Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 1966, p. 7

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The Ceatdiafl Chafttpon, Wednesdayî, Sepfemnber 14, 1 966,._ 7 17 REAL ESTATE 117 REAL ESTATE 18 TENDERS 20 AUCTION SALÉS 20 AUIONSLS 2 ICTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES COUNTY 0F.HALTON ALREGIS dan; 2 atuminum doors; 550 COMPLETE SL A. E. LePAGE 7i-i tp. mtai; gasatine ,mator; a AU TO A. E. LePAGE TENDER AUCTION SALE bencb saus; planer; skit saw; Holstein Dispersa AoIn AL WIALITU ! uD t îr thdrlli;trouble lit; ipe cttes; Osad -ery rod JR ,O oplt tc f.niusS Member of the Toronto, OntarioSoerua GE U'IN s; steket ssreactîn; band sîsn; Mittoa, Ont. wiih sinIe Moderns Pleces Mi and Oakvitte - Trafatgar fReal toe Ca C.E UCII is; sel pie t ebtwrcb- . ONacît SHaryAratdR 9, 0 Cm9e66tckniAtiue f Fsttr Boards Domestic Fuel 011 Glen Wiliams, Ont. pForn aeet nrusrnrs ODY ETEBR1,16 titanes.. lîlsets; bull amuter; pute- At t.00 p.ffi., ut r 53Yerq oninai- Srvce 11 ilntnAv. . Light Industrial Fuel Oil sATURD, A'.SPTr'MBFR 17s'imiiattg npusnand barnens; 1/3 Georgetoswn Salea Aresa MR. & MRS. A. E.. S1IAW en Toronto, Ont. A .5pm. taor î.js titisloi'; eyerai stîarter toise i(,aille sîaîîlb No. 7 ttsx., 8 iSionebosîe Astiquent ol MITN-Seated tenuders.,property mark- Mes. Emmna Raler mttas; di-l]i press; b race andI mites îîurlb tater-ilsange 46 att Lut 4, Catedan, on Na. ta Hwy., hc MITOcd. addrcssed I Mr. Garfietd- bits; etussesît sstus; keymuker 4011 Hsau., un Trafsalgar Raad.i 4 ailes souib or Catedan Village, te GRiACIQUS LIVtING Hornby Disfrict 'Broswa, Cauuty Cterk - Admiais- 0f Hsusebold Furniture, uiihblbankn; and may iber 60 GRADE .HOLSTEtN MtLK 12 miles aurtb aifBrampton, onb $23,000 or bet cash orrer, atirse- 1t0aacres roliag aadwitb sîreaus rator, Milton, Ontario, sil be re- Carpeter Tools etc. s 0s-t out. A aastvmsa'n dreaus. CATTLE MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19 tis 6-uo brckhum mtb rania troub acksiea eiued us ta 5.00 'cluck pus.. Omner ur autiaaernot ren- -40 caws la milk, the greater A lan ftge. 60 rtripc oewi3hbcd- siessut brick boue ssi2b Fristatu.Sepîcusîer ta. 1966, tar Chrome ne i. uriagcîer tsliisg tinilsie li-i accisdents on Isîcîi' paîtt c.lvestless', han 9 a tis. telse: rnb'roicl ritîtts.separate living ad dia- tjiinaise ad tatibîstîsus igte lie n ofiils 50 ii Situs ai Southb- machinîe; Jessel cstii.tttis ei' el--1ittiosn t.',t i n t h Ie nexi (sutie -iad iantîtîaistwhite uncit i 'ii u s. m, arge kitlîets malnusu li'î îk btri 54 x 606 inil11t . e5' o11ýI Oit '1eitssl S bir iîît ntts Q tltt lîs'îîsî 2 At IW~I f D R. W' it lns t ti iti ittiilintli eds. titis'. ueenhttiusc ad patio, louateit teilisg in blasulaent, .a iseailui nateilis'5,itMt ,ttloiisitDoin Iilt'liii; ti 'uhs' l Teli 877-336.i'n' ilie 2te.i'i i tt .