Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jun 1966, p. 12

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ý4 he Canadian*Champion, Wednesday, June l5i 1966 Rover Ramblings By lOtit UuIaup n id Paul Hutehison Tise Jitti of May weckend is a big event lor tise iometown Mil ton Rover crew evycar; ils coming isctaids a tirec - da % perisd miicis promises tIoseca oun-tilled ime for ailthliehaois. Witis canars lied sersirein on tise cars, soe tnt Milton 'l'or tise Muskoko River aisout 8f'rida v nigisi. Aong tise ssay, soc stop- ped ai a restautrant dressed in aur camping ctothssamd pin- ceeded Iosucause ioasiscuriionsv giances. Jeii-%Dosislin and iBobs Heaiirsinisisissieipesi ile sit ers conidersihisbho goiisg rii'si ttzetaIotable us us tise eaisiip bot lies, We arrlved ai asic nigis camp ai i .m. anti spent arestiess nigisi in cars and lets. Absot5 le tise moreieg, Skipper's Ed Googe and John Gosldief, Neit Martie, Gacry Cnî'p and Dave Kaulman arrivcdinte ime Io wakc as lor erly isreakast. te traditionni Rover style, we pris- cceded 'othfe aaresi resisuir- Afier breakfast, sise staried dossnstream and ogisitisets of rapids successtntty heinre fi- nalty iaving a casualti. Tie ca- nuc steercd isv Sktppcr John and paddied by Ncit Matie and Paul Keitty fitted siitis sater, ne- cessitatief a hasts' detaur to sisore. Att cqipmeet and esen tise canoeisis siserg sas'ed froin tise 38 degreesisater. Dy th lime ise set up camp, il ans atready 2 p.m. ansi diener sias iastity iirossn togetiser hs risc Crew mnembers. This was a firs inl ouldoor living toc some of tise news quires, ist eveesane survis'ed tie ordeat sn isse shape. We ltsnged aroîînd ses- ieg toc tise remainder of tire day sisiile rovieg reporters Jim Kaufman and Pasui Hetchison ROVER CUTUPS: Rover Skip- per John Goldsng, former Skipper Ed Googe and former assistant leader Albaet Penrase clown about during fise May 24 eekeed canon excursion enjoyed lap local loyers. nais action sioslsof tise squires ising lthoma mbtis1-e river. As evcieg came, me amused ourselves by fightieg .blasck flics as osr social consmitice mcm- isers ptanned or evceniîtgs camphire activities. (This was en prepacation toi' asicprîriecied 196,7 Regionat Meet.t Some of tlirc tigisigiis of tise pîngraro aec a comedy tein of Daids Hillier mad Garry Cons, and arts. guisir players Paul Matneands Brisin Brasir, sho tet tise sing. 'se iiof odnii sioesonire sangs' i iii s' .5 rise capiiris' On the second iraiii us e goii rip asaîsîss9.301 ansis o h gr'iintigs oni, sic îîgest as- sistant leader, Mike Desin, misa iad iad a bad nigis. Hc sccmed to tee tiatiettchast ieen roirises ni ais air eatreos. Aler ireakfast, isec tsasd toi' GnHanse Lake andi tadsted quiekto- v ntit tise ceacied lise gnalstase, vscisure a esioekes tt un coad pop. Aller tiis stop, our-tace sinssesi casisleraitv tsi apoitisiers- trce caeaes de- cided ao go hock 10 tise store tac* nîore pop. Upan eisrning ta caimp, Nei Desie and Davisd Frencis spotted Cottege studeets ging over a 311 tant faits is a isiier raft. We srayed oc djs- rance and ' etted encosuragement alad illo tises'oade i. Once back in camp, Eric Phlt- lips decides t iere siasnt e- asîis i iontuits andwisi thesieit oi anniher Raser, hsd si canne tsrned oser on hlm. Agreeine %isusEric tisai lece oas nul enougis rioaitv,y.ie agaie ilicis some ai tise squires nitise ri- ver; osr uterior motive sias tu ceoi tieir