Jim's Jottings b y i i m d il1s Ouest Column by Bilan MeCristaili sorie are eagcrty vasaitnp Civie Holiday *l Attitudes about'going on vacation nes t peur. However une thing isol coin- and return'ne to work are everv bit as pletely lear. For mha t parieular reason varied as the mnmber of peuple sou talk s iviC hi odas eeloiaied? Il seents la lu "'t alssavssen jus mvacation, cause he Il o1 t ' t ni e - i'v i'ls' iii st lar.ioad iîs iln l lie[10 lc ,ýlte a) xeiit.r ial aihaceio'bolidas u t aixxix isiid.n nos mleutiaIIio c itimn- i' dillerent.' fie stîipped tucarelulîx ixxaliies observe i. Ilhi basherelore eoint oui that is si-%ce k vacation con. o ter*etiup tous ni oeno a stumbled across sisis uf t too oeks ut dreaminp about an article in an issue ut The Champion ,hem, lieu se-ks ut havinp them and the final tîvo ocefs ut reîurning lu îcrk aud ol t00 pears apu. "IVe observe thai the talking abouot them: 100 us ut Gali. Guelpb, Waterlooa and Bei- in latnr Kîtcheneti b ada iol iclav Augoci 0 "Two weeks away rom wurki 7, and other biens arc lotluwinp their jt to bu moh' anuiher mnan volunleer- cxanîple. Wltcihoulil not the lots inii cd. H-e csplained. alibouoh lhe lîked lu itlis COnI-lv apece upon a holiday durinp lake trips and vpend turne sith is wivie ;lhcslack seas.un Iteil, obvionsis bhey 'mnd chilîtren, "the kiils cao pet sou Joivu diii.. an-i piesomabîs v liai's seh.v oe an ail irtIerta swceki. Thes bibis owvu arouoîicil ios the Civir Holiday. vu match thal you ledl like youra ý n cap- ti\,iN.."* Pariament speut lbousands ul dol- lais ariti urpaniti.ioiis riiei quiie afi, * Pteased lu ead ihe oiber Jas b(ai ishen the oco Canadian uap iras adopted a noled Ptench designer has urprised seset ai months apo. Whiesoite stiîlioh- lasbion experts s iîh is hiant declaration xect O Ierso tbe red Mapie Leal. %%e tua:, mîi-skiris aie oui -- ladies' skirls zre pleased ou mid th.îl il iv peneralis musî nîlibe ans higber iban the top ut einp accepted. A s nns peuple oil] the knee.' A s une vs busets the styles for ioiu l llags arc tlisl div\%l mans. hie obvîouslc realices, ladies isboitheoere nevet ilips belîîî ." This iv a \\.car ni i kiîrîs cao hie a tremendus fiue ign. mental bocard tu mle drivers. * A trip htoelicsildsoulnîî tem Oit 0 Wiie Mitions Ceniennial Projeel aro uiv a real es e ipenet'. For vs\%oC bas bogped dusen 10 alînosi a hall, t have avidied il as mi ilu as tha honte l ieasiouneoceighhoring consmunits iv mak- ihe blask plapue. And insiead of heaiding iantcromn Jabilevpropressi Wurb bepan lac nor'ibers clies, itictssould annually ibtxee nte neir Acion Public Librarv lî,îrn o thle Unit'd Siale. in an ai- - the tlin s Centennial Year projeci ei ipi tuu ahsorb sorte Yainkee culture. o hivh oilcuit S76,192,h7. Visitors lu the Hiev .tbing svhaine.ed this vearan preseni AcionnLibvans odilreaddlv.taree oNe Nic -lres t oithe upper regionsutf il is vers' comtparable iii te îAidMilion Ile lc puî nc. lvi nîîîîlî -ilAi'-xiiqIii Librars. olten il Oas loaied in