Jim's Jottings b y ji m di1 0 go the province is having difficutty uith its cectenniat projeet. What gise in nais? tn Miton the difiicutty seas public kaiittIesige blaire the rasignation, îvhieh s about the ontl' difference beliveen tha local and provinciat situations. The main question pusait frequanit t nie noie. is diiiîidaad. I sott hink su. A toantit coiii \sciappuintad after the satan- tters rasigaad. Thara bavaeha an no reports ran it la couacil t.I blbievc there have bean some meetings. Tha cunîmittec is made ap tif sux nithe ni ne couaicit mem- bars sa reports ta the ishole graup may [t ha numerosîs. 0 The rail stike %selî t oennearna va,st î,aoiît fMittnians ta ternis of trvlta ansi [tom the tassa. Ihmas an- terrsipt iadsstrial suîpplies, but b'c far the majait ' vutfthem [rasai bv truck. Thara wiai a time %sîhen trains carried [ha mail, tule mitk, [ha gonds for the stores andi the travailers isba isent ragutarîs to the it'c. Mure andcinfore the train bas sithdraîs a or been isithiraien tram thesc rotes, or disptaced by tha trucks us automobiles. a Local 1067 boughl the otd Milton Armories for conversion tu-a union centre carlier Iis ycur. Noie afier a lot of plan- ning. bird seork and severat thousanci dolars, Iheyvre reudy lu showse tolu'soit. Open Housa s ibis iccekend on Salurday afiarnexn nans! Mandas afternoon anci ave- nnDroîp iaandI sec il if savou ani a loock îîast rl tr'ansformionisi. Tite coin- astnce aîîd maîîbars basa donca su ery good job sand creaald iviit is bound la ha a poputur spot for locat groupi arranging special funelions. e Hard tu ImagIne the sommer bas reativslsippad ais-oc ip the climasing La- bar Day iseekend wuih iii Steamn-Era and Oid Fasioned Daci. We ean stillook for- isard ta the cotor and taag of autuma sehich 1I il t ink is tht-hbeuseason of titi. 0 Enjoyeci a brief look ai ther Exhibi- tion this vear bol 1 came home coovinced I ithar had tu do more ivatking rcgutarty, or aise bc prepared for thesveak muscles [but devetopcd atter half a day of tramp- ing îhroîîgh buildings and arounci the grouînds. The nae alpine ridaesias îsorth- ishite. aven if a ittie unpredictable. ~ Down[s] in this Corner m ilth r o y do w n s Sutîîa tittrs [bal sili nases pget srît- ".Dtsîr Masos Cîildi: The Ontario Monsietai Board. ic a:iucîîîMitions, pro- grss and piannasi dteveiopmanl ,îrc iiadcra-d bhIibis Boîrd's tack of indcci- sion un s aur racani and iraquenl an- liasatilîtapplications baraba grau 16th Tais n ut Miltonsthe 2.600 acres of neiph- harng apOks le and Esquasinp lands as requestud in anaeiofssr recevatapplica- lian. Guud tack. Yours isle....0M.B. 'To the Chief Jusntice iii Ontario: As [[le ctrim1e sale i ilII-taCianî s ba tiia ailto luil in cnaaa.meathi. 1 seanu tariha raaucst utilagtistralin tlhe vcourt- [sN and bebe sobaîitime reignatian. If vou evear bave ans' furîber use- for mnv seric,, 1ieill bc peasd toend mv re irne an ere aig:n ti ha beaah. Hotiset illinsît are so u it ii itsIlaton righi nase. t doubl mv servictes ilve bc netîti aitît, oui,, K. M. Langdan. 'Tii lit. il'iiiîct-i utofC.iancitt Oaa ta is ý, dand etîui [iaiîe dtas dacreait' la :tienaîîîilnîîats. 11e huard lia.% de- tidedît[utiliseflita Binte St. icholuiansi ý,nrdilfie ta'., sa suotd lika la tie c 5i,îî nor 'eLa tiMiton Miiitiio. b;its-avie sH. P.itîla t,n tbirîîî,n.Muil- tai Pablît Sthoal Board." 