Eight houses buit in 1966 Housin g shortage described as "lcritical"y ineshv 20Oo 500sve p tecs taotou rontiesneOSD pnd TIhe bousing shorlage ins Milton is reacling the crisis" stage, local mal es- tate brokers report, and the brunt of the criticismn is faling on towe council for its eluctance 10, open op more land for subdivisions or apacîments. A Cancîdi,în Cbamspion pll of rellors Iis cree k evcaled orne tuting fuels, includinge t(Il There are virlually no homes for reol in Mlton. 21)tinly a fese homes are lisîrd fr sale un the market. Those available require large dorre payments and mot potential home bayers cannt meet the doive pay- ment. (3) The Ibree aparlmnct buildings on Ontario St., totalting over 100 suites, are ful and names arc heing added daity lu long sviiog lisîs. (4) The housing situatione(om luck of hoosing)i h forcing many profersional people and ighly skilted tradesmen tu seek housing elsewbere in the ToronelaHamit- ton-Gueph reas, andl in smmc cases valua- bic empioyees are c bg lbd by local firms and institutions because tbey cannt find a place in own 10 live. IlEen another 100 bornes svould ont meet the demnand,' realtor lirs. Yvonne Christie of the Christie andl Woods f icm told a Champion reporter. - The situation lg verY treitraling, ad- ded D. E. Kennedy, supecintenclenl of Dii- lacio Sebool foc the Deaf. "We bave ci lot of gond potential staff members and sec bave even had corne resignations trom our staff, due 10 the tact ihey cannt locale a place t0 lire here.' -There is a crying need for four-bed- room boures ibut îvould slI for about $20,000," Urs. Stella Parton of H. Keilb Realtars Ltd. ruggested. The shortage is forcing prices ap. Newe homes thal sotd foc $14,000 a tew vea rs ago are being otfered t $19.000 toda.' unoîber reutor csplained. Statistics proided bv te ceai stt people serre pretîrsreill the rame. Each ticm reports virtually nothing for ent, and vers fese bouses. Realtors concurred there is a very hary demanel foc homes right om, as mort irms are ptugued sith ire or is requests pet day. for a down paymenl. but the smallest dosen pavment on any listings rîght 00W rs $5000 or $6000," said Bob Cross of Brian Besi Real Estale. "Young couples just caol t ord 10 bar them." Thore aie ni anr building lots arail- ablitownu. Tîeîe .are ca fecehubtllies are being beld bv Ibeir ocriers, and any large parceis are being forced to remuin racan t by the tome's freeze i' by-law that was ce- centîyrernewecd. Recent discussions t the courncit ev- et bave deul Irsilli Ise large parcees of land - one ais Bronle St. near Heslop Rd. and Anie Birdl.. and anoîber north sot Higbide Dr-ive - balteetpniient on boib bac been trozen. The properîy on Bomnte St. ir ,oned for commercial and residential use andi coancillors bhave generatir agreed tbe land can bc opened for bousing if and seben tbe consmerc icl section is developed o proride tas revenue 10aoffset the cort of homer. Planning Bord bas genrlîr favored noce des-lopinent, on a limiled sele, and la vn eonsidered higber per-lot capital chaLrger gailîsi subdiridecs 10 hctp offset municipal services. The town's receni anneration case pro- vided somne commercial assessment (Mil- ton Plaza ptus two gasotine stations in Erquesingi pus a large area ol industrii land (the Jobnson Br-os. Truckiiig lîrepet- ty onIt igbsras' 2. bt i le[[ Sery ltte roum for boesing ar-cas. Mr. Kennedy ut O.S.D. wsun o Illte scboot officiair The Champion iterricîs cd, wbu r haring reat problems in idn accommodation for. nese stu fiers. The scboot bas ttempted lu locale bouses and rentais for, nese people arriring in Sop' tember, but sith utIle sracees. 