HO4NORED FOR IS WORK on behaîf ofthIe Ontario Stoam and Antique Preservers Association t Mondays show mas bard- working treasurer Gardon Brigden of Hornby- Ho rceived the Dave Rogers Memorial Tropby, presenled heme by Mrs. Lorna Rogers, an the miember contribuling the most to the succeoss of the Steam-Era. Memientos of bye-gone eras decorate local store windows In celebralson of Old Pash- *KnigIxI s Menus Wear -front famiîy for six generallons. ioned Days in -Milton, many wî.ndow contalned vartous AlIso on exhîbit was a collec- of the local merchants dec. raîroading effecîs, includlng tion ut medals covering the . a kerouene torch and il cao reigns of four British mon- orated Iheir store-front wOll5 and some domestic equip- archs and lncludins the me- dows with memtentos of the ment such au a heavy hand dal issued 10 the few suret- bye-gone crus. clothiog iron. vors of the seige of Kimber- ley in South Atrica during Included in the exhibitions Syrs Family Fashions the Boer War. were Crest -Hardware with showed a "Rosehud" stove, an irun bound wooden lcunk seouden churn and ehildu ru- Milton Hardware featured froin 185, a eoe from the eking horse, ail from appros- a flamber of pictures frum Buer seat cra and variuus inaitels' the turu ut the cent- tîhe earty days a long %ith ther items. An exampte ut urv, as their display. Isco Cast irun cauîdruns and the first Hoover vacuum a buggy tantern with a bevel- cleaner fromt 1910, ta be At Bao-lett's Sho store, a led front glass and ced ce- brougbt f romt Monclon, New large collection of ancient flecîlon in the rear. Brunswick, was unobtain- footmear was on display. ai- able due ta the rail strike. ong with an Edison Standard Tbe Collage -Delicatessen At Sew and Save Scams- une of the atx it is kind tress Shoppe, a 1904 Singer surviving. The phonograpb. treadte-uperated sewing mu- with ils four Fout long. 22 chine, flanked by Imo futty inch wide hum. mwas loaned clother mannequins, mas on lu the store by ýMrs. William the sidewalk, and inside the Service 0f Bruce St.. -Milton, store was a collection ut and was stilI producing ns- books, buusebotd effecîs and cellent music aI the lime ut ctuthing t rom the laIe 1800's. the display. Harris Stalionery and Of- MeKim's Hardware fealur- fiee Supplies had a large in- cd a widc variety ut early doss itîrd with Iurn - ut - the- pay toys tin their front sin- century business machines, dom, inctuding the carliest photo albums, and an inter- friction mtur loy ever pro- esîing cast-iron lhreud hold- duced. er supportine a dozen spouix uftlhread. M ilton Public Library dis- played u series ut old books. At the billiard parlor, mue- The oldest cunluins the min- ager Ross Cescon showed oIes ofthIe initial meeting Imo large walercotor prints ut the Mechanie's nstitule associated wilh women and and Library Association hetd the sport ut billiards. One ix Januarv 24. 1855, in the Ham- dated 1909, the other 1910. ptun Hotel. The Seirite store featured Milton Fabrie Centre dis- a cape trum 1869, a ton trum ptayed a Singer sewing mach- 1854, a Bible from 1873, and ine ut 1890 and a chrislening other ancient trivia. gomo entuse in Mrs. Copîcys articles of doîl furniture, hand-made in Canadas ear- lier days, a double-barretted shulgun made in Berlin (Kit- chener) about '1873, and an anelenl nbayonet. AI HeEaherna Essu Stat- ion, there was a bulk oil pump and tire bead-breaker [rom about 1930 on display; alsu