'D, naisStittClîîîs Yîan tiare suiin ,-olu u, la, \tari' Il Isi.Iinaa' lima, itit', Tilt Domsîs Ctildsaî.' 'Ealon'ut Thercu nu uentie ii os coit- pila' tt iteuh therubes Ibais, sîbi tut'ti sa haraSlnpsasî'u." "lalttaîtRaplaîl Lonsarsatiln Aufltîs rit, No use secnîs inteiasiecdint ssim. iigai Ký-Iti ains mlre. sol eetll il \%Cue tsu' ilt in icIta [[i pouiainiiiliurrilthe sit' [toa a siories lian arva. Casu aNui habc uta. Yîîur, RasJohnason, Klsa îpîito iai. lisforîsîusek.ssecarcbîîred. reI 'itt ncourage Élie us Iloliboarto e. ucliahesîîeIlî liiicii cta d? We'i'c geiiog tirci oftssiitnlinp, pic- oies, basebaît. ski[îip gaits. ike risies. su ýatît mniariîhnsaîie. spatting, saut- st, vrting -idpexgrîpbs. Signaci, 1,634 Milton ceenctaryscshouotstudenis.' 'Tu aur bussest Wilh ain itaerait iii increas tnp produtaon ai oas plants.,sma the amplos eas, bs a [,365 ta 2 s'aIe, baie deided ta fureg u nstuI\ca-do ilv eotfec lîrtilus aci ioi harten our noonhuri bu' 15 mnultets. Wa featle,-are uastinp tou mac:h lime' iuillingp teffea suhen those hasrsecoulsi bu pauuci ouse pro'uinp litaie aiid makinut motue profi itsroi listas. Signait, eniiîtoueei uto the scen majur Milton industries." "Tu [ha Miar aid Caunilt: Nuis liat ha Parking siution la Mitnis tuai- plaide undctscanirul. ueth secail p.tead ans tentralt parking lois providtac [tir [he nîatarng anti hopping publie. sue [cf aur taunîn iece ais ureedi[lispus- poseanad ume cao resigo. saîlîfieci thaiouns efforts hasebheunglît about Ibis pneut chhtida. Yor, Miltan Parkfing Caommnit- tee." 'asMr. DieuuiîtittYsr toliuîîs hue f ),itosus '5tl[t'it ina racet i anth, I buec detisteilta u ie sou î,that21stuc %u sinckaîll's efur l seins icr ga. Ket'p uîî tiae'tisdsuoik. Tht bus,.' Typesetlina lrobleîs eaa ha asek' tuard. lus esample consider thcsesseckty naiespaper acis. Augaît 5 - FOR SALE - ltiglitly usedci iui n goud conition. Apply lu lue Blowe. Auposi 12 - CORRECTION - Due lu ani uîtioriuîîaie erras la Mr. Basiadi t. la,sî eak. Mn. BIlis ha, an excellent WINCH for sale. Wa hope this correctioan suIt dseonruge so-caifeti humorisis tuba haîve catleci un Mn. Blowe ad embarrsseci tus housekeceper tehu toven snth hios. Auguss 17- NOTICE - Ms' WINPCH iai otfor sala. Il is ut tha boita ioi the stucs. And ( Ioti 111 lquira about it trama nvlîtti sekee[tel-,sha ducýs luI fisc ela an uriae. -lueofBlow IPE EKING; INTO MILTON'S PAST I '-i A SIG GATHERINGofutMlfonans mas Ballafuon off 10 mar about 1916. Phofg pielure] aI the Grand runk station Pioce rom the George Jackson colltection. L.i.) Iltasonfli u b of utflic f164111 We/co'me Sîcoos-Esa annuattp bringi thonsandi of v isitors la Milon on Labor 009 meek- ae]d aid tctheo.m, asosm eicome. Nol ait corne front a ditance, ather. Maep ose [rom the areas sarroundîng the cuti- munitp and oui meicome incindes lhem The Labor Day meekene] loa marks t6e relura of those sehot teachers cehose permanent homes ose nutltocated n the toma. Me inctude #heos offlanous mai- Unfortnnatetp averplhing haee s nul ideat aid manp of [ha visitors la Sleamn- fra moutd fine] il impossible tlu 5109 over for anoîher dap muîhin the commonutp. Bp neat peau mere hopeful a new motet miii ha iocaled au nearbp