2The Canadian Champion, Wednenday, Augunt 24, 1966 Six Halton 4-H club members are guests of CNE this week Six 4-11l Homnrmaking (Club oc Museum, as weii as visits in rit-inlters ol ilallan CoLiniv wili the Exhsibition, withsspecial srats be guestvaof the Canadian Na- for thse grandstand performance. tional Exhibition foi- Iwo dlay, Tlhe program for thse fir-at af- tibis week. The girls are Mary ternoon wiiI include a scieclion Lou Brown, Limebouse R.R. 1; of exitibits and demeinsîrasins. Laura Henderson. Georgetown f rom differeni counties tisat R.R. 1; Linda taglehart, Pater- have previously been set op at mu; Dianne Prît. Paiermu; Irene County Achieveaieni Day... Thse Keir. Glen Williams. R.R. 1; and Sitveewood Club of Halto wili la: Alli-un. Cana ipb)ellville R. be preventin, their e x h i b il,. 1. ~Sandwich-s aior Ailternoon Tea". lia liliaii u. ill iliea- t ot: a 5riis'il) 175 girI hm 10 oIiaai a nd aaa ai disrcs in Ie pria. vinci.r itua vit ie akng paîrt il lii sxpeai.at prograi. mbichis i vponsuîvoi-t lis te AgricaîttauDi- vision ut t:6e C.N.E. The itiner- ary «vtoc :he lîcu duvv salîtinclude qu izsand o:ber ueîivi:ics re- ltdIraiau4-H Homeaiaking clubs aaaîk, a toutr ut the Rus-at Onlur- ACCOUNTING EARL G. BLACK B. Corna., R.t.A., C.A. Cbaelered accoaniant Municipal Auditor 163 Maa Street Bon 460 Milton, Ont. 878-6542 ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER BArcis - M.R...C. 17A Mill Sree, Suite 2, Acton Telepisour 853-2740 or 20 Staveisank Rd., Port Credit 274-3428 Office Hours isy Appoiniment AUCTIONEERS FRANK PETCH Auctioneer and Evaluator 30 Cisapet Street E., Georgetown Telephone 877-2864 R. J. "BOB' BEVERLEY Auctouce and Sale Manager 4058 Souths Service Road Burlinglun 634-6030 "I4altoa Countys Auctioneer" CHIROPRACTORS Ductor of Ciiropraulic A. P. KENT,.D.C. 237 Kiugs Court Crescent Corner Manian St. Monday, Wednesduy. Tisarsday t pai. tu 9 p.. Tae..day and Friday 9 arn. tu 6 pm. Satorday Il a.m. lu 3 pa. Phone 878-2031 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home Protection-Accident and Siekuess-Paaiilv Liability. Farai Liabilily Youu Milton Agent Mrs. Tisea Rurz R. R. No. t, Milton Phsone 8786390 INVESTMENT SECURITIES GEO. E. C. JACKSON Representative Gairduer and Comipany Limited Investmeat Dealers and Stock Brokers Gavi. and Corporation Bonds aad Stocks Milton 878-25800. Hamilton 525-1940 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE PUNERAL HOME Complete Air Condilioning Siacere. Covrteous Service NigbI or Day 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.D. 184 Main St., Milton Phone 878-9972 Res. 878-9678 TUESDAY APTERNOONS THURSDAY EVENtNGS and PRIDAY MORNINGS WM. C. MILLIGAN, 0.D. 111 Trafalgar Rd.. Oakvi.ile Office Hours Daily inciuding Saiarday ar. Cati 845-1511 for appointaient SURVEYORS BLACKBURN IL DEWHURST Ontario Land Snrveyors Consulting Engineers 533 Brant St. Burlington, Ont. LIBRARY HOURS Tuesday, Tbursday and Priday 12 noon to 5.30; 6.30 ta 9.00 Monday, 12 noaa 10 5.30 Wednesday 9.30 lam. Io 12; 1.00 ta 5.30 twdy-CLOSED a:ic lid: lt prcpareat ar the *Clu:b Girl Ener:iain.. Acirv- mrnt Day. Fst. Ma... Lauira Hrn- dro Il givr a thrce-aiinail cormnrnaary on thiv exhibit. Daring lisir visit io Toronto tise girlisailI 6c living in revi- dencerut the