Iven auction bedpan W.A. June supper party IL wa bothlun-flld ind a a ..m.ilisilver 'bcd vase the aucioner caught Hospital profitahle ceveuing Wedne..da..iv t.a large cil painting and in- Administrator DaIton E. Mc. 01 last week. sihen bhe Women'.. cludicd nhîmeru ilgi items, an- Oîtaig hitidine onitheb article, Auxiliary ot Mitîcit DistrictlHut.- tiques, jewelleen' , f'iuwer., hume the ramur went through the pifai hel i t.. annuai June ..up- biking andi even lefltuer dec- audience rhat the ýhospitai must per pai tv anti .uctiun sale .1 crattun.. irum the Auxiliarys he in shurt ..upply un this par the Fot ili Line E-que.ting iment Mas tinte Bail. tieular item. home of Mr... W. H. Merrv. Wliei the cash %%!as ecun ted (The Admini..tratur Saler con- The auctiin rcsided bohO ie cp ai thetend o ithe evening, licied liteinas.siinkin ,ibunt tihe adIlle.- ttc iii tici i.cci ' inciîilliu te ion it x picsie Sititet additiunan iî;ii.eît M . le.' iîîi i ,î lî.îîiliii,îclî iii ,'72.29. 1tcTIiiii.-io li.ii ,iîiiiieii i astal cd anid ut .îî, t '.. Ie iiwc n 11-i11i' 1 11 'l ieut "t ii..'e'c'îî g lie' lýI).iIa aiL.îl hi-i li d aic l oii90 inxiou..lite i..iu10.it ie aiht...I,. l ii iqcuehaci lieîî.iiîecl IL)keepithe eu..i îog hîtge ..unitlui,'anestiiiited Tj. iii.tlilia..icîed a.s"il e cluwnnon ten equipnteni,l 60 articles.. The atiiiee.. angeci icle.il tl,îîbeî day ilti»Wheît Aulonedlitenis brought prie- The Conadian Champion, Wednesday, -------------------- Stresses role in Missi*ns at United Women's service Rev. Catherine MeKeen stres- ectiots cf Mrs. H. Mage, and sedthe brole cf eaeh individutal rendereti neverai anthemes. Christian in the mission wock Members of Bise U.C.W. serveti cf lise churela. when ste preach. as cshers. ed clcring the annual Unitedi Dnring I ce service Mrs. C. Church Womens service af St. Daigieish outlined tise Chevron Pani's United Chnrch Sunday desigrialion eaneeti y the C.G. morning. l.T., and. Mrs. Ponter presenfed_ The servlce was conducteti hy the chevron embiems .10 the Mrs. ýK. 0. Poster, president of members cf the Bronp. Mrs. F. the United Chnrch Wtumen as- W. Harbotîle presented mem- r isteti hv Mr... Harold Parker, hers. with .Mis.ionary Affiliation president ai ithe Haiton Presbhn Badge.. and Mcrs. Ron Feather- coria i U.CW. ancd Mr... Lintisa ' vsiocp rexco ted graduation pin.. Cuinotins, area vice-pres.iden ofIo lu Ssan Cray, Luis Cairns, Car- Halton PreshTteriai U.C.W. A ol Tanner. Laurie Sinclair andi ladies' choir was under the dir- Nancy Case. Peddie-Nyhol Gue..t.. IiîîtRteotteer. titiet laînd, O,itîa. (Guelpht. Rtîek- tîcuci. (atitbelillie. Sherid'anit, Ce'uretciîi. EttL'zctt jStîtîli- v.'ile, Ota\a,. teln end