Campbettvitte, Ihol veitu serve the lomnat aI esl lu some entent. Peshops soosedap meutl even hava une ighl in the tome. Phose teachers veho are moviag [heur A coasmanilys grealest resource is ils people. I[t s through thers and be- causa of lhem Ihere is progress or stag- nation, aclîsîlp or înacinily, slabiltl or intaiblity. Such a commrent sealis startng ta ils sîmpticiîy bal il is perbapi. by the xery uitue ot ils sipttcitlp gnoe] or oaci- lookad. Il s the ciizens of a commsinily whu dacîde. iadtxiduattp, the bine] ut leader. slstp thap mail, 1he provincial aid ted- arat rapresaîîtines mosi desirad. Ifil the ciizans. indîviduallp aid coltaclively, osho decîde oshaîher there are te ha minr sports programi. service clubs, cburch groups, todges aad olisar organ. izalions. Il s the cilleens, tndivtduotip, osho make the decision on hoos great a part lhey ara prepareci lu pala i1te coos- iiunity, aid ils service protecîs. Att are, torîuaaîetp. nul înlereslad in the sorte Ihingi Nul averpoar con coac h a minnr hockey leant anut aIt con lyod a tond- Tîtougli adullary uap mreck a atrr niage. J. B. MeGeachy wcels in The Finaiciat Posil is nul the uni9 or aven the ain cau se ot maritial stiut. Couni- fesi marruages have îurvuved senuaf n fîdeliiîp bal weddad htiss s ipossible i one pallier habiiuattp gels drank aid beals the tamitp, rais awap and nanas comas bock or s contined indetinitetp in juil or a mtental hospulal. MvGcachy notas Ihat Canada long ago adoptad the Brtish divorce tam ot [870 or aartier, maing adultlrp the uîîtp ground for divorce. aid is stît sîuck mil6 bol lave. Ha expressei e hope Ibal Canada willftottow the British euanîpta of 1937, adding cîueltip.daserîlon aise incurable insaifulp and îossibly lavor- C EN TE N N 1 1867/1967 RCAIt planesfiNin eranaidasliii lte'luit airtilitsin luiciefat-notIriuare gis iiigtuabcai-d-tppingsatiie uuou,îau-ago la flictîtouthu aheaci. Ourin lît ite eaiiig sîtunt e in [fIle Pllesuîutt hac iakiitg irdiopi ut bighi li îîeutliliouîs, souu-t-uiu-s iiiCauuîa's (etîteiiiuat, Io tlleuîbuat titilit eutof le anîful. Wfîs tusd-api? Weil, sanie uft hase coi ilies arc su isalaiec ilItera sinîplu te o llan tutus-lir eu' [e-ries t la cil sui liii uiut-ihiutiiiu f t e l ,îtlionîs ta flici îaunitsh%,Jiia 1, 1967. Nîs millioof Ilese lilu iiiiat îîîedal- pi-ofývu clfa fo r e,('tiilniiial'aiiistiii bu- [6e R.a a aadi,îii Miat ah OtIattu. l'ast iînrdafliou. oaeiseh nîduuîa quaruer un dianieler, sili bc pachuged iniia upecial sivetripa bearnîg flite Cenlenîtiaf syînhol fnIe uutilde. ThteI il dlaiver'i of medollians frntî the mii sîvlit ha a speelatline - 2000 la Ille Caîtennil oCnsmission auth1e endi ut Sepicaîber for the air-drop aîltînenîs. Than tha minI suilîtmoka direct shipmeats ta ait lic plus ltue tîtid tri itucicu by drftqwaqd famities lu the commanîty or aeighbor- îng centres t0 laach haie are alieady awae that we dlon't have a surplus of housas. We're sorry about Ihal. Nul mach poinîtin us goîng ibroagli 6e standard excusas because lhey'te eut mach consuotion oshen youlre commit- ted ta, a job bal can't fine] a placc to livna. Ragreltabty me cool uveclude tis oas meteome thal neos taduslry thal manîs lu tocate on tand ia an tadustriat area, utrady serviced bahiad Milton Ptaza. The toma mails ta arbitrale' on