John McGee reprasents Halton at Ileadership week. in Ont ai tht higiiighisofiii4-l actîvillas n ntht Province ai On- tari,> aahahnr is Provincial 4-l Leadarnhip Waak. Tht prograia nvhich in daignati ta ratognizt he achiavamanîn aiofottnanti- ing 4-H Agriauti irai CitîSmi- bein i tilla ah t'îtîn' andtis t ict in [lie.' 'iîtit-a, ni ut ho t tutis% arl mi u iî1t 11llîl oi tilt' on the ilin ii, liah il GuelnpnaiCiia1h. Hulit Ciulysrîî tinetota4-1l Ladernhip Watt nilt ha John M(-at, non af Mr. anti Mm, IT. . McGee, Narval R.R. i. John han comp!tlat Grade 13 ai tht Miton High Sahool, anti plans ta aittdUniot, nili hi, fl. Heaaio han hatanaro -a- tine in 4-H Agritltîrai Clubh nnrk, hai'ing campietît12 411 Cltub traieti, antid ttvn aîîmaî'uannanartin for hin ach- l'lita 50 von'îîîg men oî'i nililot parlicipating ia lieirogi'tiiiiiill tativotrinng in nanarai phasn- an oai ladarship. Thenatîttan nîill inallt niitiaofigiaptîl 1,, h,îvîatîr, anti nrrkiag villiintli- Itua tl,îtit.ti i tilIulii.leli",ii Ei artio a t h'.iit liil . S iii il - ;i,,aie asi Latlaîn lp roa ak n ii theimprtancetn oi.imontivationlita titiararan. î,iinv.Alri mnsil, agîiaiiiitirlpîtitiiî- liontc'hniquesa. Agin ihie year Leaaîîrnhip Week %nill ipranitiaLin oppotîîun- i iliii.-î ,îan slct t li Guelph 'tilt, latiLlitar ai M r.,andîlMrs. 2, nilil eit--trn'ianni.frîi i tîl' tae lilitîing ean ti: 1966 Nai tillai 4-H Clib Citiiita; 1967 lt lii7 'tttîi4-11 F C ltia: l"'. ut i i S ,A,t1i,1titt l iiilîî; nnîîaîî,l 4-11 Sotîîiiiiiî: andiIlleCaata'tIsael Exni.iga. V.ia htm campleseid 20 4-il At-rtilitîti l 'luit loeit a trait an hein, tht Otiariti Fiir' tioOtîtaîii i1965, antin clv n. Stie luîn i,îî,îîîîlî'hî'liGratde-'13,ai non latSaltatl, Btirlingtîii anti pIano ,îtatendthe \'tîîin- a,,rn Sei.'înîi'C'litai lîniost-ut iii Gueilph. ~ion Senior 4-HN(ailCluhiembhers tour cuttie hreeders ofike On Thorsdav a hos inad ai ,rlilitial inaminaton ia brattiar Sentior 4-H Calf Clubh mamharn tan piai, tna or utblsad it Halion Cotintv travalladtio tinwthian atlu ira n lit, laid. tha Cantral Ontario Caîa t1e Hea nhoul d anntn intait n lor Braatiarn hoat office ai Mapla. na~k anti ntrong paînin, andtiin Dr. Rattin, ganeatima.nagrtioI btlI ihî l titireîî'lt the Unit, disnatînnathliahinlarn \ .kann in haeginninL n 1941 iiitha iran- l îilnapîorYîîîî en t. goaanaae,- het lîillnd ceî Mnmbern werc uhasen îhroîîgh name f ir elrn if ii ha harnn , \hrtihe%,looitatibnleî. 'iOnceuL i tmaeniadIt up ovarcaaahh uit, throtigh tht lah-nvîtîj1,tid a1Ileliil o ic oralor,' and ireaaing î'î,an. Mari nî ntalMi. laie,î MtOuarriattho inin chargeîtlouif mîih"' iîtîiior-t nirea anna. hann pnka ta tae .a.n iiîîgeniîn it t chan .biîge Cluh mamharn. Ha nialc ati h.