Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Aug 1966, p. 1

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Vol. 107 Ne. 17.Atint, tinen1 -.dC- ,idlMILTON, ONTARIO, WIDNESOAY. AUGUSI 3, 966 ecuetiniiait a t iTct-for Pape-Ten Canin. Whistles to welcome anltique enthusêasts - t ~~M2*rÇ rg -.tca e~t ~.4er >¼ c- ~ ~ Thte-rat cl stea tii- silîcgicntt seecd-led ergires ruanieti the toartryside lac îhrcihigtand piesiiegs. siher tht gai liîed tracîcri titre ut segue, sher Ioder s "antiques" itete ir tom- mioneveryda 'y se,ad sher t ho tir lize- e vsiite mdr means ut rasporliert-till rettore te Multerthîs sicekerd. Ficici, aterdlas and Merdai ut Miltor fairgroeundi. tht Or- taie Stearo and Atiquet Pre- serveri Associaiornseill preserit their sistlh arnaa Steata-Era e- rcler. anid a croîrd ci30000 or rîore is espected lo be or bard le witresi the rebirîh cof tht "Everytig le i reaieiiis. îI% lots%%ctspralrit gocettit iîeî ,puttliciti ihairitZIiGoriid- or Sîtimit 1Qli tuý% a iiel mon- dat' Geec ta-ter it inte irti tuve stars eif the Steata-Era, showe prodeticeet a rpdy'i ing attertiaeiee record thîl least sca eatopped 35,000 ()Ver the îhr-ee-das periied. Visilars are especieti I roi lcradlac. iitcleîlittg ateihet s 01 oîhriiccîilenthiittlclebs, -- C ae-.~ e-- i i M aetosscetit.teta.ird tîtettîcîr Uc- ted States. Tht shoti. aaroially n Millor. i s cors.idet- ecd Ontelritti bei! ced iggesl. deî1ile sit comnititîtîn Iom ther gropsi. lamer sJ.Allai. Ortettiies Ptoe vinciat Treasatrer. sil he or hatit Sa tretiallernoon tlette- tiare Ilie big shirtoliiah opta. Agrîcri local Mînisiet Wil- luente îee.ît.tiItthas lci ie i the sostî t chier >eîts ee unabie te coiti its iteekelcet. Olliciais report 31 tealîl e gines, abeet 30 catit glai trac- lors, 25 antique cars an i Icks anti about 100 gasolircenegires sit heacline te big s-Itititcl wiii lie -ranriîlg or ils liii ilim et, and! programns si.htlel 1e Ille îeeektttd ssvii! see iî îit.i- in auti~lie A:li iî.tIe iipiavýs.iradirg poil ici riembers ttr scianti- a ie .ieatn raitî ced ci- t!ii, rde- le chilcirco. a sieamy catit'sev !isîtpLies lunesdoz- cels(Ail uls. lhîashirg becs, sawitillirg. leelertotille:'lests zjjjjjjcilcît-itg ciieleili aire alsit siele olare ia big crowýd. Mr. Smlth la brlnglîg bts nia- jaîrre 'dram train dossn front the parle n Orillia sihere lie op- craites it ail sommer long. A ieagih of i5 ineh irack bas bren set Up and tbree cars mil i n pcovided 10 carry up bo 36 ehiidrcn ai a lime for rides ar- oand the circie. Oie nets caure ibis year ks the trading post. Alil members ha-ve bc'en inîtîrd bo bring an- tiques or items thev wiîh te sett. Souvenirs ut the show isili ls be avaitabie on the grounds. Maey metnbors w-iti be arriv- ing in lents anti trailers and stai right on the grounds foc the reekend. A speciat chrrch ser- vice wssii!ehiehlidai the grand- stand Sanday afiernoon for ilio>c staving over. Mince Mouniiord, "evervbody s te master cf ceremoniet' ttc ic ending the microphone lur the thri-r days and bingiîg n al ariets cf talent 10 assisi him. Wte neyer ttere i. a loti in Ilite activities. ince tan bc eornted on lu tome ap ssith an cnetic rfliiin ihe hre.tch himseif witt a sonf or a joke. One parade of! qaipments-till