'Soie il lbem are commoting, Col bs' choice. irom wsernc Torontu, Oakrille, Sireeîssille, Georgetown, and att orer the frine treur, bc salid, because tbey coutd solt ind a place in Milton. Hice oted that four or ire *seair afil the sebool gare the tuwnsr plunnsing con- sultant a projection of stili froielb bal iîîdicatud buse mutAs boariîsf oule1 bc needed wbenthe erpaiilg scbol reucbes ils fuît complement ni staîl. Today hIle Conipounding the situation are the people wbu bare citdcen attending O.S.D. and wotd like 10 lire cdoser 10 the sebool. One rea I esî,île agent bold about a family ini Midland is b w,înled ltu more tu Milton hettie, ci olterils OS. Dulsses. anil the laillci wciomimciing iîoîss Miel land lu tbe Forci plant ut Oakritle. Tbev ciere hei i okes wben ibey learned Ibere isa.s nolbinf asailabte in iown. William Tom. vice-principal ni Miltonî District Higb Selînol, aiso reports prob- Iis in linding accommodation for new ie,îcliîers srhis seul more here Iis fuît. One ieceer lias been tooking l'ur a bouse toc lbree îenlbrh and 10 date bus been unsou- r sslucl. Wile niisl higb scîtol leacbers are nsrried and bure familier, Ibus eqiring i bsorne, tbe situation ic a ltte different n te lementary sebools. E. W. Fosier, superrising principat of Milton Publie. Sebools, raid mort new ar- rivais on nscstaff Ibis fail are single people sebo tare just gr.iduatcd f îom Teuchers' [hy nir required room and ptaoing single teachers in boarding situa- tions. One married teacber arriving in Milton ibis lail wus having trouble finding a home in Milton, and had airnesi decidied to pur- hasý1e tv,,cý,itlo ii Ai.too ihes lie for- tuately fourtd a homne i c, Mi. Fustur su id. Local Industries are also feeling the pincb of the housing situation. One man, for instance, bad a gond job lined op wlth a locat industry and wanted to more t0 Milton. Bul because' he couidn't find a place nearby ta lire, hc gare ap the job and headed back to Eastern Canada, a reaitor told The Champion. Real estate agents report receiving doen of inquiries about industriat land n Miton and tbe district ctose tu town, but the first question tbe prospectire ln- dustriatist askr is about the housing situa- tion. "We bave tost sererat gond industries simpir bicauso there ir nu room for Ibeir skilleci empoluveer 1u ire," an agent sumi- ied up. ~rIie ftnêbiau ~Iîampion MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1966 Eigbieen Pages. Ten Cents. - - I nreaUipti TE011 ERA" SHOW Lions SI LABOUR DAY j ADVERTISING THE STAMIERA REUNION and Milton hroaghoat the morld these days, are îbousands of siamp canceliations pro- cessed t Milton Post Office. A sample is sbown hem., withoul the sîump. Posîmaster Walter Bell sid the Milton PO. began using the tamp last Augasi and in the month preceding Sieam- fra weekend, about 70,000 pinces of otgoing mail wemx stamp- cd in Iis fashion. He enpectî a similar amoani of mail wili bear the adlverising messages agin iis