Jim's Jottings b y Jim dl 11ls i r ~ I......... . Sugar and Spice by bill nmiley 0 Probably a rare thng, but thse olh- tr day 1 heard af an individuat an the t-- ceiving end of une of Ihose obseene phone catIs. There are a varirty of types ufthIis kiud ut disturbing nonsense and the ad- tire tIis iîîîiî lîlal rcrised i i-tvb helbp- lu ll Itote sîlto lso t-ceise rails huit hîîl lu teport the trouble. The mosî efective, tiosever, is lu have a tohiste haady and let a blast go ai a suilahîr instant. The re- saIt ou the other end is mare shatterine thttif you drapprd Ihe phane, and serves lu discaurage future rals, Hang- ixg op te receis'rr and tefuing ta lstera is alsu qile effective, Im tld, e 1 fiud Il dlturblng ta have so mant- gras-cl truck operaars ake calcu- led risks on my hehaîf ai the intersec- tion of Higbîvay 25 and the Camopbell- tille Sideruad norlh of Hilton. While 1 cross the ht-uic of the bill driving south and Pibm' approach the inersecion, thet- judge uit chances ot passing theui on the let hi- ueasoring the north bound taf ic. If het- figure my chances are o.k. they pull oui onlo the highway uthile 1 ither appîs'y heb iakes vigrousîs or agrer sith theit- calculatian and pasi as thet- grind siosvotolt he bîghsvay. I prefer lu fig- utr uit oitn chances without help, and Id preter il if thet- stopped and %vaited tut- tallie appt-oaching the intersection lu pots, as lhey are required. 1 lhink must other drivers would, loo. 0 The weekend weather must have been warm enough for everone. Haven't heard other than sighs or relief as the couler Monday weather descended on the 1 havent heard the formula fur calculating this new raling of discoml<t thalmweather forecasters are throving in, called the humides. Il woald be better for my morale thoogh if il starled at a lower number. When it gels over 1100 it gels lau close lu the lemperalure. e Local awlmnmlng facilities have bren a real blessing during tbose but, bol days of the pasl week. Besides the re- taxation and guod esercise they olfer. bhey do pravide set-y cooling effecî for Ibose who don't juin the humper lo umwp- er parade norlh. e Berause of the extent il is impus- sihk. for neuts media lu report on t-allie fualities in other Ihan nuihers, but the mure than 60 fatal accidents over the sseekend rellect a tremeudous tltinl per- sunal grief for unuuibered familes and friends. Every accident and every deaîh affects utauy peuple and il is mithin Ibis circle the rcali ragedy is elI. The -,atis- tical presentalion can neyer fulîy reputI Ibis. Harley to Halton b y h a rt-y h a rle y m.p. Inlerestllu tbe probleuis ut aIder peuple bas bern quiekeued lu the past seserul uiunlbs by bbc publication and discussion ut the report ut the Special Senate Couimibe on Agiag parlicutat-ly la tbe last feut dat-s ubie dchaing the Canada Asistance Plan. The' recummeadaîlua ufthIis Com' milice is simpis Iis-Ibatal attCanadiaus 65 and ut-et-bc ast-utrdut a guaranlerd minimum i cuaîr. A ta dt I.sitîgepet-- t-ans voauld bave an annual arcome of $1260. 