MARRIEO RECENTLY in St.Alphonsus Chuch, Peterborough, mere Joan MarieMcPhe daugter of Mr and Ms.D.R. MPheof 22 Niven Ave., Peerborougb aed Frank ONeill, sueni Mr. and Mns. William ONeill ni 369 George Si., Milton. St. Aiphoasus Charch, Peter- borough, sas the' scrie ni the Augut 27 nouat weddiag oi Joan Marie MePhie ted Francis 0'- Neill. Joan is tht daagbier of Mr. anîd Mrs. D. R. McPhie oi 22 Nein Ast., Peerborought ansd s a leacher ai tht Ontario Sehot for the Deaf. Milon. Tht groom is the sua nf Mr. and Mus. Williama ONeil oi 369 George Si. Milon, and is- ptuscd as an Air Tralic Coîsirol- feusuith tht Deparmenicof ASH Harvest services held at Palermo By Ms. George Pelleterlo Harvesi Home Scrvices si rt hetd at Si. Lokes Anglican Cburtb. Paleumu. Sondas- asll Ru. J. Siapies of Palermo Un- ied Cburch as focal pi tachtr fou the murniaf sersvice. Rt. E. Milis condacled the cs ening service. Mr. tnd Mrs. Robera liacel- band, Mr. and Ms. B. ats asît Luane. M. tnd Mis. George Pel- leiierio and famils - Jot Pcllet- teio and Mr.and Mis. Sam Reid ted lamils ataded the sedding Salurdas' of ithir repli- est Keitb De Mois and Diane Garuard ai Christ Church. Mimi- co. Robera Wheelhaad %%,i lo isi. Tht recepiion isas field ai Anbons 's Banques Hall. Lake- short Rend. Mr. and Mrs. B. Oaies andt lamils- isiîed Suadai' alîcrasoon vit M. and Mn'. George Samith and famiiy of Rockwood. Tht U.ÇiW. of Zîmmeunsan Churcti wtt heid as the hont oi Mus. Gordoa Sinclair Wednes- day afiereoona. Piltes astre madc for iwu forihconîing scdding reteptions. Tht Benaett lamilv ueunsosi was held Suaday aternoon ai Duedura Park in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patr- son ceebraîed ibtîr iourih sîcti ding anisersary un Stemher 8. llite Ettiig Branch ori hi. Lukets Women's Ausliai s stas heid Thursday nighi ai Il home f -Ms. Evels a alt(:. Plans meut nia-de for the suiai- hers social tas bc heid aa the Pansu>,I Hall iis sîccEttîti. The cliLii-, ja sa a Trani.sort ai loîuit,a iiiiesii isunal Ast-port. CarnatSsions lurIll Rev. E. MeSherri', kShk liciatud zi1 te lei letiii sila organit îles itsitclieit Sssiu i Anahons le Noble ang Ld Diii s, Aniatiscuis. Aie MXar i and tl O This Gai'. Foi heu 's\isl -ll lise '1- i clcgaiii liu,, lcigti li .il sheaih outI iik Cýites ssci. pelu 4i.nge. The. llseil cd \las aisiiieti îse lckîs. si- ciaebîîeci lelc.i.i,ic A eio lesîrgila szitiaaieslîsî in u suE oaganza si-s- caoghi Imi thetwisis icHietousaisi sceL ,i ol sik iluissin, shisisîteIiiestis sîîsiclicascîs casghi us sLU i%%hile ruse uiini mdo,,na Sitcarricti.salthouquecÀ' iii iii ssietiheat rras surrooiiieii it whiteebusN-an rtheîaaums. The bride was saities1 l\ Iili itci. Ms, Casoîsi lcPlsiu. .1 Peterboarouigh s- Miss Piuic,.s Xlehie al",s('lI Peterbhoroaugh ,andsiXli- Ml.î i,i- et O'Neill, 's'tel iiil Ile s'si ut MiXtonîî,.i.lis, ls.l is iteiiilriissleistl \s,] I- hiai-. Tish -' ii ,.i rie gs iis si ,ci ssi t ssi, Ws i (li i' i tigihi il X;tl 's, \,Ilî ,i XlIc 'hic,, hiolIli ,~'l c1 , Illi- anid tiailin liNu-ili.i. li il' i the lroorasi ,ics Fottowîng te weddiîîg.csiimiii. ceptissu i n te ta ps t,, i Petieiboioiiy 63sîîlî I le- t-or the is\u k hiiiiic triptu 5Ltiii ipe Illie lii ic klut pient absi -'iici a tos ol \ilte LtI)clll(J ch ids. OGsilc~-irs- ssii 0li,,'li Ihcl'esîIflo aist sss-sc'.