Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 1966, p. 1

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&Lt¶bÎnI S 000d C- Mai MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, Vol. 107.-No. 19. 1966 itns omnia wsna Me Post Offic, Olkay $1,377 spillway ls iLarry Muarin li'I)i \h.il ) iu t ici sul 1929 200 lui00 uutti wicit i, antdi lu iii utti li iitt luc li uu 1 . i , uihhictP, pIl tli Ml Pli STEEL 89AMS ARE RISING on the second storey addition t Miton lions are being îîîude. The additionî w.tt cost $1,229,416 and District Hospital as workmen hurry heir progrets os the largo includes the addîtîoîî of a 15 leid hionic wiisq plus 15 addî- expansion program. A crane arried astI eek ta, erect the steel tional beds for itedîcai surgical patients, briisqiiîq accomminoda- framework for the second storesu wards. and moeanwhile orit lion up to 83 lieds, continues on the ground floor whero severat changes and addî- 1utes getting worse" Fight against roadside "dumpers" Despîte Nasagassesa Tutîn- shiip council and tuaitdepaît- tent*, i Oceft lcteai-itp rani- paign oi tuinihip roadsidcî, ut hum dompers- arc tilt dis- posing of ruhbish atong the rural ru.îîtsnnthe owsnhip andt the councîtlias decidecl lu take item memasucs toapprchenit te cutprits. At a ouunc il meetinîg Mondas tuwnship oads supe itd Grn MMila %s buhrz Senior school despite delai Tîte Sepuiuer opening of the ne\% senior and vociattonat schoul ai Ontatrio Scîtuol for the Da, Milttun, as carricd oui ast îîeck dcspite a feisseibacks- caused ho construction deavi anditho atia trikie, schout suprtintendon! D. E. Kcnnuedy reports. Enroînsent itunpecl trom 210 10 ncarîs 400 tiis t,îtt as the scholieiiart.uituoi il, setior sciioîipogram andt tudott ageit 12 10 20 arrisei tu vbeoin hou cvii ses. Prior tu titis ll. onl jutiot andt intermediate classes icre filitn Mittun andt seniors allen de t he Onario Schiinitfor tthelcat1 at Blcvile %uite the cîîîîrdctors ruheit the $5,000000 addition t iv - ties here. "de sitli ave soute dît t cii- cd tui îtr k îî tb Miton O.PP. n tocatiig tho ructeiiesliuii ibie tforildumpinig ti oloidîcl ut debois on a spot tbai ti l cd op vî t ale%% i. ces d00 hi ivistisliip cieiis. MI. MilcMil- an tolîl cotîncil le Itnidot helicesed tuv Ocon., iveic ,ttosin Torontot îor ifainil t ton, amati! the dohri, The laIest luads ut abg sîcte dtimped tusit ast sseekenit unt propeois oîsned bsilitoi Iopens yrs, strike tics, Mr lscnncýd.iit i official,, arcie latt nc but the re t%\aetitia li tu eciip he ne\îtdiiiis. Snti etluiprncnt bisicitii tî t-i e lui te iicatiaitrtiiiiiig - grains. The Departisentuti lPublilc Worti bas notieticiiii mmcclne lie sports bvilingii. huis îîîa %in t-îg vr l buttiig t..Ile scbvîl IlButi[lie lit\is resuctejce, glicsitcicc scîiiiîsc hool andîlauitiiii atrc alcads% n use ant d theticiit. dîor sports field, aie lcn asod itaits livs ruieitis The sehuol hopes t izt% k husoottballt c.iii rejdtsstoni iv, ciuiptc ini CWOSSA g.