1$105 a monîbi and mat-t-ed couples sîould bat-e S2220. a tcrt- 1885. a mothi. The Fe!deraiDotet-in iraveuldMItitIbb gag bot-erra eisling inconnus and Iis ptopused minimum annual inecarne. This guarauteil inrame. tbc Senale Commit- tee coaludet. ttuuld hast serve the put-- putee ncaîtiag leer cilleras lu 'lite tit-ltdit-it-s -, uhile stîlit ruainugta mabe a sot-urbshilr rontribution lu Ibir romuitiies. Tue Senalc t'ouiiiitees propotai ir-tet-eat- puis ln lis avour. The Se- rate iuruiuieiliion stuuld puotide ad- ritionl pui ea, fluit Ibse - t-su b ouies b-elote the prupoeli minimum and nu pas- ment stoulli bc made lu Iboseut-erthIe bt uaravîrril aunual minimum iarome. The ît-iofii bme as tut-uit-as the ltati'lor an iume iitlt-old itheSe- raue Comuitîjer's vt-est-bu timpler anud mut-e acceptable lu aider peuple titan ariv ite sriaus oulbrrmrlbods pt-o- pot-cilor ut-nilflot- dteraîining t-t-bus tutti it lv t-t lgible lot- addiîioxal put-- mca t. Tte llanut it-uId bc lest burdenyoai tua te public r le at-mî-t-nit on Itihelta- put-c; iofatpasaîe.,ittt-uul bcesperl- cd lu di-og tînailIt- u beCanuda Peut-lue Ptlou slart pasin, tull hertis. (ItIlma- tres lufulitpautmenu onjeu seat-si. We aItrailset-peu xl utet-une atillion dollars a .%crt under the OdI Age Set-utlIvPt-o- grtame as i auttî%stanudtsadibisannoat t-t-litrite lu $1.6 bililua hn 1970 primat-lIt berause of the liaering ut the ligihilit- aut-rIo 65 tnt--,. lutadditionu t-e bave roui- mttîd uuîî,elv"trs lubrmy adihioual os- realitîes ut-ert he Ccxltrio ears la the fields ut uisrrsity edurablua, me-dical la- sîtrance and healtb resoorce'-,tu înîr lb rceret.amples. Iflis dificl la esîlmate the ptcise rostIfuthIe guaranleel minitusmîtcolîte pt-upus.ýl if apptied lu aIder pet-tous; the Senaîr Commuter lit-rît ilelinril ta give .at- esîlmale but ils Chait-man, Senalur Datid Croît. suggstîed the castI soulil bc approximaîtly 100 million a a rt- itialît-. The t3uvet-meubt eels il wuld bc igher thon Iis figure. perhugs tht-ce lunes as igb. but cettarlIs il seuld sthebclamer Ilion the put-uent of an addiluuî,aI 125. pt-r manlb 10 evervone lu rrreipl t f OdAt-e ecurnts. Anoiber poealial prubtem t-s1h the Scuale proposali s bal il mit-hIte- qira- reripieuls lu rsîimale a vetîr iii udtvuncec s -al ibey thiabIbel r anoul ini- ritae stilI bc. Sas. tor esample. t petson ellmnaelel Iat is iarome viii hi' $1100. tut- the t-rat-: hestout-l bcelîgible mutatt- dillîonal pLut-meut-s ut S13.33 a uunlb, t hi ing hlm up lu tbe guaa ntl dineutn of S1260. fur a iagle pet-t-n. The Senat. tutimuitleterecomiteîlu- to snotio n lergoinuto rare frîtstuls as, inateni, te Coatiilter it-cil ses tel mid i shoîl. Ec Prime Minisier bts alire-In ,tiiiuunil tbtIcarelul. immelialo andi et-pt-tattentioua s hriug gis-eut lutbe Se- nate rit-t-laudi luace, a cuanitle- sîi ib e Federul Deparieni of Heulîli anutilWilareis ait-adN t st-b rkattessinig t-t recormueatioas and indiligs. lIn ii-m coanerIiuua 1 totîld ia-to ht-lt-nlto ur aittentiotn r-inat-kt- vh-lte Pt-ime Miit-er. tpeaiag la the Tht-une Speecrh Deltte lustI aîturs-: 'Il is imprta tatt-te lu tul tat-t-e eaurut nîet t-e rils utftler peuple.,t-t-irb ma.tIremaia the runrera i(A ibis ald otrrovernament ln Canada. Tue Guveruairît ts takuag important sleps uit-o uetpad ils support la Ibese licils it-iouogbCanada&t-st-louerPltan unî tlIe Melicitre Programmer abicb ilt opes sîil --on bc ila eîet, especiallyth l ttelr he- cueit kibe ler troups ss-icb at-e ais tutiii lîîrbileoII ibe igb cuts tait un- mulolt- ssy hieh irle lutîrudiettl cr. IPE EKING INTO MILTON'S PAST Il SCIIOOL GIRLS FROM MILTON atieadinq a parade lu the toma's eutlt- dat-s, lu- cludc seucral mito arc tillI rnidert-s ut