peur. f acb pince of mail processed by the obliteator onith1e sîamp canceling machine carnies the advertisement. sets oIE XUtio heudres Eight monbbs afler the brens annesation of 216 acces in neigh- boring Esqucsing Townsip and North Oakvitte took place, Mil- ton Cauncil tact iseek recised un officiai "final order fcomt the Ontario Municipal Board, retting nul 1he boundaries ot the annerud property. Acing cerk Mrs. A. Brurb in- formeil cooncillors il ccas receiv- cd, t Ibeir meeting Wednerduy evening. The order pre-dates tbc annesalion 10 January 1, 1966, bat fielir makes 1he annexa- lion "official. ln This Issue Scouts report home fmn Eeglausd- - -..Page 3 Sports rws & vlcws-4, Your clasulfied markctplacc 6, 7 An cariy hslory of Trafagar Township - - -H... ......... I Souh Scas mlisioeary visils local homne ......H.....B Pars neres ....... .... ..3H Opcn sceele nature traitl. HéB Ediluriain, colunu & geod oId days- --... ..... ...- ci Weddings ....... .. .CI Nudials ie Nasaagaweya -C3 Under Section 38 of the As- sesrment At, Mlton mart nexi pars a by-iaw effecting the 1966 asressmcet of the properties an- eexed. "Some ave aready paid ibeir Milton tares andil mm have paid part of the-rn,' Mayor S. G. Cilds exptained. He raid bbc order envers ci- ,cllr the lands the Municipal Board dccribed in ils inlerim ilecision on the annexation case art tail. This includer 1he Mii- ion Plaza properle in Oubville. plus lwu rervice rtations, part of the Haccop fam and the John- son Tracking properîy in Es- qoering Towvnship. Stolen car is recovered A car stoien in Bufalo, Nesw York, cas rcereid un l-igb- may 401 Friday bv Cunstable J. Tercvbercs* vof Milton .P.P. de- îachmnent before the oficial re- port ut is thefl mas rccivcd. The fnar occupants, Iwo f rom Toronto, une rom Gausklii.and une tcum Woodstock, tare buen ebarged i cunnec ion ws lbflise therl. Aîaveur-enddi ing of tise LionsC trectrer Lewvin S cire port on the el service and Irait 06 sc bieh indieutu speni $1,502 doti s e.tr un liteal sert 28 here Af in railway Wig-wagi isiii thc shrill traini sileel as of noon, dard Time on tbrcatened rail si ett et. Deapîle lasI mi averl the srcibe. soivcd haveie d litie chance of heing reached bhe noun dcctdtine. Il isill ssaik oifthii 'on ,ndl ilis 1 the sirike isili trcansporttion il nation. Il iras ecrue C.N.R.ctanilC.P.i lte brin and ca lcctcd. Thlîi u .station agents ai pend sl,502 on service iretors- mccl- Prom Jane 30 1965 ta June 30 lub ol Millon. 1966, lise Lions raiscd $3,415.60 aler pîs-.ellilci iîei iltir iand.rtising proiccis tcbctis ier, anditiniiscolanciiiii donationsr, lund lac 1965- lie reisortled. cd te Lio,n Disperîtirine lluded $210 ont iing lie part iclîîtand cl larc:$3.53 utn ti- viec oi. PI*er . ii îîîsports. suliool bLit shrbliers cd oitîerlienelils liii cuth: $144 un esc glas,, Lccimincîlions .andidonations fetd toi[lie C11BCamp ait Si. jor- stik h;ii $367 un donation, and con- bc tiiied and ehirterwitt hc 1.Eastern Stan. . 5 .