sueisoce gained le tise da, s aniriehe. Whiri this wisasoing un, asic, rniedbissstrnien, Alberti Penrss sbilaiding smudge pots ta \\sîrd aitfislack fies for tise eei- lad's actioies i(did't do mach jý lic tir hisek t lies. isit itssure made il iard ta brettref. Tise nigisi conctuded si is anouser sii)g-su 0f. our las mornlng isosîphicar- s breakasi t if0,sm. and iie Milton Revers on weelcend canoe trip steepers lied difficsstty cramieg ouniaitiseir towe'red lents. Our isîsîre domsieam oassoce- enienni tise cassas.-teum ai Davci Kaniman, Cam Mitchell and Gars' Thomas 55cm a p tise rapids i na canue and came dussenise rapidis hanging acta tire ouiside i tise canune. On seachisig tise cars, eceso- orec eilt iiey iad ]ad a gond isse assdtaressssss inking ltac ssssd tuounr Tsaskgiving trilt luris iiElirs. Host firefighter convention here Mitron Ficefighiters ars- mak- issg extensive plans taoiosi lise annuat otll-av convention ai tise Ontario Pire Figiters' Assitelsi lion in Miton Augusi 13. Tise grsssp decîdesi cr mandirss ga t ltd i seesi con- ventioneicre. Beides tise Assie.' alýions busineess sessisSes - tiere %%ii[ise snmpetiiios sassit eenis sic tise public ta see. More de liwlliereieased ttr, Mrs M. Gilimour heads CAS BurIîngton bralnch A former employee of lise Mit- ihe openief mould improve lthe Tne protective deparir -ton iranch of the Chisidrens Aid CAS service as far as fise towf's ln charge oi counseiting Society, Mrs. M. Gilimoor wiil yoong people were coecereed. ions, unwed motisers bce tse ieud of a staff of tiree Also in attendance aitishe ce- treIn dditin t ss le the recen tin - dedicaied Bur- remony were Georie Kerr, MPP c Incaddtintobancs inegon iranch of lise Society. for 'Halaton, and Herbert Hin- tend to at] CAS masters Even before tise doors werc ton, Warden ai' Halton Counfty. Dakvitie and Burtinglon otficiatly tapened, tise brancisTise brancis is stof.fed by itircecTise new office is tise1 had soccessfolty deait witti itis people from Ithe CAS proteetive hraneh Of the Miton ft fr case; thut of a 15-year-satd deparfment and include, isesides ers. Fotlowing lise firl riti nu home. Tise girt was5 Mn-,. Gitimisar, Mrs. Dririliso Mrs. Berrvman poiti'd ptiecd inia 1tii-rhortrme, aC- (Green and Pi-i' Dîdd. îio'l)inii' i V cai'diisg lu Cainiii C. M. 'Michiell. piesideisi air lie Hation CAS ioard of diiectois. In a rlbbon-cuttlng ecremonv Frislay, Mrlingions M ay or Lloyd Berryman opened the Irroncli. In iis speech, Mayor Berryn ssated tisaibcheli saine regret isat Bartington sisatd requitre sucis un office bit eopu'ssed his a-suranec il Water satety poster centest entries closing on lune 24 Local ctementnry scisool qtia- tapieis -ta be aey uts dents are remindled tu "gel mater satety. ssNrkissg' an isir posters f'or Prlzms have heen doa tise Mater Satcsy W,-ek poster losal merchants and il contesi sponsor'ed isvIte Mitron poster snech grade te% Bs-asshoisnitiseCansîdiats Red %soirs nseasanis pnss ta I Cross, ion ssimmieg pool. Ms Jane sq Watcc Sateto Monthr, Kent is cisairmnan ai lis ý,îsid %,shile sire specist issecis nas satiyprogram for il retehratcd cachier tiis mîsthinl Cross. Sisentes n Rer nals rowsesand chies, the tuaaihlm, Lcari cfHout gcoop ins posipoeed tise-cile- s s aas-i'tae ta local bration aintlJonc 19 ta 25. Tise from Jane 16 la 24 andt paster contes i s opens ta Grad- tions tac il cao ie mode es 1han8t loisal scisoots ans tise ing Mrs. iL. Senicar ait7ff ament is g, adop- ;and ifus- cservices, rs ton tise tirs[s sai- readqar- openine, E. Litt gains M. Ed. degree E. "Litf n amuecher of Mulfon Disteict Higis- Scisool, recetved iis Master of Edocation degree n tise Convocation Juge 7 ut UJniversity oi Toronto. Tise de- grec was conferred hy Cisamcci- toc Dir. 0. 