îi îtr mînti atari leu it no ana tan tal himnali a bratîl ar, unlan, hetonen produtionii The 4-H Club memberi niait tanting andtît tpa clanilic.iiiaîî han gitan eanplan iiilcci% in his harît. niaiing. tnt guidethautiii luhit By prodution testîne tir ia c4-H priult. ni titthe\ tutil ane af R.O.P. or O H.l A., tht carryîotton ihaîir oîn n . goano mark an bhatakanîot or fFolliiin'iiîatinch ai theaCentra tht diry aparalion. andtienadvtnDtîariot'ntit, miîtli ailh producarn van halietarotn- iilithelîrnîni, of tI lnitr. ced. TnIpa cassification n ait and Attiraý i itityntint, in PatI unhianed guide ai the animal hvo CuitIt a quaifiad peisni. Bath pro- Mr. Arrongan Faînni.clone duction tniafand typa clansifi- li1,0 tOSO ni atmci h naar, %%hile cationi araenn raqoirani for Mr. Livingsotna niilks sntîio 180 sait ai ivesiock 10 loraiga mar- Hol,lainn. Ai caiîbW I lita-r kein. Mr. MeQuarria nia lad that faronn. tht mainagemeint andi artiliclal innamination han hata aroppina n-iitn titra tni, impraîing prodtlioin and tope ai i veniaak greaaly î,var tht pani 2 vtars. Tht itoprovcti management pracliran an d batl- C ter ading ofahe iha t'nock an Play Salie. . thetfamm han also hlpaîl la prît- A îampomarv ix mav canima data hailar qoatintvailla. pemnt niv Thar,,-i nonilotngr netti for pri îaî i i lack ofi nilarmitv nulîbin a hfiel Thiîîk tir iti,-thetahn o ai tlla lraiigh the ina i ad o *PRESCRIPTIONSy PHARMACY 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 8718492 - Afiar Hours 8786961 FREE DELIVERY - REVION COSMETICS K. H. ELSLEY BSc. PhM. Fuir Dates plilat "Ontarvio A-grictîltiia FIirn, 19)66" at hi, l oýin i iloaîîînttîtbc' tIe tî n IIIi ' n" ta c t ait tiin tlir ri Sp Bl,,oi u iu I ut, 1 et ,luana --Sett.16, 17 Sept. 22. 23. 24 28, 29. 30; Oc,. i .Sept. 23.24 Sept. 1.5, b 7 Sept. 9, 10 Saut. 22 23 Seit. 2.,3..4,. Oci..7., Il1 Sept. 16.. 17 Sepit18, 9. I10 tit-Pt. 311O. t- Sept~î. 260,1. t Fuu I Sept. 917 'dilum Setp. 21, 24 rl i ll ,t tt salit. 3, 4 Ottit%,ýt ai t O i.2,321) Tiit,,it N..Au3i IYSalît. 5 lîîvuunî,î Rîtouil Sintai SkI aîl,înîî Nopt . ). 1 Ai ît u n nt,p,, it co r t tii, ,and naletr t) ltt--i e5, tlîr i iii-vlituu-tul linI l o *WANTED 9b CHERRY PIC KERS 15I Yerandm Over ITARTINCI Transportation Arranged BRAESIDE FARMS R.R. 6, Milton 878-2665 NEW FARMING MIeTHODS BOON TO WEED CONTROL Matn ai un have ifond retui- ai îîîîî'ut 'ilr anOin., u ga'titialhal'n.ti dgai gad I lt-tnt, lii il I l tle it to ti li il'lt it, hittlii itiini tld '. - iloi\o ld l In îtlk allili naI-,,t[lit a ca.k-50 Ii i 1 or1 i g Titair gant-rîtion ovan mort pariituliraboutîilhuviîîg tîcac- lita prîîperîiesasn[anha ct il tlt', tiiofiiail tiIlinlace Tise greatlolve tht pionaer hait for hi, laria tiiînlict-oetahout hu a rlui the-tactt Shab î', ,îr n tht-ht' irgiti ll-i.--t tlae. Il ilîtint tinîn tîtin iin ini hîtn inî utl ai har i ,iî,. A lt-anîîi (i tînn aiti le Icu o Inevti t, toit, k ttili. Ii t til l eit- i ' in i t o igina io,--îî k,-îîî î-l,îtti.