îiic utti mitllur bigh sctîîîo in i lN i titc. "iHEY YOUI LAST WEEK Model "A" tords tiad the run of the ton, and Iis menti you donIt 5000i believe mo're sale ta drive.' This 1929 modet mas jusl onc of 200 cars proccsbced by lftil G'. tit Illie i ui lc Ilec a ui 1ot jlt iliiiic i lei il gai- 1 aiOic t. il, 1l - li li n liii %sic"e t.d Counc prirperit Pi", aiu CIIURCII REPAIRS tiie 'tiidoiiflt11eln il l t-îîîs Pr-eitisterian î in tr Il ce i iir ili c Ii,-i rt for Centennial project lliîlaloit lil $ 10,377 spitl- lcin iic iticîciitNsitîoul a tir- lic-,ati.siactoiN toi, a îîîotct of lted to clear up1 a' tîlion]tte MîilPondii as paît 1lliizeîic t tl, odadIcle appi- tItis sice. renîoiing braîti lie tvciiieeitiiaii tiojeelct aiîîî!i', [;leicelituiitiiat granIs On rotinS vtonîîîmtioîo n i during thessinte. a,.tpprvct Motîcîctoniglil hs hontuelic sniîi gouetuinue nts sue apurciase icIer tu the il tîî Cîiuicil. sas, not l .lteiect llie ch ange cinstIuictioiitirrtiftr the spitt- Coutictîr r [ Mayor S. G. Cljîcîs tiesciteLlicit Illie IiillvNtl ns î i hotu iios iiv, Councillors Itrantztancd piui-eitthe Miltt aspiî%iiîccllis Jante t iiP, iîtstiion i isectd. Besi ab.stited it hm oliii. ut Veîiurers was iii tait Liîginiei iig adoit-Ci The Joies 1'. Mo giî Coi. rn Ciiiciltvr Kranie suggestect und itcct tiees a 'cting Ciio.iîlL. i l iniiipii, ceîilhcoijicictdanciise th i e ciinimitteetracitcone a gondt bank in Rotary i. a iiie toui tt i lC.ii- iiadditionîîai the itoîuit ssels d50 uoli iititinging in a report ibut tiv aloi buiti ar oiv %%ttu it sitoncv, i i in n,ticiniei plant, coiiiiciliirC. lie l\vis ciinceretiî about 1000 tîleen Rotarys ,e loti*ci ciiic1irai)t. twiiiJiliîii)ii toîi il îîoîtandtclwIîit protectioîn il the spjlltîay Pondictank. Moi leitic on iiilic pilwua.iî uit i it ti ei itctijredtsli,- iastesinti tthe c-eck". ctttIeiiisslor1 xlda[li iipcond e Ait l torilial iiecuta pro- In fîrher quustioeiiig Ilic î\cuk isuiit i d ilclcul irt iiil lie i'cacdî ci, o ilt coutlittc îiitjiiieit ii coitit 1e retiortedi itwas tipl- Ilie MiltonîîPaîk> vifilie pundt b he diaincîl il i The spillway flow il l hciii Ilel iip of tc [ lslie SOiu O5il bu icleditlic0177 lîîc Iiiiiioi llecm.l i,- Me riîî,i t I il Si..tut u ilb l pý iin ,ficîîîiîîîî.,îîî Ille c , ii i ii oilli Cu finii îtîîIf ca lime, .,11,1 i (tiîC. rcii B cil uiiiiti t.(li Sunday movies illegal Council tells theatre ilIum William Nialmus cle it ui t adiiiit pciiiil. c i e n ci î lîîî iiO si lie Rîîsî 'llearc Ille seý ini a ut met pît ou1 lits iiii i i iruitesîti Sîtîtîtai vu a, dtll Ho îîîîîîîtoîod, as itellat. ci dIle .IC OitcI t l t iiii l t ii 11-1 iii oi l ,Iii S Ilttis îîîîîîî ilib, t c Icliii llc 9l nas rcaltu ci n open house Seu ...la, Il ici el %,i l c l d ti utu I\ 0 lIw 1 wttc i li o 1hu ' .ri 1.ti t i thRcc, cv . 1 d\t. 1 l' lc puuP'. 