature corm bts,,, Iti tgvt, Iti hC' un. vîriti iii irrtu ogetvoicteincnvure ý'l o i i)qi 1%i. irl i ers,, inC 8~ M t HALTONS SENIOtI 4-H CONSERVATtON CLUB t nc'tti r3it prtoqrartt unthe De- of nr' nr \ciAjricltn.te Orfucu on Thursdayu cenySIDiee r miq ocer a farini manage- mctpla ar StartNure Elizabe'th Norring. to,2anHetirntn sHante r, Johin Mc- GeadMarg B0 ndgein uft ho mem-. ber whoalene Titrrn"donuble' satiýtiîor in rraiirrg witii goar Co upryrtlîco You tari tiperrd onr Ilî- rtaliiy of tatuigîn servcecoarîd protinets becense Co- oporatrnvsaren netiiandticorrirotieti h ie reole trvg 'crve. Remember ton, etren pull tîattviiu/ otir Co-opetatuar, goi re înurahing yocr bostrtc5b stnger ndOutt ire successîai. Budget Your Fuel Oil Conveniently DIVIDE LAST YEARS HEATING COS! BY 10 AND PAY YOUR FUEL BILL IN EQUAL INSTALMENTS BEGINNINO IN SEPTEMBER. AVOID BIG BILLS IN COLO MONTHS -BUDGET CON yEN ENTL.Y. eAutoilatic Metevcd Deliver-ieS e Easy Payniet Plan LTON BRANCH Georgetown 877-2271 Erin 833-2222 PRESTON ~ TIT-LAF MUTAL ROOFINGj LOCKS OUT ALL WIATHIRI tit 7 '.tnr ui ua lit o, 1 -fi t n ,., ., 5 n,,dt.aful3.dr.iiurrtAc-d SE YOUR DEALER LISTEO BELOn norrte for our fier ROOFING BULLETIN F FACTORY gd ~~ ON ~ PrestonOnt:ard 151 sT.ont t Ae.. 4EezormFI, t TrntOnai PRESTON TITE-LAP METAL ROOFING AVAILABLE FROM... IRVING ROOFING R.R. 3 MILTON 878-6020 Weed control news SILVER CINQEFOIL Ii, .i, po[î r'vrîiarthtît rît 1 tir5 lo 7 vîrî t îtiteti iNllicl arc i' iîvr vrtioe tlIti'le irerii. Mie vems tl irelîrrevi tr atlng Ililouirîttin pa.irt. rstures t vvii il - a N~ niutofpîror srsSi,tandrtiCmrv tir.iitt t iti. r- illv'rîtrcîit t0o ibîrict lv irte Thirs weedliras vrtiiliti iv'v ,k- rn0V ire-tv ut01rol"Ittripistittit ladinoii vîwrefinis rîtOn- t i,.î ApplXrîicatiount. rît eililizer (libc îvit rît vtrurîrîiiire the uttivs i 'l v i, gin tti tt etto- %,i,- rrî,lanrd h\ uii; rp aic'rv"itig.iltiti thir.'ii -aim ofuî î rîrqîrr .icit t ii.oitsotf tutliI lir. , l tilct 'rie in tiurrc illir-ril vyrir itls flei'ltit i ieuitîi.' rit itvîl) ti 2,4.D or 2,4-O, 2,4,5-T tittirer rît inJ tite .andriSeltrember ulh tit ,tiv'it[lire livroiivttg scar, al, îr tti' ti.tritt e, r, At. îvit i, of thre ttre -. Kîrrîrrr .as, ',iitle 10 L'li.'ii.,t X'v"v Litiîr I" tiis tulctini vv ,vrt,îr . it Irle Ccîîîî*tN Agrieurriîî,l Repr/r- 'errîrtuve orIii îvntthe tntoîna- hti tIrandi. )îîtîîvîocîtpari- metriAubgriultuîre, Pr'iairerrt Builintgs, Torontlo 2, Orîtzria. Home heating comfort SUNGLO with the big "plus factor' FUEL OIL same folks think that POWERED MILK COMES FROM DRY COWS Of course, farmers know that dry cows dont qive arry milk, or milk cheques, either. That's wlry more and more farmers are uing Art;ficial Insemination proven sires ta build high, Iastîrrg production loto their herds. WINTERMAR ANTHONY STYLEMASTER kfi l,, rlr~ rl fiI. l ttiIri 8i ' ~ . m Ic m l 111ino t," hrli îie KINGSHUROT SUPREME CLIMAX I 711ir bint nul iruters banc For service or information, contact your nearest office. (Callino hours weckdays tilt 9.30 arn., for Sunday service phone Saturday 68 p.m.l Lsted in Local Directories CAC. NTARI'O CATTLE ASSODCIATION u.c0. HA[ ~ ~ Milton ~ 878-2391 1 1