54 policemen storm golf course Oner 50 Hullon police off icets conneed on ii ncw Rk'hview Golf Club on the Second Une of Oakvilte, Wednesda.v of font we-ek. There was a 'lotofsot iug liefore the day ended. But. il wasn't a mnnhunt. Tt 'as Jus1 the anneîal Hoiton Police Golf Tournament, atnd the shooting wus att donc nsith woods ond ircons oser the 18- hole course. Mllon O.P.P. com,t.bfcs Jne fefnictop, Af Jondan aund Bob Butrke took the Ions thee-mon team trophs*'v wit'h 237, bs *l'1'tc.Of eseort'.Cttnst. Fel- caýmps97 tg', , ,50 orhin' est or tI lle d ss'file Cnts t.jr dnos 98 ssas ffflt. Theit toljiNs' (lie v won nas one prcsentid si.- ',ears ugo liv he fate F. W. B. Fizgeruld, a Milton insorunce agent and J.F. The samie îrophv onos wson by o trio fromn the snme ceiechment f nso vears 000o. Other, frtm Miton .P. partcipain, ereCon,tss. OBi Bcm'tt a , ,nd t...,,o.,tW, iehf. Acton OFF.. Cosfs. Mei-%.lotr- OVER 50 POLICEMEN fook a day off to go golf- ieg Wednesday ni last meek, inetie aneaul Hlton Poice Golf Tornament. Many crne home mith tropiien or prizex dlonated 10 fine group, and fie reanon Af Jordan, Jo e Fedeoeop ,tess anti ltrtce MeArt'tfnr also Oakvilc Polie const. Jin Mc4Mnnra vorganidet[line nUe- long t ,,tnnn'itictt sn' 54 col e s-c icipufe. N est s/or MilltntO.F.1. oi lt Ost tte il- Otiner pri/e eitners Oece fou' egnoss for policemen and gtsts, Wayne Krisktewich, 79; fnsn cross for police onts, Pete Kris- kleicif,.86:6,)l\nnet. Bil hTnnttp- -il ad t55 pr'sBil! t).,,, n. s. 89. and Bob Burke are xmlirtq Iere ix eu.deof. Thiet hnee-menelent,, s fou' fee, iofth1e tia and mon fie freptny rsenfed by fie Iafe W. B.Ftzgerald, o Mtfon iesure aget. KIL8IDE Dinnr, playy vplan mode hy HoeneSchoel execuive By Mrs. William Wason Larcs Campbellf athe lfosn- The exceotivuý members oflthlinmg pitcher oc thet Xkiliride Home and Scinoot As- -quad. sociation oct renentlvin te6 staff room sitin Mc. William Trcnwiih in fie chair. Plans wcre made for vie Grade 8 di ner on Wednesdas'. Jonc 2 in the sehoot aoditorium and for pav day o n Jone 24. Hot dog due for fie monnin ol Jonc wll cii ehetd on ine, f,t day tnt ,cboc], Wednesdae inîne 29. New eesecuive attending fiis meeting were Ms. Stan Cor- man, Mc. Jack Ingins. Ru% Long. Mrs. R. Slte, Mc'. Rich- ard Seierie and Ms. R. Zevîci. Larry Watson ha% retarnud tu Halfiax stiere 6e is stafioîned seiitie RosaI Canadian Nox's. after spcnding three seceks ns inh his parents. M. and Mrs. Canm- cron Watson, anton Street, Kil- bride. The Kifiride Pec Wees start- cd tinir hall se ason off oifb o bang for 196. Their irsi am wson ýMay 24 ut Kitbridc winen 1ev dcicated Ocumqunn 17 inn.5 On Jonc 1 tiey deiented Omagin 8 Inn 5. On Jane 7 the defeat- cd Lomnif le 20 tu 14. Davcn Ycmm and Ointe Cottison niîc thne pitchino ionors. Ronger Coulson hin teso iomers and a doublte, I-ave 'l'mm and iCranng Timiers bothtihiomers. $190,433 louai Duriagtoa sewers Approvat of o federut gonern- ment boan of $190,433 tnuthe Tot of niBurinton t oas,'ti t he construction otnt eag ret ment prnneet wanu cdt tnnnav 6e the Honorable John R. Nicholston, Minnstn.r re.ptnnst hic oa PtrfimenttorCen'tratln Mort page an d Hou snng Ctrptra- lion. Made onder the ternis oftnhin Nationa1 Hnusing Act.,fine lonn is oc a perioei ntf 15sersnnîtlh intre tl5, ýpet centpr n-c nomoand isbasednnestimai- cd eost nf S285.650. Bnrfingfnnn wxcii .