SeUl Ut Trade Ut Through An Ad And Get More To Gift Dad BIRTIiS IN MEMORIAMS 1 FOR SALE - L S IF D R T S8 HELP WANTED 13 FOR RENT 17 REAL ESTATE __________________RATES__ EXPERiENCRD mmn te work PASTURE availaible for cowo. A.IiSTY -Doug and Linda (nae EDEN-In lov-ing memory of MY BUNGALOW, 3 bedrooms, near in feed Mili. Apply by telephone, Cai Georgetown 877-3735. Cargo) of 250Y7 Hurontario St., dear husband, Thomas Eden, O.S.D., plaza and sehools. Write Telephone The Canladieni 191 mua Sit. Malton 677-1060 or Brampton 451- 13c6-714 G b o Cokvle iepesd oa-wopseiaa ue1,15.Champion 'Box 72. 1c6-691 878-2341 Champion MBiton, Ontarlo 075 c6-707 nounce the birth of their daugh- Treasure hiits, Lord, il, o0ur ga- ADDING MAHN , typewri- BIRTHS, DEATHE, MARRIAGES, FORTHCOMING MVARRIAGES. 2 AIS attit - or teJennifer Lyn, weight 6 OIbs., den of rest. t ers for sale or rentai. Phone 878- ENGAGEMENTS - No charge. p2 LDy, atot1 lsou eeky WANTE W iOlouENT 15 ozs., at Hilton District Itos. For while on earth, hie wa n 6962, Harris Stationery. Icetf-417 FOR SALE, FOR RENT, ETC. - -$1.25 minimums charge for 15 Ae day eoaning us 25 ly 14 WAT50T R terf on Jonc 14, 1966. of the 'best. 1 merda - e per word thercaller. Scahacquent insertions (noAveaeerig 2 o$0 ROOMo al aprtment. Limited Ms.LlydRer Sidly missed, mile Doinhie.1 SEWING machine, Seamistress copy changes) - *$1.SS minimaum charge for 15 mords. 6e per Phone Burlinglos 637-7069. _ (necRM Thmn cfRs. Mil- c6-671 portabl, elecîrie, good word thercatlar. gc6-581 Phone 878.842. 14o:6-705 tn-!condition, $25. 878-9365. 1c6-677 -25e discount allsmcd fo cash payesent. BUSINESS man and famity Ua Di ton. are louese or antnefiA ID -gentlnad to eeg 87N3.1c1-7 pi-orth 3Bedîomigon i birth cf thei sort, ss'eigl'i 8 lbs., l MLo ovisho .ioalr, lMIisr ENtS cAD OFvi adtion K lis - $1______25__ ,isd homot lomc, onn lag 142 4 hm.Cl 12 zs., ai Hilton District Hos-1 i 'h parc as'ayiîe616 porcl, 6' s 9', $12; al-.o Nep- INMMRA 15p O e ieo .girl. A good home for tlic right pifai on June 7, 1966. Brother for laceassuic 6.hor m19or. i 'h.p 878- I CLMSEORIM AY REA E$TATE plu 11.e pe fineio ofe person. Wrt hmin870aîet ggo eat ati 1W mdrai ot. largd garx Marilyn. GdpoYsrrms aresnd him, 2560. 1C6-,672 BoxSIIE 71.AY HOUER orAT -oc $1.eroo aep-un ic.20 ei rie oi odg 'Kecip hlm1i n -,u care, ---Dcadtinc thas classification -5 gm. Mnnday. Mc-8 r Wilnt 823, 1eygo ea.3 Ca3li siscnhec lcto VE4- nnad CéaolVn Muk apto i e suitered, COUNTRY home, 3 hedrooms, BOX HUMBERS ta ihis office -25c additional. BANrN CARRER 87-87 8.30g pe r15.30de oif, a ogrn viez cf Iail- (ccCaeon f 32 oîpiAnd ait IlIfaI wýas unfair. lîgrgadahafltn. mac, grade 12 or 13 graduate in __--ing coi-fniryside, reqoires somte Line, R.R. 3, Campbltvilie, are I a cr oi memories, scapedi 165' hy 330 lot, ail fene- DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY teresîcci in a position willi an 3-BEDROOM house or apart- finishing and painting, close 10 pleasedi 10 annoonce the birl Sprayed ssith athosn leurs, cd. $18,200. 