Spunky Sox1 Milton Red lSIto rote from Ilie long bow i1110fli',htole in rfi deph ril le titillon Coust centre. 8v the lime flicbals Sen1itr cellar on Snndav aler- retieveti andt hrowvn bac k ini no Il a l hiotîtîet te irot the inlielol, al IrecrUnrucs ri i1 itohie Caledonoia'Red So-n ocre homne. The Sot, itowever. Colltin. look the bal 10 thiî-d bote, clai- Playlng solld botebali for nine lmng te bitter liait laoed Io oraieltt ittoitgs. flite Sox Show- touc.b il on his oov past. lTe to onat itîi on ntlo tmpirs agrecte otlieIlt iitiiti> 'W echampion- ron otoas ioei. Thte inninir tr'tnit nil i-i tiî flitc îte lied. ltitl'lite not -o ptottiouner-, l'liesorte'iaiutted dîeailock- 'Il tLi te \vin, 20 loto recordl. >- cil tuitil teeigbth ilringtîben ,ct iXtedottia 3-2inain exeiling ilie>, Centre fiier Donîg Me- 0.13 A. cante i lite f.ircgroîtidCîtciîeon reacitetibaseu oin- oalditnitteiitin one lin of rea- tiitt baths. On ficî lirt pitcb etiog flite OBA. Intermediate 10 te sexi baller, lie tiole sec- "B' finalst. Goto otir eams ond. Piillipo grotintiet aui. Art bavtecii ced OEBA. Intermeili- Melaîtoon tirgleti aodtMeCoicit te -B- "ltoibis tear. con nmoyed fitothii il'Melantot Setoti ilote ai te be-l oirte»sole secondi anti Leot> tlitrer c sitoî-linal orico oilit, Sikie biitwîîo boitneer tu flite Pl atcii in Caicîloiia ton Soînoio secottd bateottt, twii ho c ile a lilîr.rior t2.1 5. Eîher Ron McCuticitetoai> ird andirti Nat etittrcighthaoiter Mike ct' wta irlui- Iltoc ttc îLtîî- Btttt',btt o i ikel -v 10 gel te MeCttcieî>tr-ttrPriseit taiv. otaring jo.Nuvter, bowever, Inîtt oitit»ake fttc garr.Tird gitîteit Ille soccîcoil neciotiry Iltiii alto bho1in Caldtiitantd 1ilsaiLt2.lt-3 ondaier Sox short Da MiilîttRed ru\Sotettieti lie ii'ofait iiiStittatoirLame. iavoighirof fast week.iitoppittg Close lu 200 ir.isc-bll fan- >a30 r'iittt flic-t Me,- 0. ttc tneai-tIoiltt le tcglimo ttt t ih a ii eciiiedtt ii i lie OnIy nve players oee inîtun rihtitiing. Aingecoachc îîmtîcîî îotototttttl At Meaitoîr:tîi oît Hoti Bill Coiie tantitei te tîtotînî (coachr Dicit Cieetit toto -ot 1tittî-eclititbit' Tho- Iankt. pitiltrzet tila tt Llitre (i a itou llesCIiiotijitîait-iî t-rt pelIi-rnot it a tîgiting oar tete-ititte aleclitie[ re ntoiitandit\\aoaiotneetait- aoioe--citttrotreSfli eentin- eiLis cl> Sri Naleccretired i got ilflesxeud, Cttetiini.t one, ttoo, tîceeio the gioe hitim 000oltenite betp. lop t Ile fiý.R ILOitwtain tioocidtheliteto In ithe Itot. f h i- focrte Merchaot, alto» iog nitra.flic Sot hait tacteit > unIvtione ii- at ixthit itg flitc plaie lai it ettier Pete fle lotog he tcSo\at c [,ctii ti a tttac tsingle tio', record t ti% \iitt ,u iiitît23 tuid tndîl Sn Phittîpo oroea h Att - Mlann ingled Village Midgets t>ipultmnor iý n drt seoindi trotte> icottoîmanLeo Clobber Colgan Sititk oiteti idoublte Cîlot icli it> fitl i ne i oe ~ CLinrpbttitle Mitioî't t oitirt Pliitlitto lBitl Citeie %%tikei be-Ille -iotiecar> on Sa>tîrîLîr. i tt thietreot botter gittont,lu. o - 30-4 inIlite op- etît 1-c itiog. eriof gametît Lin OB.A. Mitgie The soae slayed -or 2-01foc 'B- tel> et SecondîLaome offlite Mttt un ittilte totîith % tnctlics tout he in Cittgtr Sîtoît Cîleîtîttîkoottiet te count .