he hetd eacb dos in ihe grounds- Time cf te parade it-iti bc aroend 4 or 5 paît., depeîding on t he croîs et . One parade vmlibce tîrttuca- ,ide te grornds. It fcrms rp et Miltotn Piaza parking ict aI 12 noon Mondav and stacîs off aI 12.30., headiîg cw Main St. te B rotwn St.. ilten doser King St. and acrons Hughi St. tu enter the fair groandb. This parade sit go rigliti paît the grcndstmnd. Anitire\% cuaore i cird ltet threcbiig mnachsitte St tîteit ocraled bu botrepower., Tbresbecs wiill show ilînir slof'* in demnonîtralions andraces on tbc grounds- HalIon's Voici Printees Marg- aret Hant -c of Barlingler bas heca inîlird le attend. Maysor S. G. Childi and Halion's Wardeo H. H. Hinlor of Acton are among uther inviîed gansts. An the ricle if thn weekend, truphies wiii be presenîrd foi, the hest resiored sleam engine and gai tracior. and for tbe beit large and imali gai engine. There's also a irophv for tbe best lady steam operator, and n special îrophy award 10 She member contribcting the Most tusiard the smccmiicff ln show. Senior citi-eos organieatioie iît the district have bren offered frer admisston for groopi ai the Pridas shosw. Uses van get de- laits hi ealicg Gardon Brigden. tht Sîeam-Era Ircasurer, al, Hocohu. Ovennlghb accommodation, se lb or stithotat breakfast is sorghl for man% cf ihe visitors teho tomne f rom faraway points. Cîtrdon Ras nec i s arranging te, tire rp local homes sshith seul accepl oserniphi risitors, and ac commodatien listing seul alsobe acceptted al the Steamn-Era bead- e1aacttrs lent (878-9537) ssbith opens in the grounds or Thurs- dav. the Assciateon presently hîtaste 193 nienibers in Ontarie and noterai United States. Ttteiv ail es. end a sueicome to cm n hem aI Sîcrm-Eca for a gitpeaI the cninsenaird, pol- ished and lire belching relies of Ilte paît. SMAWLS ANC BOWLIR MATS aed beactîbol lbiq bonets hîlpîd que Mai St e tur-et-the-cen- tuvas thîs acnn, cedozers et yeccqstnrsanid a in-w adilti reI-.ltsrated tise batti oiseau OId Fashisîeed beys '.ThearriescuannninlitVic- toria Park ceas a tontl-et setting forlestise yocig- se s ttie ait, tiîs-erd e ld tashisîcad ces- Mi,. Fîcck (Sarahîl Ceilar ut Bai lirgit. aroe ciHaltns pienrerieoriels ai prohahis de'. ceitcrted hici l2cd bitihi des quiet]s or Tetîdat ci1 Iis se" tu Itte honl tiertcoit Berces.,,R.R. 3. Carîipeiviiiii buill qote hectllisM. iCeai- m ii ellad hieke hsec hip as icacre -ý.Aitti tor ierîheen hospitalshe- tascp and accord lgin\ith c iel of a criich. Site Caile tote 6e(ariserube- ,tdci cci -Lîtetîllc int1888 cccl Pool monoger A killed in cor oct, ýiici ktttiiitt elOcitti eticiar ifet tl ViIItile i C tatîstît le ") Settelt il ii v etlie u ii' -.11.11e 111 îl- se le d l ll iIi t i tlle t\ Iigliii t flien I lleg 'iciltiilite M,,,itit i Ili tilt\SeolPrchteCercîi. 1iun, cal et tir.\ai ire. li iti ui iîî\ tti fktt iii gi lo l ll illl-- t te N ililie te.î 1 he o l-. lon t u ttli iici (ilite t 1i ese t pi-cii geili iii i .i te eu l ipe . ildIli uil cie 1e tise!saus-e- Oits lott \age at Wikcî s ici toc'. cae a Pi CaîlI- iga geie.70lil arNli.,a tcipelctc i \iti site utIt t ii%i lit lc-daghti.r, Mi s. Colin M- Plîcîl in Brrlirgiîaî. Her nyeeighithas tciled lsec ite\btlesill neacis and teiuhets. teakes qoîlti aclu eccteTV. Uaîi het hilp r- i ie lîlcl ta ip pcep.