Milton of Ccugi, ittiiiamnFecdie ancd WiheiminaN\hcii ,îi St.iaul', United Ciîureb in Mîltonît. The bride-i.iIle ther o il i Mr. andl Mi'.. Be-ccd N..hlcti o 33 Vctotria i. Miltui ndîîii. emplc..ed b-. Mi. IClai . Picket. The -'n-lut ei..oite .,[ Mr. anti Mer,.JhbitMitton Fed die ci 392 Fearl iStreet. MIiliait. and i.. empiocd ctia Ledilt'.. supermarket. The bride was gît en int mi 1- trage hi ber i,the'î l Ile' ci l le rirng ci -et. it ctiiiiiiie eu Clit1 Rer. . iL î.îîîaî iî.,. ..citct'O tr,. JaolCîîî'.. edilt' iigiiiLhe eiPi,.i't.01I il tC Wedding rtîer- oac lite hi 'tlthec rh stita îîhile buit,.miiieaie,, Thebhidlie'.. .îîîre itiajtî,le i îît lblace Iccce, and ii. . extenditag t ri iti i ri a fulithîiie ait e ha,.k. tit. ..a.. entî,nccul hva,îîttîîîa'îe,î îîeckacec. Hec fîngertip cii ciia.W. i\ec a a eroscî. Sbiîee,îîîedtîeiîîîîîti ced roce. î ilt .jitzili î- . green lems,. .î tic iittantit. and auncaea ofiiirus. Mai rue of btinîci ti,-t ite bride'.. ..t.ei. Mes. C. teunit.t' ci R.R. 5itontut. bite' ui tttc _________ es. ranging truie 25 cent.. to about S6.50. Ail 'had heen con- iîihîted h.. etember.. atienciing. Aueticît convencir.sicre Mi... E. Mtioandt Me.. K. Younîg. Erer iii the evening, giies.ts c niosed a,î hactitil put lick c ci utîovener Mrs..C. A. Martin. Durmsg thse husness.e.iii ti ili Iocthe bit, ... iA. cet-e loti- o cî lîcît pie.ident Mi'.. J. L'.rmaYîre.eniect ýthe Atîsîti- a tirI..tLite Mem')ei-siiii1a.. Mi.Chetere Service and Mis.. F MNi%-eti deciclecinii1959 th,îî fltic i.itneecieci an Atîsit ia ,a d I e ttc lýd tis, ii..t tietiNvetbither 29, 1959. tîîiie hgliîgiîî ofithe bh,.. tin f ticsitbepon ie..cnt, tilt-. N. Peaice. tep- reetrf lite proiceei.. ofitle pl ipfi-Illie p.i..i..e.l'Tie 1cqe%%,fr $1,500, a 'tecci i A tba lk t u it t'.ii i it 01 Clin. ît, le viig îand tithi botglît S22.i85. gittIli . >iNi i ', 1l . o e z[ l înh\%ilie Iclestaitd.aîîe,îî bîî,i'îeîî ic t hîflitebhidle. lier bouqu1îetî cet tîteti%%hile îî lb oîlî%ih mnitureîîîrose.. Beti marti aitct %euluiig ti .Lunie,. Pccidîc. the ri'ti'-. bite Ileradciie.ing ttther..tteee Eitit truhuit. rhîtter ci the laide; anîd Bob Fedilie, cusiti of te' gro Thecreception tîf.iteld lui lxvi.. ebîtîct bhtllun lite :ienin,, t<.ee' iýiL! lui flite'bridîe', lice tuitibr îî e.%itî iee pîsotee aed %diie 1. c 'llite' gtctîî tiitb-rl are ftltteeclub lîtîcît 'Ii i li lIi. ae tii e Follitîs-te tereceptiontsite- [lita lidtc alii 't itiee-picee tii ilieu ilttit i tîh îte'i tit-.ige l ite icctel lutte 7, un \iJIl ictiele il.31i ViL t(, , hi_ - ilîlttî utt [ttg lite î.tellît, field Priti %.tE îedleîn-c hýaittttc la it. iV'ciiliaat [lite Illîîîe of Mtil.. EIecntira l1.i ,ret l, iii.'itîttie i\Ilt.. A Fe lr ite.19.