îi 30i,t. i i iiii uit an 140'x 250 lot, ns-rî tsînîscaîp' locaion ror liarseuc oîb i'uettiilmiltealutslDu' titiu; îîtt 'ii u sel' li lI tsi btisi67 h1.ii e -u 0 sus it'ksu' îiiilo-ste-I;luas es, laIs ut' shi.bs and fliasers - out'401 i-tu-., clos e taMotiask enie Fuel ii ta tbe Hoalti'Unit test tuttiniait ens; sitiaul senk ; 'tiis sau uuuuug Obt-ti.o lring.uiins; cbina; i; et autoim ic usas caoîîgh fronmuge for etra 'Rateetsa, 30 minute ta MdcIi. Buildling andth e Ciidre's Aid drausers; kileben cbinau cabint; ttuîlseias moilu toum Unit sir'nieici Tiger Maipl asbdu building lt. Sec tIb i lsanîl nka 7500 si îrn Bîildting, 15000 gallons ta the iroaiag boardi; sicbr chaires A eslînmilku berîl ai'catte. situe; ec., etc.,e. appealiag home toilas'.Catl i: $5,0 - l trr. Couritloutie.Brosan Sreet, anti ple lamp; cofce tietiste;ead Be Sure in gîot] coîndiitionîandt soîîad Tblhs s a exturugoadofoier-1 Tom tBraîtlcy 078-9943. Lotsgalons lu the tIaltoa Cea- table;.itesrautuscha.ir; elecîricusdit". sccinatieit. and srsei na. Hotme naît] unît îlcariag up Building and il"iuManr; aua 3000 gallons ncsîiag macbine; bcudiiiitrl Yor utin a e estltr Bîîîccliusin anad iLiberctt' of business. 10 ARES tiiliingAcreages ut Ligbi tasiusiriatl Fuel DiI No. fireplauce sercea; sîsandicb grill; s Lsted Here liis LLAIAL DL RE Daer «ans i astaineer nul t'n tas ns uceae ras3 tir No. 4 tu thieCenîcaniaul Mi- mnuîciradîito; Saibtu;ls'dnhes >IRGNANCY TESTED. l putanibjle 1lxi1,accidetas uta piem MOFT1acet 0aceseiclt,1anad]man ta' ther hbutuhbuldt toif0Reach the Vital t'Dont miss iis oppousi orn %%ode ad wth trams ito' gel pour fait and wtnter mik. TERMS: CASH. M3,60 ATfullcre a 2610aacresof open sutin, au nfr aioi en.Halton Rural before the demasd hecomnes 10 FRAKFTH.Acioerw tesel. ric, sandu lam. $1500 t ocated on gsua i r.vl osi..ra- um.b ti 1Bt Carpenters tuttii; btit v reat'FAKPTHAcine du-camn.Due l uneta main iigbssaus. Fraus uîîs afmtheCoi i i- tubbihcan iak; pipe innîtia MarkeERNAIOg-L20hl9 Tel. 077-2064. i take ack buta nce on firsl $2.500 flli prite iîg Stiprinleadenî. RCWO NENTOA asargag. amiletros sllag. - TueLIMITED - îoe.1 e 'o vlae. h 1,ei rav edr iSAI.E MANAGERS Yousueînuît gb rang %iis, Immediate Possession d >a-~A nait. 1 O0O00 ads onte. Catl TotînBraîdiev 878-9543.1 5-RDDM 'BUNGALOW t1iti ssii ils trcuied.Bitese etur.On 1c92- bu'aîîm. dunaowblcsauîl î 7aî t for Steam-Era te9 2 -sro uîîuau bîmonta kitlaus LIiîg tis lAu ('ie461 77 0. nesi 9 EGL ________________________7 r ____ CLEARING Fusînat au lte Blr FA. gain lurn.uee. sepatratie g.uutuu u,- 6ii0aile 00 et let . ci ge. locaîcîl clone ta nebolataîl I EAUTY SALON DECORATING AUCTION S LE t-cnlt lto otOlici soppiag. Ecrîn issessionuandtiîNotice t CeitSAE t"s iiiet a Punio%,Lesibr priet]6 i set Eisit .imta -Vogue ReauySalon Daer nThe udcrnigacd haisreceiset] Oas' Wecbnt]" oniamnîasls 52.xla. bInhe Esiate of JESSIE IC1rLLc~ tn îîîtn ut selI bspublie ans- iniarne]oites 6 om -MOND YOUNG, laie of the A NEW COtFFURE tua9 n ibe Tsîp. of Traralgsîr. 