2The Canadien Champion. Weesdny, Juiy 6, 1966 Friends fete six teachers Ieaving Percy Merry school. By Mrs. Ceeu Puettion roses, by Mrç. Jean Hill, a for- few chosen mords expreççed the A large tiomber of parents, nier Honte and Schoul presi- lcc i ngs concerning sa many teachers aîîd tormrcsiudenis tient. leaving Illte staff. Presenlations attended a farewell party in Mr. and Mmç. Robinson es- sîcre hy Mms. Bradley. Perey W. Merry School on Tues. prcssed sincere appreciatlon for Mns. EBntley reccived from day evening, Jonc 28 Io say the gifis. saylng theylhad itoy- l6cr clans a handi-ome gold col- goodbye to W. S. Robinson, cd the co-operation and friend- ored tca service in china. Mrs. principal of the ichool since its ship of' ail concerned ai Perey Recves rec-eis'ed a beautiful ster- opcning , ighî yvnrs ago. Merrv. Tbey invited those pres- ling sitvcr. locket; Mr. Slankie, Othe c 'acîters iwho arce ev- ent i) vnuit thcm ai their new il CuitIt ik and ie pin, Mr. Hîto iîîg Ile, d i.tle.tiMis. Betnes lttottc ocar Catntphclltille. 5cr i gît, ;Mr. Robtisoîn i ii Ikîtîtîci ai t,îî 1.NIes G Reccts, Miso Audrey Fredericka, ncil nt, Mrs.Bt'adil cri[ 'tt lass Mis. J. Hc.tdlcs Rtobcrt Sankic brie of Juin 2 was hîînoreîl titi l tier visc. Tirecstridents lrttm aîîd Ton untWTitTltcsc teacli- Wcdnesdas' evenlng by irienîls cach clais pr'esenîecîl lîeir gilt.s. crs base mode mass- friends ai or Ornagh Presbyterian church Peccv Mccintîd milI 6e maîch lîy a mniscellaileolus shower Mns Congratulations Io the grade miss cd ne-t vear. Robert Bromnridge was chair- 8 dlais of Percy Merrv school. Ruebra wa .njoyed and lai. nman for the evening and con- Titen are Kcnneth Alderson, er a delicios lutnch ivas seri'ed. dîîcîed sevcral contestssvhich Kenneth Pencock, Richard Coi- Al lady leaclies present eeis- svre intereqting and enjoyabl?. lands, BRicard LotiRobet i Ne- cd corsages, coîtlcv of the Auidrey, assisîed by tise groom- Isondi. Brian CRusonRobei il Home nnd School Association. to-be, Charles Parchem, openet ilson, ean CHson RMinds- Di . Course, presitieni, ws tIheir many usefîtî gifts. Alto Nion De H kMchl MC. for ie evening, cspressing helping wi-re Jackie Hill and Hnncock, Stn Watng, Sieven on hehalol ail, regires tat Me. Marg Cragg. The ladies svri-etîOms-ece, Charles Oraiece.. Terun Robinson o-as leasing the ichool a lunch and a social half botte Cote, Rosaivn Merry, Patricia and exlending heil iishes for iras cnjoycd. We loin iheir Forci, Kathy Grexion, l'atine the fritutre. He prcsenled, as a manv friendsi n mishing ibis Masti-cll. Kathv Brown. Karen toksen of esteets. the gifl of a fine Youîng couple much happi. Bradleyv, Linîla Benaritini, Gail cars'ing set and case. Mrs. Ro- nessi n the vears ahead. Kiern.