-\ Il iîîîîî..til ,îî Mayiic 26t. fHE FIRST LIFE MEMBERSHIPS for Milicn District Hospital Momen's Acoilitiy mure uwarded to Wtt. F. MeNiven and Mis. Chester Service dur- ig the W.A.'s annoal Joit, supper party one Mednesday evenîvg ofi ast wmenk.Mrs. Mc- Nîve.. aid Mi... Service, whc were duectois un the Hospital Board ai the trime, tecîdedt t or- had agianii1 time but icpoctii Public healtlu nurse speaks to auxiluary Grace Anglieant Churcb Wu- Pîcgî'îîîin roi erv eirlim lte.., men, Enening Branch, hlcli Sîlentutti plitiiiiiiipi..i..andi bheir iegnt.ir meeting ciin Jue Ltiisti.ti.sieeiternci'icI. 7 atthe home ofMr.A. Euh. Ttîcîîugî'.îîît.. ed %il sue. Mapie GI en Aparimett.. li ecîloming finulii ato The Fre.ideni, Ms.. "C ctî..eîîîe'îîe... ofmatrna Bctin...itt egîn ibe nmte ti5 tutuii.liis-.v,înd p.i..eirie.itictî of %1 iti the wur..tip ltuoituîtlitefi, tuilk. Sct pince reauing [rum 1iohnlott uu ,îîe,î.Miss..cîîttîît cuti 4. Tht.is.. the begining oi Triît- tîneci. aittbîîîgh %%e hase ailiflite i iv ..ea..n.,înd the me....,ge lu ticiliiie.. It m,îînîain gîntîl he îîcrid shounitiW.glovethe heiltîti.%teelace cîher priibtenî.. Lîîîe utfCuti. nul jdgmeîîî aniîl- hîckcîthume.., ntbitity ui cîtoneîîn, ttio. iiliie... living hestint ittr The preslden reiîiantarticecrisanaîdîilgcenela,tîe..Ini of a eîîîteepcr,îrn pi-chie'ini t %hici the group re.poîîted Tedav .HlI. wocks îî th ilt ie sîiîb ,a isel..'dis.cuss.ion. Mi. Iîc,îtî .Iîîe'îoîî Ile MI. .hi.. R. Argati. sic-pre..ident au-ta Ill iecý-« teail aitarticle' entitied Re..îî xii tîtît kvr..o chos lîtonulo'bl.iri.ge. wh'ih Iî le rcail alnditf- a]]uîîe lu ctociic.tin îe.ciaî.ît t ,crice "e alef lc i,- <t1 Cil ,îi it.. titi't'Il\i[lite lit "i l t iii i l l i le'PFil tiettiher.. dînittitig Ieuittt.t'cit flie Bikele....BiLke Sale. Ilist%%at'îîîtîît.. i.tittg ,îd iti ilce ci l'e ' F tîttip.ciedl' C ,îC îî ) ..Liîî..î,îîi]P i i o l ,Ca ( l " eh)IIiiiebciiiiIiorited urdlie te' li il M r,. C Ft(tlt il i îîaio c nin ue c ic r'ii i 1til U in (iîo ntîctlt i e t itingtut-,ecci ul %Cloinîent ofi liePublie Hezilth 1M tut i' . gant/e a W.A. and cutieti the fîrsi meeting in Noceirnber oi 1959. Since then il has growe and prospereti anti bas become a very effective urganîzîton. Presîdenit Wr.. Sheila Conway is show.. presenti.g the pins lu Mrs. McNivvn, li.t and Mrs. Service, rghl. Coulsor n prl\,J re4 % inR ý i . ilLii."g ttît ui,.. Milv Tise hride, sicaing l it5 zl ilelee le chut..h ontiti tutitet tiI ilaîtitliM %il tii la". t i huitnii, ld ,,ie hutquiet .of.. i tccii 'Ill I)l(le" L-ci l it : cillt . Bruice COUlutun \i,îî 'tiiý aitîl osiiet ..lei'c- the britde'.. att,' titeiBill tîtîiounîofiiiie.and Stti tîi obct iii oitiîîlie. 