a Charleston dress and Charleston bat. Inside the sture was a cullection ut otd phutograpbs, an antique camera, and th- er articles concernieg the AicEacbern and Crewsun fa- milles of ibrceagenterations agu and ýMillon in general. Many of the displays an- oued 100-n included articles loaned tluthebusinesses by riends. Several stores hud sidecalk sales boothsuon the xeekend, statted by sales peuple in oId tasbiuned costu- The Canadian Champion, W.dneaday, September 7, 1966.3 St. John Ambulance Brigade has 4Ô cases at Steam-Era* T-be -lton division nfe St. people wbth dust pacticles John Amxbulance Brigade hsd a thoir eye. or for minor cusi total of 34 mombens on duty ixurns. Therdwere two faloti aI the SteamEra mulon on on Monday. Alîhough on fi the meekend, and Ihey were cail- day there were, îhcee ambuli ccl on toc 40 minor casualties vehicles uni hand. onîy une1 through ýthe'three- day show. was necessary. when a t -Most ut their cails mere for caught is hand in a baler ceqicA a- FAT I4ERVEY A versatile porformor. Miss Pat Horvey who appoars regularly on CBC-TV, sang a varioly of nombors aI the German-Cana- dian Club dance le the arena Salurday night. Accidents A cart driven by Bruno Bîllito ut 48 Houver Crescen t, Owns- s iew, reeeived $200 damage wht.n il was in collision with a car driven by Gene Allan of 2430 Lakesbore Rd., Oakvjlte on Monday. Tbe Bilîto car was travelling east on the Base Line; the Al- an car wus proceeding north un Martin St. wben the colli- sion occurred. An accident Saturday resutted in $1010 damage lu a car driven by William O. Serafini of RR. 3, Milton, when il vous le colli- sion sith a car driven by Gor- don Sherratt ut 96 Main St. at the Main-Martin Sts. traffic ight. The Sherralte ar received $0 damage. Other accidents during the week inctuded two Salurdue. ,%with $58 and $25 damage respec- livety. sin i nd tnga Mon- trip and Superintendent DSon Miller ce- ported Aclon and Georgetown members assisted the local bri- gade with the %ork. The Aion groupes base traiter plus twu Acton ambulance vans and a Fergus ambulance were on boan. About 15 meinhers saw duty on Monday, 13 on Saturday and six on Friday. The most cal-s camne on the busy day, Monday.. Rijl repert humw N Enad THE DEST RESTOREO GAS TRACTOR t Seam-Era 1966 was en- hibited by Emerson Downs of Milton, and the restorolion ob won the J. Hugh Clark of Hagrsville trophy. Mr. Clark is shown at left, presenting the trophy to the proud owner of the 1925 Rumely Cil Pull traclor. Mr. Downs owned and operated the tracor during ils early years of work, then sold it in 1944 and bought it back two years ago to restoro and enter in Steam-Era. Legion Notes bp charles scoîl GENERAL MEETING SICK B9ARD Vaaions ton Most ut us are The iek hord iis mont over and ils hback lu business" s heavier ihan il bas heen tu again toc anther year. a long ime. Hospiiatized met So il ix xitb Branch 136, and bers arc: Pal Strass-. 01db Svli! IlIte irst Genctat Meeting toc izi Roger Poietue., Jac-k M the ear sitt bbetcd 0o Monday L.uglio. Bel Keltîî.