the agreement sigaedin 1960 ulthough the points of arbitration are far Prom clear. Bp the lime the maller is rnsolxad, if il is, the iadustry mitI consîdar as9 mal- corn mords Prom the dtrection outh1e lownans su mach double talk. But welcome aipmay, lu Ihose who are milh us for a short meekcd stop or [or a year in our sehools. Aid il's a siacere une. raising catspaign. Il is tis diaersity ut talentîs taI eux ta pruper blione].proatixe he const ant round ut catîtîtuvtty acttatty bhal Milton seevîs lu tusier. Phare are tam peupleilît ha suai- muait9 ceho are nul actîivey ctgagad i soilte coîîîvîuaîîy-siranglheann service îhroughts heir church. îtaîghbarhouci or scrvive clah. but ihere ara suite ehsi taalns shox Id nul be vift hiddvî. Thap shouid bc eacuuraged lu partîcîpaeaini an aclîviy hut altesîs tai pertîcu- loupy. As a cattîtluaty. huceerat Ilnt s constant change in tae population. Suma lena.new ontes arrivae. Il 15 ils portant thusa ceho ara arrîaîîîg are mîade t0 Pieat melcome i inwalavar area ut cuitiun 119 actiîxly lhap choosa lu toi- tom. A cuaimanilpi greuasi resoorra s ils Peuple. lis llirough taeis aid t e cause ut thaîits here is prugrssxorstag. ntatin iv itîy ur tnurtîty, stuhîlîîy nr intaility.1 ulîle druak evtesu aise] iuug-flviiji ttiia uttiet the h1s i t Ita cuses. The Finauetal Post venter sayu Ihelt ne0 retîgouas groupe. îîîîîuty or îîîeorty, hois ae ighptita imposeits upu t oits or, te whfote cotîtîtuuti. Plie lave on tîtige lia says is ttnttscr tee] vilh sit but oaly -euh the securi 19out heasiee Ait tîissiof eactî part îaîîuasary ses- sient innaîterabl iemarbers preuvît pru- sale bis tu paîltaîset t héidie veulît ae]iuariieutl. If su0îîîuîy ofour paruea tttenaraseareas coeered as thep viuxie]lise il lu efpear. te9 are. there moule]b te[tle difftîrultîini arrsvnnrj t tegusialuons veuiteit voad be acrepitble to0the îîajoriîy ut MP'u aie] a large pro- tportion utfte Caîuadiauî peoptle. AL REPRT tiy ioslin w . t i s fi e r cellstîuî i a ttsstue w- Apui ut Pt['s Dll i nii 1tu ett us uit ié tuti ntciittiit I le if i l it Iulluet s li Foîr InsIlas t'bldren. auit eiiug leufriti ilvis lui il litse tuo ltti [s t h Il p e iie il. Ilfle )'titts'ii u Nat u tional ilci'i' tutil (il-ltl i(i lio , I 411 iiiitli iii ' hol ii' utictti ai "Iii li ilili utili e'tgl.ttt'flia i ia.ilf sI,'iui'ii V-l(eelIi îuuuuu cil li b\ t ,tuiiut itsui alioC.. , cud fitic s IciasseIllfe. Mss. Dou,îa lod Peiesouil ut.1To'ouscia. D1%.dî1'1%t Th cealîn tilîlha It st fiu îo Ili. ait i d',[fa tu I lleuii allait dePeuap\ fieuitut h TorceiiOtrisbale. lionitlu geteratu et l ti tilies iua aiuîitnuite ber vitî uppear apau un Ile 200tui anni ses- tauy Ut CauucduuafLiuiî. 20 years ago 'Iakeî fiiin Ile s oie thlIe (aîîadlti Chîatlshioîi, Augl 29, 1946. fu\Ct40 i*ieluteiier l me Iii ic t t' ii*C t'îuîuî h nuis- ,Ii ut ittus'chttulepallusîîuît li t , 1 t lite Kutuut Ltîîîelîouîse Mutiiieui 's tIt- stiîl-iiîi CI 5loi its cutit fîîîtIîuîîc itis. andE nifui Toi ttuîliNhill uuittil i-iillicd ',10 ut Cud i tut t l ii i bai rauuitti iii flita uloi uui \ ui lil 11ili.sto lu , men. Toset-cciiii flse camtsncd gtiIs tutftlitidIcatiit ltc cas uils Ili i4titis.