878-4731. 1c6-718 ecletftr.CnatJ et nMlofrsho e-sho ihbsa or p of -hei so, weght8 Is., ,i ihie G. ý d = ouSemple, Bank of Montreai, Mil- cher. Reply Box 1487, Parry on tu chfers. ozs., aI Hilton District Hospital 1 11a tom, mote vear-. RSDNILlt 0'x20 h aainCapoWdedy ue1.16 ton. 8e6.566 Sound, Ont. 14c7-595- on June 10, 1966. A brother for Ssi mlý issed lysieJsin tle village orl Mottai. $500. Kaenan Rck. în Clo. 6585 doso, Iaac 54.prmnh O SL ASFRSL HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG Rrl Cs Paern icy n arl 66 ivate. Campbltvitte 854-2446.' 1 FR SLE CAS FR SLE NCOE -MAI TOAY ura .>etngs PAESO isoie 1mos 1c6-663 199C{V orhr o n ICM ALTDY 16 SERVICES 5t acres of nature, hidden away ord Pdito hn [ i- . a ihrom trahfie, witI excellent ADOPIONS of Hugi. svi usdua PINMa l n Risci, witI CHINCHILLA g il conditon, ra.n ctw Thee ROTOTILLER services. Phone siream iiowing tîrougî, close _______ tne 16, 1965. maîching hench. mahogany. Bcdt anîd isior job. 878-3573. Co. Ltd. 878-2422. 16-6530 tu Hamilton and Guelph, fine BLC avyadGe fAissýavs'rteoilced hy Anise otier. 878-6541 for inspection. M. Raise chinchilla - piea-.,ni, 5c7-662 plaice I or hurch or Scout Bl h, On. Har aGsen tci dMr.c-6 .Mrcad 2 anS. gnl, drcs lu urai DepI. F-284-HY CARPRNTRY oft ait kinds. Fredl camp, private lune. Gsselph, t, at-ea o pte 0 iî es E acad 2 Main 58 mat s gente.drtcsin carage or bast- 1964 CHEVELLE Super Sport 4005 Richelieu, Montreai. POQ. Benneft 878-2926. 16c7-720 annunc h arivi c ilir c6 me0ntai. Stall invmt garag orae- convertible, 283 power.pak. 4- Gentlemen: I am inlerestcd in ViFT. FIBERGLS huaIl C 69mn.Sativelct odc. ,cd aneliville 8.542566. tise snurtd famous RawIeigh Uine FORMOSA Lacdscapiflg, C1-2 cehg nhcz ii chosen son. Jumie Michael. COASN EVENT hp. cnl reeedri stampeo lie_____ MAURO - Vanoe and Charmaine meter. Icai and geocrator liglits, able. nato it c am paig vcîoigvtcyl l et announce scitî great pride and Dcl Aito Lego audiior blepms tern n o Fur ilformation 1957 PONTA certo aiS h trîne ~ ~ ~ 8836,16 osone stc stae lu ntae happiness, the finai adoption of iîîm. Fi'ida5', Jline 17 trulm 9p.m. trois. svindshietd, lights, padded standard transmission, good mu- iPieuse swnd me FREE Cook BRICK, stoce and hlock work, of h th wouo take dvne their beloved chasen daughter. ca, puddles and 'bool fenders. Phone 878-9107 1cr- and ncw paint job. Phone Stick and catalog wiih fuit de- firepiaces, chimnevs, custom cial th ios d makeh frdcine Elizabeth iBeth) Margaret. A lit. t 1 ans Jeif Berry orchestra 2W' h ittaie,$2088 878-6989. 5c5.651 ais buft -homes. Cati Pries Masonrs mv rernh sdiis (wsestern aîsd modemn music). 