îî and Dit nexl. September 12. Clenient. SPORTS on Suîtday et, Sept. Ilk gotters are cixided that a trnaneet vs il hcheld ai the Horxhv Tossert course. details ut ssicbhsili ha ptaeed un the clubrom nnotice huard. The Industriat Dants League stacîs of[ un Wednesday, Sept. 14 ai .30 p.m. with a meeting le the clobrouin to make arraneI- mtents toc ptay toc the eoming seasox. Al inîcresled drt play- ers are inviecî luattend. OPEN HOUSE Drmeg the succestut Lalsor Day veekend "Open House oun cour premnises a number ut vsit- ors, trom other branches me made welcume. Arangement,, for the weekexd mre maude hy i rt vice-president Bev Nixon and he wishes me tuocoxvcy thanks lu aitthose members soho gave Ibir assistatnce, and alsG o l te ladies sho prepaccd anîd supplied tood.' ENTERTAINMENT The weekly Couples Club so- cial evenings will comnmence on Saturday eveniag nat. Sept. 10 when as last yeac, admission will be frec. The icst munîhly dance ut the scason wtil -eh ld on Satur- day, Sapt. 24, on the main fluor. A gond attendante by membeco, Ls eXgieXýwd. ith lor ým lis- Uc- ick August tol Milite OPI'. report .3l acci. dents' tccurî*ed in tltvir area cuing the nmîttîttîtAugust. rixgixg te litailu odate this .var lu 299. There wsere 14 in- furies. and a pioperle. damage loti ut $23935. This brixgs the total properte damage fic iis year lu $177205. You eux tell 'hy a votiatîs -eu liaI whethec hec husnand sous acuund shen she bought i. 300 from 7 Jito Meccer. une outwomuMilton Venturer Senior Scouts seho representcd the Oakvitle district on a Scout esehange program in Engtand toc threc seekv in August. today presents bis final report on the trip. l nmd Randy Gouge, buth nembers ut -the Rotary Club- sponsored Srd Milton Venturers, werc ehosen repesen tatives ut the Dakoitte Di s ti ct. Boy Scouts ut Canada, ton the trip. Thev rv'tucned home taxI xveek. eon ut bot exhuberanl over their îhree-meek stay in Eng- land. The third report on the trip tolluos: Augusl 31, 1966. Atter mv sta v in London I moved on bv train to a city in Yorkshire Countv in the nortb ut Engtand calted Middtesbor- ough. Here I staeed in a home %vith a bus of 14 and bis parents Their older son ws oune ofthIe Engtish Scouts sen t to Canada ane he-%vas staying in Burling- ton. This tamity soas sers good tu me and boLk me un various trips around the Yorkshsire mours and lu coastal townv, Middteshorough ilsett had a population ut 150,000 and I had agreat time compacing "mod tashions utf the north lu Ihuse -,ou secin London. The Hiddleoborough Senior Scouts ssvere vv-ry good lu ne and the other six Canadians le Middlesborough District. Tihes* took us, on tours ufthtte countrv- vide and lu visil ýRaly and Rieh- mord Cavîles. These two build- ings mccc actuatly torîitied man- or ltousei builttlu proteet the lord und bhis serfs fromt atlack by the Picîs and Scoîx Irein the eoctb aroutie 10MA.D. Tîtexv also took us rock cliîîttittg ut the Cleveland Hili v attdt asla te,, tor us atnd 30 nisitixg (ici- inaît Scouts. I alvo had a trip arouxd the La Disthict ut North Engiaxd, 80 miles north ut Middle.vbointtugh. On August 20 I inoveet trot,, Middleshttrougb lu Continue (talecsvhich soas sohere I1svas lu hc camping toc a sveek. Thse camp vvs us ot 10 miles soutît ut Middlevborough but me had lu travel by train lu gel Ihere, as our butses dide't shuse. The ' %cre supposvd lu have gotîcît The camlp mas vers tbigvx'tth approximately 300 boys truni nations ait en nalionsCounîrics repre. td v n Canada. Bslgium. tice, Engtaod, Germany. Ton- and une huy f rom America. -aclivities ottered were rig- iu and varied. There were bc our ponv treks each due. Jing, archcrv. rifle shouting. ing. canoeieg, -.aiting, rock îbing and various trips lu ilts ut interest in the arca. I l u do most uftIhe Ihings un program and