Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jun 1966, p. 17

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The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jonc 15, 1966 C Halton 4-H Club News WEED PREVENTION SM ONTARIO By Bilan Robertson "Wecd Prevention je Ontario" was the lopic cbaxen for tbe second meeting of Nation 4-H Fotto Club, Iteld as tte potao tais of B ruce Corman aed Don Coverdate on Cedar Springs Road, Kilbride, on Monda,s Mas 30. Members met aI lIte Cor- mac's. then travetled 10 tbe Con- erdales. At Coverdalexs Don Coverdale sbowed the members bis -aro, equipotent, and stor oge tacilities. After Mr. Cover- date mas lhacked for tbe use of is tarm. the ceet part ofthIe meeting max aitbe Cormans. Geott Taylor, Extension Field-. mac, discussetu mays and mes ta contrat wecds. wby remove weetux. why contrai .weeds, and tbe diseuse probtem as tttey arc relattd tthIe Wed Prevention n Onl.îrio tapie. Aller Ibese dibcissions. foes lx iudgect onc slass ai potatocs. Iben bad o sbort qaiz. Tbe meeting sas rlosed and .Mr. Corman was tbanketu. t hbecnretresbotents store sers'ed. Leul smwnes tuken in Jly cm, ai rea fruit fannrs Grassers ai recef ruits japples. pears, saur cherries. peacttes j andu grapes can have Ical somp- tes analysedu for natriet con- tent. This procdur is cnsid- eretu marc accurote [ban soit lest. since il [cls sshal the es hanc been able to totte up isto their tronces. ratber thon what is je tbe soit. Sometimes noIrs- ente are -in the soif bat the trcc or plant caceat get theot. This mtbnd oa lbal lesting con Itelp Io overcome Iis prabîcn and make your tertitity pragrara more accuate. Leot samptes are taken bv ttc Frait and Vegetabte Extension lowa cure hfiats s your tasse t rcoftssccdx dense. and a dark green in cl- or? If it ix nt. some aifte tut- lowing steps may imprnne yoar lassn. Weeds con bceltmiclilcd by sprayicg sitb 24-D and eitber Silvex or Mccaprop. Tbese com- bieed herbicides con tbc reodily purcttascd. Thev sboutd ttc ap- picd accandicg la diretiones.on ssorm davsxx-becttere is ix l sxied. Cane musstc aLec ta anoid dsit outhettc pray Uclo the garden or itoxers. Weeds sncb as dondelions. ctickssecd, plantain and chicory nul ttc kiled. Sn order lu keep saur lasse milb a gond deesitv and o gaad cotor, adequate tertility and prs- per cuttieg techniques are im- portant. Fertiizer stoutd bc ap- plied t ltxl bee imesoaseocr. Il cre ix taken wben applying tertîlizer. ordinars field bruIl- izr con b ised %ssîtt a grcal avninjecosi. 15 is allen dexîr- able ta sxOer telasse tolloîn- cf ttc fertîlizer. Many taxi cx arc mmcnd hs close clipping in ttc hot dry wcaîbcr in sommer. Ttix con ttc preventcd ttninircaief [ttc tteigt ai the lîsn niosser. Coi- ieg tigttcdous coi mean la lut te grass become laIt belore ctling i. The griss sbnnld ttc cnt oison cnugtt xo0thst coi oser an incht ai groxtb s cul ai o ime. Qibermise. te grass xill becomc ueigbtlv and slow o recot er. A doIt massver alsa causes [he ips of te graxx I ttc braised and cause aî brosse- isb appearance. Publication 448 - "Lasvnes aned 529 - "Wced Contrali n Lasses' arc anailable ai ttce Ag- ricltural Ofice, Milton. Specialist in Joly, aned sesulîs arc avoilabte late in