1Tadvrîîtapere To6 o Mlln ls h Cus' Designed Juil For 'ou Broaoîoom 1lut 5suit. 10, N:D.S. ai the aarlht ue pntg«pîsogni ug i rc pltL v l ty of Haton. deceased. .-and - atînt osanert-iIfHsî's..5 n t the llice lruîm Aust tousLa-, I mi t CIrlSr 20500, 3-bedroom, cloret] bath'ut ~ u.-., ,~t.~ COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE eirialLi, ohLfOkvl. brDm1 Immacuate Oler ALLnerME. haOHN AanSfaims uiîb sanits. spasiouu. lisving- Type Home u1in ' o.lag î-irnhm'ample euphuards. pauscîldise, wil c3aed Ion I staue ivng cible garage, siluatet] close ta roilti shedrouss. langrge lving sibool anaîlshopping. Tr'c $6.00 noom spcloa diinbtrau , i1usn passaeau ss'llh lerms. louelu usodern kitchea and ticroam, gas beated t] 'tlti Ugently Required spaier heaiers. on s-cc',attrac- tive lot, close la nboal and We .re la nee lt Ilues tf1 shopping. Ficcd at $13,000.. properties. Furfast sersvice Onner %%illiag ta lake back ansI prusea resulîs ishen buvisit iri mrîgage. E.rls pusses- or sellitsg, cuIt sutir local'c- sîuîn. rnatvs Immediate Possession Ms tlaPro Attractive tii - stores modemn 8786705 home la brick and sw'ite rame, waiti atîucted breezewsay'and M s araaKn gaauge, 3 edrooms. large iv,-: r.B raaKn ing raam. seprale diaing 878-3551 rom .modemn kitchen and hattinous. ail nesalsidecraîrd- t7cl9 augaulasi the Esiaîte ut the abus-e nauet]dec.înesi, tuba died un or, ahubuuîthie 121h uI.î of lune, A.D. 1966. are î'equîired la sent]r notice oh the name otahie tadersigneut Suilicutrtuaor belusce the JOîb 'dil Sepîcusier. 1966. aller' liilidtete ulintu Caution il 'suitesuti]l tituade ssith ns-j g.îusl\ ts i im î n oitntice. DAIFO .aî Milîtîn iis29îb tut Atguint1'966. HtAROLD C1. FIINK. F0. Bits 35. Milton, Ont., S-uc t tir hle Aduniîuisîa- lt. t19I 20 AUCTION SALES CLEARING Caîl 878-2461 192 Mais Street H E N N Y'S HAIR STYLING 190 miII si. - Miltan CALL 878-363 FDR APPOINTMFNT *Modern Eqtiptnent *Fxperi Sisluutg. Coliriag, Waviag. -2i ELECTRICAL SERVICE AUCTION SALEi .DWIFICTI ighî lanaeuiriiLusithlin 0f RILLL% 1M1% tIt trin e sid lt ics Wit1For Service and Satisfaction O egisierid and Grade Mol-' talltre., nd hdge. Willsielas, Fana asnd Dalry Equlp-1 a INDUSTRIAL wort scing. rite ireduced tai Connaît ment. Saddie Horse. Fced and a COMMERCIAL 117500. Reasonda)le iinancing. Funlure 1BRIAN BEST Fo e D0MESTIC