'M. Solandi. 'Mr LitSteaves aise staff ai Mitoan tiis year ta join fise Bar- tînglon Board of Educafion in tise Atîtersisat setiriat. Lasi vear Tise Satvation Armny in Canada provided siseter for l17,000 htianetess and anattach. cil îîs'iwil 3,50)cas(h nigisi, %peci of iaed by ise top tise Mit- s. Paul se Red i Cross LSmim, groups isy cati- 78-2073. ""THE BRIDE WAS BEAUTIFUL ..." Because She had beeuty end glamour n her new hairdlo t... DE'ATH HAIR STYLISTS1 PHONE 8782501 THE NEW SUMMER FASHIONS We cthant begin- te tell yuhegreat buys that are wii , utfor you. But seenq s blieing secorne inJndcatch th edîJt LORI-ANNE SHOPPE MILTON PLAZA - 878-9512 [LAkM MORS j VOLKSWAGEN SALES AND SERVICE Authorized Phone j Dealer 878.2962 LOBLA&WS litS PE CIA L 0 ASSORTED FLAVORS j ELL-O JELLY POWDERS -oz. Pkgs. 4 for 45c JUNE S THE MONTH FOR GOOD VALUES isine Brides si l hc dauisly happy iiti pre and go i atw Ithitshme farnishngsfronm . FABIAN FURNITURE Factory Furniture Direct te You DIAL 878-2091 WATCH * FOR GRAND OPENING 0F BOB HASSARDI Mercury Sales Ltd. 13 ~IN THE MILTON PLAZA1 0 NEW STYLE BARBER SHOP 0 SPECIALIZING IN TOTS TO TEENS 0 WEVE DONE UT AGAIN!' Over 200 Ladies' Blouses, Rib Tickl.rs, Short Sleeve, No Sîseve, Fancy Plains, Fussy. Over 200 Ladies Stretch Slims, Denim and Shantung in Ail Sizes and Colors Imaginable. 120 PAIRS NYLONS 13c CPAIR GRAND SLAM PLUS SAV EWAY 120 PAIRS NYLONS SA 13 C PAIR SELF SERVICE CENTRE NOW DELECTABLE - MOUTH WATERING GOURMET itN PIZZA SericeUI90C 0 Freshly Baked t0 your order CARAVAN RESTAURANT Thci'esa Stein, Owner-Ma]nager - PHONE 878-3231 ITALIAN SANDALS Are Now Arriving $3.99 TO $599 ln Many Styles and Shedes POLLOCK SHOES Miton's FernlIy Shoe Contre DO YOUR WASêIING WHILE YOU'RE SHOPPING *EXTRA LARGE LOAD MACHINES *ZERO SOPT WATER " SOIT music " EASY PARKING PLAZA LAUNDRE-EASE HEY MOM I I HEY KIDS ! 1 Remember Dad on Fath.r's Day (SUNDAY, JUNE 19th> See our large seleciion of gifîs for thse Occasion. MILTON PLAZA SMOKE AND GIFT SHOP Guaranteed Fur and Germent Storg USE OUR ECONOMICALg BOX STORAGE Only $395 s TO0P P 1s CLEANERS AND TAILORS Fast Dependaiste Service Phone 878-2972 for Free Pick-o,ý GERMAN-CANADIAN CLUB -DANCE- SATURDAYi, JUNE 18 - 8 P.M. UNION HALL, PINE ST., MILTON *HUGO MERSSNER'S BAND 0 R E F R E 5 H M E N T S A Sincere Thanks 0 To ail lie people of Milon and dî,strict for the fine welcome extend- cd la Roarians when they called ai doars recentif offering peanuis for *To ail tise advertisers who generously supporred our program. *To ail the merchanis who displayed and sld peanats during peanut month. t s this kind of Co-operation that mokas the Rotary efforts je bommunity service possible. THE ROTARY CLUB 0F MILTON SHANTUNG 120 Pair of Nylons, First Quality Seamless Mesh Hose, Regular 59c Pair for OnUy i13c a Pair With Any Purchase, 2 to a Customer - Sorry only 120 Pair for This Sale. DON'T FORGET TO BROMSE FREELY * IN THE MILTON PLAZA ME - - --- -1 ------ -------------------- ------ - ------------------- ------ C-=MTIUM" Ras - AP

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