în, Vieki Masled, Carol bitîon as peseîedsnit a OyneCoîmîmty nighors Petch, Sharton Bies, Kav Eng, biso d d M d M it Bye onitiiy eGhoruin Mars' Wilson. Vis i.n Rtvceutnd brutfu aniboqut f ed tedeedMr ad rICrnettu zii-a Oiemiîîg.o hîsîîeî shwer loigtèrrecent Motslair ail o hesie ________________________ ihcid nia illhcailc-iding the tiet White .veCenrewasciecd bv Oks High School. W wish Ro', L.rence.Man tisefitltihemail success as lhvcntiiîi- O M M 8 i. ii eatiuigis reecin- ritein heir lifes wttrk. cd 6v he ioong coupie. About 30 descendanta of the ' u e Me. and Mes. G. R'ccs of laie Ancrcw and Mary IFeather- A hgrovc seere haosts ai a barbe- stîîne) Ford galheeed ai Bovne crite stîpper on June 24 for the C entre on Sundav, Jonc 26 for ACCOUNTING icachers and friends of Peren iheir annual i-ucnion and font- Merr t honor Me. and Mes, ils ge-togeiher. EARL G. BLACK W. S. Robinson sith n gift and Me antI Mes. Raîf Ford and B. Comm., RIA., CA. also teachees Miss P. Cummingi Me anti Mes. Harrv Riebot seere Chartercd aceounitant and Tom Ittier on their aP- bosus for the îlaY and selcomed Municipal Audilor pî'oaching marriages were gis-en the gocîs. A boffet luncheon 163Mai Sîeel gifiq for their sein home. %%s s ervcd ai 1 p.m. anti enjov- 1ox Main it n nt. Followbnsgthemccose of ichoot cil bv ail. The sports commit- 87x46 8 N6542 nt on Wcdncsdny, Jîîne 29 the ten- ice. Clarence Fîtrti Je. and Me. 87-642chers of Ferry Meres- Sehool antI Mes. Donaldl Jove haîla sommmm ýhatl a social haîf hotrnte h 1e ftttilpeogrant of races and con- ARCHITECT icaichers' roont. sith lighî re- iccis. Gitesl s cere presenl _______________________ frcshmenîs. Ench teacher lent'- fî-îm Shelhitene. Scaehiiruîgh, DONAL E. SINNER ne 1he staff sent presenled .tkillr andîl tcalîr. Retînion BONAEb . INC. s'th a terling silver coffee nxt vear iii hi hclîI ilBovne B.Ach- .R..IC. spun sitth eres Mers crecîlContre vus JuIn 9. ail shîch tinte 17A Mill Street, Sulte 2, Actas çpgygvedi on il. Miss Fsher in a Mt. antI Mis Cl ire Fttoi n Telephone 853-70o 20 Stavehank Rd. Port Ceedîl ____________________________ 274-3428 Office Houes by Appinnmeint AU CTI0N E ERS FRANK PETCH Auctioncer and Evaloator 30 Chapel Street E., Georgetown Telephone 877-2864 R. J. "BOB" BEVERLEY Auctioneer and Sale Manager 4058 Soutih Service Road Bsrllngton 634-6030 'Haitun Coonty's Auctioneer' CHIROPRACTORS Doclor of Chiroprcic A. P. KENT,.DDC. 237 Kings Court Crecceni Corner Martin Si. Monday, Wednesdav, Thursday i p.m. 10 9 p.m. Toesdav and Friday 9 a.ni. t 6 p.m. Saturdan il ar..10oJ3p.m. Phone 878-20931 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home Protecction-Accident and Sîckness.ttamiin Liability- Pars Liabiliîy Your Milton Agent Mrs. Thea Kuce R. R. No. 1, Milton Phone 878-390 INVESTMENT SECURITIES GEO. E. C. JACKSON Represeniative Oairdnmr and Company Limited Investment Deaers and Stock Brokers Govi. and Corporation Bonds and Stocks Milton 878-2580, Hamilton 525-1940 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNERAL HOME Compiete Air Condiionisg Sincere, Corieouî Service NighI or Day 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, .0.. 184 Main S., Milton Phsone 878-9972 Res. 878-9678 TUESDAY AFTERNOONS THURSDAY EVENtNGS and FRIDAY MORNENGS WM. C. MILLIGAN, O.D. 111 Trafalgar Rd.. Oakville Office Hours Daiiy includisa Salurday a. Cati 845-1511 for appoinlnsent SURVEYOMS BLACKBURN .DEWHURST Ontario lAnd Surveyors Consuting Engineemu .