- isulatBetîsc.JiaîîîEtltrhs - Ron,îid Dii Ici. S,îuîuuîel (aishi - GlinKiiîea,ir Clii- tiLui tMcDui ,ul.Nutiinii McDîî,îtd. Lunta \îîîtutil. fl tiStiietltsiinsi. fiai-dauîSuti- lutîsi. Ruulsi tuuc ansfducs xWu pglut. oli'ut iii, hititc.uile\-uuuitl N.ussuîIle, titi littit' tIci l a liglilt i, finie Zri flie auu[ iottu tflic l tt apli. in i,e C.,iiiuuf ii S of iittltn.tî,l uîîiîîp tliiid IlleituiiLamiiili' iii 'I îîuuuiliut. ut1tutic s,îssîsf lic esuttiui m i tli le I fd it t tut sficý:tui-in ft iPlUtîtCe ai [Juilai i) 50 years ago 'Taten fion lIse fIssue nf the Canladian Chuamspion, Augaut 31, 1916. Ills' it- i u't itiil Iligli Si-fisofl . Ii li addd àlillileielii* o la le suait. usilI take iit Nui'l'ie sîIaltiomprises Rîlîil Rai, 14A., Iuttf ('t uuiilI Sîic,ii lutl. P-ilii pal: A. W. Iegîuu IA.uiiiuiis Mai.iîutiicl ,iI iccîîî lisi; Vut fi. tut uuuîî fu i-t e iti ;it utA - îuiîiiuScienceulî, i ii Mott-ilru.,îîand Miss 'i ii Mui-i, oin 'al- tutu ut-l If. el it s'it. si ii tt illsi \Ces usiIt-iliiista'lîlî Mus. Mttis .Xi-. I[tai s onei'uflic fee%suit- tuimis tut l 5l 6 ci lis it listîtf 7 l i tt866, (Jih lo i ti, V aui'iaid.ti i le lti C.q ýý ii , '. Il ti il.tit cotua 111.11t1i1 u 1 i t 1 ti o 1ti-us 111 Ilî a gel vlIti mtitl lutud lt tuuitelIilady iiiaimts nîg cl li' tuu orsafiaheHuitton Aguiesît lit-tut Suai, 'tv tu' sîdcelufer d o fauatis saur. Ttias-uuui nîicat uit Siuu-luuv susauntu pta uusisuarIlste a su tanAsîinaîs ,usuuîuuî slutt e aiscaspltesît is lisalIsll[e laWilltî abeici dsplite he lin- mi ii ttfi 100 years ago Takcuu frn te Issue of the Cattadian Champion, Augusi 30, 1866. \I.l isi.csîiîîug ruuaus Mitin. [oiC 13 uutautlt sîsep titiSalura cianuiciSondas; lat Luis [asnoatetuat lte lais-noie. tuuuupiastas[lue lutanr foi u sntb fcasy lasses. bilt ceeaii lxit stiaut ha stade lu Caunie Ile Ii pas fisarpernils, Ille oser liai th6tandt17. Tise udaelii bacul ehangeci 11il sis',it uiutt stlieout-Il Ialin 12. 1Ile Ptauptîuuug MatchtisuIii abccit iti Ille lit ulaV 0aIflua showt.-Msr.hWilliam Paknsus[as iitthe cuoi, the pasîîuua, scait-.anîci sîouIc iefî \suiniil a gain ibis Ne-,u liiil] cituti- îIslltasut-ci-cap. Tue pizle lisii liibeau %:tîsider-abts in- re '-suý, \i filic sce lis, taferette ta glos a i atidbiltlsi autttttig aias prices ;, tîtiaotut20 tut lteliait brs,sband. lise ire' if Ille uîs-LN eil ~iil th fe litah fiiCsgrat,îilus uu auntosa l aicittsituw bill tit [te Iî titi. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Publithed i lel the Dils PrInllng and Publlshlng Co. Lici. Mlaugitg Cuti tonr - Luin A. Dliii Necils Iuiltiti Huit':1. Oteiis Aduan[isiiup fila. - Il\cie Pai-ker Pablushieciet est- MVecneuci\at ut9t1 M\ain St.. Mîlteut. Ontario. Meisîber a1i [te s.ttilai MekIt- Nt%s- [tpais Asi, u andci lie Da- la1i lui uN ekl'c Nauspuipet s Associa. lin.Sahsurt-ip tutu rates payaoble liitîsllince. S4,0 in Cittla;'$7,00 i'a .il eauo nies lutiles titan auousateaen Iîtlise'îlldlti,,li t i t.tlir rsveifaitaaar»ptiieaterm-, ,i u t I lleiuct tri- batiii,aec -nlsu.~iitiu t vIIIhraýdta at 10 f4 i-iru f m'iîo9surIe5-0,l ried- îrerîaîuuig ceeu 'vruittn.ialnig pIl . aelu 11ile..ti-Yirai niai mi ot Ad'tiuiiul>a lu iii. til.ou-fievrun.it10 mis Os auithral iet iaan . Auttuoriec as Secondtîl Csi Math by the Past Office Deparinuent, Ottnaa Cmmcrnitq,ý p9eate4t *eéo.