Dominuling the ever-c(angiug sceuer %- arnund Ontario Sehuol foîr the Dca) campus lbe..e davs i ai leu ltî Iiglî andîl 1l sul li vkî ilaoIe i tîîiiiiîl aiiiiiIi c ,onki.îsiii bena gaslii.l al.iir. I lit egan sclh the biel.lrickconutrce- tionla, lal. nd arI oinDe- ceiiiler uîoi nen ifii ii IlvI ml ](" 11.1I, i ILe i - I'ii îi lim \i) lij . ce-icia iml lel ithe i ilicale e cc)ini ilia i keeps 1he dock bauds loiever lîrning o iîîîthe bîîîîr baîîs chIc oki le butcIil ie atii afd ie ii .viil, i i-i -ii Ba(î P e(gremi, oeiii il Aii vîsîlil iFlteclic %%ho lii)O vîseil the installation nofItie iuecîîaîism, explained (he clnck bauds are srivnu vfour individ- ici) mîlîlrs, sucîîîunizect l lhi .11 d aiLIl l liii ,. . li li-lvra ilil %Cci îiilîivral vs..e isdmo1 5 dvple buow lcl iiuic cliva ci eiiiiiio liiîali .î i ni li lciedc v [li e e i in îî 'l ilîlli Ile 1',î .îîîlc licîiju li v .1liek Lu,.. îandî ".Cil d%,Lueîeel uny imperfectionus lulime, beffin. uiug i fine minutes before Ilie dcks ceacb any bouc point. Tlins, if ire. of (he cdock-. ..aid 2.53 p.îîî.end( Ille oIl elock îead 2.5, îslîeiîl Ile lime came la 2.55 p.m. the elec- ironie celuy goes la mark. (n the fine minates pceceding 3,00 pu. il wulîleilber hîîrry îp Ilie sluîu c(act or re(crc(Ile lirce lo ,i, liaI ibi 1.001)p.îîî. aI) four su)>) be gving out the lîrîcul lime. And the re(ay ib sel 10 correct eien a ern seconds' difference in the noue c(oek faces. The fnar faces of the cdock are fiuished lu murble, whi(e 1he large haudi are anou(ieed auum- îîîîîîîî. ikt he vlîîd.. ml ivh n- (ic le ehnîîrv ai((le da.%. TIME ON THEIR HANDS . f lectiîians Branu loi lie De.îf Tbo iomer, locaîed ai the raI Whîie and A) Murray a ppeaur o (lave lun1e onu ihe admlluîiraîlon building enirancemay, bas ibeî r bauds. bei ibey're reaiin )hoiluine w ff our ci ocku ferîiiq forin. souih, east and mes) the boul hands wbîcb milii6e învtalleci on ht he îFicli ar i eîvîhlî-frChu anywere ou the O.S.D. the 80 (001 hîqh dock inweî ai Ontario 1,hool ,ipu INSTALL(NG SYNCI4RONIZED EOUIPMENT ibai shownwi nili ensuenthe correct imne on the fou ocks auniona ai in te Ontarîo Sbool foi the Dea> dlock (orner, stands bei, are Aîinworth Eecîrîs compunys (oreman Bob crii-euthe Peiîiqrce ndecticican Biau Whie.Boh id Institute members enjoy tou r of Adelaide Hoodless home The Si.(meli ge hborneilAclul- (ýdeltiîoiî -,Iîoilo vU,,lounuder ii1 the \Vilî nilv ti 1 Iul- îCaoi- iiu ir 18972, îav one l the palc- e1-i1 n b% iiMîoi.iînUniuon W 1 I înîîfheirAiyii17 pilîlie afcaie e) the ic.îcbiîig iiiDo- leiivic Scienîce (oîîîe Ecoîîm- ic,0inc) iîîlv activeinlth1e ev l.btîsbuîeno f tibeMaicDîoald C0Jii.e .1f )iîîepiîand)College oi ic .3 îîrme île Belii îe, n tie eIab)îlîîîenîiîîl lie Nation,î- al Cinicil riWomeu. The grnup alsa s îvîed the Rgî,iîI Bîî.