Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 1966, p. 8

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OMAGH .-8- The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, September 14, 1966 Bantams win Halton crown, Diana Dolbey wins 4-H trip By Mrs. Ceci Patterson Coxeraulttions 10 Onugh Buxlanss, xh-axsvee cctuimed as Hation Miror Suit bail Assoc- iation BaxiainChamspiuns an Tbursduv, Septenisber 7 aI the gaine ixOrntagîs Bll Park aver the Hori xli teain. Thev hud previiiîstx ou-led Kilhride 2 ou of 3and the Iinalscr a Oxîieh 21 l\ t ii h\ h \1 l liiber 'A lî . le eha he houai ot iaviiig he chamîpion-î shîp eup in his îpossessions id showi is tIiendx and ,admsirefo one îi'eek. illel xiliich msanaiger ti'ctillc Glbes' sill bol il unIil nx.cxai. Tite s ong nmeis %%ho plaxw-ît ai ilandt sicl l iîrthe eliaiispionslîip aie Boh Lauric. Tom Sullivan, David Pec,cck. Bill Eeti. Sic'ie Dîlhe, Die Goiai-, jalîîîPei rs. Hiigh Beci,. RoiiiReit. Deil X'aix sickle Rick\ Reid andilJiiii Sîer- in, anduDaiiiReid %%as coach. Omagh Pre Wee zeain plaxeil ilcr t ird i ie \xiii sKilîi île cieiliSept h . ai Orinagl Pý.îk andiul ile. 1 agiiiul Irv la tuKilhi ide 83. Was lie Ell, catcher luîr OiiaJlîîiasiiiîable lI liii lec'i,io An injuix lul bis lîaiîd i he ptsiouîîîs gaine andl iasîiotel\iiiissect Tonm Dis îîîseaiiicilthe il ree iiins îîheîî he bruigJlit iilselI anîd two on 1 ases hontîîe. Onlagl bus s haie plaizit îîell. TIses \iîhlsiliile gîîiiilick as iex- cntie tu sti upp I,-frIl'lec O.R.S.A. claianîsiiisî. Friendiilîl bc lilpl 10 îkilo%\, liai XliLlîîî l to. is conva-i aini lier hontîe lîlloiiing a sIax itiiltoîn liasîstal. Sncete -tiîipathi,,h en Milîl Aindesoniofai lltoni, \1 iLillonngloiî ilic Local leaders, Mi. CPalier- .oiandthMr,.MaiiiKcinar Tiiesilai aîîîthe iliies, iLai. Septinhai -13 .andîl 4 loir 4-H HîVIIiieiîikiiig CJl u orîk. Theunîitiis, ,ceiii oniAics.i ics' andiilliîhiîii k uillhbustait- inina I eh lieeks, Mr,î. StafialIl,s ilsîis t le oaie l Onia!lî Pîesbîic'rîj WA.and M5hMX1 lîîr ilîîîî hep- leîsberiiz ileourTui silo, Sepiisilsei- 7.XMi, s.ILCXlaii chall tel he biA iinlîcil ig. FIIcîi îîîîa lîîîîîîî andil pcaling the ' si lsCi-ed, le Scrîptuiz lc'sio. te n placer îîzre glszi hi NMrs R. Letters of thankstiliiî llîa gil, e 11red rot r. and Mi. Dai id Laîirnuc andMi M andi XlDsonialdl Peaîîck, eil fur liiîrs liils i Xi . î , k TIse reisuilel sieîsîil hiîu a -iiiil al, 11e i Ia 111Itoi [11 riei L iliiii l. s u- i l o b i lc i.l Tlhe ,ilîî c'î lcili s ils to iiit lu, îýII Il, Ic iil c d il)II teniai I illiic and bi lu, a iitu cilîpIi lax i c ande ,iiin iii,,i L 11p11eîî liii l o,îsPlans \% r iiilc loi ci %c Ioi ic ilisl oinlii Seliu îaîîlseî 24 ioIl îî.îîîîiid73() pr. 1 ,5 I iii o lii.11 iiilil xý , i er ,s ' L u a ii .111 zkLi " i ni e telicai. Mass Muple Leal label sicere hinded in andîl rietids ai-ere- mniîed Ibat the W.A. ix tllsv ixg bern. Ilî %vas dccidcd Ibat somne of Ihose labels on buxd bcîîised lu xccurc- dishex, large t oisadi eaiving eîîllerY sel tar thz churcb kilcseis. The WM.S. meeting ixas chair- cd îi%-pi-esiileii. Mi,. C. p.iieîslIii\%oiil 17 us. O Ildîîîîliait ie Glail tiigs Isiaxel. An inittin uNassaga irýes ai Tbankollzrin ixg