Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 1966, p. 12

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B4 'Thm Canadian Ciimlipinn Wthtneîqday, Sepembier 14, 1966A *One of Milti xc iri nis ch, Ie l ilil c Maiin Si. blxiii M r andl Mis. Hamiliton han, building a'id i îenusalionî. nI' sinrea- i% git siloic. Mi a lllal i i-' uil l Id 1:1' li. M iiSi.. liii asalaîl i- asur Iloli9 l One -old cdock remains JeweIIergy store 71 years in Marchand name tn'-n oldcsl *hîîîl- Milton lu look uver flic ' own ili\*ad pricer ,i ii 1 Iiii o. ai-Nliiow lic ýaus alvvays arnund Ini ilium days, aving flic pro- anîd lhey dep ianged bauds ibis alid C. E.. Wlilen jevvellery i' ci i elieni. l>OICiiail Il i iisipec ili,, seas a voulh, aind l vlieru11- lime ai the Posi Office mon lOwu's tlne publ liai 72 vears as iurss ihal vas beiug ufferet fi-ic iiv '.it)ý iin'i e )iuîli-,itasiiîil rkr e lcuaèlinua id îvi-ukiiglitimpiourtantl, becamîme nutlln' a-a os 'redil~~~~~ ieies il.i i'.Iliane ms'lie braili lti Iliemire as scianîls lie nias big 1011 d afurd lu curry imepieces weekly jaunis1 ()IC stoie ai 2241 A mo1)iffii xii, fils soniiMain-l i iilîilSiln-r ialies wivil il iniigli Io infiiliaii'ia case Iii _____________________ iain uh o.e'Ross Bi'aliîicci ii'reralandalalosudl[lie.store Iliti 1viîîi saliil i il love uni' nilie klook over Illesnorhumstatio ck, u Rb~ ri)irn as servud i e public iliiriigh 1-i lies. 1Ihave alsii il,(ieneiredin 1ii932, siiovili' alilehis ail r and Prug - lh Rs rle(if huse Invo geni'atiiins andl 72 abai'ii il lieLt iii 51o ilerwriae. alard, andl an il fur 32 vasGrnuuynid iswiruîess ýe puichased the years. suiiialil e iin li eeiuntiliebuciumed il iaîlv 15 of ibis ;;Ilumu. Thal wayi lluxvinu ,extenie Emile Marchand, ai bhe age ni aviiaî ilii i eseeliIlulie ap- yeaai. mal n disrepairIhliesga vrupiighe10, came lu Canada roui is iii'eni.ieal. V iii iila a solsindhui ooklng bock on his nfilie- ýSix men and une wuman, un- and nove the li veiery, chinaanid nalive Svitlzerlanci. Uli earned iilIs l-10il 'îlicne lil le (,I'iEn-fiiin Ilili e nlierre business, cl ureman R. H. Eliiol, per- staion, i. Bîancicr is a lic: waclmaking Iranle ai Kil- gagie"ell i i ie-s an il Jerbeau Marcel Marchiantareitalsuîiaim' rmed Iheir mumi-annuai du- And the ciac lik a;IIiaainiiaenrti lia laniod ilPeneai iiiiil arilels. li) illiiillirilIoi liappi linies, tics as Grandl Jury lasi meek knowu lu0lie Lýii ; rad ,raill e W. liai liiii*-l I~iil Aiii eeli lelisli Wa 1ia I -ai I li ,- Fo'ris lli l n 1914wniuniMli- asheu Ile >'vîîîrnedilu lieir report engigneers unthe il ai mii li ail in îirn lii sa i i î". a-i a- a-llI' la l-i la' i' - 1 îsi lii ue i ua ie nIiii lllnoi i 's iîiilia hiiild aloiile-r:lie k file tiiii i ,Ilansl\]IaieLoi il Ill LI r1 11,' XI.aaaî .aîîl Mli ll I ,iu. îî'a aîMai. Iiiî'aia )ice nn'ils. liai luni."M i- île ali "iiaeaiaiîi ail lia Ceaîalaaaa l l i nI aLil kiIa. ai liis'lin, . ilitiliý- \,Z" 'iiev'leiiîil ir aibal lie dci' Punis. Thev ci. liev liane nnaîclied al (ad~a. ii Kn (il ho ii laln.Ailta lock .. ilieilil iii' taillel'r-ai gy ad disrpair, hut nuled Jia lion. They smu i, Marchands Mr. Marchand Ili ni-l ra i sa itiz ii*inieecl." ail I)[ iele paris lit) 111111Ille a nese -iwocounly buildingis înnly cdock helîî uiigbusiness, is tiacte lu Kitchiener andllaichnn(t leoi idsrta e in Sunda *v allai'- Inalis upencal a storeaPesîaî I Ms. rlv Inn, 11 ilize n i loi eMnicelrshendeisnannILha - nsuhe