12The Cenadian Champion,.Wedno4 Ammumée New fond doo a 0/f win rohe air o wdo0~ eevnd g pain eu3rd lernke2j a&plp e Mosi important of al rSuet w,souîbuhroughthattiimpuve- osmt waomantaned er a period Çs,îmasy montba. no. h.uashfjsO*a01 whlrh ýskyhl ko aj6 clla an tcla4*oWbi0 Now Bia-DyneuoUono65O<in ment and aupimtoy f «=i stores Satifartion or youra ioo refundesi. ose I. ACCOUfTINO EARL G. BLACK B. Comm., R.t.A., C.A. Charrred *cqosuslnt Municipal Auditor 163t Main Strret Box 460 Miton, Ont. 87"-542 ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B.Arch - M.RA.I.C. 17A Mil Street, Suite 2, Acton Telepluone 853-2740 or 20 Stavebaatk Rd., Port Credit 274-3428 Office Hours by Appolnment AUCTIONEERS FRANK PETCH Auctioneer andi Evaluator 30 Chapet Street E.. Georgetown Telephone 877-2864 R. J. "BOB" BEVERLEY Auctiouteor andi Sale Manager 4058 South Service Roaf Burlington 634-6030 *Halton Countys Auctioneer" CHIROPRACTORS Doctor of Chiropraotlc A. P. KENT, P.C. 237 Kings Court Crescent Corner Martin St. Monday Wednesday, Thursday I p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday and Friday 9 ar.m. b 6 p.m. aturday Il a.m. to 3 p.m. Phone 878-2031 INSURANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home Protection-Accident ad Sickness -Famity Liabilit. Farro Liability Your Milton Agent Mrs. Thea Kurz R. R. No. 1, Miton Pon 378-390 INVESTMVNT SECIJAITIES GEO. E. C. JACKSON Representative Gairsiner andi Company Limitesi Investment Deaers andi Stock Brukers Govt. andi Corporation Bonds and Stocks Milton 878-2580, Hlamilton 525-1940 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FJJNERAL HOME Complete Air Conditioninig Sincere, Courteous Service Nigit or Day 878M442 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. 184 Main &t., Milton PHioe 878.992 Res. 878.9678 TUESDAY APTERNOONS TI8URSDAY EVENINGS andi PRIDAY MORN4INGS WM. C. MILLIGAN, O.D. 111 TWalgor Rd., OakvMle Office Hours Dily Includlng Saturday ar.. ClI 845-1511 for appointmenl SUR EYORS BLACKCBURN DEWI4URST Ontario Landi Surveyoro Conaulting Engineera 533 Niant st. BiorinemionOnt. USUAUY NOUAS tqoop, Tlssarady &n" Frlday JOafl p 5s0; 4.30to 9M0 mSd y, 12 nain to 30 Wo**&daY amB . 1.12, 1» LRt.530 "»"y - QOM PAT URVmfAi A OCM A headlined the Hunier show, and Mr. Boliska is a TV producer Solurday evening show ond donc. ai Milton and radio announcer. They are shown chatting 5AVARIAN DANCERS Elizabeth Heimann, Heinz Hirschman and Amena, spotusored by fhe Germon-Canadian with the eveninq's organizer Fritz Schichi, lef r, Brigitte Zarske posed for a picture after dancing ai the Germas- Club of Hlit County. Miss Hervoy is a CBC and Gernîan-Canadian Club iresident Rudy Ar- Canadian Club's show and dance Friday nigfri. About 700 ai- singer who appears regularly os flue Tommy beiler, second from riqht. ir.ndecl andetiejoy,-ri Ihe dancing performers. 1,400 attend shows, -dances fio uc erie Rev. SsiyE uliBA. SINîDAY, SEPTEMBER 11.1966 Raliy Day 10.00 a.r.-Oragh: Worsbip Ser- 11.30 arn.-Bonbon: Worship Ser- vice. Pieasr noie change of lime. KNOX PRE§S&YTURIA CHUVCU Minster Rev. J. K. L. McGown, BAs. 878-6066 879-2652 "O corne, let us worship and liow doms: let us Isseel before the Lord our Maker." SUN1DAY, SEPTEMBER il. 1966 9.453uos.Sr. Church Scisool. 9.45*a.m-Youag Peopes Bible Clans. 10.50 arn-Jr. Church Segool. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship. Puipil echangse illi ev. H-orace Sdloenberger. rin- iter ut Grand Isiand (fNY-I Preshyterian Chsrcli, Unit- cd 'Presbyterlan Churcs, tU. S.A. 11.00 a.r.