Tour fums, su CtLL Five Maryland 4-H'yers visit Halton During the week of August 21, Agent, Donald Jotsalvio who a tour oi several points oftin. Halton Conty Oas itost ta ie sorks %vith 4-H and Youth lerest in Halton County - dair , 4-H club members front Mary- gronps operating i ront the Uti- beef.'lt-uit and musbruom fat-ms,' land, U.S .A. and their Extension versitti ut Mat1Nilatd. and a Ilri. On Tuesdaî a, ve- Leader. This %liai the irst suC ' .ing ai flitc Agricul tira iOffice, exchange witilitaitthet coutti Durlng their tay ut Hatott caclit detegatclart pin a ds in U.S.A. titat Haitun bas taken Countv. each detegate iiavcd cuss-iutî uitthe plaes atd itointît part in. stjtb 1i0 oit taiii s huse outitst itn Marviaîid. chiidren tiare ither 4-H Hotrte- Ott Sa tttîdts the mamrbens te- Dave T%%iliev (15 Sean aif agal îtîaking or 4H Agricult-ral Clutb urned hoiuit-i a tto ict liier frmDeaware, atd Dale Hoînan tîtaîtbers. The detegaies wec a nostadge oni Ontario antin (17), Eltan Bradtley i17), Nanev tken on aitrip to te C.N.E inipariittlai t.tii4-11 piogrant. ie r (1) ai i n d S l sint a i ciiil - t.,in P %i eii cN \ i i cloîtîi., i l, I la i., i î-.lli.lit the4 t'.. ti il iîiiii iici ici! TExi tein tîstic tittlit ilii lta s oi viii. tl ta ctt lN Fnum Septembar 5 10 12. 1110 Junior Furnieri îapreîenîiîîg tbe Halono Junior Farniers Associa- lion îîill attend the Pnoî inciai Junior Farin Leaderlai p Train- ing Camîp. Tbi.-camnp s heing beld at Genena Park on Latte Couaiicbing. 90nmiles iturtit ut T oronto.- Cbosen 10 reprasaîsi Haltiti Counir*s are Vanna Tboînpson, daugbter ai XMr. andit-Mrs,. Got- do Thonîpsuonut R.R. 2, Miton; and Brian Bess. sit otSMr. aîîd .Xln. Arnoldt Btsie out RR. 2. Hltîburgb. Vra il a nient- 0cr ni tha Palrmu Juniornt- ilotle, and Briatnanianibar ai the Actait Junior latnic-rs. Jerseys win Ton of GoId Aionlea Bijouo P..ii330897. Vans Goud,îaici sevcu%%cnitheb. bard oi Fatherstunt Bru,., Oak- ville bas jctbecni.sraiTon ai Gold ctrtiitia. In 1320 cUis site pîîîîiîcad 2.095 lits ni lui. Sha is a daugbîeî ofthie Super ion Sira Branîpton Sir Bijou Rt- îlot, 124107, and also i sî one ot lino Sucver Madals. Oak MeuittuinCrol 3R, 333932. Vans Gond. inotubai il"ci astutt inabae hctof Mr.S. L. Cia Harper. tourgattisn. thti cet aîsarded t Ton of Gold ceri li- cala. Iii 1407 daî s sha tîrtîccc 2.032 tbs. fat. Caiofis a daugit- tan oi tua Sopaior Sbit cBtamnp- wiie nofu a Gld Mciatt. Wendybrook Beacon SNIiz.î 2362400.Verv Good, a Jtî sas colt iii thtebî ul or .Il. Xctaieitod Son. Ntontl. lias also batt is- sued a Ton o ol ttuicuîtuticatc. In 1,123 daiis he pîoducaît 2,141 -s. oflt. lai. utal")t uceaîdad Litatime Prouîctiuo cetci t or procuiîî ig 79,991 lb-,. mut., 4.992 hi,. lt in sasan lactattoos. Svia isa cdaugier ofthelita -i pcrior Sit-c Brampton Ro\tits Beaton. 118272, aîîd alite %in icr r ut tutilSitut lttts.lite Gold Madal-., and atioltet Toit ut Gold cniiaa To qualils lu, a Totut n totd cieîlicaia î Cut% itu t odoca t at 2,000 hib. oflult in lour There wtlI be .