SANDRA BLACKC became the bride ai Terrai Moore on Jaly 2. The bride is a daaghinr of Mr. and Mrs. George Back vi Campbell- ville and the gravmi i a son of Mr. avd Mis. Anxander Moore of Cavîpbelfvilie. Johnson-Earle wedding. b W NMs- Gu.sby KATHLEEN MALLE JANE, daughîer of Muiray R. Pyaii. Campbvell- ville and Patrich Davd Jeffares, son of Rey R. P. E. Jeffares and Mrs, Jeffares of Campbellvilie, were vnied in marrage hy Davds faîher ai S. Georges Anglican Chvich, Lowville on Jane 18. NO MILK DELIVERY MONDAY - AUGUST 1 *MILTON * PARK FARM DAIRY DAIRY B. 1NEWIPAPER OYS WAN TED TO SELL NEWS PAPERS MONDAY - AUGUST 1 * HONE 878-9264 S Grscc Ciajiefiof Ise Oii s, kssf e,' C.ii ie, ishili%,. sssth ssfiilg loIllefi iiarsiase iii Pa slea ida ssusessic s, iivc-, fis J.suris ois. Teliii liise i, Ilesfigl fes ofi hrs. wiiiaîîîisîfîi Fsi s', si ass d tsi he hi isIiy*ous i flic on oai Mir. andifMi, A îfîsîr qîset vf vii ssi ilscs- siîlfs flic iiiiiiî ii u .5-Illei -s-i i ~,' . Psscci. Assis s kh N ' Iill si fid l i li ,in, Vi- -ifElubiffiAsis Wa, ui, A. onnonimn.Tise brlslcgrnoms lis silie, Cii Dir. S. J_ Oshvi-isî-sîfi.,cid h f ii- iîîîssî lillilssii. sI-s- -- fdIll \Cifeillir vLivis. sias fvl aili i. aissd liis îfavztes hi raiii Ml-Asis 'ilui crec Iesii Jossî uî, îîîs wlir. vs andiel, uif Iiiiis, I tîîsî, The breuoi-ssa . i srs.l A- ie - ,\%niov imioilsifisîlan/ii klsîi I i i vssscflih'. li l ili\ s andi, isu liii liii iiii Clliii ,isfIiie li 1151,of ii ssssi si i i %illîof .5F, 11 iss i 15 1 i l i i 5-l i fil-Ilii Moore-Blackc hmms n d ic deoad mi lire allar of Si. David's Preshv- K( crias Chureh, Cam-pbellnille, w ar lor the weddivg on Salarday, -vi' stilo 2,.uif Sandea-i Paf skia Black. Miii ilîgifcîl Mir.'and 'Mi-S. rll tCoorge lack, Ciiiiellcille, li ad Limse, Teinvce -Moins-,%on if Mi. iid Mis. Alcsîidcel.i Mom isisafCaliipivlvifle. Thec 5ev. John Scîrriel,' Cioks- ville, ai lrmer miiislcr v fSi. a DaiM!'-, vljcialecl, siîh Miss TI fshiifcv Celefr al, vigaivisI.andi Ontis, .îîîî i îisi , iille si--, l-, si imniv in ilariiige lis iir- a- liii. theblvidîe choLissc our R fiivflliiviia l silk fiirilssiver Iis li6 iiai, Islfecl ilîfi iiiiiimpile iii. .,iifsil fiiandfilsrivessîie lii v)iiipurelace appîlique,,fIls icicil ih sced ial.A iiani - odsiiapecîIchispel train.,c edge iii lace, hune i irntirfli ick iieckliiie. lii isiiis'islsliiiiIsii enlil licc icce w.. isii ih lic j ppliqueiis il SlIvs taîiicsl a c5 i lif5 z siliili fîîfi-, liti , leliii m Miss Joair Black %si, u , if ý ilik i 4) i o i iii li d li Mi ICai COD iK (FOR Sv, ailimi .ill )n.s gf o ]clq 11vls ipit old" nv l .,fuiiiy rand poink a sehae lifrei, Ie posile b\erausie wecar aboi iv. livles ue erv PARK D MFR HO AIMMRYDY :marriage I cascades of pink and white ialore carnations. ,enneelh Moore, Campbeîlvil-le, s ils brothers best man, Ie ,"shers were Dr. Brian riAcîsîn, Isiasher of ihe airs Kornvel