Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jul 1966, p. 10

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The Canadian Champion, Wednenday, JuIy 20, 1966 LEARNING ABOUT THE BIBLE was tun for chld- del and Faith Clow Over 10 en olled inthe en atendi qhrîrianuel ChurchsVacationBbe woweekcourse in beginverprmary, 0ni0 School on 10 evenings over the past Imo weeks. and young teens divisions. A closing program Primary departirnent restructor Gloria Morton is mas held Frrday and last Wednesday mas showo acting out a Bible story on the flannel. "Christmas in Joly" nîpht as chldien lîîouqht graph, Io Cedrrc Clarke, Jean Blythe. Alec Rid- presents for missîonary chldeen. ACCOUNTING EARL G. BLACK B. Comnm., R. LA., CA. Chartered accountant Municipal Audilor 163 Main Street Box 460 Hilton. Ont. 878-6542 ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER BArch - M.R.A.1.C. 17A Mill Street, Suite 2, Aclun Telephone 853-2740 or 20 Stavebank Rd., Port Credit 274-3428 Office Hours bv Appointment AUCTIONEERS * FRANK PETCH Auclioncer and Evaisator 30 Chapel Stree E.. Georgetoiwn Telephone 877-2864 R. J. "BOB" BEVERLEY Auctioncer and Sale Manager 4058 South Service Ruad Burlington 6346030 "Ballon Count's Auctioneer" CHIROPRACTORS Doctor oE Chiropractie A. P. KENT, DC. 237 hing.. Court Crecen t Corner Martin St. Monday, Wednesdav, Thurritay 1 p.m. ta 9 p.m. Tuesddy and Friday 9 an,. lo 6p.m. Saturdav Il a.m. tcr 3 p.m. Phone 878-2031 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home Protection-Accident andi Sickness. Famitv Liabiliîy. Farm Liahiitlv Your Milton Agent Mrs. Thea Kurz R. R. No. 1, Milton Phone 8786390 INVESTMENT SECURITIES GEO. E. C. JACKSON Representative Gairdner and Company Limitcd Investment Deaers and Stock Brokers Govt. and Corporatton Bonds and Stocks Hilton 8782580, Hlamilton 525-1940 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNERAL HOME Connplete Air Conditioning Sincere, Courteous Service Night or Day 8784452 O PTO MET RISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. 184 Main St., Milton Phone 8789972 Res. 878-9678 TUESDAY AFTERNOONS THURSDAY EVENINGS and FRIDAY MORNINGS WM. C. MILLIGAN, 0.0. 111 Trafalgar Rd., Oakvitte Office Houes Daity inctsding Saturday a.m. Cati 845-1511 for appiiniment SU R VEYO RS BLACKBURN& DEWHURST Ontario L.and Surveyors Consulting Engineers 533 Brant St. Rurlinglon, Ont. 32 Music Acudemy students pass summer session exums Sîîmmcr sess.ion e'aminations siere held recentt, for ýMiltrîn guitar and accordion tudents ut rhe Creadian Acads'ms ni Misic. Mt aic director G. Dîîh' ric. khi. swcak released the re- 'rlt'.. indicaiing ihai 12 receised lrtcia.... honors, 17 pa..sec %tir honor,.. and th rec ther'. îvseis'ed pas standing. Thte liltiiising arcthe resltis: FIRST CLAS HONORS .in, W.rkin, giit.r(Gradle . 90.kinis Wrighit, gilar Grade 1, 86".ý; RîilrVtalden, accir'cion Grade 6, 89"î; Mcm., Miluit, gîitar (ir.ide 1, 841.: Barbaha t.che, .rcordriirr Grade 1, b3'.19.Býrrs' hnI, ui.'iir Gride 1.827".':SîrelleN O. Nil-en cr r iî.ioae 1, 82ýîî; Donna WMet' ,ccoî'dion Giadec1. 82i,; tra.d Brii.h. accordion Grade 1,8l','; Naiî.î Deîlîu as- cordirs Grade tSt' l M\a, kell, auiiii Grde 2,StMili- ael Benson, .îi.îîcli t, 0.. HONORS dAiii PunIs, gîîiî.r ad 1 Giacl 3,e 79,.; Ma.r c ..cidirrtîrîe t. 7S6ý cc Tst.r.h, ,icccioni (irai Jrrc Mutrlirii..rrdiîiîr , 781!;Il iii unr Pîrlîrur. CurhS ri B BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTURIAN CHURCHES Minister Res'. Stanlev E. Smith, B.A. 878-3582 SU.NDAY. Jt'LY 24. 1966 Bth chorches are closeti during JuIn. The congregalions are svorshipping with Knox chiirch. Milton, 1000 ar.. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rer. J. K. L. McGown, BBA. 87MO666 878-2652 "O come. ]tlus morshlp anîd hsic down; lt us knet before tiie Lord nue Maker." St'trDAY. JUI.Y 24, 1966 110 .