Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Aug 1966, p. 3

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Nursing dispute County turns down. Hallon Counly Council has il nursing staff began a year turned down an attempî 10 en- ago when the nurses applied. gage an ouuside consultant lu îhruugh the Registered Nurses'1 lepresenlithe coonîv bn negulia- Asnciation of Onario. for cer- ions wilh the 22 Hallon Counly lificalion under the Labor Rela-t Heallh Unit nurses who plan tu ions At. The Counly Cotîncilc rsiga on lMonday, Sepîcmher blucked Iis moue bs invoking 12. Section 89 of the -Labor Rla- A pecial tiso-bour meeting oftions At, excloding Ibensieves tbe county councils personnel fromt iii provisions. cummnîjlce and 'Bard of Health The Board reiuîed lu recug- %%as belît-in carrera" on FridaYntii/cte R.N.A.O. as a hargain- tc'ntsiii, tt.t (luihî t 45 oui - îîî tttîtBoardtookoiii i cil. B. Piili fthttir ituFetr- itt hait,is-t)t cbei iti1 gonu. Montguomery, C.ssescislites t bhi' icntttses u'Il cnt1 Mitchell. harristers and sol- CotîntyScHallh Unit u iiscuss iciors. appeared brieflî ai the urking conditions or oiher earlier closed session boui s- oatters." Mr. Parker points out. cd jusl is-e minutes. Il badil The .R.NA.O.'s Direclur iof Em- been espec led Mr. Paulin ssoîîd plusment Relations, Llus'd B. ccengaedhsvthcouinlslto ail Siap lias asked the Boiatduof on heuci beialiniiitise dispute Hcaîtih lu begin ai seri, ofinicet- Nîitb the nurses. itîgi pertaittintilu salaries .andî There was no openi discussion îîurkin, conditions. Fîrtîer ut the nuîsing situation îuring cîreespundence itidicalcîl the the brici openicutcil nmeeing. RiNA.O. îîuuld 'fies lit"tlt: A repurtronto he Wardcei's H.îttun Healts Unit hi, asking Speci.îl Ciimniitee' îs.s lisîcîl tier nurses in Onta'ri'u st lu ou the agenda but ocrer dis- isut k luec, .îndît hiitng tIse cusseil. Tiis speci.îl cunîmilece preseist siattet su'ibnitesigna' haimet a tueck cartier but ions., il the 'Buatît îid nul cuis- lise report is'.ouitîmade puibic. fis. Futtoîing the meeting R. R. The Board of Hetaitti noitied Parker, Depuis Rece ofu Acton Mr. ShaîîPc te Board'îl titipie. and ciairman ut the counir's pateitlu cisguiale iiilsi te i Bar o Health, said he bad sestittieitand ifitlseviet'ecer" itu statent'etst tanî.îke aiîthlie tieît.as a brstttnguniti. Mr'. tise. '"TIse Count\tCotîncil baîs Sts.rpe %vas lepîuteiltî aiatif îlscided notui mnaki tise repurt the nuise'. du sut îîsht u bc public," he said. cri îîied. Mr. Parker iîdic.îed i te Dît Augîl i l. tthe etiets i Barlof Heatbh his nul icit're'ifu.tliun sire miledt hotu asade deinite plans fur uny 22 utl the 26 public bcallh oi" nmeetngs stb thenuis'. e,,inclistins l teiii tlt e Prubiesivusr th Hi 1h Utsl- sin Sptembîr 1t. Nurses wili meet Bd. H.ltuî's ptilic eittinure'. is.îe îurîed doi saisuffestuts flites neguli.îtc indti'itu.îils îiîh ibe Haitun Counts Board ot Heath , ,ttîutinsîs'îîi tavîe .îg.in h.înded tueiber %iiltise Reis' îered Nurse' Assci,tiun ut Oit' t iioi.a jointlitglis lu gel z cunttraci th bthe Hard. lu a lettes' l ise Buardilou Healih tridas, R.A.O. dires' ut ef* nspiosment relations Lluîd B. Sts.rpe'..îs.flise assue' tutti 011bc ple.îsed lu muet %tuthl'lttun M.O.H. Dr.Ai-cie F. Buitl-but .îsun a'.'us'i.liun, nul sI'.iniir-iciii,i Las( week R. R. Parker, Dep' utî-Reer>e ut Actun and uchair îî.îs tc tinuc Bu.t'ut uthc B oi i ci t o u e , lite o s s , i . t t p i e t t ituekitt usunîlitii, ,Oit Mojjititucs iotin-. Atigit'. 22, nursr'. u thetise ,itil k ttt tMr. Stî.îpe tlu retîtsotiti si beh.îtf.înd aiiepl'.ourimitta- iir olu sct'.Mi. Sis.îîpe". ici' ter expiins. "Our deeg.tlu'it ý1 lI'l the N'ti.ttuContittile ut te A.sucittiuts .and ticir R.N. A.O..agent. Wc ztic pleawîseîi s ou have' ueitîlîtlu t["cet Wt'.tl Ask superintendent Investigate Ieak in pool A ic,îk in Ilise siiitsstsing pool iolîe Iis tait, 01-111 te' iîtî s lu b5' tnt slig.îleî i b;Ihu our fle es t sgti îsg ut susîtîsîci. luitn stu k'., 'upcr intendient, as Cuuîsîi lite C. Fz.ts ý,nd (lites' urk'. ýeI1as, ttsp'titun and useristul '.îpeî inledeîlîst sunisp.sîd it,' Miltun Couotei siifgi'.li do'. Mi. MîKeti î%.s tuiii %pl ti a terI' niai.tt't'of Ilite poolî oii the ptutesi. ieak '.î.'.îi.