r~4 Tit asla.hmth;WfmWSmMi SETTLED IN A NEW HOME beside the U.A.W. mosers picked tl Up atilis former resting place Union Centre parkina lot behind Martin St, is beside the Bruce St. seroot and literally drove' tire newlp.ucquired ieadlquarters building of il to the new location. The 24 x 36 foot build- tire Mlton division ot the St. John Ambulance ing mas tormerlp in use as a plortabile rtassroomi Brigade. Builder Charles Matthewns in hown ut the scirool. witir the buiidinq on arrivaI at the site. Tire in ORSA By Mrs.Wilon Watsn ltttt.ghiiitreusetiti-tin.iis ilte tiRSA iii îîîpîuîîsiip un Tues- îi.î, Setterrîer 6, ut Omagir. Kiitrie ui gui un lu mtricotc- i'hrrite ean luroire isais and (li c l clt.iitpiinsirip ai a larer datre. The iirai score outhrie gne\t,83 tur Kilirride. Tieretittius piîehing bir Dase Y erlit, .icing suýiri lie ouîsrand- irn-r petrfurmance ul rire orirer pi.îser, led lire Villagers Iu tireir ictorsv Bruce Bruws.,.long sirh irri semi-final Cam. o îtrii IluAsiores ii iakt Siiiiit,jcrt3uisiloii irii IeIz , %Weli u Jri. The gatis of lire Sucial fîEirhie cir restimed their "ird pairtie, ,i Tîresduy es'enirg stiren Mrs. Wiltrliium Alisonun t .i lstess tri rire grauup. Tirree taibles ut pror gressiv tc'icirre %ore plased si ri e sinners ireing Mrs. Dourg Watson an([ Mr-s Allan Aiîîîn. tienis' Frankrlin (Fraînk)l Tîvk dieu Thirrsciri. ,Sepiemirer t. 966. al rire Jorsephirarnt Me- ii'.il Hositail,i.Birtingluir. lie issîtirs'ivedlrs Iis site, [tire lur inet'Frtce's Stuartiit Kilîriticir' suieIson Ovl H,îrtlev Tuer iiA trîrîrlret. Citîies teteic' lirkiitLake aird olisloir, Mis fiE. Viviin .i Bîîtiîrg lit.an oe grindlatitltoierte Fuscul service uris leld al1 te Sourtirl Fore'ra.i tiurie, 131 Ontaîrri St., Burlrîrgîun, Saîtîr- da%. Seprember 3. Itrerment %%uisin G reentu'iid cemetc'rv. Milton-Lions sponsor rric. D.r ierrm ,îand Can i.lla """,,,,dPeace Essay ,. Bil mul it uta Tic soith tir vihi. Tutun rot R.ager Cîrursun hart aîMitoun iravchrct gucs i cirai- ci Russie Carmpbell irad luugeIoi uevelvppl ras lur- irri tiple. surid pe.rce iv teir locali Li- DiirsritoftOmugl itiia uîn, Cuir - a ciralenge ta in trincer. nugise Omugir cîuil earu vue ni rlem .î S25.000i ut\ rl's it'e game. educativn,îl ,nd/lretlieer .al- t nids l pitrired tie rri.iiicc' vint. ,i te iisr , ing a The Mitron Lioîns Cîri, rîge. 1.tirr i Lio ns Clurts trrî tarrtsvn. Bili Jacksonu viiitlhc'uî rtd. is airrrrt tRbrtisn,cces ut uvtiuiuees,i\ contces r trde Pe,- Wees. suuuld lche isurltufs sruîlli(in tir, inîrt rhanît te parrents unit impoes îrta sîýdubtirîcci vs etý sulii have comie cuit -peaci.. Tire cois îlr vso lhiu teums. urus S59500 n rtotal sards iscltiîd- terri~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i timtig10ie ir he $25.000 lîrst priiie.eigiri (ilrid an Ditrit R- ,cmi-finutlsuvrld regivrî,i au." ilirid usl Dtrir R' rrds ut $1,000 ejeir. anu tir,'îu iAssociation ireid a espeisesoi-rth ire erguit us n te cm i hal on ta Chicaîgo, Illinois,.in Jlis r ueffng. Septemlr 3, 1967. Artnta ime. the lirsi c tees ,gers .rtesdîng. przee cisuer t%,rit bctrcoes rrc %nnerssuecre San'fromntirhe cigiri. Aisu. more tiran .t.onanduOruen Yemm. 20000 loclddstrictcanrl sui' Joncs and Jim Hard- 'leaad % un ors.. Ce,-rcin tire dorr "Wr are taspefultise trivitre andrclRrrînr' Harbirle svirii îicPtc' tuttýiIýi ii tI tire C..îclatî nMusic uu.rtd%d'u l" piestirgc w LionsCliiel On'uMcDrîuueti1uttire Milton Lion, Club saici inan Cn.E. WldINNER couucing tire cantest lîc,îltlli -es Laundan ut Milton d,îs ri irinrabie mcntionin s Tire coisopen i cîring iurcltsg cissesatithe pepl tvu iittli cl4liutitss n Natioînal Esiiiotrn tirn 22 %si vi ees rît Jann- ,a. i-te howced a dua-u' i%.15,19t67, %suas asnoiicnc'du t hrc.lsb,-îcli tri.a.