The Canadien Champion. WednBsday, Au guet 10, 1966 Émployment high despite shutdowns Fmnptos'nîcn'iit coninued at a lir!" teodv pace during July iespite vacation >hutdom%%ni ai a nîîrîîer of Plants lit the' Oak- lîitl Mit 1011 OI5' i te total LII lie tfini vecî mîonth out 1 966 ' aliin- ut te f out'Pei-centI as CoIS precd lo the saine periud in 1965, the Oakvile-Milton office of te Nuionol Enîplovm-en t Service reports. Skitted men are in short %up- ivpracticalîs every tirade. Pîvîîerste.r opetvtor, mahi ne uvî.îu'.caîhivett.k- t.l.î 1.1\-0111 vt 1 M Iît. ,1aii classA ndB eldrs t lfi Today more tan 300 otvdentv hâve tourttd vverk for the vvîm- Ineltlîroîîgt the National Etu ployment Service, vhile marno moore are stiltltvtplettl outsorte etoptoyment betore sehool 0op- envs next month. "Emptovers vvto are su1luk ing lor temporarystaffl'!shoul immediatlv contact the Local NES Office ut 845-3891. so that ite moi continvue to ovist Ihese voigpeople to orn some mon. e o lvrther iheir edtcaton", tateut the Manager. Mi-v E .L. At the preet dIme a recrui t- ientpregraîuiovtunderwvos'antd tiiempluvýeciper-ouns interestevt in Ma1.chine Shttp Pî'.ciceTTvp- ing. Sienogrtapho. IHomenmakers' Service ndtnv îsaie îpgt'oding t rom Grades secen tu 12 shovitd imnediatelv regiter as it iv an- icipated Ihevýe courses wiîtI e commencing in September. OBITUARY Bob Early Once decrihed as "une ut the inest havehal itcihero to corne [rom Haton Covînt." Rohert John "'Boh" E.rtvofu Camipbell- ville died in St. Joeph'î Hos- pilai. Jolo 25. Fur ocler ai .%cars li ltcotredtivih tîhe Caîmpbell- oite hail club. Mr E.rtv h.îd blîaith e hos- ptaI for levo thait tîeek ai the ime of hiî de,th. He waN borin Otuher i. 1899. the on ut the lte John EarIv and the ltie Grace Border. De cemher 25, 1918, 6e married Ivohet Dredge, and thoî had imu sony. Cari ut Mlton and Lloyd o! Compeilittle; and imu daîîgh- ter,, Mi rte Lvsh oft Boringion. and Auna of Camphetli le. Svr,iing arc his ife. fouor ehiidren. aet t iste'r Mihel. in Dtroit. -The tri-chorch Bible sehool opens nexi Mondai. -Onti 26 more cavs hetore sehoul virîs again. -Wnrk is prugresing t the neir O.P.P. vtition ai the Marin S. andI Bave Line intersection. -Don'! miss the big Sturdav atiernuon parade in Miton, ai the Onario Fireighterovconven- tion herc. The parade laves the Bruce Si. chîo tut.545 p.m. and iteads duon Main Si. iv Victoria Park. .-Wtercrcoo %%as eel! grosv. ne in acreek aiung the Sixth Line. Nzivoazgaivva.the otoher day! -The bivn.s are parched [from the exiended dro spel. Oh weii, imeurns lcs s to tucult -Thecdistric', neoest gof count seopen, ai the Lido Gof Centre un the Service Road t the Oueen Elizabeth Highway and Brunie Rd. (Second Lînet hivvieek. -The CNE ion'! [r airai' Il upens Fridats' Augavi 19. -Milton O.P.P. are vtiii! mies tigaling the