1% iilt1111 Cclittt 11i ' Cu.e M-îlet c ticîlcl n i icuil t c iil u i- mith'.i chiii gui lti l li cts u mi Il îal- î ci. ic nil c pli le iil lis the a' t dei g.ii t u î-i Ivu itl uit,1 -l tai i .'ftuti iu btti lici c li oehrc c Iluilu It t the Deparmeet of Transport aI their Mlton Plaza parking lot safety check sation last \neeti. The speedomeler could baok back on 200,000 miles, BUT . .- lOi i t t wii ltil i ~ opi .1t11,ii i Ccuillor O. julinson ptîiit cd oîut IlIe naîtit i %ici c i ini proinicial Igain Setetal titiibu nis c 1110% liad II) lcil i il' iitiii i ol I- tcilis ut i t h'. Iici c , l'li i i ilc i' iii i \îîliid1) Iticil Sofcli îîîîîîîî i rii c. li i i c Iicii h , il.% .,i ii lltoc vi i ri t ilv i be, ctii.ili-tlluipurIc îic 'i il i tcii ii i ci Ic iic Obîservation: Iti'. ii s utttcct rO 38it i ii li ip utl uictiet ,i. tlt uini s tic ol \itcliclstt1sl uit idlo' iii ]ivi udt- cttti 11" SHE DîDNT LOSE MER PLATES, and the amner mas ablie ta drioe oo, wuth ordeîs ta correct luit a towm ounor dofaults. Many cars 30 ta 35 yeais goouîgor wmcm puled off the road and ordereri to topait poor braking îystems, marn bath joints, lbase ie-rad ends and other miaor deficiencies. The policeman n the picture çouldn l liheveit. i l i ntut i iil(icisi solultrnu 'IlleIic ,gr 11- I ltt u lic t.iiit a I ieuiuiu il c l tiuut cuit onli i le I l itL k cl iMuttie tii ldtici i itusus . %ji lic c-l " IttIl l lu It. tIlt I uiitd. '.1I 1 pliei1î i 1 au .h i i iti iii de- Pl i ii , aîIleilu it i n ur -Il Nccliii tltt-d ii tutu lu claloile tuhu 211cls i uuiii slf4 ui 1 .ilot Il M icil il uuut i ccc I ed : ine SO ý t>, ýiI imil I84 tl tItcin taitis titIi-tIicil, s t i lit. licJ li dei.. tutu Neut lto ut-us lIt3 mai.i i t plite Ilin 4 , li1ai ici ut il elpav e Depilittî ie titl.icllI l t ile uit t i tP'i tuttI tls i ili dilu i le i tît ti liuit Ii liii tii litsI i t iii ii .Ui. ii îtu. ic t lIts' Ai oonii hi \C.cI0.îPîtus'.iii stittiuis t.îîcîîîIle oI let1it cl ' s.ione istouicec.îîe Ileu ltiolils ctuir out ol 280 inuit tous guictitecordiut coliiiieiii- c-il Mittl olthiicc chiot Ras Ait- ci.-. tutu leginiiîiig ho thiîuk ue stîucu iaie those ceîcoki p hc pond bank, landitdeai t recs tr mnooths. 'unv Cousons re- on Scout Troop as clearing brush along the strcam Park anîd bopeit ru.stic bridge be- Park and the nbcrs commenit- r boîr effotrt. The .te cdirectioni of -sBoa rd. A NEAT SLIDE INTO TiIiRD lin Camplittilos as on hand ta son the final gamnein the round AI Wîiigrovr mas iuSt one of several thrîiinq raobin serins. Thots notoire Mute Timmîs, rightf, ploîs inossed Sunday aflernoon, as the vil- running out fo roaciosrorkahe h play. Win- toqn slctqgers Suvit out Coronnia 7-0 ta dlaim grono wos safe. Fuit story on Page 4. i other Inters edie C" tie A record crowd Mass resignalion 22 nurses quit Health Unit i c iitidii ieif 1a tn iliutîs Iv li Un t liti iii t.al Oit n t theiiliUn iti 6 ubi ses ii tt* Ci icti uii .alit it te l c to re slui li iitlii Vi -il ii t-tUii ciit ii iie l iii. i lOi iu' ic lNute s t ic. Iliii, iii ltiiicdiiiii,'ic't5 c a e t ilii tcii îdc- madIoiliigvtîiaeile a (rc \siIuItlltct-uv lea:titli Idîits ini- toIt ec. "Il ls unforlunale itli c l ivtui lîich Ilie tasxpas>er IlIte nutrse Iiokesnieiisaidt lo]- tiiiga Itieeliiig Suîîtîî Vie csinduite htiîie iiiiiig, ,ho i atî acl inuniuni/ztioii pieIIc tigrnts, tire oran Ati tic Siatinilcind lic ,id 11 i1ae lo w l L'l le i-arndIleittcBitiid l culllet tlitistutuld ita, inila Ictîci Si rit- tl] an .