Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Aug 1966, p. 5

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Th. n.o.nunnupoiýcyeluyAi.-o'niu 1A Viltagers score earty Kent ucky golfer sets records Stop Red Sox with 7-1 verdict ut international union tourney tari,-i--- t 1 u. -t-i . ..and A -[-n-irdt..e..ra1er setLlid tue res Camptritlviii r"oasird ta a 71 welu caer -Mitosn ini Camipbell- ille on Sudas . aetitaliv sin- ning lie sanie iii lie irstinl- nias s%%lîeîn lbey'sco-ect w Ralph Ri14oul, Campbell- villes rookie rigli-bauder, pitrb- cd is lest gaine ineris irsi appearance agausi Hamiltoin l si- i.-sts' lii of he is' lii' I \alle liat Simiiie iiiîirIi/. 11 iîiîctd ÇMiliasi suonauinearnect ai' a fur luts. He sqruck oui four aîîd vaked to. Ron Nus- lor lacr'Miton aivo verni tle cis- laînce andl le attoseed seven reins oit nine its. He vaiked f'our and trick oiitfour. Elmer Dredgc ted oaithîe lot- lomoin itîe irst itlh a snge nud sent lu second an an l- field oui and tlu ird vs-bruAt Wigrve was sarl'eou an errar lu île Miton infield. Wingrove siate vecond aud luth cored on Eait Cairns' single. The homne te Ide il 4-0 r tle secouiîl vln îles corecl issu mure. Den Jocesas sîle onî an errur. adv'anicecd to second wIen 'Rck Reia seatked. Bail sîîcsacril cii anlv Riutacîi andîc scuseci on Ken Mairevs single. Mitonîîcommitird thuer uriaors lu tle ihird ibst ruabîrd Campbltîitte Io score again. ta îu.îke i5-0. Bilt Ellioi ingird snd ssiiailthîe oas aroucndon Raiders notcl Duguay spar gets grand-sl Bp Boh Waikinu Piclîcf CIssîie t)iii,. graniîd vpoîked Milieu iii LIî Il vii orGeorgcetown n l sicorndl gai t s aii a s !L ut, tie 1lion Lasic Sith; C-cigic. iîîîpîsîvesl iicsing ieipcden l ich uiis, L,- île Rai,îs î' iii- 11, l1camecivil p ith-àgoeivup- pari gaine to baoi.i, lihli pilch- iug. In lui liug lhe \%i forlii Mil- ion. Dilguas vv.s nickcîl lac Il hlus,îc ndi ivo i.ti,,, an'îîîsin cd 10 irikitsii l. Georgetown gained une run lu tle t cv. ilice in tle ilirel, lvv in tle i issrs I ansi ilau verre belid .re'rici- the îlhail hee tranmes. TIev iîîoced île bases atI anc Ou(in sulic isth, lut aicri cicicuive plas Iuci sIc cashs coieles,. Oiguas's ltir- ru n. round iippcs initheilîrsic l ied lIc gamc lor Milton, ansi ienu loirssfctiev and ilrec lielilir',iciiuuce in lth iiii'i ,itîvrqiienl errors. Campbel- ille made il 6-0 lu tbe forib cvten Moore doiitatd and scar- cd on Wiugroves ingle. 'Miton finatty broke ual aunto tbe score sdcctinluthe fiftb mIen Mary Seisizzi wu'krd, viole se- rond and scored un un error. Campbeilviile scured the final ruin in the eighib on n mli cxc- ciid iet li and rîîn. WitltîDredge -.