Th-é Cntarlian Chtnpictrt, Wptdnt.-eiay, Jtaly 6, 1966 by H<oh 4-H. Club. News ANNUAL HALTON 4-H BUS TRIP A otur aoflisenew City Hltl in Torunto was une or lise higis- ligitsuoaitise -alIon 4H bita tripield on Wednesd-à .yJue 291h. Tise Kiwauis Club of tise Kiugsway. sponsors for tise 4- B- Clubs lu Hation. condîteei tise program, Higis Park tir lunich, andi ai Riterdate Zoo. Tise afiernoon pragrînî in- cluded a stop aI the Howsardl Btome-.lead at i 1gb Park. viere tise Original fornisisingu anti iosre drauvu carriagesit-ere tll n prime condition. Tise 4- IltClub members ilien visited tise f.trni oi Allan Collins and Sou-. at Wuodbrîdge. Tbis aperation casited of vegelale producition upeializing lu ru- dl-heu, beelu, and greea onions. Tise day camne ta an ettdl tii tise btarrieing b.ik aI te Milton Paie Grotunds inlise lite aI ternuon. DIALTON 4-H STAWBERIY CLUB by Stuart Nurse Tise- -aiton 4-l S l-lttlerrnv Club tuas prinileged la isit lise Viueiand Fuperitneutal Stat ion, on J une 28. Tise Annuai Sit-w beery Twuilght uas beiug bel sun armeru lu tise .trcs cotîlî ic.tru oi neut-plants cani ciii [,ou Rikoisoiti.otue ii[lie itead mten aii Vineictîi.piittii nitle tet iis plots .andles-i ing areas. Ttteresuas a shotitirece-- iii allawIt-le people It a cve ac cii- ser look aithtie ocrieies inIllie leiý.Ansmachnme Icet-- pick- el" 01t aîîsing ottiShide n When lise group tati a chance ta look cratnil. discussions suereliteiti.tabuît rietlecs, fbei- lucides and Il-tiprenttilaît ll is arugi sîîeismeetings lise modernicrmer l lt-t o imprau-e hi-. eraps. 500 Ihisteins off 'to itly assemblie ut Georgetown yoed A ot od of00purebrhcd Ititsin miAîttst. nluitidi CanadanHosteinshasjutleit tiill e th 4 hcaI t oitsttti St. John, New Brurswick lorIl- toc [itic hîhc heout t aly. Tise purchaser, AtiIio Lad- dii-pet-ual sale oi tise Dak Ridue,- ira of Cremona, ltalv, will dis- herd of R. -R. Dennis, Oak Ridig- tribute the cattle ta Ilnian es-, a here Mr. Ladina mvas rn breeders. uer-up in the idîing lor a btit! This shlpmnent cousisted of cal! ihat -old lor the Canadian top quality animnal s secured Record auctian sale pricerfor a fram tise -province, oE Manitoba, dairo bal ai 46.000. Hlis 44 pur- Ottario, Ouebec and New Brun- chas. rangedin prive Itam swick. Tise entire group was as- S110100 ta $2600 ca-lh. sembled at Georgetown, and te- quired 25 railseay cars. for trans.- P.TO. SHIIELDS part ta St. John. Has ing i, t buis tiue anti Arrangements or pitrehase ou c înî taste lrne. The bas and shipmenl wcre Imade bu' Mot tlie stateil loeIll Rackunood International Ltd. of wseather break-. Sneesit Georgetown, miile John Raison rani allord ta ie ,n\ostt ai Smilh's Falts accompattied shouaiti aias take inte tîtin tise catlttaItals - -taIthtie PF10 iteldtIon le distictbreder tua mwet, cîtnditittnc-rtor tîhur Amang distrir-iteerîsenhoeqoitint . 01t, participaied lu the shipment are ralingîs-itis an ttnptîtteî it-il Robert Aleander, John Btand.