the bas Park. hasîeadL ol lînding biead honlers. ment ol the luisn hall. Botb sîcre isueluli' Polir bears ii, tlsakev. sic d inadequate. An iciicans. brens nansf utîr sîîîîîern îîeîgbburv fîpore ther-res nîîlhine quile 0 Mast of us appreetated and eniuved lîke a huiîdav in nîibcrh-in Ontario. Noo' ih Ci cDa. lu lda u n Mondas and \oc thînk thcvs rg1i 'DOWnW ]in this Corner m ilt b vo y d o w n s L I~ ûanîpîou Sugar and Spice by bi 11 s mila ey fzemad PhiloS ophq lis tho oge ut the 'demand" philos- uphg. No oxn ener avis for anythxîxg any- iliue, tîbvg dextandi. Labos arndclan- agooxent doni h ave res1oesis - tbey bave demundi. Pechapi the oid fashioned pliteess and respect mn thoogbt more stundard eqoîpment to arier genera- ions are loir ni "in" ang longer. Mure ond mure mn tal aboutolno rîghts and 001 treedomu ihat ead to demncis. Delegates and petitixoners de- mavd satisfaction. Farîners demnand fxgher sobsidies and ail outhiis demand- îrxg iv boond lu have an ffert on the genecation mo're sopposed to be raising. Pethupi parents are niseding their chidrenv ohon theg stress the importance ut the ploase und ihank goo Perbapi in a moridl accostnmod io demandi they miilho ill eqoipped o rope mith the mxore sencre demnîds thep mii Ianfacndi miii i's the dcmnand phiosophg. lou. bat leadi to a gcoing amnoont ofl nolcycoe n oor opinion. Negroos riol mhen thag f led their 'demundi" rjected. Whtes heomme vindicitîve mheo theg find theýir "demandi" have g une unnimorac .. ors becume onroly mhon incied afior te- jecion ut "demuodi". Famers sîorm the Legisiatîve Buildings mhen iheir "de- rond" for un audîencre mith provincial officiais is favned bg clevnr speakers. No segment ni sorxeig iv immone. The demood philosopbg iv aireudg moul establxshnd and it s an aomorthg con- tribotion for ibis generalion to mnaIe to the heritage mn are ptodosîng. Under4 taninif Cantada in a couontry as big os Canada, t is sontîmes iîard to ondcîstavd the tibngi bhai are happening a roupie out bocdred ol a copeofuthioosand miles amap. Thrucgh imosdern coixnio n ie nions mc ap kno -bai s happening, bot mn conti aliasa i odeistand. The Brtisb Col ix biaxi duenîl gise a booi about tho Si. Lawrence Snamap and bhe Muntuban van'i gei cnibosxastic about saimon tubh vog Picesn dmard lsland ibel morri obout poiasb eut Soskatcheman about vaiisesaps. Petier unlersiaîîdxng corxns about o-uenxpeoplenfroxox noms parts outhie countxrp get togeibor und iis is une ut tbe reasoxîs o-bp mnlok formard eacb poar tc ho annoal convntnion ni the Canasson Weeixip Nemîpapers Associa- tion. Tbis weeklin SaaxiJohn, Nom Bruns- mîsb, mn uro reprecnvtxng bis nnmîpap- er ai tho CWNA convntixon avd liken oit sonsentînners mn miii spovd voisinofioui humi in busîvnessessions und smme xv social astixotîns. Mcii ibn tahkxng about "oui" omu as oxheis mii andwmbnn mn gel bacb o-e vag bn a lhum en cm mmow indgeabie about poiahsh.youou fxhiig, caciemagi. înamags or obabevor, aller mxeeing orber mnnkig edîlors froxîx cosv