Decembe-r or early Janaary. Cost for thix service ix $5 per sample. Application formas are avait- able tram te Extension Brac ut tbe Ontario Deparîment ai Agriculture and Food. le the Torocto-HamiIton area. tItis is Box 189, Milton. Att applications must ttc mode bettir etc end of Juce. Growers in thse orottard busi- nexs for a profit and sconlief la dlu a good j ob, sbnald make tbemnsclves tamiliar witb Ibis ceal samplistg service. It may ttc ai benefit for voor operaltion. Good quality trait cannaI bc produced oser a period ot years unless thte grosser is qaite tam- itiar xxils snbalttc is doief lied s'v ttcis ding it. This teal samptief service con fine 500 a Itantu je delerminief soor natIn- ont requirements, and ltaus belp je grosing a'arge crop of bigb quality irait year aller year. HAYING TIME Thte scasons lire rottief aroand and once a gain itx bav- ing lime in Soulbcrn Ontario. Strangels enoagb, tesvt ttink aI awoasadongerous piece ai eqaipmcnl. since lbcre lire eno mas tcf parts. atber tban thc seteels. Hon-es-er, more cbild- ren are kiltcd and injured bn tattief trom ban wagons than annvother machine. Sa let saur ctîitdren ride te ban wagots. but caltbheload oi boy. -Lots of people base good .ajms but neyer poil thec Inigcr. -Chiture on t radaurs are danger factor,. Board sets price of wheat at $1.80 The price for the 1966 eîop Ontaoî inlcr isheat bas been set aI inmm i$1,80 per btstct 0 [rosncers ai t.rnvsst, la 01 o ý.90 in elroîr. The Ontario Wbeat Prodnc- ers' Marketicg Board aeeoaec- ed today that te second raund ot negoiations wilb te trade hetd at wenk je Toracto gale- A cd a substactiat pricc iecreaxe ot 15 c per puxhet over the mini- mum establisItcd ltx year. Tite negotlattons tottuxccd te irst meeting Iteld on May 30 je Londlon dnring whicb talks ended ap je o dcadlock. Board cttairman Peter Mac- Kinonutf Bath, said te Boards Ncgoialing Commilîce. je considerolion ot wortd seheot conditions and al factors surs- i oundieg te boards obligationM la purcttaxe and expant produe- ers' surplus wheat. <clx ttc necx price is a tremeedouns c- comptisbmelt. SIRDS 0F A F8J Mr. MacKi ceon xid te coin Wilson, Ait Walî base price of 51.80 per buxhel te Georgetown [or grades t and 2 xil cone,.in- the cuttibitors at ta etecet JuInv t, the estoblisiest begieeing for the nom crap thongh etries i year. ler mas quite pi EATHER [lock logetber. Thnee Milton men, Don jde and lotte D. Timbers, mtto arc members of nand Halton Poolbrp Association wcre among et the annual show held le Acton neceetly. Al- cadiac cluxx wercnot wany, judge Gordon Rid.- pleased with ttte birds enhibileu. Esquesing township Teachers' salaries, transportation share big part of school budget Esquesicg lospovers havc Instiaci.- Salaries 248,162 Revenue bcîs askcd [or 5192,760 lsttc Insisuc. - supplics . 22,000 Loca.l [Ta\ LCc local tas Ions % sttarc oi the Es- Pisut Operatiosi 41.094 Ps ii. Gi antt pci.iiin quesief ArAs, Public Scbol r.sssportatioîs 58,122 pi,-. Grau ti hliiiil Boards 1966 budget. The budgsl tutasls $450,360 tjii Tuitiots Fees 7-11 Psu,. Gi astCi pta.l ncr i ssliib()%ser bal, 5240. Atend. Oicet 500 Clets r cis [62 xiii go [ori- ecîers' salarie,. Auiliarv 1,8011 Stîtîslo [roit pie. xI. pense side nifthe budget ix S58,. 