Rob.rts hudsis hird shut-out ........ ....... Corunna crumbles, Campbellville "C" chamnps Sweep series in four siraight as Roberts spins no-hifler 4The Canadian t Champion, Wedmentiny, Sepiember 14, 1166Ha ltn s us o t M ch l 18-O victory surprises village C.riîrlileanti Jack Rîh- ii madte îtîrlire iuiYSn eti 'ii'irina 7-0 tua\intirhie Oit larioIriermetilate "C" champ ianship lir te ire lvli ime. TheY acciamplithedti hi'. leai by îiteepiing a rund, robin acri»'. n lour irraighi gates antifaire str'aighi ihiai'aits. Roberts, Camp'ircil'"veter- -in'.aurhpaw, hurleti hit secondi crîntecu ire nahitrer as he tarn 61v Ihird thut-aul ai' the forur ganetecriet -- irui rime rof the hig poiat in hit great careerl Bnhnd Roberts' nia hit piieh- la» a îveek ag in Carinna, Caiîirellville had hanidedtheir '(t'riait leir nu'.delear iii re.t eî'c'cs6'. j 1-0 scoriettvlien I)rurg Peler".al idhrired a iriter tir Ciri'iti . Thuthtie titige tt'.et tl'orr anririer Clat- sircheteen iheve ttiagrear pI'- vcheitrsaCaîtrnaihat Io in Iro kee1î alite, anti Campheli'le ireetier a virîIolaclincîr the chtapionathip Peleri, hatteter, hartl intInn trouble irai,, the v1v trt af the game anti Ro- hert.,Ilak righl nier where he eh afiouf a'eek agri in Carunna. Camphell'.ille acinal'."aon the game andth1e champian'.hip la the irýti nain». Wingrnre Icd ti ai îîiîh a tlk, tveal la teerinvia'.Maoore waî grrnating ou, tr ihirti an a rîillî piîch anti toeieion a tiaring piece af hate-rn nning ai Cairnîcratînti l tutirit. Caninhelitille or etl a rîrîrintihi'. ilr'.i n» nganti li Irte haset Inatietia'. he'. s nt eren men la the naae îî'îîhrîîîî î'rrrng n hit. as. Petrqr istsiedt hrcee tvalks'anti hil a hat- The it batler mai Riek Rep' la. itirîrlonok ua fatihall an the heiii Alîhaurgh the hîria'knaek' n utit' Caýntphv'ililit ihirîl ia'.ti arr, the lai ii» heiît'îîv' stiieti hitir uin i osiiir antilire 'aaîahilavuconiue Rahbentanti Chetier teaikevi nIa open the haîîrim ai the tee- oindk Wingravcte ien griideti nia Peter'. whri hreîîîout Rah- cri'. at ihirti. There mai nu ai- remprta oger Wingraea iutis. Ken Moore Ihen gai Canmpbell- '.lliv"î irti hil. Ht' ingieti rîter lhirrt, icaring Chester frim sec- The Caranria cli ilier ie( the hall gel atta'. riant im unti Wingriaaeeaeilot-îrhome rundl Marire lor secoind. Peler'. cnl tail. the îhî'aîî faim thv'îîîiiii ant inla lving iii gel Mîrîre ai '.vciinîl. hreî'.' the hall lit, rie-hi centIre anî Maure galirpei al the 'avraaraurnîl &oistere. Cap- helîritie havi terreai lhree rrn'. ian rimehit. B thlIendvioaithe secondti her itere ierîlg 4-0, hai Usir anc hi(irbuthavi parait- cd 15 men la lire pluie. Rimer Dredge tingicîl nir conrre la open the hailnm oi the Ihird. andt hen Robertmaihevi. Thist-%as enavrgh [or Peler'., anti Carrer came ia [a pur aur t6e