îîtt l, u' atteittitit Reonslbility for flitc ittît k b'. Ilise Resîe.îtun Ciiitis' tuth flite suuonil. flict5' ctii Coutitti inîibr hessicee flite tOitillette'.tt 1it ak cn tut k fts litc ptîîî i's LIu bc h i te %\ ' nllib tc ln si Slciiet' indtitietii Illte ilin tC1n C f [iti putttpt' antd ili'. pooli tip.ittttii' t ltîtked ai e Titi". îiuteu u tces 'il tu Child hurt h Pk'BadiiLnlt.iýi \01 lte mk'. B u eiistiiiendcili.i in la ew yIl s,'. lttuu (lite Boardîi it.t Quc hnigbnitlbo pruablr ut hIideteii lie t errs Timbers is credîted siîh nmade asaitahie Itiumetwla ias'îutebiliiouia lii"saruld Ilits Rests',tiuit (sutinitici bilt Milton boy aller hi' \%-a, pinneil at tilthibe. n at anesîaUVît,îLncghbut' home Mondai ailirnuon. Mr. Timbers rushed ur.îssflitc ru.îd .tîii applicul tssuthtu' nsuutlis î'cusitatiun si heu Mtîtî' tel Shepiserd ot 84 Fultou Si. '.îa, pîntîcîl Yhle car. Tise car sîtîser \sas t-epuittit tsslakigrec- sletn tisee.ît itrîcul bask\%tîd, pitîtît ng the liai beisîceti titi ospmn (tout ut filîe.ar.andtfic ie of the ituc eanîd etouf t sae Dr. R. A. MuîiK.tî s.î'. unti- inusîcît and hi rosid tlic ciiild lu Mitou Distritl llupit.tt Hi ,ias [lieun îtsserî tî Buî'itug- titisHospttai tr ants peitit lvan Stepisrd repot'tiiTueiii.ii flitc busivas init os ttg. Rail strike ... (Cunttuted ltoits Paige tutu r cîg.'it shitputten[ isti titi e sîtî itils' h.î Ktliîiand a,..ti'sti pouIiag iipaiit Mal guiititlit Oluttris o Illie Ltnited Siilest'. tiauspirird iii Ile uîîîtî.îl îîî.tîîî arc ulliiigîp'.îîîk sittc't. Ftlur loi.Iilit'e sti%%Unionît Cen tie on Martin Si. %atuibct ,hbte tiss litiil ltit icdil truc ki tu hicscnt t, gel tlise 1L The sîrike lu also cuîiel.ttt 4 uclll, 1Iltie titi Seltîttît Deali. Beîi,tutîîttuîte adca rons s'î1îpiscttt tiateicsen iii NOW SHOWING AUGUST 31 TO SEPT. 6 a PINE SINOINO1UN Pm-d WNIWAL'ERJNNORIH (liii II)RLN LINDLR 12 IR' SUNDAY PIE-HOLIDAY MIDNITE HORROR SHOW 2 Added eatures At Dusk DaIIy mncl. Sunday 921-2453 or 8458272 consultant In an Auguat 16 ýleller lu tbe nurses, Mr. Parker noled "the Buard coni decide onli' Ibal Mr. Sharpe is delermined lu oblain the power lu negîttiale a union cuntra oi-orthe H.tlton noi-ses %%'ilthoîît recourse lu the Ontaio Luhbor Relations Board. Wlsv he shoold choose t0 opel aIe in this îsay. the Board dons nul kqow. If you wan a union, by al mneans tell us. If, on the other hand, you are concerned with other molIers. me are ready at ani' ime 10 diîcoss lhem wilh yoo.1 Hi urged thie nurse. tl cia meeting with Dr. A. Bull. Mecii cal Dliluer ut Helili, tu discuts thir probtemis. uIu e, (outer represet ationte OR 1.11 conmtte. Reeve Gordon Gallaghnr of Borlinglon and Reeve William Culter of Nasiugaweya o-ece nuimeil Friday auteenutîn .î'Hal- tîtu Cuîînty's tepî'eseî ttives ou tise Regiun.tt Detentioît Centre 'Buatî. Moions calling fur the ap- poinîments were passedwilhout opposition at Frida's special mneeting of Counly Council. Reeve WiUlam HunIer of Georgtown slressed the ap- poinîrnenlu tu the Delention Centre 'Buard should bc made ech N'car rutît difterent muni- cipatittis. 'Depulyt- Reeve Frank Rugeis.oftBurtingion ,uLges.ted, l donl>tthinik tir hout dhaie The Canadian Champion. Wednesday, August 31, 1966 3 yea." Reeve George Leslie closed lise toptu oilb tbe suggestion, o-we sbould Icoue the decision op lu nesl year's counicil. We've dune our job - weve appoint. cd thi' representlouves for Ibis y e ar." An agreemn-t eailiîg lor te cstaihtttssst a ii t iresan Re- toto Peel Cuunty and twu huom H-alton Counly mas signed ear- lier Ibis monîh by Peel Counly. Hatton Counly and Minisler of Reform Institutions Alan Groin' man. The commille o-II be re- spunsible for cboosing the site ,,nît subseqîtenllr for construc- tiuonundadmiistratiun of the nwreturnîs centre. which mili iiketi bc stted Malhebrst. feMEMORY-mMAKING 0 OLD F A S HIONE D BARGAIN BEE!I THURS. m FR1. - SAT. Only SALE STARTS AT f A T A~TSO E ON THIS SALE ONLY 9 A.M. THURS. IMILTON DEATMN TOE1 No Exchanges ALL ITEMS ARE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK TELEPHONE 878-9261 USE YOUR BUDGET ACCOUNT *b Ail Sales Final OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 PI.M. -- ------------------------------------------

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