- 53'B?-a'tt S . - Barlington, Ont. OMAGH Mr. and Mmi. Alfred Fard milI make arrangement,;. Congratuîlation an d 6e si iishes lu Mr, and Mes, W. S. Robinson who ceiebraied tbeir 1 21h wedding annivernary on .lune 29. Miss Olana Dolby, a member otf flornhy Souith 4-H Club mas ose iof lhree voiing ladies rep- ccs'iuing Hiatton Coîînîy ai the onsîtral Girls'Conference for 4-H Ilinernaking Club menthees. The confemence, aiiended by girls froni ail paris of Ontariti, sias heId at Guelphî, from Jonc 21 Io Jane 24. Diana reports lîaving a fine holidlay'. She iip- îîuitci îctiîîg antI makiig tItis as. 'iTtmas Gaiîruiîli and Mrs. Floîrence Jeifetiî altentîcîl the meîlding of Mcis. Jeficoti's granîdaîighter Sandra Wilson Io Patîl Kllinghack. The secî- îling stas held in Si. Christo- phers Anglican chîîech, Bîîrling. tn os Jane 30, ai 7 p.rn. We juin their rnanv frienîls in ivisltintIhe * votng couple mîîch ha.pliness. Met. Paul Cartwrighîtiof Bue- lingons mas a inec-kenulviii ite ssith lie sisier Mes. R. J. Bîtrît- ieldl, 25 Highway. Congratulationn ant bei t isihes Io Me. and Mes. Charles Parchent, a hritde antI groomn uti Juin 2. Tht voîîng uttutpie si-i-t«tc ii'edin iniiagh Pî'cshn teîiaîîchîîîch bv Rer'. S. E. Sîîîiîh, pas te tiI the chiurei. Giui inell misies Io miss Mai- gare(tDouiglas anti Allas Kîcr- Laymen, women conduct mns, bt of mbom are patients n nition ho.spîtal. Mm. Cola VansIckie of Toron. to vlnlîcd for a ineek mitb the Chapman fantiiv, Mes. Robert Bronrnridgc i- tendeul the fuseraI service in tiamilton, 'htirs.day, Jîîn 30, uf Miss Amelia Morsion, a teacher frinicu. Misis90--citin Passe-r] avstauîdîenly frut a 'lîarî ai. iack. 06e tetired Iwo veari ago aînul l utuglîtiermuan nv eat i Merton scbooi. Happy birlbday Io mie frienuis, Linda Kuencig on July- 4; Ken- ncib Aider-soin,14 titiJuuiy 3; Bii t.îluî 15 iunîîJitis 5; Foi il ,îiîîctie, 12 Julv 3; Rutfl lie.te-. 12 Juls' 6; Dolîruh Nec- landts, 10 Jîtivs1t; Shtaroun rs tige. 15 JîutvI1; Car-<)[ Avres, 7 Juin 2; Lyns Stemwart, 7 Juîly 8; Rick Roman anti Bill Lockie on Juin 5; Helen Vis De Boom. 9 titIs 8; and Mutr Ansn Vande. î.tk, 2 Jais- 8. Ret. Keiîh lHatikes tînu Mes. tlituiskes tînudchiltiren Tinmsv anud Mutiha muineul m lte mnise ltiHttinhy on Sa iuirdu*iv, Jutis 2. Mc. Hawkhes isili minis- ter lti Aihgtuise, Hoenbn uni Bethli itedi Chutrch congegut 1 ions. - Milton O. P. P. reporiciî lc.îilic- ias Iticv n dsrc ligliinavitve the hoiiiiutwesek- endi biti tr e sîcu-roilr auc"dents. Nu peesuins ocre kil- ui orinittuul uandipi'ipeis' ti.nuuitin. tei- iiirahe îuiîiei ,1711. services Minluter ut thse iwo churches, Rer. A. K. CrlftIIhs peaismd the Iaymen for their interentiun Ibm Prujeen. 1He sid mateh ose lis tholiaugjdy teseatched M4 %tt> led the subet mattet fortUSdt sertnon.s and lhep are doing a vry commendabie job". Tnto of Ohm .iaymeas, Mr. Nat- ion and Mr, Warren, bave ainu offermd ibeir services to other cbîîrches iii 16e district, le v y How WILL YOUR CAR COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF " ,TAKE"" A VACATION? 