î...i lie prusîdetiut Lion, inter 5.11 irrrî, EtF.lcu.îrcl M. Lieut ses ili Attîvurgirtirelirst irei.' eeks oft Acrgutsteve quiet dueteul plant sbotdowunsand sacations. lioines ,cc usd5 picked up to- rsil e ud of thre munir. Whlte 3 per cent more plaue- suent liane irees eitectedin tire irsi igirl monlirs ol1966 iran ru theb crresponding perivd last %car,.[i iurae cou Id iravus lis grcatli i casc-d if qnatitied up- pircasis hart lies asarlaie.aus- curdinlust vtire Oakiul-Mittuus tut rofItle tNationalt Emptuis n'ent Set-suce. Tire ever-espandirg need for skilleri. 'cmi-skiited and ansirili cd meii. particuisat'in tire 25 Ioi 40 .ge irrup. is a dutermining factorin tbe iiringuof persuins trîum a reas sur.'i as New Bruans. \tick. 'leiiusdland anud uther Aitantrc prîrinses. Tirelucal sirrlge i(A saitable horusing is cuiriatling iis,ctioun i si PIETRO 7oite/Ii PERU CONSTRUCTION Building Contractors 0 *RESIDENTIAL *COMMERCIAL lu * INDUSTRIAL *MASONRY *STONE *BRICK *BLOCK MILTON 878-2294 RR. 3, MILTON culent tv tire deiriiui nifOaki- tille empovsers. Whiile temnale suies and cleric- at vhbs are sccirc, muns trust- irns arre uailrltc' i atrs es. domesies, ira-ird essent unit siccuigu apher-.. As sIervgnapliiccunrses havue agarn siard uuderte tuopu.- esvol Canaulin Vîcaivîrat Train- cfg, il s anticiputed tittcl-t trained giacluales \c uil le usit- aile rut a eutminlirs. Courses itor ap.gnading aa demie standing and iraininsgluit iramemakers ihave aci lmiîte d namberuof'acuuuues opn. lut uas stiaccepi a lest- pptic- contest ,a sciatr.io,. Trîrs inteîrnai- usnai cuncentionrin NursYorkt Tii..P.. îc Pss s Conîcsîi, ruiivted iîrt il igliî %rIi ivi' Pr'esiet MeDuueti aid.î *Orrîcilb',tinnet cill d sînce Itrionrt'.Dis ir.ictAtt con r et i t iis ort lie[ etrrrttI ,i lit e rreimu tple rirsîrici Tire enniesi, sponoiredl is liote tî,îîî20.00 Lionrt'Chiririt mrte tlin 130 coiuiriitires rttire irtee llr lit, iiliebctire ,rîgest Pe.ire Esscîs Cuntrut in te "Tire purpovu' u ttire vttest i, Io r. e. tp .a tormula l t urîrtulpeace IC tie te suec peice s iti, i'ie"pl'eidvst McD'oiuelid îc . 'outial v t liiir siothir , tri n cd f ut p fc'ai.c' ndmu t ttnto us tirai impoîrtant goiat. Ciinte,iitts soirîîîiî slimit lhiu vnttCt it esrt i rrili 11 Ur.esceit5,(MO îuîîts. %%idgig il]rît ait ii t foin- 7~t'rt . 5 7 lti-i cent ic Ille.. rssat"spoînîý ls b c ..dueurtiv to irContent. 10 lier cent l t ri i. tzlo i I 0 perc-i cct I lIisît i ird lvlircent tiect.trc Mr. McO.,\vett saidi. tiflt.'uCic itics snc' gtsc'trrsuitl bc e ruer tIo P iiiti i l ite lal malial onruc ion oliihe 'a\ii "Tirree judges sit] ire appoint- edIoies.luie fticre cirus sut l mle oru. lune ur" Me Mc' Drusuel scuru. 'Il ouuiuurscrrrn Avcance Iliturgi tbe rdinig Stge p titir'theuorrtrin lic sutillreceiveanepuad trup t'> Chicago Ioi attendrth Los Intrat ionncal AiiitiCcitt teitis loir tire tiscît tuîgititi ni hi n aruiu 1.1 It'. tire SIO,iutuu'ul". Me. McDuuell sid ire irrpeut localruong ppi'itle tiruld luIp Itle ciritinge an, eterhi clubs sectiosn ilf i c' coltîr', t. ('icsisg ufilue [or tire clrii's..r.tt tstsDecemlier If. 1966. "Sitîrututtis siing Iîes ur tire cunsttbîuuli .ucontact Lto tliterOrs McDousu-nit t..gel 11111 ni ftire utntesi," irc' sid. Apîîiruuion lurins sii libcvait lir a te iigir Scinrur antdttire Senitot Public Seiruuui. Portable schoot room moves . St. John tinnotiieui ivftire m'ttotty af thitioniansihs oui pourabbi. sctroolraîurr frîrm