'Ebhe ilectdinîg ntiNi. îî,î. titi il Ile ii lii b. r... Eu Ciiutici.,itiiti(Ai[litegtiti Ritests were i*,c-%( l h i c'cc-ticn in Kilii ic' atitIlis ('t . ii tececi btiti te li 'tti piet i ' Ilcîlîtî.îî Illeîî 2 i th.' i,ll\Il- , Ille ci îîîîî.îî b.1îî-.îî t- .îli ii1t i M i' i 1 t t tiA c iill. i i MOTHERS!e AGAIN IT'S BABY BONUS CONTEST TIME AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE PARTICIPATE IN OUR SUMMER 1966 BABY BONUS CONTEST JUST PAY FOR ANY PURCHASE, SMALL OR LARGE, WITH YOUR BABY BONUS AT MILTON DEPARIMENT STORE, FILLUIN A ORAW TICKET WITH YOUR NAML, ADDRESS AND AMOUNT 0F CHIQUE, AND DROPIT IN THE LUCKY DRAW CONTAINER IN OUR STORE. ON JUNE 25th A DRAW M IO TICKET WILL BE PULLID PROM_________________________ THE BOX AND THE WINNER ý?l STOR WILL RECEIVI THE AMOUNT 0F- 200 MAIN ST. 878-9261 HER BABY BONUS IN CASH. lin the Heart of Halton' FULLY AIR CONDITIONEO FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT n-Brown Hi. ii tted zi.. otîîî..îîîîî . (ici lce pi -ciiiut mOh cutim%. SîîîLCrcek.Mil- it .îîpbelli lie ted Boeiing- Mc. and Mrs. Coulson tuîred Ill i.' ',t-i'îpatiutuIle ptiince o lhir ocittnîti .and nisiied \c.. 'ie. i t e.itcîon the ARTHUR A. JOHNSON O.D. OPTOMETRIST Tuesday Afternoon Thursday Evening Friday Morning PHONE 878-9972 184 MAIN ST., MILTON 1'/6th #4#titis)eI'ôat4 BOSTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1966 11.00 ar. mad 7.30 p.m. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11.00 arn. and 7.30 p.rn. - Rev. John R. Waldie, M.A., B.D., will preach. TUESDAY, JUNE 21 - 5.30 - 7.30 p.m. ANNIVERSARY DINNER n the Church Hall followed by a Concert. Adults $1.50 each, Children 8-12 Inclusive 75 cents ach, under 8 free. HEAD FOR COMPLIMENTS Right this way for a new summer hait-dol Our skilled beauticians 0 CALL us will style your hair in a most TODAY becoming, fashionable way. Fuho euuty Lounge The. Nous. of Professional Hair Styling At 171 Main St. Phone 878-9533 ~UEEN LROLW, EtyvaCross Ave, or -OAK VILLE -SuthiaService Road REMEM ER! or Someone Special DAY SUNDAY FAT HE R' DAY JUNE 19 VIC HADFIELD the Pro at Richview Golf Club US GIVING A FREE GOLF CLINIC ON THE MALL THURS. 7 P.M. ~;~' THIS b WEEK'S SPECIALS Reg. $2.29 yd. NOW SUNWEAVE LINEN - $1.89 yd. Reg. $1.19 yd. NOW DENIM -- -----9c yd. TEXMADE 36" COTIO-NS 3 Yards $1.79 Singer Zig Zag Machine-$19 Model 338 - With Frec Walnut Carrying Case ELECTRIC BROOM $3988 FLOOR POLISHER $29.88 MfL àTON kFABDuC (ENTRE 12 Martin St. 878-6861 FRI. SAT. 7 P.M. 12 & 3 P.M. "SEE YOUR SWING" Have it Analyzed by Vic Hadfield 0 WIN A SLAZENGER BALL WITH A CHIP SHOT Jîîne 15, 1966 B3 e, le n- ie ici s c- 1 1 1