- Among Ilt uegosis c r, lise blidei', fi siitiols 'ls itrulsai hil, i sl li illi s lIIi, i gucsl i 5,ii,clisis 'i, Tlintoil \1Xli1o i ,. f 'i Ho'pkins-Peruscello A lhuncymounestoauMouant swhite access.arieý Airy Ludge ini the Pocou Moue- of white ruses. tains ut Penasylvanla follawed For thse honey the recetl edding ai Gloria hride chose a il Liliîîa Peruscello tnd Ronald easy auit [calai James Hopkinis. The bride is the anid trimmed v îiaughtr oE Mu. and Mus. Lindu Her accessuries, Pet-'ueilu oi R.R. 2 Campbelt- lier corsage wis vil le, aed the grsotia is the suis livait ruses. li Mir. andi Mis. James Hopkinis On tlieiir rotor ci 416 Oaik Sit, Miltun. i esisicace li tif8 l'ho alar ut Hou' Rosaiy Ca- tli. lliuiic ChailcIs, Miltun asass Lic- llie edtinigl ssiaied ini ielliisuandi white km' ite g rouie 's mnis toithie dîsiblhe-i iag cerc- Hîspkias. Anîi essîa-y, rlriii aciihi'Res. Fsslier froliiOakî'iiîe,1 J. J. Miii*ilis. tons, Calmilonia. Tht bride. , iîli litilssiii îe Ic'- l vr h iîe,kliiie. "ie. IL;I allî I , kîi bidc h\ W ,. R \ýLu eniitice( %vi lb ce cni:ii si M. Iisîpkiîis li-'l tii'and irlit- f000 ltuied ia eiîîsIlo\vul- .Ac [Lice patiel icli iaseaietl ufrMon JBtiev" Ille hack acckliet.' Her Iieaî- Irs .Bilv piec wis ilNhtc.M. Sacilîlis ais e lîsc sa sisltesi [siti-i -nMI,. F.A bride',ibouqstc\il utîl e l fli lit 1111111'arle a d'e % r uii islî pcii ir r 1l,1i l o lie c"sî'sin. 'le bhi su-. " î Iî , .îs. Iî.î L'il Rlttiiis- \%Iililaîîs al i i îl- or. R î1î>c 55.'- ivC Il.a1 i- ) vilitss. Tho\ lik,, ini %iietl cii-i h acîsî.s 'iV,iiie. 5555ti IIlliC c 'klit. ko' ii. lg illîsss . thel. l "l ,. ssi- lac e % sî-. Ii, lie k'fi '55' Theîîîs groms 1, i- hi ii i ut hM l it \ i lit- i l i . -s ilt\ u O k ieil ci ,i n ( -\Ir.ktit\., i lii d atil i ii ih i,Iit rd is5 i N's.i his i Iî'îs1,11 ii ssIlle 11 i il]l.î Iiîi l \%aler he re0 >Il l" rls ,- lie iî- ss-l ie aie s l ir lcie 'lie isi 0i e-111e -Msk eeî Xlie, Fiee l cier.tgi.'l,1111,l issu ltiiý,l Th' 'as .it ed tic,1 i -îîuîîii .I ii -a lr- P or ,sîl , J 'si asiii ci lioo ti, - iiîîIîi MIli,-î )[0 t] SIii elstij 3 ,îj.îî l 4. , gro i he s A ThR A. JONSON -cr rsL.Pru Tuesda Afie roo1] Thu lrsdlayE\%"enig A 184 MAIN T., MILT l Septeniici 281udM24 s, aed a corsage eymoontritp, tht two pleetflied rieg [ail sîteves euth white lace. ; ere swhite anti as of ted sweei- sa,1 ti' louokut' UBionateSi., Mfl- cake suas matie niolîer, Mis. J. ang the guesis Toronte, Hamil- Hespeler. Miii, brities palerîîal inarriage. a-' i -l.-iîsî.Miss sidamuelsas- iiitr iiiscellan- vscoliesieti hi lis. L. Huîll, Mrs, ti Mr-S. J. Haîlî- tArnoltd and Mis. emisrhsuo i -s Explain history of qulits for Scotch Bock Institute The Seplember teting nE tht Scotcha Bluck Womea's Instil- ile mas heid ai tht hume uf Mis. David Lamsoa wilh a gued alleedance. Mus C. Rowney pre- sided. Tht roll tait nais "Brng y-'tr nidesi quil adfine ilis hisiury". Final plans 'ee made lor te Milton Fair- exhibi ad for tht convsentionaia Guelpha, aise lor honing a boaih ai Roy Cornes l' lii ies ussietinlavro ii.iiIi1isiOcIssiiti Ila tui h ii i piillin iii lic uichi i ci n s' a Pojcci iiIlle Wsissstiss tnsliîiîes in seîliitf colite spîssns ecgaescîlî-ih Caada's tuai-ni arms. The hîstorleat rescai ch tua- s--es