lire. Caier gar lhraugh the Ihirti ant i-trrhwilhoutîl tllait la» a rin r a biat, bhîtran imur troubleienlat1e fi116. Wiîh rime outl.Wingr'aîe ingleti anti came rîun i)tihirni an Maarcv" doubîle. F..rrlCuirni' tingle cliîthlie ii hbat;e liai drrre ii bohîtlirîraeri .andvmadetie16 score 6-0. Wiih rimeoati»nlathetet ealh. Dreilge %a'air rl eona lie 'ecornd haiemeatserîrîr. A walktandi.a tingie hi, Winprriv' loadedth 1e haie'.andrtih en aarîiher' forred nl lahe 'eveiith rira iiithe garme. A remnarkabie facor iaoutRo- tei'eii no-hilier' ira', ( b.aut cime'. A,. in (.'rî'nnrilie pr tiuvek. hv'rv'iiret 11) tir-aighi bai iCi., anti a'.in Cor- urina, the 201h barier grauntiet la ihii'ti hatnair Rick Repla and again the joakie ihird bae man cerred Io allow the omlY hase 'tinner oi the garni. In eachgarni Robers wenl an Io finis.h upfading rani. amni %rr' ühe minimum nrîmher of bi- Kun Moriure liii the Campbell- ville aiiack wifih lwo dorubhles ind aisigle. AI Wingrove ing. led ivre' andi Eart Carns, Rick Reiri. andi Elmert Dretige al lhi[i ,aleityrnce. Firninoies: Cr'aig Cari. i'lieti tI ecetrre in hei vet arrti Sirmpstruisihorrt rightinii ile ivin h. n ta uguirie'..Iis irerni:* vhall'. Riher-i'.per riiedti in r the infieltl.. Roiert'. ha'. no&iaii"uiet aivalk in i'.lîvi 30 irîning'. (Aipivh- i,...Canipheltville lr.termet Ck't'riu in iii OA. plattiriten'. or lite tifierenti occaions ,ndt t%,nt e'.erv lirme . .. The' havte onît' luit once ta îhem in Canmp- irelît îlle, hîri ihere havte reint turne ir'enctiuî'.erniestithe iîee n the 'arr. Dîrrg Preri, in ta inning, arlattetifinir rn'.offi rîtl, lite itaikeil ighi, hit one h.trlr adtiructk ttione. lit ixin- li ring'. i relief Craiti Car rer gîte ip ihre e uns tfraix .1b iit. lie traîkeil twoir, îonu le randl ,trucik out 'i.. Corrîrn.r 1011 000 0001 - Ol 6 C'r llie - 110 021 00Ox - 7 9 2 Cirrrinrr. - Peler'.. C. Carier (3 1 andl J. Carier, Thrrmptrra (7 1. Campiielltilie - Rorbei rit i Wingrr te. Wlkertno hue. Suady R. Naylor shines but Sox lose 4-3 A '.prkliag t4-itrike-otlmmmd pcr- formance 6v Ilîhantier Ram Narlar thiaultihave 'ana Milîton Red Sa'. rheir irst gamte la the OBA lulermetilale B finarl'.in Walkerlrin Siantia, butr crsil cerrirchangedtih1e vîrr. Navîrir allri'aetijustlfour 6(1'. anti a '.alk hut it mare'. cammilltidfour e'- rar'.. three ai îhem la rhe castîlathirti nain», a'. 16e Sa'. iere etigeti 43 luthe apener. Acing caach Arr Melanîma de' icribeti il a'.Navir't bestîgamte ai 16e Tcontcaity, Il waa a Narine errar la the ihirt inlning tirat gare Walkcriun rhe leiti. Milîran hati eord ti i'.firstin inl the ihirti when Ramtham tiagieti. advanc- edi a bate au Riere Gervait' tacrifice, heatietiion ihirti on Doui»McCialcheun".; pra.aui. andt hen came home a'. Melanîria hir aial htrirant ndilthe urtha'te- min