Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jul 1966, p. 1

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~ke Vol. 107.-No. 12. MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 150 bed home for Halton's aged to be ready for use in November The$1412,000 150-bed Martin ted on tu Mtnch 31, 1966. LaIe. t ornionre fori lienbuiding niglit xo'rd. adixi Hou.wefor Halons aged i.. now il ima-. ebanged .tgai t on Julite 15 lie niovin lobelort he end ni Furnishings ctteouled to bc conopieted bY andi tno il oSepienîiber 30. Ocioberanid expeiied tha Oil aieee t Septernbei' 30 ort his Near, near- Inlenient we.ither early ini hi-. nas dure, the paIien o ouniquio e l 1 1l v 1 0 inonth-. ater the originally 1965, vvioh put the contractors inigit inoi on e. ir t nNoi'einii liaiiailt ndo oeheduled completion date. colin iderabi -v behind scbedooie, bei'.- lc la The addition tn Hakons ne- contpied witlî a nries of labor The Supeiltendentt oe r ni ceIltIleit ti sode, [lie comnmodation tor senior citizeis problenis inctoiding triket.. de- Ilie delavs as neing '%,ci,% tiitie o it iii Ui naned in honorofnithe .Martin a-.edothe projeet. The recent iraingolp. w m o os ic. c-\e bi liiin [o aými nIofMilton,. N noîl'90 fper enol nithe . ptumber-. ostrike nithei tcitities. --ticve l i e add iion cent eonmpteted. Manor saperin- tame jusit into'me On preven t a ed ai the ouist ot he hnildioog 000 tendent Stantev Allen reports o. i iolier ttela%. At the prescnit pir ont l ablievect (lie iiew \\Se- iticiiol-. The neîo taciliie-nili bc uscd litme. bMr. Alen -aid. lete arec, tjliouiioiiolhe itlqnte ot eclot-.oolynr-bed ctii-candospe- oIlitieotintUotri te ih0l oil1970. tîntt iolienoit il ~1, otanlaoi. chi cre atens ad l ou-hae t cnileed i\ Ile e% [lie i otli cialcarepatint-..în il uit- tint t tittoleitl b lien 1\ opini ît10.îon IlTisere arllee e' oleruction io iniohed accorotitg deatline. naother nUt pplicaions \v10, e Tk.Oarcie ou the nemot -cednle, patient-. Ars on as the tatOe- tie litci. iîo iIilikeit he necenot tui . oucId more imou tbe building coiipcieo the ititte %%i'n O--.aiti btllinîg agin n9690 -- oeaet2 carle in Noember. tloiding painting.lte instllta- ' 0100 l $0085 Tise prjet bas been plagucd lion olt te-raeo, plumbiiig,- cc- i-e toiiie tr ortOi 0e ioitteo ,le tr l b ia nouilbertol major probtemois ricail ixttoitecoandI retiiger.ioin. inr I the ne .ttdditiîto t de- mi.lr, exileîîci silite itmmaotirt begun rover Manur -lti ntnembero uili bc cn0iel look allato rU aili aii tuo >ocarsoagu. Driginaitl'. i0 able ton ol.rt tcir cdean-up in- bed naddiion. Titi.iieio adilàji 1,001 i o tt \na. On becumpteteci in Dcen-oside. nlutte-.14 ltie lied ttoiio. 