20011iittrie,$,0.88 3c6i- Construction, R.R. t, Campbei-1 soid for gýrd1enivg or cîîccr die sister for Raymond. b51-248 20653. lc6-717 METROPOLITAN Nash, escct ville 854-2672. 16cti-531 sc. nocif cr of Haiton, Casi ____________________CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR TI- len codtin nsI roi asdu ae . . . _______ edsdd10 acre parcets. Hois Rosury Churcli garden REnwaduci vr2second car, ideat for mile, $175. -s ENGRGMENT ccivv, asdry used, 1ve, 2nhe00 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE Phone 878-3424. 5c6-704 Addi .s..... . .ED. MCMULLEN ______________ churel property. Supper secved iely Spgiees d tom res fiistock, Coctractor xctv' Rera andpd nyssle inen o 1965 aiVALIANT prce; faisfies-I195 8cINT 00 Exec....t...velaserRetreatt or 'Mc. and Mcc. BeverIy Rita, $en ae aso 1.00: ssîeels îaianced,t$1.00. We MIXEO lî,y, is field. 878-523 -to.a- Cis.Prs . alsr n d ement ce Woondckn ug n ue Campbellviile, are happy liu an-1642 hase huileries fo «otcr ad 2cý6,688 'omalic. radio. 13,000 mites, Lg ,îcd leoc iodg n uie ishi collent condition, t,îdsv oec e Exîcrior Stucco rurali seiiin., cearis 3 acres or nounice the engagement ot hi PIANO t'eciiii bhie studenis trucks. Milltironai-________________ e Pîasîering Repairs heautiiot raturai .iandscapicg. daughlec. Marjocie Jean, lu Mc. oh Mignon TeIgmanc on Salur- t oc Service. 191 Mili St.. 878-2711 FERD ots. ree. Shesmood.I 1.900 or hesi uer. 878.290. 1 Clifford Attun Connor, son cf Mr. duI~eo81 .. os cif-419 PIssec Bortingion 634-2929. . 5c6-72519 EMPLOYMENT WANTEO Phone Acton 853-1818 Avoid long trips up norîli - adMsVicn onrMi a Jn1,8.5pm.inKo;2c6-7031 16ct1 isondertut vocation spot! Ample an c. îcciCnor i-Proîsicrian scbcol ruent. Silvor ________________ gîctes accommodlation. 'Has lu ton. Thc %sedding tu tuke plaee collection. c6-674 ~ jj SEED anod talle potatile- Se-1 For Your Next Car H AN ssiling tu cul lawns. 878- le ýcee 1o bcpppreciaied. on Satucdav. Jois 23, ai 3.30 narness and hîgo. W. Reai, Cawtdnetiviilc, 854.1 3417. 9c6.687 PACONI- oeclnck, in St. Dasid's Pîoshby- Tise Northi Haltts Stnshîne Lah wok 35.2c6-713ITYWMNmudlkbay5- iin flite hait id Hoiy Cross Laîrge sarcy oi lacloirV or __2 CE fla nfed et iitg job i hier ome home, vicin- Dead Stock Remnoval Anna&Archie Cairns Chsrcl, Gecrgetossn, un Mondas,'i coctum-ntade Iridiles, balii co iller. Nelson Toîwn Lino, sosi BUCK HMLO tofGrgS.878-2682. 9c6-724 Jotte 20, ai 7.30 p.m. Conte acd caddies. Western or Eîsgiishle Guelphs Lice. 878-542. 2c"-90 AT EXPERIENCRO man requires LIMITRO30MinS.E FOTHOMN MRRAGSenjo> titis it us. b6-683' caddies and bridIcs toc cillerl RED CLOVER and Tisitls: îsork in automotiso business or iligleit Cash prices for dcad or i BOR-CX -Tc Clickes Barbecte. Saturdas'ý lorsecuor punies. Aiso a numler l,îv. standing. A. P.ýtrcs.ico, 878- BEL il me.