tirappeti Il. Waiherian led off ihe ihirti iti ra ingir hi' L. Thumslrom anti asacrifice huai 6v Cavldy. Naviar grahbedt he huai hnt hi tlhrriî mitînti Date Cut-ertiale ai firstihaie, ihen ai 1he hall remainet inl plar Tham'.trum 'icuretianti Casiitir ea ariudt lathirti haie. Cattitirveraretion Reg York'% sacrifice fli. In tire fiflir, Doug McCulchean tiagieti anti au error and Melansans Iang ly hr'îughl hlm home. A sitihnain» elia gare Wlkeriaa hele 1inalirna ruai. H. Huniersinlugeti. J. Berherach maiheti. Bauler stlrick outD. Brîntir iagieti anti Thamtirum inglect tii hrnag H unler anti Bereeackhohmc. Acting eoach Mil anima ciriniet un ut'er-r6efence bormeriaraloet ileldlinaflire sevenih. lireati Miiiia'ttearlu». Meianson ied tire Mtion hila» a 116 h humer anti a tingle. Chrit Ramiha'a avi Lema Sîickle hadt lausingles apiece, tîhile MeCaicheani antiDoua»H'l air deti singles cavh. The tecuti game aif16theinst-l ite fiuai teriet 'a-litbcefielt inlaMilton Fuir- Graunil.thbis Sanda'. ainernru ,ai 230 p.m.. anti a large crawti i '.e'pec ledi lutilt net'. ihe action. Su'. relta luIoWaiheriîrn a îveek tram Sanda'.. Dtamiond Dusttagnu Regilar cuoia cch Dick Ciemeal. ahu 'aat ha'.pilali7edtih rec iveehi aga. i capeciedt lu e hae laniani- Irm for Sunaiat gamtefhore .... Fit-si haiemuin Ram Phillip'. hi'.heen tidelmuteî ttiih au anhleie ur'.'.anti Dati Co'.ertile %%-as hemughi ip frum the Jut'milc tqtnat lu f111la u on is ate la Stîina'".îgame . ..Phillipi wai a trng pari ai thc Smx"revampeti inlielti tetup. anti hi'. hree- rua htrmee la the Ru," lait enenunier help. edt he irreait eliminale Crleitua ' . . Melanimn aha driplat er'. real v'.iii .îrîlg tiace Lahor Day tveekea4 ...Whea 16e.v wereni r aeahvtfhali diamoti fuir inflelti)inntice,. 6ev tere rarerutithe la-je grundtstletellin» nuith1e tilamant inl front mi thv- grandttauti. îherethe' tleam engine'. ad heu'.'.'equipmemî ai 16e re- cenrtleam thaow hat imatie quite amess . .. .M intir e Mitatu tmihcv16e tdtu- mimd". ail rend'. fur Sunaiar game ... Waiherîmn ashaaîrrrauniclubanti ju'.l liaitheti tliriaiia Pernia lan teti înraighu gamnet aller eauiiag the sao aurup the Huro-Perth League. Must register this weekend for M.M.H.A. hockey school Regitiratinuttîil6e auceepret thti ieceeuifor a 'peciai Hoc- key' Schmnah beag v pmutrar.'d 6v 1he Miltmn Minîte Hockey Avîru vinnilna leagetsevrelant Bilt Rownîvatannuv t may. The vehumi miibchehelti ai Milira Arena hegiaulu» au Mon- dav. Ocimber 3, ant i miiibcelimil' t cr tunthe uirs200 pta'.erv ahnr reglîler. The cvaurse lvmopen ru autrîne ager i eghi Inn 18 anti a nampeleatinlaîrucrr t hein» lineti tp la handie ihe nilait. Tire Ancationn vprmuoreti a similan teinture ta-na 'eari iii.'i, 'aht'a 125 orngtert aetient anti picheti rp ratuahie poiaters onau png a bn