Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jun 1966, p. 6

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Vacation Time Buys that Open Eyes - Un the Classifieds BIRTHlS FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE CLASSI FIED RATES 13 FOR RENT 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE JACKSON - Mr. and Mms. L D. 4BURNER slave, heav duty; ELECTRIC Spanish guitar. 4 2 I - BEDROOM apartments, Jackson i(nee Hill) o 15 Fui- sater hecaler. 575-643. c8-828 pick-up, also amplifier. Phonme 878- Teopheme The Canadien 191 main si. main florr. Phone 878-3108. Paricway Drive G bo ton St., are peased ýta annouace - 6813. ic8-773 878-2341 champion Milton, Ontario 13c"-26 G b o the birth of tier daugter, Di- USED riî vP ower l1t'N.>s r-SR( DAH RBE OR~~G~~E eat the heat ln this fstiiy ceea Margaret, weight 8 ibs., f4 Crest Hardware, Milton. tc8 7841 -,FRIGIIDAIRE refrigerator, inBfl EAE MEN IE, TS - Na charge. - . 3.BE'DROOM hauin ffritby, modern home under the tait pin- V iI g b oz, t Miltan District 'Hsptal AGTEi xelecni good condition. D. A. HIoward, EGGMNS-N hre availabie August t. 878-4841. es, an extra chice large lot, 3 W lo g b o idy ue25, 1966 at 5.16. tian. Camptellviite 854-2662. 846. worda - Oc per word ihereater. Sibsequent insertions (no ______________bdommayeîaarcn LOSE -Mr ad rslPte _________ CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR TI- eopy changes) - uIt minimum charge for 15 worda. OcSer ROOM -for gcntleman, wilh or ditioner included in the coolLmi d LaaSER rR. CaMr.Ptert LAAC fli'soksry RES, new and used. over 2,888 word thereaiter wiihout board, 247 Elmwaod price af $20.880 for direct sale.Lm te Loro RR ,Cmbl-CERNEo ietc PaKelly Springfield ires in Stock, -25e discoant allowed for cash payment. Crescen t, 878-2622. 13c7-729 Fîreptace, fou! Termis.REL R ville, are pleased te announeehe $1,50 gai. white il tanin. 878-9162. ail,, izes. mss' prices; fiais fixed, COMING EVENTS. CARDS 0F THANKS - $125 îor irst ire ELO birth of fileur on. -Richard Mar- le8-779 $100, wiiols blaoced,$1.00. Wr filensfile for each additionailfine. ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEA- MILTON - 878-2164 tin, weight 6 flbs., il oes., at Mil- have batteries for most cars and IN MEMORIAM - $1.25 plus toc per fie o verse. TERS with rer service. Phone tan District HSospitat an lune 21, PEDIGREE Engish style trucks. Milton Tire and Radia- CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, REAL ESTATE - $1.40 lper colamoi, ieh. Milton Hydra 878-2345. 13ctf-425 "7cl Popular Split Level 1966. A litle brther for Paul Pram, in gaod condition. Reason- orSvie19M iS., 878-2711. Deadine thinoclassiieation - 5 p.m. Monday. CMOTBJ o ande 8oh8-6681._______________ ictf-4t9 BOX NUMBERS to ibis office - 25e additional. COMFITAIA-rucrn SALEe dLaveiy split - level brick -haone an onomi, suit gentlemant, centrally PREIVA ES ALE with 3 bedraoms, on large fen- MIRHRM ad r.Aln REFRtOERATOR, oid, but in iEDIEI 2N O USA ocaîed. 