4Tho- Canorilen Champion, Wt-i'fne'dny, Augtot 24, 1 966 Midgets Halton champs Clement ptching star Aller sqeeaking past Camp.- belivite jin senni-final action, Mii- ions Local 4970 Midgets cap tarer] the Hatun Midgec ille Satureta: hn lomhing Oakîile 6-2. The Mitorniclub. ,'airrp'i'- linire eed or l regiiarncierdule, nceeed a ra ouîi sing le ijetha seven lb inrrrn oni SaturdrvIl.tîrrrig ru eige' CrrmireJi'.iein the lirstrn or l Intn Couu'NîsMrdgei charnt- pjionbhip rrunameet. Brrrs Mcvach bit a sharp snrgle lu score Lorin Faggion front third hase and gise Milton ni 65 decisiun je the opener. Mike Harrison of Miton starter] the sesetb uitb a s'.alk. Harold Pansue". roueder irrcer] Har- rison ai secund, but Luris Fag' iran doueid. Pensunredtrla ni.rke jl al the isas' honrie, butt %vsrntb ri-ie aei ai home plate. catcher Pele Andew s..iti.king tre' t g un aerlier'ilr, ris' irriî tbhe nlrrrtniutp. Frygirnariseinon second \iir moo ildtried irîsicri biend. Liopire Aine Partran riled be ýýsernnd eildspile a srorm rai abuse t*ram the strands. the île- ciuenstuud. MTrach hleu cr.,cked the kes salais. Trevor Hlouston siarled on the mound lrorMilon and]ave rip toet-rrns and sruckout four boiter'. je the three and Issu- bhrrr iningn 6e pjîcbel. Richard Cemenrca me je ro reiev'eie the irit anetgaverire p narire rnedstru.ikourtor i' rs Campehlisille seireelin te top ai the irst as Pela Andrewn snas suie un an errar. Ran Evanîs eroikeel and r, single b% McLrugb' lnscureri Anrreir. Miii,,,, ien ilie Nc r iterlir' rrr ire îrîîrrhallil lie'i il ilin, ' i. r '. ire'%L 1crr Il ý1 .rrîri andRihad iei ie ,rr eluirlleel im brime. Four Campbciiviile reins iii lie iraîtelit iueirg caille ller Nei Robertsonussasnle un an .110e. John Inglin eaikeel. Pete An- r]resus sirigleel. Douo McL.'rîgbliir and Gurnat Mitchell seaikeel andl Billt Deenis singler] Miton cama hack strueg je the haîlum hali of the iniey andr]scored ornce Ilu n irrljr5-2 an Loris Frîyirr rin <it Marrin raikerl rnîl Bar r".Mcli oeil si,,5 lee. Ilte ibe' iri l a e the eucoe ss lb lb ecerîrî 'r' RichaîrdîloCieece riruier, i. ue Pui,,nrandîîLorii.iu agin irrnr le',) Atr ilointru,,, i îîpil)isilir' e'racheb lir,, Fieldllrie'elartiing rutcher BHnirrîr ndive Gar'ne'i Miche'l.lrr1ol'e' irer i rre Bar is MeTrrclir 11.1,1o les. loi Mir In .TîrerHotin,i, Mîke iH.irij,in .rnedHar'oilPen- son eacb inled sehile Richrîi Clament prîrnedr] srîdourble, andr]a triple rrelLoris F.rggirrr inled and doueblee. In the champliancblp ence Riebared Clemerr iieieri Ork, vili'nreinee'a, rs ii.îrrmil Ployoffs Caiedonia - a powerhousc ln the Souiborn Countles BBombait League - wiii open a bet of three Onario Intermediate "B" seutl-iaplayoll caries ai Mil tit air tagroundsaun iunday af. ternoon againti hie Mlluon Red Sox. Box coach Dlck Clemenl re- celved word yeserday (Tues- day) Ihat the finI round ila 10 tari on Sunday. Game lime ai the (ir grounds la 2.15. Second gante of the serles wili be la Cledonla on Sunday. Sepi douer 4, ai 2.15. 