î am. - Murniug WMrrhlip: "C ernain tic.." (Nite 10.00a.m I Theu.rrng'cg.iounr.. r t S. Pa,l.Unitied.,ind Bri',iu andI (iinrgltPri'shctiiraiiChurri. arersiir'.lippiug siih ris his Al .rare welcomne IGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A locat assemhty nf THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES 0F CANADA Pastoru Rev. M. Chistensen LORD'S DAY S1'NDAY, JULY 24. 1966 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Sool. 1l.007 a.m.-Morning Worship. 7.00 p.m.-Enangetistic Service. Wednesdav. 8 p.m.-Bi'ble Study and Prayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.m.-Young Peoples A Chrîrch You Can Malte Your Home A Worm Welcome to Everysse CHURCH OF CHRIST OMIAGH Nor. 5 Sideroad and 4t16 Lin Trafalgar SUNDAY, 3ULY 24. 1966 10.00 a.m.-Bihle Sehoot Casses for att ages. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship. 800 p.n.-Preaching of the Gosýpel. Carry Fort.,Oinister 241 Kingscoort Cees. Milton, 878.3555. ORACE ANGUCAN CHURCH Hilton, Ontario. Rectort Rev. T. M. Dustan, B.A., B.D., D... Associate: Rev. Canon F. H. Maqon, M.A., B.D. SUNDAY, JIJLY 24, 1966 Trinity VII 8.00 arn. - ýHoly Communion 10.00 a.m. - Mrrning Prayee and Sermon EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Commerciat Street, Miton Minister: Pastor Claston Cotes 878-4473 878 9542 THE 1ORD'S DAY Sl's.LOY. tWLY 724196 945 a.m.-Sîirnlan Sclrrîrît for ail. t1I00 a.m.-Mrirning Worstrip. 5.30 vi , iihTme. 6.1 pm.-Song Servr,r-. 710 p.m.-F.îning Wîîîslîip. Wrheilc'sil.i. 8 ptiti tlile sîrrrlv and Pi-a,scrMeî'inîg. AIl Are Wiuha mly Wel crird ST. PAULS CHURCH of the UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Main St. aI James Si. Formed 6v the union ofl the Pr eshyterian, Methiadist arrdi Eonni egatiîunat Cliritittesni Canada. Minister: Rev. J. Corne Gratran. Or-ganist and Chie tadir: Mes. Harold Magie. SlT"DAY, Jt't.Y 24, 1%6 S(. Pouls ongegatirîn sit mor- slrip o'ith the Knoxs chîîrrh eringregairnin Knoxs Pris' lr icrian chiirchr .t 10. .m. - PIeu rernote change ofE tîrr. Kciih McCiisn in charge. THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Ministr. Rev. A. K. (irilliths, R.R. 2, Milton. Loseitte.- Zimmernan Pastoral Charge 'Corne ctose to (bd and He svitt conne coîse Ioluit.", SiINDAY, .IILY 24. 1966 Zimmerunan Unitedi Church Aplrtehy -i ie 10.00 a.m-Divine Wîrship. Scrinin-Mr.S. Prect Asitiiug -Mr.E. ('amptbell. Evereone coedialty inviied. 'Nourivcice tîîaai L,ît t Iioitril Cîrîrreli MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Onario St. N.. 8782022. Chîisians gatiterd in the nami' rot theI, ord 3esus Chris. (Math. 18: 201 Lrird's Day S13NDAY, JEILY 24, 1966 10.30 a.m.-Breatsing of Breadi. t2.t5 p.m.-Sonday Schooi. 7.00 p.m.-Gospcl Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m. - 'frayer and Bihle reading. Ail are wetcome toi hese services. Repentance Ioward Grad. and l'îith 'trisard nue Lorit Jesîts 'lrs.Acis520:21. T WAS CHRISTMAS IN JULY ai Emmanuel Va- cation Bible School last week- complets milh a decoraied Christmras res and gaily wrappsd Christmras gifts. To emphasizs the valus of 'giving' mithout receiving. leaders arranged a Christmas party ai eohich the children atieniding V.B S. presented gifts oI gond used toys and cloihing, toiet articles and candy and money, to he Iorwarded to four childîe n Imo mis- Ci.idi 7, 77-,,; Ken Wilson. gui- rîtr Grade I. 771'; Stc-plen War' ien giiar Grade 1. 770,-; An- îl.îîvs Wivdmutllei', gîrilîr Grade t, 77"..,; BareM.rhroîî.gîrirar 2, l . 7;11.,;19î iii Tsi ci, g1 Iii i,rî 2, 7412: Kîr Irs Mîrîrrî iiiii.ii Irite 1. 74... Foet iBîrîl iiig.irunii Gradîe 1. 79',;(Ciorige I'ii m w , iim.C 'îîî Cladîî e ., 1, 71". .Jiln iii u it tr,, md', ii (unIle 2, SPIRIT BtN>STI:'R are hjý1i. lK i iii,,i sb iii' rigl tr..i hrr Iruho i 'run e a.rriii indît i i., ý) eta s ier î ni.rrl.' hruin.r The Chimpliur clîsil i ii . tint, 87-2,41. 