îî cuiter, in Hilton vie. disabled comi acd horss Phone 878-68 BOR-OE-Tefcrilcomn-I pRnS tars, andiIhl Sotse. 25. Phone 1c (ng marriage c, annsunced oi Jsnc 25. 1966, Si. George's Acg- 0t t-n ai adsiis 6275, 6220 Beit Sehool Lino. ________________________ Muriel Docoils Coco. daughior tcnCulLest.ChrhW.F. Cross BP Service i _ c.931 878-6380 coiteet, Baîy Ridgeî 839-2430 afler Licence No. HGC 349C65 226RP65 nIM.adMi.RmrB oc icci ai 7051 Guelphi Lino Corcer No. 25 Hics', 10 Sideruadý HAY. 0are f- Li ali adî Sif 14 p.m. 9c6-712 Fac Serviceadatsctn of R.R. 3, Milton, Oct., tu Ries North, Bscriîcgîon. Servings (rom PHONE 878-2952. 'brhume gc,s and ced cloe 196 OGEMNC ____________ PoeZEih975Cnst Williampooirlu son oh Mc. and 5.30 Ic8l Phono Milton 878-9834, W.ýý W. 6 EMPLOYMOENT 16c1if CiamBotvlers Mo ofag Mr. ttc àto, S1.00, qual[e ch i eke. 10ld 1DN - -YE BRIAN BEST Mci. Acies Boers of RNR. 2. adoh, $1., aitr cicken. _liid 1______ Harris. 216-6W00 TWO DOOR HARDTOP BOY S16,N il TeursW lu ac Ld elo n nua place on JuIy 9, 1966, al 4p.m.. BOY91 16,______________ Grad V1, enlu, iiumltchb in Nasiagawoya Presbytorian MiiîsaîdDsrc H-rii 1osîse mptusmeni. Cati 878- Crippled and Disabted Com 310 Hais St., Hilton Church. tuc Societs Spi ing Flossec 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE :hhi.t bcket scatsc, tachomeler, 4893. Ask fuc Hike Tyner. and Horses Show, Ii'id.tvcvening, Jouce 17, SEWING MACHINE ONpn.h iii ut.8080 owser steeriof aisd brakes, vinyt -lc6-661 2BocSrie 878-6292 878-6592 DETHroin 7 tu 9.30 p.m., in tle Union ONEcoi qitpi>.8893 . ush bution radio, cear seat -ST UDENT isisscumrmer cm- Lic No Se3rvi 08c6 UTLSE'-4-hdon DETS Hait. Pine St. Hr. W. J. Pack- SALES - SERVICE 3c6-660' citkcl-, rcar sîhodosi defoggcr. piocoton t, ugo 16. Miii 1ev any- Lc o.13R,28C6 _____________________ .m, Boriion. silii show suid- W ELSH potîs, I yoar clid. 870- anîd es.ts store optionts. îhîîng. Bill Osbuumc 878.2456.1.JS terdown MU 4o -oo aîcd gar. COADTT, iichtt -Aies on South Amnetica. Presentat- R E N TAL q01 Wc-7 Phn17-85- îc.6 Watron M 9-1044~ it-evel on me iccacd sa 6 CORAETT, Eizeett ic of riz Rei_,hmn__. A léictf___ 114' lti spacious living and Mlo DititHsia, un i pie. Rot c6ts.At PHONE 878.861 14 YOUNG pigc. wcac.od. Phone Phne87-67 GRADE 10 studuot, 15 years tuf dnn om sn ah Hilton~~~~~~~o Ditic osîat o sicîie l-0 Monday, Jonc 13. 1966, in lierC ii el-il $5-45 3c70 grqie u m r 'm ly ii rorn ktle, bah 70th ycar, Etizecetta Rigo, le-, Bstton Pies ýtori us CloccIh sîOl..islhsii 5-45 c'0 ;I mîs Custom Work ri) . cswtted panotedc ccc- loe ieofEn9o d ro ilto Fari. Ce~nter _________Gloria____________ 878-6067. tuo 0.Vnu iitk ioe st fEnso ermvAtini îoc,îrcr% Services %if beile 7 (.000 sîoccs anid 10 gooci 10c6.670oo.Vedo il tk tiser of Mcc. J. Maîoctog.î iMors iheld Sondas'. Jutte 19, ai Il a.w. 1 iceilci 7U068 fils, ecdi. 854-2529.