,!CORNIY 8R2 The. Canadian Champion, Wedmesday, September 14, 1966 RaIIy Day Ôopens year for S.S. By Ms. James Hainihon and Jamie Snow; Sixlh Ysar gamre b v a score of 165 over RallY Da * vmas held atI Hornby Thomas Marchment; Sevenîh Oakville and the ihird gamne 6v Ulnied Cho'rch on Sonda , Sep- Year Betty Jean Morchmenti~ a score of 90 ove Dixie. Il he- li il, 1 'w ili a good attend- Elghth Year Debbie Neelands; final gamre in the evening the% ancv.-.'Tie CallIo1< Worship and Ninlh Year Robert Wallace, plased iaPort Credil Iviiwi Invocation Pra er vvere laken Cathsy and David Neelands; Ten- %von b *v a score orit6I-.l.'Tie lis the Soperiniendent or the 1h Year Joyce Wilson and Dar- Hurnhv leam o %as pieased lis Sosnda 'v School, Mrs. Abert lene Leslie; Elevenlh Year Carol have vvilhih em lir local av Ma~rhiieis . The Scripireiread- Leslie and the Furieenth Yvar ers fromin he Onagis lcam, Mis. i!,sisere given hc J oyce Wilson Linda Wilson. John s jes, sîha assisied ini lie andi Donsald leslie. The storv. Plana are belng made'by menm- pilelîing anid Mi-S. Charlie Wiih- "A Litle Shadloss' sas given by bers of St. Siephens Anglican oeIl, ssho assisied iniithe inliell. Darlene Leslie ansd Hearing God Churcb for Iheir Harvesi lHome The people of tibmsislrici.. l SPeak %ssis giveil 6v Ano Gillis. Service whicb milI bc heM on bheinleresled la knovv st hai liheie Th i ieriisg %isslaken ols 6v Sîsndav Seîîlemher 25. ssil 6ec an i rniialIllielinit a Iksmisi e anmds asis(l i liii. The'afler-nomîn Sessing GioupIl~le Bovnes'oililiii %i CL-ite1 %%i Rmsma in haie ofai i l arnohitsied Chu&rch mrire[ mo' Thos Sc5îîsîî111 the.. s sile.kujli niIlise cilsrsis isissîicîsi soniwo. Loislsîe iI.kssk 55 as [lise 1iellviioi. iesaScistensier 7,. mm i t ss I [ idosls ll is l s la pins, îssu rseeseIissiohe mdassiqusiling. A pot uck clin- siji lie Pc-uisI z ('1ilti-01 11 ortci liedane er vasseredai noosi ansd 1th, insttilis. h v Rer liaishes. sîho ivas as- Ilimne members enjiosves a sociasl The t.( .W. of iciliel lîii-cd Nislcd lss Mrs. Marelineni. Firsl salir prios oulise allernronosi ai (iihhel iltsir lils? hnetig year pis --Ssott Leslie; Thirî qoiling. 16ev conîîjleîed tîsssl ic6e ail soasoil ai IleIrneo Vear Jelîr-es Snss: Fsmrsh Yc.sr qsilîs for a bale scich isililiec Mrs. CarIsie lealheIissn Donmialdi esie: îlh 'YearIssole packed in the near fsuîsre. WVuincsuias aillersisan, Sept cvi1 -The Hnenby BaIl Club6 Colin. 6ecr 7. The litreidii, Ms s Violas - mniliee held a nceing on Soen- AlIdessis. sce-icasîs cd lieil7lla day nighl, Sepsember Il, -i he1Iie sues l1e \nies- une. mi Norh TrafalgarC o nn Linis i tý ci lsaissisii1snd Th IL.1 11Jk 1I Centre milh the presidens, John innliuI l teL1IScoii Marchmenî in charge. Financial wmc srcad lss Mi-,s ,i di mlbsll ~T 7Z ~~ reports mere given niithe surni- Sevemal I.ssik \onIl')[,s I c nier aclirisies, srhich sossedL .s a vry profitahle .