21YRS OLD? When you turn 21 you're no longer cov- ered by your parentse Hospitat Insurunce. To keep insured, you must take outi mdi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get yaur application faim ait a bank, o hospilal, or from the Commis- sion. NEWLY WED? The 'family' Hospital Insurunce premium must now be paid to caver husband and wife. Notify yaur 'graup' withaUt de- lay OR, if you bath pay premiumsdirect, loti. fy the oammissian. NEW JOB? Tc keep lnsured fallaw the instructions an the Hospital Insurance Certif icate af Payment 'Form 104' that yaur present employer Is required ta givo voit an leaving. Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE plan Otlario Stopub sevictet Camolu Stmto 7. Ontalle sionary tarnilies in British Columbaia and 7am- bia. The mrission chiîdren are Sherrie Watson, daughier nf Mr. and Mrs. Gray Watson of the Chizera Bible Insttute, Zambia, and Carat0n, Donne and Anne, children of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wolfram (Irie Dorothy Holland of Mil- ton) in mission fields in R C Shown wih the tren and presenîs are Karen Blythe, Ross Need. ham, Grace Meikie and SandV Elliot, Yiongsic rs are cirrioti. hoî the wa tee. Satisîs' their cîrriasît bv enrotting them ru a tOd ('t- or.ater Salais'c 1re Announce Ne w liealing Subsane: Shrinks Piles Fclusl, e he,5ing ç1nhitmlt.litk bo,n.,înti,r,snd îeii, d.aMt ios A reerseted rrniir'h noîiote iis fiirinita.uniqueîh.ilingrihioiinve ortît the aiîlîlnio shink Iuerre- rhid ainIeacl. i rtliti.ig iirnd dm frtruin ni iniurnd ojffiredo 01wdli aig .1il the injiirul. iflluited timni. tiane ifier eî. hile gentv i',liecittg pain.,i.il rrîsitirit i.rirjniiige trCltook .' imrr.t wx :inttiiineiîoiluiitrird , *i on ','ni*tm)imtihd wih a oh,îî iqîîîr'v heltîs heuAi njur'ed c vilsiiandtsotiiuteagorsth oftte Nors liîîIyne s inoferet inooint- oi-i n titr,)siorey iori'tii Eon i. Aih foilt rt ld cnt rîîro uis iii.'rr'iirirrrnioinet HeIps in emergency Wolf Cub earns award T'es >'ar -nid Randy Rogers award hecause of "prompt anti hins been awarded a certifîcate meritorlous action lu holding for merilorlout conduct. The the buards down In the faunhly Milici.n youngster wit receive an boa( when the bottom became elnîblein to wear on his unIiorin punctared by a floating abject." and be preaented witb a irameti Hia action enableti bit father certifleate at a apeclal ceremony to brlng the boat to aafety. In September. Randy la a son nofeir. andi Mro. The Wolf Cub wiIi recelve te Don Rogers ai John St. PRO CLA MAT ION, Oakville Citizens are requested to observe August 1, 1966 as "Civic Holiday"'ý F. M. ANDERSON MAYOR, Town of Oakville. Canadian Pacific f lies you, f bats you, trains you, and puts you to bed at night. What a way to holiday! Fly by Sopsr DC8 Jet Empress ocrant Canada or to ive continents! - Flool the Atlantic ta Europe imogniticevl White Empres inesîl *Cruine the Cribbean or op b Alookao!Tke o B.C. coaxial ferry or croit the Boy of Fundy! * See Canada in vceic Doms Rail cars. - And snjoy Faeaver rail 16~ ~ .~ ~, fores!1 - tel Canadian Pocific bed yoo down Ci' OOtlOOsly oinsetotels, a And asReterse-a. Room service for resrhaionsl * What a moy t o ts a hol'day ...Canadion Pocific doesit ail.- Ses yor 110951 agent A or any Cavadian Pacific office now -R nsn D o oST tOM ItPte5OIN SYSTE MOTRERS!e AGAIN IT'S BABY BONUS CONTEST TIME lot MILTON DEPARTIMENT STORE PARTICIPATE IN OUR FALL 1966 BAB3Y BONUS CONTEST JUSI PAY FOR ANY PURCH-ASE, SMALL OR LARGE, WITH VOUR BABY BONUS AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE, FILL IN A DRAW TICKET WITH VOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND AMOUNT 0F CHEQUE, AND DROP IT IN THE LUCKY DRAW CONTAINER IN OUR STORE. ON SEPTEMBER 241h A ORAW' TICKET WILL BE PULLED FROM M LO THE BOX AND THE WINNERý WILL RECEIVE THE AMOUNT OF I TR HER BABY BONUS IN CASH. 200 MAIN ST. 878-9261 FULLY AIR CONDIIIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMPORT -------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------- --- ---- - "-W ý, . TTMWMVVuffl

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