-tl\ it--, tnt--tînt 1h ilît-- bae il ml hrait ad ihîtîtnteqi ti acre ucni areilo rll iaking litar. In aur graratian, hoavt-r, antu-ne nnic 'îîî,îaanti phvnical t-hanVesarevataking place in ,îgri- nat alvI rei'tt ilia i wnittatin i l oi. -nti alleai iiuch lî,tî,î itheil, matiiotin. Large tract,n Inta ai. teatand t ili otnt-e again j-,- var n ta trct free 'perlielita oîtr graîtilathar bhad. ltait arc 1100 nana typen ai favîn îîîîa'îîon Saaoming poil> ulr- Nio. 1t "Casnh Cîîîp p i al ilit' loi' tl iai"he'îîin,t i hoihhaci ,,and ti,iv i,î-îing. BRaatina ic itrasnnidav aconomian ,îlh of* Il tant tiltavaiono 'attîira velu- rivearge igîcrtagan. (.,ni Crnîp Faring, anpaai;ill %vai ontoili aaîiotîtîilv in- vov lita itna ofi Aîr,,ziaa" tir soufre aîhi.-vmiracle chemit-ain Il \miii Parmtltiet-vamîlvitai tanct iotora, nrhich wnoranec- esana wnhan pasutoîing livia,îî lotiia a ti.tcanstîrtîvatl It ha anîitlaî lll ît-ti' fotvgvîîîing iini -a ltwa-m'Oi'tntl ian ni titi- tii,' tan Tise"Dry Feeillaag Lii' po hpatintîg,li.taaîiiiîtt iiiiila c n. 1, htnt' iii liegi 1,aî'ig talonli,amo ,al. g cr. Tht nouear tý,opaa rmîngo vill.ui f ut nm teanuli in hitodi adn nilai. vanoa ni t-t-il lvi.'-upt'ittitien. ikt--,îîr lier, tae ainer, nv ii- titîtllîlo ivta.gîotideît il i their .t.îittn tuO tnn almmei nip,, ke ni, caO iat-rtvellin i.rontded orfin- L,,niliaiittatin 'Hriîîg 'vin hc Weed Control p' -News hy v. e. mcarthur halon weed inspector khiy 24 t. 30 il ,Formu Safety Week T-ha contrai of accidents la Canadian rural arean iii hatht ain af Farm Safeiy Waak, tali uhnarntd avion, tae ationabha motet> Jtîy 24 and 30. llit an aitin %miii taroo ail lintha Nationial Sa.leiy Ltagiit ofi Canada mith tht ao-nptriion ai tae Natioinal Highway Safett Cannacli anti provincial nafety atîchîritian. Ennphanin ii iba Jav:inori rel)c)sili li on lth nilatn, laitit olli lailitand iOn, iarcltiorîni anti rei-aaianan aihar dayn. Cao McLaren, ganarai manag- er oi tht ltagtia. pointid aui Ihal Faim Safety Watt miii iras n ataeihome and a rotind iaaahinary, invo topila n gear SLOW MOVING VIfIIICLE SEINS Mitiinutorinin hava heanri ih,î t njîîhiliing nrtata ai car tiresnIrving liii nipn tima tavîîitihitina [arm mîachinea orirmmliîrnlt, ili",iîing othicle on il,,, hiliwinav. 'l'lieî, - v lt i algîl talii andil ilioresnt iorangi- nigannn- haiig îîna, ho ian fatm vaiician indicmelt.ihal h i iat ln oa, han 25 mijle,in hîttîr. For nîor nalalo, tazrîit t u.eC'ao0. conop HALTON BRANCH MILTON --------. ------ PHONE 878-2391 GEORGETOWN .......... PHONE 877-2271 ERIN ................. . PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES .. . Check the. safety of your fane this weok. Don't wall for an accident te point out the. hazarde tisai develop on tise farm. It'. abusy aoaeon on the farm but safeîy is an important invesimenî ai any time of the. year. Particularly at this ime of thse yoar you donlt want te cultivai. any accident se donîl lot isazards urow. Think SAFTY. I MARKET