%ear. The Lunnal bazaane ilils i sii i1 ACCOUNTING Congratsslations la the laslieslse helul so S.iimscsl.ssi,l 15.si ____________________ ni16e HornbY Soiali lTe.sss s lsississei. lierh, sa andlalsothe coach and manager Iini.ojîss,îr [%ý EARL G. BLACK Earl McDoieliand DavidiLeslis Ii Mss .Peirs ie,ý B. Conmm..RIA.. C.A. son vilning iudcr rst ilrce isere. -wssoninsssîl ielîli Chasîlered accoortnlaîl g.smes as tire Sîreeissile Sosl hajI %,on lh\ Mss Kesi il Lie iijas Musisiipal Auiior TsssrnassenîisilSalorsias. Tîscî (r OsissisîsKiscîsl,,isslu 163 Main Sîrel ulrst gainse ws.ss%>oîn 6v .L cossrs'lssssih\ss r,- s (isîsusasRisîsessî Box 460 Mlon, Ont. ofil5-5 osrerT.inse\. lise secsssîsi ui ui.,s W i le t mss1] 878-6542 ARCHITECT DONALD f. SKINNER BAreis - M.R.A.l.C. 17A Mill1 Sreet, Ruile 2, Aclon Telepîsone 853-2740 or 20 Sîavehank Rd., Pars Credil 274-3428 Office Hours by Appoinîmeolt AU CTIO N EERS FRANK( PETCH Acioneer and Esaloator 30 Chapes Street E.. Georgetowmsn Teluphane 877-2864 R. J. "BOt" BEVERLEY Auctisneecand Sale Manager 4058 South Servcs ec Rsd Borlinglon 634-6030 "Halton Couunîs-s Ancîlîmner' CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Doctor ni Chiropr-actie 237 Kings Couîrt Creseent Corner Martin St. Msnday, Wednesdav. Thursday I p.m. îo 9p.. Tuesdav and Friday 9 a.m. lt"î6 gm. Saturdav Il amn. is J g.m. Phone 8782031 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home Protection-Accident and Sickncss -Famlv Liabilily. Farm iabiliiv Ynar Milton Agent Mrs. Thea Korz R. RNus. 1,Mlîmn Phone 87"-3901 INVESTMENT SECURITIES GEO. E. C. JACKSON Repeesenlative Gairdner and Company Limiîed Invesîment Dealers and Stock Brakers Govt. and Corporation Bondi and Stocks Milton 878-2580. Hamilton 525-1940 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNERAI. HOME Lomplele Air Condiluonsng Sini are, Courleous Service Nughl or Dap 878-4452 O PTO MET RISIS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. 184 Main Si., Milton Phone 878-9972 Res. 878-9678 TIJESDAY AFTERNOONS THURSDAY EVENINGS and FRIDAY MDRNINGS MM. C. MILLIGAN, 0.D. 111 Traflgar Rd., Oakville Office Hours Daily incloding Salurday ar. Caîl 845-1511 for appinimenl SU R VEYO RS BLACKBURN& DEWHURST Ontario ILand Sar-veyor.% Consulling Engi neers 533 Brant St. Burlington, Ont. LIBRARY HOURS Tuesday, Thursday and Priday 12 noun 10 5.30; 6.30 to 9.00 Monday, 12 noon la, 5.30 Closssd Wednesday Saturday - 9.W1-2, 1-5.30 iii CIIurc ri ces 114b BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESSYTERIAN CHURCHES Minister Reî. Sîanlev E. Smith, B.A. 878-3582 SUNDAY. SEPPEMBr.R 18, 1966 10.00 am ans r5151.h- 6ii iSes- S c.. i ii 11.1;1 issu lîmmîssîr. (iîsc 11. îlustmî sssllSei- Please nustensmlne% ie fo Chîîîsh Sehîsa miBisalon. KNHOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev. J. K. L. McGnmn. BA. 878-6066 878-2652 "O corne.let ni worship assd hosa down; let us kneel befoce usie Lord osîr Maker." SINDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1966 Rails Sandas 1110s aIsService. Chilt Our Cteolempmsruis-s. The esnglegatiiton ilI al liîsthe- neusseaon as ihis ,e% cc. Chuiush Sehossi a.ids1. csmsssnisiningscil Chnrch Sehl laiss an mther cments. Nite Pîpils ut hut li isrs h Schools wis meei in regsl.r places as 10.4.5 ar. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local assembîs of THE PEP4TECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES 0F CANADA Fassor: Rev. M. Chisîensen LORDS DAY SISIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1966 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Schoot. Il.0M a.m.-Morning Worship. 7.60 p.m.-Evangelisîic Service. Wednesdav. 8 p.m.-Bible Slodg and Prayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.m.-Young Peoptes A Church Yoo Can Malte Your Home A Warm Welcnme ta Everynne CHURCH OF CHRIST OMAGH No. 5 Sideroad and 416 Line Trafalgar SI54DAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1966 10.00 arn.-Bible SchouI Classes for ail ages. 11.00 a.m.-.Morning Worship. 80 p.m.-Preaching ni 16e Gospel. Larry Fort, Minisier 241 Kingscesurl Cres. .Milton. 878-3555. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N., 878-2022. Chrissians garlhered in 16e name olflise Lord Jesues Christ. (Math. 18: 20) Lords Day SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1966 10.30 a.m.-Breaklng of Bread. 12.15 p.m.-Sunday School. 7.00 p.r.-Gospel Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m. - FPrayer and Bible eeading. Ail are welcome to (hese servicen. The preaching ni -the cross is ta 16cm thal perish loolis-hness; but tibntus which are savcd, il is the power ni Gad, lit Cor. 1, 18. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Commeîrcial Sirevt. Milîtmn itiittct.P.istmii l.Isimis (mile 8784473 878 1542 TH0E tORY)S D.SY SI NiONS i 'T> MII il 11 00 am-Mesrning o W isp. 700 511-F' eiing /emtli1i Wecnesdas, 8 glus -Biblls.-sl.v ansi Praser Meeting, AIl Aie Warms- Wcl cîoîcul ST. PAULS CHURCH of the UNITED CHIJRCH 0F CANADA Main St. aI laimes St. Fsrmedhsî he union ofi lie Pseshsîcri.un, Meihssilsi issu Csustemgatimsnal CiltUlcîlii Canadla. Minisier: Rev. J. I.rîse raisus. Dugusaisl and Choir bemers Mss. bHarold M.igce. SlNI3AY, spîSR 6lsi alivrlis-sce huttsL.sshI SimmitcIlihs .Mr. Gî,îaiî.îîîsil cil it THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Munsser. 0ev. A. K. Grifliis, RR. 2, Milton. LsswsiIle immerman Pastoralb Charge Conne csos(.Io G(ud ami îe %i1l coste closse Io lii SlNDAll)SESPTEiMlîl i18 19(,(, I.nwvilbe United Churcil Gluelphs lise Om-g.iiit. ss.iR. Dtv. iiiO a110 mm-Jîuili1us. 1.sî-D sîcWorsi.. Zlenmerman United Cleurclb Appich I-blo lîrginisi. Mis. .J.il. C insci. l10,0 arn -Dis site Wttip5. il1.00 sn îmîm u itis A Wacin helcimne tII GRACE ANGLICAN CHIJRCH Milon,DOtario. Redlors Res. T. M. Dussan. B.A., B.D.,.DDD. As soia le s Rcv. Canso F. H. Muistn, M.A., BD. SIINIAY, SIPTIIMBIiî 18,li T'imiili XV 6.011 humImm 'onunmiso 9.25 u.m.