Milon. Recognize ant- of theuit Mrs. R. Reid, Miles St., loancil the piture. Eut-lt- indications for the PlunkelI R. port un local governuient are Ihal the dire wmli be prtdt- mcli loaded against daualopmeul ainbthenoriheru sert-ions af tha rouait-. Thal's the mat- utarcad pre- liiiinary prouuuncauienîs on the subjcct mode la tome rouaIt- council representa- lions recenlt. Changes îhere miilhe, The Boards and municipalities Ibal make op the Imo counities under sludg ackinomledge Ibal and cocu invite il. Of the mot-c than 100 briefs receioed lu the t-car-long îludy the majorlît- praposed changes in the prescul gocrument sel-up. Quit- four uftIhe briefs argued for a continuation uftIhe prescut conditions and arganiza- lion. Appurentit- 20 faoored tome kind of governuient reorganizalion and 12 uther briets prescnlcd during the tody said thet- hod no real objection ta, change. Mr. PloahelI bas tld the rouaIt- rep- resenlolloas Ibere miii nol be muoch de- velopuientinl the norîberu hatues ot Peel and Haltan, despite prujecled popula- lion gromîh for Halton la, 313,000 and Peel ta 310,000. loch couuty now bas lest thon 150,000. The main delerreal lu grumîb lainhe northere sert-ions of the counies mould be uthal the Commis- sianer teels would be the high rosI of seroîring lond. Semage mould have t-a undergo extensive t-calment ut- be pîpcd la t-ha lobe and given regular t-calment, cubher oawicbirbs cupensive. Mr. Plunket-Is reputts ta be lu the bauds of the Minister ut Municipal Al- lait-s bt- Seplembe- and ils release miii he cagerît- amailed. Thbe vert- existence #qe4plect 6 Open detionre ut a court arder nor- rialit- resuits lu o confrontation belmeen the court and the ut tendler. Wheni a peu- alty it invokcd for tbot defiance ltis re- gardcd as the upboldîng of ltvm and order in o socicît-. But rccenlt-wben tome met-e inspir- cd lu dîsobet- a court injunction and en- tend the nombe- ot pichets permit-tedf, it- et-e pueîsbcd and imuieduateit- a bosi t ofttufcils met-c t-edy t-o at-t-at-k t-bn îudge t-aspovtible, t-be court-s, t-be goo- eremeut and t-be premier. Reaout-t-be subject under oattm as o st-et-tic lam, t-be io t-bai pet-mils inlunc- lions on t-be vumber ut put-tels or on pic- ktt-ng dorivg lobot- etovgement dis- put-as. Wut-bun t-be soint-emeek t-ha neuis de- volops t-bat omid-ctt-strite delot-ed t-be ut-oading ot 17 tbups berause polit-e t-botged une ut-n mît-b on illegol oct-, Apparentlt 150 mot-e maitnd out un st-m. Down[s I clbilus. si% Ile taille ut ili lieus' ruliiijlttiileillevic rati ealitîn 1 0i dla,treck ,îI ie igbt lthil it e. l'iant-utere vr-vamuît- seul fiud t- ewsruile sîtiltiothIeir nceds tait fiei ud-tlogelIt- o IellInt-ccuNIlou me ,uns luttc. t- i'tcal et-petite lIoIllte m-anatgemetr i-us bey sat-in lut (lilie iad,) I1ltavc liard op ,a sommer be,îl.be,îling prograin utstre ;ti picase vs-inanduuîld Theres a spclial treattment oli ercd bu lîaraîgued bushands s-but-r se ives have futur ballet-oc- ttit thIe lieut. For a stigbt fteildispalci a vdriver lu sutur bouse, ut ho %tolîl t-et untit nour toile s siet-rm- lit- aIt-you ai the top oI ber Iuîgs, Ibrît tout-s a paîltul alicie cubes tîver lier. It- butild lu coul lier olI and sbauld ov al]lie ma ritltpuobleuis a brut tilt- usuilit- briîgs oui. Il t-ou prrtrr, our teletiticiaut con espiaix io t-ot "ici- lied" selle tbal lie roiiag gitrues seilb lthe