Victoria University, stiscanthuay suIl bave the uppur- :a:nit-y of meeting and eschang- iag ideais iîh girls trom otisrr parts outheiscprovince. Halton and Peel Trust reports on growing business Nes-of'uth1e opelingf ut vigb:is otfice la George-towns lîis llt. and a halance siseri vbosing lise pava ..rarv business orai tradiiy. ocre highligisofuthlie annual report lu sarehuldcrv of Halon and Peel Trust and Sac- ings Comipany, retrcal lb:.. svcrk. Asets cBaibed ta 16,252.454 f rom8S50.586.079 a vear ugo, tise report notex. Tise f irmabs S55,- 699,t61 in savtngs and ierra de- posits, plus S46.646.933 invesird lu first morigages. Daring lises-ar cndiug Jonc 30. 1966. uhe irai reports 189. 643 ta total revenue and a profil of $188,143. Naton and Peel Trust and Savinex bas otfices in Oakvittr. Brampton. Cuokxvitir, Birlinglon. Milton, Sirnevaianal Delliii. BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESIYTERIAN CHURCHES Minister Ren. Stanley E. Saish, BA. 878-3582 SIINDAY. AUGIJST 2Oîis. 1966 10.00 arn.-Bostona Worsip Ser- 1130 a.a.-Ornagisa Worsisip Ser- CbaachisScisool mili not tacet aiaring Augaî-t. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Miister Rev. J. K. L. McGown, B.A. 878-6066 878-2652 O0 corne. let us worship and bow dowa; let os Eneel before tIie Lord aur Muker.' SUNDAY. 'AUGUST 28th, 1966 10.00 ar. I note iour-Morning Worviip %%itis St. Pautxs Un- ied congregation in St. Pauais abaîrcis. Ren. J. Lorne Graisam conducting. Ah are sielcorne HIGHWAY GOSEL CNURCH A local asseaibiy of T80E PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA Pastur: Rev. AM. Christenien LORDS DAY SUNDAY. x&UGUST 28is. 1966 9.45 a.-Suaday School. 11.00 ar. -Morning Worsbtp. 7.00 p.ai-Evangelistlc Service. Wednesday. 8 pai-Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Priday. 8 p.m.-Yauag Peaples service. A Churcis You Can Make Your Home A Wrai Weicoaie ta Everynne CHURCH 0F CHRIST OMAGH No. 5 Sideroad and 4iis Line Trafalgar SUMDAY, AUGUST 28î6. 1966 10.00 arn-Bible Scisool Classes for ait ages. 11.00 a.ai.-orning Wornhip. 8.00 p.ai-Preacbing of the Gospel. Larey Fort.,-Minuster 241 Kingncourt Cnes. Milton. 878-3555. GlACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Milton, Ontario. Rector: Rev. T. M. Dutan. B.A., B.D., D.. Associat: Rev. Canon F. H. Manon, M.A., B.D. SUNDAY, AIJGIST 201h. 1966 Triaiiy XII 8.00-Hoty Communion. 10.00 a.a.-Morning Frayer. Tisere wmut 6e nuo-id-mecS ser- vice lise week of Augutsl28. Car rally A Imu and une-SaIt isuar car taINy tu begin ai Milton Plaie: sili bc bela by Pale: i: Junioir tarnrrvSa li:rlaay. A:ag:isl27. 'Tise eena. upen ualilitialtu:s Juniot tartnrrs aa lhallir'niai- r-aIrai partie.. ili1 reqiirv an lnrytee of 1.5ier lc ar;::: llia rergi..lriua iliefin ai 6.310 Iin:. Hornby crash damages cars A Satidvacdn iIloi i l I I a k I wural A. Souaa:ibav:rî al1'lo- coke. mhen i ausin lu a )lî sitis a car driven b.. Willians Peter Robinson ou R... George. tuwn. Noa:injatrea v rcrpot cd in the acciadent,. îîicb r-ali- cad in $500 daaiv t h.: e la obiniia- Milton O.P.P. ivsiael A grovtp ut 30 girls gaîheredai [le haoant l- s Jaaîe Bi:ut ilanian flie W.atker. Liai. oa Wratue-.atvenuiaf. Atit0:-: 1i, Io hamac Ml-v Maaitel Mait::.. briale la-bc, saiS a iiiscellt.ii ou..ssoser. Aller ganme.. aaaa cunlexi... tbe giltîs suc apeneal and di.pavrd. Laancbh-.a eaveat andla iapps esrnitisg %a,. ru- joint 6v atl. Mixas Etten ýMorlcv of Druns- qau n lîrsa lu Dliiva on Maaîîl.