Fun dlays for Scouts at camp EVERYTNING S FUN at Camip Manitou! Meli, eearly everythinq. BUILDING A BRIDGE cari be fun, and at Camp second session at Camp Manitou enjoyed them- Aistair Watson of Burlingron mas elected as chief cook and bottin Manitou, itis. Under the direction of four senior selves. Pioneering, map and compass work, masher for one of the days and as he scru-a-scruh-scrufts, souts, ruarrer-master Gil Playfair, simminq swîmming and active games hightigfited each oue caatrst.e ii csiqitteftehdficeo oi director Barry Munro and camp chief Chuck meett of actiities. Shown morhing on thre bridge one lse.McDrirald, the Boy Scouts miro attended the are Paul Hannon, Bill riend and Gary Lemis. NO MONKEY BUSINESS is alomed ori riis 'monkey bridge", rmade Ire the boys atterici g nueimer camp at Camp Manitou on the tmiss Road, Burlington. John Brome of Port Credît, and severat of his nmates are shomn as tire icross the more than ose hundred foot long bridqe mhich spas a-matl creek in the scenieccmp. Cajr li tý. r rer s uoNire]i by itheBoy Scouts of Crnia la, tt,i.r.qtr-iDistrict There mere tm, on wer crnip sessions tisyenar anrd Chucir N ,cLon.aud, camp chîie, says sio are bieîg plariicd fo e i tsîr-rner About 76 boys ai- teri(elciirs ,icrs sess ons. *1 4 GETTING SET FOR A IKE front Camp M anitout al tirep pp rr caip. Durînq the hot summer to points met are Scouts Jefftey Cormier, Blt days howievor, tire tîalihy youngsters preferred Friend, Duncan Satidersoit aind DciuctFhei ,a dr, inth. iî,! l totrîppisq throLqfr the moods Nature h kes are an important part of ai vuto ilhtir ati1 al, on thier backs. WATER TOYS OUT tîîttteît rohher tîîss, iresan ,itr4 ee etit permnitteît in tuirnimmte ,ein teOntario prot îlot al partrbs, t Iv scon c.irv chitttreee and pîtr su immrrer ir- tri it.ueeirousin dcep siaier. Pollock and Campbell Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS 62 Waer S. North, GALT Telephone 621-7380 Crlessuess cause of most hnish flues v lr' hie St16,00t00ofBBîCan lites1, t10 Acî'îîss ile 6,iit kia ii tii XII o întl.î t L. c e,,n erdac Iltmî ct'trttrsntes cai tit i t n tl litin. T'r iiisti.tlire . automotii tlu îesl, , liali.r.fC.îî.titancv i,î rit,, lhele 1101.illir t l t l etitfi"c ulit lrit', Pretitkios(1 erdrw tir baie oetttiBe sc ur r ti ite titis ieîî% frm trs timbet. (3i Dtiti e rampli tes ore mo- t.îcî the eampsite. (4) Bril.k matietts e in ait '- ficir . ditLisîiiingr. Tiis îrec'r nontiinsireIs tthBitlki i <fi Wtîiî itttt. i.ii v1 titiiireouionr.k tor-iii rt eci h; tl pttsifle, i ,c Icn %ith iî i tire l6) if Nsu i l ii' n te i i it ofi a ui t otti r Iforet'i tqtip aut tîtimititîs ntri intittiomt r iii (7) Bokten hitttes sthouild hf huiit idIThe ttisti\t s fi r f8) Il t\ti sytt a fuies t ire. Iiiir.erstiiatt, ireport i Ioipol- ic orii ttiietitittiials immetiti- POISONOUS PLANTS Mins cîtînnplant, in ei rý..n ttisir cir.'iittt s lie- s ri Lict.h hit rnmishîtîtlit e li ttiti r .'.icar ten% plant mi n t c m in tiv a t(xi the Depaiîritîîee Land, anedFor'eis SPECIAL SAVINGS RESERVE ACCOUNTS INTEREST ON " minimum munthîy balance " wtltirafiail lnperuan a any lIma but fn citques may bu inuad. " no minimum Ilêposit. ASK FOR POLDER Off ices Open: Mon.- Thurs. - 9.00 - 5.00 Friday 'tiI 6.30 Voue local trust Compafly HALTON & PEEL TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY 252 MAIN STREET 878-2834 LORNE SKUCE, MGR. MILTON IF YOU'RE SEEKI FOR THE BESi CAR VALU THEN YOU WILL CHOOSE NOW At New Low Prices on -- Ford -- Falcon -- Fairlane -- Galaxie or a Good Used Car .* at Trafalgar Motors WE DON'T DICKER â 409 Main E. MOTORS Milton NG r ES! -- Mustang FOR ALL YOUR HARDWARE NEEDS - - - MILTN HADWAR *. WE DEAL ! âh 876-2369 7 7