Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Aug 1966, p. 8

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SThe Canadian Champion, Wednesday, August 10, 1966 Fish and Game News b y a rn co u1s o m pi fii S' ilii pli g, Nt Ký la H, ci ci b, Fi fil C, By Arn Coulson port the peuple and orgaiia- iioîîî ibai are iying tu manage Desîlie the hot ireailier ansi ouîr nalural resounces properIN. o iîshinig conitions sume ThNIieare noc icil v rviîg itu ti lcisllî,îc been n o i a isis' i i îîlcîîîagîîîî iii,, "Llii i hiOntarioi Bas, is' ii ii g luii l)îîîî,îs' iIi , % lic i ut lieN-stîitii like tihce out o[es'eiing or eîrlî'îîsrn- Frum Lake Michigan andii ig. Dessiecîcî and Pcppiîs Laîke Supeîicr comes goodi îews sîgi bai e becs ihvbe bc bau îhatiî,îipîus cilsursis ai of lie i l.ar. Lire minnows Irolîld l,îke îî'oîîi iollossin, lamprss' e- iil 'hN or sdrift isbing olien gels ductiicîîbas ivsuci on i in- icil rsulîs, eî'eL.se oin î.îiîr,îispawîiinig. Plekerel fisblng bas rneais-Chemical ireaies in bas on oa sîsîndssll in thi.e bueîî resunsedin Laîke Huîcîî, ii il Bai .aiidiParirs Soundîsdis' ,însi17 ampi evstsie.msîveîs' ici andîî> fit-îrtlapour in tbe ire.îeîi ibis spring liear Siîuii ýaarîluas ani Ricaus. Lake Sic. Maîrie and Si. Ignacse. Thîis is ciii bîs gone icep andsi e a oî isi ssliiPrugi,îiis'lar-es' îslîtrolliei'viievepto gel one b-.Canasaansithe i.SA andsis 'Lurtis se,îr î.ve 'neen pour i ging iiio e manov, iii.iis imore nci dstirist,. Pille laîs beurt c.rs t oilt ir.. Futur'e iiîans ilitemn ,îgeîîeni progr,îms ut tie De- piinieii ciLandîndi.îîiForesîs AI Wallaie ,andsisois lin le- sili bc assicd b hlce cnserva iiliaisiigphosto)l ssile ish' iun-miîîslcsi niheis ui lie Pithic Si. Lawrîenîc river, Ontario Fedteralion oi Agleis iîokeîl aîid indcsi a 20-ib. pike. .andiHuniers cifsrhieh lie HalI- le \isi îroling a0ithe lime ansi ton Sporiniens Associaicnis t Iiina îc,îI gocd iigbi. proîîd tcsas ihes belon. ýigciîîgAI. Fishemnen whýo pîîrîîî tbe c *Waliesvc ihrough the he-mi iii The boys hum ihe steel plant sommer* ansi the coiii ofi%%inter iii P. L. Robertson hase beunt îighî be inieiesi in lcarning îiîîsiîîg uic sîccisi loidasi more aboîut [lie per:oisal lule 11 nit su l,rîîoîîeîî ci utany funîk- heir qsîari's -Firsi ci llth hi eing caiglil. Wileies s aliesi suif, ianiscs -ibhougli noir sllisisîlis Wlîcse. ciisou hibaîes'iiicis'oiiflvisiLiia iiiri'-iiin tiis.îi s'ii(iia guoosibiisflrirch iedîtudlissdues' )..I sibile on hiis.îs. Tiscie A'ie rc hpie iîgiiiid nuehe coi ieuisicor bools', inli,îr îîiîî Ili, rîîggCsîLiiiild L\.iii,ble hum lic Ncorth Bu,'-ilook, ansi delisicus i1 îî'îîî xslieu, îîgIîîî Public Libraîs. Tu nnieIisiipaniiiediiSpaiiiiing iaiise lscý,.Thie Fireside Bookul. iplatse ii e.îrîv spîing ilsouriîîî, 7i,iing, .îîîîiCaadas WilsilO- the iLe breaîks op, iii,:rtei i h W. Piliîp KelIer. This mone pcî'a ues i 38-44 lgie- san sous-b for, baving îcad Yon ae.Cle o ial len ii( inlci . ho Pe ielii- rganisins, insessandiiiieir h.,," ssi.The iriîî* s.i, .c.