Canada. t xv ibhis sanie kxnd of nuchange bhat lits been pruînntvd bg tho Ceinnxal Commniss ion acxung siodexîls in an cffort lu faîîxixarxae nhure peoipi mxiii the bruad comnplexionutfa a vrxed dond xtcvsnig inter nsting coustry, Hupefolp toc. o-bai mn cary in our "eceaîxge" mii hnip os lu prodoce a btter semîpuper forypou acd contirboin as wl mout he eloîxon goal -beiter on- dnrstandîng ut Canadians bp Canadians. Theres nothing more pleosant thon pcîlinp bock tu youv omo home after o holidlay. Unlesi, ut cuurse, gourvehecti vpcttdinp La intnh in a push evurt, ond sour uonbomte iv thai uopoioied imo- Mollisitack bebîod tbe lusîn duîop. Ilies ixeci. . \cIxc lonc I iua cd loi i o lie liait Cxci. Illbacil mcci ltte ila lds n urieuItsve, vurrounsted I) aansi nialiles. iv obuas coîu]. hl bad hbrii o ion"drive, and o-c o-cr ir gnsl o-ile %uc ocre amas. oith the ce- isyci iion ai our iriendly banker, wecd lxiii[lie cit tpainled. Wl îeî or polied ohf the Iigbîsay and hic.xsld doun outr ou-n sireel. 55e uoupiarlisalis purrivg îviib anflisipa- ion. A long culd drink under tbe naks. A leloticis inspection of l ibe paon bol. A qoiet even inp of idiot bus or i aii.Lucci iv. As soc dresvun to thie bousle, otvoî'ilc xfi iislliV111.ifixîxîkesi spIensid. ili ilitehutier, and îrîîi Nt uluer thaît '0iýaii ib e rxx ickhilviand deep- kicniv. i agreLd but cruvidn'i bnlP lxtcng iii (lie glas is Osvhiî-high, and Ila nok branc h, riiiker blan a mans ixaid andih'risis.-eblog, hadheen blovn îlxîîîîî andîi siiislllei te leurs, or sîhai %%.t, lil of il. iîîe'e'-ailici' lise ltîîsî'v ofidusig- 1.0 siiiidii ni ic , o n itîe iiîglit as. al t %aIiiicdIo ido iîîsîas lalli il achair and iiti rxiascld une %\ -. iiilil- BOil, ilîci c'.,î itirie siieli - 'lsxs"MN, viaiai ilreisis . Fosr mxi' h l > 111\ iii xxle bas a ilve like a ii xilxîîl thii i.i.îîl is allisil isit ii lwi1t\vis il îea or sse us h- h , -ei iiiv cliii îîs i tkv. on oc- itii ilii, i 5 iii'," e, is ii i t 'xii 1'.ILk.ii fiel i sut" iiî. lC i ixxî'iiix. lAMIi ix.xk ililvies si i eue Yîcli!1' -V J -litxci, ii i i i,' igle , i: is" i (lx iii.iti'ý1L .iîi iîxt o's ýIx th-clii-li' ie li' ote bas litcil viosýed" The aid lady nos distrocted foc o mu. ment hy the pile ut mail] inside the froot duor. bbc pamed thruugh il. looking for a ietler rom ber lii-hors. bbc tuund ilt. As h taggercd upsiairs silh the voit- vases, she vhouoid escerpis Iront the let- :ci. ixîle gi-sed c wib comeols un the hlxiii le nilii i saule cduon and lcadcd for the vo- lspeîio. 'ped mv iorehaod, ickod mv lips and opened the door. Even with ic lhrec per centi, h oas knockcd flot un the tlour. h hadnt ss-nciicd aoyihing like ft since the ieldi of Nuvmuody. 1944. Purs puiretaction. Twiv. lches ut biood on the buotuto flicte ridpe. Coapuioied sîrcomers hanging 11010i the sielves. I opcned the trccuing vuipartimeot. bSieals.ouplît chen tises score on s1îesxai aif89 cents. Aîcu-puuodhbag; (A liirbenlii.ver. Hanîhîrgp prh ehupi, ix i/rn vcgiahies and irange luire [rom eîrivanis. Xii cliogînp logeiheî in a soggy civilse. i'd preicita idau'-aveii ovcrtheocsxt ico hooî v of domeistie discord. Bol l'il gise 051t thevskeetun. Hait an heur ut hasliop and otutuol rccrioinaiiooi dis- cluvcd that ne c ete huth to bloire. bbc b.