planingficelae a ndsrtIhe lie iaiaiig icînulerIli 1894 ChanrleWîieua ia aWhitele liiliil puti aie amalitailir h'ilillal ia. Islgclu ofcesoche be Ao enlb 'o inl aech- iaele 'busiessin Mlion Lt, 'iasaIlalirin t li lics Ia \%ail itraiManiaiE.F.F Pari mfliciiai- ialion Cuunlv Child Welfare world war Maic irer hi Eaîie I oM. gl 11(iiii 'Miihadý,tMiltuun, a liiiliadil adaisticinî nal îîî rilv singinieflie pendailam lai Agene suais ruporîrd, anal the geslorder 1i a 'id bs bkela i i al aialEaîil M~ae iiil îî, 1 ilillaie lea 1e t1k sel the abri. i îionu. jurair cimmended Ihal addî- whlen tbu lown a naIn. lani i(i iaelahui l I lie .î ;L, ai ca . Alî'aîîî',l Oîîe iiiMarel jsui.nis sion tilunal anal pruper lacilities lu hunor MIIIo O' i 2,'8141[iefolov Iîoiiieaal aura alin as 1the cliii. as iýi l ad îî should lhe made avoulable aI Ibe Marchands stol 18a4 îmn'aag îaa.'IlO ,ax101 .0 m ves r akiiîe. vsas Ih\a nk (vvce ilearlies cmnvnuience. s tecue irings lor - pacical v in. -r I. nd i 'l al lDia Sa rlla lilii tie stoare. Ai 'sacIli12 inclinai. Tuele ases appearun the Iliefamilles oi bo tIitIieLiil't.I.an li,-.lasi nia'. IonsL the alic i n.. iîg. These incide une rapl-, Siniîavîv aii 1 Ile aieC. . Wba.it all î1îîî ilîsiiesil(,%poia andirai.allair i- air ca ii' Iiila lienguuwi.lk Ina, riinial iegligance. sevcn imac une Mac uil ,il i)cgiýiNi l ii'Il,- ' l", i' Poîi ale'alai rsiiliS' lllak o ( in-itir-iis n valving ui vomunir- 0,slotr Ihu velur -1e\ iod a I n uo- ias. il a i ln' llîîrîl. \iMîî ' . Ili.la nan lin g ie. aii .Ruger Plulumv a HOMELITE XL-12 culs 121 logs ln la seconds leille lies up tla Sdn dlameler Weiglim only 12 IL lins .bar 5 " Donsu dzems of woodculling cimres. " Perectlie baineed for Bang bondi-nu. " Rued dics- n xi stands ap ta boîdoxi use. Gel àafre. demonuleaf ion Iodaoî! MILTON EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. Boxn1090 MILTON, ONTARIO 878-2121 School bus safety stressed throughtout Esquesing area Mlotoisis ouertaklflg morap- Once the ptipils are lu -froni ni iiioi.a.lae . aciloüi bnus anu li the lie han.les stop and aaialthe aili CnticlLa opaio.a nny tîo5ph ail-lear signali rom tbe lus nî lîril irai Ili.iligI g hlîsin ion t d ichar balance bei arums tbe l'iais %iemiikili - '[bis aýiaii h lm, lighnaiý. Hecaie (ho bilal ccl lleai Sa'ili'lier 1 idîîanl'î he a' la'siîpîea inaîfront l thebuai. AL. aIlis nes nul a-are appiouching a ýIiooI fitalla'toi vsîs lme i ýte igbi 10 pvorud. rlla' . ai,. nlîaiiinIer ur il.1I lana l le%. alacie t i liai las ltld ' Ia I l a ppoin 1lil lai ilill il .a'll li a i hlali iil lal iaai aCk (A L ',la,- ol) l'l n , Ilen ima lor l ii b"anlic n ah india ibii "av ;la'li- ai-a-jjýj liaînii îaiiî' la;iestopli în'.aia'althe'aaiiiaal ia'ide Aallen pilia i ao a iia i ii s liiinl liv tilii n i n li i LAIl Liîs ueln. îiIihi î, îî'îî-îîîî ,lie l.,isbîîa e anal iii1'bi Ai tibis Iaal ii'slom inai î'-1-1, liailiil al im ,e a d i v 'l'iii seili"i aî l la n a1" îii lîlai iti inlai Iilpip aita "Ilîaalallîiî~ilaîeasîîlau,1i Wlhlh creasea L, il lîîîirîîi "11(>, fi 11î.1mîîîla' îîîîisI aind i ili liotalil salca'iCiiig ahîis _111.le ai 11iii ai-ai linial a i wiiii Riais iM illa', .1 a aaaaîaîî Ina lilil. n lîîil î an .aa e %illi ollia i oiaard alla-l lII ý,Ii ami l1.1% io isn s lias I n' 'lisalai laliana- pli. 1;ioa îaîî il o Ilea' l ais a î oîîaî il, ri diaî n thea'pallier îmoa'i- 2 1,,, I llaiai ,, i la-n a s i sllol bus. cii b'aaIlaînr.a . 