îeitig. Mooiire tidolileithlm Ail Mitions, four buls ssere singles olibe bais f ai uîne MctConnet, Ron Navier, AI Jor- dan and Dace Assetine. Ken Moore ed the Campbettville ai- single and F.lmer Dredge, At Winglnîc. Lait Cains,. BiltEt- lot, Donî Joyceraîd Ratpli Rin- tolttaIt singîrd. . Footuotes: Camp'lbeivites tragrumlfur iis eekend is st-t uncertalu. Tbey may be ptaying in the OBA. If îlot, tbey selî try ta pluy 'Prestou lu Campbettsitle. Tis %aîitd le liii piiiponsil sameiin Jt )iclivilîr tor lie Icgiie champ- ionslip. The *'y soîîd bhave to sin ileirrw-oreaining gaines wite Campbrtlvitte tosi ibir bhrrr remaining unes. b ai lu hni, hi Milton piied uip a 3-0 teoc inlu li lerst iîîuing as Mark'Hsaii iu ix ted. Gien Tairnersvalied. Waslc Bekar bclted a lonîg saoi Io la score Ieo u vns aud lheiîroipe lc home un an infielci oui. le A watk tuiGDieu Tuirner andcil. a pair ai errars piadced Ic-il' Milton rînv iii île tiîrd innîîîg and ii thc vixtilthîl taos cloîscc oul ieir seoring 'selh 1h îec ccns as Van McPlait doubicci. HugI Campblwvatked, Sieve McCaînn singied and Gteîî Turner siugled. Brampion's oniycuns îecc scuid inltwoinniîlgv-iliicc iu tIe [111h and one le tle scîca- il. Van McPlait. Mari, lii and Mike Kas7ip -i ld Milton', uuuli oller hlis lu tle cliainpiuiisliip gaine Bl inglun praicalis vs î.pjici li) hecu.-iuîî 'inietiilîvi iii- nîng as île lonîe-tuîeîerv scîî' cdilrce e ins lu tIc lirci. de lioin tnihe lîccrîl. anc in the lltîland ii-hi'n tetIcs.îlMic Kt,/Uki h i-led the i l m againvi the powui.iitBr'amiptuon sqiîad. Mark H sali lias a t\e sircugil i seco'ndl lave ltoi\hl- .Milton tilt crs ciere WiitcBe- ari,,rî'lh ice. Mike.- 8c,-eci îîill isisi.Van MePIsit %ill one. JhnlKîvliîiini- oei an Si cee McCainn citi ione. Mets bop Giants 11-7 in A league action Tua kev catches lu île ses- enil innios Os iLsrrv Siroania s,îesthîe bacoin sic tIc Mciv ce cecuilsas îles toppcciftic Ci- anIii 11-7in 'Milton Miii Bi.- hlî,l 'A" leageeaction. JohnîîîVîlpe and Gare McDii- sali slared thr luriing dulies lui île wilners, whiie Cirgill 'l cargedwl h atelo Collerette, Cinders, Slag & Silo BLOCKS J. COOKE (ConmretBocks) FVFNINGS CALL JACK HALL MILTON 878-6365 NE 4-7763 rOiiiiietili ic iarve records li telitoruti.v Tsiceis CuitffCourse Saicrday by firing a 68-71-140, aour tronder par, lu a 36-bote inter- natiiunal unîioîn tuarnaint bc- tween trams repreven tiug fouir districts ai île Unird Steel- worlers of Anierica lu tbe Unit- ed States and Canada. Don Robtnon.of 1 livislte, lui. tuiii 18 a[ ramied om tîree botes oai aven disasier ter sent lis su uver gins ils haut niade tle 3 but threc-p 1111 andtIlie Lowville bops- Bro but bows to Laievitte cupped île Diis gaine ýtIhe lest ut tîrc OR.S.A. icîrmediate "C"quar-ter fiuais )beatiîîg Broughamn 2.0 lîchli aqui, Piqsieltes fine tsi'i-hiiier. The Lowfflie are faîîned 22 )iîîclandlis maies 1îshved iras s 1-111v" in Ileii' -I n i.1,iiiiiliiigs lu gel liiitl thc sic usv. Paqcieie's vetaiadtip- letris LecCîîîtsuu icriiilitcIll vîxti Slu King ti iîîied aîndl raîlîl A hîomue oailsingiule lisDong urveida le. lnirnl )r ireakiiig ilind UIckCr Losby, iuuii-wiigilig id 36 ihis-s