comuplimentls outhie aeigbbo-s. That shltltieutuliyt- ,ue Ibe braiatt'ff"-ou. Our t-calment for chlldren sibo ai t-tet-ligtctibit ut tuunlight lut-a troîn t-luit--ltuagels itb taaictl mîuasters, is lileseise simîple bît tltult- ltmore rit- lietisie. For uany 210 s-ua rathase yîîue litile t-l:-I(-r ci-ut quiek-lriea ix a lm I li. hlout iicicat-ie lthe lîoîentlilt- uit-t-ls'ort-t iroit-ts lthe lt-sit tiaper-lati- tutîtii bruuglî t hs lt-cul or botitidiît-. Oace luhaîts ut Matilda tut-ses supper au lte reiling or picbs ail]the fIcouers vaur lsrloi ia îs lendrd %sii lli ig ratr, o utttras the Ituse au Ibe cal and the vis- itieg minister, pliane us. A technicean wili îhartly ar-rive ut vour home wilb the appuratus for a quick. I reerljob, Little junior won'l be hart seben -he ut- she is encased inte centre ol tlIteire bbut;L, stefI intîsra tube for ro of sucb a study bas already clauded municipal issues and staledi or bastened projet-t bt-ilts imminence and anliripat-- ed mulot- rxcomumndlaions on munitipal st-ttuct-ut-a. Me hope lu is final report- Mr. Pion- keti miii use mot-e specific tet-ms t-an t-be noriberu section of tbe counlies and tbe saut-hemn sections. These teruis at-n aiready canlusing local palitits. To tome, t-be norlb ofthIe count- start-t aI ihe Dundas igmat-, white at-bers regard the division aI t-be point-ofutht-e Base Lina Raad bet-meen Oakville-Burlington and Nastagameya-fsquesing. We hope, to, t-al Mr. Pluakaît- ii recommend permission for deolopuicul uf municipalities mithin thair prouen cap- acîies for meeting setvite requiremeuls. Engineering iludues rau proolde att-ut-- at-c informatilon on mot-ct supplies and t-be abillt- uft srcois lu cape mit-b t-et-l cd eftluent. These are t-be agitai guide- mies on mhicb lu prujeci and pet-mil de- velopuient- and gruuilb. The provincial goverumeut- already bas ample aut-borlt- ta insist an adberence la sut-b guidelines. Il seuis inevilable there miii be change lu t-be structure of local govecm. ment-, and about t-beunit- change t-but would seem oat-ett-int-t-s t-be abolition ut a gond uîang huards and tout-mit-t-et mit-bthait- pomar and respovsîbiit-tte- larned to a council. Wbere t-e st-tuttut-e miiiploaet-be local or count- levels of governuient is st-il fait- game for conjeture - aoh cati ont-ltht-e in-tugbing start-s aller filing of t-be Plunkeli Report- n Seplembar. p.* th e Iaw. pat-ht-and a furîher 450 joined in. AI t-is point- Ibet- ad rclused la relut-nto mark ont-il tbe police responisihie for t-be charges and an alleged assaull had been duismissed or apoiagized. 1Fat-mers bave found il necessart- lu tome at-cas ta, techuicallt- break t-be lam by iiipeding tiaffic un highmays lu sup- part-ofuttheur case for igbar miik prit-es. Il causes anc to rt-cation mhera t-be breakhdomn n o sot-lIt- crues. mhen ail respect- for oui andut-dat- bas beau trampied. Not- aillaoms are good Omws. But- mbite a ouwis n fort-a thatouots are couîpelied to opbold ut- Wben oaa is troke, ut- s not- thaquolit- ot tha ou t-bat- s nuasured, but- thaviolat-ion. JusI hom long tan mx tontinue to t-ast- thalam an durespectiand st-ii auxpuct ut- to hafo trte? Or at-a me reaot- build- ing a mbole nem pomer t-t-uttut-amit-b aut-horit-g vesîed at-bar t-bon ia lect-ed otticials and juducioltoutts? s] in this Corner w it h t-o y d o w n s eeîtig pitrIloses. tatdl otîr scctîrclî %01 he