Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jun 1966, p. 18

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.,C4 anr n hrpnnWrninaJune 15, 1966 W1tA àALotO 0WItnBIsH', Ont May 26 1 wrote té Milton Cooncll, <tarbage Depi. whali1 considered and intended 10 lie a leter cottlaining lwo helptul and constructive suggestions. As this letter haes been quoled in -part, 1 enclose a capy in order tIsaI it may lie printed ln full, ta Ihat readers mighî lbe more fully inl'ormed as to what Detlv*eeve C. Menotv consid- ers to b lis unecalive" con- lents. M % citer in no wavssggest- ed an extra collection, oniv that hausebolders bce more informrd about holiday pick-up. Thalt1 amrn ot the only Lilizen in ig- norance of te collection seheci- ule following a1 holiday, van clearlv di.iplayed by lise tact thal following the long seetend in May, garbage ws placed oui- side for removal hy ail bouse- holders inte Court and cisc- where, Ito or three days betore being collected. t do flot imply that an extra collection is nec- cesry - vo uch "îîiis entered my mmnd. As resards th green plastic bags, 1 arn fulv asare that 4hIse tcan ha purchaned aI ap- prtapriale stores. t merein sug- Sesled an easier asailabilitv ot sorkers of the Council bags whiolt are obtained t a a special rate. t amn, hawever, gratified to note Ihat a targer advertisc- ment is 10 ibe inserlent to an- naunce holiday sehedules. Il sehat 'Deputy - Reeve C. Menelv considern ta ha "a very negatice type" of letter tan produce such retuils, 't teel thave made snnme prou-eS. 1 de ugMiffeat sIcilizens lbe pennitted to subittit ideas bo Cooncil withouti h being lofer- red their submissions are "six- The original letter folioncs: Deur Sirs, At a receni meeting ut Es- queiing school huard, mvmbers leamed ut a test resignations and additions tu ihe teachiog staffs. Ronald Chatten svas appoint. ed pintcipal of StLwat'atlussn stbool ta replace Roberson Gibson who is moing lu Bres' lau, Alto engaged was Miss Jo- sephine Ees who sili teach grades ont and lîvu at Norsol sehool. W, F. Sîurgess has been irtd as toIt-lime principaîný re- lief and Mes. Helen Cumtnings as part ime principal's relief ai Narval. Principal Ralph McKeown tramt the <tIen William-s sehoot informtd board membees Sheri- dan Nurseries had mode an ut- fer lhrough manager J. Pottuda, t0 landscape the scboot grîunds as a Centennial projecl. Boardi members agreed ix finance the cost of labor for the prîtieci. Oser a hundred energreens anti hetiges will ha panletd. hstv aiso learned the Rusai Crah iree, which bas heen de. ig!nat- t would like 10 malle the fol- losing sîîggestlonn wilh regard t0 garbage collection. lai That a notice bc issîîed 10 hotînewines, say over o tht'ee or sin monihly pcriod, vltowing the collectian days innmediately fol- luwing a holidoy, wilh a sugges- tion thal Ibis notice Ille pinned up on a basement or cioset watt wltere il could he relerred lu. This wsooid obviate situations such as flice irosenti 00 in Kiigleigh Covîrt vhrebth le gartoige tas beeta toitotti itsalt reient ince 9 attm. Welnes- day morning, attd to the ime ut strilîng lThursday alternoon)isi sitl on disptîv, perhaps a tillie svorse lor the lime latz, and cer- lainly flot a sers' hygienie siale of affairs. t arn aware that notices are purt in the local paper ou mdi- cate the collections, bttt as the hotidats tltring Ilite sommer- montits lait on a Mondav, anti vîîch a noticestooid appear in the preesous Wcdnesda'sivssue, il is nonttrio effective. In otty case, shether il is dune ihî'ungh a circutar or lhrough the nieti- ibiin ut the paper, t do beiies'e that an tds'atce scheditte, uitit instrtuetions lu keep for relci'- ence s'oîtld ttc the ansîser. b)Titef cgreen g:irhage fags aie estemeis usefl, anti espec- iali«tv lu the storting hottscsttlc, but the tact blai bhey are unt vvailahie ît the Ttossn Hîi ton 9 ar.. o 5 p.m. vektlaYs me svhat resiricîs the scuvkcr frini pîtrehasing. If isswece possible or a Main St. store tu hotd t smnalstock of îhei,.su fa b e% cotîid be pttrehased dtîrîng shopping hours, t ame sure ibis sîouid assisl. t sîîhmit ibese suggestions for ouor conideration. and ar nulo t. tnt' sa% companiî titt the excellent collection service. Yoîîrs truly, (Mrs.i Maric J. Merrii, 249 Kingsieigh Couti Miltion, ect he entunia ice ls te nurtitîcn es assoia tion. %%il a,lo he plantic ti iuîntl the schoîL. The board alopied a pulicv ofl îtering t thrucedav torientta- lia ousetone%% tcchci' en- gaged i ho hase gradu.