C6 The Canad!an ChamipTonWodnesday,-Septwnber 1.1966 Rev. D. R. Nicholson inducted at Campbellville, Nassagaweya Firmn counsel was given to tn thse sermon, the. Rev. D. J. tu begin ta cuttivate a bond ot buSth nesu mnister and. congre- Herbison, uf Ern. emrphasized love with their new pastor at gations at the induction ut the the need et love in the chrc the commencement ot his min- Rev. D. R. Nichotson hiltu the and catted un the congregation isry pastorat charge ot St. Das'id's Camtsbettvitle, and Nassagaweya . TIhe Moderator af The Preshy- in the Preshyterian Church in tery of Brampton, Rev. R. G. Canada on Fridav evening. MeMittan. Knox Church, Oak- The Rev. L. L. deGruot, of Disie Presyteran Churehllt, conducted the service and charged the minister ta remens te induction, svhite the stets ber the meaning ut his ci.l and lading ap lu the induction wcre .icci. ieiiice lo roi' [le iiparraiedbv the ltneiiModer- tat on o etile taili ii1hel lie . ci Lc ilie Revs I. gation ad peac te o Cl. J. Ms. Anerisoin il llakvilli. Qed.' tu tai.kte all aspects ot his h ih ado elsil task and use his Gad.-gisen hlcp i %as estended hv ait nscmbers ut ers, and to rememher Jesus Brampton Prcsbyterv presen t. p rohtems sehen discoaraged. A reception providesi hy the Turnlng ta lthe i.ongregatioIn ladies tothawed. during svtich he remincd îhem that they elcames and goud seistiesseere had caltcd the miaisier; they sleiided ha lthe Res'. R. P. E. ought flot ta sit hack and relax. Jefares, ut St. CeurgesN Angli- Hie ilsked thens tui rcesnier can, Losvvittc. un betial i the tha t their tarmin, iveîisads lsad Guetph Line Ministeriat Assai.. csa nged gr an d lu hbc % ill itian, aand hv the Rcv. J. K. L. ing to make changes in ils McGown, ot Knox Ctiir. s Mit- church's rncihod il nocsais. ton, ais hehalt ut the Miiltons and Hte argei theiss tu pias loi- thet Distict tinisîcriat Association. usinister. recogn seing Isis lia REV D. R. NICHOLSON Asîsiciaim lur the. sr ai k taI nianits' and t ralia. sInei ni Muderalor svas exsîs. Library Notes lsy rnrs îosnphîve johnslon WithScSpîemhcr here. scear reiarniise ts or rcgutar hou, s - ctusedi Wectnesîtas and ulseis Salerdas 930 - 12.00 aud 100 - 530. Tise isspiec ictiaîtsnii orhuais arc ptihliitsd aidei tise raciaal Dis ecti.us elsesîlîcr-e in the papel. Thcestimmeis ias hec,, pical avi andt hicboouk.,iiri.atcî sueti. hit sc arc iîiokiliig lui- ss ardtla hi-irtda\>iioiv. Remember, you ias lake is as magazines. and. il soua can't fint thi anav bi appeat, rerh.,ps si c .uid saggest une Oneveicin-uiiibohuk ih.it camne in fast sîek siiisad ap- sealtuiaansoîi.