t-culs Io lie put-it wv ftrth ilten tlter. Fttr sligltîlv exil-i cosi sic cait pio sie ilglass.ssall -lrersjtoVotcait gazu lipua tour bclosed Irontlimtîleluime. Cunirols stili he seltii Ite ieo meiasavijutil the ljr-Ist o lies nits %vinter, ;andI vou'l hase ia happv auid rare- Iresîtjjîjîîr, knoiîsstg ysur citildit al- ,- ît ithontte jian ssassell-hîîî jeter ut trouble. Wer te st'rkiîg oailtplan tut- a atrer t-errer which seull store assay svilliug ss'tses tir the siimittel- itiis -antI sbutld taie the ne utodclinieopet-atiuu b île-il 'outiller Ciiiil titra, hi lther, yuure uot For the honsld huàband ste iller a P-rs-as-sau-ruti Plaît IlitaI îiVulve our- ltcad lrclîîiciaîî(me), but lissîllîîg lto itake the sacrifilc ut hle lt- a tes-lousy bocks. Whrîî lthe litrd ececulive or lite- tort- seot-ker at-rives honte Iroîn toruk oand get. lsceurdp. l'Il pick îini ip and Gick tutu ou a ltour ii souteul lthe iouler ra lin uearby Torunto tubke the BrownîtDer- hy, Friars Taveru, Zauzihar, etc.) sshere lie eaui bc seuils coulet i usuIe anti nut- %ide-ilh lte respective liqîîid aud me- citaniral t-clrigeraliuit devises avjitahle iinstuchtplaces. 'rîtiit iii Ile t-tee tutaII lîjîtts oi Illue mntriig sîbîthlie tutoi sput los e îop, st-cl walk lhrough satîouInc t-t01 t tercnir attractints like William Beautls Allon Gardetît, Jarvis St.. Yarksille atnd CBC bradquarîers teltere the cool esruing breczes seill baîro the spirits and camtorl the litrd eser, A multitude of uther plans wilI selon bc avuilabîr lu appease melling mut-hers- m i-bm, iuvading in-laws and the nuisance ut neigbrhuad yaungsters. Walch for tamure dutails le-. ?infrr'h rwth ôg Ai lu about the last three decades, the tare ut a Canadian sommet- bas changed atuiost heyand recognition. Thiuk bock ta, yoor summers as a cltild. The sights and the saundo and the t-meus tiare al ehaugeti. Yau'd scarcely kiiotu tou %une linthe saute rouaIt-y. StiimLir iseti bas nul chauged. As a niation hall.lrozen ater along, weary Ninter aud a rold, sert spriug, We stilI gt-en il with rapIt-re and iuct-eduity. Il i, the cetebration ut the season that bas bren transtoruird. Thty yearsagminsommet- was a quiet litue. Tite puce wsa leisorely. The moudx saas une ai peace. Taday iils juil the op- posite. Il s flite nisirîl lime of the year, the pare is Itatir, and the moud is jae- la bhose day, sommer pleasures. for te torkin, staff, were simple. And for a coupie ut good trasons. He warked aine t- Il0 bout-s>a day; and hu didu't have any mouet-. Wlîen be guI hume, he utas uhacked, Aller sopper he migbt 5001er the lawn, or do a littie seeeding or just stIoa the lIront pot-cii util dat-k. Occasianalît-. hed lobe in a hall gaine, or mat-be drive the fauiilv îraund tut- a sthile, and boy curry- body on ice-cream colne. Whru is bolidays rolîrd at-ound, he didtîdio uucb. Pultered aroud, paint- ing ,he îri '.tn the bouse, or warked iu the garder. Mat-be took the famiîy nu visil reatives lut- a fem dat-s. lu Ibose dans, summer cottages. and preruijs, and resutt otels and golf strie lorth Ie wcalthy. What a difference lodayl The tout-ing 'iiil gels honte, and is day bas just be- gîtî. He bas a golf date, Or the kids de- irad be druve Ilîrn lut-a sti i. Or is tville lî,s asked souiehody user fat- drinks anîd a barbecue and be must don the aproumnd gel lu work, Wlîev is lîolidavs rouie around the îîîee triples. No