îd deeided ix dri rovt the iidge the day ire l. len davheisîre. 1hahd iosisted sco didn'i have limre. Finaiiy, she hod agrced. iButshc turnc-d off the ireccing onit ood logtt unit on ag.xîn, in che cuntusion of petting reads lu go. A trip 10I le oixîxclJuinp vsith lu-o bagevcaosand 410 tues. Tsco houri ut su îbbiîg ithe ibing 00ou îb hsoda. sinLgar and good sai teai. Net reuit, accu. Ail dîoî s and ,id Iu)csn il ninhi but il ussili like leejixo in a vlauglîîcr-lîuusn. (l]u nesIisailxv o ix ilenisinsorance agent. No dire. We ocetcuccred tor sIîipidiir. Silîit il, ix icodis applianco dealer oh ove ese, flio pocen as bis hcod 'rîed dîelsîlir. "You'il lever gel id ofIlle sîtteti." I)icalr relatid vannaus lviio o ics1ouiipasi cupericoce. Net oss: fi dgc yigg1 loud S50. Plus xxr Iiililîtrîs-si li»Io iifliteoat 05 \Wsic. Wie sua .11l'i ailîîîd the trip is But i C'd gioh-ahis have galne. scra aisi altosil it. Sa o ok ai flic otonesir 'e a1d. Oc îumcthing. Lasiowevk,svuu mas reral. I mas esytainine the TRti. sturs' ut buseHal- toxi ansi she lfourlargc towsnships mithin il pnb ibeir rames. Hoton. soulirenent- bcr, rame lom Hai-Too-A-Kawi. o-ho scas tuc liv: oîian viler bore. Ha liv-da i Mîiton,. ohirh %oas oamed aller is uie Mil-Ton. The tiuuxîshîps oi Esquesin g, Nassa- ga\uesa. Trafalgar and Neleson ocre nani cd alter5 hii sons Essuce. N.rbai-Ga. Tva- h-l acd tha daughîcn Ne-A-Toni. Noir on sit tbhe bsiens Esqaee. the singer, lîord hînt a vs le cnd thes bcd c daopbîrr and lhree sons. The eldesi %%a, Av To. rhe cdoophion. uln lin lîlîcîls r',v'h bîîur val theJas' ansi %\assplensidlv iansed. Esque ctber- ctcona porinînî f aibisauJdrobusein' lir uaieýiib ber liîxuid budv andi viioil Avion. The nesi son O\as ncnîcd Geunge (Io Jlase nuo ovebas been ahixi tu esplain tiisBiish name lui an hodian hiaie, bol absal ihai isme the Brtish \oec igipbng li patio ippycnccrada andh1siispes ihe naine mas haivene tnum a ocn soiJici oho passrd hrouph ihat oas.i Anso as - George had ne distinct charav ten- surs sou\%bon bhgeîc ud enoub I oecev out nidaxîiI h and himn is w, gaie hini salue land, o'hieh lbe valird THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Publsiod bv tbe Dilis Pintlag and Puhishing C. Ltd. Slanaging hEdilon - Janties A. fis News Edîlor - Buis h. flonrs Adsenhlisiîsg Mgr. - itîde Paîkcn Puhisbed vin p Wednrsdlav ub 191 Mains St, Miltonî, Ontar io. Mortifier ni lic Canadician Weckly Nco s- payais Assoiathon auJ fibcOn- laro &Mechis Nespaplers Assoia- ion. Sbhvmprilon rtues payable ix adiance,.S4400in Canada: $71100 in Ail ulili is ehterthbait canada. 