- ariiarsitts the Kaisaýrtia Likes anid thu Trent Canat. By the Sound of Her WhIstie, John Ci ig,, giws ýminîcresting ai.s.uist ofthe bicamhaoats and ihcir i.apiaiiis sshii.h oul lu irasc i tli. NEW FICTION The Earty Lfe af Stephen Mmnd, Storm Jameaun. tîsti igo. iîsg plat andu harai.icriza tionuni thistaie ofai isîLin' Eniisi- nsaiis i.ali.uiaicl ciîis l u u si- The Kremlin Letters, Noet Behn. Thcsilicrs iii booîk guarasicc i iud ilsu\o cav su t iiit o s i %iiiil i i li iil. AI.ts ondiflic bcsiSd,. TIse Adventurers. tHarold Rab- bina. Avslîhi hs flice aulhiofu Tise Cii pesilagcci, Tu ni,îeslus Niesshiclî The Jamba Sandwich, Chris- topher Bush, oid Canerai and Disgulue, Henry J sci peupisle1 i cqsîred 1 isil ut cil tbi. K. Van Sicktc ail heialt ut Se ccharge. Mr. Ncholson, ainative o Brantord. balk hi s arts staîties iit Waterloo uLtheraîs Uliusei,i la, tien gradaated in ttseotogy trîsîn Knoxs Ciileg-. Toron,nin lie spring ut 1965. Suhseqoeni. s: e sersect as an ordained ms îî av tMelotri.Sask, sum- sc, ieeronti,, tIsiappoin liseli . A astudteni he seivediitBiiiks tatts and Shakespeai c, Oni. Mrs. Nicîsisuýn icones tront Suîîîîncî laiuîtB.C.,and tics liii c touar clitlreii Roger, Doaîgta, Geoitîi and tCals,,. sie jli,tsii, Lis allais. CALL SCHOOL BUSES intnv, j% il o, C R 0 W E n'siii ouîtîs sOne iii 1csiegutioiieiiiiic T A XIs in1 Scptnciihcr 1 i us oi ýd that ailt ratlii. stop our l b hatahasitheiighsis S E RVIC E s idii, t- aiseonrIii i ci- If chool uiutciit,. This 8 78-2992 nsectiîigthe bus i,î%%ctl RADIO CONTROLLED takîîsg t. vEE J~,qiI fi COMPARE AT Ascot Brand - 24-oz 53c Strawberry Jaâm COMPARE AT Easy-Off Spray - 7-oz. Tin 89c. OVEN CLEANER 10-1b. BAG Compare at 39c ARDMONA FANCY QUALITY PEACHES 2"zo.. 3 s$ TINS3 39c 79C COMPARE AT 53e CLOVER LEAF - 7-oz. TINS COMPARE AT 39c - BETTY CROCKER TUNA FISH 2IR' 89c Pie Crust Mix 30R'$ COMPARE AT $1.17 32-oz. Jar CRISCO OIL - - -'99C COMPARE AT Stafford - 9-oz. Jars 37 to41c Assorted Pure Jams Sweet JuiCY SUNKIST ORANGES 3 DOZ. $ 1 .09 Ideal for the Kiddies Lunches and for REAL Orange Juice COMPARE AT 39c COMPARE AT 69c COMPARE AT 36c 3Fs Specially Selected - Value Check'd - Short Cut - Chef Style BRANDED Standin.g. Rib Roast "FOR A PLEASANT CHANGE" - TENDER - JUICY - SI4OULDER LEAN LAMB CHOPS 83 '5911 LEAN STEWING - LAMB------291' Ideal for Meal Loavos or Burgers - Loi - Chunk Style Fresh Minced BASN IS4cl GROUND BEEF 49c l. I SIeNGRB43lb Allen 's - 48-oz. i APPLE J.UICE__ Easy-On - 15 oz. Tîn SP RAY STARCH Appleford - 100-ft. Roll WAXED PAPER COMPARE AT 65c - NESTLES - 1-lb. TIN PLUS 'a-Àlb. TIN FRE QUIK --49c COMPARE AT 49c - 64-on. JAR JAVEX 3 0R99c 59C 31c - -39c 0 SHOP IN COL COMFORT MILTON CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH NOW OPEN MORNINGS ONLY- 9 A.M.-11.45 AM. A few vacanctes remnaining for chîldren of pre-kindergarîen age. REGISTER NOW For Information Cali 878-6175 - 878-2087 METERED TRUCKS FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE WE COFFER BUDGET PLAN OUR BUDGET PLAN ALLOWS VERY LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS. IF YOU ACT NOW YOUR HEATING COSTS CAN BE FINANCED OVER A 10 MONTH PERIOD. *GASOLINEY0UR 9b STOVE C'OIL *FURNACE FUELS .so *MOTOR OILS * DIESEL FUEL 878-2381 FOR COMPLETE ESSO HOME HEATING SERVICE CALL Ay436 A. (GUS) MOWBRAYMAIN ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST 1 1