ý 7 WANTED :c-7 Done for Farmers l,îch Li lirtî miocigage ai 71o,. of Guelph, Mcc. F. M,îtilos anti 7.30 pîsi. Nos. Johni N. Wattdie, SCr ces and Repairs on 3c5-591 I8-YEAR-OLD gi, Grade 13 Lisctcd pî'îce $18.000. AI[ ohiet'- (Rita) cf Buchisîgloît .înd Silva- M.A., B.D, ut îsîiîîisiec. Tacs' ail makes ut seming machines.GILotlle in rain "'navlbe meaev HAEEUFMNTOD wl bcnsde.Pob!soi no and Bruns oh Miltion; alto' d,îî J otie 2h. 5.30 Io 7.30 p.m.. fucll foiî 1s ie i SdraE- s~ utstîser ensptuýinent. L'e Baiing Ploissig ,t Augîlsi. culter tut Vittorio oh Miltotn. ajnniîeî,îîs- diccor ini the dhurcît IMPEET FRSL tig uDxeCpacdi, Jolliiie 878-2164. 10C6.81 Diccicg eic. S17,900-Moderv 3-btdî'oonî 'nui- Hcs. Coradetît cs rosîting aiîtheliaîs,î îttociedb is cîttcet t. Ad- 14-I TIREw lualo onLMET FO SALEe niicitei îi îî-cudis MacacundSo CIîpi.Roc- us 1 l) îcs:cttid'on 8ii TIR st.îîiiîiig 8.30 tu 5 878-2518. GRADE 10 studcnt age 16, R. WILSON gîos oido a o ie talion of tle Rosars, Wcd'nesd.isv îiiuic 75c cadli; utîder 8, te-e. SALES LIIE riNG tî'.îc ite ii istiîitî .62 isîcise sulshimerDo nsIev 321 moisi Mi-il CLiibivle iea. sc.îîs d hot.pcngsi hin evesine ai 8, and Reqsienm Miss, LIM-TE7 cil 1:ecicitcttdtt.92 POULTRY. GOO0SE AND ca t tlisg Do Rue'l82u..2dCttpchiii. îe.î oos .îîîd ersoppi tii in Hoty Ritiars Chuici, Thusîts BASE LINE - MILTON 8078-4731. 6c-719 L" BKrjTtR, eieto o da St., 'Miltots. ' cuides 854-9964 [osias sihexl day ut'10 a,sn. Inionniont iii Ev' Doiio-oylESWAY stilo utiloadeti. au. Itigici psies Mc cati. Write 1.' O...STUDENT si-uud tîke tu. ]6c4 us%îil h cadicoîs otoius.os lii equîpn-oy but ' Tîslî tsokti îlasîeo lar gr kitchen soitl muhsog- ergren ceeterv, Miton.gellectirs, iilktrancher eqi-Zelt 776 Coilego Si., Tootoo ' r in tour as sierctte. nsi eolo.inuadc. ,iiurinuns ergcencemies, illc. 1 FOR SALE TrsadBteis înin. Jouît Ridgemay 87"-175. photîne coiteet LEnnos 5-0724. ns- sss,îek hbar docrk, niglît du.BrigonBsns tossuî iceis ae DOWNS, Gccaid -At Miltton Dis- - ie n atre ý-Brigo uies srn n ccn.pvc trict Hospital, oii Fridus. Sotte S Siof, il huis. NxGu»4c8-536 ettitg HU&oo 5-2030. 7c,1-418 Wr-ite lu Dimotîs Cook, Oniari0 drive. Carrîec toc- $107 pcr 10, 1966. Gccaid Dotînls, loved1 878-2150. Ici-57 Conte te and sec tle nem BADGRR haro cîcacers, silo on- 10b____________ -5ico is l itn Ot olg sots î.CîhBlCos husbaod of Boatrîce Colo. id, UNROA MATE loadecs and autoînatie iocding SUME $PCA 250 PER ACRE - $5,000 dlownî, deac bcotîcr of tronc Duc ttc. (cIl sp.îc lica.îr issi liko NRYLM SE eqsipmoni. Ladl E. Sîscî 878-6401.ý 8 HELP WANTED ______________________ beautitut 100 acre parcet. roll- Founerai service tias fild oit vos 8786024. 1c6-659 Tise tire (or tire moriers, 4c8-557 ý- - - -- --- -- okepn n eriecletcek,4 Monday ut the McKersie Funec.