4 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Augu-t 3, 1966 Ron Nayler's sevenmhit hurling Ieads Red Sox to fourth win Milton Reti Sos scredticue lu the tibid iniug ou Monday ighî antd bettl on lor a 2-t vie- itris'ii a si-tight Halis CotitiSenior gttite an,tgthle t3iliniontîliICiBitisît tut The Sox, ioteslu more thaîs a moth. ptayed their inesi hall of the teuton, couîmittiug oue crrur ttnd comniuf op %ith soiel fine I ieltiig geulnis o tsk leli- tiCister Rîs Natet'sseeiili l'lh l" I a hil titiilh %i 'il h c'n Nasetst-is-tlsssstsai.tlilltiiit ans asl te 1111(v as lie sta' tit te muîîît. tîs he stîtîket a single lu le thistl iltinglsoi start titi Miltînss tiiS îallv. Duong MeCuthesan. the onulsRect Sun ta make Ibis teague At-Star em tînulleti andiArt Melan- soit sisgletll îtush aCit.'555Mit' [o"titils iisMCriO' St.lisieei's 'soc ssli ing and 1 ispl ,tt ). %hiîiliil 'ifl nl' liii t- -ot îlîsilo Nasiecos sis hatîl Irn'li Its liishlo trlte winnoers lis lie s tlt'k ott eiglîl, iitluiig lb 'cC n Ilitel'ssîrib 'sinig seietsIlIte King is King for a day hits homer, four singles Villagers edge Preston DOUG MeCUTCHEON «lhvwr on notchto Codhwn11L(tllc i . -1 - ýl« rC 111t and il %ýi% stil ý how ianand Ret ohqn l. Standings Resuts auj standings in Hal- son Ladties' Sfîbaîl payr are as Thurîtlav, Jute 28, Miton 32, Ds'nmqtin 7; Horube , George- lti%n 5; Gieu Williams 1, IOmagli . Fridav. itîts 29, Oakville 18, Puermuo 2. Mondas'. Agst 1. E2magh 3, Drssscqutu 2: Hurnbv 32, Patermu 2; Gien Wiliam, 13. Mltonu l. Cergeon 7, Oak' ville . Standings W L Pts. 1 loruli' . . 11Il2 22 Qakvisie . ... ... 10 3 211 Ct.'trfeltin ...... . 9 3 18 Cien Willtams 7 5 14 Omagh h 7 12 Mtilton 4 9 8 Palermu 3 10 b Drtsscî1tti1 t12 REJECTS OFFER A foi-oer Milton intrmediate hot.key' player. Lars's Shuker ut Oakikle, oas repirtisd Iis ss'eik lu havis îned dosin an oflur lu plusyss lb Hershey Beurs. Shuk- er bas lor tour spars ptased (or- stard and deleuse os 1h Dakv Ite DAk oiut ibeSenior leagne, butS CC.rliir toled lu a Milton jersiss wslb the strmediatis 'îeam hire. 'enretlesslie. Bush trting pi- Suers vsre st iii the panile. , Spike k'ughlssîni lPreston. onîec ofthe Ibsalrting 911 Star plchers %vas ou the hilI lou rcietuitandt bad glen rp unIs' is bits uiîsîle strikiug nul issu aud salksttp h Jack Robers had litrlet ltenc cumplt'te inuiogo tur tCampbell- s.itead au bd pistils op ise bt svbule tr5ikin u ttisilre. iaîkJt one antI hittiup une flatte" Rit'L hertis. ietetlls. iase bissc Ct aspure pisiber tr tIe AIl Star Came. Coughtln fored ihe is simns tu Ils' ta sIl antI il letia'lâ bs lise man thu bttlbeentoii meniluf bsm ,ll ailes iststisAI iis pointtoulotithIe six bits e had gtseuîpstereuoitlte but oi Stu Kng and here wsa the rttgged Canpellill iutielttec again. And unce apain Kinp came tbruugb suIt s abit - is 11111' ut the ;i,lte mutn - btst iis licoe il \%uni lor,--and i.risser tbisluiitield lence lu gise Caissp btelvl lie Ci P) vit.tors. Thus th herocs olibis su- portant ss su ters.'Jac.k Roberts subit hut Pce,tîn tolt loi 111i iuings anît Sîts Kinp\%hts pt lise sut is tcarmo sceesiits incltîttînu the g"suis' i sin" boite tou. Raiders drub Drumquin but bow to Gien 13-11 By Bob Wakloe as shu. shumps.