îii lite hit titi>ut t hc iti iitneacit tocol aheatid apcliitt ttiîi>e s otilL hîtl single inti an er- crc tiput rten on seconti and The Vllagers pîttnîtr ourîttLt iTir>- trot hatter crackeila aloicte >ti itanaetamo hinîittg M. Poppins theme for flower show Miltron anti dîoriîî ceideoto initeti tii a teond tcGardten tîitîuti Btriitin'o ocicolt an- nt,!I(ý iuai te Royal Etitanicat Gardeicitotqirero on PlainoRit tW %einedLt%, September 21. 'lh >t-i, ttho, open 2 ta 9 p. in . >0 tateionthttctheooe 'Mac> Poppiot s i tteo'anti pobliciiv oecelarn Met. R. A. Douit ijdtot he hinko coihi to, %ud id it aitengiop tu trait>.flocal oarrangementstitecît Step oinTior- Ciim Chitm Citerce'or "Sipercziigiliotic- copiiicoit tu (iatganecu'oro. enrorultue ite luptsitdtiecition. Culinton 1% irigitispi> 0%-asto urtoun itoui inniop. From tIbm un, te Vtiopcgro hacit ompltercuotruui. ,crtour>'lime, n te irl rugit> limeoin te tiurî,tou uie n te iurlt. sxoic t>iut th ixte >0treuitheevnt Bull Dronir lureu tie %vin li- Cttmîrbeltolvie. aiutu*it tour ru'îlon tur ht. Garnel Mitchtell u-t e tcolii plate peutourner toc the wto ur uuititrec ingle, antIa oublhe. Bll Dronit anti Jack Matet tur aimutltgotuou uýit tOL tingiet rtîîit Pere Anticetriutp- led anut inoied, Doit-tMcLýtrtugit uin douihictiaodti ongeti, Jui Weatuge siogirît. anti Ailtun Put cr000 douhiti. Ruiders meur eliminution truil àhes t 0 By Boit Waîklns Monîav nîigihtl Georgtown cîme boit rom a h-O ticiii n 1louoctittrame t itaîrrîr Mit- tîto 148 in Ilio Ladico Saoit- hait piaNtl. 't.- o i n gote te Ni»rtHltoeCour o 2-t cat ino lii lîriîo in t e iet trc of 1>0e soî-tt l ltttoie. Titree walks and stixtit pro- tue ixrn oc Miltoo inte lic-tol titn tgs. but aincit icîti- 0itg etdthie Raitier% ticots until litefinal frame. Aller plat if ihrado up hall oct tir> ittings te Raierosteenîr tacrtd lu Oitfnd otGrgetoitok dutn- tijge tf erroro ta plate Iwotcons o inte ird. lite in te fouctit. trcer ite luth ttnditour marc n te tit inino. A home con hi Kaie Marohithlie top of te ocoro t opuritetiao moulit hov 'Mlton tai ortted tw us Gloria Zillo rarnei te tvin itor CGeorge rio. , loruihi te» bt a>ndtivuicwatito.anti copping itrer singles onffur trips o tte pliLoai t tni Seciin hto vt-c -il iu >1 rso n dtîoot l-t Omagh wins Omait Pe Weo% defeaird Kil- bride 5-2 in titeir licol pame of te O.R.S.A. piavorfloio Omupit Tuai~v cning. lTe Omugit squioti cocher nuoteti Innerkip anti Hiîksoooltram te Iruue. A gooti ccowti attendeti Tactduyt enoountcr anti a bigger crowtl i totupincti wien te lwo leumo clashitTiturotiatio a 630 game in Kilitride. five ries iv Qo ikiarbîstoit ge a otriple. Connu>. Duavanti Lîtlic i M itkino ohaînru otdi orMil- tran anti ouî-iîiîtt Incite hIt anti lee ier pîtoor. Kut Mitit itomereti ant iipirî t>i te Soîtr %inctouttelooinjzuugi. j Juil> Titoîoî and Cotlin îuîe Dut- -ton- 'lite ltit»h gaule t t it e , otilire piaoei'lio>'otaoi-evurog. Sepîtember t aiIloriro Prk. witi pitro iatci to taort ieut8.15 p m. improve playdown chances iti>trc, it .ki»p ff oh crboîne trnd Donig McCtî»ci>eon, woioe-Cionerî.l ilifoc WuIv>re Me- Gei-vait matie a fine îthr and0 ttiî i zil*clvtite i -i it tvin-lin>.