îi SERVICE staîtion attendant,. LOST OR STRAYED * Bookecrting iî otan scteteok,4 Hoe.Inerec ii segn1t - t RAME gairage, Il' x 21', lia leý UED PASEENGER and FOX forage avses cî'Op' 716 * Typoriing atones eedar lsh. Gîvîsr ccitt Come.tor Hitn in d'i.e itiid. i806175. 1c6-685 FAR TIE bloivcc. fotage wsagons, Mintica lue878-2952. 80&76 PARomtccbakrni lse oslnstn. iîeei ,i oipag Raceett il TfoENAL cbi tai- 9cpolis Molîute machinry. Rani A WOMAN lui loo aller chiid- vicinity Rcxy ilealco. evecing 4Cla Bres to% Street 78-521 SERVICE. Cathernine Jeaîî - AI 18 Pîîîîî 678.47 cbn raI 9 and Up Snîtîs, 5600 Tîoîîîanc, Rd. 4c8-5S8 nad tigit Iitucss'isk, allen- Sotie 8. Il lisuid, pieuse phono 9 rn trc 7-51 Hamiltoun iiSuturdaîs. JuJîto 4, r Phn h7-41. ttil-599 1 LI Calîtr -,tcs *t".,. Ivoiîî iak, antd iy tise cn. 878- 878-4422. lii-71I Buclioglon. Ont,.1.0 ott btî.tt' ot 19ea, hozir Ion ve 59li ccii C,îhlni 2h t-.VSD.tgîd I UC RC IE idc-o-nced nouwer ansi a pol 13207. 8c6-664 637-3055 îî'.îll*v ioc.îîec ii Milton. livinîg Jen roie. ehsd i uc (il ii î,î. Phtoîte 878-2532. tcS-655 - i i soi eu gîîud lites. gcod weetîîîie.îtl l6c7 'cuti iil inphaîee, diîîing Archie ticînitut nie' ct'bîi - H.. ounstiiothet oh Maion. SALESMAN us it carn Io ce 1 ORRN tuons. 3 bedrnttut haimits Jean oi Torotîto andc Mi,. K. M. IIILIYS %%iniiL gol app 1i 878313 co54n et uion . 878-157 -ot e ui el etiuiis.icy. Positionofl 1 FO ______ utis., 11 baîlt-i'tcm îîii fired MI6Y'h 0'.S50.A.Hggr, 32 ý7 r ct ilr.8"53 icaeis isiii tilt-an tsa'- -ATR or caille. - _ fe1lRAoETTEtt ssten Ioating gara'ge 66'x Black (Cathcerine Rutht tut Mil -i"hc3" 50.A îet 3 ANYTIME &:6-682ossist'atii png'îu u- REAL to. P'ied1 sit 3,0 ton and Mîst E. iii Nus' io. iri tu, O 1hglo oi I bucy CALL 878-2367 tOND tiacl ttc î ii 3arho'î aice. îsîodicîaîl dstoigicat plan, uceî'cdiitd. Plucne 878-2287. --- on aiAtPaok B.ile- and Mcc. Eulir Mosin hiosciotiliio" ilil gin fLullO 13c(g,701mtî Milton. Mss. D. Lîs'îîgstic i Mill' -,î 5 ., mo ga Plitie 878-1 24 Hour Service esiiblcaisgîîpîatiaiîi.Wteivsguh-ic671 Private Sale 5420 3-bedoîtoî cha is luch goret) oh Csiiiingtioic itîd Est f i i l tl 5. 1 lc6-0681 ict $895; allia i 258aîuîp. Hobart p.îîtic't.ii's iii PO. 'Sos 4333, Sta--1 FURNISHED rooin. mould bilao , o oliive VOL ILI LIR Itsic you - sî'.îhi suide isitu 50 . ohtut C.Londonuti Oni. 8c7-669 suit gentleman. Phone 87"769. o0TrePoeoe Drivgeots it oon,îîîitcem Mcc. Service testeo ah thie Mil-.îc WLLLIEbyigyu cîlo. tîscol .îpp. 150 htouis, ask- 13c5-632 3-13EDROOM SPLIT -LEVEL Othite, fîisguit iteibse- Nal & Son Cliapot. Miltusilt.r bi iiuiinig unatontats and coul al iiîg $1,-100. Sîrectsv,\itie 826-2005. 2________ re- ro istî'ouî ut i uedIi sorsic on cisdy Jois.I- ,i%1r' Campblhvîie, Ouc SPECIALS 4c6-548 A5ls::: ate Wanted I-EEDROOM aparîmnsco, avait- laundr cowm broadiocîts met coîspietco ocd ato terment in Evenrgrecu Ceuncicu-,servce Hîigi quaity. Plone aile Miltcn Cuurt Apartments. r - 'ci anîd doen, F A cil lsoaiting, position LI3C5 doblu gcraoe, Pcoredutd clus Milton. 