î for a isolidais v il firr àaiaisi a-. Edna Hurler. -Aaiung b rre ne%%v rouahe vuon Io juin the Grorgclaaii %n Police forcer -t Con-i. E.::IAil drev uf t S. Catharine..s a i: 16cr ot Milton.. Police ChilRai Andrev-.. Eart verseat iv ah Poari Bainant lanal Waaîrtaaral sip force-.. EMMANUEL SAPTIST CHURCH Commercial Street, Milton Minisier: Puvior Classon Coles 878M473 878-3542 THE LORDS DAY SUNDAY. AU(lUST 28th 66 l 9.45 a r.-Saîaday Sebhoot toc ail. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worvlaip. 5.30 p r.-Youtis Tirne. 6.90 p.a.-Soug Service. 700 p.m.-Evening Warhip. Wednevdav, 8 p.r.-Bible vaty and Praver Meeting. Ail Are Warmly Wrtv-amed ST. PAUL'S CHURCH of thse UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Main St. ai Jamnes Si. Firaed isv 16e union ni the- Presvierian, Hethodivia n d Congregatonat Cisurcisevin Canada. Mini..ter: Ren. J. Lorne Graham. Orgunist and Choir Leadu-r: Mrs. Harold Mage. SiNDAY AI/GIOT 281h, '1966 1.00 am-Miarning Waii-.lip. Grner.al lhraue 'Sc.iiiaL.inl the Cbairah' 4:6wii vaajr i. tiammiral Miiiil. - Tht- Nir..rrv Dtp.aa-înîî-aa a-. a bc merling il 10 au11. îîlca the direction att Rrgaaîr'a-a Nirse Sa. Paut'v Cbaari.is s mai: appa la: ai-r came the caaaaaga - att RuaisnoxPrc-.li iin Chiai-en-lia:thecuninaet-ti.- c.. n Augaîvt anal Saii- ber. Plvasi. note lisi. isaîvf: att iii pht -10 oicI k au the mua aaîg. THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Attisier, Ren. A. K. Grffihi R.R. 2. Hilton. Loviite - Zimaierman Pastoral Charge Corne close lu God and Ne miii corne close 10 you.', SUNDAY. 'AiIGIST 20:6. 1966 Zîrmerman llntted Church Appteby Line t10.00 arn.-Divine Waaa-hip. Everyaane curaialy invileal. No service Iodas' att Liasiville Ujnited Church. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N.. 878-2022. Cisistians gafisered lanlise narne of tise Lord Jesus Chris.t. ([Math. 18: 20) Lords Day SUNDAY, AUGUST 201h. 1966 10.30 a.a.-Breaking of Bread. 12.15 p.a.-Sunday Scisool. 7.00 p.a.--Goipel Service. Wednesduy. 8 pai. - Prayer and iblse reading. Alil are saticorne ta tisese services. That 'Ne IGodI migisi'bc just, aud tise justifier ut hlmr whiah ieionethin Jeius. 'Romns 326. ASH Many residents stili on holidays By Mrs. George Pellelierlo Mr. and Mrs.. i-avalAlraniierý o : ha vck vae;ilion ivisi:. inf lriend-. aud ca-uivivstanSi. JIalîn andalheribar tis..oiNe-w Bruin.swick. Miss .Mcgan -Davies oaI laimil- linand .nlMiss . -lc l..Palierj -ea arvacalioninf ibiis sacris ai Pari Elgin, Cîllîngwood aandlîîîb pi a, ilil . A ii lt l ILiSan .îîl-'landîJ i l iga Mr. aad Mr . William Meri- alh itit PPa îs -ancl Shirîri Tais- a-Il ii P.îla.-imî, Mr-. anal Miv, Bairis tiatelisana l a.aglier, AM:-. ni Mi-. Bals Bacoin anal Mr. ..nal Mi-.. Don lies.peti.:: iieeh ai Satible Bezicb Vii ir-. on:Simlisai wilhthe pelletii iiaen. Mrv. J. Do laiKeitiliandîlCallsv, iii FIa- villa-: Marirla a ,ilaaiiiisail OS/ai lalai.CaItBelloiseii.aA i slilig iii idiiiRickandiiRaaiReidl ail Oiii;ll a. îl dMI.anal Mis. t ,loiilIîîl ld îîla i lMil- ,laIs.M.i Mriia.îîîîlN~i Sîîîîîll i lla i .