ît%%issubumte, TeMilonRaiescme u t uo nles nd t.t.t.pts.d a rit. îsitb a sprilud sam effort, lu paso. Mariais Webstesý hai thliiie druhhing Druniquin 31-5 last saIses' andl a ssalk, %%hilse Suis- Thnrsdav uigbt in Ballon Ladies' es' luglis sralked, i)gled, tînîli Sfîbaîl plat. The Raidet s ai- led auj tripleul Kuse Ma,'h most ilelaUltecI ibis game,' as rapped a home uuilntitis single, itessiere ahIe lu field unis tur Miltoun, aud Diane Dunun cgbt plasevrs bel use Ibisgaule tt'pted, oingleid andîlstketi. las due su tar t. Marsba Waldie cutllt.eiedIre sa ftes, antI Cîscuse uguas' Wilh four regutars missiug addcd it selk and a sngle tus bei fromIbith i-up, il masa aseu tsrtb framriesur happes. otf sink ur suntm îsitb Ibis juni- Bolb clubs sampieul tIse op or layers'. andt Iesu ids tome position pitcbisg sleringo su)r tsp witb ice prormances bulh 17 bits unît six stlEs. CaitI aI lias auj in tIb ildC. Sharon L'5ons auj BetIn Broouiks, Iurleul Watson cttlisctid a bumer, four lur tIbiCen.,sebule Cusînie Dn- saItes and a frise puss white gguas ,und Mrsba Waldiis sixte Marg Bell bettd a homer', Oa Ibis mou nd menctefor Miltonu. douoble,. isînsingles aujd saiEa. Tomitrisi; igbs iThurodat%, Carol Hearus bad a wlk auj Milton clisses otthle regîlar fuur saleties. auj Leslie Watius cheidule ui l a guule apaiit tdred tbrie singles anîl twi Irise Hosmuh'u'nnHou ubi' as 8.1lutii passes. Mars Anu Presnsiak pick' cd up a dubltsheandtudlbreis salks, unuil Juîlv Tbumpsou tubh j lbc rnssa le ies andul n o 155eriu lîshails lu centre fielj. Con Djupoav ant IisîisWatkius sca0 < incut.intlgm triples liv Mars Drummuud, and a circut.il ou I liv Karen Wlliumsou. I On Monday utghi Chu Wi linsinterrutitetlMllun", T W EV' srn.astes utîlgecllt aa1311 NE UULEW letisioc. The liii girls souf I iou a ast sraule rails v bh loals as a carcless ead-osfafl-HA PO third uui betIn Otîird bas antI home plaie. Il sias a close cotissItbronkb- FOR out, andIsthevlkept ehaugiug banîls as the fume progressed The Riders jumpei mbau be lu ad ibisheopeiug lu nn 1H E ANSWER the Giec ied i upl inesec. itui, aujdiliummeut lnevp in ibis hirt. Four ronsiluthe loutriltramis fane Mitonu u87 edge, buto t oli the Gen und AT . . oue ta Ibis Raiders in the ffîh, rvne e bi oul t a91-9. Afet auscorelisss siulb, a couple ofA scrath bits helped CIsc Wl- VR liams tuttv Euoor ron s lu the last iuniug, andj 'Ibm they held Mit ton 10 iwo, for a 13-Il game UT Merg Burlington hod o perreet 32 Bronte St., Miltot huiting ight fr Gien Wiliams Bill Ellot laitDoJt ltste 11119 cittrse SICI Kin,, bita ilv ant otir ingles. FuatussiesRit.k Rell Ci.antIs i uukie ' inii t r Ili e his litit .inItc'A l t'scaluil. lie uts tntii ti riîîîîst hnis, AI Wtitsinaide a gieCit t % i ii il t, %%l'in h lt' ii t'I uiC' iItit isC'ttl ttlC'I t is George Chester fetî dostîs sii the iatik ii tlt iin tIse itir bi' l lî sIisl casiplit kittglitits tcepItIl li. ail tItin. sis alsitttiIt'. , liste tsi in hl I îsrili sî\,tin hi' ,ýtLhi Ssiit-ko tutig bit i i C i,l l5C'I the51'lunce ntiC1 hat tht'hll ii CCIli io.' rsîm lits gîtise. itthe th i pleand sixiiip 1st g aiet'%ll b on l Ia AIts tC i i' ai 231loit' sîîth Hiilitg(Ipi stîpîs i etîu it't11 t iit oflO M i Il ;2 Pissn loon OIlts(Mt1il 7 1 --ill iit tlilllll tanI 7 naspelsîlr.