Loveîy Country Reator and Insurance MRS. MARY VAN GEUNSVEN a ELECTRIC HEATING H ornes 10Mas 1Mt Noth bApplehu Linie. Brtni. COM l e cri o On are 1ýacc otl'-sor% 30 MinSt, i lintan, 3milesisraigbt %sest tut Mit- eeElcri o e F i tut sarvu tu. tuan rig brick homeviti 2 bcd-1166CalsS. Mto rosand baîiroosa opstairs,, 878-6292 878-6592 TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20 spuciaus living roosa, dinfing At 12 u'cluck. 878-9513 roosa. sanroom and blîchen uni 45 eg .înut grade Ilu" Sîsuins; maal fluor, saxurions ain i FARMETTE - Ciisistiag of 18 30 cuisis; scrai tresh an s ______________ beautifal broudloom sad oti- ace. bankbaruna andsi t -tîrev sprngers. B.alance brcu thtrongh wT and RADIO SERVICE er etras. Woutd quauifu fan V. humes- sm-ltivuina ruous. tiiag 1he scur. t5open beilers .tiîdi - -- L.A. morugage, or ou-nec sold rîous. 2 kilebens., 4 bednuîoms. caîtves. A 'ud it]srxîubcîtnusmet s- iakc tiack firsl Mut nIb6 secs 4-piece bath and i1 -piece t ait berul. Unit ires ufit uîu.r, DURNAN bu hc appresialet]. riced at bath, ocaîcîlin the Caîmpbell-' bittait lacs base heem uset]. TVAO PPICS $18.000. Ville ara. Asing 5S29.009. Cai. IMPI' EMENTS - 'Nesa Houlant] VAN PLINE Bib Crus678-292 or 878-4892.' 66 hle,îr us 1h F.T. Wisonsini SALES & SERVICE muitrftr haler; New Holand 51 - Atractive csatars bouse nitti a COUNTRY HOME -Loeatssltuauosu-, hoper SpeudMaser* Phlîpi TV & Tape Recorders' bxatilal iens la brick and]1%s3umilsesuttuoftiltounand fiaaxuîî chopedr; nea a str * RC.A.Sterea, TV, Appliascea siane .aragenn areaderr; cninep *we parta si silb bouhuit-laage,3 situatet]n a31. cera e oe erus sesdec; 32 rf.. baie *S3tnTV asnd Sterco betroonlare us-na otsa ai ibs et]brik suauauîi en i uic', George White 5 tan rab- 222MAIN ST. TR 8-4445 uiîb stane lireplute, separate suas ', tut'ifacuas tus ueng ue is agon andfliai rock, Ct tining rcuu tusbleen and bath' causa uit iiistorae rlurc cin-i u i rmsts;7a2 in foip.t [cussou ngcuus icea3lng e et] rack an rubber tire wa -_______________ tits au gaie. Asing S24000. ututîsa, b.tbnoxsansîîbn nui îe.us'n Crsa raler; rubher REREATN fait salk-oultiasemnu tored ns gon; 3-section drag catt- __ air il be.ting. T axes anivS50 u0 ;4brsd dlvr a Farms Lsîed prise $23000 C ui Art: taln4-uriddeîsyrik;KN t Fcocb. aebuucer; stl rewet saING $55000. 100 acres titb arge spr.usecr; crcular sa; ha g craie' haras, goot] 9 carusa store -'ON-E OF THE FEW" A 63 ,m]sue;hgiogtn rmo REFRIGERATION botuuse, goot] produictive sai., azcre builing lut. ioctusd on the liqiutisililizer; piston nsater escellent Cr bcdf or horse 4th Lias. Esqacsiag. ami', 3 pamp; secie brooden; tampon- INDIJSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL facus. 