e St, John New Brunswick in Cana- das oldesi city. and I found il an interent- ing une for a vsuit iis iommer. hI is, boseser, a cils ibai showns ils age ltbougb ibere appears 10 be a vrs definite effort 10 improse te ity and ils appearance. a One oftihe inicreuiing points h1ci%,iik' cci titiýs te (is IMart.Thilie itesit dîtise. sloiit.lobsie.cilcans ,and boute groiin erbssxere scaliered aong the fonds tlu scie sc re more accusiomed. Mca is sicre nul -as aîiraetivety sîrapped and pcckged as v00 ssouid find iii a mod- crn Onario store bt iis îas amarket, nul a store. e A central square. or p,rk in dosso- toîvo Sint Jobno is ione of tbe cit's beauls spots. 'm partial lu parks and h partieularis iked ibis une. A central bcand stand etevaled îitb a foontain onderneatb prosided aî focaîl point. Tbe bencbes lin- ne ibe perimeler of ibe square tiere ai most constanils ilied wivilbolder people vlcbicîg the bcuic of îr,îfiin tbe arc,. The g,reîîs ibrocîgbout tbe park sverc' sers atraetivse and colorîcl. Of curse tbe pigeons siere pientitul and ibose svbo led liîem could attraci greai nombers. a The craftsmen of carIs ducvs lta nnaber of nmoncuments lu tbei ssor k. The Connes Coutrt Hoose ini Saint John feu- turs a spiral siai reuse tbree loors higb. îiîboot any support other tb,în tbe inter- torking pattern of the sione steps. Buit in 829. the stai rs tiare coî from soucidbocks of sionc and the stairs survived a fire in Beside still waters.... Down[s] in this Corner [ guuuio w i th r o y d o w n s ____________________ ilit ibe,in.sise tu the espatîsioil Yieisl -):c recou 94 i i - quesiioi in Mil0on? ceii,î. cîcl i S6,721 aî icri: ijjt lir iîc'l)îîzîltîclî sili ct S 54,372) Doie cIil\ licenoe alitintltiian ,i n(j c 589 nmure ciii n sîall (16,4051 0) 9a hw e iôa e hiere qf ail eir' ilîcîîes ci topes te butter beîîsiîg The residensu wili use îîî 567.(W 0 14 a ci i,îtîr pool xii oie nmore industries? i .ui,;[ or i.ijcj titzl, rciuire .07 li(51iG% O1-cu do sc cc oil loîtier bilin g uit jL ted. ,încî ý cuti oies. isc 714 tioi Nux wckOdFQ fcd o c vvd, irom tle InardcIjicmw-5 inoie induýrizI zk i i'iriesitu Iibiiii'sbook, îitci'ýcc' rcuiuci.2 ia c'ûn ldfýire crýc u bicp shoo-lcier the cosis ut cîcdiioîî, n i i*ie gin cue i olab chdre clc i üla d Ilousingnd seboo tru Idre iler cciiidth 11 And seeondty, do we upcnd ibousuocis ifdoclulars pîec dîne seris c10undeici- oped aimcas oaithebo bin nan attempi toiiti'al c ai. indusies, or tsîu; or ibouici ucsiti lck unii Ibm indlusirs byss tiand iben cntactvice., to the ste? iThesc ,ccci atiler rei,ted questiîos la haL\, tub soNed sooniand tes placce Mltoicn Cooncil on thaburns of a cilienunui. Riglul no%% lui iber bousing and .iparlnlcncs ,cce 'i rucen" by ahytai. Tae tuiengtineeri ng consultant i s pre entis ucctcgOcci cusis on spaîcding taeser' îccs cîiIhaciruutk euier progrues. i'm soi aying 1 have the,îscv- sel. Butl lic citliici cl.t1ieadunetait iiîg sît li ctuti i uîtid incic,îlc ,an- u'tilici 10 l-,cc' n ila tio nîîgii cetbc Dri-E (j.pica of Uniteicii Vies'c, cilitîiîli, .111 c"Pipe l eig.geci lioiiîî ii iintliipul îclanninîg, s.