(iardlenv ai l((a iiiiton. Li îîcb ne.. ai the SiiiuevmIn and iîîa i cree), liol t lie Hîiîdiev. bîome- ,iau%%,liv, km.în, îsbî i\in the bhome andl)conui The lîij a f iî ran lie gîîIýiîipîi omieuîbi îîi SHOPPING CENTRE MILTON " Loblaws " Plaza Motors " Smoke &. Gift Shop 911 Fabian Furniture " Laundre-Eze " Pollock Shoes " De'ath's Hair Stylists " Tihe Lori-Ann Shoppe lb Saveway Tots ta Teens 0 Stopp's Cleaners & Tailors * New Style Barber Shop 0 Caravan Restaurant or-,ifuo.iScotic)îhI-is %%1L5 id They examlned îîîi-iîî dii.ii-. ., aîîslea r d 1I1 lbe lie u i - Niîvv Iîîîîiv loîok î l (îv,f Ile Lîîl .I jh 1)10 vyochroniîel îîechanîsm tha) ii y corrects tie timring, ahîle Brian nde one o) foar sniai moidis Ibai mîl , hnds on the docks. ibîvend î ,t il. \Mi.VoIe)ii.iNoîr- lic .ecîiîlc picvliîe li iîk- %) iî lCi bt iad iriniiged ilic 1.11 il .Ic i 'i) i de.iiMîtc ' . i sis 511, ,il m uIlKCI 1 1ial le 1* 'il ii ii , ii i I 1 iav iv vi.l i ii,, l îli"%\ agaili. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about home heating. Are you cnîfîlerl abolît home hatiiîg fuel.s? What illi i-îî-î- lî nlv hiîî ,;i biother tulliîîg yoiî losu icoiîoiiî-;, conveiîieîit, quiet 1and1 1111)1011 e (iLs particîllar ilyitem s, yoîî ililie li fliîîinviothfoc 1(11 mfiîîîî-. (Iîîiif yîîil have la stay 1and1 a-tii11111 i),1:11- illIer liki îîîîîvt of'ii u -iib0 14-1 rcaI t(îîo-roîl, harîfci ii . Wodan oî 1> 71)laie!pi0h15)ly tlic noit eroiloniil Cfue)i tae (liy-(ioI they'rise tahe1leait effiienit. Andî sooner or lter nou')) gîttIii-eîl of 0)0v- iîîg over a <iii Y lviiii1ie- lîeil mîlt? Yeti cao cbiovîe hetmeen a liqcîii ifuie> or uo-eallei( 'ltiieless" lieaiili. Oc nalili-cl gai. Al of theni dlaim te ho ftue bes). Wîho sbaîî)î( ovi believîe? Inîitial instaaiiuro Iss ai-e hig)ieî for liî(îiî l îîu-(ipniiliîiet 111111 for glu. 5. gai îunit bai erner nîovuîg paris, laits loniger. Ini oi-iiurfoc- 'flainvIvs"' (îeatiîîg te compele iin opcr:îling coi), i t rci(uiceseu rt-thick iîîsulatioiî lhruvghout the home. If your homne haul extr-thick insula- lion, neo mtter îîdîu kinci of heatiuîg i.ystem yoo lise, yo'd nutura(ly eudt fuel conts. With extra inslation or normal insulation, a gas huting nys- tum meunu Inîîer fouil110815 by far. Yeu neyer have ta order natoral gas-ikas always khere. A good, nid- CaihionedCîIanadian nnowtorm ean't stl) îîotoîaI glis îonheating your honte. Sîorms con stop trvucku. Thuy ratil alvo tîîck ail) power iîe-and v1r oftîn <da. Uuueis yoîu have your own1 gu-il-illor, ')unli"heahingeuun gclv- 5011 (th-e ul h sldîîr, jîlit shen rçoiî iiî-il i wam ii <ncse. Ltli suce ik- lotini iig is as îlependblîe as ictuical gan. With muodernî gai heatîîg thecu ai-e noa hot aîîd coud 'I.uyi-i," of ukale air. lSisl oandduiat parhicIes