Want Ads Neyer Get Lazy Despite Hot Weather BIRTHS CARDS 0F THANKS 1 FOR SALE BERRY-Roa nd Diane (nec An- Ve wisht taexpress aur sincere SY'LVAP3IA 20 inch tableT uzis) of RIt. 4, Mito, are thanks and appreciation ta del televtsion, blonde woadd pleoed ta annouxtce the birh of friends and neighbors for Iheir ish. $35. 878-34306. 1e16-1l their daugbter, Tina Louise, expressciuýo!.- sý:.i!i\ud weight 6 libs., 10 arn., at Milton beautiful flort-al ferings in the DUL vneeti t District Mosptal on Agust 21, 1055 of Li dear husband, Lobher .mnd new model power lawn mi 1966. and grandt'atber. Special thanks er. 'Phone 878-354I3. lcî6-l ta the Rev. Graham, ladies ai the SEABREEZE autotnatic B'ROATCH - 'Mr. and Mrs. Do Evening Star Rebekaih Ladge Na. 'speed partable recard player- Braatch (nee Laarie) af 185 79 and members ai flic Inde- stand. $23. 878-3406. c16-1 Queen St., Miltan , are ýpleased ta pendent Ordler of Oddillttws. announce the biitb afi thir eMi-,. Victorar iiîd Iini1%. ADDING MACHINES, type% daitghter, Lisa Arat, steiglîl 7 lb,,1c6-1259 fers for sale rirental. Phanef 14 azs., ai Mitton District Hos _-- 6962, Marris Statianery. îctî. pita an Manday, .5ugust 22, Wessish ta express oar sitîcele - 1966. Sister far Kennetti and îhanks and appreciatios la al 2 -1132 'REAR tractar tires v DawnMarie. our riends, neighbars and rela- Fard wheels, maunted and I. MOENSTRA-'Mr. and Mrs. Clar ltives fter e any acts tf kind- ed. $25 cadi. 878-3434. Ic16-1 enee Feenstra af R.R. 5. Mil- ness florat tribales, sympalbv -POLARÏOID camera with fl; tas, arc pteosed ta annoance the nd as a d tiing oaar re- hltek aidl white or cler pri birth of their daughter, Janette cent bereavement in the- iss aof 0a bs ie. 7-46 Katlserine, weight 7 lbs., 108 z., eitl an aile ,ind ather lalcl6- aI Milton District Hospital on pca hns aRs.Fte Augut 21, 1966. A sister for ýBet- Mrphy, Dr. S ri Dr. Riclirds,j NEW Ptirax weiding tarchs the nurses af iMitan Districjt iAi rcaelect rices'eiders. Hari ),Spdi a and tiMacNab anîdSo Meldinto Service L-td., 878-6111 JARVIS-Mr. asd 'Mrs. Jack Jau'- Fonerl.î Homse. I18-1 vis of R. . 'Multas, are pleas- Lîtîgi Setalisi antd lamls. cd to0 announce lbh- bith ai c16-1205 SET oI 39 isch'sont. heds,c their daughter. Joasse, seighî pleto a lb oser ipin matain 7 lbs. 14 ors., au Miltas Disticit I isuîdliîke la laise Iis op- gîu'rd rail and adder. 878-63'! ,Hospital os Augst 19, 1966. A poriOsi otanak Dr. MacKttv lC16- sister for Cathy. anîd Dr. Burgess, the snurses, stali -DENERAL- Elecrie -stove, ___________and candi' sripers ai Milton Dis- humr, doubte bed, sprng REID - -Mr. .nd Mns. RN mouîd 'mriel Muspi.l fori, hcirnuotder- tltretss, in god condition. Reid fore Heatheahel ai 236 fiii cars and kisdsess gises dat'- 9169. lc1 Gaes S.. Milon, are pteased 10 isg n.