122 [or lrasporttion. Thec Esquesief lreipublic scbont board gososes ttsesopera-. ions oi Glen Wiliams public sittool. Norxal PS.. Limebouse PS.. Piccsiexs P.S., Spesside PS. and Mitton Heigts PS. Thte etmptete budget xum- mlirs Ks tolis Espenditures Ami nii sration 1966 Prop. -.S1 1,498 Ilistes cxi -ý... - Caspitasltus. lotîtCur'. Ijebi Charîge T.ss Wiitc 01t 2â.700 38,392 S450>80 $192,760 147,138 14,640 73,318 [2,000 t15,109 $4 94,9o-, Tt iî C.îxli - S454.96t5.00I Tol.tlxpicixe - S450.360,00 Diteret,.- -S54,59700 $370 Peuc.ck c.w exported to Cuai The irst aceual Dual Purpose SttnrttornSale. telt ite Sale Bores, Georgetnwn, son' some good caIlle chtange Itacdx ai nîoderste picex. Nu iess 1blie sevnelcad mec purchased for expani la Cuba. For the maxi part. these more some <l te btter bred Itiicrx ancd inccîdesl os $370. o dangb- ici- cil Chcapside Roa-aud 2csd, huom thc bord aI Clarece Pea- cock, Miton. A young eow [rom Mller Bruis., Geo,,efotn. bv Clîcap- sisle Brrîngian 3rd. silier heiler culfl opped Ihe sale ai S470. 5h,.-%%aus also taken <or Cuba. Anîrcis Nellex & Sun, Cule- loci.î, paid $300 ou Emmeti Mc- Gibtbont, ittit, [or a daugîster ol Clsdah Wiltu Jupiter 2cd. OtItes ares, buvers included J.B. Dexcr.,sx, Georgetossn, Miller Biox. Milton; Clark Lxocx, Nor- %al; .C E. Tlompsoe. Acone; Mr. .uîîd Mss. Normanc McRcadx & Sonu, Mltone; L. & P. Ferrier, Mît issus.nd .scslE. sîsdcl, George- ýed Control News by va. e. mearthur balton weed inspector *Oi Wee DESTROY COMMON BARBERRY Common larberry ixste maie inkithettcchoienIofdestruct- ion clinsesI by stemsrosi ol 0015, btiils 11and xetta, Thte lîstgi oi 1i'S qiisîoiex tigrt ve xintr tote.înes of tis baincity HERE'S JUST A FEW GIFTS DAD WILL REALLY APPRECIATE FOR FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 19th BLACK & DECKER L BLACK & DECKER POWER LAWN EDGER T OOLS ANI) GRASS TRIMMER SUNBEAM BLACK &. DECKER HEDGE * HEDGE TRIMMER TRIMMER LAWN ISHIe HALTON CO-OPERATIVE MILTON F HALTON BRANCH UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO MILTON..... ....... PHONE 878-2391 GEORGETOWN ............ PHONE 877-2271 ERIN .................. PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOT E S .. . There astili urne i. appiy iquld ntrgen ie your corn. Poat emergeni applications are now progreaing end yeu shouid eail immediaieiy te Inaure your crop moes itis maximum productiviiy. Cmii todlay, we'ii arrange your ap. pliction. SELECT THE'RIGHT ,iýDHERBICIDE- FOR YOUR CROP For contrai of most annual broadleaf weeds and grasses in FIELD SILAGE OR '~IGRAIN CORN Y8~i!f1~~Ž~' use Co-Op 2, 4D Amine 80 Co-Op MCPB 64 Co-Op 2, 4D Eter 64 Co-Op MCPA Fiai MCPB Co-Op LV 2, 4D Ester 64 Co-Op LV ruahkilier 64 CoOp MCPA Amine 64 Co-Op 2, 4-D Buyrlc 64 65 W AVERAGE YIELD INCREASES 0F 14 BUS/ACRE N A SERIES OF TESTS Witea Grasses are e Prebiem Thte Use of ATRAQIL la recemmended la cenjunciin with Atrasmne. Fer mecemmend. ad usat checkt wih your Ce-Ont. MORE PASTURE PAY -OFF WITH CO-OP PASTURE RATION Wise Farmers know that with a Co-Op feeding program they can ad- just f0 seasonal changes and stili maintain the 4 ail-important high quai. - ~ - -ity in Dairy Products. Laah aprîne and sommer pastarea previde