YOUR GRAIN WITH MODERN SILOS AND GRAIN DRYING EQUIPMENT &T YOUR LOCAL CO-OP DFFER CONVENIENT MAARKETING FACILITIES. THE DRYER WILL HANDLE 200 TO 700 BUSHELS AN HOUR (DEPENDING ON MOISTURE CONTENT). ALL GRAINS ARE CLEANED BEFORE STORING. YOUR ei5 B'UYS 0 Clover and Grass Seed Locally Wl-mn Available *b Wl-mat * Oats lbBarley lb Corr ro4 A one point error in 'lover moisture" cen cost you 21/ cents per bushel. Co-ope, of course, are duty bound togtve you accurate weghtseand tests et al timee-for alter ail, it'. the fermera themeselves who own their co-.op. rn - - I MME= A weighing error of only twobuabels on a load of wheat cen mean a lose to you of about 1/a cents per bushel for your en- tire load. Your ren grade le ef- fectedby euch thinga as test weight per buel, foreign mat- ter, heat dlama ge, emut, etc. It cen coet you ceverel cents per buehel for grain im- properly greded under # 2 ... ao market your grain with confidence. * THROUGH YOUR CO-OP ELEVATOR The Canndian Champion, Wednpday, JuIy 20, 1966 137 Hospital employees enjoy family outing Abot,0 i-il ttianti ahiltiran w %ilh lher attoî'dîn anti accomp- hati a line avenin, ai Cîtial Palîk anied the inhinong. neaa Kithi ida Watrinsav ava- îiing, ait he lirsl annai arnilv -Stîmmai--r holidays arc iaking picaie ,pon-,tred bhotha Milton Ihir jolli n most Milton offices D-tricl Ho-pitliSocial Club, andi plants. While the holidavers The picnia, arrangati1)h'oy ili are aaittni'ng Ihamnal van, he MîGiiinis, AIlOtIanhi,îiiandlrn, na'ltliii",ol ilio in. Blatin Sili, itîn îhtiin piai board, theavivisaxl jury andi madicai ntall. COMPLE l began wlih a nOpitar pro titi G R EN-a ti l'y tha tictni kari, anddtha A DE N Cluh arrangat inbhava naveail AW E VC barheceaunnhantifor lhtoo L W E V C mantiof hot dogs,. hafnhtîtgnor stehakscoked ovr charcaa l'ht Cluth aino providatifret 'ail drinks and i matarmalon. SPRAYING Racesandticontanto mara haii for ahitîtran of variait, aga gritipin-n, anti atuitîî hatifuntîn For Prompt Profassional aV, otnnsing anti whatlharrow Service Cali races. Snimining antiningattgs tititd tahe ll ttittîtti lita "-vnii.-,RAINBOW A lt,îit tiraw %i tonhaut tilit 1). MaOnaig, Mi. V. Walkat. Mr,. LANDSCAPING K. Latîta-utn, Mrs. N. Fttench 878-2097 or 878-2741 and lMrs.A. Popepa nininitplrila.e Min Ruthi Waldanaentartainaîl NOTICE! FARM FOR SALE On the instructions of the sidose, we offer for sale on July 25, 1966, ai 1 p.m., the. land and chattels of thse lte Mr. 1. M. Careless, lot 10, concession 4, Your Township, Any Coanty. Mr. Careles s as fatally crushed when his tractor overturned, while haaling hay. Signed: J. DOAKER, Aactioneer. Can YOUR famity afford an advertisement luke this? Sponsored lay the. Farm Safety Council of Ontario and the Ontario Dopartmont of Agriculture and Foodi n support of Farm Safety Week, JuIy 24 -30 - ---------------- ---------------- - -.- -11- COBOP e