'Phone 878-3184 or 9987. ced lot, finished recreatian McARTHUMr a1dCrshll. tten candition, $20. 878-9943. ___________ DALN S1 ON TEDY13c8-768 3-BEDROOM main, iaundry room, aluminum North, Acton, are pieased ta an- -whreld. c-8 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE trsad cennol nounace the birifs of iheir daugh- ADDING MACHINES, îypewri. h catFe rsTuîaJn 96 aria St., Milton - 60 suites now SPLIT-LEVEL HOUSE painird and wilh broadlaom, ter, Kimberley An, weight 7 ters for sale or rentai, Phone 878. 'HAY, baîrd in the field. Bar-- etnaalb I Jy.37v' icloto.Cl ufr ibs., i oz., str'Milon 'District Nos- 6962, Marris Slalionery. lctf-417 lioglan 634-656. 2c8-837 5 CARS FOR SALE S HELP WANTEO uisreneavaiate-ediI uiy "37 very rudl ,fi- nîce oatin. te iwuso pital on Jane 26, 1966. A sisier b ATQE - i- B'E bs.nie îi.wî - --- sle,90.5 o$1; -emo shud rec. ruons, double gar- charming home, Fuit price forad NIQEfurniture, eaml i -uits,---250tu 118,880.ro Richar. toran setee an armoair. or-ter Egger 878-9326. 2cU-39 1958 MERCLIRY, paower steer- MARRIED IMAN for modemr utsn 15 t 15 nluige-0e MARSLAND - Mm, and Mms. Ro- casional chairs, -hall tree. Frivate.- ing, power brakes. radia, gnad dairs' and fruit farm. Experience ecti refrigerator and stove, bert James MarsIand (nec Mar- 878"566. ic8-793 HAY for sale, choice Na. I tires. $195. Phone 878-9958. preferrcd. Gond wages. Free drapes, hcat, eIectricity, water Priced to SeII ion Officer) of 75 Commercial St., - E ic ceîrii mixeci has'. standing or baird.5c-2boswihilcneine:hy and parking. Reserve your spart- MloOtaepesdtan SD3 peecetrilPoeGeorgetown 8773925. 5 dru fue ial d miik.ood workingmenttoday. CatI Brian Ment 878- ~ 8833 Older Type Brick Houito, t., aire poftesdtaua- canfartoble and cdean. Sacrifice. 2c8-79 1966 PONTIAC, 4,788 ,iilr5. pO'on-dtoen. Ph. onRoy Laidtaw 6292 or 878-592., tktî-787 Pone 8833 2 - stores brick 'home, ccntratly narncKimhe rth of thei gh 3 GoitsHrwae7eog-er steering, powcer brakes, auto 865-8523, Hutionvilie. 8c8-728 17c8____________________t_______l 1er., 8 .KerilneDigticttown, 877-2551. b53376 PICK your awn strawhermies. malic, 4-clnor, Laurentian. 878- -_______________ 255e a iii. Containers extra or 6594. 5c7-758 WANTED immediotels'. man or andATE O EN ons, ivn aain, d-n Hopital on Thursdoy, lune 23 McCLArRY frig., 9.1 Ca- fi., freez- ring our osso A. & . Service, waman lue-uppiy consumners in14WNE OR T mains, kichn mntd atrom 1966. er ocross top, semi-auoatic, 5ith Line West, sautE cof Nation- Milton and Hation conly with BUSINESS mohn and faiynesdeooig aotho ap- good condition. D. A. Toward, 2c9-782 Rweg rdcs a an$0wn o4bdomhm.Cl TANSLEY-Mr. and Mrs. William Campheltvitie. tc8-835 vie. 7 WANTED Rseihîruc.Coern$0not3a4bdro hm.CtI putinmnt H.Tnlys'e ynaHn eekiv part lime. $180 and up fuît 878-6237. 14tf41 hisieii W ov son) of Hilton re pteased ta rCAMERA, Keystone, triple tur -_lim.