el-er game. Rt'gistarrionsiil6e aceepi' eri an the Arena. irom 7 ta 9 p.m. 161'. Fidar ercain», anti frmm 2 ta 4 .m. Sntrdav airer- mmm auilv. Baiy'. ishing ru play mustiregister 161'. meekedatia' ah e enrmeal miilmiloe rt 4 P.m. Saiurday, or ai taon ai the flerI 2M11hure silguet an. Reglisration fee Io $3. Tee lime ha'. heen reteret ai the areaaone.eev anailahie da'. ialtrawinng Ociaher 3. Time. ai 16e lettrn,anad hreah(vîainla au agc nnmnpiagv ii hc an. nuuur.'ti iitutîing regisr'ationsa. tn arecenu meetings the MM. fliA. vieculire heaited vi 6. n, Muera'. hat heen hand ti ai r hum n up a huvaveavanunf hure- e'. funeMiltoinitandtiirhlviiet hn'v. The'.e'.pev n abot500 hut', ,genl six lI 18 fme ihit teuru't vervas uno nchr A butdget vuverna tve'vesnv hvnî heen tel., and t is u tp S650 Irmmatt vear's. .n< A SMILtNG NERO Jack Robenrt, rit, accepni vaaqratu artnai iom Cannpbehhauhhe coach InaAnreîws anti Caînna coaurh .lerîp(jittl fllowing Suna's lin. "C" vharrpinshup final ia the nilage. Robet ihrewa a o-hitier avi onmlpan nield ritittne crail huma peniect game - for the secondti mnie an a ram the Campbellville tram facet Carunma jribmthelinaI.CoachLitille, aiheti by the phulographer tb shahe Rabarti'liard, qaippeti "l'ci lîle mn 'rake hat 1.81 hanti and cqiveit a pond pan k. ý---Real -champions MIra Canîpîrlletlla dtieirlCorriaaon Suan- day. ihey a-ar the ritlaqa t 1 4i OntriouaChatriptnsitp ta the air 14ti etît Thint'.a ta rrdaîti tîlInînîruidantî C' CIami'pns'hrp TIey hane ahîri a-na la-nthmeîvtiae'R'"titi"., IIta- earîretinate "A Major' tharîpin'htps, ana Inter- t nuediteir"A' vbarrpraaîhug na-o itrienthe '"ID-titetatdi onaeatir"D". The term hai alita a-artIbmHallor Senior cha-- ptoa'.hip loi the ail il peaus. Lowvie invebt. faids, meets Muont Elgin tonight'.i eîareinir ire OR- SA% imtr Cehnek lrînît hi tenu'aDonrnn3 -2. l.n ihv' eu ;'.1t-) inu i l e fl'. i trri-, on unit it m îîlk, a-nit n itiËulcebtnt Inn Culing. Dona uetreriad i2-1iunrthe i mur lb u a home utn hu Si.uggie'. Luwattic gui twn rvunintun ,nninnnnihie h%îKiniuandiavLart-.iicre lin li Cuvrcîtale. Jaeqrr P. Oi1.5 brtleî t. Inuthelv- itlru Curiri ut ijuai'.. Paulti e.rii nr .1ite i n unît liý1 gainval'- iuttd utlt uti th i ite. mati54 o ruau icetghlh infuing Iu iinununihIi ce knrîlîiî. Jitrue Paîtrueet rn-tck oin23 h a tue'. t.nînnîlieI ari, iîît liv' ORSA lit nI.kAe .Ieii. i r ,nrr . tkllinr ai S3 1.1 . tun n t ti i' ni ek. PoIIuck and Campbell Manufactarer'. of HIGH GRADE MEMORIAI.S MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Water St. North, GALT Teiepbnne 621-7380 ria in0wnn ten Ir rîMien lie Fotnutent Riek Reî ru nketl uttriin-e mianit, ntevan nu t valk, und ill ran viinaklnt't illuit-e andîtt uncoln[n tel 'i tinle. 