adoquate buik and pretein bat arn iew ln enet-Ify. Oit pastare alene. a cow cao prodace eniy 30 peunda et mutk per day becauseofetber imited capacily te consume a auffikient qaantity of grasa. Additionai enersy la eequired te meintain body weigitt and te attain maximum miik production. Thte new Co-Op Pasture Ratien previdea titis il-important extra energy that la reqaired te sapplement apriag and aummer pasfures. Feed CO-OP Pasture Ratien and yeu wili gef more from year pastare ... mere frem yeur herd. THERE IS A FEED FOR EVERY NEED HALTON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS " Al Surgicai Operations Individuai or Empioyee Groupa " Doctors' Calia Pald front may enrol ai any unetofte Firat Visit pear. " Confinements REVISED RATES * Anaaihetisa' Services Monthiy - $3.73 Single " X.raa Monihiy - $11.30 Couple " Alan Major Medical Monthiy - $13.23 Famliy Yeariy Plan, Drugs Payable Quarteriy or Yeariy HALTON COOP MEDICAL SERVICES 143 Main Street Box 474, Milton - Dial 878-9712 Please send me information. <No obligation). Namc.......................... Addrcs........................ B ED DIN G P LA N TS ITS PLANT UP TIME NOW. CHOOSE HARDY BEDDING PLANTS FROM OUR SELECTION including 0 Geraniums 0 Rose Bushes 0 Petunias lb Marigolds 0 Alyssum lb Salvia lb Snapdragons, etc. .- also Tomato and Vegetable Plants CH005E NOW AT ÀMikton Greenho uses MAIN ST. AT ONTARIO MILTON 878-9501 - ---------- ------------ «M plant mbere tey i ecrease 64 million imes. Wilbout tbis iniermedialo hosst, rosI epidemies woald nt ttc possible. Worxe slill ha flic iiilc mut liplicai,h%-li baibIscîrscroules new aeso rus t. Theî clore, il cvenloolly becomex impossible [o incorp- orate resitance toalal rust races in eecscorc'aigrain varieties. Thc answer Io tbe prabîco s i tu eiminale tbe common bar- berrs. A large, graceful sttrub, bar- berrv ix reccgnized en[thc lali ai ttc sear bv large droopief clos- tcr of bright retu bernies whtich on oan.sg on lbroaghosîl tbe sinter. At ibis ime of s-car one wigbl look for tbe bright orange clusters of rust spores on tise underside nfic cvs Closceoxateinotion ofthIte plan %ilreveil foires in sels of tbrce. Le,,vos arc aval sbapcd, itbsii%%,toothed cdgcx andmliy b1cr egreen ni- porple. The b.îîk is grog and te scood ie- A. T. MOORE INSURANCE CAMPSELLVILLE 854-2271 Comieon barberry should not bc coelused with its 'relative, the Japanese variety wttich is barmless and dons col act as a host b te rust spores. Il can bc distingulshed ifromt the harmiol type ie the followieg vsays: i . Smnailer sized sisrub. 2. Leaves wit-h xmooth edges. 3. One thore instead of tbree. 4. Bernies occur singly or in groups oi two or tItree, bot neyer je large droopieg clusters. 5. Bork is reddist cotored. 6. Leaves maybe cittcr green Theic appearis to lietaair amouuioi comîmun borbcrry in the nonihere part ai Hatton and the odd break is tnrning up in the southere part. St is defýin- iteiy classed as a noxions plant sînder lthe Ontario Weed Con- trut Act and sxe urge al] resi- dents to destroy aey bos'hes they lied. If vou need bclp je idenlilying or stestroying ccom- mon barbet ry, please contact yor wecd inspector. ...... ....

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