îpîsuuîl 75 cclet,ýtio it i ti ithe EachLic.lelg.ue ut, Il lie ta lui etoparttt-iptc ii inte fit ctipci rogratito tecatioîn. piogu uni planîning,. sut îîîming andîi Il t..r stietu -As tw iniarastii grguttpi -ci qutit. music, -soli aspietsionu. i onsirs -coutstîbtt tuti maii anlce nie buuit titi p iti uclie aieei, ciii. ioa -it icampt -tii c--cnuect, d iJci tunhomth\bas titlli oi- oofîtîa Phe rîtelihitu t Otîe.îîuî. lc wheuft rebute highest on record The Ontartio Wbeît Pt-ti ttan Martintg Bua rit bairestsid ttti iLiiois slaieotant and set1 letate .ttoi thie 1965 ci-oîp ai 11.87ice nii pan- btîbelon tbe 9,832,870 bb'selýis ntrketad b- tcecîtjîîlî t. 1965 and June 30, 1966. This sit i-atîuont tu St.1b7,- 000.00. The boaîticrter selt sidiaLi t-scie l t tio cents a bsco appîusinîatel is- 019.003. rhlic ittds opeacnus ton 1965 incîtîde aritketing 277.1001- u i ii titic i l sohi anount in citiparison \tiiiitiii\ptavi-ouis yains,. suling in thaIiigbest ealcti ai- madîce bvtheardii. Tit itehie iiilitbcnmadie tu26,00 itOiiat pro- titceîs pritîrlo the buard'sant- utuai nmeeting on Ocinhat 4. Peel beats Halton Hoisteins at C.N.E. tutti tiltt il c-tuti i lelactt itici1 ci itions -utflit la ttîiîîîî 7 ai Exhbtiîonî ast %isc IL Scîýcuial district ..-siulituti trz, nCNt .coîutîctut Hatgelt ll.-acita titun Gi.a Nursal. %%ts titi utîttr t HALTON 4-H JERSEY GUERNSEY AYRSHIRE C CLUB By Mtirray McCaig .ttl Sl tuttul uîg - tc -t, i intoptcsofIl lic Xugast1 ut 1 licetialtoit cr sGi its-Avrîbir a lit itili. li. flita lau îîof utnseîLIIuuand H , i bu - Xir. Lita utu t Il 'i l I,[] cuis, Dnugtaî A. Gregonon iii , lali. îîtîguî îmd l th t tub :oilpe- iand cha iii i titIl ii tiibi %%ffl hii ,. D. Xl ii jltti.. le, ti, ii. Haltýon 4- Club N o 11 ewse-ChuI tii i lic 411 E ulIt li i -îuui Duî-tng tie secnnd p.titi iemt cil lis Jitîhîtu .Naiii ii.4-il hlicii iciut s. tsst licii Xlic tutiX, ililtu ptl t itcetittig. Crop Science- Herbicide building at Guelph to aid teaching, research Tbe nais Crnp Science - Herbi- researcb in improvement of plant gruistb in datait cr cicte Building aI the University crups for Ontario fa- rmns. A a- niany combinationsb of tigli utGuelpht, for irbicitte con- jtr empbasis aiofrcb udhit,,ben tract lias jusI been let. is scba- placad on cunîrot nf weads - îanî.ili'y, tatuparalure and te ctutai our compietiun early i te ajrb obe i toiiedsudas. Large grostb roui majo ruitern or filds hbasi/a utfgreenhboises, 19b8. It titi provide oîutsanding ut crupiste cwisb 10 gruw cumptatali' waîîed in and t iaaclting and rasearcit facilities A unique feature ufthte bnild- artiticiai igbt inîiaad ni tir anivarsitti studants and lac- iîîg wili 'ne tbe large plant ligîti - oi alloli--ciantist utitrandiiîili alitttiiasansitlu. gruwtb faciiitv taI t iletiable condit iraicarabuon largeat tueroefr Ontatio agnicul- sciantisîs lu gross plants undan titi"sut plants ait sar i-oun lue-contruitait anviruotitiaiconcti- llie îî..-îblinîg ha> tic -c- ioi n, T hes. Vt.