__________________-28-_REL______BRKE 135ucete birth of their rt and crrying case; 8 min. Ko- 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 1 USE'D Massey Harri- 7' Or 8' 336, 4005 Richelieu. Si. Henry, daughter, Tracey Lyna, wight 7 dak projector; sceen; ight 'bar _____________ binder. in gdcniin 78-30 16 SERVICES 13 l9 Main St., Hilton. Ibs., 5 Oe., at Hilton District and edtor. 8786566. Ic8-795 9364. cnio.73 MontreSERVICES7 Business Opportunity Hospital on Jane 23, 1966. LAYING hiens, 9 maniEs nid.- - --i____________ 7 ONCH Gencrol Electric te-: NE ".992. 3cg-790) TO BUY, private. modemn, 3- BAR STEWIARD BRICK, stone and block work, $18.00 fil price, 3 - bcdraom Sabstanliat building with 3 ap. WHLN- m ndMs Kn ision, floor model. $25. Bob Mur- hedroonin bungalow, in Milton. fimptaccs, chimnees, costoin brick spiit.tevel with carpnrt, artments and spaciaus aresa dock, h Line behlind Bell Trie-1 NICE Coulic pups. Reasonable. 878-3245. 7cg-769 Psto soeodta -but homes. Colt Prics Masonrs'lvn ai ihbodoi, o ait'soe uc a neth Whalcn 'f neceLindo Strv- . -88-733cg-836 --ast s.Muihbondahir. Ait co) f 26 .R , ito, nt.phone repeater station. Honbv.1 7 -6R3. 'oat oc2 re slctionus tl bc îicîin CntutoRR.I aihi-balhronm and vanits', recrea- etc., tncaled in the hcart of ens8 of 246uie.1854-2tn72.nt.6ctf-5ad1'lion roro2incandaplicanioy ruonsc siniune CofsrnctariosR.beaCampful are pleaned ta announce the birth ________I1GENTLE r idin g horsc. 9 yc.îcs ifr teen-ager. For luriher inter- confidcenc.vl8427. 1______ linsmnd Temn omiin onervf atio os. wondefut of their daughter, lanice Lynn, E'LECTR IC -s av es.__îuly v-recan- otd. $175. Phsone Waterdossn 689- nratione.clt 878-2598 aller 6 p.. îaaaîî. Ters. cnpainafriase nseu wight 6 lbs.. 13 ors., al Milton citionced. 24, 30' aod 3r3', gond 4018. 3cg-783 7c8 817 Appîs'y ED. c,,, HO ES no d'irsnpportunity.fricoehm District Hospital an lune 22, 1966. choice. riccd ran $29.95. Gond-LV OLR.GOS N o iinContraOTY îr dg ine ss ,98. Trtni. iri's Hardware, Georgetowen, 877- DUCK EATHERS.FA D Pi.k . Bx60 itn9c7 e lasleing, Cement Work CO NR HME Fulpie$590Tras 2551. b53-374 DC AHRfahrik. a Chîmnees and Fîreplaces $26,500 fuit prie, 3 - hedmaun- 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE Higbrsî priccs. We rail. Write 1. 0 Extseriam Stucca brick, ranch style home, large ENGAGEMENTS____e ioirin Rpara kitcheit ssith nahagany'cp E AEMNS YOU WILL LIKE busing youcriZeer, 776 Courege St., Toronto or, lseigRpiscp buldngmoecas ndcol i BAND SAW. 12 inch iutingý 1o uetLna 874 v~ EMPLOYMENT WANTEU hnbAtn83-88 loards living rons with sione Farms and Acreages 'Mr. and Mms. Stanley Barn- Crasfords.Coinpbclivilie. Oick tlrro.ît. 078-6566. 4c8-7941i enîeg Hdson5-283. 7have areplce, inin aofa 4 -piec olaple, Hornby. wish la annaunce service. High quaiity. PhonLI -ah, ,il eveninISgf bahanndnanii. fute haseet W aeavrit fcar the engagemecnt of iheir daugh- Campbetlvitle 8542232._Iti-4161 CUSTOM haliîîg. 