îîct J' Stand Bantams handie ieague leaders B3rampton Banttiîis s'e o nc e aipiiu topliesihi MIilt,,n t sis Ol 4-3. Biamrplin bist1-1ols tsi(, fzaiîîu's hi', seai, i, h ii MilIou. The ,vîsilng tram tisetm inuiiigs iiipe tt isser iii ns uhile the Milton ieam ',sîl Iheir s tI iin one inuiof. The hig litticis lftr Miltoin stere DtnIiilsaîiio ,and Ted Itînîti lu h lilth iîîuîng M. Brui' ,ha%%,antd Jîm Dince led ofuiti walks. Niget Fu'rgiisiiîînadthi, second single aud Remuie John- sou giiiian siiha itileshi.e lorc.ing Braîdshaw i tirte plaie. Then Hearus svalbed. Ted Hîttît hati a singlu ttrîning in a itic, aind a single hv omiiîMii ,T.lî uirtve in tht. remiining w nia t IIrn hadI rkvksfo 4N COE'S E LE C TR1C Chart playoff scheclules lulias scoredtt tiir oulv ton sic a selk, a stotun hase, aî wild pitt.h adCintCl eritir. Ceorge Mac'Donald ItI tiiBlisîp. oit %va, titi iip i two1 li i li tit Ini d,14 s for rural minor SQUIRT Sqtirt teague eimiuation l'or t'iupiiiiîsip stitt lie t Hiîruhv ',iik tn Sa turc'tv, AugîLst 13. Fîrul Round 12.001 - 1.301 - A d iamond - Hiitnby ns Molt; B tiamonst - Kilhriîle vs Choui Williamus. 1.30 - 3.001 - A diamiantl- IiLriquiu B vs Omagt:h; Bia- mordut - Htii'i h A vs Lowvitle. Dilmuititi A gels hve, 'A' is '1VIcian n ; 1, iý il la setondiiRoundîî 11111 i -- Iillîîîîpîîîî A Kiiii iiilorlGui Williiii. 4,301 - io. Il00 - is B ii Mullai t s.s nt îîîiii I l (ic Ottmagh. t~~~~ \ttil i'i iils Aii Seni Finals bf730 -t ttillC' tir Hîtrî l\A Is tisinqîsin A., Killos îtle ilfeAn Wlliam's Fnals 730 -tl- -9.0- Ltisîlle. 1-1111111)v A, Kîlhioîsl tsi liWlliîttîs % I u D.Muiî. llttssssisti l t' W 1. 't P lis I13 iiltii ý 14 I il 295 J %ilsue 15 9 32 I8 RON RAVIER lîsîsîlîs A 15 13 ile Splits lG Milititi Il4 7 Il8 k55tCt k tissl le bl s 'ce WiE iisîeE i pailles. ui t.sit 11 uPaletitti 1200 I 30 - îîsîîîîîîîîiîîî b.m l'.' iUr i ' ' Ii lut tiîipi l Il r'e 9 mit ', i' l ;00îsîsîts% Mo [Ilet issIIIu laki' a 1.5111 leatl ll] Ille ils l le itisilii lilia i sl.i' it1 tt Lee ttit ttl.,snlst.'i I lle t issu tt i ct s itugls.iglu.s'IlitK,Illisssi iilvPsitt l. atlssîu'p k sid s îI it hlst s i hi i'su 'ii ieletill ii suiil sita \. ssiitu.it.slioilieu-ititîs Desu1 Jlis Sudi toIi iIte uliii fiHSumvlil l Itîiel cadui.i. osL',lti. ii tt. luh sit il l' ,ais týiiskDll-u li, ii l a ii ss'u O, I 'lle tiis Iii tts u s i i titi' l i i i - ' t aeiis ou Illetut 111iii i ii t tutt io i ILIC' h l lC c ,Igut t ht î' Culs'it ilsutloît ui It lip lsi Ip sîsîg -e l 'i.ore il) Ill" llî tsusîueed ud oe Ii1IleSisslili'p ked useultimil ltSincli iSit tisse iple Pst et tilts P ssst.ssc Il. s ris lis 1W L P2$ 14 5 2h Il n22 18ti i 16Il l Conerele, Cinders, Stag & Silo BLOCKS J. COOKE fConcrete Rlocks) LTD. NE 4-7763 EVENINGS CALL JACK HALL MILTON 878-6365 SERVE ... ICE COLD MILK FOR HOT SUMMER DAYS SummerI lieut got pou clown? Pirk up. . wih a thrsi'uîuenchînq qîass of cold milk. Enjop mlk allen ',ih oeals, for snacks. We have the freshesl, huesl and lustuesl dturp producîs possible ..hecause me cre about the families me terne. CALL 878-9723 PARK FARM DAIRY Recod Rtîiîns s ii 6m t it tîtsi l %t.Il -msi Seui inlîa Kiliiato t titis 1) 00ti oI \ i lli.. i,'l mil -li i tae il i Kîli î e il, 11 52 D 2 7 4 il 14 1h55 'uhilîtit ;'. 