-eliampion- Two valuable heifers shot on Oakville farm Prîîsn eus ilîuîghilîl li e îilit atîrite luToi îtiiOakvilecdutli liai. shiaitiitg inaclice, aie believ- cd respunsible lue the sicying ni issu salucîble ieilers las! s.cck cil tbe Dundas Higbsuay iarm o! Gordun King. Carcasses of tbe issu reginier ccl tsu-sear-ialt!Guernnevs ssere li scuseicil Fiiday îîîrning bY the utuner, in a licici ai the baek endnof thelcîrm. Otcsn'asclie ii cal! in a munlb aidth1e uibcr %vsduecin Februiars.. Thei sale value seas user $700 but Mr. King tel! is iiss svas mure like 11,000 ler animîal. lur ts' ns ule!bc sîîrib tlitinta noirnmal liletitîte. Mmu King reportedth Ie shoot- ig pruiablvlouk placeeon Wed- ncscav 'eninig. Mr. Kng iati gune bebind theba .rnit ien itIl a shoiaguri, cilemplingtg u cr iii tuitts isiicO %,te ltîll itIiin, til- it Ii, enit eliîill g mi qucsliunieg bei hushcitici ui% ti iclurn, icri uce Oc Ocîcistut- tee! anm ciautind cîtienau!li cn anvshsbuling. Il scas Frilav tout iflg %%,lieiu lle spiaiie te de- ciing ca"sbssii te taises in tbe lieuu. "Wuit are jutitilu tehie pcsttirt un M ititilatu lu-n dotri!ogels,' Mm King sait!. At-secte guilîte ack later ibhis svuet k lu gel te bt-il- Mrs. Kng satli te lsto% I11 oi tihe FouueibLine in lîtn iset! be gun ussîers luei'i! gel trac- lice. The King lunit tsnhuit plitedsi-iisigns - il deusit tin, any guiie!ansisas -iii tise Itel citie ît tu beel hivalctîg iitise c hitelcs lin! ai the poiniibei-eihe ai*eilarinig lu pîncicce and icti! om t-evvntie.» Bieibaîimclstt'crctde- li-be s "cscelienî qitlits. An application sî as lttna d e titiih tehelîiton u otte(liiks itlice in Miltonilot* i lio n iittteit! -ttlit 5 ,littii ai ellme t fiîtîl eeigitet 1.)lit A tsiII e ntl itii iii l Ina. In iîltititiiiighi lieut piitingiicie lte lil-'s nns tocci l i Oakvile Polîca. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, August 24, 1966 113 Halton exhibitors competing in C.N.E. The Canadjan National Exhi-4 bitioln ha s once aguin rmuet!1 aritunt!. loverai Hallun Ciuniy( larmers wiii bucuinmpcling again 1 titis year in ibis annual eveni. AiIt!airy brcccis %ilibcnlnunsn tii Thurnelai, Augusi 25, coin- inenciitg ai 9.00 aun. Thai eve- iîîg lialtotn Daim' Pt ineee. Maîpaîci HLI[Ilîtte. tiil ,' ! OtroDlite Pl incelit.i The beef classes gel unieei%%av on Friilav, Acîgeisi26, snitblte maruket sicer sectioun. Ail brecti- ing classes, arc eit! u n Mindav, Augusi 29. Sîsine juclging is limmThuri-Was* lu Salurday, Au- gos! 25 lu 27. Oit Fridat, Scpicîîtbeî 2, 25 Halian 4-H Clubn Meinbiei i cipetLein Ible iniiiAgrieul- cira ivis'in.lThesiciil juilge lite-,iîitk, lielciand brliculîîî- i iaps, and insîer qutaces o geeai agricitlcral kiitit edge aine! jaetls icentils machiici s aIna s Iit lat nandtiseed, Verna Thompson, Miltîti R.R. 2, and! Lniies Gardbluise, Mi4lion Rit. 5, tep! cseiiing the [Ha ilt mmmmmw*v SASKATCHEWAN 4-H VISITORS Diane Lockbrl 4-H nochange trip. Tnd Waikur, the third dele- and Les Haugen chaI ih HaIlonns assstaînt ug- gaîn wou nsted Hllon, mus nol mîlh îhem riculîgrai representatine Geoff Taylor, lef, dur- ai te tiîttt îng tbeir lwo-week nay in Hulon Counip on a Saskatchewan visitors have ilwonderful time" Aller isîn sneks isitiîtg larîui familles in Halluît C nunts un ni 4-H esehange toaur, tibece s uung farm peuple iront Sankatbheant sneeuîtan imous ili ieteagie- ment:thIes seoule! ail anc liket! lu nitas a luItlonger. Feulas o! las! iseek cuiii tuila et! an eeucatiunnii, bus-.