10 cent., -irIA L ah vit e.s88-9n7 le ad nitls ompîrîrd se', îrapmî a[ms. large and sinoil acreag- teJos' Bernire e Mm, George - r TUaRsuE_: -pieerneser- ..Phone 878-9385. 4c"-29 SPEC5IAL S turda>ss ii 5 88-16 ai ment and eniraece. garage and es, Oand country homes. Wr eel- ter.i 10 ege, ono M. URI ice hete- toto.9cg833 PCOI rorkhop. heautifut haine crne s'aur inquimies and are HaminMeseger sn sfMmfield; odd chis table and but- INTERNATIONAL H.îmesterl Catuolie and rtlestani tre and Mrs. Joseph Messenger. Cal fci; 1Ilied, spring and inatress; 'Ide deiveîs cake. Howard Gw-Ihomes are ucgeniiv needrd la, 35-YEAR-OLD tadv reqires p- k ~ sih man.v etras. Terms. Con happy t0 show s'on arouad. edan. The marriage ta take ptace H 0,-i' go land 8 78-6,456.487891care for older eblidmen. Thisis iion in Milton or siii D mî~ead Stoc k emovai e ee'b"'pinmet Saumay lly30196 l intmmaen tann, tn 00cillerh.tcgegopotniv87"9d2t4.Epeinc:oconî LIMITED $7.50fuit price. 3 -bedronin Il ynu rontemptate seîîing, ist o'cinck in Hunnns United church, lo.Oe abn le.8862.JAMESWAY silo unloaders. a0-ý those who sili take the respn- recisable, investigations re cmd-1 trame anci stuccn remndetied oiSyu isnWlogb Oakviile. ~IcS-821 gerl, eeders, milk Iansier cqoip- ihîlitv of caring for and pruvid. ilt colections. Transport keoir- 1 ligbcsl Cash prires for dead aor onboe.statdo Iar imiled represnenWieghb LARGE glsy prints ni Con- ment, John Ridgrway 878-6175. 'ite a egular lamilv fle for iedge adequate. Reply F0. Box disabied co-a and herses, lot. Ternis-. adian Champion staff photos, 4c8-536ýceblidren op te age 18. 1228, Milton. 9c8-7721 Licence No. HGC 349C65 226RP65 MARRIAGES 5 s 7 ier$1; 8 x 10 size $1.25; BA ERbrclaessiou-FrurhrisrtainctatPh eZnt 995FRMAn&A IieC rs _____________________plus tas. Cash mulst accnmp.isa or n d au1mai fdi.f STEMMANN - BEATY - Mr. and ofier.9 E nenSe i Chapion.Ii1 eqipinent. Eari E. Snoo 878-6496.1 MRS. . LYTHGOE 10 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT 6t 129 acre larn, on main road, 34ManS.E Mrs.HughBe_______tan-4c85571___ corner praperîs',r large bouse, hn 8868 Mm. Hugth Bcray ofish a an- . - - xtnio ade.FO org aretes c lc/o The Childrent Aid GR-ADE -Il Commercial stud hank barn. Asi g $45,00. Poe8 -680 17cg daugbter, Marilyn Louise, 10 Pe- Onlv 110. hioncsr..loge wagons, Minnea- Society of the riti require-. numrmer cm plas'- Walnut Ranch Ltd. 1 8 acres ns iS 4-hrdroom haine. ter Jean Siemmana. son cof M. 128" X68" st n ltertor hou-.cpolis Moline nachiners'. Eari1 ,menttbusiness imachines- nd. ,î dan d D'sbled Cass ll eneveniences. bank barn. and Mrs. Waldimam Sirminanit. donc. painird ighi geen. 'ail6 Snonr.5608 Tremane Rd. 4c8-558 Cunyof Haton tvlie ob. Brs'ao 'Bougtini 87- a Md ornes Asking $29.000. Terms. Oakvile, on Jonc 21, 1966 a in gesce jdb.laich with glass78 OmreAnlianchrc. ilon Iknohs. Onis' $475. nM.H. PONY traclor. in guod Tlptîe8827. 