ai tie' iiin-îniî'roprcsenting District )ronto tavotiît.Ilie .1, Chicago. Ill., lcd lis tour-mon cbii'dies on the last team tu île tram tille by shoot- fhis linal round (o ng a 73-70-143 lu the two-day raller a batky put- test. He ran neck-and-neck iu core soaring ta two tle huuîcslretcb [or the individ- rougI the 1th. He ual honors but týinisîrd second ,turu ai une imiter lu Robinson whcn be bogird the uited the par t'îîcr 1thland 1th. Crosbv %vasltit, par lis' tliiai ,l/unil/r uv ilthiis lapse. District District -10 captaineit lv Roti- iiiunwLi seondini the tein ugham»0 edbvDistrict 32, Mtake Wiw ih 47 and District b, Tur- kv io Canada \viih 691 strukes. Carry Coitig ctîubted and J,îc- quie Paqutie singlecilfir lie îîiler Losevîllte lC. lu Ration Rural scui-inlac-o tioîn, Hruls' won uver Liisville 5.0 lu tle ii1ening gaine.John Wiiimi i leî'aîlaise huer lui' Ie vi inicî. Sliîucicl Lowiiisvi liîc'ciîîîoLpi issie irciiPav5e5 caiised unsis ii l e damtage as Paiqiietl ie iiîîiedcl isrulî'ivIo [,c Cmiiiisiu. ilnuis Siuclair, Siîî Kinîg, Bihl Gaicgeiiui aîîdlLar 's Cilliîig ,îii iîîtldtoic hue xi le. The News~ You've Been Waiting To Hear! W. 1.VARCOE andSON Mitoîn Essa Ts'kes bld for a reli ise rias short un Satcrday. Aller tratnptiîg Bramptnpl 8-4 ini tIc tta ol t ouruamelit up/nec ini Bcriîîton, tle Tvkscvclop- pcct an 83verdictia Bcring iîîî lu île ebainpiouship final. Righihanderu Mikc Kz' vspil and Wade Bkr slfar.clthe ptehîngehorcs in ile trsi gaine h series, 'ks attack Iam homer lî,iu..-proiuiiîcii l iii/ 'iv.-ands pu tic Rai,ili alîsaî l (Uvi.. miîsr icili,, ini h i l 1laad Gloria Zillo viari'ed au île nuouud lic (ieoigeiiiiiO.aliîîv- lig Il lis anduri uic s ,b le- l I clîlarlieved l% Macin E.igein tluelf'rth. Eagles seul ati piecanid ueo anlandictCis lie Qiiackeuhii-.l vi ila edouble, ,insie mnt a isalvshowd sictt lor- île lasers. Tficir unis- teîîîr extra hase bhleissa t1ilîl te CarileSckinglun. Caro ei Hcarus and Sharon Wasou catch netirci twa ingles and a satk fac Miton, veile Cunnie Ocguay acict issu ie-. lu ber home reinbhast. Thc ilird gane outhîe erics willi le plaved on tî le GiuW'il- lam, ciamond îîîmorrîîsenigît. lThuî'vd,îv'i seul île focrîl laine vaieci toc Hîrnîs'nevi Mondas cîîniug aci1mes ae815 pul. Ggots mangle Mferchunts iD Iop-sided Senior gumne Campîcisilte ptaved une of Ja ilel rsvursi gaine-,sin vears asi Wednrsdas nigli vven ev dc journevrd to Georgeownand St took a 10-3 ains. Ahîhugh î t-lrre' Hamitoan ani gave up i cighi lits, b loved 11cm t wc'lsn îles' luri inasi. His tram-li inate% rommtird htour errurs le- hind hlm and altij plaveci gener- als' pounr bail. Bernie Dore wet ailt he sas for thé iv and did an efficient joli ofhlingtîelecagne lead- eris to tIrce-rus ofsix lii-,. Georgetownswou tle gaminl île irsi inuing veben thcv scias- cd ses encauns. TIr inning leu- tured Doen Lindsav's bases load- cd triple anci o twa run