OMAGN Insti Tbe annual bus 'trip sponsor-1 cd by Hortsby Wl1. was leld on Weduesday. lune 8. A charter-c ed bus sitb 48 lady passengers1 lit Horvby United Chuiclo at 8 a.m senuhave a mot enjuyable1 day iv Hamiltoun.1 Thse itst stop oas at the Roy-i al Btannical Grdeas ail the1 aid Guelph Lire. Hundredsofu 1 magnificent lilaco s-ee at their best. The cotur-.sore beautitul ini shastes uf bine, mauve, pivk. wieandi satiegated. Nets spe- 5eilc rc g ilaitiest ei l, Ille s al sp.-.Tise genteman guie esilaistecitihe ut gin ut tise gardiets avd suat mas hup- cdstos bc sthie'ed ivnthe uture. Next on the tour sas a visit to the rock garden. These arc esiting antd luseissith te mnsskitsds andsiclais uf spins ilussers. To stansd ai the top andsloouk stutsn intss the-vatIes' belusi ansc tvm n puuolstoi soter srmssiîcled bs tusses bedsvansi vo.svvoas a jus.« The guisde tuisi htislarge crtalis nnren iad snioved Ille huesolsaissiput tiiem ii placse al asouius the banks. At use side nesiling un the bsnk uas anv attrative Itastosae. Tisseue stI fou quiekiNs heseasv ail cssstis hase spent isusîen- Tise tiirdsi sop mas5 ai the Iris g.rsen:,Iiee sere a de- ight itu cis tusHes e ou. visiturs wecs ntise neso' ree se- oîn%"busvhe, ssich are quite iuseiv bus sisierent irom the Thse gruup husrscidtise bits andss seses(Iriien to vs beie Ben Veiihuiv nas buvi lratoits ofniis nanv large greetihostse. Tihe ladscvin gsoup> \%sse-eakeis ibsuigli the vsussestlussne actm iig (and hmisttîssIetttsusv.s/mes andtiluP- cies utfbtticsn iuets. sio the caci uns unsies e kissîts ste e soîsin. Sssssse isete vesv vtsiisnsi othet v i 30 scatrs o :uiiitable. Qne tIssssg ltc'5ail hatic ommris.uns \a xr iv i saip veecie, ssitclis hffissishoud il asîs une tuueliesi Plei. Ail kssîstvi larige tsrspical plasnts vvicon dispias, cuites' ees andi iunsireds of tt'iliagt' ans ilvrn plants. Mr 'eliiiss a ttrac- tive sipl.ssv sî C.N.E. sand Ru.N l Winter Fir e.ssb veat. Fattuwtng the dinner flitc gistuuisacoip.iiidsisa guisds tam lihe toisrsiburauslooka tour asouns the h ruoteicu Hamiltun muuntttn. Placessof c-iret vies etise Mstntttiv San- iîurissm. Ontsssss Hospital, Che- stuke andsi sah Frasnc is Hen- dervoîs From the Sain Ltsience Park thegrophbail assitntieriul iets ti the ciiv eloîs. Av the bus viensied i soavts trouagithe hundreds s> linte nets hîssues.snsi district the yuteGerats CIcs. ipintessout placessivpecilnte and it lisstîts cie \ict th ihcin The toissusesi abott\\ot 5555 Thse grvup then s isied Hassît- titiS hospping 1Cntre andtihttia ila ý, lz . Th lis e s i- isvst pume inlite iasisev si tin isnciteand allbstd snevltts- ii im . iic, tritis% , vs-s est ho Ms,. C.Wsgetsi sasi Mis . C tXsttes Custgrtltttissts andsb hes sshstusiMt.ndsiMs, s hî Finssie hi.,celehi tiin, iheir 34tl san une 1i; Mr i. MsandsiMt,. Uotîilet Ctlltng tîlss tîil be mat ietIlt sîs o te ile îd ateitive 1i Many tram thîn eiîsîîici, i ni er neiglhors asîcfisenus t(iMi SELLING OUT! EVERGREENS Yeu eue still transplant EVERGREENS and we still have a good selection... uit Saviegs up te 40% Off BLOOMING PEONIES Aeyoee iterested