3 miles trous 401 inter- mte rain tlua10 -uiront- -la iutieqipsacal tires ao nt sid DDMESTIC des "Irisas;on'620Cf.nIro2-duos nsdan; u- SAE &SRVC change. Iage hv 23a' r. deep, survenait al sa.u'5 atce. du AE EVC -ansi sepacatet], leaseul. ce.;ta nl rils S42,000 112-acre tom nu d fine Ready tua build ismasaslisi DAIRY EOUIPMENT 1- 32-son Reiahie sand Efiient tîO toe uin. uit bra.,Fissî t seii ai $2,810. Cali CberiBuritul bulk cîuîuer; 3-unit APELIE odsaodmboe good bee rtnus.humRePl li.Sarge tilber i titipipiag utc 321 AFELIL citas;,:ia teenssc l oube stani tr borne larusit onflite borse',"31151 LISTED" - Esecoue inb; 2 stilaessues-i silb alIs; 854-2228 lancier sitb is 15 cres oai home. osatcd uta Macula su., strai ers ee. c-48-t 401isielnturne. 4mî nm i n excelilent sctndition, situaulet] HORSE andu -FEED - Ciesinuti 401 inuerebange.on 105 hi. a 185 i. Iantssapcd, s.Isise tuttise. 9 ycars, wstercn -ansi reculolut. This hume con- brobewusen sadtle ansi PAINTING AND DECORATINO S90,000, 200 acres nsitb sPaiaus sinstsil a spauious "L" sboped brictils about 4.0011 hale, tut bav, 9-roomst nons bouse, large cdaimr': coinbim.îiîî liing and dining aboiut 1400 ales sir.ust aboutî huanant] modern miikbohîuse! rîtauscumpieeuitcb sasit lu -1500 bus,tor Rîîsncy oais. GIL VANSOELEN uiihbubsk tanb, 100 acres un-, math bro.udIosa anti storeire- FUIINITURE, seiing ai 1 demr nlulsa, balance lan pplace, eîuubinaiîîa iicbcnnd on'cîîsb - 1Himîcusan urtîpi- p. PAINTING ss-ot]et beaut susitabte ornma- aîcabhasî inca, 3 bedruitîss ani.uînd beach; Daîcb 'isurious lame traîls ant] park tant]. way' itihut - i n citsets amnt eup- sute; 'Duich 8-piece tiing mousi Contractor tram main roat] trahlis but biords, cluret] serasie ied siteu;large atdinimg latte;, Idsra eieta cunteialtan401 inter-change. baibroosa hll dividet] base'nalnsîl china caîbinet; (lai -Itap Idsra eielm m uent. erea ita omsa.2-pisse tesb; Lazv'Bou chair; large Intentio - Exierior wsuirtuoa, strage rîtous, wsa u tclit sarîlrîube ans i inen cup- Cati nous for Free Estimae Our properlies are scling sad wsac rca. tomcedt]air'm il bealing 2- biord; ebesierfilit]chair; Gibson 8863 reqaice umoe listings on farsas, sac garage. paued delueusay, 2-doitr rehrigemalum; GE. 24 inch 87-63 tousan d caunt bouses ont] usansi etras. siorsas ansil TV; Spartin 21 inchi TV ast] Or Write susail parcels oh ant]. For nceens, TV ateana, sater standl; hasll tabe 2 Dîîicb seel Box 1347, Milton prompt and courleoss service, soiîeacr. Frisedtu t sel saih besis and mîmte sses; wcwing usai- c-27-tf sali yosm Gibsan Witioughbbv e- 1 immedilte occeupatioun ait$5,~ chine cabiinet;;blichea table; cabi- presenuoises. 