*ce q Sugar and Spice by bill smiiey j've bava marrtad [or nearty 20 years, Well!Iav seuil his aid tad 'v tty off the ail u1thtbm ta the samie dame, and I under- biandie. ManY timies. But I've neyer seen stand tais at this moment about the su- her go straight up in the air and remuin called lemiaine p rocess ot thinking than suspeodact there throuah mout of a phone 1 cid un in y vditing day. caIt ttîat cost ose clcuen bocks. Thi, .aisiîî,a o I t tIlleha tst Su, luglsally, wc arc golng l0 Vîan- 111;1 ll ui CoIi)lliL WýttZ hiSSUIIIICI- ý t. 1 itcas. aller ail, son oally lveon e Andt wtîs sholdnl'i ou take atrip wbcn Bat orc itotîciaYs hegan, sac taad dicos- 'coure vnung enough la enjny it. And what cd ina angalrip ttuli vest cuait. Ttien tlictteck, it's orI ' ntoney. isott i? And miv wset tok iascno-Yof the finances su n. alid siatesi tutti tha tas- coldo't attord il, aven if tic taipedtalt thae ay ad atie ts îîatlinp tado siti secing Hugb. itt [[[c Salvtîi uitAimv. îor dragging hit bomnein cîtains. Nul ai it. Wbat "c, aie tanvona ttîat idea? 1Iwsn rather relleved. 1Ilove tu travel, Ws, hbas unasutîra 10 hours in Van. [t 1tata traivelling tuilsuamann. TbeY couver anîd îî'o'd spand a tbousaîîd dot- tis.s aout inissing trains. Ttîassvorr.v lars ta Its onithielre ta sac hlm for ibat about Ihaiet minoîs. Tbey taka cnougb tanpih oi limae? Especîatly seban Oc sent tliitbcs on il steak's trip 10 take itîcot bini ont tîecIo sava $800 loward [is cul- anc ieha usirld onatcroise. And thitiv tapa tacs. Tbit ss'oaid bc ridieulous, coitiila i tbaîî bais up and take if oootdn't it? Ilautt insane. Weilt, si tii[hea altoutseucrai tedea a tiiîcialoîa, t looiikadIusaid iiia quiet, îaiks, Ileia fi-noie pastlaler 'plan.,eatd a nîîîsil 'suiiie. Lois otflgoli. Piettîout reilit card soma nnsaspac tilt0idiot gase susî. A tae itstîing jauis. Ait ottasion- Ic a coaple ut sean aga, sec ave tu- al excurstan tu seca a tlas. marriaf-is l aiotistas bat sit hac about Thuncare [ie efrieraor iaso, bail paid loi by ibis finiennnt ['car. [lia% ea cie. >Net flai fS 350. Itaie oun ceti,îîîiced fiat sltan I iai raaltt put [taieciîîeter un aur rip ta eau takea aplunge suacai't atturd, tike file Coaist. ibis, es'er vttiiiîp csc itarss oing ss'rong, as if to atn pannd s our ails and rab it n? 1 li ai e Illeaita tatI otîet. froi Titsis eek,, I gui a spacii:g tiicket, firsi V'tatttsist-t TIesnandt ii[litiriiilieiiicd uaina tas ite. flictacataai ent on ihe fritz ttsnal,libutsillatiraiiur. tiattli in'i ,tndttaqntaciceansiia reaiis.ttIleieok 1 ititile'd,(; backtolailege. You sec.the on ourbaeisdîar bruke andbad tu be ail lta Paiiic raplatait. I broka a lîmîti, and aur Ian 1"ili' okiiîp011lit' fic tacifi taI arriiesisubstantiativ tlar thait .XtapîLtîî. 'itexito, int (lieterC. And vsuas sc, lie oulci get a jobhonierta as a Il And ousun tc.lie:c u atkitg SItO00îaseîî. Oh, well, suuh [s flic. Bs-li-sas'. if aai tl 9,tiîtcis pietiep oisteh? Andis i tî' ouitiaetîîoexttiýek.tti itttnean t\tuteu, sil ultic a paat tchancea 10 cec tNhet iili îe tan Iulta Maic.Ad flc\olit Andci\oit ". te'd lia mutaeina- lgNýIbc1retgOoMxi. aiinst'a,iian iiu csidc, tîcîtlîtbchabale Attati-les, paid îl thobse dabis ai [oi paxtiti.lesli, itt\Cail ttîtiti. lîtît iI liecthaik. Wtith \tîlîtlaka biîîî about tour Pages of the Past t om i c h amnip ion f i1e S Ilet coiecepite4 with iiii