even gui in a pto Whitby which is the e sohere Capt. Cook saited ont un bis joure arotind the I1d. Capi. Cook %vs ohumn dtlesburougb. n the whole the camp wsou tl orgaeized and ceservone ia mareluous ti me« Il univ ted une day sebile soc sere in tp. On the last day ut my w in Comînondte *Six Can- sens mith tour Germans and 10Balgian boy* s ment tuu£id- burgîs for the seorld lamous nhurgh Tattou. The Lamne REPORT DAMAGE Milton OPP. report $110 tutal nage in a twoecar collision ithe Second Line Nassaga- ya Mondav mureing. The -vrs- seere Mabet Anna Parker id Michael Laegcidgc. buth ut t. 1, Campbelville. Scout camp Seuls Regima:nt rom HMilton bad the honuot fpetucming lterca a ess sears ugo. I1ssas entremnety impressv-d he the pre- cision marehing and excellent pipe hands that mccc pecfocm. ixg. Juitito ahow you sohai Exg- lish roads are like. il look us vis hours 10 Iravet trum Mid- dleshuruugh tu *Edinhurgh. sehich is jusi 140 miles. The roads wece ail paved but vecy narruse and twisty,. also Ihece %vas quite a -log part of the xoay. On Saturday. Augu-.t 27. h caughl a train and returtîed tu London svhere I ment lu t Suc- ver match mvilh my oncles. Lai- er ltai night I1vous drtîpped uoit ut B.P. House sehere I staved xvith the resi ut the Canadiax contingen tt ui .MoodaY.xshen soc huacded the planes lu return home. fi just happened tu ha puuring rmix. On the sehote se had a flac schlus tilCe and there wstvt a hos- soudidni sovant tuo returti tu Engiaxd some daY. The peup- le and the wseather had heen kind lu us. Ivaus vers- impres-- cd xvith Englaxd and 1I tel the trip was une ufthIe greatest ex- periences ut my lite. Sunîeday 1 soill go back. Jim Mercer. REDUCED FOR BACK - TO - SCHOOL BOYS AND YOUNG MEN'SV T*-KAYS Make Milton Depart- ment Store yeur Bock- to-School Keadquar- ters. . USE YOUR CHARGE I OR REVOLVING CREDIT. We are in the Meed with~ PANTS - SKIRTS - SWEATERS M D - BELTS - SOX and Ail Accesseriesl' O ' 4SHOE4S WE HVE AFULLFOR SELECTION OF BACK -TO -SCHOOL GIRLS'hy SAVAGE 0 CAR COATS and BRAVES 0 SLIMSin a 0 SWETERSFull Range 0 SHIRTSof New Fall 0 BLOSES, Styles *HARO WEARINO AND ACCESSORIES *NEA? FOOTWEAR *ECONOMICAL PRICIS YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL HEDQUARTERSI Milton Department Store Bo0y s, Heavy Melten, Pile Lined HOODED JACKETS WINTrER, PILE LINED SKI JACKETS 4 - 6x - s..... 8.98 8-16----------s 9.98 MILTON lu9 78-3272 THUIRS.-PRI.-SAT. SEPT. 8-910 "GHOST IN INVISIBLE BIKINI" - in coter TOMMY KIRK - DEBORAH WALLEY "THE RAILRODDER" - in coter BUSTER KEATON CARTOON - "ELEPHANTASTICS' Mat ina. Saturday t 2 p.m. ____ SUNOAY, SEPTEMBER il "PPARtDNERS" - in celer J ERRY LEWIS - DEAN MARTIN "FLASH THE TEEN-AGED OTTER" DISNEY PRODUCTION PRIE MATINIE FOR CHILOREN AT 2 P.M. FREE Show for 12 yoars end ovar at 8 p.m. MONDAY AND TUESDAY SEPT. 12 .13 "SATAN BUG" - in cler GEIORGE MAIIARIS - JIM FRANCIS CARTOON - "A PINK PANTHER" Aduit Entertanmnt WED.-THURS.-FRI..SAT. SEPT. 141516-17 "MY FAIR LADY" - in celer AUDREY hIEPBURN - REX HARRISON Owing to i.ngth on. show .ach emning t 8 p.nl. Matin.. Saturdoy t 2 p.m. "YELLOWSTONE KELLY" - in color SHOW TIMES - WEEKDAYS FRIDXY AND SATURI3AY AT 7 AND 9 PHW. SUNDAàY MOVIS START SEPTEMBER il MATINIE AT 2 PM. - FRIE FOR CHILDREN EVENINO SHOW AT 8 P.M. Ail Aduts end Children of 12 and Oldor- FREE ADMISSION (Free Admissions for Oponing Show Qnly) PFUMWW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --