Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Aug 1966, p. 10

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Fcther Putman: Missioncry in South Seas Bp 5arry Mortin Pieri e a i.siîp clf ,even ro- pisâ .1î.aîIl mu .î.re'.îçissiCueo zcjIel le vi'iiiiei'hétocn iof Tnlla-ilîi. si IIîiP$Iaiiilfulti'.' îiî.îîî2C) Pîîli ve'. bu înribien O [le i aiL , illi ei's 11011 lander. L.\% not ven top-) Il 3'iiî uses'lik file -1liellow %i. i t lii'i"ilniila'ndi si. îîîecteiîî.gpisillii.a'. esen,". î lais'.e, sali %isilîli le iiic'leP. i.'îc.îî îake'i hi .lui.îr Ovînl' p'.i'.'.u'.. a l..i)ilibei cil tie Falh' Mil.l a,î .î'i îee k a '.eehi'. i'.' ter, 'ciraW. .1.Naîinglan iof R. R, . 'vlliiii F.iiiei PsII'.nnlices) icilitho Tahuiil'. a, .LIîi"iiîaii ai ofhe Riiiîîi Lhiiaic laîith et lre he' Atung ssII, jjjilr' sik it Ila'. ii d..l tlpric c1i ii ilîicilii' lie) ,teiii liii',liaheuiii 'ýiI i l ie baii . 1"11 ."[ai ali i fa11it lî' p..îs a.î.kiî' l .i iIIII sfaiiig'tIit'lie..llie"' .îîl' l iv"'Iii '. tin iii iii'.'. iII hais PIIIII..Ii ciiid iiîiL cii hivieleli 'l'.lOnceî" - ernv18if îîîî.îihi. .and ailein 11 Pol oe'îa.îvîîî.îil') illei the oî'.ecliai-ii l..tonnerî'.îîiethii a'. a1 i in --i once ruadi i iAmericait O ,agai/le i ealîînv liai an certain. iianti'..iliu.i,:vl.ernrîîî iîch do'. ten) wou)d &gain aisme control il ivuon as the miss'ionary toit." lio reportes). "B > vihé descriptioni i te iland .)ansi ihe'i 1'î' kuî'v ius'aî mv i'.t.înîlî» Livingconditilons. a'.Fiither Pinnî 'fotind tilim on lhe ai- oit'. iere e'.'.thon 'ailary. Fa mille'. nolt orisîvate enotîgh ta have gravsisi ivpîn v qsiote sîvîfer a tree. 'Beeaii.e ithe atli)' are vin". linîî.,r iiivl'et iihiis'eii esei, Is lelieilscopivg imui ihe prmi îîîîîi seihheir haut'. onit ieNimwk.îiîvsaier. then tatied il iit i îsî'îh r havi'.. "-Tley am, a verp gay peupte." v;il)rlalier Putnam. "If' o chili), gri. lie i poivies inivtle siiec' lion et the ocean and ldIo) 10 hi'. own. The chili) wit) lien spear a fi'ih ans) cat il immesi' iietv. îmvaied. îîncleanesi ansi tinesîoked." The adstiti.asopt vomeiviat flie ame ielle'.iiv heir cusivne. Bevalus' ilf the inertile oaid. 1 iieivs oCiiî'îî i uit ita he i sîîîîîîiol iilie isiaîiî'.Ove lan- il% ii i ii 'ii s pol'ii a ig' lIas'.' i i i'.îil ii, .'siî'i'îsi iiimole' of ii' i , al", (li Any ctsaage rom thei' co-ei ,iandhi) ih iit iii11ii'ii hi Esiiopen iiii Wliii the hi'.oie a ft '.i "i Tîki" iokc' sp unoneo h i eci '.lieur ihe iiansi. jubilant i.- ladr %eesil ii) iuing K- ratioan, îhrnecseîrv lier. F.siher Piim.în ws a aniii'.et.î thesi/e '.tppli ul foui tihe ','Kun 'Iiki" v 'essssiie.îri iv. Other foad sitîuations, tase. or. lie nul '.0 inros' On une oscalon scie i lie mis-' le te it o d ici'iii iliii paliev utiia iiiivlin?îip, lie %ca'. pi'sîsiiis'suhiîîlt ota)oi iabitî -Twiîiînee ofwee "T'ss'ei nilifgvIes) pa'.." l îiovihi." '.iii ins) FNsli(,%i'th'eouteil ca . Wiiîîiio' î'.".'.".,' l 'i\. liii'. vvvîi'eisiîîî,'.A nîîvi.liii eîticai ppai loNai lv »ten rutilîer Ptilmnn lit let hivatice Beiîsîîvlariioniîi ai% uo il. iv Ilie lland"iis i' pi.laingta take aiaiig. le'%%,as toit) he îcuîîite.s'iiî .ienîireiîieh article'siîhen lie t;as i her'.'.viahoeof eh lbu'.ho his) ait liaodes1a ic'cexi boonks. ecîllie iii hi'.. heil- Wisen suîpplies cid th liii'l ioilhiiî'.iîî'îî Ille ic'.1a d Il tieiia diii li" ..1d 11)m Ille iIi'.' ic' ' the .e'. ol j cai iii i "i ' "ii .iiiii 'o l liie iiiu a 11%ii.. r' One serluosînirin 'titiLlk, ii' Apuiil to1, e'iei here. .îv in Caaa asst. i "Aliî'ii Fil". Di"'. Wlo lie 'Frenc'h pnssî'aî :1IL i ii ' 11 ol i l u v a dil iii s i"i'ii aî' Ielii iîsiîî i lie .iirielekvi'..isi.- ioIIsIesý l Ill e e ii nd snti ilrc ciii'.' i'.11111-i'. Aiîîîiî iii ai 4 0 " 5 ii v ii n i iI" l i !' li l'il'. i ii. I I aiiii'. of "i.1 iio iili ., ia !I ., lî'u iî'î.'î' n di. an i'il ' "l'...'i , Il Lit i t! ilil, iii ii i i ti ve.' ac' v A ii îlc , 111 aii ii .1 S.'iî.in '.'Ile.iîî.'îi i'ii r i iti'. iu i .i. uiil' Ille".' I ii l 'il li i. ' I i.,iiml i a 'i i 1 il'l.'ll d' A f li ii ifflp ii ' . 1 %411 .1 li iii ii, ei i li I.. l Il, ai lt t Ijt il iii-" ilo a i i l li' In"%v ii lll . pi o i i '. il' i pý '.i'il 'l I ..I I'Ilei i i id'.r'.' i il 1Il\" -l al on ..."i.i. i Lie. . .iiluI. li tîorn'lii ecenîli'. one nf the fin v i'.andlvla'.s'oniiandecresl for lc armv oftiler' attending 'the iJ.V e'tris'itv mai insialleil, ' bi u liildingsv'retest ani theve lvr. eii vianIing whi'n the av- iiiv invoeion. ii, v isiit rallier a minute lnt loii .a l0inie la'.iaigiivi'. 1001 veai ., hoivever loit ialiii i inaiionai li 'lil'.,ie OiLi-s'.and's il i)piav il sith eave aller jwi'iiigaca'.Iýomvd tluthe note l lo)iroattie noie - reaclivg inc vil hi,inienest. t'alher Pulman report'. lhe i l iiii'i isi v sveî'v tow-piiehes aîiisi',mooih". 1lie ' iavd mi'.iiîîarv j'. not niav et liih kivdve'.i hi the PoI ivvîians.. tvnestigating the liî'.iiiiearaîîce iii a ssîrker ini Ilv'ii, ,polilce ar i lav~s liiý., Iýl. itlue . a'. kilied hi u'î'. l îi.clesl hNi iiîîe aigi'i ).aiiîtha o lt ii s îe 11L.11 il amid 'nîur h u- lehai'gh )lcanges % nd'. iv iv 1, nt .(MO [, IX) liii'.' Ii,.iao, of Iii.llii i'. hu o '11,110111 ;01,i ni iv..îîil u iîîîali14 îiiu ,Ii, , ii [u' liur.'liiiii o thil oelp silli he liardl sien. tri' lvavingi ieir ait'l'sor he giaim- ou'. "white man". lie". lîetr parentsuans)it i iv ld hoatid riens'..hiwi'vet'. iii long 'le a people e ll er tii îh'iîîs"; silli hvsvesli-i loin ifieir h.hiei' mîîîîsî; pai $30 loîr a 'i.wîîouncesvofcînrevîîpi.'atîie iiiî.îiî.îi'îin-md iv'aînd Ap- T'h-ii'.pMti iiiirs.î.sui.i ieiihloe iiîn .îîîî lii'.i' icrd even iangua.gesin iii.iîsing PleiniftiFrenc*h, ipi'i.Tallt' ion. f'.ermcin ansi Ciotivle. If lie iimiîîivînar' v on). in the Cuongo liii prieo iiLîmiiniha". decies' ih.i white people ihostl he l'es) Iothe alligators.. ise veai v agis.he viîiieîi hi'.,.iier ans i hoihc'r'in'litshere (in hi'. wav t Hawaili, and. hi'. îi.iî i iicliieisn a ihrecmîsuilivaca' i)511 iîom hi'. Haisaaiin siîrk. Rev. Pulman iîiaiined siis aicouipie iii ii'.'.' îîsîîiîîg Montî s'il 1.A1 15.i g Ii,. îlcparniîîîs Specia CHECK THESE FEATURES... 9w 0 33% Shorter Stops on Wet Pavement lb 54% Improved Skid Control on Wet Curves. 0 Tread width is greafer - Gît at leait 10% more mileage. * Original Equip- ment quaîity - gives quietor, smoother ride " Super Iow profile for cooler running at high speeds " Maximum safety and control 82 The Canadian Champion. Wednesday. Augusl 24. 1966 Hiuîî i.ciluoIli,' hautv.' If,') île qlat1e'. thai hi'. isork in the hi')1italie Ki nîîile.î'.is'î'han lle iviîîL i k lesv lit i, ' -eomparaiiveiî' neanhp cies. us sic)) o'. an automnobile. Faîhen 'Pulman aso ha'. a 1mbn fiüter i)oiîîg mission îeurk in the siiîii.ea. First Aid for the Furniture, Budget Superior crafînmanship coi .los than you thinki Bring your up- holst.ry problems to us for a fre stimte ... n. obllgationsl MILTON1 UPHOLSTERINGI LORNE ARTHUR 878.9094 RR. 3, MILTON SALE 0 For a ite Time -OnIy on Dominion Royal Uniroyal Laredo WHITEWALL RAI N TIRES The Sure, Safe Tire on Wet Roads Regular $83.20 a Pair 8:25 x 14 FOR ONLY A PAIR WITH TRADE $6 1 (HILE TMEY LAST) Regular $75.00 a Pair 7:75 x 14 FOR ONLY $5500A PAIR WITH TRADE WHILE THEY LAST) FREE Installation]I 0 WE WILL BE OPEN THURS. & FRI. ONLY -UNTIL 9 P.M. TIP-IN TIRE Attention Farmers For mîilkng oms on pasture follow the 'MASTER SUMMER AND FALL FEEDINO FROGRAM'. Cows mitino ai a high level on pasture require a hgh energy, tom fibre rtion. W. recommend MASTER 16*. DAIRY RATION or MASTER 16% MI.K PRODUCER RATION ta overcome the problem of a mid.summer and Fait slump. .,viii) yii ...Orley Check on our Special lima ton lot or more) pine on MASTER W6. MILK FRODUCER RATION KRUMS delivered bath. OTACO PLOUGH SHARES W"' ,i ,uppî' /'. 'îî'.î CiOFIr PlOUCMfiSHARES for mos) rf1,.kk.". '.Iv'.rfh' uTA( () ii , 'hjrr"are riiadp frori hq). na i ovi.î.î'. asi eHeu PICK UP YOUR R) OiJRCF T". Fi ah".MJAlR ANtD FA) IPIOLIC-HING SEED WHEAT We will have a good supply of seed wheat on hand for fait plantino. Me can also supply you wiii, your fait ferti. tîzer requirements. We wulton glad to do your SOIt SaMp- ing for you and we have a fertiiier spreader availabte for broadast spreading. S'EED CLEANING We are now clean ing wheat for foul plant ing. If pou have wheat for cleaninq and tretief, CAL). US FOR A SEED CLEANINO AFFOINTMENT. Please Note! Our New Cleaning Rates WHEAT AND SPRING GRAINS " CLEANING - 30c cwt. incoming weight " TREATING-15c per bushet outgoiflg weight " GRASS SEED CLEANING - $5.00 per hour We stock a full lino of4 MASTER FEEDS MASTER FEEDS (STE WARTTOWN) Ob Dial 877-3512 -Georgetownl 0 THàWNKFI STi 77'.EYkL GIO FASAt" I SALES LIMUTED *YOUR AREA DOMINION ROYAL DISTRIBU TOR BASE LUNE 878-3131 MILTON VISITING IS StSTER, Mrs. W. J. Norringlon, of R.R. 6,Milon, Faher Octaaf Putman, missonary tb Hawaii, s shown holding a iod"'i boat made from 1the barli of a ocoanut tne and tuddilI w.ih a collection o) native gens MILTON CHAMBIR 0F COMMERCE ONCE AGAIN PRESENTS-- OLD FASHIONED DAYS IN MILTON MONDAY, AUGUST 29 fi ~ TO MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Join in the Fun. . Support pour Chamber of Commerce and your îown by partmnpoing in this annuel celebralion.... Dig oui youi ldfshioned cosumeo and dresu up your store windows wilh articles of the Past. For Furher Information Cal Ron Harris, President, 878-6962 or Earl Black, Secr.tary, 878-6542.

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