xztîîg va u cepîzît loi October . The lait Rals' of Brairptuiî Piexviters' %lllbe bet it aiUnioniîClsîîclîîoî Sept. 28,,îlierrîo,îîandil îszîîlg. Coiismiiizsîi cie nne o Oiîîagb W.MS.Ociiileî iiietiiisg i i iecl anii at Lie Ieil iii \ci coiseil. Thiss xii Ilse ThiircIlax, Octilier 13 ;îî 2 0111 îiil %iel finie Miss ClacilcsTeaeliersloii \iI Ihl sliiii lhes on 1 ilsacil andilBeiiiiîîti andsîthrpo lIse Fll Tlîaiikalleriilg isszeliig ris flic cli cli. Mis. Sîîîiils, Mis. Rîîlsrlîr,îl Mr,. J. Peaeîîck vilh omn flice ake tablle. RollI cal % vis'lsarîiýt-esi .Mrs. J.C. Mai shal lîs t, iiogriconvenli -leran booîk oni Rei andli paive tre clling il Mis. B colin aloi c i iî ian elc Mis. A. GCalîiilli .îîLnXhMr,.Xl Turiner andl the biî-iesseie iaziioeltc anda Scialfii aiii, l sale iiiThes lasleiclil au4 ac aeui iii X5i.X Lr .Miss Diana D ot sielx, îal.îlcîîutl.1,1.îîl X li s Xlcl- ville Dilbzs bas besficen Lteiýl ai Kenîîsýillc Agiiciltua Schooîl liii a Iuo llc a nise tii llî,iie cîîciiîiiilcs liiaiia ils i îîî îcl Il 411 Iloîilliiîakiî,i u i, % i t i i i lss Sîîlî kli uili aîîcîîticiict akillIc lli Sclîîîîîl iî.îî.î îîli lsi i ii Sci'lnIl5-r 19. 1llils îîîs'hlu i. \C iii lier lliii lîcIt ii l iic~ Xlîoiic' iliiî i ) b1 gi1, ip Ic hwiiiliis cill c i lless Ihan i70 e c eplecit sc oeiil Lif X'-lîsC. fi'lie keeig aiiii Ldioir îîîîîî Alleia isisitiiig bierssciXM i,. sda Tuii lîiril Bc-it lsiilhililiilihs i MIs. S;iilei Laiîiiiiîil liitli (,[,ill or)Xli s DîiIiCul5s MRS. A. D. BRODIE AXRýI., ti, lîs PilI) WILL ACCEPT A LIMITED NUMBER 0F PIANO PUPILS 379 WILLIAMS AVE. Phone 878-2477 Happy bîrthday ta our- yuîîn, triexds, Ms-evna Camspbell, Sept. 17; Dtana Dotbzs' , an Szpt. 1l: Warren Viviax, 7 an Sept. 12; Laurie Visian, 9 oit Sepsi. lb; Dansv Grees, 9 oit Sepst. 20; Kini Hamm,. 9 an Septi. 18; Gladi*%s biiii, 12 oit Sept b, Laura Laîssun. 8 ois Sept 8; Mars Slîîîil, 4 ais Septl 14; anid .%lis, Aîîîîî simlîîil, sllsi.IL andli ,îîl Xl licei Pe\\lie-sîîîoit lcrseodwd îtîîg aniiîscsaix ioii sept. 19; Mr,and Mis. Miirrax Taskci, 2 scars on Sept. 18; Mui. and Mi-S. KenxPe\%itess 26xeais naîieil on Sept. 21; andî Mr. anditMrs coltinsMarshall, îîîî Sept. 13; aiid Mr. andîl Mis. Eddie DeBoici 19 >as Szîstzînbzr 15. Miss Diana Duîhey 'ici îcîîî'îtiis ec k lioîîîîn 1îî met oAgricltuhie -t 11111 Ec-iiiuî si tt i,iiî Tî. I illîl eîglîlilîx' rip tlor Nationiial 41t Clib Week Thîe rtilts%% îlltlse \îîc 10181. Scîzîs gis mianiicCI bo roncci liimin iCan- aa\il havz Ibis îîî,aîtîl hlîlît,îîThiîs 1551 îeek ilie lir, crin ixTorontoiiî lie tic.-i te oi [i e iîiloiii 111 il , i l % r lîir tIse trp. It\i llc l' il al giex iiiil i ltî ai î îhil blo 'e fit% b isl,î k sliii' anîdsîlîse. The' Iii iii puls It11hli i le in tliisGieziî Rîîîîîîî.Coilkeg Suîzcl siiîe. anid hiîia idoit luIlrime iogeii'it îx ie tookisg torseurd lii lie club xveik îshcx thes si-lit lieguesis ini Ottaîsîaind tseet Governii- Gexzî'at Varier and naxy ullier iignitaries. Thîi-s cuîannity wii5 schocked Ioi leatrît uthIe suddex passixg ut Attuin Arnmstronîg io Court StîLet cais Tsursîluis.Septenstscr 8 Mi' Arîîstîîîg %viîtîis wle an uil -islii h- lriiii tfor sîiil\ iîsai lhoMîsAîîîî tî'oîg, sonî Iloîsard andîl uugtî- tel- Mis. Gordonî Taîxtuî (Ber- iic )a d t l %, of'l iii îîîutît. An Informai meeting iibc iein Hîîxîîe Centîre-on 0îîii- ias' hieilig. s.