îîîl i-. -tla i VlIalaiCi iil .iil i 409 Main E. Lions plan fali activities including fair innovation -Plais.l'or faîl acliaitir.. were lI nalizeal la..:week ai: an esc- L:tîîiea- ana:-:tiaag aitIlIte Ltions CliaIsoait-Miltoin. Tise grottp iv foing blacia' o [lie ca îering busivnessv Iill ai-e lainaI..- -:sr-a- via-e psci alvaindl aili bavin:a Sirnibru concessvion a:i lise SieamEra reainiain un Labor DaY arrekenal. An innoivation for -Miltoîn Fir %il]fil-. tiiikiignamachine" al- l' i. 1 ý 1 l %al l aii. l i Cooîîk a al' îiLa .ioan ils:::i fanailicaier. il liae au hi[ the Icsi-i- sabiela alips ailî'ap alaau. Memuiera ehaaged the datesi of lhibir reuilar meetings lu tise ,todadl'aarlb Monavv ut c. ah miaisila, m..îîthlbirvi la vit air Sepirmber 12.Tise club icevdlteso*aIlbnhv foîr il 100 doinatiotn laithe CNIB Camp ai Lake Si. Joaspbn F:ia iNSotunad,.ana loar a: 200 St. Johln Amblance Corps ila Mllias. FIîaiii'ii' iiiumall aifr ahe.-maina aiia icr 1icnai chill in il-iiii ia l ] i i ii iai i l in lita1, ih l i i a't iilai- il i ii vIral Linalvav. DepuIs' Guverniar Juta Sniaivof Daikuille plain..lis oficlt via ta:i)lbh- Miltolia islii i: Jatnaaarv. The club reeelved avaînalhais saiv waan the Iii-s: prizer inih Firifierv' Associationu Con- ventilon 'ie preî-eaîiioa windaau cainles.:Winner.. ailtbrassit h IN 200 Club'"acaava erMiv. W. J. MeDaimelIl t/cDlntil. Miv. Clii sine t/lckîadlIloaiIl llapki: al i Mlliai: Aia: iîîalatin oaIll n lo t ilall automobnsaile inthe 20th centuai a ive h, Si S. i- ens f:rn ise Ontario: Sailei t raifai: vincer1900, 18per ceni ofail alpatensvaai.al 6 v thi.US. bhici bi.an .ao iaia nen- INSURANCE R.R. FORD Milton, Ont. 870357 WERE, NEW -Milna Fir rr17e liq enÉrv laitmsvwere malle: esîsibi au:.. I i vieek. -Plain niai..-olattaenad 51vans- Era. tba Ontarioai Slem and An. tiquer Prevrervr Av-ioeialiiii -. anna aitamai anions.ia:Miltl'a 1.ir (imud aiiilsaltor- ia c se-ek-ntil Sepl. 2, 3 auJ 95. the lays hoemsa. iacbing skat- lue levvonv, mas ane of the gaie.: exhibiiors ai lise Painting- c.n-llie-Grecn art festival la Guaelph on tise meekend. A scuip- air. hospeeiaiizex in forais ai-atle of ahi farta impiemeats like horresoe.. FORDS Milton - 878-2369 MtLroN )v4 aman NEXT THURS-FRI.-SAT. AUGO. 25.26-27 "LAS VEGAS HILLBILLYS" - in color (M11I Sll- hîîa "WINGS 0F THE FUTURE" - in color Free auitgraphed pliOnlre OEF erlea lHusky wlth eaeh ticket CARTOON - "FLEETS OUT" Maiace Sataeday ai 2 p.m. MON.-TUES.-WED. AIIG. 29-30-31 "DRACULA - PRINCE 0F DARKNESS"-in color CHRISTOPHER LEE Adal Entetainmenf "PLAGUE 0F THE ZOMBIES" - in color JOHN CARSON NEXT THURS..FRI..SAT. SEPT. 1-2-3 "LAST 0F THE SECRET AGENTS" - in'color MARIY ALLEN- STEVE ROSSI "JOHNNY RENO" - in color lANA ANDRFWS, JANE RUSSEILL S HO0W TI1M ES MONDAY TIIROUGI8 THURSDAY - 8 P.M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 7 AND 9 P.M. LOADED WITH *CUSTOMS 0 FAIRLANES *FALCONS *MUSTANGS Any Model Any Style [cU CAN BUY NOW FOR ONLY $100ABOVE DEALER COST' BUY NOW AND SAVE A YEAR'S DEPRECIATION! IF YQURETHE MAN ~op FULL 0F RGI4 WHO'S LOOKING FOR THE BEST CAR VALUE UN THIS AREA . .. THEN YOU WILL LOOK HERE -- NOW 1 TRY US AND SEE - WE DON'T DICKER - WE DEAL! À À MOTORSH 1C.LD iq and -Andrew Drlenters or Altan, ,d o> u t %ho is %weli knumalocally tram Church Servi