'Flita locatioanofth thîrd gante, if neciessary. milii ha declded by a flip priar la the sabri of the [iraigante. If Mlon wvins the flip, the thîrd gane of the sertes, If nec- esfary, iii be piayed La George- bown, ikeiy on Labor Day, slose the Steam-Era wili have Invaded th fair grounds for the week- end The Box, slow sarters ihis acason, are rouoding lto shape and couid prove a plaoaI1 hreai if the ptching continues la hoid up and the hbiers tari la cap- piy o Bille more power. Thl'ougiî. oui the year. the leance major weaknesc bac been poor defen- alve play, bhttln receni fgas there hasa beencsiaderabia fin- provemeol. Lasi year Milton waa elîinîiai- cd by Creemore ln the irai round OBA. play. The imo pre- viocs yeara, Ajax eiminaicd the Soc bn the frsI round. Eliher ieliiîander Ron Nayler or rghihander Mike Boughlon wlIi lkely gel the siorting job an Sîînday. Boughton huris shut-out victory Size 'n.1 1 'lil si'lriiy iad Mîfre Boliglir irîof ilire Milto Ruci Sun prrrved jrlrrriu o Wedrienday riglrr. Paced Sp iis sper-b Iure liipilching, the Srrx hiaeked ther Burlinglun Ie- cIirarr2 ird'.îsoed sorerof (lela lin ruer,. r iik ('te'- m'li Io r,'. rrir rl . lp m 1 i BIluMAghiaî, r, r,.r,',r r l' t' .1ii . Iller hi -fr , i1, er 'rai. f l.i1iie ux Ivnn <n li - iir sprrir.ri liv I n i,, l irrings 'ingles. iFi e as lo -rngie 'irse sailes in". l'ire sirl juc everili irnirrs .as.lie \Cl [irole ,r Pilla,",MI iirs, n 24 liaileii Seajor Lr.'rgtiî de- ciinsl..lit- Larrîredninle, si'rken I rorandirrekee ri(- rnuer il Whirje iourelr runvas Ille crn(iiri manArit Mli-arr ea ijillirrinin rii i-jle'Il BorrIryli ,, ,ri Pt(- 'lîrrîrrîril Tae Sac coiieccid nr fi,,. 1iilrri Mleilrrrr s, lr r iit, ruocond Rrrreir y iiy lit[ a ha p t ir iii '. n i lr.rrry er an'l iiýieril nye l erur i 5 Ille ouril pring y r, ilrrrei Br i rrrri'n lrig il lr'.leich . Diamond Ducir Coaceh fri Cl erierti, )ii r ii,licjr rlrrr i, n rîris cances n jehaOB.A. "We'ie' nlariieg ru 'bron cocrid-' ci abia imprasemeel andi our piichiag is geriing bller ail the ijmaý. Wr've comaalong way licete re ofuth 1e saasac - wsih a byreak we cuuld go ai] ire %%;av," he sajd Repraseerer- ii%, ýt fnt capes- ikrlion. .,. rl-rnt i)cî,rrr.Sririirer i i rrik, . rr and Wr,errr (',nintije' %Ire ru epreerntedinjethie OBA. -rirrelreB" pirrvrows ... CoiL'mreerrijrg uni Bruhiire'n per'- lrmalice agairi Brlingioa. Illre coachi sajd, "I've ocrer seen hirm Iiurrî a heiler Crime - ha je c-iii." . .. Il wrrs the secrondîlime Ibis vear Ihat Mil- tnhs daleaieii Burlingînîn. 1)11er wis'.iesyra 11r Onkvllie, G'eorryei raisndreHaimilon. Ladies' bal Rerilils of he aIorrLadies OrriliirriI yirsia rre asnolos Rrrr',i helr raive s m -ias Mrrirr.rs.Airyisi 15, liornh y b iiirryi 2; Thiir'.dars, Aigrisi 18, rs 17 Orrrglir 3, Civ, i i' Na.rin Il P.rîr'rr8i iUvhn pi.rsrri',, iesirri lise'. tetrrrdrs'.Arryrîi 15, Gerorgetornr 13 Milon 6; Thir'.dri, Aignrsi 18. Mii irnrS e8 rr'rs . -Se 1,1 fi'P. isere investrgrr' iirr is rrwucr.e'.rrfcheque ior<' v i urrîlirere Lrsr st e'k. HALTON COUNTY MIDGl CHAMPS, Local 4970 of Milton are air se? nom for O.B.A. compere- tron. The Milton sqrad mon the tile on Salur. day a? the Midgettorrnament chîmpronsbro in Canpbeiluriie. Showen n1te front are John Penson. Loris Faggion, Byan Boughton, bat boy Bob <oraqlon, Barry McTrach, Richard Clemneer lowville tops --AL Dunrtroon 16-8 finai'. bs eleaing Denirran 1- Co 8 un Salurelan nr<bi. c Lee Coulrnn%%as tha uinreC pîlcer and arrrri'ed cr<bi rue'. on nina ris shila sirikrng out 1 and] salkingrîru. Luseille cormn- minier] rîuerrue'.. Alan Banl ws the loser ,rndi alirîsail16 rues o 24 bu'ý. lu a rlkerl ihreean strrurkraur rhree. fintraun a Crulsun dourblaîl ibrec tmh and singlicnn is ai batsifo tbe0sejnners. fraug.Craerce herra tr] sinr'.'gles, Brkebar rin rrrpied. drînbier] anr] si lad liecfor aoperec ieer e for ha orer'. 