-Jr-. Chvsrch Schsumm. 930 us.m.-Mrmiissg Pisyer anud Sermon. 10.49 a.m-Sr. CisacusSeluuii and YoutilsCiass. 11 .m.usi-Iluly Comnmniiisn andslSermonî. Thursday. Seplembur 15-Hmslv Communion. 10 ar. Wednesslay Sepleunher 21, Su. Mallhews' Day-H-lIvCom- munion, I10 ar. scholars 'Mrs Vuiola Alderson gv scus informative taIlkuna arnp ing crilsup norlh hi5s smmer. The meeting m-as ciases i mih prsuyer b6'v Mrs. Hawkes. Lounch mues seuved up the hosless. The mess sseesisîg mviii be lseld su[ Ille hunme ni Ms. Saily Hareris sun Wesuiesdzsm ven une, Ocîueher 5, The RaIIy Day Service as Beth- e] Unsited Chuseh muas held an Ssundav. Seplember 11, wiîh a goosl ase eudsnce. Caîli 10Wor- ship %uais laken bs' Donna Leslie; Invoaetuiomn Ps.uves bhyGien Lis- ser.: [issu ScriiimeeLesuusb%, VrilsiW01ll lirfsit Simli,-A Iltii s B\u u - ls lu-ilsli ii suumul seconduciSitues 14e.ssiss (mi Siisi, urcsc Suseîusî.ussi; Di- lesimu, e. v-u-n Bull. K-issus AI- ausi eulsl eslie anmd Rîîs.î 5usd iMeus. l3smsmslmugvsandi Priv- er*. l1 is mstc u s ueelmaus. Peutecu Aticîsciasîce Pins secte mu Caciml lis lIerc. Kssîh lI.mukes [l ý5 cs ili -c-ut Iles % sas ilc iii Iles us is is o55 i fil,- Sumnsl..ssSuhlîi. Mesgais-i liil. 'l'sliesulur Suîîi.îs- Sshuiai A tssC simýillis- miss Suuusluuut Ss5u iibles 25,at 91.5 zssii. The Seeeeday Scbtol andîu con- pisf.Itissu tri Bli lt liii i ('Isu l l ci I lieue liiiil c i andlî. c Touallston5li(Lu, il555u155Sim,iliitt (susltheu su suislis sus i ctreat-m iii essuIli ii si I surist-ild ilAsi ue o AlWI 1 lie etuc'Il 11h12. I i , , ,Iiu (u.u s ls ilip i u I r t 15li M I , Sii lp i s)lutule%i 'mmii i s lit-lsi su i L.1 I - 1 a lu sus il 15 l i lisi 1 1i '] ails issu ls s S tei In,, irt Iliss le ses~ ~ ~ ~~~[l aiil huIuauiy s ile \is i ii c lium I.I i i il NIr.aruid Item. Issus -,a us ail--t lits Ssi.l \L -1 1uli, \\.Il .1 5u i i ,Ii issu il is.îi u l li a is Iliu - i l aI - t-s u " l (tIl, .sI.1si h' I I 1sa i, I.. M '.1, su lia Il. is1 rii Ficsu li f.5. sl sus muscIl suis' I aui mi il in i- filasutIss- iii d IssI a ig I , iii i. -luhl 55lii -Il. ilsluiils sm-t l.tsi I- W.A. "Smhing fr vrvo ,i wa adesd. And Ihere mas. The annual lawn parly af 1he Milton District Hostpilal Wo. mens Ausiiias-y, laid out1 Salor- day aI lernoon on the spacioos lamns of the Martin St. home ni' Dr. ansI Mrs. C. A. Martin, fea- lùtring everyhing lrom home baking 10 baby wear, from bar- hie dslls tu lernonade, [rom a lish pond 10 weigbly volumes ai goord books, from a (e îrkev lu Ica. Il wan a decidedly successfol das, convener Mrs. R. A. Ranci.