-nstrencit he secndnnphnse oIllttc nesRtnnn tîunni sttr.hich inî ti somne 3.300 actes tnt indnnsfrnnl annd residentinni prnprfe li'h NAoa ill assist nin tene ttucjntf6.400 et niof 0ondc 33-nch irunk tnlfetinnn.ter. totaine stt mmin" leotns (ni snn ninr I t lents ,t e tettictt'i Ill tnt of tht.' n,,n,,î -Manv tnt 'lfion's Setionn( fi fi/en' Club tnentliiet-afîoene Ie zne chittis pitie ic vile pari Tuesnhns tnt ast ncei. __________________ Ami Luaders' driver Library Notes by mrs iosephnne îohnsion Witlnli te sumnmec lolitîlys i most opon 'us, we arc ngain is- soing 'holidlay books". Twelve nnnt be tnken on a carni, mark- cd ont tilt Soptember 10. Anev books mav 'ne taken wmith the cxception ofth1e ores onte " ie%% t hell.sTîcîf tftn ilS lil tietebut fbooks',ai ont, Book Saec-ttnisonc of bath atefnt ictton and non iction,. as wl as childcen's and teens. Al ,ate 10c ea'ch or thr-ee tor 25c. NEW NON FICTION Anslomy of a Hiii, Abe Laufe. Tîne Brnodwatytheatre. The Trurnan Presldency, Cabn- eil Phillîps. Fullt coectv 1arlvononnennt the Mot sigolfictut cpun.ts inthe flcpe-id- Watercolor wth OHara, Eliot OHara, NA. Craire stotnfltf Coller Gluide lo Physleal Fit- nesnuJstus J. Sehifferes, Ph». f n tioth/ýrd , i t.-, tomt'. g Collier Guide ot Water SkIlng, (Inn Anderson. tttt nclfoi, 1f1(é egitînie, a, r tt acfhf cFICTION Lauighlng Whlte-fish, Robert Traver. i ettsc andut t.nnnnînflte nutit ýtor l A, ntn ni Mutdet. Brief Flower, Doroihy Etactyn Smith. Sensitive sttre tnt a girls eomfng Of nge. The Two Ocaihs of Qulnca.s Wateryell, Jorge Amsado. A tal tale 6v oa Br.nitian ofwuortd te- tnnwn.1 HonseSurgeon, an efferies. Stn'etonic, ocenna t e nnnet nliltf, n a hosîitti. SUSPENSE FICTION Relis on the Roof, Iiltary lord. The Disposi Unît, John Bol- anti, Mrs. J. JSninnsfn»n. ilsrori:tn. Sli naion Arnmv 0fficcns inter- s'tesvd 42526 mten annd ss'tnmcn clnrine (ien tsf 12ttttnuffts in Cnn 'n!i nt pri.nnns anti peniten-tories oit crinng pr.nfc.itf nttd'pliu assistance. CALL CROWE TAXI S ER VIC E 878-2992 RADIO CONTROLLED PAID ON GUARANTEED - TRUST CERTIFICATES Tonelli, Thomson l'url 8-5 victory Ftceeib%, the hnrling ni Jonn Tnncffi anti lDon,, hnnnttsnn, iie tedt Stnsnepttt nnî 85 cltin,- i n "-B" Letpsc enseýbali aýction i RottatsPatk tnt nn Jntne, Ilitinkiit. cancine, t.înt Jnnfnf,. andci-Bennitn Mfint, 1-1 Ile nfe- tnn.k %%hife i.n tnd Rnncgcr Cinent stere the tp sss ingerx tortchie 1i ntg White Sos squad. L.rte Cht, lio ttfnntan nG i dTfnnnnp,,nnn ithent fItnt tie anc s mfnd i.' Pe.nnsnntî ani R'nnTnit h -"elt nstdl'Wedntcscite hnls 6 lo-th ine testRed Cnnnss lo(j( e Issued ln amiounts frono $108 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 year. e earn the above Indicated Intereat, payable half-yearly by cheque. e authorlzed Investment for al Canadian Ingurance Conspanina and trust funds. qw \!T LIN0cTRUSTS1 CO:PRAION T 372 bey St., 35 Dsnlsp S., Torono sBarit 73 Missssaga m., c,1111e IFOR THE HARD TO PLEASE DAD GIVE HlM ONE 0F OUR GIFT CERTIFICATES TrOUGHIES' STRETCHY NYLON SOCKS Pattn eres, Fits Siens 10 Io 12 Sîacki Fahêr', Day Pyjat $1.00 PAIR -.r The Ceasdlon Ctsampin, nWpýdnmý%ay; Junlê 15, 1166 C Federoil ban alds aged hocaingj project Fedef Loanads ged housng esLmled a