- ic battît ttie . Nt lti i iIi.ti tit i l 'itt-iad1lllotiui leiiui..tttt oit imili I) atit tis isici C i I.c'(111U, .ii.tgle and more.ia tu-d[e abua[oiestu arr ou wil ajuw CsCrChrý u td'.Cdistciiclzttoptttalntiili Halton'herds improve in D.H..A. production Haltun CLuoni barils bava siioueicitcnuicrttbtc ni pittia mentîtin ici i1a965 pntigr report ofi tbe DîHIIA. The average prodctcionuioft59 associationis a..ross Ontarioufor tbe paît scar %%as 10,606h]lits utotitE, 388Ilii. scainwttt George MaCur- iituc assiiparvistir mni'ciiiruin luth poîsitionîîIo0tunri in ic provincee. Tue 4411coui complate recoîrd productioîn sa, 11,543 tlitiof iiiut. 446- its of fatioa ii-eic ararieaga ni 112 anti hast Haitun Associatioti utdar Fiantkttisitolit iovtinfr bt to itîb poition iîb h11,168 lh~i,. tilE. 470 Ilits laiti r a BLA. of t06 anti 1t0. Hation Lenittctinder Howiardi King niii- cci frtiti 21lb t 9[b îsiîb11,21-5 iii îîilk andît428 ut buttea iît105 tatdl1liSB.C.A.. The totat of 1,313 gralatt [la1 itin liait 8 lic-i-l soutoii[lie. toit 30 cîtîifpatet i iluýit bri- n 19b4. ltîgbasîproîductton inii tti cli 1 tîîît uc-Itii i tatic-r 1- ggtr. MXli itiRR. b Wctsi t.îiîîîîAs- oiain -14.,41-.570 foia lIt S ii136i tîtdt 143,. soeitl ini Uît.îîîîî,liii, SbW. \Viaicis. i iig iiR R 2. E, 1lm Xs -. .îîîî 14i5i915 toii L.îîî.-cc. XlliittiR.R. 1t. Xts Itlîtie -14299. 535 ltiiatB.C.A. Biti. BuitglititRR. , c-i lain- 13239, 537 fliai .îBtA. ofi 129 aild.t131) 9t hi .. JOBîtîl- leu, Hurnbi R.R. t, Hittui Cai- ira - 13,702, 5-6lb tr i B.C.A. ut 127 anti 136; 24thb.C. Baii, Glati Wtllianis R.R. t, Eau Halton - 13750, 542 titi a B.C.A. i[i 125 andi 135; 251h. F. J. Broun anditSoit. Limehbuus R.R. 1. Eat liai tit - 13,776, 537 toi a B.C.A. oi 126 and 134; 27îiî . CA.Xlii anti So, HîobiR.R. 2, liiilon(tci- ira - 13592, 525 toi a BLA. oil 127 and 133. In additioni tîac-iiîg îbc iloîoing repotionithebapîocuc- lion oi eacb cuis in ith etîlr, calit D.H.I.A. meîîiîcr -r taccl i re porioun tbe cîstlproduictionî iii miik andte ibftpet*o%îtiiclsiri l.t ierit.He taen si, bie ho cbange is managemnti atd cu te pour produucltiinan t lcoîpi lu îînpî-osc-Ilits ritti Ansi t uisitn luit in tiltheb tatAi ttitttsinIL[ litîtutî ciýIi.[ilita Agrîctîl titrait Oitica ii t iltoit01,otine ii tice D.H.I.A. ONE TIME ls, 0 cciii iidoil ttiis-i'l UI Il*, 0 bîtî t t l! l- t, iiioiiaic tilt.t mla ICIi Yitt Ii titie-ti til lis titi..- tirhli-- i-ii andiiiict-tt th itcit tc \itic îiotii.bcppc-iiiig.ttittisnttic stie Ilbi,-% oi. Donti t:tc li chantce! The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Augusi 31, 1966 CI inder unglb usi ng îtili corne ]romIlleCiop Scice. bldiiing. Tbe plan ticiantisi icttrking withiebliad cropsi s ai- temptin, ta imptuse thba duc- acnas of plants. Heitavalopi ncw aite nýI Iii iig yiatd and rasistuince Ioi ditcascanditiinsci pasis. Ha siavaitpi matitudi uofîîaad con- oitndst-c.ttincs piantiog, tianvastitteand sturaga tacbni- R sts. His gutal is ta dveiop an afficient plant cuvat ioagricul- fodýis-agreen can9i5 tint -king as a fac titi, trîîpping flscns cîtargs anti îîuring ibe ctcrs.Thiis a ic rgv