- %,a sumnmed up srien il enslect. Dolmu (r si W.A vîsîsîiie,ýLf le 5holissa i îsioîld Tickets (-llv rwandi ihen lise cash lias tllied np bey had lakcon n$2,110, mosl of sshich willie considercd as profitli6e- cau e emajorlîr sol items 16ev Io ilas re.l lighi. Hîs leg i lîsîshen in lhvee places. Asniveri-,is Services siil lie helsi as Beshel United Cisurch on Susosias , epîcosiser 18. Tise gîsesl speaker asithe 11.00 ouii. service miii lie Rev. Dr. C. Dssn- aid ai Oakviile and the Beihel Chsirscîil sing. Io 1he evening i the 8 pi..sersice Rev. Kesîls Hlass es sssll lie iii charge and lise 1- dorii silesiChuscîsChoir cml16he ]fllo ssiJunîiour F.snîer Irrus miii sing. Annlnersary greetingo lis Mr. ansi Mrs. Pari[iMasi ssd lr Mr. ansI Mss.lit-Lsce Peu Ireis sîlîssîsil clehsale het wcu. ding ussle s e siSepsesi lier 19. lIt hui.ss peelisifs Is the fsl. Isiiîfmii.iiilt- ihoiehoiisries uss onss Sels? cilslies . 16, Ms%111;t (.inîsflicli ssiiSeuti sîhes 17, Da% i P1.111, ssii ssasslsi(sîs Sels- lslllsc~ liihc . . anduDoldliIsi. 1.1.1uLliîîi ls. si eu siv 20. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr icJissimî ssii "sssnd.sseseotý'cI%%f Msissum llsihonte>11,(il 6eM ic. siAa doubslehicsisda.ss sce I l ionii i ol l rl I iiIl il ici. s. usîsi .ilsîîî isi. % ssii, sts ii5,II scilscsilieî 9. ESQUESING PERMITS 1Essqiestis ssi î shi sssie S22(62181 %fiss lsst hiticiig gel- iio, ti Aigîssi. ii lsain Ile S167.3011 asied mi Jîss. buildingi ssssPeccor tises McLxan repsorts Tise Iigesl sermsit uaS. 711.1010 to lise ns-o Chrîssiais Relorissesi (luit..h nsIle Sseselils -le Es.hihiiosî res lrcadv tire- pas ssg Ihirci ai.lle andssidshes (.li t s i. Milliuisa i all liilelicied Sepîtesihes 23 andiul24. Iawn party sold were donaled -by members î ind friends. Financ ially, il was the besî bawn parly 10 date. Even thesuonshone hrightly ta make the day a perfect one l'or lIse annoal bag.sar. Cand1y and baking boolhs sacre sold 0u1 early, as bondreds ol visilors scrambled la snatch up the moulh .malering bar- gains. Every ilem on 16e asesi Inys table mas sold, enceps smo dolîs wbicb mare donaled tu Sunshine School for Relarded Children. Tickets on 16e penny sale ment quickîs as buyers vied la place ticketsslor sîver 30 tessis rîngoissai romnicoliN Tbisolsek saibie alvlnl harda.tver-ed sîsîels plus a lsg display oi pockelhosks. The lish pond sîsilf as kept husy' digging up priaes f'or children who caughl fish, and the 6o11Iv shop fealured an arrayofiitems THE WELL.STOCKED CANDY BOOTH ai the Mil- ion Hospital Woinens Aunsluaup lamy parip Sai- udap aieunoos mas a bine af acîsasîp. as rieuki cîosckly dispersed dozens of boxes of assorted ideal lor Christmas decoralions or gifîs. M«s. E. Allen of Milton was the mi nner of a petit point chair in the main dram. while Miss Nancp Hossd of Town won the transistor radio oisiired as sec- ond prize. Third prize, a polar- nid camera, mens ou former Mil- isînian Mrs. K. Y. Dsck, sîssm ts Woodstoek. In osher arasas, Mrs. G. Sîrain u111 a lirlhda 'v cake, Mrs. C. Langridge a lurkey, and Mrs. F. D. Thom pson a Barbie doil. Mrs. E. Goodali. canvener ai the, bosok