ptteriug aboutltbe boue lui bîni. No sitîluf lu the hacb sard,. un- dci- ailet-ece,and rrstoring bhijscl. It darsult malter sebat bas bren plan- ted for is bolidays. Whetbrr il's a mad jîjojt trip ut 3,000 miles, or a collage oal Pages of the Past f r om c ha m pi on f ilmas 20 years ago Taken frnm the Issue or the Canadlan Champion JlIt 4, 1946 Iluuuint- i,-nuit-o ulin-s-g anthe grtinlu.joiit- u lHtlon art-it.WhiIe the tut-up %,Ilcs 1ui, lrliltt-rimmIbe frtut- ,l lut-mî. iiuu t-ceual. thee-up rua bu consid- ru ni t miii lairtu1 goud. The barvrsliag ut flclte r et-aî.thIe sbrtage frallabat-on ut-ýii lrist. tnuconversation sith Al,tttihume Rrultentat it-e J. E. White- luue. luuc civatedIliite Mitonoffice of lue Deutritielit of Agriculture bas placed 90 %tn 4u artutbandls onasutmant- fat-ms i luti-ott dut-luithIe pasb 10 dat-s. The uîuu ilaortlfin u tese sesterners came flîuuîîflite Pros-itres ut Saskatchevan and Alun t -taNilt- uI eriltouiManitoba. We rleutrultt-i Mr. Witrluck Ibut iltceris ,usu .a dcutitd lot-daylabat-. In -J Ler IolunIse wt t I-lenerd, Cammun- dosiarcbbint-brouogb outflot-oTronta, 11lo an sinlt-estled in ecr ut-t, lt-rIp ut- elber t ipe ssouîd bha uldt.d t-le ot-ileuacturflite Agrirolloral Office, t-l-hit.230.,ul once. Tuie Pari itumeltirlatig commutter bas u-cltîjîeti unatioal lag designs lu oa t-L cl cisit-u tuit golti mauileIrtut tadi lit-rutiiiîtmitetl i itrit ait-i tie trianug- le, %virl zi t-tee-aillettle Iai onîIle ditug. il lle iii t rit ting ll tIi lrubs 50 years ago Tallen fromt the issue of TIse Casadan Champion, JoIy 6, 1916. rThere \%:as o colliionîbelrtw Issu) lt- ecars ol the crtnet-at Malts and B uit tfe vi-cris tesbt-rduy. Onr eat hilai ut H. Wbreler, st-bu ms driviutg il and ,l'ss ili the et- si-a- ccupird by four slu-Lngers. tatI îstead ot beepiag lu the rghl, tIb'mvboret-e a theui , and raisba lîlmît-. aldtlien huaI tbe at-suitanctir uput Ilite bIii iteuiint. He bas ibeir car uum- ber. Nt-. Wlîeler-s ecar bad une tire hurst, andîlasel bruit nd ut-bet-seedaaîaged. t lie sla ca-rt- trsufterred lest-. Nobody ltsIii-t. Tue trks ouiflite ruad heur juil Mr. Wbreert-ct-ention ibal lie kepb 1lic luit l-l-Iuîî Ial the sîragers terre jespitisible luit liteactientrtt. A gmt-demi Paut- ltel ebcfeld oante loumî Osctîr Dut-eut, lut 4, concession 7, Traflgar,. Ttiiisd.it eveala,.J-lIt 20. The t-tu-m .ai if! bcluegiven bhy Ibe follouingu Ititiet- F,, Cumelian, Torontu; the Lis île cBrtalers: and Sislers, Scollisi siiuget-t-andt datîceit-, Hamilon; and Oak- tilt-rs t,ts,îîîi. Ouilst-s-litbe sld by ,utueiom lus.1. ID MeGrgor. Rereshntîeu bt-mth mi lfite gt-outtds, Admiîssionî 25 aîîd 15 cceuîts, 100 years ago Taken fram tIse Issue of The Canadlan Champion, lIt 5, 1&66. We bave had ýthe pîrasure of tasing the pralace ufthbb Milton Cheete Pactot-y, tnd suitiuldsabe Ébat il is -justtce cheese". Allhaugb scurceît six uecks aId, il bus rirb flavor.ad il soould bc ditticult lu iad ils superiur lu the mut-bt, Mr. Barber, af Oneida Counts, Heu York, is the efficient manaoger outhIe establish- ment, and baviag greal engerienceluntce business, be cauxult[ailtot produre a firt-I ciuss article. The lartut-y s progressiug rapidîyt-,Iis werek see are tald thet- oblain- cd te praducerut furly addtiuual cous, sttich ttilI cause au met-ruse ut about 90 pouads a day, su Ibal duriag Ihiy mont-b tet- esîtet lu pruduce neat-It-710 pounds a day. LasI Priday wsathIe exaoiuation dut- of the Milon Grammet- Echuol nom utder the managemenutut Oliver T. Millet-, MA. There terre bol feu preseat, but Ihose t-tho bad the pleaute oututlending te esuminabian, expressrd themtelvcs bighly pteused sitb bbc manifest effir- iency ufthlie pupits. Wr are sot-e Ihat ut the ursl quarter svhich commences au Auguosl 13, Ilîrre seili bc a large increase int lte autuer ut pupils. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Publlshed by the bItta PriutIng and Pubîîshlng Co, Led, Mauaging Editut- - James A. Dilîs Nesws Edit-r - Rut- E. Douns Adt-rtisiag Mgr. - I-ltde Put-ker Puhli,,bed everv Wedaesdav ut 191 Main Si., Milton, Ontario. Melaber ut Utc Conadian Werbly News- pupers Assocationad tbe On- tuila Weekly Netespaperu Asocia- lion. Subseription rates payable fut- udtonce, $4.00 lu Canada; $700 lnalal catuatries alber thon Canadla. AOoeîiisju t1.ectdun t-enitiotun that, inlte et-cnt ciaa ytiaaapmunul aeme, luaI prtiaonioft-licadverisiuj ac arpuied Se t-ebercroutîaitem. tagther tn eitsnalje aaloaiuccfr toigOn.tu,, vintolite Oatgednt it. btaiher balance nf aie daitisieunt w ililecpald oiant te applible rte, lu.th. ent oet Ienantal n-1emi ad- vetenua na oos nr se-ies eti a miouj cilre, Soecas ort-cri-uremati net lie sold. Adterttsila .MonIYe au aller tla mil and u.yebew1tîhdrein at me.s Authot-lerd ut Second Claus Mail by the Post Office Departmeot, Ottawea. Ct-ad Lake, or a teuîing excursion, btels go- iug lu have la hec a human dynamo for àhaut 18 haut-s a day, Wbats huppened lu Ihree decades? Cars. affluence, desire for statut, and Cars, anîd ibe subsequett ighwuys lu arromuiodote tbem, have opened up the hinterland. Beach at-eus that used lu bc quiet, litIle sommet- netîlemnents aIt the end off a t-ugged graveaitmadlut-c nom roariaz, raucous neon jungles by night, flesh strips and screamiug motars by day, Vit-gin lakes, nul long ugo accessible unly by cunue and partage, at-e nom laid bat-e by duvelopers, and the bulldazers arc ut mot-k, and cvet-yhody munIs luo own bis omu plut, lhough ptires bave sky- rorketed. Affluence, eambhned ilh the neyer- never-land ut the finanre compauy, han made ils iurouds, Today the working ma omus bis owa collage, or criser and bu- longs lu the golf club. The big resuts have bren laken aver by the moderalely meIl- lu-du. The tich, lu disgost, flyItel Europe. Thte eleroal put-suit ut stutus lu out- sacieîy bas ptayed ils part. If thal cromb ral daur eau affot-d a collage tut- twu steeki, Jlau mn affard a tlighl lu the Wi-iest Coast. If he bas a 50îhot-se mot-, lue needs a 75-horse If bis kids at-e going .o camnp fart Io weeks, Jar's at-e gaing for the whale of Auguît. And wamen? Ah, hase lhey bave betped change the face ut Cuitadas som- met-! Thet- usedtlubhecouatent tlu stay houie,.ltuballer Ibeir gardent and pot up preserves la the sommer. Thet- used 10 b habugy sitb a famity pirnie an Sun- days. Thet- used lu enjay muking a pit- cherrut raId lemunade an a bol sommier rîrnirîf, and bringiug il ouI la the potris. Note bhey %vaIt a collage for cseo maulhs. or a nae and higger bout, or a second crt, pies a meuihership ut tce golf club, plus a ne patio, plus a couple ofi t-eek s uta ssaak resort. ls înu stunder pour lue is a sehimper- iag shell ut the end of the sommer, ex- h îîîsisd, bruke and ftaeled, p i el