B6 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, August 24, 1966 Conservation project Burns Nature Laoking out enta the reservair though an aid waaden tenue Trail*11 Burnsi~ Nature Area jual nrilh- an ideai spot. A nat ure trait, oialit i'il even- 11.11villabout a mîiile inct ihall long, ai,a'aeine lped lii lhe 1tlon Revi(tlin('iiýcia oni \eîl mi ilM iii, Il neaReai- Alîlînugl i'l(, Oi ie igila haielhert poiecd, Ille ihiekv i-ie(l ari ein ia lur picnickelsa nd pienie tables haebvi eI p. Cedars, twhite pille,', agar Iaplea, Clinsan cien a \jllo\\ an bheloindiin Illeîi'.il whili h.aheen (ieelinp. m l. s ibiii in.qla'ir i Helene Bataban. n\%hoi Nvirk- i la oficie ini Mil lin tiinigfile "Ilinlici, lui, 'hartci Ile r l a dii,' iii i,'l\ i lontkIlle im . NI. lli i, Iiai Ic h- i Dt o[ifl nimer cand The ofrn tur aea a ilîneîini flici,e nlî%il .imcil abeit 1 lie aiîîîontIiîîllei'. ofi,- lice i, i ll ang 'îl e- Ile pub l da lm e \% a r. a i iii R dui, îae lc i iiling.îil .1 hll- in le ýiili l ii l n I.'i . ic liii ilii, i l)111lit, i and t ici.' ll la i il l ' ii illaiil 'ibc, A. T.l ficmilOadREll longURtoute of PEL IL lv ICI on85 i4 I 2271II-. WHAT'S C I-O ING? JUST THE BEST DEAL YET FROM CHASES ON A NEW 1966 SE Automatic 30" Electric Range Your Response to Our Refrigerator Special Sale Was so Tremendous That We Were Able to Arrange a Special Sale on a Top Quality 30" Electric Range. As Before it is Necessary to Lirit Thîis Sale to 10 Ranges Only -- Sa it's a Case of First Corne First Served. 0 Full Widlth Fluorescent Light 0 Automatic Timing Centre 0 Lift Up Surface Elements 0 Single Dial Oven Contrai ID 140' Oven Sefting PIETRO 70h>e1i PERU CONSTRUCTION Building Contractors *REStIENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDLJSTRIAL MASONRY * STONE *BRICK MLO * BLOCK a 878-2294 R.R. 3, MILTON 7 LIVE Na swimming is allawed, nt even fer pet dags, bt the area is ideal forpicic Entertainment n CHANGES WEmcîv MIRACLE SEAL OVIN Seat around door lecks n heat, assure& perfect buking. NO0 MONEY DOWN No Payments OURl Until y OCTOBER j -I Regular Mtr. Lst $264.95 tPRICE ONLY 4ad il WtTH TRADE *IJILT.IN ROTISSIRIE Adds a Iuicy end doit. ciously different flavov to roast end poultry. INCLUDING FREE DELIVERY - INSTALLATION - SERVICE QUANTITY LIMITED TO 10 ONLY AT THIS PRICE HOME APPLIA 181 Miii st. Milton COME IN TODAY OR CALL 878-3221 ýNCES 878-3221 - - - - - ----- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7= - - ý - 1 .. 1-1 . . . - - ý . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - 1 ý . . . . . . . . . . .