- halt i, iteakittyli-trobe et-, Rau Thompon ani Gottdott and votî cani utic jie Laidlaw. a bho-pitcî lhiiias Mr. Ladina especis ta ship an- Mitre inte tn larrn repair- ather hoat nad oaillieInqru nslien a heeca PRESCRIPTIONS 24 NOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-ffl2 - Aftîr Huri 8784961 FREE DELIVERY - REVION COSMETICS K. H.ELSLEY, B.Oc.,PhM. TANYA DEMING wa-, raptain of the winning girls' team ai the Fercy W. Merry Sehool field day held on June 22. Shown n the front rom are Elarne Lister, Denise Woodl and Gladys Smith. In tise back rom are Janice Hlson, Laurie Maxwell and Tanya Denti ng. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM 0F TOMATO SOUP CHEF SALAD $1.25 ROAST CHICKEN WITH SAGE DRESSING MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES COLE SLAW BOSTON CREAM PUDDING FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 578-9061 We Are Open Every Day Throughout the Voir 11IDO RESTAUIRANT' 181 Main AIR CONOITIONED Milton 878-2393 WILLIAM WONG mas captoin ai tise înnîng b:oys, team ai tise Percy W. Merry Scisool fieid day heid on June 22. Sbown lu tise front rom arn Bihll endvoy, Bruce Baiiey, Lue Poler, John Van de Pol and Don MacMierter. le tise back rom are Kenin Rosis. Mise Sutherland, William Wonq. ick Caibecis and Larry Johnon. Boys' events inciiaded standing btoad aump. bîis tump. rîctnîing lîroael mm.p, o step-itinta attd tares. Cuiteretr (Ci ederu Slag & Silo BLOCKS __ J. COOKE (Coca-el. SBlocks) LA T MO NE 4-7763MA. M ORE EVFPdINCq INSURANCE CALL JACK< HALL CAMPSELLVILLE MLTN878-6365 854-2271 MILTO HA I] :RDWARE 227 ainSt.Eas MILON R 8235 CAR TROUBLES? CHOOSE YOUR» NEW CAR NOW' CHECK THE *Top Solution 0 Low Cost Fi.a.cimig 0 After Sale Service AT REED-REDFERN No neod ta pro-arrange financing somewhore else, thon run back and forth for pricos. At Re-Redfern you can complete the whole transaction - like one stop shopping. And youIl be pleîsantly surprised with the G.M.A.C. timo payment plan customized for you. Finance the insurance as weII, if you wish. GET A GREAT DEAL THIS WEEK AT REED REDFERNLD- YOUR CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE - CHEVELLE DEALER Ontario St. S. Milton ---------- - ---------- --j 9ffl Ê CO-OPble 0 ieD Summýfer rallty for ca-r club Tise Moffat neya farmn of -Me, anti Mrs. -William litttey - al- rendv- seeli knowvn for litu heep, sanîliraits and tabries - tetlok tit a netsatî [ost rt-liea duis J ittî- 2(j as 45 cantitque, lsi Sntci netvas ns tlîrd tp anti parisei on i-be lawn. Tise invasion svau a ,,tmmer raky ai Tise Jaguar Chia. aigan- ize-i bit ct riend orflise Horvu, Bob Fîeeman of Ocîkeille. Tis plie . argie Pcckciidi, seecrI i Bi-nIles. tutudtîitt i cîssirantI atntique veisicles Eu -hse 25 Side- Taoad, Nassagaweya fa-m. About 100 people came suit-h ,lise cars and liseir first job an arrivai wau lu tbring outtht-e dunlters and dlean up evers- gteaming square incis of tiseir pets. Prizes serre tater ausardrd onalpearanre in rariotus age s as-it (aitans - iiecar;,, bat Dut ittg te ctii enîrtn. ise lai!- les enjaneil touing Itbe Huev icîbric sbvtp ald tIhe itildren traipsecl ont t 1tise fietl.,ttt ids lise sheep. Mi-S. Hors set-- id tiiteshtnen-,. (Iiîli cii eon i atidi n. grlic titi