înd lunu-ilie! Inno seeck hbiantlui, tbe msteicn Canacian trio, as Ibev bealet!homent u report oit IOerprugeanithIat bagan hOde Mînt!ay, Anocîni 8 "I have never been it Ont iii beinre, and! I realis like te counnîrv. bbc bat!a ituntielul lime, and! ai! the peuplte utereo hrene!i," pretin Diane Lckbaî i o! Mape Creuk, Sask. repurteel. I sure bale ttu go hume. the tînt necks senlt snia:at anti I aljus- cdeer encm tinute oni il - Diane, msthlbLes Hauge-utcil Kinielinu anti Ted Viauktl i amung senen Sankalebeîsn eclai gales eniiaing te tîntmeeek lav iii laltian ane! PeelCîîtitn Diane spcnt bei lient tîeA -jl1t Me, anti Mes. W,îeard tiitc and Marg,.and her cLnd,îîiicei înttbMr. and!Mis. Albert Iliniet anti tangblen Lois, .\ktt unt C ant! Janet. Les was wils the Brutin lLiit finiy utna îsaak, ilien n l coi David! Lasnnun's arin.1 Ted ias cdet!sntbhebThomtas MtGcesidc the Walace Lasbvs. Higligliî uf the tilo l tbrce dulcegales ma, a tseekejti tey spent aI te Conseivcaiot! Camp ai AlbiuonHis,nrîliof Bolon. Bu! lu litar t!heint lai,, cn'ry mnute ssas a igItigbî",. Les pnieictlails t- iljlits ct! Cla t Ie Clittli i g ta hace lo Fit ilcierB t Irnit. ccial"t)Bjitîtde m nion (il a l iRIi) lac! liiith Huler isîscs i iat1ietnem Boîlîlite- tnaiIni)tia oincl e t li*i ns ic -211 %c i i ii tuillnt1ita le i lieciteltclc Les aiso vîsîlet NiganriFals, Fuel Getiut e Geitet ,ii li,le k's moumnt nd tcl niaI i ni 1 cîrtîtîît! HîtîîîîDiante eîît aîtintS at n,isga Beach liitiofi Tuiunntîn (ils HI,ai,itttiii the :ho\% Sound of ILi:,i111t1t .1611 laite ciigie- dl .î iilie dAlgitit Itienilklaitour tAIlli Anusiilli-lî atit! titn aml %sîsîteci takin Toiiiill) The\ aitetîcleci4-11 nceelîîgndlt zi1I\tnI tat Il lie MeGec When lhey anrive !îîîîe. [lite 4-H ilegas îî i ivi ise lks lon ili iip a lilici! tus n4-H club an litecdisicîtt 4-H siulil, Tiiev a,o xp1ect t,, inptiiice a ni i ltle lu -i 'tic tis lh ninýkntieb- 'ut n-ti 11i I t./it Georgetown firm ships 473 Hoisteins ta taly t-u îiitj 1151 r11 tit cdI M6 uit l bte sitî 1,tri l îî.:e l1w hi oo 1 1lLttiic Geot aatîîîîri. t,A ti , ktititi . " l- ilc. ýip 1 i e-itp e!2 lîîc iinu tdi tii ctili' [Isnia - 1îeti ait nd c 15 licanî ion) tu Lrit! tiitet Bt i triilha. lcte- ut Mo\lîîîîi. beýiclii sutlte Ouchiet Beaîî:h u Ilite 11 leii t -ii 1 t- it o t 01 (nlintnia isd tel li ý ltit 10 la tlpLiilttt -> ltpoti t i l t1,t stýjcil iii ltlt 111i I ii, i 1-,i- le 0 i Iii-tille Irtn it Ile il ni i e Il lil M oe' i i I l. cîiii ii i24t3 S2 IitîtîtVY\ lnîîîîîinî n d 1cl77 i tll L~5titi Ite - i -l q Ilii,!,oi o lt n o e ul f li .t .l Joseph Schertzl, Fred Nurse top Hulton herds in R.O.P. Thc resuls o! the 1965-6 Rec- ul Cl Perfuimance lue litai Hltnein here!slias itee n .1- Assuea lth ut lCanae!a. A tluit ol onîe 70! itteciteci Hîlnleî lirini lalt(iiiCuuîitl aie lest- tIclicr RO.P. InIilte sec tillliclisfo ssI % i!!i Ivm ca!20 icci!stepuie!, [lite lit!! ner oas J iseplitSeeeli. Nuri ali RR. 1. Ille bat! 33 ret- orde,, 15,897 lb,.îîilk,. 598 lhn. bulcîlal, 3.7b petcenti les!fo al btreed clans atelage ul 149 lue îîîlk and !149 lue lt Runner upis thît tut un itîtan JanitieC. Reid.Ni niR.R.2, %ilit 28 clicl 14271!Ilits mil, .04 thb ttîleli, 4.09 petcn Ivt, loi. h od l - a. îui 132 fr iluiik andci148 oLli l'uti-terds nstii ulîtie20 te, oriit rtei, liii te Iitîtset outiolte !,t lic, leec Nus-, Genîge!