îlItllilda lni ao The Board's clxiiianii, Dell- titi Rete R. R. P.irtci ot Acioi, Ille Board s,5ittlin, tlu ,iido\i attîialk Niili Ilieinuries. n le itle indistitual coîîirîctî. But ieiiiioinil Ile idispuitte iii Clos i I. Stîi tiic .tg fu trIrleR.N. îltîîîsIllîeAssîîciaion u a a iti-gittia olollenilsee STheiBoard lias ilci oliast.. cild ac 1a ci -, iiiiec titi11N.cIll tlîîi.îî.iî t.îîîîîRelaionisBta l 'lIl. Parkter, Ilit liuM.O.Il Di. A. F. Boit andclilliiior t iilg MissOiî.ce ctsmîet %ýtIloo lie tlaltoitinurses or 1ida:s andîlilte nnc e patIlileite tiiig %tla.%tors cord- Tîte Board chairnian sait bu ciii nuios pool ails immediato proiits Irvîi Ile icaikoul. ho. caîîs - lie îpublic itealiti nurses tclian ii cctucational -nil ietintatiso uieiicino pro. grisi. No itI toupIe uit hoc jîlaiiioiici, ic stresseit. "Tîtere 5it o cr-isis I11ov long il lis \il tîsi, uti tviai sic Sitl ti, cutuitu t kiiots lie tltita 1curer Tucedat.s île itidicaicdItlite Boadiofa 11ccilili sî.îs toi aitlii piitu 1 ieplaice tcitseethe orses by lii ns clîinslit iîr place. Tîte R.N.A.O. las ioshrt Ile lallit i -e.iilî CUit anth e one il, Conwiall, o tctt them frîtîi hiriiig itiîconuises uîîtil tee trelti t abor probloîns are settîcîl. Niuiis liave becn org- Ccilnu ti l otrci,îîil i tosi ouita citîter Ilîaîtti Unit. As ouf Tuesday cventnsg, 110 ur- ule etn s Nii Illtetnurses Iiauit liiicheOuit 'ande Ileî Ba ti nýi*et li to e1155. Sîîîîesîîiiihi itttaid t%i' liol itcll iescsieuuain tut td r i clle o licc staIt is uokitt aususî.l. .Parker suïit. OI itals '23 titieicircat- i t l uit tii hoteuîbleu 12, to o clis it ic tîil in Ille iia iiii il îuitie ust 22 Needs study Report reudy this week lImai luiig-ansalicd repormt tiglmcmi leliac(lie I fturme uf [litonm andîtPeel Ctuîllmrs - ithe PitimmelI Report - lit ditme le bc cmumîlcict ditsl smck, amu it lumrpeclCîl lu bc lit lIe liadts onEthie Mlîistmir tir Municial Aflairs hp Pri- Jusl wlmen s peccal c-oiimmis- sionir Thomas PIuikcll's-re- pori - te"Peel amduItIalien Local (tiierîiiiiltReviens'- until lc -itit lipulil miv- tîies gies. LlIgaiCImi- sifl lie nsillim ii mis-srki. .uti llkeci-ryoiie cc.iliey are gicsélig. T'le report was um'gnally uuhediied lte bc imade public aunîetiie ihis fait, ai a jointl imeeing of Halian andt Peel eitsmity couuciia. ncih the Minisier. lNonfirm dte bas bes sel for such a meeting. auif I mie t icId. Ilif inI ceraimi leilier flimePuicl and presmns wtll li tvileit. 1929 Ford passes saiety test but 196 newer cars failures -------------- ---------------------- - 1 1 --l Twenfy Pages-Ten Cents.

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