company s"<nôr- Appoa of $53937fderI 'd insthe îownsRotary Club., ,qovet'nment Iban 10 055151tfin The ban mii]bc repayable avec tlinnconstruction of a housing a peniod of .50 s-ars wiiis 100Cr- prnjecî for eldcrlv persons in es il57t ler cent lier artnum. Oakn'illiehas 'leeniaiiotincocil nfy the lion. John R. Nichnoson, The projieel will Consint of MiLserrponsilile 10, Parlia- 4on-d ronnm and 40 liachelor ment for Cen tral Mortgage and unit-,, for which housing cents ilousing Corporation. WiH bc $70 and 160 per monthi Provided uneter the National respeetively. This is -the third nntsing Ai, the loan wil 6bc sch on to hie made tc0 the He Wauld Like a New SPORTS COAT N THE LATEST STYLES ', ' AND PATTERNS. AN IDEAL GIFT FOR DAD - ON HIS DAY .-. Give Dad a Forsyth ssom- mer weîgini shirt fealurnng SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Canada'n mont popofar col- oar style, short steeves, masin and mear, cool and comfortobie, wite noniy, sizens 14~n1/2017. FOR THE OUTDOORS Father's Day DAD $400 EACH f'ive hlm a pair of nîting shorfs ploie or setali chneck patferns. Size 30 to 42. Faiherns Day Price Range $2.50, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 - MAKE DAD HAPPY n a long sieeved sports SUGGESTIONS shirt. fancy nmaf f patterns aters, Cardigans, Soto panmedim r ore.sal s, Windbrealsers, Shocts, mdu rlre mas, Tee Shicis, Undgr. Price Range Faîher's Day r, elis, Baihing Tranks, $4.95 - $5.95 Hals. FRED MILLS 216 MAIN ST. MILTON MENS, BOYS' AND LADIES' WEAR PHONE 878-9541 give him a n electrical gift on lis big day Modern eleCtriCal applianCes put more fun in a man's life. You Cao give him a new skili, a neve hobby, a new pleasure vehen you give electrically. And you'l1 find there's an electrical gtft for every man. YOUR MILTON Hydro Electric Commission MIE BETTER ELECTRICALLY visits localheu,. The prexent chauffeur 10 ad- vice4-t-l-ovetorn colomrninl Ann Landers and her honhand, Joe Lowry of Chicago, recently spenl mccrc duys of hin vucation in Élite Millonen rea. M. ILowr, selî lias be-en dciving the col- inînnmis un oinicni furc cigint mnthlls, mus tthltartm of Ernie Zîtest and tnnnily cnt R.R. 6 f rom Jonc 7 ouJurne 9 us partcl o wnn eis ui tooring the northere United St aies annd Cunnada. Mr. Lowry and Mr. Zmtesi en- listeniin fthe an nns-nnfie sanme da%, nd Ilis int inn bts tnt pfoNsmettn in f Éine Lancnie-rsin (.hicagn. Mr. Lowne chauffeur- ctd or anoniner Cinicagonn and innce-ni.bans spenî bis lue be- hind fine sshecl ot one vehiete or ainother. cunging fî-om buses tnn mis prescrnt work xitb limouîsin- 2,566 niesecn'ing chifdcen wece given lnofida* s Lnt Soi vatin Acmv Fcelh Air Camps iatîs Cenne. NOTICE 0 The Township af Nassagaweya wiII b. spray- ing the roadsides of the Municipality in the near future for the contrai cf noxious weeds. Ob Property owners having crops liable ta damage by spraying adjacent ta Township road alowances may abtain 2-4-D warning signs ut the Township offices, R.R. 1, Camp- beliville. GRANT McMILLAN, Raad SuperinendenI -- ---------------------------- ni macle to Trafalgar Senior [Tom- c am panv. c *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEY'S d e PHARMACY 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 - Affer Hours 87861 FREE DELIVERY - REVLON COSMETICS K. H. ELSLEYBc, PhM.