îînîtR.R. 2, Ctan eeeaîii ssne, ii!!13 record,,!s16,228 ibs îîiik, 551!!bs. bullelîl,2.39 lie enit ilest. lîte a itictilclans anelage ul 150 lue uit k, 139 tur Runner-up wsa lsnîiRîtîl dcii, GergeltownR.R. 2, %vtt i14 recuerls, 14»,608 lbs. milk, 566ib, blerfal, 3.87 perecenti est,to a brced clasavercage of 139 lite îîilk, 146 for fut. lu ihiet! place sas A. G. uittl ci - Bulingtîn R.R. 1. îsilli 17 iod tîît.14,188 lbs. îîîik, 566 Ilits. buntiel.ît, 3.72 per cent! est, luita ltîece! cansaseltagc ut 141 liî nîillO. 143 lue lai. Molre t!atettiett .J e,îiitic lesling ibeir ct allimileri R O.P. Stich records lareee sloi sîîliing the plie prîcucees. andc fur the sale ul ctIlel uî' ,bppIicIeaiin toli-Ilits ie-i il tbe Agictlistial Oic. Polluck and Campbell Mailellîctuenmor HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Waler St. North, GALT Telephone 621-7800 HALTON BRANCH MILTON--------...... PHONE 878-2391 GEORGETOWN-__----.. PHONE 877-2271 ERIN.............. .-.- PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES . .. Each year your local CoOp offert a tcholarthip to an agricultural chool realizing and underlmning the importance ef advanced edacation in a changing world. Lke every other field of modern endeavor, farming is becoming more complox. Advanced trainitng in agriculture will benefit flot oniy those who rmclve t bt also thoso of as who continue ta provido à growing fmtrketl. I ATTENTION STUDENTS YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR TIHE ANNUAL U.C.O. HALTION BRANCH $100 SCHOLARSHIP TOWARDS A Send Applications te W ERCUS NA GIUTRLSHO Mr. C.MARRIS, Manager W ERCUS INA AG CUT A CHO UCO Halton Branch IF YOUR PARENTS ARE MEMBERS 0F U.C.O. HALTON BRANCU- Bronte St. MILTOnOT. 1. your ltter et application includet Name, agn, address, course intendet!, school intended, Ju REFREor 4-H aciviies information (if any), parents' namo, and any other pertinent information ihatM AUIGUST 26, 1966 commitee. GOOD STOCKS NOW AVAILABLE SEED WHEAT FERTILIZER FOR FALL PLANTING Junior Farmer will holp the To Last Year's Beet PuIp Buyers: PIc~abcodid, îow for titis ycar, as boct pulp wilI again be ini short smùppIy and we wiII flot accept new purchasers until we are assured Iast year's buyers are satisfied. INSURE YOUR SUPPLY BY ORDERING NOW REMINDER YOU CAN STILL WIN A Kelvinator Appliance AT THE LOBLAW COOKING SCHOOL AT MILTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - 1.30 - 3.30 p.m. YOUR CO-OP BUYS *Ontario Grain *b Clover Seed 0 Grass Seed Market with Confidence Through Your CO-OP. CORN DRYING Dry Your Corn the FAST, SAFE, CLEAN, ECONOMICAL WAY .. . with SUPERIOR PROPANE GIVE US A CALL, TO DISCUSS YOUR DRYING NEEDS SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. GUELPH 822-77800 ---------- 4-H Cali Club. will cumpete ln flic I ner-Cotunt.ý-Demuns iralion class, demuinstra ing the varinus types ofi Bec! Housing. The Canadin National Exhibi- tiion in.iebiîîi-windi>vofou Agriculure. The li ucnick and agrteulininil exhibais arc vel IRACTOR SAI-LTY Tractor j, nt)s ccident Thîisveratile mac hine bas bca- contethenmain sourceiolpoawer oan taris-. Il bas alu bccoiem unei01our Munit !angerous ma- chine. Bu! iniai accidecnts cani lie pîi-enteci. Ninc outIoai 10 liacliar accidents arecianced by liuian lai!Lire, nfot ineehanical hi cadoltine .There liat. te% tan bc pieienleel. Die tour Iraic- -Ollîcitin ni (euiatetum, Il Vair aie alin a Wsitt n Quai- lrIci re Shvtiilu the lait-ti \car. Abottii 70 iii 100 hnî es aie expecieci tlia[nkelia!!. ýD