37,1c-2 24 Hour Service 64 acres, vacant land oith For Service and Satisfaction PIKET à RIDLý -ri 1I' eav ak crw.Olv$7501condition. Equipintalincudesi1 7c8 Lic. Nn 33R.t1-- sreaîm. clone tu 401 Hsss. Ank- Consult PICKtT - McCRInDL5E196, ni av'.aksces nt.173.mooniteilmoner. pions. cutvator _______________ig925. eis Satuday lue 2, 166.litSt. The abuse .ar n irni t.,-.-. .nd snîrs'bladc. Frire $750. May 1 Georges United Cburch. Toronto_ cnditon. hls1n1.r 39 FrOR sSTRAYEO Waterdown MU 9-1044 B I N B S by the Vers' Rev. Dr. Angus Me- cniin ecna 9 er iPoe EPWNE 1t alB I N B S Ouccn. Margers' Ann, doughtcr of R. M. CLEMENTS 878-9949. 4cful7finit BULOVA s.tch. selons ld. 878-2095 878-6057 Reaitor and Insurance M. and Hrs. lao Andrese Me-1 192 Ouecen StreetTUN 0ro1."ui te orn Fridas.1 Jonc 24. Rcnnatid. 878-I Crindie. Torunto, ta Richard La-i ipartîinite. Fhonîe 854-2246. 8c.8-825S 6040.o1îîc8-788 i SPRAYING 17c8 310 Main St.. Milton fayete Pickett, son of Mr. arîdl i TRACTORS i -1-_ -__-.- Ms. Neson Lafayete ickeli of 'i 1250 diesel Cockshtttl.deîîorî- WOMAN toc snrekiv cle.îniits".' MALE hlack andîlfan ttooîîd.i CUSTOM FIELD aîîd87-22 7869 Mito.Miton uisr8l 78-2633. Contacut Mr. J. L. Nichiolson,. Kit-1 LAWN629F878-6N9 Harness and isn.56 isl88-776htbrde. 784703. Ilc8-34, LAW3- EDROM bugalw, a Ilatherwork ti. - RESPONSIBLE girl or svoman. -_PEMALE ced bhune huund. un! FORMOSA 3acBEre o. 'bungaois ncei CARDS 0F THANKS Larenathrictu lcor r, 3l8Cs. u'îîîîs. tu rare toc 3 chlldren in itcir Campbetivile district. Phone, LNSAIG___________ ancped, and fis en oe We I hislie ooud tke toiiom-made b riires.lialtrîn and iOl nrhue. ine,.lpart finie. 878-6142 aller 6 Campheîîyiîîe 854-2659 1 tîc8-79ô LADanprtsrd of living rons w-iE expres ourbearfelt hank Wstern or Englisb style' t 8N Ford. 1 , 872i OGemsShpedand Co1rc8r1IIEglînton Ave. E. freplace, large kitchen wilh exresou ,atfltta sbini saddirs and b te oc citîreri AI ..telok îlt r hildBordler Colemaie. dark and Cnratrexhausi fan and daing rom, -rd ---WM-latnka-r -'G..-. ....-.e..î--. c... 70 _1AýToronto, Ont. 4-pîrre bath. fînînhcd recrea- relatives and neighhors, for hirron pons' caris and ýsulkies. kindncss, pravers and messages of ss'npaths' it aur recent tons W. F. Cross BP Service of 00r e lovrd son. Peter. and Corner N. 25 Hc 10 Sidesoad special hanks la Re, leffares FPHONE 878-2952. and te MoKersie Funeral Home. trO Don and Gloria Stokes.______ c"-39 _________ SINGE COMNG VENS_- SEWING MACHINE Dance t Aton Legion auditor- SALES - SERVICE bon, Fridas, Jls 1, tram 9 pi.m 10 t a-n. Jeff 'Brrys orchrtra R E N T A L (western and modemn music).* bl-346 PHONE 878-861 Sixth Annuai Ontaro Champ- Milto arcC ne ionship Highand Dancing Campe- to a rcC ne tition, Hilton Faim Grounds, Sol- ardas', lis 16. Auspices High- Services and Repaira an land Danrm' Association of On- ait makes of aeoing machines. Iari. bS-365 lctf 'Blood Donor Clinir ai the Le- TIP-IN TIRE gian Hall, 2 tu 4.30. and 6.30 ta, 9 pi.. nexi Wednesdas'. luIt 6. SALES LIMITED aponsored bs' Hilton Braneh, Con- adiait Red Crans. Dnrsae .r BASE LINE - HLO gentlis'ncedcd. c8-777' D inRo l i ominio -o a 1 FOR SALE SIGNS of ait kindn. Ras' Guav. 878-2150. lctf-597 GIRLS bicycle, 28' seels, $12. 