in huyieî PEONY PLANTS le bloom, pIeuse see us beîwee lune 15th and 25th... Peonies Are Our Specialty Wynfield NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE MAPLE AVENUE 86 The Canadien Champion. Wednesday, 'Jonc 15, 1966 itute an thse oecasion uf wedding annversat daugloler and sOn-n-lI Mrs. Gardon Turner sie mere hasts lot' evevi. We jain ti fricnds inos'ishingt mare years tugethes Liszt Miehelleminai ari Mr. and Mrs. W. uf Streetvville %%,il fst tSahb.oih lune It Piesbstesiin ehîsset Obus les Sîssitis. Congaulastins i soishes for a long nsars'ied ftie 50 Ms Guidon MeCread' groom outonlissCl vsesding wsi-v sois Olisauls Ptesbyteristi brise is tise lurisi Cas lis. it.ughter ai i S. Curtis. Readers ut tiset- souili ili he sur liai MIs. Jack Mi thdisstrtict .as vise! basndihavoe sulît the li-Ilec'usîsssîser - sssosing tu Mlotsr Wc rtaie .sii gl the McCarrs'us Il \i e-s tlisîg inv heur Sisîce uc' sNun pas ii tu, he tansilv ol .tI AcheSe[siseli s)e c esîstt. %Ms*s. tis irsscrJean Ci sus'eth er tbis tes s Maion ands viviers iJessiel M Milisîn. iM.arerc sisgsisiilofii Cou AItos Es.t (so/cir ili v . iii itoi. t Sincere sympatis iesised su Il' I th li ofssis iileri 1.Miltonî. Ms.Duiis le n lishe laie N l idIDovonî andî1si e Lisse andsi ene e Lîke bislaillier -ssii INisu l siiied t i , voýtlestii ilaesIl li-andîsi ttisk Isi Ms. Doussîpa-o le Juse 10, su Milton t1 lonin a legth\ i ýt vussIllso clviîs n- u Milîssu. e- Regutar sers-le n- Pseshstersss Ciii ni vitliiîaîn untsuri id in î'sic' bit ftiti t v \ttIsiiip viitI lite 1, gi Rosi of thessc.svssnssit t Mr .tiand Is,. 1. Tuesîlîs Isusi i- ýIId Feàctlt b l et bus -trip *y-isi' n Satarday planing ha bus lntiip la Dtrit ba tg, Jonc 1l, shere tbey sui visit mavy de their 5tht places of interesi, ivluding tbe fit y. Their Ford moseom. We hope tbey ba la Mr. and louve a safe and happy trip. lit an ai Streets- sili certaivly bc a Mot educa-- the happy tional anîl profitable holiday beir many for ail isba go. Several tuachers lum many iii accampavy stnd bc in r. charge. in cauglter Thse anueli Peacuek tamily re- R . Robeis usion as as La Salie Park, asbsptized Alder-sbot on Sussday, Jlve 12. 2 in Onsagl ith isesl 100lescendanttsuof j1Ie sreg sItle tlc itlikîsisassd Harriet sîsîter-, Re%. Peisssi, ieinsg. liegesis gathieeilestts jui lbest luon locaeliiand si miii c55e1055ec andîhaptpy hvtise piesisicîiMalcoltmPea- ransi Mis. ceck ai Ricigessui. Gise minutes hbid îlesdi siesnce osss helî t'or nembeis Tise pi cliv seeasvdl since reunrion day. last leniicesi nlisse.These svoire John F. Fea- iCisureti.,Ise csck uf Buffalou, Haroldi Pea- ici Mailelec ck utTittsanbiirg, Mm. Damt- Mrs. andi Mis. thv Mos sesi ofBuffalo ansi Miss Ans Davisison nf Toronto. Tise busness meeting nos hurit ho lieus selassitnewo uiiceis leetesl w[ u le. ris loi-ithe ceinsg seat sare Fresi- :cc irs ut, Is ensîCî . Fe.seuck. Miloîn; lrss iuiitsg t scepsessls . McDssn.silut issd beil-uis- RiIL!es.t s econsd oe.s ir lirns. siest,. I.Istvis. Militon:si cet tri go5 susdi tresssusc'r, Miss Lissla Waitsonis anili ie sassistanit, Miss Jaiciqueline Fest- in tise lisl. cuck; sport' cossiititte, Wsts- loiîss ler lienlssskes, . Jacii.lik Pe.