40 lio tllil tieiohet ber- ot 1965. but the datec uao mn- 'Mr Allen itopedo, tofnitec b.d t 1it.4 "cc'iteit1111l', It iiportonil ol German visitor hospitalized nearly drowns A r.gic ending toua sounmer hloiida-.o%% ar iavericd Moioi. niglît at Kei-.n Conser- vation 0Ai e,îsu imming pool. William Sotte. -00e 72, inober utoiHoubert Notie ni 188 Southr- îoî'Dr.. O.iksiiie. lia.,-. een 00.0v- in, %%iiiithi-.oonîowhite on aoiit limGermoîtv. The maon,-o otn-inmer. top- p.oo'ntlY lippeot ,nd telit (i lceni i t, pna aatd %vas pulled i 0000hleur Reluo liiegu.rds at 7.45 p.m. Mc.eih-o-mouh rcouoo. taion %ilicn and ieic aoruohiec On at Kelso pool Miltine Do-rto Hos-pi tolinii sta- toMa on horouedIrtc ioii Mr Flti, a. n otil-ooti S. Juotn Ani- bu lan e coorke r. NîrNuite uni:ainoîîeol ib e ni ialltioevt'ionn;hoioei'- et.. o-ietr1oiitteto--oa oougi- ing. nonil ellecl oioei'io oh-.i"eoi. Hiospital officiais repoot it contdition i, "gotoot*'. itu tomie il ,i o aoule ni dai,. Tlit ', ie-01 e %itlio iýd n ni "Peooplen troble"-.01 lie pool[hi,. aoi.anti .cctioiiig 10' Ko ein roteii 0 ic O- holar tiot o-ciiuu,. Severe f rost in May harms cherry yield Due nuaceieI n te Il rs nnfi rhrna' second îoomk of Mam* ,thteober.'perennoa i plagueofoe n i trop n tibomara '1;itt bc much bod-.thale i.nmotinetl to mk omalitr han nona I lio.oo e-in -omne -ectiIlsnof At Braeit-.oiFari 00-RR.6. otchoiti oooprolti.ole. Mi ton, a,0a tt llr lot mo Les Hughes, owssr andit ai iiiinu.-iiou oliatO. ntDoarion.ager oi Bracidu. tepore a anipele 3-acre bintk of rc %oili bec lionptked. M. Hoglîco hed.ooîpicing ll Complete sale toop Mioax tutu 150 pi U-k pitokers ad field of debentures 01l0:ie tittillio l ield Dcbinture t o o or ilt pnu- sooI.p nttnrrei'-txei lontit c Chas 0 th îltprescr i lba,o-.belore or aller the delîct ui buildting iooling S28.000 Oare sololg e ulo tiniol home heuoî iti tc îîîpteteim' onid. Ireo olrer 1ttiliiiîai. Miro. A. Ben,ît repooutdton Mit- Brauside e-.lort Ille 1t,.100 ITS THAT TIMI toit Connel Muida. Moniinnoitot% hero'oe, o On og- esting cherot.' lanîd as %moult oo 'eiliiOg lieilt and AnnLibby. Tise couneiil prcm N i o i.ad1 îoot.îîîî-enflter i.îoIile%0cor.0ne il nQcbof ani c oiollie debutît lreo ,o oui- thu-e. rtaxtorit tiiueoo. soutioerro bl) oi cri purtcent inltitreol ,and ai pao. ______ Tietoonema ulddout and l. -l'ioe aooîooiitoalatkofri opva lic Bush rpnicd sle hadnordero dtrtng ficîpaot nonittlistî u- lra ni thoe S15,000 i more bu- cd farineor., an gd oetersi'iiv colite ,oî.ilahte. u.M .B.l, u [i lo Ini Sltutold ieoitbeio iticool.o- :, -o 0. M . a.eritii pi itooiniaieli $300 mnre our fictiou itîco o 0lo pMui 15 %car permîdtu on ier lot- ev - -Civc i îtîotîon iiMona i ma i eni prctenit tipi andtttgain p,îr protiîodeosoan enioom.oe break lot.oIlie jljjo o ýiied.taniatoner nieltib.od tookNoitoiitiiteon'lm oolito îo' o ooP heen iettimeol .olaosix fputcent aol lor \iIlo'.a i itto p i.ootoe Scootot oi litt 1oae. otloiinron. lane fîu[i Need heavy rainfali To hait six-week drought Spot im'r.otilt.ot i]lite cu tv durioîg tbu poooOledaoo bas.ooleaed ouit ierioniouir. hut it hbsot t slcouliecls On ni.okooo np fi e dite ta %ait-olho asoeix ot\iek Only the molti'cul Cii. dericro - îîtîo ae m'eigiitu' bbecfliopei-coinrioxe, boa.oo ola geiectpaotelle. rhe tam-n oi- cenl 00 bu blleoc, tai oxil ullot îIle ot i il Ooio ob.oioi.oni Agî-iculttiol Repimeent.tie GFotit T.