878-9263. îc8-786 BALED Sas' for sale, in icld. Bronle 827-2667. 18824 USED washing machines. Crest Hardware, Milton. 1r8-85 18 IPT. OLENDALE cabia Iai- e. phone 878-4710. lctf-599 tEIiRGERATORS. hlls' crne- dtianed, gond chire. Priced frain 929.95. Att guaanteed. Goodets Hardware, George- town 877-2551. ibSl-375 Tires and Batteries Coîne in and sec the nese UNIROYAL MASTER The tire for tire worriern. USED PASSENGER and FARM TIRES 99c and Up USED TRUCK TIRES tnalal siges, 878-3131 ANYTIME If bus' CALL 878-2567 24 Hour Service, SWATHERS rc. and ligîi ouseseark. allrf îs n î ,rs.eî. ."j UUUlo un el a.uiis nuonnn'ork. and nos' lise in.878-i and soult ut Coînphitvitle.8%lo onwihbrutiy 't1 SP 982, f.ocksbhut.4q65 nod. 3207. 8c8-780, 2483. 1c8-798' 1&-7 onadstrgtaceg- 1SF 82o, C.îs, 19680înodet. . i______________ rc piiLVlej mil fr forced air Erat- M O ER S c u i y u a d s 1 F R E -rooi iim odern î ho m r it E car- A rt eacock. n i. $ 8 0 . C l MOWRS ecuityGuads 3 FR RNT __BARNS part, 3 hedronins. sparinus liv- 2 Derbni,3-pinthith. antd -ing romn'sitE bruadlonin. nice- 10 ACRE LOT-Loeated 2 miles 121. Dent-hritt 3-po lSit. valtuI1URNISIIED couti,.geritie- Whitewashed Iv. Iandscaped. aiuminum sinrms e,înt of Hilton, close ta Base- t 15 ocsltsi iailr FO'R LOCAL INDUSTRIES tmainis'l. 87"-769. 13c8-841 and semeons. For furiher parti- linRaad, 408 fi. frontage. id. 2 15AS tocksbiitt. scîîîi-îîîounicd. FîiTîcadPaiTne 2O OOSi uiis Y SFRAYING cuiors, colltMrs. StellaPorion. cal as an investirent. Lisîrd i FulMnOnîarîii R3ROM ncuty Qick - Ecanomicai price $8000, down paynent !pl isîtnnwrtiite.si.iitig .ge, fm,, 5 m illes norttît i Milton, - Giart-iiced Womk - $3.880. Vendor ni1t loke bac k lîir.g, idmlrrcter itî lidyand îîl iteigîiti t Ilws. 25. Suit couple. PFbne$1 2,600.00 a Iti origoge ai 7%., Colt cornt pick-ups. ec.t 879-9771. 13c-832 FORMOSA IsuBrc Bnglw obCs. .t.. 4ttr sdrNntoaîu. PO. Box 457 N l r'îiî etît t'a lier lor LANDSCAPING Conrlo.5cni mlae. farced INVESTHENT FROFERTY - PT9. 148 huis. ~~~~~~~~~~~~MILTON, Ontartito. cr. o Een'.e r montb, slccps arileating. 2 bedrunins, Cnris ooiddpest i ortibroc. SF428 tueS-Jîtîti, 5. ~ea .slyts'cected .îîtîîcatit', tout- 878-3263 blho ,.aiebright kitchen _ed n t a 66 n 124"fi.utoIbuiti tit ir-u. ____ d.For luttilie.r inforemation, collt lia;7itoiheaîin ca.fult baseniti in 1956, connisiof u 8 ruons. Cati WANTED ~~~~~~~~Ciiheltvitle 854-9986. 