î deýiî i and \%lt iuttetc,is10 cec ribcirit %ouli ii.ppc' if ianotear 100lionne:ssscic' bitlni ,a lti n. ics fi lilclfs sbioited lhîiî,l aflite dir' cc mniucpal taes om 100 homes Nîuuld liai jusi hl thie custi0ol ut iI iosc huemtes tequiiceniiimonicipal sersices. The oîber hall nîutsicone from uncîsriai and coammerciali i.us and governittent gî,înis. Dr. Pteva sapu 100 buames means 472 csr.u peocîl tud 149 adciiionai cars. Of tote 472 pccîsie. 118 ciii bc in ci US ýil ithiucli 1icquila uîo and , al more ciementlî ssiee lus'eii plot 1.9 hoi cîcuîi s anîd cantcditittnai .5.21 'litote 1oimniitîrs ciii reqoire 6.7 cad- ci tii1t i idtels oi publi iiiciad:.b acrces p), cicitlitiziv c cilool,,is.1.1 ,acs lii igli sclitîtucis.1.9 acres lir ari,iandît2.1 actc.,, lur Ililtîcet ictet. Nu%%cthat:icotls oe de u(IlmIlli t i Fritta rading thai. unewtudti ,tiici moeboduaes nitan more ebi. Boltinthe ohrsida ufthue coin, tote enticu472 ioCiic. t.îte Partin citttutittti gi cou. acncdeconomictilis'andc ci'l1 cic ci bute lu the tuttin. 1I isee ia îmictltc i ' lu scîenîctîneîîiuciucî'smniie: hccosîugcîiicng tu vuri eut ,an is tur icDr Pci c. ilt ,tistderrhtiu.ut itoci tttciicie muluce bornie, ma mue pi usuel ils" i On anoher subject i it îccucgîte cleite,% uîc iîîiucccuîu n cil.cC.îpt.iîu Acîciu ,1 ju icî mcd n cîiiu,uustutu Noithi O.ttuiie ciuiuîg te 1800? 1si t e t quiet iotnt iliTorontoî'iu' nt cc',nis dit d clieu CziCpi. Acdecîucl. Dît ciîc.kiîceil ot, 1 iid ltntttbc aic'sc':ieulcI cI Wu 'c'cîcolclboul like suniic' nscicis. undit cuit' foiurmautontt 51 lldbel os tii ciimssîng brachles in tIbm li.îiî' ircesîîîccuitldccevainli c b ppIuecilutci. The mans uthbc' utsidesk. dosvii %%-iîb a beuss coicI. inquiras încredoiousii c ",You ,meun 1 cari cal titishuit sitb siýcusc' tb.uidoant evcn lhave a nutionali ondai ion?5 hn Africa nuiisc' iribes beutlite gi îîiih cobs i ut 011cr litcurdi ing >cils. Aniropoluistcatii lis rli tiisaespression. Hure soc cii il goif. tout inters: 'Si. ShipltU liii c Cituicli Vimen. Unit 53,selsponîsoruv bt il vat iot haeburci.' iHamton utSPeu l.uori. Do icv u suppute iles gual i lbig crowsdi oser the errur? P EEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST te i,.0'i a. c t a i THIiS ANTIQUE PICTURE from the George Jackson collction ic bnliined t10 bave lin ndocn alIllec opcetng oft he Chiid- retS, 511eiier oul Court ii. pebently ucci as the svbooi inspevlors ofic ue and for apaîlmeols. The lady on back in the ioreground is huo o ubc Mrsi Jodç Gui humî. foncîids inte poil. enthusias")tîî i brd ta sticrilatein nFebîoary mhenn here moud laC suoliccnt t 11110la in. It's aiso true tbot r'oîî oi the poil clebratcons mein plaîîned ice Ibdlae of a 'ery ccc tic neccî deadînen. AI 15,11 pointl cîthoscosîcc tos itsbgter and parti- ccliaatshae the feelng iley dir mc a ,it of the '"show" Mitonil casclcac'iced cc.cîy ic'c trolcedithel ' pp1e ar ii lce o ic stecîc'c ira, and rc' 015 iateîiy thtciîji thelî aîlditcac i ic otcieofcttthe CcdFc. cictîd Dayc it lîcîs are ,ocrt of ic Ci ,eof)ce cciirrliof the eciîritri gtows. t .ccccAs tilîr cof ii Cd aslitcîd t).ys sprracis.ipeople depcd ct cî tas ,i nulesel asd mcîhool îhectng dates ts y rcoy arrcve ,icnaton pncctej