00 ccii.ioiv a.i' rc , v oi i'.cins Auihuriscd ai Second Clou Maih hy the Poil Office Deprtusent. Ottawa. Anober son waa Non. o-buo as val- su t.so bennhaireecised a pievu ftheb and L.svalu-ubung dJuicci, hevcralicd b lbiîniaii The voungesison bali o inise. bol ai anr ailsLage bhe dsvliased a g- oites liog prouesandsibislaitier-Esquec said lha louphu bke "a brasv- oih toui- ,o vvu hes irknamesi him Foui rAmi. Foi-bruis speni sun inte in a Fî-encb veixismeol doun the ruer oý here is, caise %isîs ir.învatir'i vii Qîaxue Biaý. vis uhnhcrerreîdilsabaeilbe la.oi.he uaned i Quatre Bras. Ts.s Fil. \i liets'tleinrsi lndain cd Tialaigas. bail ix un, BronoT ira loeoklanidindCteiinled l f(IiLilie Lak tlaZrvhno and nalined c ia;killo. Pl- ale xi CilmI"vi sPi ul. OuQuxo ua iluguuîl dx-unioed and used issurk in Il Inixîixn terapb xfi iseyn di up iessag- as, sulhe named is blond DUs umquin.fOra K.uusnamed bis Omiagh, and Hîon vBu ii lxxirv c andus slles1 il H xii xvh. Na-Sa-Oas sbhilirrsuocrie Rnnuusxuig Bîuook. ulou asned his land Bikiellvr' IeI-Toi u ioi iuprcamup and aSd ic Cansybeilvilie: and MssM.uîoxo oas esseîixis' ,N Ii and rilesi lier lantdlMot- igai.Ton.A.Kawi's dauchbri- Nel-A-'Fîuusx' ii lier-' uaiter (il thbe Kuuucî-'hee v.lui Nsl'sxîut. Iî.u l i LîIiii'i'hc ")ni i suxuuu Bis'- Lin tu ubunt she gave the cho)isesi iakc- issut priaperis sîluxe liebt' suniesi Bîîi-inp ton. Her Jaupicu -Nec-Mu h ii d onoi ssu ci the centxre' olise landulhcl sx.musnid Momul Nuitsu. Sonuu ifnniriip Tice usas a Jxgu are (l th. ,ix100kliSsisiii 11)iluthibis' eilii sn iel oveiltuiueuhis hit- v o le snd hn ali is pirceriohlaxniiAv1is.xaii sînîl b ai ltnrning Ti-ce hbcl ixzeid uni 'Ibis' fliis il ssiîi .scSun ilook a Ioi i.il s Lile us liitlie rc ii ud Lsîsss'xlie. Anuibr'rîiauehhter in Sci AFonu 'stan ilirnoi lisnaursic andeng 1ip un qiis atuj-uar hut lie slriclitri- illieus lie je ile lcc il ii l r'iiiisî'5 ri olnuisgi-huev Kibiîe. Nuis ihe ls acigvxîriiî x IiLdi- 'lu)is N Lv is hiegat Iss i t' ulilc pii al tel- %holil ille su-risc'e guces naines. Bîst tise isti ivtua cîîpibs uusd xilxi i icues,reiisav and aduis- ol,ube ploI ru,îs iirlenansi the uan,11c'e onhusilsg. Vin nisc iesl ssncd. usue c he iii beisxs ilv ax.i"ieii lu0ir'sisil Its' lussh. lise Ihisiis ss'veiiiei il(Jl iiii lix l iiv i suir'vecilles' h ll ticl chl-vsebliistiarbetl. Andiris, dvibîî'--brudc, iv lush' t 111 ,tI, iîsîsc liaitui. Kuicus'er. Mii,: fou, Nassapaîkvei. Nelmisun.Tubi-igari. Xcii. rapeînli-Novai, Osau iîe uas Bu I)ii i, Oakiile, Paicrutu, Dr-umquii. t>uuîapb. ii-orhy, Broubvilie. Cainpbell- s llis. Moibic, Bîurilinghou. Mouint Ncoo, Asbi, Losilie auJ Kilbridv' oic auned. Beliiecme, h got i lîvraiphuit 1nb) the ludion iuunpinp aruund oui.le the ipar sti-e. Ttsosn rsponsbie for magscg tbe Cosxrvxenî s War un Pooorip miii be tasesi, vuoner or laies, mib bhe need lu take a long bard loui ai tbe 'rieans tcsi as a vaie veiapoîlnd poîxcp capabln cul ny ofxp utesvng, but psuiungung n- diigenc. An onskixied aborcr o-ih a lai up. w1o-iuvnchauves fui fou ne. piopmencviculxv slnd, wo-5useveerp rusn hcoari hîxîl 0f11 anoîi benvg expiuynd un a ivîx pororp havis, bccoosn