1,dk-ii iis airnls e rpussed coq- I 111Aania ll lia' sa 0111C.îîî nl liî a il o liea'mi lias slo ai h siia I iinlai - ail iii usai ie ibi'he l%% vigiilai lanid ii vni.'a h,% I lnales. bîaîî itli, .ac lîmpetil bit sîlin. vr n iial1 lenIri lia. is îîîaa l %îs nail boc leaîîîr .ale 1 [Iai'î 'na' loailtaaîîi ail Ia-e athe Iligimaa Aa I in oalnlal' ii neo v arcte n] îi'ho have huen Ihul rivaiches fI Allhoogh theu handi. one old main in Ibe si glenn a "place lie front door. lie nînder ils ni hen Mcr. Becr diaurs ni bis ni Mr. Marchand âage novbhe ma i s bhilev 1010 vears nid.J lisi eiler la slice, nsialied iiadvrieguala lia pasird un lu Ibm Emilu MarcrelMarchan Ba aaniris ilis1 -l'Il in the 1 age, iihoaaian liariiang iherc oa aludos Mr. Ma ir înhrcaiî due Io a sa .Id limepiece kepi ilîr novrea ahandai alanan dlocks anîd %ns pairs. -ise buser Chb.mpauîî ias -Tue bucke'v awnan. and ire il arinahi'Oclohl pended on the ali cluca, dred nf bis iwice- tu the cailrood and a 'fciend, Gra- iaonched a xem vbult one of the 'crystilsels' in y lici'ccud calch .i f rom Aclinglun long woik lu the oci was niwoys c ehiable. 'The ne C.P.R. oseal lu uiie alches ii Ar. Mnacanîd'e- anîla sur il seu ai the local sla- id Ihat wos the acun Torontuoandl .pl pecieul lime." end of lhe second 'cel gui 'the big- ener wculu op" ncooncil decidud tre soppliedalai the sarnicemex home, plus silvur ci hm' cunil tu it buse whnî aid Ilie end ni wocld rchanals sopplied 20 Regina walch- crani. He belignes and Chacun euxe- 3nly twu still alle Iable lu preserne fromn 1918. stuce ih chaxging id cinci. will re- ltove andl wiii bc ulo honor" inside ,.The cck siili ; f11h uwnersbip -cler upens the .uw business. nd cannoI teill Ibe ced to'neweilue John Fraser, the tumon fvum bai nif the Ainsian- oricock. Iluc oCharlie White, Marchand. Ihex ald, and sui Mr. spvoud usiner. rgacdiuss ni îbeir a i romembur tbu ai nionai. sas nul on themil"con.- Aarhand. Except ainîving the %var alia nul upevaîr irciv ni parts,tbu h as senstan lii i lime. Mv. Mar, Sused il lu sel alrbus aller re- Lrs hop llivugb siliods. :veason uni lia sescpecIrd in the )lr i. FIRST NAME IN QUALITY LAST WORD IN STYLE COLOR TV SALES -- SERVICE i$ For Your Best Deal Try STE WART'S 348 KINGSLEIGH CRT. MILTON PH4ONE lb Easy 878-2452 Budget Terms Wish ta Extend Congratulations and Sincere Best Wishes TO ROSS BRANCIER JEWELLERY UPON THE OPENING 0F THEIR FINE NEW STORE ON MILTON'S MAIN STREET Best Wishes To Mr. and Mrs. ROSS BRANCIER on the Grand Opening of Their New Jewellery Store And a sincere "Thank You" to Everyone for Their Continued Patronage over the Years. M. E. MARCHAND As Goneral Contractors for Ros ranclor Jowoflry New Store WE ARE PLEASED To Congratult. Thom and Extend Our Wishes For Their Success. Iliil RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. 854224 - Campbellville Our Congratulations fo Ross Brancier Jewel.ery Copeland Lumber BUILDING SUPPLIES WE ARE HAPPY TO ADD OUR WARM GOOD WISHES f0 ROSS BRANCIER JEWELLERY GEO. BUNDY Fuel Oji 878-6912 Electrician CONGRATULATIONS f0 Ross Brancier Jewellery This Beautiful New Store is a Distinctive Addition to Milton PAINTING BY .. . GIL VANSOELEN Phone 878-6137 M1L TO0N 0 0 We are Pleas.d f0 Have Been Chosen f0 Instali the Distinctive Brick Work ut ROSS BRANCIER J E WEL L ERY AN EXTEND OUR BEST WISHES FOR THEIR SUCCESS R. DEL NIN 405 Broadway 878-2192 MASONRY CONTRACTOR

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