îit \Il-. Ceduccu ili l t dîse. cej ciii Isilice.tuhc-a,siteh,'o -een iitîtreelet îen Iliceiehr.rl et.Site ctikecdbel- iO2rdc bii-thtttelie eîsî,icg aI itel suc lii l- Itîîie toc, tttýeek. n Hfjoon, 18 !dent Sundoy aLelicedili3Bm<,twh blao it i lalu icci te.- 1 pcycifiiIo li Ii c ttu teIid ii 'in iii (bhtUtit J I-.ai iiii Iliitltli uleiii i-es i . Hints industries want town service Sci ice I., 1.11111 titiieî i\itM. bte liemm.esand1e etel .îie tliightet 29cin ree ie l li ceeleel Mîaecicî1Nhi Mltîta dco c:il. tMr ec-iImo% ttiiiitu ci- i iitercet.i, in iii 1117r Iate tii t e itie itit lite-t 'i i t lit eieleci iiiliit g ' li Membere mmtd eigiieeriii, pln, 11.1c p i ol lle 11111 'lttut îl s i e l iti tpii lit ll tii..iitt\ -eil ate- liii ,ml lt bclieu i-sti %itI - . l' ,c il le\l le a litle li el t" il ,iiil oifi mi I l ii icie ihiti [lttie cîe olite i,îqtîl RaHI i str'ikeiiiiil'n eitîel Mili u 10. is tel: nere 'l Ilte ltil iilI e' .î Iîe.i ii h N 91 l b li li , îcu isîî te i i ll i i n TuIi tcks lidt1iki li t),i l[ euI le ti," l, i ta illI tii o l c e m Le.- ltiiiittiîclit ii itii î i Wl J. el li l slet 1111111 titites Iout lIe - 1 ili i t ti Ci- .s ilii utlitittle iti il e i i liset iti. îlem il tetîtît l 'I llon aNl-luestik. all- i eîcked '1kI lestlii cd til Na ittturLSObObortectuatsa.dlce Adc(il« iles DarîîyCrss icshowntiseaîrd on thi cano swthis i ly Pesse, Scier Lttie, Vicky oses1 iII and Cynthia Pirta stnedirg bîhird. lr, lj(,it iiltatth itesîhtt, ocs ves old Tracy (tee', ireye.îs oui Paîsy Litissuand EWPinrcer otjiiîîrise foacrsirsfotî Iof etKnoxPrrsloy- tatad Citeteis Renovate Armouries building Open new Union Ai ihe t a0 ciMilet Atuaict em altir]î'Sl.hca ieiittciillt'i p1ieied cîttiklc- tri lie lone t i Liiidecli.t -tIlechIalge ei, ci- lite 29 ee.îî îîiîi A tîîîîîîî tii 1m , m Iise Multoît Pli luil ut kL Lt laia.lia S'oerePi. Iîc tieiiti ndee l to t cii i ti t bciii tc 1t 0i111 te .îl îleiIc \il i îIîîî l ittitti f -ali 1n itc rlig i ain L-- li Im coi 11 ilici t ttm il eil itti l " id il lýa d l m l .1, Ilcnatieprfect otî il tii-i i t t k n l i li e \%ttît titi, l iiiitaîîîîî AMet toîîî fi' 11l" S ce lo 11I itili titil Ilî-asl sUniion P.lidii Rlii andeuieldii iilMiice tics m liuc iiniLiie lt(Pftae.Itli Ia ii jlie sbi e ca-\ M ri 'l11 Mîtltali. itItci îi ttît,, jIi ý lit ii l 111 I Il lis li it tie-tl"\teetitît (crii tir on agtiraSi. e-t t e"ls 11w (Tu ti c .11e te i Ile li t titit l t eet I lirislil il n i Tharglieîtc il l oev1d1cut lv, ti Ile le il IîtiîsteitîîI.lîtig to. k logl it tiilt tee Ilt %tI? ae vIlilee t tioittic Iittiltla ImIi!' Mî. Coiiîttel-id, îi e 11111e lo i l in l ..t ; a i. i l i. tIt l i.- h ltei%'tlu l", ial iu huit -en - li-l tilts lit i.mit sie oiiîît î ae tiiffai ieaî.e el tCmi i iilA t ii P li Ail 5 leotbrsriIibiot. tithtoenho e on il tt 11- 11 nd %eliii, Iicr \il bc tii t)-opei-i iieii titid ec Sopci a.ect sai retiteism **1ii I lt \iîttbctitiL catt 1 eon ti :il ,Danitiiec loi . MtbI' fiitit..li etett lck ei peatt". i elý le -le buttiin î,Ile-îttaig atea Accuse town of trespassing on Milton Plaza, properly The lu sn seos acesed Mon- respoisibte toc al damages te day ai trespassing on prunae the properli. Thni aise orderet property ithlIts leairaliece cith u n em leence tisa excava- the MàinaleVilo Si. corner. tioc. Solicitors for Wodiewn De- Couecilo, P arc. chairmai seiopmcnls Lîd.. oseners cf MlO- ni ibe sti*ti art maiks tom- tua Placa.