il Wiil br citcteccrd. ThItS S mhy mc fiict Iicccporlanibforte cottccttcy ic manan Oid Fshoned Days os anc oi the veîy specoa l ebiroltis, aîcnoaliy For Cenlene coi Yr.cî rhein mold 1cr la 'crs ficllcîcqbase ,itoaccd miîîîh la iicld thi' clrlcîtnofcai Ccîcda s it day.is te type oaiîhng ticcc cl rarryoîc c lte îoîccccccîcy coccud 1cr in- ""d flic c sic- But the elostimpcrantîcîpoint111flowa s lu spnrh saiie kiccd of eîcîhuscasm in the curlertcle nlrolcoca Mercli tts are askeci lu stear old loîhcouced cotumlles, and arrantge speulai ceccdoce d1'iaYs focs1' once s urged oeisearot ahi iltatd vas- Ittri tea cdic tiec lor of the versîi toIs 0adci i toih,.c chatofithes ocascoîl Mltonî Pic.i. aMr"îcci c'baîîded tcgslitrl lor t lieor îericdantce rhry are ocr, eîlthr, Satutdcay mtîclîtlic d C cîc Cic 'h Th U AW. 1067 Is o. fi.lîîcîet I' it,,tccîîd opiîcîq dorcer .t i r.N cc u 0iMartin St. in tiefrrie MISiîsue hsccî'iilcii ertîts it miîhi ('týorgsc cul tdo it ifi cli lobae partici- piati y ail the ch t acs, aikancd ici a i scîCeeS '/aîltt lfoi lie ciher ftri lom te"drs. oic mcii oiy driîy tSe toit Slailttj Mocîdic ccorîcîlîq c l li i'.îsIiîicid Uctys, andîlits lice tlîr10 Iein wcîî rîccîj teilîrad F.îsiiîoîrcCes- Iupci A'. te Cccr1 cert' ci ta n o ol u mhes illita, îm, lîcîlfetrslhaea good moîcd.cy cîcîtar'tlt. iZbetettoi Cen tre dqreemeitt flot 'c ifliulerilteulc iof s lîmuve ci cc cin bai ts micy ci lis Ibih aot am rcgmomc.tidniectutorcis(-etre or abandont- cug tse suaeIy 1111lu aie tîlirrcd 1tit uil cterestinciaother iboît the may local polil ficîcamus havte bacid off-ugaita, cîîogoin mîvuoti 1 amas. Oicr posifuioandt tuttili cOuritut ecitc'. miteucod ficl ie iui cemec Tite agreemetlsgted Gitm cl.cY icy the coonties ci Halion anîd PelOnd mm thr Mîmucer ci ReficcInsctiutionsî mas, loever. an imptantcunic t ere mas saclen mndom drcsscug. il mas the irsi joint1ncuetcîcg of Haltomuaid Peel id lh iai îitser mcc.prrsemu for te sigrjittîl ButîIllite lrt i ldI woi imo ic.lu miore sueJ îîîîvîi .'.temliiii wmmcc teim'.ci icemlcticiy m'ndcl. lhim mlolîclion1utai lirte u,uutttdr- vautlinc o vosi iîmîprovnnmt ovnI peciemît accomoatilon thai mus providnd a bundend or morn peors aijo. No longenr miilbnhernînnily areesied suspect, mbc s stilinn ocoent, ho îoît ilS the baedy repeolers or te dongetous. Ibero mii. in sua i lu'dcmil tcille' in in mite li lid rr e tt îo tccu.ii ' IW lac1lu oi lu il sictlu ilioui'enfeui l li ci e i lc' ,j coulty t.ictj. j w!mi.'.' eç'it, wmicele titi risocmn is vaut le )Ilo Iom a erioriic somuci sefl o at. lThejoint pîcîe beiurccl l'yinIh Halloci acuc Peil ccIlicisu '1u0Vioe lIcita laiccuicao otil mud pce'his '.JIlclly .cwéiy otîtIlleii- P lut' eii cccllaciîu' Tile oicîrit i filîrPlutîbeli îracew o ci r qitcCumtrt l ctcaHalout ancd Pecl emcchcîî i ther HiloîtIoudai y r I1lcicvl lei vet y siott pull oui Haltoit loiait' un ima oriis ot influensce. A sbaîed faîtît y miii a cciiti te la eSerasl i cuber mr111 tIle c u'uîtlle tuhl,, m-.sterru cimll, Hccm sugîlcîcutjI ii'. c.y [e, ecuIy l mecwli tri i 1.1ciii liait mccc l c'i'ccVIsv IIlu. l il lilm ijO iciu lt'ui ictti lu miiimuai reociieclaun.tgreetmt