10 SI ERVICE MANAGER RUS IST11 TODAY ... -Makte an appoininsant i. makp eau .L. Psure.pour carmisin top condition lier tam- mer drivin. A chckup n e May v YOUGETGRETERSAVaGSHER. 01 Yu money - and pour 118.1 TRY US AND SEE - WE DONT DICKER - WE DEAL! Immam BOSTON AND OMAGH EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH PRESSYTURIAN CHURCHES Commercial Street, Milton Minister Minuçter: Fastor Clayîon Coleij Rer. Slanler E. Smith, N.A. 8843 3834 878-358287 73 7-54 THP LORDS DAY SUNDAY, JULY lOîh, 1966 SUNOAY, JULY 10t6. 1966 Boîh churbes are closed doring 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Sehool for Jul *v. The congeegalions are aIl. worsbipping wilb Knox 1100 a.r.-Morning Worship. cburch. Milton, 10.00 arn. 530 p.M.-Youîb Tinte. 630 p.m.-Song Service. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCI 700 p.m.-Rvening Wesýhip. Minfster Wcdnesdas-. 8 p.m-Bible stody Rer. J. K. L. MeGown, BBA. and Frai-e Meeting. 878-686 878-2652 AIl Are Waemlv Welcorned 0 corne, ltlun wornhip and _____________ boit doms; lt us koetl before t6e Lord Our Maker." ST. PAULS CHURCH cf the SIJNDAY, JIJLY l016. 1966 UNITED CHiJRCH 0F CANADA 10.00 a.m.-Morning Worship. Main St. ai James Si. "You Cant Tell Me." Foented by te union of the (Note 10.00 a.m.î Presbterian, Metbodîst a n d St. Pauls% United and Boston Congregational Chueches in and Omagh Feshvîerian Canada. coriregalions arc worship- Minster: ping i'ih os doing Jîtîr. Rer. J. Lorne Graham. AIl Are Wlcorne Oîganisî and Choir L.eadtr: Mes. Harold Magre. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local assembty uf THI EPPENTECOSTAL SIINDAY, JULY 1016. 1966 ASSEMBUISOF CANADA St. Pauls congregalion mut mwor- Pastor Rer. 8. Christensen ship mith the Knox church congre galion In Knox 'Fres- LORD' DAYbvterias chuech aIt.0a.r. LORD' DAY- Please note change of SUNDAY, JULY l0th, 1966 hotte. Keiîb McCown in 9.45 a.rn-.Sunday School. charge. 11.00 a.m-Morning Worship. 7.00 p.rn.Evangelinîic Service. THE Wedneiday. t p.mn.Bible Sludy UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA and Frayer Meeting. Mntr e.A .Gifîs Friday, t p.r.-Young Peoptes Mns ,R. . 2, in. s service.Lowvile - Zimmernan A Cbuech You Can Make Pastoral Charge Your Home "Corne close to Gnd and He A Warrn Welconete luEreryone will conte close to you., CHURCH 0F CHRIST S1JNDAY. JiJIY l0tît, 1966 OMAGI! ' Zimmerman Unitad Church No. 5 Sideroad and 416 Lise Applchy Lise Trafalgar 10.00 a.m.--tDinine Worship. Sermnt: Mi. J. G. Warren. SUNDAY, JI.LY 1tîh, 1966 Assisîing: Me. J. G. Cîtecl. 10.00 arn.-Bible Sehoot Classes Nttse rvice iitdav ai Lîîwville for ail agen. United Chîîrch. 11.00 a.mn.-Morning Woship. Fvervone cordially inviîed. 8.00 p.m.-Peeaching of the Gospel. MILTON GOSPEL HALL Larey Fort, Miniter 241 Kîngscourt Cees. 36 Ontario Si. N., 878-2022. Mlton, 878-3555.' Chrislians gatheeed in 1he _______________________ name of 1he Lord Jesos Christ. RUMUMMMý(Math. 18: 20) GRACE ANGUCAN CHURCH Milton, Ontario. Recior: LORDS DAY, JULY 1816, 1966 Rer. T. -M. Dustan, B.A., 10.30 a.m.