situt d in thli plant tisuiu sha food sopply forinal Soute of the plantsarc ate d-rcstî chti s sictat as bi-ead, tait as t breakfatisiccraaýl,bcani tiiiakeiibeansattiisuvbeans as cotoking iitandinmargarine.Sonne oli planiitsiiare osc-d asltond titi tanial, and batîca îupplv (ie en-c-tigy iii ptoducc tbe sia;iki. pti k chop,, ciicken anti nit lihai Canaduan its tîka10cat. t titi lini ai tutu tîodceand îoin flite ctias a, îîsîtmîs.hac î itake ini lt.ili ticssutcli as flitane Luth Suvci- -iebicide lîuiid- inl t[lie ui ofsisniGuelpht. Titi.- aci nformit iaititn lit î,îîîoniîîîalî tohm titis buiid- ing ssi-i brin improve farm in- urnte. bnp produce the extra lood needed ecri year ta ýfred bhe grnwing population and belp ceep food osIs ai a reasuna bic cvel. The UnIvrsity ni G ual p bh, bhrougbhaheOntariot Agrîcolinra Cuiiege anti assistcd tinan-ititi ti tbe Ontario Daparîmen t ut Agricultute and Fooud, bas a spa- cial intarasi in itis vitai pruh- glem oEflte wnrld tnday - food fur man. .Tbe fonds lu make Ibis nets Crup Science - Herbicide build- ing possible are coming from ibree sources. One is tbe Ont- aiiu Departmenî uf University Aliairs: a second is tbe Onilario Dapariment ut Fond and Agri- culture, and ticeittird i.. ibe Uni- îari-iî il Guelipb Davlogment tond, tbroungb.%iticb tbe public dciii ci participate. HALTON BRANCH MILTON..... . ý........ PHONE 878-2391 GEORGETOWN----..... . PHONE 877.2271 ERIN--.--., ..... . PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES .. . For greatest benefit apply fertiliner to hay and pastue. i September. Salk fertilizer is available now and is the mosl economical way t0 purchase your supply. For any furîher nl-ornalu ion s uà.8 .11 m E Grandma Depended on the good old cook stove But now she'd be glad to. . . Go Modern Now with this Kelvinator 30" ELECTRIC RANGE CHECKTHE FEATURES - CHECK THE PRICE L!Sanresis b l i tinie Autoîîîdtîc Dve ii ant d i exleror finish LiOldioff ItOdI blil Idtl celCiliCtil AWIICI7CA Oveiipiclurtu widow Tr mCOVNEN GO MODERN WITH KELVINATOR w~iutit utitei or iilit o Ueti ansd surti.oc lIClCt signal iglhts ýi Extra deep full width storage draweir TERMS 179*'~ B rian Bessey, Verna Thompson chosen for Leadership Camp The Burlington Business College zARE NOW ENROLLING FOR FALI TERM STARTING SEPT. 6 0 SECRETARIAL SCLERICAL *REFRES'HER COURSES * EVENING CLASSES* Start September 19 PHON-E 637-3055 The Burlington Business College 499 Brant St. Burlington SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN WITH RICE OUP CHEF SA AD $1.25 ROASI TUR8 Et DINNER & CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHED POTATQES OR FRENCH FRIES COLE SLAW STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 We Ar. Open Ev.ry Day Thioughout the Yar LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONED Milton OUR AUGUST OLD FASHIONED SALE h IS IN FULL SWING ... ASK TO SEE OUR 8 PAGE SALE CATALOGUE Remnants of Summer Furniture Drastically Reduced CDon Mcrii.i Auihoiîcd Dea;cr i, e 136 Main St. Milton 878-6011 - ------------ . 1. 1 »-1 i