petictt' ilcuît aIibe point o) acap forciol sigtîctg. Wc mo y neer as il bal the pro- otnd reeionoi doientiln cencire miii pro- vide oem poîsibiltiesiio rform, the on- onamic beneis of mbic i miiieanre- fimId Iniii-iuîued osily. Jim's Jottings b y 1lim dlii1i 20 years ago Takes trois the Issue of thse Caîsadiat Champion. August 22, 1946 magtt utut eduîuistrcale of Peel 'cc )c c tCctitîties Ibhomas Hauts'Y lut itc ci. cI l is lurtilcourt Motîcios' al wli lltionitli utilto pics iii ,legal et' hvidIli utI cuueînul 0ni Iii, Aipciîtuuicic'cln uilic tortî-iils' uot cc IrI lîtuIC'. lic Iil 1e tomte of Mit. s:alîcsMcc ccliAciguisi 14, cîts ite can- c cccIi cccittiii, lite Gicl' Club anîdtitis Ili Ile aicîuils M.gitcalte N tilal is)ai iiîc'tIll c'meting. Sonte ol Rct s. A.Kcvb ic01,i lits bc'c th 1,, lou\c ccl ýiii i uiuce Anglicanu Citucl. NtcItcit i cii it chiceuts s i.,leai ug hici Wcciici ileii' ector ni St. Jaunes' t uu lu. ilt.uîi.ciMu. Kit k sel lic miss' Cci t1.ttIll\ii c liti"sciutcit 'uî'. but ini Itle cuîîîîîîîîîiii t ltige. h-ti l.uiel _cci , c' tilI 1),c' teii iii Otucc Cituiclt)u t cciucucac'u iitctitcii's Itstitula cete. itei lerAîîuiic.rt r of' il, u"' tutiii tut cual ttte lil li I Il the 11wu1,5'\il? tutu iitliî ie ebitest I ilii tuuîucic, Gfichi o. îigîltu%1. l'tiîu. iticu S îii.uîîs.N. Il.îguîcs t, Dllîiîiitii' t cicl dliuticid nt..irc 50 years ago 'Icîei tîtinthie Issue orttie Ct'ctatli Cham'titon, Auguoci 24, 1916 1 CcII,tttuîutu(ern01i hit iII t ue iI.ugc' ussîtiililîll a thumeiniti tPic. s t .îî ac i .1 ii il ca ,s tu slipiiîiokc'îtor teir 01it utItailis set cices cas t soldicer cl ii' Kîuuy lii'. Itituie. Revis'. thetIi lobuîîîî irIlite uccusit.Nsîltile W. th. made iii [l i e tti' i cs5't 1. ut.I cii îîtlîi'îl itIN umitt'. hut IIle tcs 5c'iiglait tcii.uttlk, lit, Iric'utluf lh ic b icitî Iil lits' litt Ci 'iiiiiicui. il tututie haIlolllts al Ile ibouti. ai5d i. 'litt' ai.ct igailil u toil asIlii tIiIiîuîicciPutll. tC.,.3 7 aylitsS.. cu lcie\\i.1tutti)oîuupul.l stur osige. "Mitait Ytc l\ lc.Ccttieth5tck ii lti.iiiticii \,"ali iîi' cl Ile up i iluccu t m p uîl I lu i /e cil, Ic.,ti'c I i'. It NIut l \it I 1, I l'1 tiik 'tli i l A >i il li it Ill % l l ic'libitheil A c.uîîi,'Ni ilestc ali, h utcatiii .tti iitt lThe tciiiert'.iOle ecordled ai Tor'onto itiîeî' tuls tsiSturciy sias 96. On Mon- ai'îVueccaviltti'cs 98. theehiltes( daIII cliletasucîuuîerexcepi Juts 31. titen le .'îuîe . uc vî 10, unebhl' depere cIl.iiuil Iliîc iiclICîtcu01'recrd t Tiiuuuio. later veari ibai desiroyed mueb ni tbe remaining part of tbe building. Iiis nom one of the istoricul andmarks in tbe cils and une îî'ieb atracis touriti wbo travet a Lovlilti Truit paît many of tbe il's laîîdmarks. 