% recent sav is hospitai. announce the birth ai their vson Also o Roi. Gabani and No. NADGER burîu cleaners; Josephi Raymoand, seighî 5 Ibt., 'Dustas for ibeir sisits; tbe Ras- ustouders; forage waa-ons 4 ozs., aI Milton District Mas ai Cas,îdiai Legios. the Lions aufer fecîlersý. Eaet E. Snow pitlios August 15, 1966. A 'sroth- Clahut Muit. ,asd tIîc-unaîts 6406.I11 er for Mary. linîds. relatives ,nd ueighhuus -for their %isils. gits, Iosseus -GUITAR. Resu, etecieic, e> VAN RMIJN-Mr. and Ms. Manss ad cards. Sincereis', lent shttpe. coaiplue wuth sh van Ithijo bnec MacDonald) ofiae16-1275 Mars Gervais. e-nsirap 'and ocse. $75 oan RR. 5 Milton, are pleased toana- caflc-r., 878-61177. lotO nounce the birlb ai ther sasn, ____________ might 10 lbs., lito-s. t Mil- 1966 BENELLI inouions ton District Hospital us Acgust IN MEMORIAMS 115o.. escellent condition,' 22, 1966. cc] 8 ssook, fdarhuteed ion 2 TRIMBLE - n las iîtg nierron suies. 878-9607. Ici 6 of a ile alter anîd gr,îudla' SECTIONAL clîesîcriiehd. I ENGAGEMENTS It. ,roldi Trinîble. s%-u hopas-1îioubl doot boukcase; n ed î\ua Auý-uttis2, 1965. Iable. Excellent coneiian. P Mr and Mes. William Rdnberls Mis sllettîto etudsO sîîtle laIMjS. Souetîsoît 878-6198. loti- are pleasrd ta announce the en- Yeh lioh o .bc aitls close. i STDATC -t 1 aine gageaient ai their daughter. B- Aid Iicated telu uo. long tigîitibelhor. lulils guarasleed.e verlp Ans, ta, 'M. Robent Gceorge tt\%-u, 199.G ciesEnusi Field, son of Mn. and Mes. No- Ilu t î,,ilkcleliosO 199. usuc, C e'i. 877-295 beri Fied, Esgtasd. Weddisg tlab take place Septeaiber 16. 1966. in Butt sihe lte suit"iaitl is'I Melville Prrsbyterioo Church, sitate. REFRIGERATOR, ball the Toot.Iliidiui,:th le etii-rttskies, utai large ane, gu.rateed Toronto - iHMop.îssdhoîItiuîgh lî orss 011011 tttttg ,uriiet. S15. Me. Frec Mýr, and Mers. Josepht Taiau afi n, f.tlOs. lues.382 Oaîk Si., Miltas. 878 reelton .vishi toa asuonce thoejAnd siaikoîlis Pat adise. IIci6 engageaient ai ther daaghtcion.' suhteii e ci-d hs Jei, Suzanne Mary, 10 Mn.- Edward 1 aitstsst'ctutt.- I EFIGEATRS John Robiltard, son oh M. ,îd'Don ,andISais%. 116,;1206 'haico ai] guaaneced. Pi Mrs. Donald A. Robiltard ai , iluom i4995. Goodlel s Eco Greensvitte. Weddisg tl aise _________________ ,ird%%zii-e, Gcau'getoss s, p place an Saturday, Suptomber 14 877-2551. Ib ai Our Lady of Mount Carmýei COMING EVENTS YUWL IEbvn Chunti, reelosbuilding maoerials and coal Mn nd Ms. Jobs E. Mnsel- Odiaiotubîneîl piolul ýonOdis- Cramiords. Campbeltvitle.C mood ai Doanssiese ansoascc pl.îs ,t Fuse Anis attd Craits. ers-icc. igh quality. P the engageaient of Ieir daugh- Base Ltnc Ril., sstosrHaMs,. 25. Campbehhiitr 854-2232., Ic ter, Dianne Versa, ha M. Dsight c 17-1262 CATUK&T-T Frederiet. May, son ai M. asd ,-CRE,Tsoie sd used, ovc tMrs. Stanley L. Ma aifMurnhs'. Dance .11 Acl on L."olîuîiloî - -ad se, The narriage seul tuke place o uitteFui las.Seplemttoi21 Ironi RelIs Sprngfield lues ns tridav, Septembhcr 9 1966. aI 9 P n o 1triJtutu l r%-i <> e . lut in'ptcs liais1 7.0 'lok i evtlutHls h 3100; sî n md II .-velucs balasccd. 