LOMMEIL Area residents enjoy holidays By Mns. R. Coulter Mr. and Mrs. Douglas SwaI- lov and chiletren. Douglas. Leon. Sholly andt Gregory, have been enjuying a mour trip ta the East Coast. 1ev. and Mrs. G. F. Kelly, Tor. osto, visited sith Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Readhead fur several ilays recently. Charles Lackt.y and Linda uf Hamilton, and Mr. and -Mrs. lra Cowan. Patermo, are vsiting thi s sseek wih Mr. andt Mrs. jakCaîtIter .eal lBI.inc zaiheir tîtinter cottage rieur Dirset. A. R. Cauýlter .. attending the Canadian Federaîlon ut Agricul- jurai semi-annual meeting in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. tItis %veek. Mrs. Rubert Raymond, Orillia, is visiting sith -Mr. and Mrs. J. AvIon and -Mr. and Mrs. Brutce Cuverdale. Rev. and Mns. Cliford Waite and ftamity visited Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ramshasv and other tamt- ilies in the community en route tuatheir nesv hume near Sarnia sehere Mr. Waite -has been ap- puinted tu a rwo-point pastoral chairge. Senior citizens hold picnic at Crawforci's Lake A most enjuyabte pcnic lus- cheun and aterso was spent at Crawtords Lake on Thurs- day, iuly 21 from I ta 4 p.m. by 55 members ut Milton Sentor Citizen.s Club. The weather %vas pe r fe ct. ssarm, sunny. andt the beautiflî lake andt surroundings alturdeet evers camion. A'short business meeting %vas conducteet hy the president. F. W. Harhaltle, sshu called un A. Watson, irst sice-president. lu expre-s the thasks, and appre- ciation oifte club ta Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crawlurd lur their kind invitation. and use ofthlie spacious grounds. There was Just one Julv birtit- dav far the irlbdav song. tso annouscernsents sveer e made. bus trip ta Toruntu, and lenns ta te island os Augusl 4, leasing Milton .t 9.30 a.m.; andt un September 14th, ait1 p.m. Hanov*cr Friendship Senior Cil- ien.s Club sill visit aur Club Iur a pal luck luncheoti and aI- tersus prugram. Games. visiting and satking selun the lake inisheet a plea- sont aftennoos togelher. Cail mass rally for labor council on September 7 The Oakville oand District La- bar Council epreseslisg !,ome 32 lacal utniuns with a total aI- liliattas oi 11,000 members bas sou set the date fur a mass t ils,%-ai Dakvillc's 707 UAW GaI- ass Club our Seplember 7. 1966. The esent satîl take place two da.vs aller Laor Day. The mass galhering is cald in support ut the Onario Feet- ert aias ut Lahrs Anti-injunc- tios cattpaigo miicit endeavurs toa alolish the use of injonctions sn peacetal lahor disputes. The Ontario Federallun ot Labor meastime bas est.ablished an osti-injasclion campaign 0usd silh te golutose hall mil- lias dollars, [rom ils ose haIt million alliliated members in tite Province ut Ontario. ($1.00 per uniunist is deemed a tair shore). Thte Gakvilte andt District La- bor Couscil recently dunated $100 taute campaign citest and bas nase arged ail area attitiales ta gise inanctal support 10 te OFI. campaign. Said G. G. Heym. president of the Lahar body: "because of vacation plant shuldowns dur- ing te muntut July and te btig vacation sitdosen in Aug ast aI lite Ford Motor Company Oakville Plant, we were atnable ta scitedtale te mass meeting immediatelv. Firsl vice - president Pat Clancy wito sas elected as te Lahor Goups Injanctian Cam- paign Co-rdinator will be in charge ufthlie meeting arrange- ments. He staled "we have in- tormed aur attilites ut the event and we ettpect titalte MPP and MP ot our area will alsu be in attendance ta tnformn themsetves ut tabrs feeing on titis inadequale law linjufle- lianss. Rejection andt abolisit. ment oft tiis law is aur aim andt cancers." Otiters lu likely attend te meeting wilt bc president Arch- er oIfte Ontario Ilederation uf Labor. Regianal Otticers ofthlie Casadian Labar Congress and arca labor leaders. FUEL HAZARDS Wit thlie iigit use of traclors andt combines at seark titis montit Ontarios farmers wilI ]ose or badly damage saime of ttese machines by ire. 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