'Canspticivihie 854-2232. 1tc tf-416 FO pi1tt '--8839.dul aae otrtt hc gicige. îs.îî'ooî hniîei . Io.sîrms FO D c \u' ____l_87-39.13 -66 Io shol Pic edcd . ant i cct'Ot. 'It's .1a itgii __________________ boiE DO APERONA FAHERS DY 5 CARS FOR SALE -icr*Nu it te chsance for EL-TR- BO AER HEA- $1,000 foc quîck sale. Tertos ,îrr.îîîec. Cati Sciais CARS O THNKSGIF FO FAHERS D Y 155 POTIA - or _ 15. Phne idsvaeuiiet TERS usilI frc service, Phone 12.6 ACRE LOT Best. CARS 0 THNK 195 PNTIC cr 55.Phsnc -ole hon stiti iii, ce- no growil Milton Hydco 878-2345. i3ctf-425 Trocs, lisil pcdid stucked, ou (lFFR878-3167. 5c6-721 'in incoiitellhLne prxmtlvI o l ou elEtt Me wtsl todepssou sian vcuio Fahe"13 20'n t1'l' ALL (jIFTS _9-57 MORRIS. gol rillig rethiil \oi h111 exrs-J 14 TRV. -cile sis. Ree Gulep Lice, oppMosimk aici orAlYorRaEtt aprcaion al]urricl, Fahe' a * Cutîteras coîiitiot. $100. 878-2197. 5 6-692* ii or ttf as 1 hsli \\h occ tes .Rn u sri fMla ac- and appmeiatin uti i leus ay siinilS.90 pet- Nicck. 878-2056. 13c4-492 i'iy an ciglos on11m iudnc *Liciteciasîs ccdaîd 1949 MERCUNY tton pick- iChttsith>cist n - HORSE FANM lnsucdflCe Requirernents an eprsson u s')Pýti Nw r se Prtbl cI I-ý kncck uon Jucris -NEW cioutry' aparnit, con- 12/1O ciles curtis oh Muhawîk' thd epessioti oh sipit iea Newe or UsdPrtbe ciid titi. $150. Plii 878-189 ,ihteni seýttivislsoeatled, aili serices in- Raccsay, oit Goclphs Litt tuants AL. *Sciectioti cf pipes, 5100-51580. pan 878-6292 or 878-65siliivet menfler. *,i'e psssuhtoii pipeis. fers . cS5~I îdet ile îaîigtc-9 c(>722 A. R. Service and îaîtîîty- T.'! 1 Bnigtt.tî anpipos.; riin ak,88622o 8869 * t.ighittcs - ahl Iratîdi, 1961 SPRITE ouIt S -oîp,,s cei - ce oiii %il 1 . Wwih__ exres u sn-r * 1i î,isîchor radioîs. tiires andt seiscîls. extra. fibct'gl.ts .-Prestige. APAN 'MENT. Juhy I, 3 ruoms, luci. S - hedruîs isuie. bth- Ot ,e il cliii: Opîen in îd.îy Me sncb to espresd sur sincote * tluîhî'e,îaîhtbe suit giasses, f'ciii endî. 878-9518. 5c6-673 iiiskihcs otgctr ccs i uoîe p.6 cn lttgtF'ue,9ui 09pi. thaenki f0aior eatives aittd * WESt EINGO E * Docus ndhna e gsiltra. 1957 PONTIAC 2-dutn Iaîrdtop, -ue1 lîlncorit. anîd clos-e il desired, 878-2926. 17c6p 0aee ts'd Situ~y aî.tSpu flowers and cards cent lu us or, *%,M NHOS hîs îdcin us 4, aitow.ttie. in very good -Lih'ehimncsecuitV. 13c6-625 Ait nascona bic ofrs etissidet'- our 0thwedingannversry. * ENIH Bst 'cictio intow eufcdition. 878-9S40. 5c7-702 -A n escrocxpiidiog mcarket. ..COMPORTABL .E furcic lied cd.* Pruportics moisi: le siid. Theman god wshb wre oke spples.Ownrbas otiser buslinsis inter- u our50h edigantielan *ZEIT snokr uplis.-Cconsplte, coOtiOtiios tra5in- olts, soit gen-tlem-an., ccctrat IyUS