îici M in tin t, iii ssall lisli ti-i. ii oneu r. aR. 3. %C-b-Il Fishiîsg is be,'siitor henii Mi .ouicilitR. . . Cmpel- .nd Jonc, louiss diiin theii îcsîîîiI Al te(.Guelph Liie ic îî.,îofisssommeaniipriisiiis ii il0bîîiero,îs. ag,i,, in Septibci .andl0,1- "bl-c. Ws'is in ite nscîîîlWall- N'es 5e liane ,îsisseî in lis ccu iI irike .îl Plog. pîîîs ulîninc bel,,, .î uons' goîng isb' minîscîsor îîrmii 5. The Isesi ii nnutr icsibhi', sus' sussels is en oses1b% hs iîiîss'i liirn Ithe î',w,înd icgulatiins l]aie in the eening. Tlia e C s, lis% ppis itu lie aie. inissesiil Wilîese iîsIeîîînimo xhc haie isbiîsg. Nuouns' iii fi',b sers sclos' tuthebut.,î l\tt ii i iîsass îuined lis tcns%%shui tiîltl isibîg ouî o lakisîg iIIs-g.l Ii.b and a ms a]- ling. îiihen a,î ssbI utl iii igoanscuhleiis inuo cnid il .is %iîablc liiiisihoi cxciis. AI sîîss'sl i is per mis- an sil lisbsýix inssbs-sii t ic cu lils îîiîb ic bau as bîîiiî. Sianis-iof lise lp . soie ,înd issue ais' are lurbisi- îlar ipuis ifor Wltllese luîe moii, liIinteîîcciutliseuminncsss as Rir Pointse auBaii, Bscg In- î.iî. Ibis si, o top pîaiiîîing Ici. French Ruie, ie., ut f'eîîr- lie I,ike îiib nssaniesi fish pian Ba,s.Lake Nipiising ansi .impres4bcvceail, il %io-alue sr] andiin 3giieiawiaîi\i lis righli' îî.ituhnad is l uîp- W'ii itc hucl. RNkIî,,, Sîî,î.iiifontMaseî aiiýl feil-e li liid i,,, ,[. ii uipiii andîîsi.,î %%i, du tu llw îisi s illi Il .iissb %,i. Ii,,s and [i'îs'Ii lier 1,5, l isli, Furthe nexifouirsseeks,hii, I% iis'l, u tW i his i.i'i h t I si i. ii[iiu il,;) tnlu ,'- I' i iiîi ,\ Cham in. l, 1 1 ',1 i , i lIi, -~, l 1067i t 1.Wiai, f uîîîîî t ý J ii u f i iu- ' 'I ti c 1,11).i i What is Baha'i7 Folurihier Infîîrnllîîsu I11 NORNBY Alvin And( funeral on By Mrs. James Hiamilton Mr. and hirs. William Bailey and Mr. and Mns. David Leslie, holicsztaned I or a Lsv days la',l w-eek ai Parry Sound. Mr. anid Mr,. Gai-net Hoîsden. Rand%, and Kevin, speni the wekendiîl i Cbrî,iian 1llnd. Miss Shirley Downu i o ('11 i ii , i iil,îî sîeîîîîC îi0 1 i. Mi. and Mr',.Del- bel, i L,i,, M r. and Mr,.Roi' Wilsoni, Liii- di aîîd Jcvscetined lborne on Thui',diy hum i thWest Mi-S. (icci ge i-liillo icile onThnrs,aind alFrida v ioiih Mr. and Mi,. Williai.îî Hamiltonî iii Milton. Michai'and iJellrss'Olivri(A s' s'n ae njminîog a a- i;s\itli Mi. and Mii. Arthîur Mr. and Mes. Leslie Rutildge I s e1 a iKiîs'iowdiapiciliis0 iSiiidav a.i Peterborouîgh. Mr .'nil Mis. Lciîn,îrdBîikler ýll nRîs aiicnded a double Iiiiliditîv piîiv un Saiuidaiv nih it lie homîe oI Mr. ansd Mis. Clsle Brocher ini hiiiir ni Mir. Briioker aind hi' ,u Aillior Deaih cainiid,.Janties anîd icniis'iî, hvei-icciîîricd Ken î anîdl i î cnr, itecii li 'Oi i ,îîîi r'rioi.unirSond%.aii iii,- liîs,, Pis Sympathy lis;exiended Io ,Mi. AIiii Aîîîeîîîî nd îîlMis. Fresi litiliiliîîir i i h l îî d-ii hilîs'îc Iu n ,aiis and -ci , îî iii s ii ,î lncsiis.Agtit2, i he Milt.i lerson dies iThursday Districi Fluspilal. The luncral sci-vice wsi-' conducled hy Rev. Canon James E. Maxwcell ofSi. Siephen's Anglican Church, Hornby, os Thorsday, Augusi 4, [rom lie hicRersie Funcral Hume wiih iniermeni in the Ever-green Censcicrv. Mi .