-Nursery. Tuesdav. September 13.ait 230 - The regular meeting of the Roertison Auxliary of Knox W.MS. in the clsurcli bail. Ail ladies cordially in- viîed. NIHWAY 09M LCHUIC A local osaly of THIE PENmoST«AL ABSEMULIESOF CAbim Pastor: Rev. M. Clristensen LORDS$ DAY SUMDAY. SBPTBMIBER il, 1%66 9.45 a.m-Suisday SilSol. Wcdnesday. 8 pos-UIbe oSu*d and Prayer Mutilas. Friday, 8 p.m-Yoffl -eoples service. A Ciurcli You Cao ak Your Home A Warm Weicorne to Everynne CHUNUIO F CHMIT No. 5 Siduroad asnd 4515 Lin. Trafalgar SIJIDAY, SEPTBUBER 1l, 1966 1.00 ao-»lile SchtOol Classes for al ages. 11»0 a.rn-.isorning Worshlp. 800 p.m.-?reachlng of the Goqsl. LrrPot. Miniter 241 Kingcour Crea. Milton, 8783335. OIACE ANOUCAN CNURCH Milton, Ontario. Rector: Rev. T. M. Dustan, BA, B.D., D.D. Assoclata: Rev. Canon. F. H. Mason, MA.. B.D. SUNDAY, BMTBMUE il, 1966 Trinity XIV ÇAD0-JHolY Comunieson. 925 a.n-Jr. Churcb.$ ou. 9.30 asm-mo&y Communion MW dSermon. tOrêS,..n...4r. Cburch Sdcool MW Y Vuh Claa. il110je a*uMmla ryer pd EMMANUEL 1IAPTIST CHURCH Commercial Street, Milton Minister: Pastor Ciayîon Coles ' 87&.4473 878-3542 c THER LORDS DAY SIJNDAY, SPPTE-MBER il, 1966b 9.45 a.m-Sunday Sebot tar ail. 1100 a.m.-Morning Wotsbip.t 5.30 p.r.-Youith Tirne. 6. 50 p.m.-Song Service. 7.00 pm-Evening Worsbip. Wednesday, 8 p.m.-Bible siudy asd Prayer Meeting. Ait Are Wrrnty Wlcorned ST. PAULS CI-URCH of the UNITED CHURCH Of CANADA Main St. at James St. Formesi by h. union ut the Presbyterian, Metlsadist asnd Congregationai Churches in Canada. Minister: Rev. 1. Lors. Grahamn. Organist andi Choir Leader: Mra. IHaroldiMage.. SUNOAY, SBPTEMBER Il. 1966 11.00 am.-Morning Worsbip. Sermon subjeet, "The Deaih 1 of Gos."1 SUNDAY SCHOOL 930 arn.-Att boys and girls, 9i years of age and oser. 11.00 arn-Infant Nurserv wiib a registered nurse incharge and nursery for toddters and 3year-olds. 11.00 arn-Boys and girls. 4 to 8 years of age, milI attend churcli witb parents and ai 11.10 go 10 lb. kindergarten and primary departmcsîs. 1 -MI)WEEK ORGANIZATIONS Mnaday, 715 - The Canadian Girls in Training for girls. 12 years of age and otdrr. Taesday, 4 p.rn. - The Mes. sentiers for girls and borys, 6 10 8 years of agr. Tuesday. 6.30 p.m. - The Girl Expiorers for girls, 8 tu Il years of age. Tbursday - 6.30 ip.rn.. iih Culi Pack; 8 p.m., 5îh Scout Group. St. Pauls Cburch iii wrtcomr you- Morning 'Worship, il ar.m THE UNfITEDCI4URCH OF CANADA Minister, Re. A. K. Griffths, R.R. 2, Miton. Loviile - Zimmerman Pastoral Charge "Corne close t0 Gosi andi He wiiI Corne close lu you. SUNiDAY. SEPTEM'BER 11. 1966 Rally Sunday t.owvllle Uited Church Guelpb Lise Organist, Mms. J. R. -Davey. 10.00 arn.-Junior Church. 11.30 a.m.-Divine Worship. Zlnmnnan Uitedi Church Applety Lise Organist, Mn. J. G. Corneli. 10.00 arn.-Divine -Worship. li.00 a.m.-Junior Churcb. A Warm Wricomr lu Evrryosr MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. 1.. 878-2022. Christians garheret inbthe name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Math. 18: 20) Lords Day SUNDAY, SEfT.BM-BER 1l, 1966 1030 a.m-Brcaking of Bread. 12.15 pm.n-Sunday Sebool. 7»0 p.m.-4ospel Service. Wedneoday. 