the ni-tice Si. tuollfiisrsli tifplace andl t rasetled il)ialresusite Ttr'stav iiliirtriig raifast îueek. l'liete rip' looîk tess rirait 15 minuîtes, suaciii many wiliiessed the muse. Tire building suas sold recetît- ly ire s ussers, Miltron Publie Schoul Board, ru the Si. John Ambulance Brigade for $1. hl will lie. used as a meeting hall and headqîiirters , or ftie netuls- fr irtig.ile's s in iMil- Iluistrît ln aire ptterundt mciv cri alil îai r ule lu a lietd Il,, iitd (rire Local 1067 Uinion Cen- rre oil Martin Sr., tire trame building arrised sirbout s nieh as a scratchi or ai brobaîr winiosu. A nii eqssiîitîiil îcing [ilfi, Mcltlîeîss ut0t.atrystall'. rî al ntru (lu the cieLs' job ut transpurting tire iiilîl- îng ru tls nesr'home. The Maltiieius irrîîhers, Char-- lie and Ruger. are expstin rireir fieldi andi du finie ecs irîîrbuilinîgs,and iheass* equirment.Lait iîstlî cîone, irev nioîeuicuwIo ir011similiti 'rit Onit ii. Expterierice tl lin lsiu%%ire a.idtilurus tr jaick [r ltie ste-uiet tbuitling titi .)ilsc'ernetîIuti tîîci, r rîtuitire- nuts iltuî andî 11L-Iwo caruirirsng licani, anduov hui rîîk on tireir hic Mi,diesel îîîck oiivclts il awîsTirev sutportfiecil reul isv uni B. t ir-ieam,, ch 50 ce', liig anrd 12 nh, uae Tise muvers arrlved on ihe job ali 7 .nr. andci lissirîtIvafrer tise oc tac t ries' md rh' 24 irs Manor W.A. wil attend convention 'S cli'cil srrr l lii li li'n. ' c lie 1 in tLoncrîri Sep , c'lber 26r. 27 andr 28,.%a irel, Li t iir' Seiemhber me'etin.g oft laltun teritenni.il Maiir u -a ien' Ausclii\ rt tesîdent Mr,. S AIlelitc i l ll ,%e rr c'e c'c't' c ii'iiis ii ir. lireo and i crid (il Ms Se'pt enihber 27. The presiidenSt lurmec thei. Axiisrt1bait ..l H) im resi. dent'hact enj t dthe recont ris trip ilie .îiiilir spinsuied. S b i c uail il ropen lin-ii ii, 1 clier 22 aind i e, huped t ma fic ..aprissible uitl cî,sIeIIO )t c.ch Thiodalîst,> help. AI. ttheeitir' sceg assrl ie pr,' .'î R'îl l.î i~lie]c Iiiei Alic t lnic' .i"itr GIFT UDEA 0 FOR THAT BOY OR GIRL IN COLLEGEI See ue spetial showing of handy travel.aiarm clocks Ce gmt 'erm up on imte. Leather covered and piastit models Chas fold up in own case. 184 Maie St. Milton headquarters finds new home 36 root building, ready ,uagu. Union Centrc in the top part of Union Centre visitors snd St, 1fri a police escîrri oling the fietd. John members cani share the 'iack irallie, tsey drove tire Tirraugir Dr. Maris generos- parking faediîlirs. Thre Union liîiliig acrois Br-Lce Si.. iheti ity, tire St. Johnr Amsbulance also approved the siraring of utasci Main St. ta Mitîside Drive. Brigade was allomed tu place tireir parking lot. Tire butitding blrreked irattic for teir 'building adjacent to(tire The Brigade wili sas erect a tess thon licve minutes oin tire SSw parking lot t abots tihe sîgo puiniing the way ta tineir main iharougirfare. St. John volunteers hadl ctear- ed a disemay int the fietd on a the sortir sîde ai' Mitiside Drive, su ;t suas neccssary ta transport the heav lad up the beavite- iravelled Martis St. Tire move - quircis had the rumuinplace and il %va,s levelted lis Il a.m. ,li' e sers ite 0[Illie building s pari out unirati scourrurnis lnosuu as "Martin's Flats". Dr. C. A. Martin owns tire pruperty aind reeivmade asagn r nient wiih tire Local 1067 Union iii ose an enirance off Martin Si. esietire C.P.R. iraeks andî lrîild a parking lot lor their neîs OikIspud A queer-shaped purato suas îlrg urp ast suek hv Ed Jones rît 69 Ring Si.in rire gardnsbc- Ititru iis home. Tire sprid. meighing rirree and ca hall truands, suas sirapeit like auinock, complote