îtedt rom leachers' cottege. lnnpeclîîr 0. W . McDossell suggestectithe vent teachershusenîo a roihe- lots the gaet îcc bes itou ld ir matis te,îch int order iii he ac- luitdit the -'ungstci -s thesvis l l eachin the tati. il%%, ies tlt'e meet- ing thresvouu ivIe nu kîtîder- iartunoclasses tapene i n te aH thronghîîîîî Esquvsing towsnship suhooîts but plans bailt een madte fori hem in the futtîte. Fibrinogen is a bloîni prodîîct made trinti bod plasma. Il s une (ifiihe citîing tactors in 'he htutidsireim. A tranusfusioîn ut iitiogc' s i, 'o uce n cae ii icontrîittahte hteeding, stîcitas haemmîîrhagc- tttiitg tir itilttising chittîirth, Roads to lereu.en featured UIn foldr Dlarlboton of the 1966 edi- of tht Departmnent of Hi1gh- l'ion of lte Deparîment cf High- ways. Toettr and Information, ways Ronds t0 Recreation fold- Lands anti Poreats, er is annotanced hy l-lghsvayvn Minisler Char-les C. MacNatigh- toin. 'Fealtting a colorful. pîcloriai map, lighlights of the folder 4 ,L include te listing of 237 pic-U nie areas, 94 conservation park .ski areas, 140 historie sites, 16 Si' Lawrence Parks Commission tu i e'lctît.Fsites and in each cave a descrip- J J ~ I t.tvîtitv is mat *ke(lvi li stîcu symitits. Thc folder s% anaitalîle free by Arnold Blachi( tror the Parliament Buildings,ehe 'heat rffices and district offices yu e manager THE SUNSI4INE SCI400L for îetorded ciidren work are Mis. F. Bikers and Mis. C. Metiooti ot Ho n by held ils unnuol open bouse, lea and bo iernbeîv of te Milion Lodies' Auxili ury bocoor and dispiay of chittdrens woitoit tri- and local si dents Cari B ckeîs, Gayle Caves doy oternoon. wiîh aolrge cînwd aliendici. anîd Richtard Huni. Sitown aocmiring some of the studenîs' bondi- Conerele Cinder., Slag & Silo BLOCKS J. COOKE (Commre. Sîs) LTD. NE 4-7763 I6 \ls CALL JACK HALL MILTON 878-6365 POURING TEA durtng te Sunshirne S too ou vad nopen house Frîdoy werve Mis.A. N.Stocker,. espevior ni Scitoots toi Reiarded :hîtdren loirte Deparimevi of tducation, and Mes. 0. G. Mc- Dovvl.li te ile of anlocal înnî'uotoi Mis Stockeroand Mr%. McDoweli are sitowne iere ai lite tva table os Gvorgetown stu- dents tons Sproule and Joitnnuu Toniazî looki on. BEAR MILK A tivrnmci reporîtîîontliîs eesc,îrch prîtiecîs,îa( Cattatî lustîttît"entties tilt' )ict "hcosiu ifil polar tîcît niik.f I' %at o sîIitcr c îcpîîî tîtîîId b, puîilished i Enoini. Fii'tît, lisi t'i Frnchtot iii' c an -Don't forgeltPhe annual hvdru shutoldwnî, fmom 4 ar. 4oi 8 a.m. ibis coming Sonday Ittoîniitg. Announce New Ilealing Substance: Shrinks Ples hemoaeh nd d epair.' due . A rentwaed researeb inutituts bam faund a uniquae healing subatance sith thte bility ta nitetnk hem..'- rhidpain".Itreivsitdai pedup basting of lte rjared, ta caeaft en ae, wbtIgently retievn.g pain, actuatl..d.ction iabrnkage)LSloîtplate, Monat imsportant ofa u-uI w.reathotaagh thne',tis insprove- ment sas mantaiaed aven s periasi of many mantb.. This swu accompri~d wiwth a ves beaing sabstace lBie.Dynei wbtebquiely belps heSi injacesi cenlia ndstmulaIs. growth 0<00w fias Bia-Dyne.is offegedinsoint- Ptr...Stisania r e refustiss. -lune is Water Saféty 'Moftth. Dont take clhmsnce l6e.r çf*r. -The new '1049.