b'ii bu cci vil sureull assiance if is oconîn shocîsi ise alxuen ibai mhch xv album- abln unler lie 'nîcanss mviHn mouisi raîher dicw ociual assxisance, humeonr iemicd, and have soeiog romng i îngousipl, thon arrupi innporaîp en, piopîxînni mhch mi, bccaove i xv tony- p orp rîoraie mure piobinoîs fnancaiip and n in rois oflmd toye thon iwl solelonIlttalcs a niasnifsrongclorai ciaracici bu escape thu snarc ut social assisancecoune bis acre pied i.ie oa rabbi in o Cap. ovce us hc tvvdvi not luouimpossible lu escape. Thb m 'xnus test' aivo lovinîs haluis of slnreiorxand i dsbonsc.SiSeua mi rani ovoaiip support is tasîiyipdn- iioaivip ou social assistance, bho moisIob haenhis cakebnd auo iotue. Hemwili or cepi ravoal exuxpînyxîmnuitaui dai luxu- portil.utHanxng doncelb s a 1cm lxxns ,t becroevfor hnaao-ap ut lite, ibis fuilice apprisarh lu lite rut icoenxcorages leoirx uin oasdacsiicais birh are un the snadp s-sic cf the aa, xxxsllp bcuetoecon blu" rscridout os houx haoxng lu bu reporied. miaing xicuss iuiuip ihat bis"nonxhbmgmii bu de Icrinsi up tbc auxhoîixes, Mbatisxvtue solution bu iv reicxi Thym xv is ic-' recxmincic-0c ecluicresi bp ecuîp Cacddman foxxxlp. i lisp are lu lice abocu tho poncrylp boni imcne beponsi iis basic leoni becoxues taxablein morxn mfic n ueipconirul eux uçrnc etcr1cxsd.lSinice il xv generally covicndud tbi the csixid laborer xv ot i Iscip ofind fll-tixxe cnspiopentx, o-bp nutlovhihnu bu oox i u o the tanalîle mnuie hp cauîuailabur bclnrn lxc xv pcualiznd? Thissixmplie chanuge xixour segolausuxus mud nl o 05iend a loi ci hppocrxsp, l mouldin u iis day ni aulexcaious auss lo i dupi.îcoxnnthhcp a lui ut resîloîx 'ibm CaniadmasuS ucer thc iuuxx1uoh lriux sîiou iroinscune job mu ammhes. mîixhoxt ruducsssg lieux lu cavicieuof pe"rxmnenti indgence. IPEEKI NG INTO MILTON'S PAST TH-E GRIST MILL AT LOWVILLE mas a Mvi. B. Guubp ut Mlgruve. Her nothor, tbriving isdosbrp in Halions ourliir days. Mvi. Lclhorb C. Spooce. hud ibis andi Tbis pucioro iv talon runi a pustrurd that ouber butai icones on curds in a posicard mas nvihnd in 19DB and mas ioaned bg album. akMl u!Pagý es o! the Pasi fhuom c h amp i on f ile s t- - - 20 years ago akafruai thîfle [is oaIle Conolan Citampioa, Augusl h. 1946. Xtmx A. u xglisi . v. i, a i, huai u ii g 1s0lsu imm i' Iumuis iioMiltonm bxuisxsvý Ilv M lll ii % m- \Ci um l siîîîi vub l litl' -1, iliuIxII i l'il1 \01li adii \ d o llime ,iiisriioiiiuui b ie i latd .1ii iitm il lii lilivi Imite brutl oh Xlcii ic.bu cil x\usuxîd ilv mii îutCouru Ni. xIo Iis'lxxx' urounsds. Tites miels'- mmx .x1O*oxte(lb vulcrsandJ ii s'IIillcm i iivi obiilis - lis' lor xi lxiii mlxxandii 5.1m tNi crs sut ibis mii iii lium six li ,- xi iid a,,s xillsi er o Ali suîxus' lii iiiiii o Hvmlxxiii v iiiis" ii mmx xi- cmxci.um Aus li Sais Haivlljl M. il (xiilis, be i'inxî'u. 1k Ah Chu Nîuukisu biumIosî x mxx lxxv um Ioseuscukv Motelua-d î CcIo Ill'xusci Mblu.oin lii mliiho i'mi'ii iie a k lomli .le' i cre 204 i ca i ii sIi \oiii.ix ii i vils' milxii x mules- 2114 mil 0i ') erved ux i n s uIe. xxi ; 17t) lieux. 