-Breaking of Bread. B.D., E.D. 12.15 p.r.-Sunday School. Associate: 7.00 p.r.-Gospel Service. Rev. Canon F. 1H. Mason, Wednesday, 8 p.rn. - Prayer M.A., B.D. and Bible -reading. 'Al are wielcorne 1 filese SIJNDAY, JIJLY ii,1966. îeervîcen. Trit-y V Christ muni seeds have suffer- 10.00 .m.-..Mamanin '.jg., and .-. d -a-ri sen again frous 1e.. Sermon,.îiead. Ails 17, 3. À ILd -IÀI el q1(flDan 409 Main E. MOTORS L CO. LTD. Milton - 878-2369 âh - .. - I 'j area church For i c second vear in a rom, Isvmn sandi momes of Zimmcc- man anti Lomvilîe United L'lurch charge are laking one 1the stîmuner services - antI ace tenus- cnjuîing ilîir stock. Frcth l'ie tise.Stlaysi'iiititis. wttladuies ant ipihlmes mutl paicîup iunututtcitieservices anti preuich the sermoîn. Set'- vcsof [lietvo chuciissn'ili tilinte heissyeu the Iti chut- ches. tand i li ld i iti10 atit va(îil Siffitii, On Sunday. Jiiiy 3, kI., k Bar tuou g.th e setnio u thes , ticc ini Luutviiiec- c"h ssiui Norman Lungitin asîiîiing. Nesi Sîunîluv J. G. Warren isili pcearh t Zimmeemun anti J. G. Coeneli svijl zîsii Scbeshlîîî-for the eemainisg 'lresri e e" es Mes. How- autt Cîtulsos pu'euuhing anti George Cuuilng ussising ai Lois' villie, Juilv 17; Sian PunÉch luk- ing ile termouuîînînd Edigar Ctampbelli ,usisîing tii Zimmct'- m-un Jutîr 24; aund Mes. Burdgc Guinhi'!nit he ptipil i ilh i he ,p of' Limer Fuisicu tus Jîui What is BAHAI ? WIO.-THURS.-FRI.-SAT. JULY 6-7-8-9 "THUNDERBALL" - in color SEAN CONNERY CARTOON - "PINK PISTONS" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Matin.. Satuvdoy at 2 p.m. MON.-TUES..WED. JULY 11-12.13 "DARLING" JULI1E CHIRISTIE - lAcadenty Award Winner) CARTOON - "HaOMOS HOUDAYI THURS.-FR1 -SAT. JULY 14-15-16 "GIRLS ON THE BEACH" - in color I ESLIE CORE - BEACH BOYS "YOUNG FURY" - in color RORY CALHOIJN S HOW TIM ES MONDAY THRIOUG.H THURSDAY - 8 P.t FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 7 AND 9 P.M. --------- - ------- LETS SKIP THE DETAILS', m-m m Our Best Advertising is the Good Values We Have-Here's Just a Few- 1964 GALAXY 500 1964 FAIRLANE 1964 DODGE 1963 FORD ' 2 DOOR HARDOO 2 DOOR SEDAN 4 IRSDN4DO EA .90. V8auto.,powter sicering. power 6sývl.,standiard. Nighi mistble 4 000sSEDA 4 00 1 SDA ,, esradio. Ras I 9 8n itOrna %t1.grccnwtth goon d e.d - idn e. e s ihbl nierior. lh ld %h i IX hligr, atm 6-clt or. Lient. 1119661 19 Ltcenw '648-097. $ 298 UJ eI1 H9838 - s l Jk1. Ldîr auto 37. rtd 1148 1963 GALAXY 1962 FORD 1961 PONTIAC 1961 PONTIAC 4 0003 SEDAN STATION WAGON 4DO SAINWAO OI EA tueqîtîtisu binetîrto h bloc inicrior 6-c1 Twili1.hî t 9tuui se,-' aJl%%v iegjan anV6nhite and biloc. VO52X britiintdiiniIerIh %r.X standard. Ltcense $9 79. Lcense 1H-7489. l 98 1$9 8 1 Lcene-47. $8 8 268300. 1961 PONTIAC 1960 PONTIAC 1960 ZODIAC 1960 FORD GALAXY CONVERTIBLE STARLINER 2 0001 SEDAN aliaic dn t n4 0003 SEDAN 2 0001 HARDOO Medtium Bille, 6 th bak Dr.bo cge Ia 8 Riscit Black siith aticlot)ý1j1 mal('11in- 1 h j,,I-ini 6-c liciled interior V8 tel -. nîtcîseîtiom tii $automatîc, radio. s 9 MlLrON 1 ve-M £h