- usn bits s is coek. Ile lessut Speisc'l.ii secss wes'e wr r toie. tiii visisigesi peisuis. OstisAlleni \tiseytetiiesi C.stlrti Nttovaleiset îessîss lie e Mss Mr' Ivs. J PFcciel iiMillie - hicirsreceitt sissssiesiM. aniMr,.M. esce0.5 Citigg.lssssgc-s s i.isrseMr.tiand rotc ir and iv N. s lisM ttis.issndlti licsi hbasîs. d.sugii- î.siîv Jlusses N sîîets 1Roth .andsi Ms. ands Mis. Bîss Tisser iii 1, bs tisie ChicagoIuîli., 'i'si le'si l it i Als' . -est sdistasnce 1slie ps'ecnî. t Mr, Dt- . A v-t iliTitii issil stOtilia. liwoi : o!ibsi steo s"stii'i l v .iiti X as -es l',sinr ssas tl isvînws sîhu lill b .siii Dttuni, i i l ni, sc'i'ies i ai Il e , ,Illec'1111% unio isuisibcbelheitic tst ess NItind iMt. 167,.ni itheise 55plae. Lt Salle rillits, stil Est k soiitiesesccndS.îs uîi.îsîs i Il ii Ile slî Isue. I S.. No. 7. Happy brtbday Ilis J iii& ILI Ulis. t.e(ii- Rîsîs \'tietM.îl.12 onoiiJst (M toJlitis'21;Eric, Schbc'il. Il tsoietc lelcies. uttii Jai trocsusv Llili. iii1 siio I iuteo le\ -ca , go 20 Allasitt tttalielt,1,l. u I Ietriv 1101111- 20; Steplîcîs Cusskvsss. 14îsi tissne Ilie sîirk. 20; lilesi Msreî. 14 on Jlte t?. Mati1ise; ('tiii,, 12 titi Joie l'lopi t i ti' 14; Petesrt- s.ia l ss i t stoc'ie l iilsess. lie i, Wsil iilh ....sit. 10 ssii lsnc- 18; sie Bc.sisîse R.sîîîssîîssi Vcii., il oiise ils. ,s'ene Duýssss Rotbîitui7îiot. -ssi ote14: les!ci tt iel, Juste 21> i.iiis'i ýe as l tisagui ise Ass isitis uonoisJte 22 cItd Lc i \i[ be Mr,. N iii vsl eiiisnetssss une 22. nicesbe smss Msst. Wiiil Deslin.4 .sr, isus eii is'titis-n- lionjtitise 20, andîsiiîMîissun, tn chus Mr,. Ielisesi lisitisis38 st eils tîtili.tan- isasied or uiîisc- A istl Citisc\ i teise S. steîs ti ii i i ossi Il. t ic lise%%oirssse Grade 5 students soifless sW. Ie tiis p.svî Miii\ scitsitl cîass b usP10 l"t1"rIlstîsststii Muscdles luise1i' 21. Ille jsîsys i " sslîîîîtsît ttt.ises.Ms-s t'sev7 issdil8imil, oo. isskl eint tstht-uit M "Ioolarc oinand Io cr tetitiscils t-s Hamilto*n"- ail. Thse childret had aàsean- derful lime and sucre greatly npreosed. especiully ai cily aIl. Mathers Mrs. Ted Graves and' Mrs. 5. Nuelandusucere in tbe party -la help Miss Con- mings. Tisa tIle girls aged four ansd tbree yearo, childrcn of Mr. and Mrs. M. Egresils uf R.R. Oak- ville, gave their parents a wor- ried fesu boums on Friday, lune 10 wheulthey -disMlpeacedabout t p.m. from thé yard where they sere playivg. Oakville Po-. lice, EMO. and others were called in '10 search for the youngsters. At Il p.m. the Imo were fouvd buddled iv tise back seal of an aid car iv a barn un licir fa- tber's farm by Sam Flonle Ir. cie, T. M. Galbraith and cousin ufthOe Emnergency Measures Or- Mrs. leffcott. They laterattetsd- ganizaltion. Mr. Finnie had dif- cd a convention in Guelph anad ficulty climbing over machinery lef t from Maltan on lune 14. to eacl th cr uthisefors riedsMr ad >rs I MKay paid off. The chldren, fright- of RostherW çcompnied Mr. cned but nove thec warse, wcrc and Mrs. Brooks un the trip. restarçd 