1 4 11)5 1 o ls 2 t i BANTAMS "tts it îutil. Isct 1wis, tits iii îtîîecFuil îîîîîlîet- otumiput opets tuI homesiiepni Let your car b. like new again Brinq i00v urshop for a new paint oh ..et us sgel ail hue dents and vatchesoutnom! BILL'S AUTO BODY 269M S 87-2721 878-3251 bail teams Semi-litiat rundl, hgins, Augîlsi 1 andtit finish hy Augttst 19. v ll u nd 'stiî, begins Augttst 22 anti ti Iliîîish hv epelsb 1 . tsi senîl-l'inal play Onîagh vs Kilbrittu. Hîstîsby vs Di'tmquiii. lu final roitund play Omagh tir Kilhritle vs Hiirun tir r t)i'm- qitin. Standings W tL T Pis. Outarîs . il2 2 li lo u 7 3 t1 l kib 1, 4 4 ?O Il) MIDGETS o(i ilticeu fiîes wsli begii Atg îlot 10landsîl liisl I)vAiist 19. Fla on vlit' leabs (Illi-ou ol 01 ut lits failles.,lis li- gin Atîgîssi20 atît luisIs hn Sep- ILiii bilie 1. 'lIte top tetm w have ilhe ut lithome gaine. Ili ihe seîihi-isrundt. fuse sjj li' s tî andis tit tritîssiquit %,uCIVILWillisiiis. Inai l îsssî1sîssIioti le i Siailtilingit 1t u sîîi11, 12 il il 24 S I l iîtsîî l Ll l t;,ICii h3illiaits 6h Il 12 hîsslît l l 16 Il Il and led. Attention Farmers For m.Iking cows on posture follow the 'MASTER SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM. Cows miîking aI a high level on pasture require a high energy, low fibre ration. W. recom- mend MASTER 16% DAIRY RATION or MASTER 16% MILK PRODUCER RATION to overcome the problem of a mid. summer slump. These feeds are availabie in Mai42, Krum and Pellet form, and if you hane an enmplp qruîn or bulk feed bic me can deliver li.tfend in iwo ton lots or more sunsng Ton money. "SPECIAL" Check on our Special (two ton lot or more) price on MASTER 16% MIIK PRODUCER RATION KRUMS delivered bulk. 'I4OWA'RD'S FLY CONTROL' For a Fly Free Farm this summer, use HOWARD$ FIY CONTROL PROOIJCTSs Howard& FIor-Bait Howards Brnm FIy Spray Howards Flyvap Strips Concentrite H'owords Ready to Use FIy Howards Flymor Stock Spray Spray Howrds Fogging Spray I-owards Reody te Use Howords Cow-Fly Powder Bamn Fly Spray Howards Fly Roosîs CALCIUM CHLORIDE Have a dusi res' Drioewnp thissumine r u.. n and pick up a haq uaîd e te nd ust ppear W. stockca fullino of4 MASTER FEEDS CALL OR VISIT US AT MASTER FEEDS (STE WARTTO WN) 'YOUR ONE STOP FARM SUPPLY CENTRE" QUAUITY - SERVICE - INTEGRITY DIAL 877-3512 - Georgtown 878-3661 te 7ýý- C P, U - ýM. _MW Sox cant match Merchant power Mil ton Red Stix Iashed oui 10 the sevent'h, once inuthie iglu-th saleties un Suriday and scured and wicenin the inih. ,eetis runs. but 'tili tv,îidnt gui Art Metaknson ssith a pair of c iii 0 he smsli with tios ingle.s pacud the Mi[- The Merchatntib, .itways Stiudtii ton ttack. Doug MeCutcheon tltitr%, hattsered Mitisîr' hurlers douiled, AI Jones singied and Ad Mibe Btiughtstn andi Davu et Jordan siugted, Ron Phittips 1orl.%its und 15 rtns en bumert-d and Steve Rasberrv mi.Pý15-7 visIsits aud Mike Boupehion singted. titiidi %oseiee u.Éimes in Milton flelders cummittedltuti lise lis si. itîstc o'hre in te tird, eriors. lu gsing the irsi seven- onrtt' i hi tourth, soncse innthe plus innings Boughttsu tllussed li , iioi n hei xsîil, .îîîîl itu 12 iiou shil 'tri kit.' mil s ix oio ci th xh . uc i ak o ak ti I SUMMER I SPECIAL Save 10 to 50% LIGMT SPORTS ~ JACKETS » 14.95 to 19.95 L LOOK*. Regular We.ight SPORTS JACKETS 2.0". off 0 Short Sîeeve Sport Shirts and Jac Shirts BY ARRC1W - TED LIPSON - CURRIE 0 T-Shirts *Play Shorts BY JANTZEN - DAYS - DON PARKER ALL .. . Swim Wear 25ý/o off LAST END SALE ès MADE-TO-MEASURE Ïe Suits From House of Hobberlin $7450 THIS IS A SALE YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS ALL BRAND NAME GOODSI