mîtir ieait and hodvî Is' even raiir tike a ducir. Tire resi ' tr ire-rop %vsasnormal httire'Joîncs and iteigiriurs bacceirad a I eu latîglis user tire odîd (Ilre. Harry likes steak... Bernice likes fish... and 1 CAN'T Cook 'em Both SO CALL JOYCE'S Steak House 878-3622 32 Bronte St. - - - - - - - - - - - The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about home heating. Are yau curfrtned about homne hpatirg f uels? What witir everybody and bis brother telling your how economicai, convenient, quiet aird automotic bis partieurlor 5stem ts, you must feel like flyiug south for tire wiîrter. But if you has'e to stay anti face a raid, bard wirter (lit-efrost nofcrs) better read these cold, bard facin, Wood and coul are pt'ohably thE .nost ecarromierri furels ta hsy-but thc'y"e irisa ihe least elicietrt. Aird soutier' or lter yarî'iî get tir'ed of slav- ing us'er' a îlirty furitce-ihen whot? Yu u riciroavebetmeerr a iiquid fuiel or no'eaileîi "flanreless" heating. Or naturai gos. Al of thym cdaim ta ho the bent. Who shuuld yau believe? Initial installation costs are hîgber for liquid furet equipmerrt than for gas. &u gas uit bas fewcr nîos'irg parts, reedu less mainîterrance aird therefore lants langer. Ia order for "«flameless" heating to comipete in operating cout, it requires extra-thick insulation throughout the home. If your home bad extro-tbiek insola- tion, no matter reliai kind of heating system you use, you'd natuî'aily cutr fuel touts, With extra jîrsulation or normai insulation, a gos heating sys- tem meurs laiter fuel conta by for. You neyer bave ta seder raturai. gsa-it's always there. A good, oId- fagbioned Canadian snowetormi cant stop natural gitu fram beating your borne. Starms con atop trucka. They tort alsa knock out power Uine-and very otten do. Uniesa you bave your owrr generator, '1flameiass" eatingean give you the raid shouider, juat when yau need a warm bouse. Let'e face it- natbiis ao depeutdalule ia natural gas. Witb modemn gaa heating there are fia bot atrd caid "loyers' of stale air. Dont and dirt particles tan ba flltered t ram the air and bumidity controlled. Wouldn't you ratIner have a heating system that took caeaof tbese vtal furet ions? Wben yau get right down to it, madern automatie gaa baatiung bathe edge in just about every daparimnt. Burt if you're atill flot convinced, may- be this will belp; if you inatall a gaa conversion humner in your eiating fur- noce now, or itistoil a brand-new gag design furroe-we'Il spread out the tout of the installation in eaay montbly payment-aver 5 years if naadë ha. Unlesa yoo know someone who'l chop your wood for free, you wont get a botter deai than tbis-anywberel Why noir moka ithe witch to natural gos bcating right n0w. UNITED GAS LIMITED Gos niais lte big (contfortabe) dfferescq Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be suire youn family ees Expo 87-April 28 to Oct. 27 at MoatuaL THE CHABTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUB COMMUNIT KILERIDE Pee Wees oust Omagh lirrit t Roince r ipe Ln1 r .rrît lt'unirr ie Ct b.rr ît d rit Ruiii ici Cii .1ot dacin.dr ihrs te Bniiici i More job placements reported in August I NOW READY PEARS, PLUMSI AmND GRAPES-J Braeside Farms 8826 7244 BELL SCHOOL LINE I8826 cris hpatlqntrters. Mîosfstau tuili tu&abirleuIo ee 10as nhey drive along -Martin St. Tire mari intererting sparts- tors aftie mocoing were cihid- zen ai tire aruce St, Sciroal, mny out hmir hiad neyer sers a bruildang driving up tire road before, Tracirers brougirit tw ciasssroomt nf yuungerebidren outside ta tee it trace tire sciruol property.