000. Cuti Bran Orsi. iart ant]chsairs; pote hiamp; plate PRINTINO auluruir; neus t]apery maleriat;_______ Arwa&Archie Cairns For AIl Your Real Estate loan haraltumu; saorutsue; ssaîl applianees; 2 sannimg machins v m 340 Main St. E. and dishes; cookiag ulenisctret.e; or. our Prrnilng.. Phon 878698 Insrane Reuirmen rha Van Gruasuen is giutng sal * Top Qaaliîy Phn 7-9017c19 IsrneRqurret aming. ______________________ îî ~ Osnerc i.dnsîrmenonul es- *Efficent Service Caliî878-6292 ponsible for asy occidents on esnb Pis Basars wuuh the highesî nI- premuses.*EaaatePîe tendance are otes thal usIer or 878-6592 ' FRANK PETCH,TH A DINC MPO lhwisen Champion Camning Eent. CHRIS A, SCHOIJTEN, THE anADIAt CHMioni Calii$8-2341. 17ci9 20h19 Auctocinera 9 ai I - Mia *Comame-rci'al - Coimscing ta stocîk rc.uîts uade SEPTEMBER 17, 1966 to iti (ssixi Service' Ai 12.30 p.m. .WC Thte ltilliistlng: L'ATTI.E-t Hulste iss.rreny SYERS iii Matuclt sellinhi open; 1 Hoteuin 228 MuanSt. 070 20671c %%lîrcît Herefordil.tue Oct. 6;. 21c11 , tuu batn in )% t-beul tîîsIrl , iteJ tua. 27;.1ie s' l t1itiis s--st - _______________________es 'ibis22. ta tullI Ituins'. i td GENERAL CONTRACTORS th.ulntein ci.%sulhti l tI 0ta.in ________11 11 tluti; Hlsteisîin cuits. bred RAY OLAN 1 'ltIl sCu. (ltue tat. 7;t Holstina Sl iteitl . il duc' ît.is'ox l eî; 2 Ast'- BUILDING shire beierueadîl Io tube c'l CONTRACTORS LTD. Îhio-aein licet, eadIoniibitebuet]; " Home Improvements I ttuulseiîu [ser; 12 IsulI llc " Raîîauaîios lt t 'ulting. " Allerations IIORSES - I Pinuto marc. 8, * Additions %ý1od it edn,9.Cr " Commercial or Industriel 1 HOGS - 4 stisn have beenI riiuiug uitibbit.rsinse iîuae 1 UL 4-2263 1dIsîuea tuf geese. _____________ ___ FAY , GRAIN .anîtSTRAW - CALI. - uuaits tut Rîtîtin o.is; ,upprin.! IRVING ROOFING 2116tt.tt iI sîclanttus ietabs; For TRACTuRS anti FARM IMIPLE-ý ROOFING EAVF STROIIGHINGi MENTS - t 52 Maussestractur; AI.tMNIIIM SIDINCI I Case V.A. irausii in gîtaitrita- Ri-Rottling ttir Spesialis utng coiion;1uia:ue Vtî. i l'utitîtus hit W k io Al Kitusîs nîîs'îoutied usuosuet . b Il. ssii; Flutise07010111 r 07093a 'tNewu Hîllaunt] hashbuer 66\ni 1h M 1LTON eigine in gutidssorbing utîder; - Fres- Fstiuaen - t H C1. cominae, 66. 5fil. cuit. un AtL t.WORK GtUA5RANTEED Iguxîsî urkiag scondition;a1.ttaer-, 21c'-tflnational.î5 O.T. h.uv balî'rnsu'lh ___________________________tor 19painl bhh ti' l2stiia tiis an GARDEN SERVICES ' 3 ui's;521 tîrrtus pluîs; t Ther- oi sed ixer, tipacils t1ita, onsIt tua is tti; t tarnuioutl Formosa Landscaping 'lia:muTisi usili. 24- ltiniier, hae; CONTRACTOR !\%ueei iriiler.rcssilating lipipiagi 'thi 16 lu. plaiiiiri. S Seedag andtusldiag. !Ilîuub'ner tiîeuîarmsîwagona; l "*Wt'id spu.using. nies- lteel lîrm siwagon:; ttti * Fcruuiiitg. stutîratus; t hante-made gbini' i u tl)ur. Cuibuasauntue sprac.F " Tsee Irimmiag. TX(t; I Tîcut m.un tu*eprcaler; tiý.: " Patlos. 