31.00 7.30 oCucl. sBors' îîv eî ieeshot n ,usîI.un9id20 base batîtes for aiosî eaus Unild Curc. Davîsien'. stois . h4d8trueks. Milton Tire andR I ton Scrsice, 191 Mill St.. 878 DETH .il [51 Dattse Spctuil, Septeiiu- I DEAH[;e 2, Ac uuttCoiuîîtîtîîîîvCentre - -'- 9 pitou 1 - l., îttuty qTIlu c CARR, Ccci - Aî Multi. i s h3tU,,% ukiiis. s T uîîuîtîuu and! Harness and Saturdas', Augusl 21, 1966. i 1Tite Pi.toc.s. 50 $ 2295 ethr hîs 651h ycar. Cecii Cane. 1îoti0. ci7-12-53 Lah r ork Fuserai isas fesai thc Mat.NabhI Lartgc s-utvcli iii o and Sos Chapel as Tucsdas M. i - Ittt.uttitusîi-it Iloupi.îal octitmiiiîide bnilos blien ternoon. Inlermni Escu ot:ne'itlO5', Asux1ai-s Lacs n ParIs, saîdlI, esteoInnstueEnglisi ceaietCry, Milton. 1S.tîuuda,v.Sepususher I0. aiu 2 saddlcs ,unîlbriîhies Ian _ _ ___ _ ___ 1 1pîti. ai the haine ol Du. audMrs Itîtos or putuiece. Alsoa as iLCAS, Ada Rase - At M01 titC .tt'uritt.MatntSreet, M'Ii- ,îîPoit,,trts and sulkies. 'Monon, an Salurday. Augast 21,1 tu. itoilte hutto Ilsbootlit. 1966, in ber 87tbyear, Ada Rus .u bs ssed. Souuethittg lar esers- W. F. Cross BP Sert Lucas. une. si6-l?-63 Cuitner No. 25 HMini.. 10 Si. FuseraI service ssa% ai Gac - 1 PIIONE 87812952. Anglican cboech os Monday. In- Pcc Wcc '[oui uuuut'ut ll1 terment Evergreunoccmttcry. Mutl-,îliuîn Mnor Rural Baih Assots tan, iaion. Seves lumv n action.' NG, LUCCKESE, William Rahph - Ath iurnlîv Nil Pa,k.S,î lînîlu Aug E the Mamiton Civ'îc Mospiliuast 17 smmettcitto au 12, la,sSî N G an Saturdas, Aoguvi 20. 1966' gîtuetarsliutivO. a 730, pal îî.uill Williamo Ralpb Lucecc. c, g78,plascîliititîer liglts. Conute. titiSEWING MACHIN laIe of 760 Gai lb Si., attd lui ilts cI5h' ýouSALES - SERVIC aierly ut Grassie. Diii.; Oar brut - -22i SAE - RVC ther af Me.s. A. Melegali ihElva h Of Buffalo, Mes,. R. Border (Ra- Guuî't iiiîi- lite(icinit-l', 1 R EN TA L chrf), Ms. R. Simptoît (Helena) ,t i iti u o t lii uti Ctuttl svttc PHONE 878-6861 Misses Charlotte and Asgceuu.; peu i utli ucs, and (tiiliceb ,t Mil.ý Lucekese, ali M amillîston olit AruntatSteauîî-t' ta sec' Funerea service isas bol a ti. l'idl,. Sept. 2,",iitî Milton Fabric Cer Brown Bothers Fune ai Haute, Nîglittinuthle luîsu,îuîaî.c- Hamiton, an Tutudasv, Augovit t ung ho Siuuîpalirsîl.uncc- Services and Repaiesc 23, aot 1.30 pai. înîcrunuuî s graup,, Ei,slYork PuetîsituncItiesailiakcs ut srwisg rmact in Evrgreu cemeery, ilton îandMalter Scbollcr aid is Mu- in Eergeesccaeley, uta. -sicm,îkcu . Saîdîrdav, Sept. 3, Pat VAN GRUNSVEN, Lilias Mary Mo4rves, Bruce Dorain, Jerry and -Infant daughier ai M. and thc Cnadîauus icatîîîing Jerry Mrs. Wiliam Van Granssen of R. Sto1tbosand,îuî Ai Buîiskat MC. TIP-IN-TIRE R. 6, 'Mitotn, passcd amav ai Sîck RelIucvîuuuents ri îtt7.30; dancing, Childens Mospital, Toronto, on frtont 8 lit 12. Aîluuttssiuîtt $2 5cr SALES LIMITED Sunday, Angust 21. ltcil'sottcadi t tuilti. Advatucc ick BASEL INE - NIL' CARDS 0F THANKS t woaîd tke lu lhanktDr. Au kenhead the nu rses and stallio Milton District Hosptal lite their carc, aiso my sciglubîus. relatives and fricodi hon ibir crds and visits and other decds of kisdnss. c16-1252 Malter Nelsont. T- h. faaniiy -ai-the ltlcMu-s. Marias Cartwringht mîst ta tbautk relatives, frîrodi and uîcghbors for their aiany adi aif kindnes, for flowens and cards, Also thanks ta Dr. Syere n d Dr. 