îîand Mii. W'iilliaiinliN an This Saturday, A ugousit 13, Il-lrnh vPark wilbc the scuen 0i plis' ly oi udoor asîlvity ii'hciî the Miiour Soi Ibail Teai,,' isili cmpeie l'rrloop honors in Ilic Mincor Sîîliball Tournancn i. Tcams parlicipaline seull bcas llicîîs, Losîville, Hornby A, Druinquiii A, Moflai, Gien Wil- Harrms, Kilhrids, IHornb v B, Dm- agh aînd Drumqoin B. The lirsi gamce %il] stari ai 12.00-1.30 îeiih Hlornbv* ySquiriî r'. Mulfai, îriîl the hunai gaine in i-be eveiig ,it 7.30 to 9.00. There ssîli bc aiec- lrcslsmciii booih coi the gîcunids. This week hIc Horiv Red- %hr,%iii 'lari iheir plavoils ini the Ontario lnicrmediaie "B" Rural Sofibaîll o h the lirsi game on Mondav nighl, August 8, in Riiekssocd and hasE in Ho,,, hi'oniiSiiurdîr nighi Aug- îî.î 13 In Minor SolibîlIithe Drumqiiin Squiris vciii bc hos onFridaîi'iighi, Augusi 12 lu the Hisisson Sciciri' ai Drumquin Bihl Par k. DOn Saiurda v niglîl the Druiiiquin Midgesls b h a scre Il-il lu lie Broughamî Midgef,. WsVc.ii iail Ils huis liuer iusk cun ilîcir gainec in Brcîighliii. Beîliis (oes Illie lîîlhlîîîîî asse, ii.iiig iidi d, iiieiHaroîldlRohîcii on Augusi 10, Morray Royce on Augusi 12, Mrs. George Leslie ils Augosi 13, Debbie Fries on August 9, Belle Brooks and Jimmie MoKay on Augusi Il and Earl MeMillan on Augusi Il. -li's family reunion lime sn 'Milton and district. Many local resideols are enjoyisg the an- ruai ge-igeiîers ofrelatives from near and far. -The public is welceme Eto at- tend bolh the Friday and Satur- day dances Ibis weekend, spon- sored by Milles Fine Depart. ment fer the Ontario conven- lien. A nominal admission fee has 'neen sel, jusi le oer ex- penses. Priday's dance is ai -he [air grounds and the une on Sat- urday will hc 10 the arena. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUP $2 CHEF SALAD1$.2 ROAST TURKEY DINNER & CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES PICKLED BEETS STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE FOR RISERVATIONS PHlONE 878-9061 W. Are Open Ivery Day Throughout the Year LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONID Milton Hundreds of yards at Specially Low Prices 0 REMNANT BARGAINS 0 KNITTING WOOLS 0 DISCONTINUED COLORS 0 ODO DYE LOTS ... AlitSubstantially Reduced TO MITON FABRIC CENTRE 12 Martin St. 878-6861 s..n"yo~4e Me,, weM@y /û *~«*'<~ CD/z WE OFFER-- The ARGET SEECTIN ofNEW ARS HIS The ARGET SEECTON o NEWCARYEAR! AT THE LOWEST PRICES 0F THE YEAR'1 0eFALCON 0eFAIRLANE '66 *GALAXIE e CUSTOM e MUSTrANG Choose Now From Your Style and Model Of FORDS - 409 Main E. MOTORS1 F O) PO CO. LTD. Milton 878-2369 _ 777= 7, ------ ------ .............. --------------- Scouts tu write nlewsletters train Enyglud trip for poper THE MILTON & DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY Announices the Opening of A MEDICAL PRACTICE AT 277 MAIN Sr. (FORMER POLICE OFFICE) lag IVAN A. HUNTER, M.D. Phone 878-3575 For Appoîntment * YOU CAN DRIVE * A BRAND NEW '66 FORD AT THE LOWEST PRICE THIS YEAR * LOOKI *TRADES ACCEPTED *EASY-TO-FINANCE * PAYMENTS ARRANGED TO SUIT i

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