- i P . Fridar If the . D -Y P l Irike gacsinmb fippeel Dld Farhiian.d titis taulte efforts lu i laies ou Mlltn h,.gnnîng 16te unions in- ii Mona.v andi tcsting unlil liaed ier is Lcbor Dur (Sept. 5. an agreemetl Milton Chiuîber ut Caiittietýce fore tbe Frieiciv irferreseletis lu%-car île1 IMilunssorker larlîi,îedcl e.tihes loi the sîek, cijob sb.rp al iultip niike flie promonîtionî irmi erpueied leaditifop to Ste,îtn-Eia Niveek- pri% c ai 1iedaîte.i rttceslui uic. Mercizirl brocigisacith11e uaie- tkcdi) ii(iller gitdoild ile îscucd cabout 28 isliii ssiitlotr dirpiair otan R. ettpiîreer in iqus re i iibchetci This wiliei tcMllutrfouilli re iilcder s %o clebratiotots iiDul Faisioiýci id 26 ssoi-ren. D.îvs. Council bans outside groups from using council chambers cil chambers on t6e second t!our issceu-ei for counti fuonctions unir, meunhers Ioite council eilecaud (on Wednes- the decisitun rrct made earlier irben bctuh e wn crar planntinigIle Towsn Halls $62,051 interior ace- lifting, and sas reuttirmeel cn- tnimoushr tar s eh sshen the councii reccit:d areqertlo ure the rom fur ibe monthsis eseca- lire meetings of 16e'iMlots Seun- or Citizen%' Clubs. e.tiitsondereil Mar cS. (G. Chsilis. Duhse re.oune. iors agr*ed, zane Depuls,-Reeve Chiarles Men- etv espiaineil."I iltnt hink lie coiil ubamburs stou d 6c used lor atîiy oulii-r lanetion than couine.il." Menîlsers agu-ceel lu]etIllie Senior Cilicemsns ae-llie Coaicit's adejaccent cunniitcerom lor leir ne-elmus tutluto cliiige. Eu- uit usseuslisurs il c.uuuncil tmse Iis mifoconîittle meetingfs andil tuhitugatlicuu n.s. antd $427 on rond riiilie ili.ii- ics and coinntiînit% rscu. Thec club Iranefers filî,il, (11h16 ti u %caliil t a trolisl lîîncil iiiit a lui/ev ,i.i.ctii %%iii s1-'rvd l aicuua nîiur piiîiee.. ThliI i/cililc cotlnoce lands atil2.865. Dock.to-school isseIeza woek ln joit 13 daos. lîîîrîils lit Haltion C ounts vsiadents cviii bc gin their annual tati hachîce- sehuol trek. Neri sscek, TIe ClîaîniîiiI vNiii present il s alînual i bath-ttc rehoil issue -lcciibi.itîpe îec tilvui gc onithe iciipciiiglf Mu it netnddisrict and lick-ia-rehoil 5isr1f)[tîîi coeiîrof neil sseek*sCiiiuin. Soaciul neta avalpur Wells A speclal nmeeting ut Nassaga- weya and Etsqueleag Townîship Councîlu wl li hhld souri. lu dis- case the pollation of privale redis la the ltIoe Helghts and Peru arcaa, Nassagaweya Reeve William Coulter aeeouncedibmhi week. Af 1cr lallon Coanylyiealih Unit eslcd 62 welIs aed fosîed 22 ueallfaclory and 18 ques- tioeablc Ithe engineering divis- Ion of the Ontario Waler Re- sources Commission was calied le to invesligale the causes fur contamination. Mr. Cealler saldt ilau as ourias the O.W.i0.C. milices a reportlih el cat Ilte jaoitmecting. Miltou Helghls Ib parly le each mualclpallty whlle Peru lu le EsquesnteTowneship. Resi- dents have heen holliîg alil chiorinallîtg drlnking sw a ( cr froetÉlie ahailosewelis ulîsce Élie contlaminîaltonwas fîmol <iseur. Vred. HOUSE CONSTRUCTION IN MILTON bus slowed oif Ibis peur and locai reltors report, in a spe- cal Champion (nature ibis week, ibut the bous- irg stuation ir îeaching the critical stage. This bouse being erectnd on Sydnny St. is one of arst eigbt buit ir tomn Ibis peur. Reutors report a gîowing demand for accommodations in town, and there is sein iitie 1o ofnr lhem. Conservation conference delegates to visit projects in Halton County ttion tittittiIes Iii f 1l,îî tti s t4uutîuluî t ti i euts ut c iltibe. utusuî putk ites, [lite. on tt usScîuîslîcbr 29ý Vi1e Fit.liuuîRegioti kotieri ton utuliiii ti, de.icitper o tItue. iiuutltt401-aue.