'Me- Donald and al ithe cossidenation and cane given hy -the nurses oh Milon District Mopital. Dursn- cere thanks ta the U.C.W. Kit- bride United Churcti, 161231 lot i utel S--iuce. Stupp'sClit- eusb andilMiltont Dlcaessen . Dominion-Royé ,i7-1092 Tres and Bafferii i FOR SALE Corneut ciniasîl sec Ille ____ -UNIROYAL MASi SIGNS oh ai kiîîds. Ray Goay. Thc it-c Ion tire mai 878-2150. lctf-597* tuhiîIRAL iigrttar. 9 Cu. Ilu USED PASSENGERi 878.31.1,. 1 c16-1212 l'A-M TIRES hiin AIYý -like e. sursn321Mcolt USCIt TRUCK TIRE c]6-12'f9 Is ai suces. FRIGIDYAIRE elrigeratoe, 58 878-3131 incbcs by 31 inchc" by 23 iscbcs, ANYTIME $ 50. 878-3406. Icl6-1231 f - 1f busy CALI 878-2. 1 FORDi tontucrk, 1948 aso- 1- del; aso a childi cul, as new. 24 Hour Servici i Phohue8789259., 1165h - L S I I D R T S 8 HELP WANTEY a FIELP WANTED 16 SERVICES 1111111a GOGU milker for 8 weeks. high MOUSEKPEPER, single or fin- T.Iophnb TheCmaÎdi. 191 min sse. wages. 878-2990. 8616-1234 couple, nman seork out, for eîd- Peter P. Looser 230 878&2341 Champion MIl1ton, Ontario 'BABY SITTEL in childrens erly couple, f ree smalî apart- - ment and goad mage, 8 h ours du- Carpentry tove BIRTItS, DEATMS, MARRIAGES, FORTHCDMING MARRIAGES. oms home. Phone 678-2712. lv. Char kept. Central. Write Forai Frame and Trim Warlc lo. ENGAGEMENTS - No eharge. 8ct6-1228 'Ellis. 86 Douglas Ave, South, Oak- Repairs - Aterations 1272 FOR SALE, FOR SENT, ETC. - '$1.21 minimumOi charge for 15 worda - Oc per word thereaRter.cSubsequent ineertions Ino LADIES. 'Morning, afternoon or ville, Ont. 8J16-1200 Poe8498 3 eopy ehangees) - '$I1.08 inimum hebrge for 15 wordo. Oc per evenisg work available. No set Poe8498 and word thoreafler. haurs. Exclusive territory. Con- Rit. 1, CAMPBELLVILLE. 1229 -25e discountil oiowed for cash payaient. ýpany benefits. Appîy ta Mrs. Ro- COMING EVENTS, CANON DF THANKS - $1.25 for final fivee 'erts 878-2526 far interview. 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 16cl7 ýWr!- fines. ftte for nach addtiosat ise. 8cl7-1278 878- IN MEMORIAM -S.25 pusoIloc per file f verse. EFRECD esc RELIABLE day cars- ,îvalanîc Walnut Ranch Ltd. -417 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, REAL ESTATE -$t.40 per cotou iich., ui attenCd " id md l- or pre-sehoalers. Phone 878-9825. Deodise ibis classiications 5 p.m. Mondoy.ioatedn eurdim'9c1129CpldadDsbe ov wid- BO UOESl hselc 5 dioa.iatcîy or local service station,.c6 6 Cisldand HDisaed ow fusl- BO NUBES o tisofice 25 aditonl.Must bc ocat in appearaocc, WOMAN will lake care af pre- 24 Mour Service 1267 DEDIEU 2NO USA ble tu mccl public and asechan- schaol children, sn ber omshoaic, h ____________________12______________________ ically inclincd, Phose 878-9725 'Manday la .riday. 