- t>te îîttiîîng ciotîlil ii Catinttitit n it u it siltutott>ttî oonti base-(ta nip L> -uit - ntiîg cîîn. il>>. tin %v.t iin i pi m igii eld tler ttiie oceen il t tutu>8 -. . -' There mere severallitertret for Art 'Mek»> on it» ttmetteot ii- ritalt Chantge. oYintot> t tperch teleotior lthe Sot - Ron Nt>vler hitteol o terlthe game, '1 titt qite ittp- -Metttuooooingledti ice, to he gupotnoe tetp Itom bit inte gainer. ttliott-ittonlo Osit itrt t toi 'it Ilie wt oit tipiapei. I ithe >.Mil r>»oionive, tîla e kt Rîoi) Piîtipo. lThe ttiitciaiifi n- sIttoc uike-ots;it; h-i toc tatil te troogeoltultvIecandîtStickleie cri>otitri auî tii tottocrti» tIg t>i Art Mettoi> ttitio t o tuati» le Cuttio fietld ai tilti lime rit, antdtPiillipo, Cuitiie anti ti trong tioîtoui of>tili sor>totop ltoc titi-game andtti o and tiîhecî-îoe>e piclo- ai ofplit Sliocititoigieti . -- lttctia i gtr 11-011>o)]r MILTON RED SOXvwentoe gone poina bhofni bee OB.A Iterrrîedîale "B' veut. tîtrot oniet on Soroday. tre Soo tonte troîgir vita ronaottrirpertoforance oedqe Catedon.a 3-2 in o tfrnertooetp biugot ertteot ai te tait groonds Sitoootr>inte frnt0w re AI Jocr Mile hý oiitonr At Mi-tirtonr>.Dore ~ion Jack Roberts blanks Mitchell George Chester blasts homer Cîuurlpbcuiili>.' ame ii.L,1 %il](! liî %ill aito unîtitei> fil ýii ituui hoit> -mrinti rutin rut î t ie loter u il, kd moai u e Ottaiii Intîuel îIo 'ix. J tk S ,.lI C'" >ha l n. îîîrîrîîuîî(i ýi I Te defencliog ibarrul oi-tu 50 l ý iir' ,i piv oemi 3»i t i auuît,[%-ltî lielio md ttitiiiituutinitl liili ti>eo tîukî Itîti e> utli îrîîîîMra g l it1 1t'ite I , lui it mi tti i Omogh Poe Wees capture titie Omt--ýh Picriteo cî rpiedîltire coCon Drtîîtîîîtîrî >itiii.i il î.t titaii ite i'lthtFlotir> rit P- ee ier >iitteir ti> ii it Omagit pollihed off iîeie (i.% it h it> l1"uthi» ic> )u«iîrit 4-1iniioimbitng Kihrcîe 9il] oliiitito Drtinq tiltiii lae Ii te» t 24-19, Kitht tic etigei Mîttti 7h6rand 1) î'îîîîtî1îîiî ediii luutî27-8. piieiiii vit ther>it*t i*,ti piloili t.endcit > te tev- ii>- t> oiiiti>ti 11i m Vl>î>îEtîtiîrmeni. Asoîclullonnpresldenî tît Gît7Li loirif "qtiteoiciesotli". >0 k-ititit1t0tite t>lir vilmt> îleieîi Mtcheîlil .i îtda%, a, tcther Pue , oui> 17 Mtîîil itatc ln Campielvîlle al lite 'i- ig looktiploiti liteondtîrtîl t g.EalCoi >10>0 atietiandt I10 tutlietil \rîIt o-îrîtioutt tir lir lite iirttig crr King fl ii rîlt il ri iloni an -titi dou an tIiecrîGeoirge- ttiie>rllt lie titi itetir eitirtill , ii Got»ge Citenet li> Mtchell tnt JatîktRîirito tri>Campbell- Asetion, Ppte Siercatt. bot boy Mark Hyati. Chrîs Ramtito-o Waynre McConneti Steep((cir-cî andtIfd Mr-od Sraodîoq he- hitnitarc- Port Phiit p Doaq Coaertitu, loeq H>odtt Stere Rot- tîorryDug MiCittiýouilotit Nayerc filt tiorie, eor» Onie, Marly Si i .w, atd inh -îm iiit Playoff s -- - :11 t io .- lîi>uî-t -t tir titi t tt1, u c-k. Illi - titi t tt firii. t îtIlrti filre à fJrii it - l lto tutt i. i'tiîet t lc ce,ie do- tl ii.kiir d id ti t'i lo i r1, 1 andri F ti1t . il , ýn a ý Foolniîe-o Nere icit t»tpil oi- ii'r u n sî iýt-oil to-t 1 «it rui tutti. tie t îo îî'îîîtrî'î and 'ttoi titii t iti t-i liciIti-l, R Il 1i M>leltmtOii(0)it)w () O3 il ('t ille 00 0 1) hititit 5 4 2 \iici »- .- îîtr ndî ti 1 SPECIAL SAVINGS RESERVE ACCOUNTS INTEREST ON " minimum monitly balance "wititdrawal je pernon at any ime but no cheques may ho isîued. "no minimum deposît. ASK FOR FOLDER Offices Open: Mort -Thons.