î ic-tu Silloi l ieigliis. us iiillý butlcigtit ltutloa,ucletiits I ealceiiituf a ti uit(Acl le luîltuîusin-llalisit tuctit mri talKcist Mc-tiileus tl le brief hbuiness il le ite/t- B ielst , i licil ii b ut il lit ,k tese tu u- si c. i l-u Sclitette Net. 14 tuttaiic l lui pN il ,uîîîîuuucual.Cons util us IILIic p iit , % iii lie r i cl unthle s'aille bcsis ýtirelid- i lttu n cc iisobituneel. e Letited Ilite HaliosCotisai latme Coistiiilee on Eclucttioui %%tls licu esIec in iii natetiji recite. s, iool. and el eeelas- e Welcostiecl Miss Bel[s Rit- ch ic auasusiior o lith eeingf. Slite ib e se. Ia o thete- s lIor-nîil Haîsilon Region Con- seuccîtion Aeîtboîii 9 Askeîi a solictor our legal ti iti onieeaiisiint;$2.000 osc- itolite bauilruipi ien Ecd- eut Ski Clubl. wiitiitupettteclaski uit iii Keirou Consrva tion Au- c.i titi secettl ca .Ski clubul- iis t, epocteci ises ,uarc57.0011 C' ieu hakers illIlle poet e Agi ci lut luit tAxisettuee \ ittrucek lot $450. ho bc used us keep elusi dowucuttitnte coud- sai Kelso. e Declded luce ss,r tillete Auttutittt coutl du about sever- il Sortis Duksilhe lamiters' rom- p1tunis of a dans hhoekiusg the tl% ia buanels ol tbe 16 Mile Creek uer Drunsquiis. Members tuprecil tiseDOntario Waler Re- roturce.s Coussuttirrsiotuii aappar- titis gu atteil uper-miit For te ikiti f ol caler frou-n the stream -vdIl le onis solution secusseil lu lie suiting ai ruslion lise Scotchs Blocek ed-ut,. riciu utillpsoc de a beller lois oil cccuer int lis cuea, 0 Autlitrizedillite fied otiie, Dise Mcii 't,10ii-eligate Prie- c> titie.tloi ei psi aiels I cdliii inr:eles Lo, Autiot i[le suiiiiieil P te lon (bl lit-ii antel uCîstu. tcc ailuif localinut tu-tesýt i itavitufiliciiti-orsaie. Ti4IRE'S FUN FOR EVIRYONE at the daily vacation Bible school. Nearly 70 healthy, happy soungsters have been attending the Bible shool for the past week and a hait and ciosing exercises wiil be held on Friday evening ai 7 p.m. in Grace Anglican Church. The school is organized through the co-operation of Grèce Anglican, St. Puais United and Knon Presbyterian Churches. Mrs. J. Fostor hcads the Kindrgartcn staff and she is assised by Mm. H. Scbapinr, Mis. D. Aselton, Mes. P. Goald-Cornny, Mcs. G. <aen Overend, Norma Ovrîend, Carol Tyter. Oeli ilsMtas, Norusua Slsnsfield, Margaret fliott, Celesie chofieid, Ann Weiss, Anna Wriggiesmorih andl Wendy Wiiiamnsois. Mis. L. Reicbert eails Denboer, Anita Provaznik, Donna Heatheringion and Tanis Wiid- the Junior dlas for chiidren nine peurs ni age and oser. She is long. Mrs. D. Grahum beails the primary clasî andl she is assisteil assisîed by Mis. N. Holiand and Joanne Wlsioin. Mis. iL. G. Snmiths by Mml, D. Skinner, Mis. 1. ODeli, Mis. J. Mechieci, Mmi. . Chase, is chairman ofth1e school ibis yeol. Jim Sehofintdi s recietarsu andl Mrs. H. oster, Mis. D. Brodie, Susan Graham, Duane Thomson, Mis. G. A. angîidge is treasoer. In the photo utth1e lf, Marg Sasan Thomson, Lauie Sitcair, Jo-Ans Skinner, Mary Pickniiî In Puy shows Dcbbio Wilson anti Tccip Ascliots ue of lier coloîungs. Inth1e centre phsoto, Judy Willoughby, centre anrd John Kats, ight, amail instructdions rom a leadler mbile auoiber yousg- ster morkr qoietll on bis oms. At the rigbi, Trîp Aseiton des- cribes the sizen nithe fisb 6e cuugbt, mbiie Mari Lytn Pyapcn Dnbbie Wilson look on. Vol. 107.-No. 16. 1 Mud 1