0 Yeu nec some iiiicestiiîg iglis bink coure licble [ te its te ci tîte iiing. One of the signs oit succ a place cautglît mv attention. Ih bad peritapi been creeted hs' îlntnnieipulity îitb an esc teoccunîmv or perbapi in tbe bope sou soootdn't biik unc miss il ai. Tbe sugn sid sinîpis Wel- conte lu Mcrtinss'îlte. Conte Agino No need te rce I so signi, aisiocîlcibc cils. 10mnars' for sucb a message. îbe n oneuap- pcarenti1%' served tbe porpose cuitele îil. Welcome und goudbye siere Ait srupped sp in one. 0 When you travel tto te Unitecd Sates, plan to carry sour bottie itvii oc or go onlil mar'garine if sou îs,îîîl luoi higb prices. lThe price (il' butter inte US. teemed oe be about 50 pcor cent igb- er iban in Canada, cnd te stocktsin tome stores indicate tbe prefe rence ilicfor tbe margarine. e Toit roads are cec'rilii ls the straigiltesi and Icsesi in tbe point ofi lime to reaub a gisen point, but bheY cscinii- volte tells ibai oser ,î distaînce c cn ecIc up. Seemed te me iba i il 5505 iiittisi Po- siblete t ras'eitbe regl.ir roads. l,îkc ,n extra day and ,an extra n igbtinii a motel fur almosi tbe sarne amount as thbatlts. 100 yea-rs ago Taklen frointhec ie Outheb Canadias Champion, August 23, 1866. A report of prison in.spactors for tbe 'Caur 1865 inclucles the loiioîving siate- ient"Tiis ail. ubougli buil Itî'ithin o le eradin atusulistaniai maîtiier, %% as lournd lubcha suictuls destilute ut fi c quireimtctent ci apî'ees'consîruci- cd pisoniat ii' ii spcinvs i bter u li st siI itlitconîîîitld te record ibeir Lidnntoofil. Ou i lteicommnetication onIflie Buard, plnli. tttietviltiI sc e btained, wsîli %%-etc ippuoNeii mf fis%,lite Board Iand ra- eei[lie suit uu iofte Gstt'ci-litteiit, buti mcmitutîcrm'ocl(1860) nuoaction bas limn aitkemî hsflie Couit'cvCouinailtlu- iiliec:ollllcteteiit or lthe sc'rk. wMultbut tîîo sîitlii sî'.uds. tlivut. lu .uccoîîîuiiodaie thîe 'ariuuseaes iie utuake up ailt trdiutury' ail populationi; the luicd atîd uttitied; flie incurrigible tours iliaiait4fi inea ut etile cuipritlitu dieblor cuonitl sv'litas and insane; lthe ilalaetc., il cati bce 100 neadils bc sclIlti hiîî sucliitulîplace flie deseutt m'omlt "had tlu svursc" slîtevitabie. AndI tii, iiiusice of* iuîdisc'rintiiiOtclit'tassito alclastses ut pi seters logatier. tiitouugii fli c iii of suilicienltaccomimiodlationi, ca i sulbeet of upaciul nttice 'in flie prescîtttient mil tugranud uis rue Itac.W short ftille 1î'eitcusIn 1lits' tit .Mtalle iluî inspc'e t i f Ile ili.t' THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Published hv the Disi Pristing and i'ubhiâhing Co. L(d. Munaging Ilditor - Jamtes A. Dîlîs Neces t'diicr - Rus E. Dotoni Adseriising Mgr. - Hy~de Parker Publîshed eterv Mednrîdus air 191 Main St.. Milton, Ontario. Memnber nf the Canadian Weektv Nes- papiers Association and the On- tario Vicekis N eisspapers Associa- tion. Subseriplion rates pay able in aiance. S4.00 in Canada; 57.00 in ail coulitries otîter 1ihan adilinp1, n oerd oct1Ier ntioît inlime eveit cia l.yeogurpwcat nrnti, ic iurltnio tir*sreiîsiogs mar necueoul'te ietrnoie, tIe.e050. ut i e t e n m r a t n lue f u . st ut a l S e tttil,001 OS nirsanot"Itil PIifor.tsi lith n et fa tOimiS icaerr d h o lt e i s u o r n I . i tec i litlh -n - 1id . eate. aned r et teries rosn nnt bOs ota. Adtiisg s nîrit' an ofrit oesl an muo-yc.bit ýtnunîtrai atmUlie. Authorized ai Seconid ClaNs Mail by the Post Doffice Deparirnent, Ottawa. Sugar and Spice b y bi1h 1 s m le y This summer, Ive been out in a boat The ladies, grimy but gladi, Look une Imvice. but eaeb scas memorabie it its of our uwn cars