can bu filtuî-ed Cîoîîî the. air anîd hoînidity controlîed. Wouîdi'tyacu inther have a huating vyitem that kook cao i heenital uîiîtioiiu? When yoîî get ight down to il. moulernauotinatie gai huatiîîg han the cilge lu juiot aliostevcî-y uepatmuîît. Bittî if yov're mlilot coîiviiieed, may- In, this wi>) I(el(i; if you iîustaUi a gon coniversioni (u1uier ii youîicenistiîig fuc- ni:ui nohu, or iîîicùîl a bî-aîd-îuuw gas dlesigun furîîace-mi"!) îpcead outth1e cutaiofluhe insitallatkion iii uauy moîîthly p:ynîcu(-over 5 yea-u if îîuud bu. [Tiileui yovu hîow samuone suho'l chop youî- wood foc froe, you won't gut* a boteri'duo) than thiu-anywhucu! W(îy liaI nake the uwitcb tn natural gan huutiîîg righk 00w. UNITED GAS LIMITED Goa uikes Itie big (cuînfuctlef) différence four Oý.S.D. docks synchronized to give perfect. turne C4 Thi-. anardîun Champion, Wtue(nunday, AuLquil '11, 196 [ WESTINGHOUSE- "INSTANT -ON" I AT ... CHASES HOME APPLIANCES COLOR T.V. SALES & SERVICE 1 81 MILL St. 878-3221 - NOTICE - BURLINGTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION SCHOOL BUS SCHEDULE 1966-67 SCHOOL VEAR Commencing Tuesday, Sêptember 6, 1966 PART 1 - PUBLIC SCI400L PUPILS (a) W. E. Breckon kinîlergarlen Io gradle 6 cc-iding in Wrvs Pinedali.- .ucsvv d tle dca iof Finediale .ucevn siiu vices) by Elizabeth Gairden, Public Sclioîl - pick ips sil be ai juîciiin of - Pinedale Aie. - Rivervide Dr. ui 8.20 ar. - Piied.ile Aie - Msillin Wav ai 8.22 .im. - Pirieslale Aie. - F.iikvide Ci-, ai 8.25 a. (b) Clarksdaie Foir pupils in kindecgariten iii gradie b lu Leigbil.nd Roud and stWtilandSiisvat-eupiukup %vill beai juciut Brant Si.iund (eigli.nd Rou.d it 040 ar. (ci Elizabeth Gardens Fuirpsipil, in kiideigaiuîn tii gradle b iu Piiedale Sarve:, piii. pîi lic .1ut jonctionîa d -elesidDr. - WîndliaNiîi Dr. ai 8.45 . -liaie.,todlDi. - Wîns.iîeolDr.aut8.47ani - Piiied.le Ae. - libîiok Roudaut8.50 am. (cil Falrnîew Routie anidpik îîî li ite,. ill blie lesaine a afr Ilie 1965-66 ..uhoui ear. Kiudei gaîieî papi1.. 10111 be adii.ed indljîîduallv lh: ieiepiliîie -î,tu piik 511finie-. le) KiIbrIde Route, wmill bc lie arne as. fur the scbiol Sear 1965-66. Fir-.i ick up isill 6e on Tr-alalgai--Butrliugliau Tosîn (e aI 8.15 a. .Kiiidergarieii pupil.. îill 6e acli i.ed inîlis du- all.v bv ielepbune a.. li pick uip flies. Grade.. 2 and 8 pupiil- aitendiiig F wiiessill ie icked upli h 'ligh N. houl buse.. (r> John A. Loekhari For kiîidergarîen and pupil.. ii grades. 1 li 4 incluivie re..iding îîu the beach bioulev.ard. Fîr..i pick op ai munici- pal bous.e iuiber 924 ai 8.20 arn. Bus i'~ill iravel ea..ierlv silh stoîps u.îîthe lliiiaing bous.e number..: 1006. 1092, 1156. (g) Maplehurst Grade.. 