'Babies pire- Lic. Nos. 133-RP, 208-C-62 i'nsîs for interview. 8cl6-1276 ferred. -878-6750. 9c18-1219 iri.6 The Canodian Champion. Wednesdlay. Augasi 24. 1966 Waterdown MU 9-1044 ,1232 FOR SALE 5 CARS FOR SALE WANTED 6t els 'Applications sitig l e10 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT____________ 5. WELDING supplies and eqoip- 1957 FORD, tilt cab, 16 i. ha- received for the pasition of GRD Ilsdn odlke1 RELSAE .1 149 ment, Airco eclectrodes, "Linde" dv. 878-6338. 5c16-1207 IE GEpRttDE Iljod feet school ie1o RArETT welding gases. libre-metaI saleiy ROMIus.i-CEMKR prim jo afrscoi r- - _______ cofi- eqipaiesi and sselding accessar- 4RO osi or sear Mii- weekcsds. Brias Cale, phone 878- 10 ACRE lot, os Isi Line, Ta-p. trles. MHarlds W-IdingSericetas. hy Sept. 15. 878-3140. ai the 2664. lO161220 ai Esqoe.sing. 'Lot. No. 19. Con- 75. Lîd., 878-6115. IvC1e 14 c6-125l . tact Mr. Lioze Van dcr Vers an -1221 Il-IO 15 Milton C..urlng Club Lot No. 20, It Lise, 17 Sideroad, - --GRASS SEED. Nets l.îsn and USED 159Fard pick-up truck. Tp fEqeig 786 4- lawss repairs is hest donc nase Phase 878-6510, noaasor evesings. Dulies ta commence os or ab- 13 FOR RENT Tp iFsosn. Ib-0 and ilI eirls Sept. Losu prices aid 5,l6-1268 îot September 19, 1966. Salary 3-BEDRDOM split-level, broad- 8big discoants for quaatity raies. 1956 FORD, 6 cvinder. sian- commensal aie wildobleîgareeecperi-luC 5-29Spreaders aial.Atiaedr adcodto îItlriece and qualifications ai the ap- OM 1RTBLErauai dawn-la.2strmsfisedec I'S avilabl. ksliiale ard, god codition Callaller lican1 c16n ai-e. 87r3ced 9la. si I.d AIlelf fAI] rsfer ilIllho so Nursery 878-6422. 1_c16-1198 6. 878-9656. 5,.16-1211l13c_16_126 Fo-____ riulsmriecansidered. Private. 878-3434, and A QUANTITY aofsw0] slieared -1955 DODGE Custoîm Roaa, iniiCRCHTWTE E-1c16t e878- and roat pruned Narssas and good condition. Phone 878-2404 Bx64-Mlo TERS witb free service. Phase ___________ ._1238 Coloado sproce our wscidrea,; ,îler 5 p ni. 5c 16-1270 Bo68 Milton -,MloMydro 878-2345. I3ctf-425 -c eî l:- s utable fur idisg ugivar- 15 OL4AEN$5; 97RDOMS, upsîairs apart- LO A ioul- cs 2 for 5.Plant in early Sept. 15 mLSAGN 15;147 rstie&vvoods best Phasefo prices. csc,,a,e Nulrs- Ford -tas pick-up, $100. Pliaoie. 85 Oaeen St. Aailabl 6-1257 erv 878-6422. c16-l197' 782496 aller 5 pst. 5cl6-1273 BOOKKEEPER 'ep.IPhs87-18 13c16-1199 REAL ESTATE BROICERS cylTUBE leeders,; egg baskts; 8 PRIVATE. 1963 Coraî-ir Mon- MITNDSRCT HOSPITAL BED -SITTING ROOM, privale 189 Mais Si., Milton. eeIl. atba-ic is-lerer;rim ~e z, biNfg giestick, shili , ILONDITRIssesromor gentlemanairais 05dc;iemsal e'bss.p-lts sie rdiira.88 Requîtes accolale, epericnccd larranged. 'Rrply Canadian Cham- $21,900 fuli price, 3 - bedroosa 3,880 gomi (4) grader (2 6781. 5cl6-1256 pion Bas 80. 