1 situtlime 6e itast ai; Futle[- liitriaovingletl'anr 6e hil a ilyto tdeeg Mitchell anti Cierr', Ren Ah- 1tielti. Whea -Ken 'Moore( rnu and Sam Aheent hati ane aitlire game 'aiih a 6v eacm. tIer n at1e vi'.h, on iv AI Wingnove ted the Carmp- oaee the caîching chant td , Wiuarave menu un nighi aind [i-'e tingles. Earl Cairnt hîl n'a doiuble's, RImer Dretige inritileti andti tigleti, Bill Elliai anti Sm King tingledti wiee. Hart t'Hamilin drînleti anti Dira lutte antiGorge Chester vuiglet. irao hati t, antI a bai, tîhen Came ouI id shoul' ryce ok -es and AI it fielti. -H E Campe .. 050 192 100 18 15 2 Mitchi ....000 000 000 0 5 6 Ballerit: Campbeliville, Ha- milton and Wingriave, Joy.ce -(6); Mitehell, Caviney. K. Aheen'. l5i anti S. Ahrent, MeNavrghi 171. Bowling season opens 10 leagues underway ýAiii iii tirtit 1i uni'iielic rmir lic Initeiirriî'irre t tlraiip- rosi iri Ontrio iiiMitchrell ('1Saiiayalt'rnrran andtit 'ni a %teitripiri1801Stere. TIre lpsceiretiri at uneapecreti irecarve. alihiatgi Cartînna hati tllaieti Mitchell 9-1 and 8-4. Camplucîliille hati mlv heaien iheni hi' a clrite 3-0 scorrerin Caniphbeliville Angîri 28. Pit(her GentoreCrivenet. whr hati irtrlei tir aell in Campbell- ville, rvasî again ira tie hili ir Mitchtell.buti îhortetl hiile rof hi, ru nier eliectireneit as C'arr, pheilille krrrke i ria oui irai urandiiîrriieltrningt. arlle'rheiiad iverriop ttorri'ri LA ln lit île ît.lkî'tiImr liii ar Irllet anid litrck oui Keri Aliront, %%torîrrelietetl i ur, gatvrir ix mur i Iix it lie tt.ilketlirrou raditickui Han'» lHamilton hinnlent 6hi uiplatirl g pille oi the tear lrr inipheiluille and effective- tv thîi nut'Mitiheli on lite tuai' teretiiril lie tiaikedti hi't' and tnrtck ont lire. Camapbell- tille malle itirr rreiri . thile 'vievll itere eiarriiiing ix' nprltlecrinieti lite li. îlet lain heternd initnn»oar King't tingle, a it'aik. irta er- tos,1 iirirIin't tdoubrle, Wia- singl tandElivittacri lit' Il\. 'tiA rt iim, iilrtt hy ii (Ilin Ill lt reii. Tieri Cainpbelt'.itle rel Irrieet he huiaht tirring mie im t iiIle i lt . King tin- pleti. Reprit tîrîhei. Dretîge trairl, '('lieticii l. i'. rt 'Da Ill ptier, Wiagrirte \%riheti.Filiot tinigîl, (miii irrîrirleti, Kin, noe inr[lieiniitl lýit'ketinti idRrenliand rileidîre ti. r'. ui Ili hg'î i[ iiiIlleti- ili imV iedev itit itriidir! 'a (diltut. i1'î. ikv' il 150. Aairrk. lia» rrr'e'î tingle ant arl trrrinitie il17-0 ta Iire ,xlanul Rît kReplia ivrreti JIM BAILEY WISHES TO ANNOUNCE... Thcot EarI Power is Now 'Operating and Managing the Service Station Sarlis ic iens.d *"A" mebanic and is fuiiy .xpei.nced in servicing aIl makes of cars. Ne looks forward te s.eing you aI hi, tiw location. JIM BAILEY WILL DEVOTE FULL TIME TO TNE SERVICINGO0F FUEL OIL ACCOUNTS - AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. Service Station - Base Lino at Ontario St. D A PHONE 878-241S BÀM JIM BAILEY FUELS 0 878-4821 * îrnterwav ihit gear, hiat an adtir leadier it neetiet. Me'. une Gianîri. iha vuperritedtih1e ian- iis t att year, iv rnahie ta ne- rr Ihitfaill antianyrine inter- etetinl helpia» 1he chiltiren gel a gria titarl la thit grrnîing spot s sk t cntctMr- Chihn. 