40to teir parents. Friends will be sorry le leatil Mr. and Mr%. Douglas Brooks that Mrs. D. Aitchison of Elora uf Rostharn, Saskatchewuan wcrc s il iv Fergus hospital, follosu- guests taon weck with thvîr un- ing a heart atlack. i s~1 - '- ~ui~~v 0> -------- A FOUNTAIN COURT t tbu entrance toA în mary ai thse laIe E. James Costigan1 the toms. The Court iii be locateal ta preount crinks9 fountaîn iii reisais sn -Tsssiuicli tiisisetiel- ts-i jisi sesi-e il,, 40 ucd, lv i s as s tr 1sets1i iii plîccsi i scîsîl chamtpioni Ç;s,sviicsipags'. Gui sisse thiiig lis re'c'? i*%Tîscl.svi ieds lur gev- 21YRS OLD ? When yau turn 21 you're no longer cav- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. Ta keep insureal, yau must take out indi- viduel membership sithin 30 dayv. Get yaur application form ut a bank, a hospital, or tram the Commis- sion. NEWLY WED? The 'family' Haspital Insurance premium must nase be pid ta caver husband and wife. Ntify yaur graup' sithaut de- lay OR, iftyau bath puy pemiums direct, nati- fy the Commission. NEW JOBI? Ta keep insured fol low the instructions on the Hospital Insurunce Certif icute of Puyment Formn 104' thut your present employer is required to give vou an leaving. Yo ur ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE plan On' Itaio HMOgW Senlvtm orasso 7.on"i Multons Tomn Hall mill bu developeal loy Mss. Castîgon is co-operation mitb the east oi the present entrance. The is present location. A stili stase bas 1 been presented by Supersweet Fends, division of Robin Hood Flous Milis LId. 1and aller refinisising and placing loy W. J. Phillips it miii be converted toaa fountain. Special Iighiing wiii be installed by the Milton Hydro Electric Com- mission. GE &GREAT DEAL WHEN YOU DEAL AT REED-REDFERN LTD. *TOP TRADE-IN VALUE *WIDE RANGE 0F READY-TO-GO NEW CARS *LOW, LOW PRICES *DEPENDABLE AFTER-SALE SERVICE P LU S GM1 Could anything ho more convenient than to arrange the financing right here. It's like one-stop shopping. We take care of everything. We wiII work out practical termi f0 fit your budget. And, if you wish, finance your insurance costs as weII as your car purchase. Ask about creditor life insurance, f00. GET A GREAT DEAL THIS WEEK, CONVENýIENTLY AT REED -REDFERN Ltd. YOUR CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE - CHEVELLE DEALER Ontario St. S. Milton 878-2393 BICYCLES MUST BE LICENSED During the Times Specifiod Below ONLY ALL TWO WHEEL BICYCLES IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON MUST BE LICENSED BICYCLES MUST BE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER . . .. 9 BELL 0 BRAKES 0 FEN DERS, ETC. 0 Liconses will bo issued this week until Friday, Juno 17, 4 p.m. f0 6.30 p.m.; on Saturday, Juno 18 as noted bolow. at the Milton Police Garage In Rear of Town Hall MAIN STREET, MILTON I OR.. ON SAT., JUNE 18 At the Williams Ave. High School Parking Lot - From 9 a.m. fo 4 p.m. at the Bicycle Rodeo sponsored by the Ist Milton Venture boy Scouts and the Milton Police Department. * AT NO CHARGE * R. ANDRESS, Chiot of Police, Town of Milton ý7 - ---- ----------