fi tlslen, Mllvii, il ori-li , Irle grom, aidf sli 7-es ie, Tiii,ii ,couîsin Ille hei-eceplivv was -held in Si. ids ChiirchI schaolsaom. he brides irohei received, aiiiv a pisdei fille ciepe s- iiifli 11lv s-liai. lier cov ip ris01 k sicclciliies. ?cceivisig for- hi graom sIas v ioilier le a 505vaI apple !n riban lace soukh matcinig Act. She wore a small floral i %vth one!ILCeSo]les, lier sage vasa% itpivk sweefhearl The Canadian Champion, Wedrsnday, July 27, 1966 B7 For lhe hoseymnoosn trip I Cape Cod,. the bride wore a beige ensemble consisiing of a silk A-fine dreis and ig tigweight woot coal with toast accessories avd a corsage iii green cymbid- Cuisis scere presen i (rom Ais- hum, tGuelph, lliisseis,fliespe- Ici-, saînilisan, Liiidsay, Tîossis,, Wesisîî, CaliiMil si, Ciosir ville, Acion, Slsalfiiri, King- stin, Or-avgeviiie, lWesiport and Cas n roecilvii fe. - Briefs - -S nl i bu% siiTise Clianîpivis lii seuil avdrcasslThe Chasmpion lis lvii. -Necil some extra susmes cash"? Wh v va ldean ouf rosir aiffle ansi ihen lise Champion Ciassifieds, ta scl oms of the movre- fUsil i items. HUNYRRU CHARORI> Only 107 of 8150 persons (1.3 per cent) cheekesi in the fieldi hy conservation officers in the Parry Soundi district tant year mire suhsequentty convîcted of violaions of conservation lawi, Isisestin le hifour vearçsrucla rs-cordis have heen kepi. Princi- pal offenes: angting wilh ileg- il gear, mslesling spawning lisli, carrying laaded firearms in malar vehicles and passer hoats asi hssnlinp wifhosilicences, Miko,, Dry leonlers CLOSED FOR VACATION WiII Reopen Monday, August 8 UTS NEW! TAKE UT ANYWHERE- USE UT ANYWHERE- [~NEW 'EN VOY' from ELEOTROHROME 1 -.PORTABLE TV WITH THlE DIFFERENCE FuIly Transistoriz.d - OnIy 15 lbs. SPECIAL ler- Operates From Eiter - - ITS OWN RECHARGABLE BATTERY PACK -YOUR CAR'S CIGAR LIGHTER - A.C. HOUSE CURRENT Come In Today Fora jr Demonstration of Tihis Amazing OPEN THURS. HOME APPLIANCES 'TIL P.M. 181 Miii St. Free Parking Tel. 878-3221 Traynor's Bus Terminal and Variety Store Under New Management Me welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wnr A. Shadboli iv Milton as new owvers of tihe alsove business ai 152 Main Si. They formeriy resded in Burlngion The Shadloolis have a daughter and son hoih rnarried They riigraied iv Canada in 1947 frons Encland anrd hi' lias be emp loyed by the Canadian Wisinghouse in i-asviliiii for the lasi iweniy ears. Boih are Anglicans, elloy sports and are ooking fsrward iv beconring a part of the Towns acivisns. This sale was neqotiaied by Tom Bradley, salesmnan for A. E LePaqe i iris ed. THERE WILL BE take a lifetime holiday from dishes Sick and tired of doing dishes? An automnatic electi i dishwasher will wash, rinse and dry your dishes hygienically dlean for pennies a day. Don s be a dishwasher - buy one! YOUR MILTON SHydro Electric' Commission ri"E DAmrR ELECTRICALLY i