Camphelvitte Post Office voecracking. -Firefighiers re hoso pre- poring our the îveekend Onario Firelightei v convention fhere. Mndav'eî'en ing, theo ounched up the trim un the lire trucks wilh resh pint. -,Miltun Fireighters are ;till avcepiing eniries in the lire pre. venitun iindîni contes! îhev are holding in coinjonction iîh the Ontrio ecnventiton here 161v o'eehend. Foîr detit cati Gien Sîringer. -Planning a donce? Rum- mage ale? Dîoto iidoor blitz? 'tîocon acvertise tl wideti and i nenpensvielv' oith La Champion clovvttted ad in 'he "crine ev- cnis" cotnmn. COMPLETE GARDEN AND LAWN SERVICE 0 SEEDING 0 SODDING 0 LANDSCAPING Por Prompt ProfBBionai Service Cil! 08E,*LA SPECIAL! ALL FLAVOURS I- Mc DRINKS N.- N N x SPECIALI 30c OFF DEAL- LÂUNDRY AJAX DETERGENT SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS CUSTAD SQUARES 2 1-C LOBLAWS PROTEN* RED or BLUE BRAND BIEF 0 SPECIALI LOBLAWS PROTEN* LAG ISBNLS ORE~__48 FL. OZ19" STEAKS@ ROASTS NIAGARAg LB. ' & -LB. Ui KIGSPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN' SPECIAL' LOILAWS PROTEN* P .1 01 9 S E K .........L8 9 ' POT 11 C 5 9 PKG STEAKS LB *.F TM. T LB. O chniesWionors Red Hotsms: 591 4MBIS. i FROM CALIFORNIA! FANCY GRADE! SWEET AS HONEY! OZ. PKG .2 ),q,)FT rfpur 49c CUCKTAIL L OZ. TINS#i SPECIAL! NIAGARA KIST-WITI4 PECTIN DASPDENRY or I N- SPECIAL! AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JIJicE .....................~. 3c SPECIAL! McLAECNS FRCSH-PAK Baby Kosher DILL PICKLES C JT WAX DEANS -...........2c SPECIAL' LOBLÂWS KITCHEN PRIDE APPLE PIE ......EA-- --39c SPECIAL' ALL VARIETriES-SHopsy FROZEN MAIN DISH 3 L Q0 MEALS ..... 'I G SAN .à SPICIAL LOBLAWSar Golden Loyer Coke EalC35 PEICES EFFECTIVE AJG 10, 11, 12, 13 .... .. -...- ME AT PIES BOSTONc WINS COLOUR TV MRS. M. FIELDS WILLOWDALE ONTARIO MB B CAK MXE CIMELE ORANGE JUlCE OLISES BABY SHAMPO ECETAS C Olti FLOUR -I -C----1-C- M Ron EJUE RBEBB u'1 APPLE JUICE CE EST SOLOBA BCIAI FROZEN PEAS INSTANT 0OQIÇ Bor p n LSSS EN POEPER O T ADBOS 500 CAT FOOS PEELES TOMMTES SWEET ECISM SPONCES CES MT -~~4 -S-- L 0 0NIIIN lîII£1 II OIIINIIN~BBNB MIL O MABARIE PIZA PIE MIXPEHS MEAT SPBEADS KLARKI' SsouP POTMTOCSNKIMBKBSMONT SPECIALI AYLMER CHOICE Bl'inIL&L1 I GOOD !1!TMlu -u ELim7yp PEARlS 7 SIZE OZ. MR,75c GRBlE ................POUND 2 5 OTN20 FL. ' FAMOUS N AVEL VARIETY! 50 SWEET & JUICY! EXTRA LARGE SIZE! OZ JAK3SFL7A Soedless ORANGES ..DOZEN 79 c OZ. JAt 49c ONTARIO GROWN! No. 1 GRADE! PRECOOLED FOR LASTING FRESHNESS! OZ TINS 37c FRESH CORNKOZN'9 FREE M00EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS HOSTESS ICE CREAM CONTAINER [~~ 189 -~~A 0 TO MATCH YOUR TABLE 0 SAMSONITE FOLDING CHAkIRS EACH 5098 WITH CASH REGISTER TAPES TOTALLING $1.0 STILL AVAILABE ... Samsonite Folding Tables EACH 5.98 WITH CASH REGISTER TAPES TOTALLING $25.00 ------------