-pi. 1.5 ai 8.30 îli. Dr. ltari'- Iturlev,.MMP., uiiltbc pieszîit lianszr qies- sinonuIlii'le eteral Gîiizi'ii mîent'sîplan,.s The " t'îofaluk- illiiiainiig [ic,-îzirporîC.the (îkille ie dueus îîltl havile ii pai fi.îîlîîîplîtîctionlire I I-11o i ns l - lionls, bhulans bîîilîliîîgs îîtsîls arc pl[lmiîl lie landland lOak- i lIc \il it'o luxe Ilsleisîx lion illil llus clIý il il i i edfi(i iipi. Traxvs holdIit î ti 1 attendîflil lic' I Iîîîîgl,îs i 111 hilsoli, m),ii ('l Xlý i ,îîîMis. (heu Wlsîîîî uXîpch\Lî I1c(le il iSeptiiilser 7 toi* u-i îtî's I10 ,îandt Il. llîix Now's fic tinte to order your Super Flow Grasslond Fertiizers for foul application on hayland and pos- tures. A well-planned fali progrois of grassland fertilization increases producîivity and profits, and Ihere is a specific onalysis Super Flow fertilizer scienlifically formulated to ment the requirements of every crop and xcii condition, Best of ail, whes you order now for delivery prior ta Octobcu 1 5, 1 966, yoo recctise a one-wcck's Expo '67 P5cspoîl cibsolxlcly fi ce with cscr-y order of 83 tonito ose. Consider agreement press for farbitration Miltos Council will advise be done. He proposed a ]etter 0abville if considers an agree- lu Oakville advising them Mit- msent lu serve industrial land ton felt the agreement was no b,îck otriMiton Plaza as nul longer tegal. If îhey disagreed, bixdixg since if was made oni- the malter would go to arbitra- ginallv sill the township uf lion. "I cousld be six to 12 Tralalgar. This was the action months in arbitralion. Il's a tlken Monday night sshex il very lengîlis prucess," hc warn- was nuted a movc lu arbitrale cd. flic agreenment bad nul beex aci- The deputy-reeve denied the ccl un in the pasl lau munîlîx. need for Milton lu ublain legat Depîttv-tleeve C. Menefy advi- advice bal xuegesled if il-went sedt members lie coutdsl ctel Io arbitraliox, the luwn solici- thens ishat sudc bees clone. but for should bc the municipalily's hi could tellI hem whal shoîîld nmnc Board seeks Council support for Victoria Park walkway Millun Park- Boiard souhl tBu id s $750 anilf1i. tutal ut Counicit suppuort Munît s' in in. $1.850. aiilig i permanen t ixaîk A permanent installation was lbruug i Victoria Park lu elinin- sanneil inclaîlingexecavation Ii ai heinnutsprinîg md n da Ileplh ai six liches, litled witbi illnage lu grassedl aieais. crtil i aet unditlopped wilts asphaîl pas ing. If sunld lbc Boaird cchairrni a iiilrdCollin- igl feet si-uc l tpermit cus ,on eslslaiiieilflic Buardthlitsniisîreinoval andtprovide sur- )tiilgteit 750 lui at-i iclepiro- licientlsu'tlth for severa luowiltk elbuilpîîîper iusiailo 1ra Nvtlit ciol 01U. W Niiing flie DepuIs' Reeve C. Meiefsz, prahleii ad beenoaifleontule chairm.in ai tIie fina nce cois- standing and one Iliat îleliseci milie, inîlicated lie wautd lie possihle iassing of rogli aisas. .ahle itu iler an answer by Wcl- 1tbc Boaasî'l akiil ci.