13c16-1191 brick split-levei home with ai. 6 125 egmai I BOOKKEEPER tached garage, kitchen bas ex- . ears . W. Latine 826-3366. corner 1ACMOAINfr3Ia bloc; lasser base, 916 fine. IC16-12-24 1957 MERCURY T udor bard- COMDTO o - Ira but-mn cuphoards, 4-piece 1 tp; 1951 Fard I, loi pick-uîp. l'ai pasîtîli. accourir, payablel chers or nurses, self-cotained, bath ad vant, complted re- ihtLARGE glossy prisîs of Cas- Ilotiniigooac cndition. Caîmp- ,iîd gencrii office dusPg-ausshdaaîmo.Pas 7- cto m .Carnies for $110 Phone8 ada-hminsafpoobuille 854-9848. ic 16-217 hoai'd s'sieilin use. Good m-19700. 13c16-1233 PILT. 5 x 7 size $1; 8 s 10 sice $1.25,- 99 OLSWGN " lsasd a'arkiiig conditions, rsca- plus lax. Cash must accampasry 15 . SWGN ýtan' 1 UPPER duples, 6 large rouais. $14,70fli price, 3 - bedroono from rder Enqire ow Cha pioîpck-up. long bas, 19.080utiles on Replv bh cciter aeiisisg cdu-1 Siale namber ai citdren and brick bungalosw. large living ,ciess'înaîîîr ,nd ciuleh. Brake,,îiî. 'oeadsar age. $85 per mantb. Reply Cas- rouir, kitches, flt basemient, Hard ofice,191MainSi. Milon. fron eneandeitenufadis%în Championeienc BotsaaNo.x-82.nChparonBox o.iO82.Shrl d fn ee. raom oom . b"19 FINE Arts ,îsd Crails. NewSemou. less tall s.miîntli îld. Ask- e 1,to 3c1641216 Tcrais, slipmcnt ai collons, ladies' nil- i $565. Phase Oakviile 827-1821. c sze ais. tiens Sork socks. We spe'_ -5l612t1 M.D.H. Box 1209, FARMS aisu- ciaii;ein ise ssolens anîd îsîr' _1-91MRUY1 o iku, Mlo 8ars -er rc oe d ici- sied,.st osIaf s.25, Base Lîîe6196MLCtuRY ' lits preicu.tMl 8-45 od 7-86.Coe nTle8e16ý 14 WANTED TO RENT 88ars4-drobichme i26. ui. 202.Cacdu ues' 696aloi nlap.rbii-_____ large noaro, situaaed on main 16-1235 diss. 1 c16.1261 tlîtor. îî'transmissionand asdhkes,' aeiracre rpry ucît p,îînt. MusIt6ecscen ,and dri- URGENTLY required 6v Mit- Asking S35,000. goud %c____________iîl la he ,îppî eci,îied. Asking ~~A O S tan fastils. 2 or 3 bedraom bouse. Prîced 2 RDCEFRS L pce $395. Phîone OlkvilIc 827 OP~ERAT RS or ,îprtmenl, for Sept. 1. Cati 64 acres. sacant land a'ith streaai, saomy RD EFRSL 1821. c62i' REOIJIR BD FOR 878-3536 asnthme. 14c 16-1260 close la 401 MaT. Pricc $12,500. 1phas1e TFMOTHY seed, Colis Beale Milling Machines ____________Cal 87"-326. 2cl16-1204 For Your Next Car... Qoue -îkl 7-983 cî-2Grinders 1 EVCS 878-2095 878-6057 al aiý TABLE ciorn urIrceeeug. Jtc TRY L6aERIhes1cl :11416 , NAe pp-94. 2pp 6-1137c16e Phose1 MELBAaIes N.AI' yWiliiiii: UKHMITN- -iîîg and starage. Agenîts lor Alliedl Boîîsfield 878-6355. 1bl5-1137 G bo 'R Tl- AT Van Lises, G. G. Hamilton, 878-1 G b o .2,000 SWEET CORN loi- sale al Nio.Machine Tooi Fitters .6680. 16&118-1190 stock, If Sideroadîîi ,hîîe C.îînpheiliîic BELL BROS. liliiisi ss,îos. VATER slleingufald, ra. ficd Plîîîîîe854-2307. 2c. 16-1274It. Frs,îr î.l'ss sih DO- Wc Wl\NDFAI.L , apîîîes iiiac. 88-30 . ttpii atnoic9i. uobligation, eau toaurCulligas lo g b 's and Chulei ili Bits. Nu rseries, I1-Iss ci inian, 878-2474. 