~11 #p. rî- mçnî building on Oê1. o Stféla. is nearing completton W thtop- ening is s6i for *JaIy 1. OVer hall the 60 suItes hve ba rented. ord, t was chalîing not long ago wi'th some of the people respunsihie for planning the Tetephove Associa- tion of Canada Patition l'or Enpo '67. The major tlephone companies in Canada are working es a îeam in this projecl. Site of the pavilion, which is now nearine complelion, iiti e nenitleoune of the exhibition bherne buildings, "Mon The Exploter" un lie Verte, 4ht mat- imite extension of St. Hclcu's Islant in the St. Lawrence Ruver. The miaini estetual Icalvîte ut the pasilion, a large "îli-tiim' inthe cen tireiofthe hîitding. ivili hoîtse a Ibeatre spcciatiy huit iii sliîîsv a spet tactitar fliîn ut Canada and lis pule. The Watti Distes' Cii'clu Vision 360 'technique will bced fclor 'he irs litne in Caînadla.The huge sareen com- pteteiv svrroundts the sic-sicr sîlto stitl i et parI of the un- iuldiîîg panora.m. Chitlî en v ili not bc turgutten and speciat attractions are heiîîg planneti torilhum in the Enchanted Foiesti. Visi itrs sv'illttsiîhase a chance te set communîca- lions -service ofl lte ilt'e. I tope s'vu are planning now Io sisit our Telephone Associatioin ut Canada Pavillon sehen y'îti'î-e ai Espu '67 1uni. Before nuit stani on voor stîmmer vacation, wheîher ilsý foîr Ico \cceks or ito monihs, pleave be sure t0 phone canccliing ail delisetics Io voue home. Milk baIlleç and nevv'papersuon the doorsiep tlhîtîglars ihat theres no une ui hume. Ti sounrds incredihie nîîsv, bbil hock in the icarte dans tif (lit! telephune. peuple hadte shoot lu be heard aI tht tîther endvofutihe fine, Anti telephone linvs didn't coner many miles in ihose tians cubher! Tuciav, s'ou can phone aIl tht %%av *,%rounvl the icorlîl. taik in avnalvirai voice, and lie heard clearis* vantid iis This kind ofi impruiemenitloesn'î hapPen lit accident. its the restîti ot consta~nt researc'h and devel- oTinenti n the communications field. In tact, improvement n teteptione communications is a conîinaing process. TaIt- ing diieclis mb lithe mouihpiece helps gis-e saur volcetveater cait *nis anti jusithie rigti oice solime. Yeu can taît in a ntrlvîtice and mate the muni ut ihe stonderfut con- iettiencc- anti dependahiit% t's ol 5rhtelephone, May we suggest a Save-for-the-LittIe-Things- you-might-otherwise-never.nbuyAccount? CANADIAN IMPERIAIŽPBANK 0FR COMMERCE Two weeks' vacation with pay Thte fiitlaii flltrtîtleiitt ut Labourt tii .J1il -llitîti lîîîî',,îîî tîî'îît.'î al iiil inr'ititni icii ' it tiiv ipoyc in aIlleis tti andtk'it-v- ttt t t i'ctî * lteny oit %%haev roîîpecd 3 îoîîb o eCa tilîtîans(otic îînîî.s \cntiîotts cîîîpioyîîcadi stiitlite t e rîîîîîl)yer is itI lie ttit ;id to two sueks' vacationl stiîtpay. i4yliclit m-il iilie xointe lasis ut ai t easi 41/'utofotîr pary loi aliiicîtloue cliniuithlie %sacalioti )'car. 1 Iti% ilts tliti'planîî%%îî'k.' Att ritiitîoci'lias it four years conîîliîoîne îîoî-coîîîiîîîîuîniîployîîîeîî as ofJvîly t, 19661 %vil] t1tatifv for-vivo serets' sacation svitis pa>' itrovititîg te emtployer lias tint already takeit a paut i artiolidîtitît un foîîeîb year of An it îtploy-er eutotîteîcittg work ait or afler Joty l 1 %, 1966,sill lie enttlid laaote seeks' paid vacationtiii 1967-68-69. tn 1970 tis e n- p loyer svotid bce rîtitled 10 isso weeks' vaca- tion sitilîpuy. Tsco ss'eekv' vacation mas' li granird toc. cessis'ely or cilsviditîto tîv o cls ot anc sveek eaclî. Oîîty etoployers in the construîction indttîtry ssill be ceqîîired tu tire tue vacation îtonîp and aîamp boaknt îîeod of paynlîetît. Regttlatioits aîîd geiterat infarmation pamtphlettscaîîlaitîiîg detailed information may bce obtained by sviing 10: Dtpartmnent of Labour Labour Standards Branclb, 74 Victoria Street, 'ôToNTOs 1, Ontario. ONTARIO DEI'ARTMENT 0P LABOUR-H. L. ROWNTREE, QC, 1MINISTEO. Make appointments for Esquesing schools SPRAY NOW... KILL OUT THOSE WEEDS 1 FOR PROMPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE -CALL Raiinbow Landscaping MILTON 878-2097 0 878-2741 r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7- 9

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