îo tue repuiîto. 'oeiaNicolcecied clmi-cop, haou ,ott'u.odv bemo holl atiiinugb îîîob ciopo tfNore cloe uobeioîg adio- (;eneralto spealinle it. l'ailor repoi b. 'havN Na de cletIis > Noar. arti plant- ci 'o l s a l i-e ... )t luliii-ouoi properte and itsespec ted ta- ter %uedcdt g-ainii u iibc quioc pour. Even aguoti in nomv montbhofoîtoe muclo asois- tance notofnithe damîagu lias been done. Su oioir tir Ile si00 o toc noud, i.kitg emt-rstiiiigi 001000 toiiidur.tloi. il ti tiiopo ootru plaîitid eartm bleyv otîtold be .origlt. Amonle %Ioioo-eeedoî itpolobe oiod ho' inbtroobic." Rccaltog at itli 01 00%% ii- uit .00t lai lis- ci,,'the Ooioani agi icuottoot repo cciitime o.id. "I ý [nid ,oilînruglitt Ii,ooo'i hecto as bod iiinIlio .oateorne oinog lue. 1tunoleioiaotdii'î oi aiteaillo oit ,on Diriog 1963, 064 ,andoû5 Ilie .00'0.î-.t'iaiti.ottn toieîlo' .00 lor Jonelias o eeoî 1.5 indtico. toit' fuv'.55 iooelîuoand i i hioguot 43 indilcs.Thie t.îot tcll Crii oct0000 iit aitie ini iii'O olit 0000 ooooo'st Ilm. i .ioloornib)e Augtl Il164 lîoiioîîel o mi so e 1ps pi as tcattm n \i peci outi. Dui g îthe arly par t rIlle %îmeeb licoulave been i.o con hcmu.ithoicro i n onte parts ot' the nutiy white ober parts - nulabin Miton and 0os-Ilo Oakvittu itouavetod 000 e - i oiotiall at al %E AGAIN coit..M 100 -lnoorchardotoon are ber- es, a'.sisteti hy g.i'knrs lin Mary-Lon Mcteogbtan y. Boaocode Fart-onofRPh6,Milon. s feeling the Cariy Cio foosi anre i o, fruit farm n-osthie of thn provnce. loi oit r ornas 0000 pockoeg the odereilto)ouieec approves i Ou i Il il i I cli 00.0. il t 0 k 'culot .01 lime bOut itou bu Soiî.o.ml. ut 00.00 '-'moiti bu. bOut cdIllie m-1r f.Mito n.omît I f .lit'..i l e ite t lit 1 - a0 t d i . 0t.I t-to lOc' Im ' 100 t li er* lo ot Aleo t'imite omoutoc moeot lWiMr,. Kmeii.mOiý,i. tto.uo omemoliuAlco ui for town vehiCles 'Im tIo\iî'i oti ot illoit lo i t t i ' iti - i iti li 5 l) ] ii i l Coîttîcilt Motltsly loItutlit b )u1 1101 -oqi ( l1 1 toqi, c t 1 o ; i-o mit i 111t 1 (.1 bc tutt c I u it , ctu-m l 1 .i i101 i - t .iîîoî. i . o mot Flc tmo 20,01î'mli)t r m Fil ouîo niit ieuimmitoi otl Itu dt inI'1 mIlleiîuuhouand ontanmik. lon tîîitou eIt.maýCI tlho iýoiil a outaL!u;omoonullo about bhab 1966_________________onnoon 000 0. Steen Pages-Teiens ý,,,. the oMmtility ur 10 y-s -teik it.vhbeoo. Sfor lthe buidinig o cola $65,000. Ooîe 1i olthe bildingi, - cnei theoteto [othe ,ddiion lc 1. lte e.\isiing Man- t Moltiot Hnoe ile A iitolell i ' l Maoîr. uirreniiy .abnout100 Ot lte Moîorloook- 'cýidetl. Att atioli- \ill te reqoîiouo %building b re.sdv. ecets tbe st.oll pet, i teomwbuoiloding bo patients to one mobile in tie tie' tl be ilîrc patients 0dlilbubr. THE NEWEST TARGET DATE fnr the nmpietionnofIthe 150 bed. bock ni whoch oS shown bore. il have tunnels connncing il $1,412,000 Marlin Honte- for Haltoii's aqi-d s noww ½ptember witthe ibe oier facoltons and the nider