0. rmil sn'.' misrc and douhled inefourar baarndiD. Baker hrimarad The second game raitha es ofi lbrea nrres nl ha je Siv ner- on r'riia'.nighr nrri 9pur lowvilie wins first series Lrass'ila Jusenic'srwonth lirstroundi raiORSA. pvias Wedneeda'. ni<bi. delcatin Hiebsun 20-4 r. obe theroaunde ru rIro nrri-iuhr ames. Lee Coulcon piiched tha win for Lrrwvllie iing up trur rue'. îîii ise bis salkie< muo andl strikin<-raur ai<ht. L'auville ciim- mjrred ru-rerrrrs.r Ken Kiieben wa'.tha lrsri[rr Hiebsun. gerrrn< reliafI romBRis anr] Wlsun. Thes gave ap 20 nre' un 17 its, aîker]10 and " strrick-oai une. Larry Campbel was top hit- ter for the mînners wth a home rue, a triple and ru-o singles in fieai hors. Iarn' Coling drîîh' tari. rîpler] and singled in four -jGeargahome's police force n V MIE.è heing epanded b hrceamen la ON bring 1he force la 15 men. and rreuor Horrnron. In the back rom are assist- ant coachBill1 Curre, Harold Pen son, Mike Har- 1rson, Phil Martin, joe Hearlrerinqrorn who rep- reserris loai1 4970 and manaqer Wayne Trm- bers. Coarh Nip Gervais mas absent or rhe emre of the pholo. MJG. 24 TR IG 0- nie Meeni. Mine y Mo, tch a Nudist by the. To.! ,NOW ENTIRELY 11N ENGLISH EXEP FOR THE FRENCH TWIST! ed ollthe french Riviera ii (' NORTHOF QUEIN IELIZABETH ýN THE 9ib UINE OAKVIik VAM effAmw u3 bieiers aed allawed oety fije hils. O.îk'ilIe scored once an ha irsi innieg. bu? Milton ruent .rhad je 1he secundarl 'ih two rnonanr errur, n single hn i-or,'" Fergireenduir hir'd sirngle i rr grry 11% ii iruir Prl'r"rr i).rkn llie' cen i),- i fi id il,irrjî in le' inn ivcMitonrrrrk the leziiroi yrrd a'. Lrri's Frg- yrirn iee.Beri s McTr'nch dlueriled ardel irsi srcter Phlt Marrtinî bhit t'i)agCer lu score lroth ni nners. lu the *luth Rich ard Cemeni singied. Trevor Housntuntriplaîl or une rue andi tuns home on a .wild pich. At'ter a briel ' loIrry je the top rai the senen h. Milon hurler Richard Clerîreni setited down adrerireri the Orrks in Order. "Riclir" cur,.' hrs nerer heen as gurrl. *Miltonr crtcher Trenorr li-)i rir re'jried. Milton lits lîrserruir Phîl Mrinureacheel lase e nuimes diriey lice lIer yirres. 1n heIbe'lîsi ygaine' lie rrasrron baeni,,? ran ilircee'is ak'. lu the secordrget re lie' 1'e'rreliet]liserrin Liniel'ie' une.rl. rau ,a nerdri oble. TresrIl' t nisruripie frdlle ,rrriivrer%%rhie Barrr McTrrcb andriPhi Meiin each douilleel n Lrrr F.girr ndr ]JulirePen- srnesiriied. The MAiton eclub celehrrten the t itra i'. l ril nco, r ruai at he 6 horme orai chrel 'p" Gur'rij n u S.riirrl.rs nigiri. If ias "Nip". rrerlilne nnrvers.r'n and the ir.resr ie.irerionrmanethis %%ierli, .1 unli crue. BUY NOW HASSARD MERCURY METEOR MILTON PLAZA - 878-2815 Proclamation ! Byu vrue ohe aura oyunsedin ieuand at hndec- on ofthe MuncpalCoporation foo te Tomn o Milton. 1 HEREBY PROCLAIM THE WEEK OF AUGUST 29 to SEPTEMBER 5 OtD FASHIONED DAYS und] urge ail crîrgens, merchanîs and rndusîry t0 surîîbly mark the u-aek to 6e chu-oued by t6e 6t6 Annuai Steam-fna of the Sleam and Antique Preseruers' Association for Friday, Salurdoy and Moeday, Seplamber 2, 3 and 5. S. G. CHILDS. Mayor. August 24, 1966. COMETS 5 DEMONSTRATORS 2 NEW METE ORS 1 DEMONSTRATOR 10 NEW MERCURYS 3 NEW