and went back to the lashion. cottage. My huit, another cbap and my. self speni [mu hours and drove about 80 The fit tirne, old friends eailed and miles. organizing the relornofu the bor- os ,tu [be autheir cottage sharp ai towed cars. 110011iiiercl civ. Tbey %v: ntcrlaining lied io i heStatlesand Nssueutd s Io But il ail mdcci plusiilly, îitb burn pil~i IIi for ,a Sîecitil caeic ride sb lurguts,ttlie collage ,about 10 p.nî. Mid. hoat. iiglil bfuiletiarîgciicîg rchli piblerios It otiiLlci itereting Andil ws lbNithabig, cdunib Noissegian lumyei fron WC lluu .0 tile totliir ottge.Ligt Cicao.Hesso dues b lie blas only ilîrec Woitc 50 teilled c lu pile cottage.Ligbmillion dollars to 'is nanie. Anîd w st li ca, nnd d me15ic aiiuIC e 10tor bud tto drive 50 mites borne. 'l'le hoato skipper %vas~ an old Irienhl. A iteniorabie boat ride. leit mites Aiclic Siriîpsucc nd cmi orexcbunged. l by bout and 250 Iîy cal. But good cdean "I ciio*illc nesecs',fotiail te sîuy. E vutvlliiiig'eit t swimitiilgy. Il tivtt Tieitilivr boat ricde las a typicai a iufliiii ciiciiioolt, oui bosi lttd pio- Sriirv event. Kitît ,and 1 \Venti outini t dccI ail i lic irlinling, Ilite contpairyIv ts licr utîcles boul, aller a -iitrýeeminuie per. p cîscliaid the sccller%, supcrb cas %ve od ol instrctcioni. Sbleiitsisted on dru'. cri,îcci ,îieîg [lic rugged tiorlt shore of ing. tougli site'di îî"r stee cd auitiing li ce e cîinsulu. nove poiurtl t tîn ci caîtue. " lle"thebreceeircliteil. We begcîacngccdioi i ,te iegît 1( \ iiîma i. Nîlliîig i. sbut two iWCgviîst igici sbouiiîlakei , ilitegboll of lic p.îriv bcgarît lotning ta paie gret. Four uiles 1rirontlitetoteck. s tec lii Si ui ii ce go on ortit0back? Il tus bourlto on. h hm dc,%v Io pp-cs, tin. pulli iltit i 'bigfielutotom l4ýi, and. îîcl ,ii [or te itîece 1 tvîrp. "Drop te ,nciîîr! Mrîîîscîbouîd! I l idnot. Il iîcc ais \itii. lTe kilt . iaurdciitiin " 1 veiled liieseuaîd a feu le adilwdl 'ciIieba rîîngb trip back. ochier sait', se.î.giing lermi. Too laie. Tlai.cic"tliaukeci iiiiiingit' ut te shtore. Vie lîtl hbcared .a pin, tltîeier that Aller c ' iiictrs. our bîîsl. stocti iîp. îens. iltue inglits anlroteci500 yards Ici te igliiiiiiise, nmadelarranigementst, 1 spolie slenily t littýItef for ubout and îcîcci iitckwitutiuieen tifl'cring live mntnes, lîe,îd boîdad usil in pravet. acIiii îti tI»Cri 1 reucbed for the îiddte. No pao \VcNet alioc. wo arswcr avil. die. We niudt il usiote in40 minuteý cile Vie ticilîldrve lu lobernior.', pick uigo adapdls tri o i itncar,iiandiidivieiiackitthe lcl.f'iltt" lii, îî ,îs ettiuidrive the Site stoc'k wtttlte siip. 1îîaîied tilt I\iaii.iack tliIle liebtousie rockv sitoîcline anîciclainbered. bure foot ltirugli poiscîn i. sckîng 'hein Thi î t it llic beiilniiiioite Tltrecebonriailes-i*c iî,îd sel oui on a f loilain.Iiii ictoiscl t relateltere. mtinute wiiiabout lle tike. sic got bacl Itilic l u i iiîkc'iliii. Tbe reur end tu port. Mm,î taiti a~itilig. t-c"Il onollitsi ai tic reied lober' ndItelleîcie crc'pt mtite village Il 5oa'ie plannting a bout ltrip, pet sat )ýk( 10 O, u ,iouldn't ak youtrulyuloi '~Pages of the Past f rom chIlamip 1o n f i an at ci. ck ig.