13K-9-770 adspmt aae otM.4pee birnn aae ___________________ Iett FarIn..nanv exiros. Rentai iitcnnt A. Kerr Equipment APPRENTICE COTTAGES 17 REAL ESTTE $1.740 per annun, Presetis' SmaII Acreages renird 10 excelent tenants. Acton 853-1959 TO LEA'RN MOTOR VEHICLE PrySud LTfrvi.20 8' xct ttt cegs rn ce pLisird prire $18,500. Fuîtdloswn tf ar on O u ae 0'x20,ecl til cegs rm2atsu paymeni $6,000. Cati Brian Sent. 4b52 REFAIR TRADE titic enut iew. No, 5 Sideruad. Phone ta 20acres. parcels of tond. goud1 Sotîse esper-ictrce lbetlisol.itrc Burlinglots 6342988. 17'-8-818 frurmages and o-oodrd lots. COUNTRY BUILDING LOT - 1,î Arnrls' osotue, sandyeteetrietive.raite nsilS simeans and natural ,acre ntunded tnt, on Guelph * dg il hnierv.itds' bach.ponds, iluaird on gond oadn, Litie, routE of Camphelviie 5 AR ORSAE Halton Truck Sales hisas. Privaes'. H. KEITH LIMITED clone 10 main SigEseos'aad 5 separated. sur'es'ed, approved 5 CRS ORSAL mnîuten1 0 41 inierchange at toc neptie tank. Askiiîg price -- -HIGHWAY No. 25 878-9695 Reator MilîontCaîl Mrs. StellaPorion. $2.250. 956 F'DI), Io n, 4 - speed MILTON, ONTARIO i 13c8 THE:i LA'RGEST tN 1THE FIELD $2.580 FULL DOWN PAYHENT- r.rsr'sor87-987 e-2 Phone 878-3121 181 Egliritin Ave. East ai Yottge. Modemn Split Level Modemn 2-bedruon bungalowt, 1961 SPRIrE, 3 tops, extra 818 Steel Building Menher Torotîto Real Enlate litîtînocutate split-tevel home wiîîs spocios living canm in selEire- rlrcls .ardd non tries. 878-9518. Bord 3 bedeonîn, haîbroons and van.- place. kitchen. baibrorns. util- 5c8-831 TWO FOR RENT -ils', spacious living monm, ty'rcann, F/A ail Sicing, sut- 1964 CORVAIR, tnt-s cleaonc~- large modern kitchen, fnrred ua ted on o 66' x 132' lot, cen- dritnont, mSalegs sehilo-aitstiVeS Nont occstpied b',Bol) Huîssard WLOEair gos lseating, niceis' tond- tralits' tacoid, Lisird fuitprire 4-spced. $1.750. 878-9979. lFor Soti-Wsiern Ontario. Mercuîy Saies Lîd. - seatord with frnced yard, atu- $250 5c8-771 Tocoat ramers atnd rural >,eersar ar K ,n ninun nstormnnand nereens, il- landutoseîcsnitis a tien ta gi-ms'v VILBE ma. "~ uaird on a quiet residential For Ail Your Real Estate Fo orNe Cr iîig specialierd cops att a caiti- A ALA' T l'o r Sales Staff with street. Cati Mmb. Barbara King ai FrYu etCr tract havis. High commission i MîSrs. 51ld P rron, 8783551.ad "Yand bonus paid. Repeat businesn Juty iJth suaceRurmn T ta quaiificd man wo enjas's deai- CiloSe Telephone Mrs. Stella Parton nu-fceRqimnt BUKHMLO n;wit-i rural people. Age is no Cl r e8860 7-51CALL BUCK HAMILTON brnier, Retircd and semiiretirvd87-75- 7831 A plcnswcoe Ecleto. CANADIAN TIRE 17c8 878-6705 partunits' for men with sales ah- 87-692Vri78-59 lits'. Att replies o-l'l bc heId in STORE - vrs. Barbara K'ing Offtire Hours: Open Moaday BELL BROS. confidencre. Write no- 10: NO MATTER wtsot youe eed, through Fridas'. 9 ans, ta 9 pi..; 87"-380 Box 155, Whitby, Ont. 878-2349 - Milton uneeof our t-asiers probabîs' hon 878-3551 1ç Satin-dos', 9 anm. tu 5 pin. .L sut îo 13- il. liîy ti. Wasted page filt. 17ç#7c - ------------ --------------- - - -------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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