7 ,and 8 puîiil.. froni Fairfield area wili n..emlile utrai i ield Public Scicoul lui iick Luîî ai 8.30 a.. Grade 7 and 8pupil.. front Wudlieîc aiea %ibci.) iian..porled on the regular rouie..s wih base.. operaling ou thbe.sanie sclîedule a. ac urthe(965-66 scboualvear. (b> Roling Meadows Rouie..s %iI) 6e ile .saniie i.. oir ihe 1965-66 vciua( vear. Fir.. ,uc k upuaithie iluncîloî or lie Burlington-Trlalgar Tomi lue .and No. 5 Highisai ai 8.38 am. Kindeî-garîen papi.. wll attend 1the aller noon clas... Grade..1 Iolu8 papil.. re..idiîig iii Beatîluri and Tyandaga Suibdivisions ..ill bc picked up ai $.10 aîîd 8.15 arn. re..peclivelv. (1) John T. Tuck (1) Rouie.. and pick up inies ii)) e (lie same us for the (965-66 vehoul vear. Kindergarîvi.. papi).. altrend theînuîuiîîg cia.. (2) For kinidergarien lu grade 4 re..iding lu the Wuodlaud F..îale.. Survev, îick up ici)) bc ai juncuiiiîiof Rexsca,î Di.iand Wlker.. Liiie ai 8.40 a.ii. (M)Woodvîew (1) Rouie.. and pick up lime, %ibcth (e same a.. for the (965-66 .chou]l've.u. A rnap vîvis %ing location of>loius stops. andl .che(itiedi iiies i.. av.îi)able ai Wuudviciv Publie Schîîîl. (2) Kindergarien papi).. ii))attend Mapleliers i Publie School for the muriing las.. and iii)) lic picked up %villi vlie grade pilpil.. (31 Gradle.. and 8 papi), ii))ahtend Map)e(îîîî.. IPul)ic Sclîmîl ands) ibc6 picked op b.. reigular buse. (k) Speclal Clans Pc.piIs (l) Clilidren alkîîdiîîg the Opporluniiv Class a) Fairviesu Schou) ici)) 6e iraiisporled un flic regular busi-oite. (2) C)ildren allulidinu Itie Oppotnriiy Clavse, ai Rollinîg Meadumv Selnol vwho require transportatii ion wilieb i r.iiipur)edlunltile regîî) ,îbî.ruties. 13) A malp vhui g Incationoo) bu.sîstops.and ichedtiled finile..s seeîî dislcibiiied l a) uher cii)lre. lin a)tetclen -hee cla ses and icho require i .iii.puriatioIn. PART Il - SECONDARY SCHOOIL STUDENTS (a) Nelson HIgh Sehool (1) Sîuîeîîî,si-ho i-rude nîîrîh outhle Oîeeîî Elizabeth Highwaýv. Roule.. and pick uii iiiiiev %il[ bc6et(e sanie ai l'oc (he 1965-66 ichaul %ee,. 12) Sicidenîs icho reside lu Mouîîiain Garden.., Clark,.- claie, and Rolling Meadosus area. A uap shuving flicelocation oi bai,.stnps aîîd sched- îîled fiieivs availalile ai Nelson Higli Schoîî). (3) Slîîdieîîî..iclînieide in tihe Blillinglun Centlral Hig(î Sclîoul aiea, A nîap vîînîg (lie loîcation o) buisltps. aîd( vchcd- u(esl finies isas ailable it Nelson Higli Schîîu). (b) M. M. Robinson HIgh School (1) Sidenis alia re..ide noii th of te Qileen Elizabeth Highwav. Rouie..and) limes wi)) bc (he saine a..l(or the 196,-46 sehuol vear. (2) Sladents who cevide saîî(h of C.N.R. anîd lu Aldec..6a1 areia. A map ..lîwiug location uf bus staps and scbedtiî)ed limes is arailable ai M.M. Robinson High Schaul. ------------- -------------- ---------- --------------------- ------------------- 1 FEWFL:l