* rarîed the on the milice indictid ihe 1awn bad digging ý.operations i the cceek apparertly îreîpassed. botthie sîcaightcnir g nere on the Pla- stock had been compivird. "Wr iapro perle« yand no expropfliat- tel]iit seul beartifv the proper- irn or rote ocinltent hiad heen iv, raliher ihian damage il," be tiser hs thet tocn. The solicil- ,ugget,:d. ors ccderd thelts n et ceaie Wurks lorceiti Brace MeKerr (,-itîttailits utste properis and pre acI eyla be r u.ocdthettoturteoeuld behtild rup dsrehdenr dered hi 'the engireers and the - rea lied heen temperarili Ici- ccd, A taure perînent fente ci .a goard rail tpe s aise n'e- iîîg corsidercd. hbetold!coonecil. Coarcilior C. Joinscisauggeýs- ted ilitre wsat ome lasceis on te part ci lite ergineeni. The r e olurenia n repiorted ihe c e n t Oad tloteed a Departntîittofe ce n t re FHighsv\ays smap aid oidvcsteod titi siere sit or dcpartment j t nrhcfth ilhadingand properif. utýu h o (i PRtaks. rtcitUtcît to buia d ucioc citerai laiettons f[or Social aid Atiet ( lob.h te ii alec lbc otii- r ctsteciais. (3liilet eteittgoetlte bud- iilibas iîtpianred toc, Oclo ti,4 atd ilt s %es e.ed Manici- 11,11,Pîtîtîtciti tîtdl eceectGos ci limt titofi iciaîle tiilb rsu t tti iet lettietaliic id tiî sanrdsTtcste c orgt BitLrtiiaeiirtRe0t,iltl Dires -~ 1mW. CIr, her vrîîpited ai the forerîre ores oie Mci lie i. Saiasdav tisa droisto te e ratsUnion Certe,6ctciiasvd ire iioreisiago liV Local 106? Uritedi Ate resai Qîtaico Stervi plçtociecto, Milliu, iîliLxc clate lac lit i li he rats asîseîbir hall which cilil bn saitabtei e.-aîîýy types cf pablie tancliore. Local Uni chiattti Machy Capuoeaid Local Union Pce cert Roerai Farrell are choientbeitirg flicnc ci-pIi alucet lierUtior Cetee tltce. titie hopes atet Thet ida %.tanicr btd fer the -Ontareio Datnu Prîrceis 111e. 1t Ille slieto drk hiîeid 0-ear- ll(Ij 0% uit caltalite pîeltminaty 1 cti talIle k roadiNational c- margteei. chu0dec eîved toc Ille lic tain %.ý. .,sdaoighter li M r. and Mie AAlcert licliter ci R.R. t Pr halglor bbc s o giý(edatc Kenispisille Agîicot- uti bSeliteol. Atilitecoîsîltcilion olTltttila. iti conielalits îaiked 10 lite iudges. dispiayed Ilîir iIikirg ahililv and gave a bniliclk un înilking la their tortilly. iQcJ/ Iîsts - For te IMM00 iudents if four Miion Publie Sehooia, tiis 1t' neissue of The Chainpiim Iprenei sa ipeclIniîereitthe t ack-ir-ecbrel cludeit alloca- t1 ion hla sarc prinîrd chia mach. Sludenis waîbing le eaci which room thep'li occuPapnd ii mAhu hheir new icacher %mil ho. canfPnd Dnyai. Bruce SI- and W. i. Pi c iicolil Is nnPage P3 mhlle the Martin SL.Seor P-S. Uitsaae on Page 98. bc found on Pagea Pi and DZ lu for Aid liewhiere, 1's iperti Pag- ion es 4 and 5; ciamsifli, E and 7,. tsi- cdttoriaii. CIt Galery of Mis-. cmw tory, C2t terni newi, C3 and lies ncw.vOSD). etuk tower, IL. OId Fashioned Days back again Mrs. F. Coulson Celebrates lO2nd birthday

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