196sualuins uîa;binde, tn lt- iuitio l fi. 6 lu coi; Itinîtet' lin-; 878-3263 ecuin.ut nal ubber ired. 10 ft.li 21dbciii;ulsel oft'FleiursBisset1îtisc fi.:;13ituagrain sdrill; cni uitt 41t.rid'îe delincun r,îbe. Hercott ORNAMENTAL IRON - gu ti ti ib rui h pipes; 21 dutîblle-rîîsucuira ctillissituis set RAIL1NGS -AWNINGS tut1Iuurruîusn-59cet itîns; 3.paiîtt WROUGt4T IRON WORK lIltssaîitr t tîroîts'Ploiss; Iter- tututti i l hlu. us uîtute. .T.O.. 7 Il. CatIClt Fcrgun ostunboule dig .3- Milton poinut îiîî's; 1s b uttit] pt Ornamental Iron tcari; 1 Ia3-gal. taLr auub; ieu- nar s'iib tu'trame, antiqtue caca 878-9827 nsier; 2 tui triti!ens' 2 creaus c-t-827 nepaut',îas; Interna i l itmilking! -tu acitne; qîtanuils aIfssuîîk îencb- en; 3 g.îs bî'uîuuers. good ais ncx; atiissriisus'wagonîansd buggy - WILL DRILLINO ____ ileeln. aetîu piceuifss'.ll tlephon- es (auntiques); qutanils tu'lisaurd- nstiilpl.uîks; qitatits iof log rte W ELL DRILLING nuuî.plns ,u qiuuntliof iiilit ti rs suttt; quî.îîîlts 1 aI abit lCatg J. B. RUTTAN en; suime laurnit ils etc.. ec.; RI..2, Milton, Ont. caîs inia nt. s oonui Phase Barlingtos NElaun 4-W025 ta ainefii ast uetir all _________________________ nsIllbe soliî lside. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Nîtîsiag lIo ne reunoveul tîntl setileil lfor. MILTON Luinch aailabtlc. Oae i UPHOLSTERY vig pces-ng Nasa usned and apenated by puînniile in casnetuf atccidtent ui.y Lamne Anisair tutsale. CHR'tS A. SCHOIJTEN, PHONE 878-9094 Auclioncen, 'phone 878-2576. R.R. 3 Milton Jisa Laagesiyk, cterk. 20h19 *Re-vsphotsteny. FN *Auto triasIN * tptolstent cteaing. *Custbou hlît famniture. The Way ta exia cash *Free pick-up and] detlveraî by setîtaf items auotlong- 2101filer ta use saitti a friendnu Champion Ciassifiet] Ad. DEATHS ITTLE, Suas Emity f Emmal- At ýHatton Ceatesnalt Manor, s) Tuesday, September 13, 1966, anasn Emity lEmmat t.ittte ot Miltnin lier 971h urar; sinter LAt Lucy, dilcsed. Resiing ut the 'MeKersie Fun- crat Itame. tt4 Main *St., Milton, -lie fnrialtiser'xice %vilt le ditd on Tb srsdtît v ai 2 pu..tan trusat la Euergreen cemcit'iy, Milton. The Red Crans waîrn that a tire jacket saintt eltp i nu e a lite il i bas been aaîîned as a tutti litiiipel, asCuttr iota e DR-IVE IN A SAFE CAR... THIS FALL 0 Core ne Now for Safely's Sake DAVE'S B.A. SERVICE Milton 87"-741 Ontario St. ai No. 10 Sldersad Opea 7 a.m.ta t10 pus Ssînsay 9 aus tata 10pu. Dog'gone Right It's Important! ..Your 'Household Insurance con now be custorn-fittedi to your ex act needs. Your home, cours sonal liabilitc can be coveredelaisan evn crpet one pobicy . m.wtt coveraqes and limits you