8 p.rn. - ?rayer and 81be realng. OUItare weicome b Ilese serna Tierefore being justified li foit, vw bave peace witb Gosi lilrough our Lord lesus Christ. Romans 5, 1. staged by ýAs part of -Mion's Old FFash- uones Dans program. the CGui san-Canadian Club id t-alion Suin s sponsuredl ins zqn dinccusie Mîlian Aruer coi Frirlris and Satrdav, suithah oul 7(W0 .rîinrling ion zali ivre- German-Canadians ing. Fticii,î's Show sfztur( lOvisnian sludancing ((cuin - (anadian CIi& "Aliiieni.;itiisnfi-yoip [lu munli, Clbii Tiunio, Xl îîiitl.iliinl z îîîîp 1lune mnaCliii, itt.rmrlii -cd the ul Imvo ns, the ow Har- and tihe n Ger lin. An CAMPSELLVILLE Visitors te', frei vilu highlight district news- Rev Wilia onie lnd %iîn dio ru Sîîîl.îs i r îîîri îr le% Io Fi.s iix . i lisi le i i llzl%-Il 011%cili i li z W helihiîn Ilu Miss Shirley ERita .înd <ciii gu saut. Ehi.î aiirnded tbe Pres nii.in Mr. andsiM Sunîrd uni f isriniuviinscii- .and tiniils-(i lioinin lialihuiii n i, lus ý%r dne Mes. FeilGarett iand Mr. .îiiîl Nies.Jîr nul Mes. Willi.îm Allas spcntiii i uv lasi l.rsi Susilas niih Mes. Ros AI- li1' thezessu.c Ian aîi Miiorn. unit mith Mi. Ur. andiAtm. Elvin t-trreeof fer, thefltrer Harebor Beach, Michigan,. vîsiiesi Mes. Frank ii %iMe. and 'Mis. Rorîttie Daniel Humer rnulndMe-. and Mes. H%onIirulasit lue icish his pasi met. Muéses JO, Me. andl Mr, Ronssiell H îîeen Cheste races and t.îmile n-cri: Soindal,isî- lioirnis r i-n uîih Mr. .and Mis. Josint Mes Edili Kiiching of Cosnliin. (.ii 5iiih Mi Mrm. Harry Hood o i .îlîsle Fliiot. speni thi- senuukuîîillhM ,.iiiiî Mia nil M Mis. William Rob,liif rlIIiiiies vilI Manslrrm tlus sillage esjrîs- Ci ai.nd cri thi- stuasuparade in '3ilion i saiiii%%cuîiîi orice b ckensi andi viensuil das ing lire h bue relies oI ilduri dans ai the. Misses Arie lair grounds ini Milton. rine Dîîsui Ssmpaliv ofuItluis eomrnoniv Happy lirt iseinîrei iiiMur. andi Mes. Mr.es Fiiai r Claude Inglis an i limil, due- WllceEII.î ieg bevir rerni heiceaverneni iii Pli iil Cl.rîîr adear sister ofltbu armer. Mesý. WrVngii Jamus Kiichee iii Mîrrrîis tn, irs loii 'Me whîr iras baieS li 1WecilcusSN. is -r.an ai Dafî's Prusbsi-ii % en-Zni ciicires- Me. and Mi ai 'Muert suc. .nS -Mre..and Mr. andi Mra. Noreman Coiok nîia l i, and familv ut Haîelîîîs sîzîz Mis. A. T. Sunassi visi trs surh Mi-. andl r, lue W.A. -Mes. 0Rohee Htirren. Preeshiîi.îî Seluiiil days are lîappv Sais s mccl. Ii I nue timiiseb ipiia1usil.is lii in -Mirinîr milNis,- lin. lamus Wallace il Hîrli. 'Mic:higas. rgiresiss ih XMr. ,h Wberlihan andt Tl)iiisilis andl lIt ces ini Scîrîlan ici l. aindf Xls. A. F-risc- es" paiceis kîîîunlaiLund Mes. Si re hîîlirlrvîîg ini oyce ,rîîîlSliî le u.-îîîlîîî ilîuir vaiî.- iSîrîrpuspeni Suin- I.iiandMrt. Roibert Mrsi FeilEdînnrds Iloîand Mes. Vera ci bei l.ilîer Me. Du orloi r hiebrîli- (nd. uî.î eals mil Lor- spetit iheussekesîl ihdoy greutilsn ii I Iill. Rîîsis Elliîîi. 'l Mes. Joîhn Me- Le glis. inniuui ,ies- gruui- Linui Mies. Robert El- 1MsRi-Emer Dîzîlige, s,, Davidl Nens-lîrl ic Mes. George Thie villaige. Mooire suas hoses i. l Si. Dirîst', ýClîrcb ilis Pasi asidesi attraction mas the preci- sion marching and dancing ru- tines suîpplird by the East York Precisionites g roup, atso uftihe Harmonie Club in Toronto. CBC-TV star Pat 'Heree brun- licd the Saturday show and dance, wiih assistance from singer Bruce Dornan and music supplird b « vJerry andi The Cas. iilians. leaturing singer Jeers Sicphens. Radio diseijdcey AI Buliska, ulso a TV performer, usas manier of cerrmosirs for the show. -Masiîi S. G. Chilsis andi Cham- ber of Commerce president Rus Haîrris weee amo the inviîcd The swa evenings mere orgas. ized bv Fritz Schichi. ScieraI members ut Milton Chamber ut Commerce assistesi rt the bar and uon the door boib evenings. -Ladies of tbe Germas - Cana- suas Club srrved tigbt lunches. Seneral attesding west borne wiib priren