-iîcil nesla an oiîlueil astfiorized siotlbc iltiîgtu iicxli bute tflicfinmanie coiniittctu esake flic dilîlleei h eii ic thedi c n. THE JOAN WATERS SCHOOL 0F DANCING *TAP *BALLET * IRISHI *HIGHLAND * MODERN JAZZ *SCOTTISH COUNTRY REGISTRATION TAKEN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 FOR INFORMATION CALL MRS. CLARKSON 878-6832 Watch yonr mail for C-l-Ls free informatise bro- chure on the productivity-boosting benefits of fal grassland fertilization, and how to plan for your faîl application prograis wîth guaronteed-analysis Super Flow Grasslasd Fertilizers. In addition, this helpfal brochure contains full details of the free one-week's Expo '67 offer. Cusloti bulk spreadinc rvesVanSddquip- liciil aie dIso dVdildblC at Mastor Feods, Slewdî lolOi. Super Flow Fertilizers are mode in Canada by Canadian Industries Llmited ThP matter erote origtnalIy when a local indu&try, presentty uperating in the CPR freiglît sheds, .purchased land buck of Milton Plaza and soughl servic- es unider an agreement teween the tawnn of Milton and Oak. ville. Milton refused -he servic- es and deputy-reeve C. -lsenefy insisted at lIati ime the agree- ment be arbttraled. The James Maîlbews Ca. and alher firms ix the accu currenty receive services under the agreemnent, alîhough I hey are Iocated in, Oakville. Coinneltor G. Krantz pointed out lie had heard nolhing since the suggestion for arbitration sias made and wandered what progresi cou-Id be reported. Mayor S. Childi repot'ted nu ac- tion liad been laken. A majuriîy af members favor- cd sexding a leller Ia Oakville advisixg thcm that iMilton con- oidered the agreement was tno longer applicable. SUNDAY DINNER SPICIAL CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUP CHEF SALAD $1.25 ROASI YOUNG TURKEY DINNER, Cranberry Sauce MASHED POTATOE S OR FRENCH 'RIES FRESH GREEN BEANS STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 978-9061 W. Ara Open Evary Dey Threugheut the Ye LIDO RESTAUfRANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONID Milton ANNOUNCEMENT ... WE ARE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK WHY WAIT UNTIL THURSDAY FOR YOUR HAIRCUT WHEN THERE IS NO WAITING ON WEONESDAY MORNINO - OR AFTERNOON OPEN - Men. -Taes. - Wed.- Sat. Unti 6 p.m. Thurs. and Friday Until 9 p.m. NEW STYLE BARBER SHO0P IN THE MILTON PLAZA FREE! One-week's Expo '67 Passport with 8-ton order of SUPER FLOW GRASSLAN D FERTILIZERS -ue. F RE EJJ WitI- 8 Ton Order of SUPER FLOW CotMt. 0-12-24 0 0-20-20 Master Feeds 0-20-10 0 Superphosphate 20% STEWARTTOWN Deivecy maustIbn taketi prier teOoct, 15, 1966 Dial 877-3512 - Georgetown Collect ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT end GROCERY STORE Sweet Sunkist Oranges 3 doz. for $1.00 New Carrots - 20-oz. Cello bag 3 for 29c Tasty Sweet Cantaloupe 19c each VOR EATIN<. OR C(>OKING Melba Apples 69c basket ChOicea itly XaînBu PEAS CANNED POP 6 for $1.00 $1.89 Case 24's jases - Suive lihys - Save t5C LIQUID BLEACH CATSUP 39c 3 for 59c WEEKEND MEAT SPECIALS Large 24)-,.Stuc Farm House Frozon Apple Pie 39c Ctiîknîîl, TurkeN anîd litee Morton Frozen Pot Pies 4 for $1 .00 Higkliner Solo Fisli Portions-12-oz. pkg. 39 c Whyte Brand Wieners 49c lb. Lean Loin Pork Cliops 79c lb, Lean Rindless Side Bacon 99c IL pk. Tasty Fresh Bologna-Piece or Sliced .2 IL 89c RVER, R TIV l'S pIioNE

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