monor. The sidlewetk 30. The builing s tom 90 per cent coniplete. Haion M enor shownoin the photo s the opniofnIIo tunnel -. from the building Soperoniendeno Sien Allen bopes reoudenîs mil behe o mono 10 the boiter 1acilitins. tno the ewbuildig ineay Novembho Thohbuidoqingte Suifai. te roum Deplores f ire hazards, protection Bil,, Oulcrehnce 11LIin partially completed apartment iti 06te tialiion Reyioitko,i î.totn Aîibhoitî tout goi iiig li-. irida oi.îî t i riioo lo' i and t-eininent hontoîe ai R.itieoialkc' Pooint. The five ,ooiiii ai. coi .00%Iounthcig tia atcrecenlo-sure. Frida%, theN go> 000 teotneto 70 acreihiomte be- .0 le wc ot l eoce. libe tot oiedacai nctooiî Raille- -onke Point atntilookoutîloaoc tiiiol onertruîioctio n opooieo gi ara vuo Il lie bord. A 00.0 til'iol iio-ni Ubli lti le Ilile .00 ,ot.oil. i Il n u Jiei oi thle loottoiet ho troto titi Cto-cvaiontiloltoiiimioi- Vacation Milos Cssocili oilil ake aIw %%teek isoliday for lthe finismo> smcks le Asgust ie. nosrsr plan- îstd Meedsy. No regular meetinsg et Cencil 1> schiedeed unlîl August 15 ai- iheugh tlie Mayor han thet pewer t» cati a spisal nscecing Il bus.- loess warrans mIL ttuttitix Re:c i iije, bt'Iclif .0rîtoi oL ielc 01o .oîîrrii ladk iii ;roiqiioie lite p o ,in i tlle Dittiititi AiaitivnIuonOn- ii 100, Si. ctiliilË Illet i cuptlto' Owner Says: Instail hose this week <loîtîcto loIlle.'D i toiiot l i-1 .0lti cool-. ooit.oti.ed ile c.tt.ipitootn oo iatoioiltilt- toc Ile bili i \%,tii 1 toi ten d to i, D,-Iitito Me[ Dancy, oe toi 1lwowlmoetrt, il ii 1 il.' 1j 1 i jl - i o p i 00 t-ipie,' icri01 Illet t-t- tt u li-,,t 'l, 000.0 lo 1 0-i Il e .e t't0 'Ill v o\il' t o ti (lite o- 10a ti t ti lt.0 00 1 MsrDancy aiso îoîîiîouîi mIi 0000.e i0tt o i iblol ot. iou.i. [l p o i it' 0111 0 lýIi tut il- i iti,.' ine tm otita 24 [o ii00000 il ti itti Liitilt I lle ieiio.loicte 0i.ittto O [0.0- lic pinied out i .00000lor (I ,iiee, L>icnpieol.andoilloti roi hitilvtti o ituttiti-oie i -e, t%.,h in,5-îo-ti iinowet'.tpaii- ooilIjl iiocupied. File aloo lucoI o-i iptues plovoooied 0000' mie l totittitilI o ittlI lOî leagreesi go oldso1wiot îoiîono -ni o jii. liluc 'tIl tii -alit .00 lin î lot BI . 000 ' loit i 0.- l 00 ,lit 'Itiii.- îot' uttile t îlt'ic llt il 0 0 od too tIopteoI bioIllie 0000il. $1 2,690 due in '67 on school d b l t o .. ti ii bi to o î t h baloîi. hociloot t.oIlle O(itîto 000 i ti it.o tto tîttot tltal toi.1 oi W 00 'i loto' îc lit io i o00 to 51000000 St o "lîool. itIt looel 12(I -i l i V l ot oioiout(oilit lot' tub.il i I oîi.ooîî k .o o Oil i îo loilli,000.00 ima o'e TI) 0000 îltion igil000 toi ou0 il-0 cdot Ite littiiieiiO iIL Illemiiii lo t-ýi.t o toIll e o' .8000 -ic01 l1h k ittixit ii pic ipa ald 000. l, Deviltix keue eMeoteix admit- I Oei of th n le proohenix could e h%-: ceoo .oeiie îsiince hbu mo-tolun lie bilding but lhe not- coi Oit e leý. .tnr%\a-. lotwoorkng .00 li l lioe. Chief Says: Not saitisfied with alarm ioe Cliei A. E. Clement. con- î,oeied Tucodan nooro ing by Tbe khaiîon, iîooîlt onrted toiemono not ,al 0lcc \ it lii.