sý, Mn'. Daividi Lavsosuanad Mssý. Douglas Robesisoîs had i-, P'hoto by AI Betis iRON HOPKINS are seen cu Iîinq the weddinq cake :ent 'iarrage in Holy fosari' Church, Milton. The sos of Mr. ancd Mis. James Hopkins cof Milton amd ih onier Glorsa Peruscello, dlaugitter of Mr. and cell of Ca', pbellville. raeged ýans interesiing prugramn anîd iîad a large dispiay nf quilts f rom severai peuple of the dis- trict, ate bt'gave the hisiory periaiaiag to each une, Mus. -D. Lawson gave an le- formnativepaper on quilîs and liad mai' ilustrations la eharis ni poileras. ted aise shumed several biorks made uap uf dii- lereal styles. A deliciotîs lunch serned i'y tecenamisice in charge hreughî thic eajyahit ai icrîuon le a Hospital W.A. collects $80 Dorîng the recetirec sirec i dancc hcid ai Milton Plaza an con s-in i lbMilsua's Olti FashiueetiDaiis prîsgram, svue- ie iclaiedti iaoiigh lb' C rucltocuilecatlonationas i- st-s iltolsn Distr icit Hospital M.A. lirsiicis. M. Dieger. ciîaii înci the Piaca Mesclianas Asociatiiîn sslis.iisiîeditedanscereport- citeld e eceîîc-d sierS 8f in tiosialioniiilingI flitevn isif A irg raccesisîic-iisiat he -t's casvI'o llae sanI a in PTit Cîxipion. Cali 878-2341 hel iie'iîissi Tiestsai'anddaicour- s ad jL-tisei stili assisi sou. The Canadien Champion, Wedneésday, Septemhber 14, 1966 6l3 SISTER, BROTHER GRADUATE: Miss Irene Schenk graduated f rom Brantford General Hospital School of Nursing recently. She mili oie thte nursing staff of Milton District Hospital. Gerrit Schenk recently graduated from Calvin College in Michigan, and receiv- ed his BA. in History and English. He is teaching at Port Col- borne Higit School. They are the daughter and son of Mr. and Ms Geri Sckenk of Kngsegh CourtMilon. *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEY-mS PHARMACY e 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 - ABter Hours 8786961 FREE DEUIVERY - REVION COSMETIÇS K.H. ELSLEY, BSc, PhM. Increasing your living space? You cao quickly instali dlean, flameless SUPPLEMENTARY ELECTRIC HEATING for less than it costs to extend your present heating systemn. There are many heating units to choose from - contact your qualified electric heating contractor or: Your Milton Hydro Electric Commission LIVE BETTER ELP2CTRICALLY MOTRERS!e AGAIN IT'S BABY BONUS CONTEST TIME MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE PARTICIPATE IN OUR FALL 1966 BABY BONUS CONTEST JUSI PAY FOR ANY PURCHASE. SMALL OR LARGE, WITH YOUR BABY BONUS AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE, FILL IN A DRAW TICKET WITH YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND AMOUNT 0F CHEQUE, AND DROP T IN THE LUCKY DRAW CONTAINER IN OUR STORE. ON SEPTEMBER 24th A DRAW TICKET WILL SE PULLED PROM ~ I~ THE BOX AND THE WINNUR WILL RECEIVE THE AMOUNT OF HER BABY BONUS IN CASH. 200 MAIN ST. 878-9261 FULLY AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT !ESTINGHOUSE -i CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES COLOR T.V. SALES & SERVICE IST. 878-3221 dVîmart 6// aWo W'hts the First Important Stop in Permanent Waving ? A n analysis of the hair before the wave is begUn -and onlIy ditexpert ça"dod ill. Th's why you sheuld.. CALL US FOR AN APPOINYMENT FusionBeuty Leunrge At 171 Main St. Phone 878-9533 -------------- j