errîir bl, BitlEiot lu rentre fChd fisc Cainpbeiisiile. Caimpheltville gai anc bock n île second vslen Chester as safe osu an errîîr. Jack Roberrt, tIen siccîl a lit ia orighi. CIe-- ter raine a ruund lis ihird andi srurrd whîru îhe tîrovu' ssi ost fo trahîe iî'rdbaseman- Georgeown scred tieie rii île fouril tu make il 9-t on Ar- bics% single, on eî ror and Comp- bell's si ngl e. Cainpbeiiviiie uiosesi île gap slighliî lis93 inirrte 11111 ulien tHamiltiovn gled, weui iii ilird su Win- grsive's double and bail rcoreh on Elits double. Ceurge- town srured ueanc lthe slth tsi conapicir tbe scoring selen Lau'- son maîkeci, vs-nt to second on a pased boit and scrcd un Campîcti's single. Bill Campbell lad tîrre bits for Georgetown, Don Lind-,av tripted and Dauuv Arbie. Denus Gibbouns, Pete L'ssson and Jun L. W. EMMS ELECTRIC Conteacting and Servcing Phono Milton S78-9731 lmes ail singird. AI Wingrave and Bilt Filial oubted our Campblîitie wve ltu King, Riel Repta. Jack Ro- crts and ilarri Hamilton ail ugleci . .Georgetown -,%on thrieofîle four gaines piassil etween tle îeamv this scason. -il x~~~ 'w- -9 -- _ i 32 BRONTE ST. MILTON 878-3661 / "COMPLETE CAR CARE" ,-- NOW ASSOCIATED WITHt c ~MOTORCADE 'À STORES LD *Automotive Parts * Sporting Goods * Household Watch These Presentatuon Bargauns 0 UP TO ÀANO INCLIN AD OR DA Y 0 Ua~ IPRAV 9AnlIIICTAAJT I WHEEL PULLED FOR FREE INSPECTION f ALL FOUR WHEELS AND HANO BRAKE 5 9 Spectacular Presentation Specials Be Warm This Winter: I~o Terry Cloth Seat Covers 3.29_____ FOR 2-DR. OR 4-DR. PER SEAT I en...rmInt I 0e MOTORCADE TIRES 7:50 x 14, blackwatl, tubetess from $8.88 To our Motorcade Super-Deluxe $17.38 WHITEWALLS - - $1.50 EXTRA 0 ALSO Complete b Tykes' bid just short of county championship BOYS ATTENDING M.D.H. Gym Shorts, T-Shirts, Sox, Supports, Running Shoes Available At MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE LTD. Talx Notice Ratepayers of the Town of Milton are Reminded That THIE THIRD INSTALMENT 0F TAXES IS DUE Sept. 6, 1966 THE FOURTH INSTALMENT WILL RE DUE THE SEVNTH 0F NOVEMBER, 1966. SPenalty of 1% Per Monih or any portion thereof, wilI be charg.d on each ovrdue instalment until Dec. 31 t, 1966, ater whlch date Interent et the rate of %/jof 1% per month will be added on the firit dey of each monîh. AUDREY B. BRUSH, TRIASIJRER Tune-up Diagnosis, Have Your Car Electronicalty Analyzed on the Dyna-Vision Scope $400 Potroloum Lino CLIP THIS COUPONMI If'sworth 2.C SERVICE OR PARTS PLIASI ONE TO AT ..EACN CUSTOMERt W. L. VARCOE AND SON MOTOR C ADE ---------- --- ----------- --------- - -- l- - - -i iri Im .a, ra The Burlngton Business Collogo -= ARE==1 NOW ENROLLING FOR FAIL TERM STARTING SEPT. 6 0 SECR'ETARIAL 9D* EIA *REFRESHIER COURSES 10 EVENING CLASSES le Start September 19 PI4ONE 637-3055 The Burlington Business College 499 Brant St. Burlington

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