-lite l -1 s s lu l'li0 te Dipopicîao apn'ro. o. ljtlulltoîm'îî Cinspections. He oi f -ciilie imopranîce of 0.00000letionof ilie ai.ooni SOxstett and 000 etoi lioe tonstandi pip,-, - o'\oel oaooooilaion o) ýiIfltio' itti aona000oel loseri Thse rîbisio utidd te huolci- ito-, lie al-moigesled shonuldi ho leiJ l ieto hiltduig ne the re- o)ototeitcool- ni the Naolionel tOi loto' andolNational Fore ( od~e. 1 xi iii eriainto' inîtore flic pimonoofoîo[lie Fie Code Te t )ofoîîooe.i it.toc Cin- \î%lelm.1o oooooooog flite chicO cocmadlie ooiit.ozieel ho t lo l oi t jliflg Pruises efforts of deputy-clerk Di î ýoooo 100 oiti bli00010paîi to[ i îlot'lie ok ofi oeputi- tletk, \i, bitoteifo111,tooo ier îîoîk n1isstliiiillg000Illue dulies of toi..0,00 'Il a, ilto'anifl- O 0000000 lctu i cot.oliooocailier dlo .riit, t1 l ikbl.000.ee R. Ait adiusinient %00.0 000iivgd i .I.o xticompeooioeoo otortohio 00000 alwok iol odiiietl. No excuse for parking prcblemn on Montgomery lane: owner TWO RACKETS lorita perfecl frame for Toin Shoril os he 'uorks ont ai the Milton Tennis 'Lonots on Mate Si.nrt The courts are ineon elinoîlt tondiojon. essons are condncted each bualudaymurming tutd youimgshOb intitrobtOd ut lakiîog insruction are iniied t10atend, free of charge. teisont for 9-13 yeer-old chidren are front 9 e..10c 10 uni. Lessons for 14'year-otdm and 0000 begin et 10 uni. and iat for an bout. loi ier bcoav o o l c Ltinet l i lel l tc illia- li00on oflinuc",uttord tMciiti oIt i btîttom u li it mma leu 2otooion' molmiigIlleto ic' mooicotixl unta el lpeoeoo i Lu up, mii 'tol to5000txLmîoeando ('ito 0100. tOt o' ltl. (mmomîtemi metode i'.lo tini 00 tou tic (Iltttit*o n 00 ccs000 mitiko .11til Mr. NielîltINhoh nid to--no. ut tomme paralto totn cuMainjo S. ondutil. tiih. ak miof too ih îe p1ooll.'otmî'oi,, b\ I lepuli loir ou tk iCix Oo-ce.oo the lanod .00 .ils l ouc i.0miivae îîooîeî- lb. [lie ,îto noleot Monîtgomoery LaeIteite-e-otMill and Minjuis tOointtn ai* o tolait' paorking. "At the MainîîSI .-0enraneeil sni rotmoanol toep and mopex lno our huilîdii6.' 'We sihauldf ot tme 10 e îo aboutl iri Vomitohove kîîmmîîoîîo l lue iltliimomuai tov ]ont, i i li e bitbio l -o e bIt b ltcîtîIî oolioct the îooolîobioîWuîî ittkittu omit mîont- g i I uiat'te a d l let'].%lic battu ol bNliot Si. H0mlltu O li-. Ilie COOting C.11(l c'orbmmîg Soot îîîîîîNlutte S.oîd [0 cii mite1 oi olot i0-ilthle W B3. Cie- bnix tbF-Itaielte oeiarkig b he F.orkmmg Authorol He ai-o pro- bo1 blocthePareking Authoroty buke r an%, prouale lands ead- i.ceitl to tlue Clemento lot nihere mrec agreeablc. Comuîilor P. Baerof Strecet andot mîtlsi unnooittec ogrecîtIon ni enougnue the prohlen ofo!park- ing oi on ttoute andt pelote pro- buetyt \mitît Ut(leIolitce chicf. ý "nu ------------------ - --------------------------------- - ------------------------------------ lo ,ne lall Ili quiet rourn,, tu. 1

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