select. Cail us for fu information! RO*ERT F. McCUAIG, INSU-RANCE 878-9281 or 878-3691 160 MAIN ST. MILTON BE LL UNESt by Arnold Blachford, your telephoneU A manager Caniadians, tustv :em sto atie taken ta the open rold t traiset 1s aph no>t1 tbxtt'atscotryi'duriag vacationi time. Peztp, %eaic tieexmitsg a nationi ut people un the musc. oreathaitet' peuple scems ta mitre rom une comintls tu w W st. r o ittereni tne titttin a cunsmuniti Tufor me encratlxx a tai,)sceed t ou aln issus la, aisucitre Li)lic oncleietakeil otis ssbeu bsitîntein nece--ati ont neetîtike La a t ii Aiabn %hllid ouialns adtcit ts5In w kiiig sslttiBell Canadtia, t taie licen ra îtnerrcsl ltro ilie,%îî. Sîî1lknitstaanofte tiiinsbuîitcati ilîzake L iaelia to re exits atndsaotiîsTise tatephutte tînt about t eds te int. Betut e a ms te ieteethose seem, it coi nius ue, hetpiag unsii nitestits ctteck ontithe liaint] iîels or îiaît-iiiit or. On iratiNitig iit oi*iient'homse, lie îeiephtiiîe s atiai ibte nithitig me aeeti i) tgaitt nsve lime etabitin tsit neli es in.a netsitsoiattin'. be'st sitar ttonuset iitnaitg ailt ItleeCTt'aîSnthai liehe leptîtte ets i) trLennis iti ittkîs%. WC, ai Belt Catiada, kati' ns' hlaialitelptshle teletîhane phnsLquis kîs .tn ponitbte. Altbîîuîght issmais' îake aur- titallr oha Itest isîttt tes tsIgelt tuti' eiepliiîe ini'uk- ite tuiler, liee"tteiiiiiiltieseniien' tietailin tequitn: muîeb tlanitiic. nitintertlletstit k iitisi Llob oei u ig iiln o iii se titi uithiliisakil'-gaiis sstniite Plea-e.gise oi si tniess Ofice Lacatit tînt as suit ai voitkiititstsbeii andisistet'e vt\illietaituiig.Tiat itta tu cailn iiiiur is-stibeleat top.tilitheueîlails ansI .ts'i iat inesaset'ittg voit ii suitr tnsý dde Aîîy ime tai you have a question concersing your telephone service i hope ihat you wilt cati ose of oui Service Represlentatives front your home or office. She la especiaity traine'd t heip you wih any prohiem wsheiher il's an aps- plication for sew tetephose service, a quiestion about your tlephone bill, changes In your existiig tetephoîse arrange- ment or any oiher hetp you mlghi need. Ail of us ai Bell Canada are Iteresied In your coîstplte satisfaction wih any transaction lsvolvlng yoîir tetephone service. Jusstlel lis knous hen me cas he of hctp. On her fitîrti birtcuan' a ltuile girl came rsînniag ixia a itte sîîî'pristd, saltttidlis' iisucre voîicstseiing tae?" "Wcll ii," n.tistMiss CG înaup, "But t'ai t îst e.t'n tîfît îîd onc t 1 m in atis abou time somebod5u saîttd nme up!" tn't it absout lisse tisaiyou stttcd s'nmebtd'*ey- intotasa tr ouitiof tassa5 Tbere mustsicselots tir peuple abo snvulîd toue ta heur th oid o 'oi ' "-c.Noies' U0.11qL~

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