sable and 1he loch vstrass ona959 uhscritii uthiîs1e 1 \ tt i5il [c15 shusekedii ms ites uisdew h i. swtîsicket -taustvla the îrize. She eused sîs take il and gave the $5 hock ta the W.A. A welcnme ta the guesîs smas exlendesi hy Auxillarv presidens Mrs. J. Consa.v. HolsspitliBîoard randies. Mus. C. Hiltz s shomn wnsisnq on rus- tomners, She lamy of Dr. and Mus. C.A. Martin mas llled msîh sales boalhs fou the annual eoovi, and a large cromd allnnded. CLEARAN CE 0F ALL 1966 MODES Buy A Brand New FOR ONLY CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE OLDS F85 $5Q CHEVELLE O e atr noc CH EVY IOvrlacPrLUS voICEN Verni t sounds unhelievable but we must clear aur stock of 1966 models to make way for the. 1967's that wiII be appearing soon. This is na gim- mick. Match the. serial number of the car with aur factory invoice. Any accessories wiiI b. priced at our installed cast. REED-REDFERN WILL TAKE TRADE-INS bui piease hear insmivd ihal miîh ihese lbm new car uces me msll he bupsnq pour used rar ai the saie prsce we could buyap aIte asctison or Irons osher dealers. Ivnîher mords misolesale. il ail bols clown 10 the acI Ihal if pou mani b Itrade pour car, the dollars differeece is the mosl importantlfisgure, Wîlh this in sincd me are sure we cati save pau nsovvp. Use the GMAC ime papmenl plan. The raies for shis sale comîpare lavorabl ill iîeverp bavk fiance poan.Onp 1'cowndam pour vrdit qood. HUtRRY! DON'T DLA Y FOR THE DUY 0F A LIFETIME! REED -REDFERN LTD. ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON 1' 878-2393 ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON another success ~vefssisre ~ CHUCK(EN SNACK ~~ FJAVORCPJS l Frsjîikc 79c Jucy-t.ndea. SPECIAL PUCNUC PACK ReaisIo Seron 19 L"--,.,,FAMILY BUCKET CHUCKEN UN A BOX kei, 5 Brcile "cd ic,,-,u ni hicsken Bîssslîssisîrle. 1:11 ", ýiO 1.33 BARRELS Bli, Ionc . - 21 Pi me fs PHONE 878.6028 k(issu kes) $5.25 Murray Hood Drive-In BASE LUNE RD. WEST 0F HIGHWAY 25 AT MILTON Commerce financing and bank services helped tilis farmer buy a new pick-up truck. Are yau planning any purchases? Corne ta the farmers bank. CANADIAN IMPERIAIUBANK OF COMMERCE Chairman J. W. 0011cr drew the tickets -for th6e draws. George Swann and John Beverley han- led 16e public adaîress syslem and advertiscd 16e event on flise preelous eveniorg. Conveners oI 1he hoolhs werc, candy, ýMrs. R. Edmards; wahite elephans. ýMes. T. Rare; penny sale, Mns. W. Rowncv; preserves. Mrs. W. Fl. Merrs; dcaws. Mrs. J. Johnsmuv; used toSs, Mrs. J. Conmay; books, Mrs. E. M. Goodail; lea, Mrs. C. A. Martin; iish pond. Mrs. J. Cailan; home haking, Mrs. D. Pioiemy and Mrs. R. L. Mar-lin; bah *v goadts. Mi,. i.Boverîci snd Mrs. T. M. lîs.î lîils lîss mi.tEs I B. Cleiemils, ppwi , lul I a mniiescicuini, Mss. K. Elsleý, upruns, Mcv. K. Burton. A ncmv hîsîs th161 sehrss.usone canven- cd hy Mrs. N. Pearce, sahere UNICEF Chsrismas card s were sold.