-900-5000 Frtdopo til b.30 Vour local trut>ot>mpany HALTON & PEEL TRUST Il SAVINGS COMPANY 252 Main Street MILTON 878-2834 Lorne Skate. Manager 4 The Cartoduan Champion, Wedneodray, uAmut 31, 1966 Paquette gets 24 strie-outs lowvNie ellintes Dr. ughm hilito-M ig lirol ,oupie e tilt- I ttiti>- I tt-reiitled a lt-t 1to ti i t[le> ottiicl oititfil. k tutti 24 1!te'asL>omiile eotiiitci Bt atigl».»o 5-3. Theritcitoocc took -a 2-0i caîtin lthe ltub inoing> t»> an ctior, lb> c inrgles anrtilî %vaottk. Bî>îtghin rtgîti îarfunr it» lie tilt>m t» t -ilt>2 1e e . til i-i>t . il ti i f]i ii It»»s. Btrtt>gi>ttm ertîeol(liescl iig in [lie tiili teia>e Paqîtetîr t lainteol tut 24(i i tiki- ou>i. Ilarolil Thompçon t ci p 1Ivcl onvant i vigtl iic o. L ologleit. Jacqîte Paqiiete tingi ,-d aqrio>t. I o>t t (tiliO> tîtd St» King altingleil itnce, tailt iglîti t tiisdetîoieaith nitl tr( ainerint» ai ittîtCtt>ttrv teotlto'ial actio DRIVE IN A SAFE CAR .. . THIS SUMMER 0 Corne in Now for Safefys Sake DAVE'S B.A. SERVICE Milton 878-6741 Ontario Si. ai Nu. 10 Slderod (tîtn 7azim.Itr i po >o'Itttt9ya-nt.taoli0 p.in. Buy A Brand New CH EVROLET OLDSMOBILE OLDS F85 CH EVELLE CHEVY Il FOR ONLY $5ý Over Factory Invoice PLUS LICENSE j SOUNDS UNBELIEVABLE, BUT IT'S TRUE ReorI Redierroi iltoit por a branti 00w Cieoroiel, Oidt F85. Citeeeou Citerp Illfotonip $50 at-tan tue ioetoryiroroite gruce plutsîtcence t$20 for a it etinder or $25 lot a V8) and OntroîSoies Tax> Thîoo is ito itik.Matchthrie terial i troter on te tar por cioose wit otîat ory intorco. An-t ottettortos pou titoose witli e prrtod ut oor instatieti >001. REED-REDFEeN WILI TAKE TRADE-INS but pleate hear ri>nmiodci taItithnse iow new tac prce v iii lie bu-tmg -oor utet cul ut te satie poin wo told ho-t t te auîtuon or frorri otter dealers, ri otiter word> otootetate. oI mut nikclownti th tir adcitaiif pou wani 10 trade pourctac, the dollars dîlferenie t> lte rrîoot Impriftant lîqrre. Mîit tis in mnrtiwe are sare we tari tare pou îone. Use the GMAC tîntIolepoient pian. lTe ratet for tit saie tompare iarnrahi otitPoey hanti fîiance pair> Oruir100. down it poo oreit i oood HURR Y! DON'T DELÀ Y FOR NEf BUY 0f A LIFETIME! REED-REDFERN LTD. ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON 878-2393 ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON Durnp Caledoiia 3M2 Sunday If ~ BOYS ATYENDING 00DM.. j Gym Shorts, T-Shirts, Sox, Supports, - Running Shoeo Available AI MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE LTD. - 200 Main SI., Milton 878-9261 MILTON BOWLAWAY WILL RE-OPEN THURS., SEPT. 8 AT 7 P.M. 0 Open Bowling Balance of Week 0 Leagues Start Week of Sept. 12 Some League Space Available for Coming Season Watch For Luter Announcement About Junior Bowling Please Phone: 878-9175 or 878-6986 JOIN THE SMART BUYERS at REED -REDFERN LTD. NOW ANNOUNCEMENT MILTON COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL WILL BE OPEN OVER LABOR DAY WEEKEND, CLOSING MONDAY EVENING FOR THE SEASON If tiiere are any questions regarding certificates or swimming awards please contact the pool guards immediately or the chairman of the Recreation Committes, Ted Jennings. ------------ 1 lm