12 uu'xxîexî andsi13 bias in sle -1i luxe e il 'rlire. s g lx ulip mui l Ivi.is'b cli liivîl \%CI xi i-iau ic ixes'x m i i us x. Ithe iiex ubi es' mmI v se 1 ii v- sl h l ii' xciux.iî 50 years agio 'lb font maihe Issue tir [lie Caoeadlau Chamion, Augusi 3, 1916. Xtxmx sixîhu ix i ii M lioi i avc I' lle c vrsxm. 'togvhi Icxv iIII)ard angSl s- xci ic i eus. tI, ioI c hîcî L I o g i bi' îuul m uîi lus,- i1 xssi ,î l'us-k issu .11 It . ibs 'lid Llici g. ii siVictriai ari i-ms,\0us l iii csils'iib ý limu itui k -.iixi Ili ie xin Ilue iiitxbihs' iii tle 1i1'uPlli. Satiurdasvs\am l ad a lr ut slice vs v s-luhlvioccasuion Io LuiseBrmaxiti Si.Bxurhunighuxx. Conibies Tulguin ansi Mitchelvlb suc rnxIilus' joli v lith hem stop- \sCatches cxid .is a r'ssil, invitations sciht Ile jssued lIo 27 autou ounens lu attend c ourvtb AIixur alsouît iil sars' ýeveeJolin tuslixg gars'e lu e Mi ion - Mount Nemu ialroutelacviMondas - Cecil Smith F icc rublini- xx Ible Jr'fl ex. lic mv siuscalv h.avýi Muisusas uîrning, i v c ansh .isp hîvuonai DOnnîas, and pmradIýli v mel-e oh l uismne lime, Ticic %,iNrni le icivl'uesday %ciiiir l ti, ntl lliigi x t . lî 'lsie vIet is ero e s al k as x inte ulJ sbehur er' haizd esen ceal i ou auni, ssii c\%-in înuo ca rsss eutthirouup .1si Ixsiidc eutprsi p ii sustlalius. 100 years ago Takemu front île Issue aifte Canadiais Chaompiuon, August 2, 19'66. Illevs'sC\Uiiiip ni1ter',.1a m.-l Suîlhg- us o \ili assu.bixs-.xirai %%as cites. le vii ai' u lhclise asiaiFenianx, wmilie u 51s11 k issus Ilmauiiplui-ils sinnocaenît iii Ille51, LIogs' ilcs's1liiiu isiiliums Nos i paiglibis'em mo s ingxxu'. Axuxliscuxea- il Isi. xx iii si' i,ii irliri lotIiivc le otî Xbs-ý1jderscxsic bime ., ion leias Ont M; lllti l les sîîlicm is-lei 1 Milone - lN.Iles' s i-m cui su iI I .'ssxaiuiiisssum -The i inmscxx Sili nissu s vuxosgivv' .sp.isxlite ikpiad11iuruxslbcouîcuol heibidsi- xxii u iv kutosNix xiilon ihe' ulit liiisle ai'- ils, itxiulai iixigxbill iswubsi btiivrei- budis s chiii o bru ln bus ap. Ihismvicio 111111 ul a dIs l liusg bhi ii Ie iberty Ma(Ic 11ici i iuisîpe e x. xke ilînwvu v- uxucIks as 1\c sunsidex bla . i atei01v lculIs iuîl on' lor a csaulsei msxuss'x'iby il 1-b m i'li'ss ori uxuids. 1'is'hits' aii - xlitli ii sis s us sliteinagisix-ates iss\ s'lc [ lo i l .11e il Ilx l i mui tihis hm it- , lvle offl illie us' xi,îxitxx.hab' to, an eiIt[ibis suilit vios pasiiabby lii îssis-ats'i,.îa dsîîb îuvixî vbîs.ies'îiîîg loup- laps' , us.îxîxxsî sxxxsi s' îî itt vieiî)ttid do. Ibiset' lv iii hsis in l r libus' iueis XXî' sii i liir'l us' iand tusty oh utu 1 tisixatiure msiilueb lk111£aîIg'S sisils, kcviad auh.r heisseut Gîe teil -is utagislu aie es iti l i tai ltýte ous i txil e cuîsidv'res tiheres -l tut enough lu cuoumit him. bol as bis opinion o-as nul .isked, auJbie o-os non acting un ils cave, le soid nulhiug. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The pneaiàteS t I J-A 17M 1