donated by local merebants Adams Pursiture, Davis Jewellers, Crest liard- ware. Harris Stationery, Led- witb-., Seile Store andi Lft- tanna Airlines. Out.oi.tian vlaltora ýto tihe weekemssiSteam.Era s*ould ttc sure tbey returs ta MWtQn on Sept. 23 or 24 10 take ln Milton Pair, the J1141h annual fali fair sponsureti ly the -Halton Agrie- tiltiral Society. This yrars fuir promiss 1 be ose cof tbliggcst an record. Italtlo ansi neighboring exilhi- ors are aIready Iining up ibeir caIlle. pruduce ansi aiher exhi- bits fur the compelilions. Thc show icatures cînirsts li. caille,- niilis'. Imlerji arin urgî )1.ls eiivigîrinis, silîep, Poctc ai SManufacturers of HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS 62 Wator Sit. Narth, GALT Tetepheue 621-75M6 s4 ,ein, p8 p~d preserves, eoW45U 4ýts, afts and crfi, so99ers and echool work. .4 4%oue mway wil fée- sere riM a *o Iail ages, plus *4e yle food tisat Harp.ess herse racing seul be feaiured on Ilae guarter - mile tracit and Vioçe 4lountford will be atong e belie aster ni cere- monies for the show. -Happiest faces around lown on Tuesday mrning were those uf students beading back te scht ol after acwo month boli C u SL cROWE T AXI1 870-2992 "CDIO CUNTROLLID You could flot do as simple a thing as Read this ... if someone h.d noft tugh y.uI A TEACHER IS SOMEONE Someon. special Someone who shapes tomorrow. Someone wI-o guides and kindies and makes grow. Someone wl-r shares knowledge . . . and dreamns. Someone whose gr.at.st loy is to watch a child's mind .xpand and flower. 0 Our Teachers Il is a pleasure to honor asti bine you in 00e area. We are genuinely intercut- cd is scrvisg you meil. Come is anti gel acquaisieti. We look forward to saeing you soon. 0 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE A ieacber is someone mho may very meli be do- ing the muni important job n the morîti. Anti today, a difficuli job, because the world is more comples, knowledge is more com- plen. Huwmumch simpîe il muni hàve becs ose hosdred ycaes or so ago to be a teacher, mhcn yoo iaught the lame ihing in the same may thai hati been ued for centuries . mhen a late, a primer, anti a dunce cap mere the main teacbing iools. But hom masy femer childreesment t0 sehool, and hum mach less ihey learnetil Totoys teochers, on the other hasti, koep up mith the changing morîti. If you are a parent, you are meli omaro of this. 'fou need a book on the new math to understanti mhai your chiltiren are learning. 364 tiayu a yeae, me take 00r eacchers for geanteti. Today. homever, the open- ing tiyof a school, is a gond day for us to remem- ber, anti by ibis mord, to bosor teachees -... iotays, iomorrows, anti yester- days teachers. Milton Departmenf Store moulti like lu say ihanli you to al oi the teochors of Milton asti District anti ail ot MionsIratie terri. tory. We moulti like to say thank you for ourselves os à part of Ibis great area of Ontario. Thonks to saclu of gai for tIse woetierful job you are dong. GIVE YOURtSELF A TRIÂT . 0 PIIILCOe ADMIRAL *G.E. Spu.cilFru OmIy $3m9oo F REE A" sT " *Easy to Buy - On Easy Tarms 0 RICHARDSONS RADIO & T.V.* 8704949 201 MAIN E. MILTONi OUR SINCERE THANKS - to ail who attended the Hofbrauhaus and the Pat Hervey show in Milton Arena on Friday and Saturday evenings -to the marchants and industries of Milton who contributed advertising for the programs and gave prizes for the draws... - to the entertainers, the club members and friands who worked so hard to present the two evenings ... THANKS TO ONE AND ALL of Htu, Cmty