16e18-1177 Radia- 25 3 miles n tîtri MiMlon sitp- ROLLING SPECIALTIES -I1BRICKrc Icl-419 -n-- Lui. iiieplares. einîscys, casion but REALTORS 6 BUS- OPPORTUNITIES Georgetown loi is. Cali Pries Masasr7î Cas- s Irut-iion, R. R. 1, Caaipbellville BALLANTINE Phone 877-6363 1834-2672. lhbtf-117â Imnmediate Possession CENTRE GREEN MAGIC PLANT 8b8, D cULN Nsi coae nieadoI ry or FOOCD D.OFR Contractor sollîing ta do bot asove right LTD. FFERS Position Opened O IsnnCrmest Mark s.,ssmartin islwhite esteriar . O Cîiîness sd preplces ilh black shatters and triai, st'le FRESH HOME GROWN EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISESI e Exitelrior sa clc t1 t u-siarey with atlached breece- tiber FRUIT AND VEGETABLE1 Sales aîîd iiicelatdîsitg Irais Immediately * aserngRepairs ssas and garage, 3 gaod-id STAND ing ovidd.Stccessiat atwlic:Po Atn 5-88 bcdroaais, large living rauno, STA ' pND- ii i trisassIasoii FULLY OUALI'FIED Phn as 8311 odern kiielien, separate din- tieiti ansd slor.îge. Replýin vritisg ____ dcuoa Now O penUily fuiultl paruirs and refe-i 00K KEEPER -ceptiostiIIy good lot ssith taIt SUNDAYS ALSO eust Bs6,Brî'sileR QIRIt side Irceesand patio, clean tlS-tf icst Bx6,Bowsi'Wiliiflite appoîtauly ta ho- IR0 F1 G pited basculent, ail furnace, Campng, ookng, ibhiig nd Ot- 61 8cuilîte Sececarv - Treasurer. Ta * RuoI Lak, * Wîsd Damiagc baud steel beam construction, Caiming, clte.tkccag ac et o! Sbroilgg Rcdaced tu sel ta $17,5000. Drive ini and parkoff Na. 7 books. Ilîseile pasirotI. Opelaie' R1rois Hmy., hetsi-ceesGeorgetowna'nd,îî Iiude rusaid pasîing etacîtine. Selît Shîngle Coaîîîîg DoYuQafy ActnbeowSivtrcoc Iil.'7 WANTEO Shutuld hc ale tu type . Good' oYuQ aiy AcaE eas ileceit.OI. siaikingi coniditionts. Nuoallier ai- SEAL-IT DIVISION Excellenît opporlosiiy ta ose V.L, -E RIDE tiTortolu.08Il, 43,1licte bliutcsplo > vd aipruselti. Staînley C. Fusifnanut & 5Sons A. siorif.g coui iis Iavely ji2- E 5~704744. C.îil colicci. s6l2 Appis by tler, ioics rug brick hante it ANIMALS FOR SA RLLE iccl, gta1 uimet877-6606 Ilis acre lot, spacioas living ANIMALS2" bFORle SALE d Milton Equp et Narval - Horîîby ,îroa Silblarge livingrmomt, conitiioni. Pho 878-9294. 16al1 c20 soparale dising rout, sun PONtES ion sale, large aitîl c6-1227 - - u' al iuls and stir uncvered .'ilall W.F. rob, DP. tatonCo.LtU. inlu osurioos bîoadiii, lange 3c3168 RIî CliCiil dls o PACONI î,îiîsl kiilthen îsilh -modern nt 878-2952 '.Css B. Sultilt 10 t'sitai 4.30 puti., netllluiriuihadsiatîoo1an0 lor. 4 CALVES ior Soal. Phase Wi-.Miltonî 1uî.il.Phtone 878-9231 Box 1090Da tokRmoa ulbair s btroom ndau2tugar ch iaes u Liiii as on878-296. 3c16-1277 D -tok' .îa ge, sicelv treed and sluated liii10 URCIAS ti cas, lt MIlo1 Oît.LIMITEiD i niall village, on gaad paved itaul, la silîuteie nelilîf hall 9016 roud. Fuit price $18.880. 4 IPLEENT FO SAE tr St. Juis Aaibulance Brigade. Mlighent Cash pices for deod or CII Dutti MiFcOR878L32l9.disabled cows iand hanses. F r. CASE pulstpe combiinte.7.2 2 XCP1OA Licence Na, HGC 349C65 226Rp68 Beef or Horse Farm poil8. l128 ROMmlbor n itn OPPORTUNITY - Sc'ouic 112 acrctai, îless Iuai .ON lO iaachussc, c otir.îmaloeuit>ite Scl iicacheri, TO EARN Phone ZEnith 9-7950 4 mîiles.Io 401 nicr-cange. -- -- ~ -- -Thîis v iis o u agoad bcd fanas hFusOruîl oage stagos.7ci-pî'fîîlv i oquli iid.Phonîe Gar- Wle tulor a curr ooruilvi lch anuîîd ssat ake a good hanse al$ wr adfrgew Mn dut Cas Dusias, MA 8-2826 cal- - o reluisugard- ,uuî ct t utrc riding icapoli.s Molisce eqipolent. E'untas ct. ' 7%virl fille-n Sîose 878-6406. 4e21-1237 c*7l-28 lcvs 0 ai lii yurprescrit acco- t. sl. l',s tri oecllent le'cat- ies u OKIUT50dee rc iGNILstdtlueiffipulittl ,v bc. TI sa i-Milton Co-Opeai eîcdî'ie\%-îu'îîî location avail- 1 COCSHUT 560 iese trac URGN 11Y strdent iced illiilen posiion 1ubleofIon iasdblelog, a idld f for folly- form C 1s I.HC.. W6 Itaclor; I 310 u-ri o Tla 'l'îOliltt. icil lvy Yugc ai Ille Iigîtest -a italI s s int.peratve lruil s B idng cn ionCs; ato;1 Fodtrdar;ad uda, Stu'uttito1 ir lcd.W aca \l noi ui Nursery School itf Oit iouss 'ulding on- ER s'ith loader; I H l.M.C. iradaor; lutos. bOiiltiilig.Seplt. , '1Tve0 gn l piizg is Iue S.PALSliaulse ilh tb raulargemarriss 1nes OS Case trae Ian; 1 forage han- hy 8.45. 878-6675. 7c16 L sus iutgs anttt ti 1lteit field.S . ,uuucad i at cansesiesces. large iodcs vser a'ilh it:y antd corns pick- PREVIDUS experiescosol necc ' UNITED CHURCH isell eonslnucted barilharns ups; 1 Sp. 820 12 i. Case sma- LIVE POULTRY, GOOSE AND ,Siari,,uassi-e puasidc cousplete siih plesty afhbeighl in stablr and Iliter; 1 Massey Harris 2-futramw DUCK FEATHERS, leallîeniciok. îîîiuuo uu',triuninîg\virltcanîinsued COMMENCES TUESDAY, ,r,.go slrsopy x 4"3-11. hiîilelploss; 1De:rbouî iligliesi prioes. We caîl. Write I,îsisisî,îîîce r01u, u.y îuî ETFM ER 6 16. caolic s'ul e ai 942,00 . Ex 2-iilurroîs 3-pi. lîiuelî plose; 1 Zcîuer, 776 CollegeeSi., Touito10or iuuuuttiginif %mil. tît r 1.ufoiie.uîo, M tt'îgs atls, 9 ,urait. - 11.45 amu. Cuti ksiîîll 1230 3 - lurow i pi. photne crillocit Esulcu 50724. rn. CI'N1ROtNU u Iiîcvs ,uud coin- A I eus sucluciuis ueuuuiiuung Ionr lou ES tl 5se.IC-ksîî- 5-ni stigHdo 2030. 7cfl-418 i îîsioîs MANAGERIAL abiliiy cîîlidrî i ofpt--kidergarteo au usîîWlagh seed drill; 1 Massey Hau ris 36- recogîiziecl by carly advaucc- age, rcpu'cisenLitives. plate wheet dise; I 12 fil. Coek- BOOKS -Chrlîîaiclesos a C ment. shaht cullivalor; 1 140 bas, Nesw ado, Makcî's ai Canadla, Piclur- Register uosen&Aci Cin Hlaald spreaden; I1'Pioncer esolue Canaoda: Canadiuut Secs-- 'Phase Mir. Browsnss cottcct.19Mant.. chai sw.Cai'A Kreas-on -i-aiie o1s n --Md.. tItuda reosuo. J1vhI- Fo.Ifrmtin1ac !67 e 8531959. Actas, voue 'local Cock- hoaks is lise bisdingv.Ia ash.160,anwr'ite ta Suite ]203,32t slîtt and, Papec farn equipaient Give fuitl ddes.Bax 81, Casa- Latkeshtore Road 'East, oakvitte,ý 878-6175 - 878-20871 tdif dclacr. 468-612 diaut Chamîpiont. 7cl& 1255 0ît. 8db 16cl6 Phone 878-6980 17c16