48 AIIey Rockers Seplember 12 Latiiet' high single, Jinet King 256; latie" igh triple, Elleen MeDringait 630. Qîher giaritisingle&, Merica Ellîtrin 244, Barhb Vertraelc 246, Liarra ine Bacan 238. 016cr gari tiriples, R uat1h Tîvltt 6Ét3. Scaillehumt titn 7 foe7; Hot RIrats. 7 irîr 7; Ko arsa', 5 fi- 5; Drilleet. 5 for 5; Darir Plat. 2 tir 2, Ring plat. 2 foir 2; Heati Plat. 0 or 0; Pin Heatit. 0 for 0. 21YRS OLD? When you turfi 21 youlre no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or f rom the Commis- sion. NEWLY WED? 'Te ifamilyr Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid ta cover husband and wife. Notify your Igroup' without de- lay OR, If you both psy premlums direct, notl* fy the Commission. NEW JOB? To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certif icats of Payment 'Formn 104' thet your present employer la required ta give vo» on leaving. Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE plan @ OttdeRi. Uup Sala, ECmll. WRESTLING ACTON ARENA THURSDAY, SEPT. 22 - 8.30 P.M. Whipper BiIIy Watson vs Sweet Daddy Siki PLUS THE M IDGETS Hans Schmidt vs BiIIy Red Lyons G on. $1.00 Ringside $1 .50 Kida 75c * APPLICATION FORM FOR * PRO -AM HOCKEY LEAGUE Fili in end Reurn te Po0. BOX $8, MILTON, ONT. NAM E ........... . ADDRESS .. . ........... PHONE.............. PREPERENCE: TUESDAY ( ) THURSDAY - Encise $2 Application F. - APPLICATIONS MUST SE UN MY SIPTIMBIR 24 ----- --- i- Tire 1966-67 hria'ing veatrin apitv'iv'latitiîeek ai Milton ui itai ndutIleague huit' ofiiiiv of grl rateriturinMra- il, i'ghl ofibhi'. îeek. Aller praprielar Sian Chis- i Ifrpots10leagici 'all keep lte alleit ha i ltenighl'. anti nne aller niin.a'h îeek îhrriîgh 1he laIl. 'ainlen anti iperngmmnh. but 6theeare ,til ýoie opni liteorneit leaigiaci. ame leagve'.ar'e'short tri lî%rivlct.anti ainvare ivithin» iiin au î (ague van appvtul Mi'. Citîltiolîn. Lait week many ertirred orpen iîuîlîr rî redth e tlice etea' (agi tri piavi e Irp lai 1he ie.îeîîe Lit îlîlh iteguan tht' îek. Mrîîti'.nîpht i,40 Aile'.'Rorck' eîîîîîghi. Tneîtiaî alleinriai Ire I.airet Specitil leagrie hiatrî ani Tîretiav nlghi it raken rip ulflit' Comeriaitivagtiv'anti Rriep.iteeîle.î»ne. Wevilrettia'.igîrit ie 24 Club adlWeilaeiiiai Nilerthri'.tlandi T'uihil', ltihe P. L. Robhert- l',ui('..andi HuIt'Roa".. Fi' (i iffit Eaîr Bliirand Luit' lîrîrl. ithile Raiorrîla.vaIt erarîrr ail etenir,» are ropen (i an'- Mn. Chi'.ltrlm (t hîrain» iiigel nher jîunioîr bowling»leagire 1